. -rit..j nkn.ro i th F.ariv rarr Neinnrf. was drivins when he collided with anaihjr car operated hv'.RahPl Whitfield of Kinston Route 4 on Rockfo d Bridge in southwestern Lenoir County In which Arthur Fields is Dictured inspectina. the inside of the auto. - - - i (Whittaker-Leffew Photo) Kenans ville' News local Workers Honored At Dinner Party On Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Bell of Mt. Olive, BjF.D. entertained at their home with dinner party honoring Miss Eleanor Boney and Mrs. Gerald Southerland of Wallace. Miss Bon ey and Mrs, Southerland are leav-, lug their present positions in the PMA office to accept work with J P. Stevens Company In Wallace. When guests arrived they were presented corsages. Dinner was served buffet style from a beauti fully arranged table and lovely floral arrangements were used throughout the house, carrying out the Valentine motif. Guests were the honorees, Miss Eleanor Boney and Mrs. Gerald Southerland and Mr.' and Mrs. Alvin Powell, Mr. Bill Splcer, Mr. Ray Dixon, Miss Janet Bell, Mrs. E. C. Tyndall, Miss Carolyn Boney and Miss Edith Byrd. Mrs. Allen Is Hostess At Bridge Mrs. M. F. Allen was hostess to her bridge club Monday night. 'All members were present. High score was won by Mrs. J. O. Stokes, Miss Margaret Williams scored low. Cut prize was received iby Mrs. L. F. Weeks. Each winner was present ed blooming azalea plants. During the social hour the hostess served individual cherry pies top ped with whipped ' cream. -' Each player received a. novelty valentine favor. ; Church Auxiliary Met Friday Night Ai orecut've board meeting of the Womans Auxiliary ot the IPres byterian Church met Monday after noon with - Mrs.- Walter Stroud. Mrs. yxoud presided over the meeting. A nominating commit tee was appointed and is com posed of Mrs. N. B. Boney, chair man, Mrs. Louise Mitchell and Mrs. Clarence Murphy. During the social hour the host ess served open face sandwiches, fruit cake and punch. LOOK fO' OS 8UUCOS CM OS BAG 3 I Ml am .. it ' - 4" .... .j,,,,,.,. Woman's Club Mel Thursday The Womans Club met Thursday afternoon at 3:30 in the Home Ec onomics ' Department. In the ab sence of the president, Mcs. E. A. Newton, Mrs. J. A. Gavin presided over - the business meeting. Mrs. N. B. Boney introduced the guest speaker, Miss Edna Fussell, Child Welfare worker. ? Following the business meeting Mrs. Outlaw assisted toy Mrs. L. Southerland and Mrs. P. J. Dob son served hot spiced tea and cookies. at C . . i ween eiu, ut ...3. j.oiuian Cusu-1 .i..ni ;,jiiuav. JuiS in.. ..uoa re man. ! mains about the same. Mrs. Jones Mrs. -E. W. Saddler and Emory ( and Mrs. H. E. Hardy who had spent o,rut Mra AI7 CL hnran.'cjnurl flair, tmrifU ViIvm tnmmnanlul visited Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Thomp' son near Seven Springs Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Powell spent Sunday in, Trenton with Mrs. Pow ells parents, Mr, and Mrs, Lehman Kennedy. Mrs. Wilbur Adams and daught er of Carolina Beach spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. .Ed Worley of Golds boro and Mr. and Mrs. D. V, ClufDer ; at Clinton vMtre dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Johnson-last Thursday night and at tended the Grass Roots Opera. Students home for the week end were Misses Shirley Tyndall, Theo Hollingsworth and Mary Sue Burch of E. C. C, Greenville, Mesdamea P. R. SteDhens and H. M. West Jr., have accepted posi tions at tne a.a.a. omce. Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Patterson an.u daughters visited Mr. and Mrs W. J. Smith in Pink Hill Sunday. Mrs. Harvey Blake and son and Miss Lila Shaffer of Burgaw spent aunaay with Airs. Nora Shaffer Dobson Chapel B.T.U. met at the church Sun day evening at 6:30 with fair at tendance. We hope the attendance mu increase each Sunday evening. The G. A.'s met with Miss Mar guerite Register on Monday eve ning with good attendance. We are proud of our eirls for the In terest they are taking. , The G. A. meiHDers will ibe our W. M. U. members just a few years ahead. 1 We hope air those on our sick list and aged list will soon gain their normal strength. We hope Mr. Ashley Brinson a speedy : recovery from his av cdient last week. . Mrs, David J. Kilpatrlck is spend ing several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs; Henry Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes and Vernnn Rouse visited near Clinton Sun day afternoon. , . , . - that's Jf7Z?l Chilean Nitrate . . . rich in sodium and minor plant food elements Nitrate Nitrogen All the nitrogen in Natural Chilean Nitrate is fast-acting nitrate. Dissolves in normal soil moisture ... is completely available to the crop. Nitrogen increases yield and improves quality of food and feed crops ... nitrate of soda famishes more nitrate nitrogen than any other alkaline nitrate. 