1 JU.JLJ cc:.:2 to L jUL I il I,- :.; FOR THE OPENING OF TUILITE THEATRE FEB. 7 FOB GUARANTEED AUTO REPAIR SEE I mAthews GARAGE IN BEULAVILLE WRECKER SERVICE wo ' S5 1 ..wr . GARDNERS Dairy Products We Have A New Selection of Late Model Used Cars At A Give-A-Way Price SEE MINCHEW BUICK CO. IN WALLACE BEFORE YOU TRADE . We Also Have 1952 Buick on Display in Our Show Room , T ' ' J kIS A.. ....... 3 Mrs Bill Bostic .Mrs. M. M. Thlg pen, Mrs. ttay cupp and Miss Man- rv MnWhnrtpr antartainajl In tHa home of the former Thursday hon- nnna nan fprrv wiiitarmi mrir.ii . stork shower. Mrs. Williams was presented a corsage of nursery lav or UDon arrival." !-..?., 'Mm Thlnnan laif urmh! na ui nmBo ana nrma wpm iwimm us winners. ; ; The hostesses served Phlladeloh Each -ruftjtt wax nrwntAil fimN a white miniture shoes with pastel Hmmlntri 7 ,. ,. The honor) iwmIumI mmv Inv. ly sua useiui gins.. Young ledias Circle The Young Ladies Circle of the Baptist Church met Monday night with Mrs. lwood Quinn. "Good News For All Who Seek" was the program of the month. The (devotional waa 1x1 In, Mr Elwood Quinn and prayer by Mrs. Marion Bratcher. Mrs. J Macon, Mrs. James Thomas, Mrs. Odelle Matthews, Mrs. Bud Miller, Mrs. jay xuomas and Mrs. Orvis Thig pen assisted In the discussion. Mrs. Brown led the closing prayer. The hostess served pecan pie and coffee to the 13 members present Eastern Star To Meet Monday. DailljIvlllA IT A of m Star fhifM No. 237 will meet Mnnriav nlvht at 7:30 for a regular meeting. Women Of Church Met Saturday Th TTallevllla Vndnitnln church met Saturriav In tha ahnroh ! ior a reKuar meeting, t jura. Biana itnodes was in charge of the pro gram, ineir ume is uone uut Through All Tha Earth." Auxin. tag in the discussion were Mes- dames W. J. Miller Andrew Miller and Leonard Kennedy. . A nnmlnaHncf PAmmlHAa wa pointed and plans made for World mission siuay. t ouowing a nymn me group was dismissed. art. :.I Jt ....... t made of the approaching marriage nt Mi Mlftulvn fV.HI rsanro Scott Denney, both of Greensboro. ioe private ceremony will ta nlaaa Katlirriav tTahniarv a Im 4Ha Beiilavllla Rantlaf niinioh at Dan. laville, with the JStev. A. L. Brown oiuciaung. uniy tne reiauves of the couple will attend. . Mla rVittla la tna nnlv Amt,3Mr of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. CotUe of neuuiviii mnn im mninvy( reiary in tne f inancial Department of Jefferson Standard Life Insur ance Company in Greensboro. Mra rSnv Ttenna wanil tha M " w v u uiu aim atm. Denney of West Jefferson and is anpioyeo ' as auaKor" lor &rait Foods Company in Greensboro. Layette Shower - - Mra. nwll Millar MmA fttmrn. dav n iff hi with m lavatta kA when Mrs. W. F. Mfller, Mrs. Sob- en. mannews, sirs. BUI Thlgpen and Mlsaaa Marv anI Pnllv Kmom entertalnad in tha hnma at tha former. Upon arrival the honoree was oresented with a nt nursery favors. Receiving addi tional favors were Mrs. Bill Brown and Mrs. Paul Hunter. -The hostess served chicken salad on lettura. rrarlrar rit pickles, cookies, toasted nuts and son orintt to the 90 guests. Mra. Millar raoarwxt .t sortment of lovely gifts. ii i "J .....or, ad i iiavei. -,tT. AbusiUess sosf 'nn waa heM anil uie year books filled out - Mrs James Miller led the recreation. The hostesses served chicken salad on lettuce and nrvtntn rhinC r.k. 'era. cakea and inffa The February club meeting will 1u .ullL M kill. . 1 . . . wo wiui on. vius Miner ana Mrs rranx nnoaes co-nostess. Circb I, II Circles I and IT of fianlavilla mat recently with Mrs. Hobart Ken nedy. . The trrnnn . rwt.il 4h. Lord's prayer and Mrs. Lou Belle nmuau preaiaea. ine iota Uata mandment was discussed by Mrs. 'hoebe Pata and Mra inina r.v son led the Survey article. A short business meeting was held. The hostess served chicken salad lettuce, rib;, cookies mints and son or la to those attending. Perseus Circle Hostess Mra. Aaha Millar aitrtlnal .aw wuww HQ , members of Circle M of Hallsville dav fTiTfL" I iMr. and Mrs. Sam Marks of W1I rV"?. !"""" o:a" - .Dllngton Were Tuesdav dinnar Mr. and Mra C A Millar M.a a business trip to Klnston Thurs- uv ' v Mesdames M. M. Thlgpen, Oho Thfftocn and Klwnnd VannaHv pedjn Klnston Monday. ' ir ncnni m wwnv i . k anMAHw - pleased to know he is recuperating wiitmrwa rcceni sinus operation. wu. ira mn, a., James and Mr Xee (Roy James of Wallace vis- iimi mn. aouic jMtcneior Sunday uwxnoon. Mr and Mra Tk n n,...n daughter Wanda of Burgaw visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cottle Sun- of i man i , per f . 4 i V i i .. ( i 1 i - Of t IV. I . t a i 1. 1 i ..a 1 fWS of a stin- , h a buffet lmner. r Hhiflran ulad nn lettuce, rits, open faced pimento sandwiches, deviled eggs, pickles, olivea. aasnrtad oandiaa ultad cake and coffee .was served. Follow ing me supper Mrs. Leonard Ken nedy, vice chairman presided and the croup repeated the Lords' pray er, am. aames Miner called tne i Cpl roll and gave minutes, to previous (Field, Announce Births Mr and Mra IF.fnmfnnd VJwknla pi Nashville, Tenn. and Beulaville announce tne oirtn or a aaugnter, Debbie Lynn, Jan. 18 in Memorial nospiiai lunsxon. Airs, fid wards js the former Miw Naomi Whalav nt Beulaville. Mr .and Mra A fT. jAhniinii at neuiaviue -a , aaugnter, Catherine Connoway on Jan. 10 in Robertson Countv ' hosDltal in I.imiharton Mrs. .Johnson is the former Miss mra uonoway of Wilmington. Dr. Earl Bradley Held Services Here Dr Rarl Rradlav at n.latoh .,h. works in churches in Eastern North Carolina for the North Carolina. State Board held services Jan. 22-23-24 in the Beulaville church. His messages were chiefly for the dea cons, and their ralatlnnahtn ta tha church, but very helpful to anyone attending. Churches represented were Ced ar Forks and Hallsville of the Beu laville field Sharon, Shilowh and uuDoon tnapei. -. While in Beulaville Dr. Bradley waa a guest in we flome of Mrs Lula Q. Parker. - - meeting. A short business meeting was neia and hhiim Ktuitv lad tn Mrs. Ralph Miller. ' Mrs. Bland Rhodes was to charge, of the sur vey article. Mrs. Ottls Miller led the prayer of dismissal. F. W. Ladies Meet The ladle anvlllarv at tha im. lavUle Free Will Baptist church met - recently- with Mrs.,, Milton Jones. Mrs. Floyd Brown presided. Mrs. Marnrat Lanlar.lad tha da- otional. The program of the month "Come Tarry and Work Together" was discnaaed Jw Madama u4U Jarman. Lvdia Natharmitt mil Sadie Duff, i Mrs. Jarman led the closing prayer. - : ,The hoataaa aarvad aatt "IIb.. ' - w luraw I ana ice cream. Tne February meet ling will be In the borne of Mrs. bck carman.' Kuesta of Mr and Mra nardnar i!.awaras. " IFrienda nt tlttla mt, Gum mn. re Bret to know aha la mnfiiuil ner nome aue to illness. Mrs. Raleigh Lanier and Mrs. James Miller were in Warsaw Thursday shosninv. vpi. . Ottls J. MiUer of Langely ieiu.. vi. inn uarnaii .naiiiar nf Wake Forest College visited their ! parents, Mr .and Mrs. Ottls MiUer last week. Mr. H. D. Bateman, president of Branch Bank and Trot Co. ef Wilson, Mr. H. B, Bowles manager I Was a r-i t t i-t nt "r and f Konert i f ews. Mr. an-i 11. C. Whltahnrt of Greenvliie were Sunday guests 01 ur. ana Mrs. r. Ll. Kdrrls. Misa Kiiirv JiVvin at V vme visnea ner parents last week, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Jackson. Stanley Bratcher, V. S. C O., Norfolk, Va. spent the weekend With his Darentji. Mr and Mra Ma rion Bratcher. :,,. Mr. and Mrs. Tamnla If 111 vleit. ed Mr. and Mra J m ttriniriao 1. Moraanton and Mr and Mra at. Armstrong in Denver last weekend. Friends of Mrs. Lula Parker re gret, to know she is confined to her nome witn xiu. Mra Vera Rnatla and Mra D nruuama viarrati Mr ami Mra n w Brown in Norfolk- laat nraaVaad Mrs. Bilbro Bostic and Miss (Dot 0OSUC accomDanUd tham tn Km. ioik and Dot remained for aev era! days. Mr. and Mrs. 'Oliver Quinn of Wallace wera ravant tniaata at Mr- Pearl Sandlin. Mra. D. Ci Watann and ilaiiirhar. Linda and Jenny of - Smithtviti were recant niaiti at tha a t Browns, , S. - . I i . f h - i ) . i, ai i ,i, s c.ar ILanu.y. : C . a FarVer of Yt. C"ve Is v wiUt lUr. and l-rs. i.en- ry lai'v r. . - 1 .' .fT vrkliflaf I at r!arfiara it l.a ii ft r ." Cli-rl '"(I't the weekend whh her sli - r 1 . s lannie iwuaw. K - 3 at s 1 t'r. tni lira ef t'- ani 1 t J. U. 1 i) C) Oulluv's Dridg Persnimlit Yoilth Rlinda nvaa nttaarvad at the Sunday morning services with the yout hfellowship group tak ing part In the progrm7 " - JVfisam Snllla and !la tff.a OuUaw spent Saturday night and o o o o o o o o o Q o o o o o o t 4 I W W W W m f W W W W W W W COTLAVILtS AND ' r ' ' SANDUN'3 CLE.aKn3 WELCOr.IS YCUIO BEULAVILLE And The TVILITE ' THEATRE SAi:DLi:i'S CLEAIIiRS HERMAN GOSE, Prop. rBettUiviae,N.C. - TO BE NEAT AND CLEAN YOU ARE OFTEN SE COOOOOOOOOCOOC Surprise Dinner . For Mrs. Brinson Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Brinson en tertained at thalr hnma iuiii ir- ansville, Jan. 20th honoring Mrs. icaueue vnnson witn a surprise dinner on her 52nd birthday. Tha hnma thrawn .i.h.ii. attractively decorated in winter greenery, xne table over laid in white waa mntnrad with a h,mh tiered white cake with pink and green decorations and topped with 1 Attendlns wera Mra f w T.. and son of Raleigh, Rev! and Mrs. isummer oz Jacksonville, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sloan, Mr. and Mrs. J. ri filnan a rni. i Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brinson. Mrs! E. L. Batts and Mra. ah.k.. v.- nedy of Kenansville, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kannadw v..., Sandlin Mr. and Mrs. a r. n.t. and son, Mr. and Mrs. J. M Sand lin and familv Mra C.Jl. n-i and Bav and Mr. a T 'r.. " ... of Beulaviiii. wuwn ,u A Picnic lunch was. served and Newlv Weds FVtl Mr. and Mrs. Cloara Tnlar and nur. ana ikus. tvaKer u. wade en tertained in the hnnut nt era Monday night, honoring Mr. and Mrs. I. J. ' Hines -with a miscel laneous Shower, ft m A wara nlair. ed and prizes awarded the winners. mra. o. sanaiin lea the enter tainment, - - . 1 , . Chicken aalad rltz ntaVlaa tara. atoes,Cake and soft drinks were served to approximately 75 guests. . The bonnraaa raraived a a.t sortment of lovely gifts. ' Miller IIDC The Miller Hnma Tiamnnatratlan club met Wednesday nieht with Mrs. Herman Miller and Mra John Miller ce-hnataaa It waa tha tint meeting for the New Year officers. President, Mrs. Herman Miller, V. President, Mrs. W. J." MiUer; Seeratarv. Mra W T. Millaa. IV...- urer, Mrs. John MiUer; Foods and Nutrition, Mrs. W. J. Miller; Home Gardens, Mrs. L. Miller ; Home Dairy, Mrs. O. T. Smith; Food Pres ervation, Mrs. Frank Rhodes; Home 'urnisnings, ; Mrs. Asne Miller; Home Management, Mrs. Bland Rhodes; Family Life .Mrs, Norwood Miller; Home Beautification, Mrs. Leiand Grady; Clothing, Mrs. An drew Miller rArta and Oafta Mn Ottis Miller; Community Servcie! Mrs. Leonard Kennedy; Health, Mbrr Odell Graitam; Education, Mrs. D R. Smith- ritWondhir. Ura Ralph Miller; Recreation. ' Mrs! tflave Mercer; Music and PubUcity Chairman, Mrs. James Miller: Fi nance Committee .Chairman Mrs. f Waccamaw nwK EXTEND BEST WISHES TO. i Twilite Theatre ! ' i a. .. 1 ) c i! - AND INVITES YOU TO ATTEND THE GRAND OPENING OK FES .7th FOR PLEASANT SATISFACTION BANK-TRADE AND GET Y0U3 ENTERTAINMENT .IN BEULAVILLE narWM-aaaWaa...iu.. -aa,a- r -- mmm 5 .y., BealaTille, N. C ILOOOOOO.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCQCCC II blaWI lla I V n GREETINGS AND WELCOME TO TVILITE THEATRE , OPENING THURS. FEB. 7 Jsmes Miller llzruvcre HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS , -GARDEN And; FIELD SEEDS FISIHI:G EQUIPMENT ' H ! EetlaviHe, N. C. now; l Oil v DISPLAY THE NEW 1052 pnawawaaB , COSIE r i.. ' . . ...1 J'f;-, IN AND '-i ''' . SEE IT " TODAY! .ILLIVtY' I!jiL?.cj) -"-- I i . C. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Q o o o o o C) 0 0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) C) 0 ( ) ) ' - n nnn FOn TNE GHAIID 0PEt:i::5 OF A : done IN - r -1 S 4", r-rr'-FcM;!!. I M (, lllllISIIBal wl.j v iL.rco res rcr .Yc" 'H W a. 1- LO I O L -- a ' ; 1: c . 1- a. - a. m- rw T V -r ) 1 a 1 1 ' ft- () O () C) I. f' 7 o I t- ( ) I ) ' ) ! ) ( ) "( ) 5 ( 3 ( ) ( ) ( ) r "j 77,

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