1 applied phosphate . . . tends to have "sweetening' ef fect on the soiL tick la minor plant food Natural Chilean Nitrate' it rich in sodium contains 26 of this element (equiv alent to 35 sodium oxide). Sodium can act like potash may partially substitute for it in potath'deficient soil. Br itself, sodium in creases the availability of Natural traces of other ele ments are found in Chilean Nitrate. These include iodine, manganese, copper, 'zinc, boron, magnesium, cal cium, iron and sulphur. In mall quantities, these ele ments are essential to proper plant or animal nutrition. Personals Miss Jean Tyndall of Raleigh spent the past week end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. C. Tyndall. at Merideth College, Raleigh spent f tne week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Patterson. Master ' Nicky Bowden , who un derwent a tansilectomy at Pender Memorial Hospital last Thursday is improving nicely. Mrs. W. J? Murray of MU Olive visited iriends here during - the week n4o-. .... sfcSt'..i Miss Mary Cooper who has been a patient at Sampson Memorial Hospital has returned to her home. Mrs. Thad Jones who has been visiting her sons in Portsmouth, Va., has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wells nwnt the week end in Fayetteville with Mrs. L. K. Hamilton and attended the Ice Vogues in Raleigh Satur- aay nigni. Mrs. Hattie S. Kornegay of Golds boro spent Thursday and Friday with Mrs. N. B. Boney and at tended the Grass Roots Opera. Mrs. E. A. Newton, Misses Sally Newton and Sarah West Outlaw made a business trip to Charlotte Saturday., , Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cushman and Mrs. G. V. Gooding visited Mr. and Mrs. Banks MoNairy in Goldaboro Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Craft and son and Mrs. G. R. Dail visited In Fayetteville Sunday. S-Sgt. and Mrs, David Turner of PLEASANT VIEW Miss Geraldlne Grady of Winston-Salem spent several days last week-with . her parents Mr. and Mrs. Durham Grady. , Mrs. Henry F. Grady and Pam ela Sue left Wednesday night by plane for home after several days visit with relatives here. They were moving to New York City Fri day to join her busoand Henry F. Grady who has been transferred there.' Mr. and Mrs. Troy Qulnn of Deep Run visited Mr. and Mrs. Jena Cas per Sunday. s . Mr. J. (H. Byrd attended a Shrin ers Convention at New Bern recently, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard F. Grady coy Qulnn and Mrs. J. N. Outlaw several days with him accompanied them back, i Donald Grady son of Leonard F. Grady is back in school this week after being out last week with an infection on his face, v Mrs. Ella Byrd visited her nep hew Coy Jones at Duke Hospital last week. 1 . ' Miss Jo -'Ann Grady, - Conrad Jones, Ted and Robert Grady at tended the P.Y.F: at Legion J Hut at Maxwell Mill Friday afternoon. Ouilaw's Bridge The A.U.W. will meet Saturday afternoon, Feb. 9th with Mrs. H. A. Outlaw. .-, All members are urged to be present. A special feature will be the dedication services. Mrs. Leroy Simmons is program chair man for the afternoon. Mr.and Mrs. James Parker and little son, Jimmy returned ' last veek from Greenville, Tenn., where vlr. Parker was on the tobacco mar- let, 'i , . i Mr. and Mrs.' M. L' Outlaw visit- d Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cary Out law in Raleigh Sunday. . Mrs. Katie Outlaw spent several days last week - with her brother Don Outlaw and family near Kin ston. - Mr;. and Mrs. Ed Smith visited Mrs. Ed Smith, Jr., who is a pa tient in Duke HospitaI, Saturday. ' Mr. 'and Mrs. Wooten Howard and George, Creech of Hopewell. Va., have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. ' Norwood Creel. Miss Pauline Outlaw, was hostess to the local Bridge club Tridav foi J 1 c::j V:.M in -1951 The Duplin County Chapter of the National Foundation for Infan tile Paralysis spent $9,008.11 to as sist a total of 9 polio patients last year, it was revealed today by H. E: Phillips, Chapter Chairman. Making public the 1951 financial report of E, C. Sanderson, Chapter Treasurer, Mr. Phillips declared night. . .. , Quite a number ' of the school children attended a'matinee opera in Kenansville last ; Thursday af ternoon while a good number, of adults were , there f or . the night performance.. ' The young adults will meet in the church Tuesday night, Feb. 12th for a regular meeting. ,, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Simmons were hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Manly Outlaw arrived ,; home Friday ' night from Ft. Sills, Okla. ' Miss Maggie Stroud of Raleigh visited Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stroud Saturday. ... Among visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Remus Creel during the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Pad gett and children of Jacksonville, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Padgett of Midway Park, Mr.- and Mrs. John J. Herring ; of Richlands and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Padgett of Durham. A Religious Education meeting held in the Red Hill church Sunday afternoon . was well : represented from the church group here, i " Miss Fannie Outlaw continues on the sick list. , Mrs. Elmo Blizzard Is an operat ive patient in Memorial General Hospital, ..jKnston.. that services made possible through llli. u i 1- i I selves . Hie sum i.i -for administrative cosis. ThR Dunlin Countv M" D'mes last year raised $4,7!,, of of thigsiMarVh of hich 5 per cent was retail. 1 for fnnHjs rniRp.d in Dimes underlined the need for a successful 1952 drive. - ; "The record of what has been done makes us all eager to continue anrt fn svnand this work as needed.' ho said. "Unfortunately, even if we had no cases of infantile paraly sis in our county in 1952, there re mains much to be done, for patients stricken in 1951 or before. The 9 patients aidfd in 1951 were ol? cases. , The ton or pono conunues on into the next year or years . The report shows: that $9,U0.uir local services and 50 per cent sent to national headquarters lor its scientific research - arid profession al education programs, as well as emergency aid to Chapters. The national office supplements local funds when high incidence wipes out local resources. - During the year $7,150.00 was received in em ergency aid by the Chapter, Mr. Phillips said; and the Chapter be gins. 1952 with $388.80 in unpaid bills.- - ... " SEE US FIRST f09G0OO00OOO00000OO00000a o c o o o o o MILL SUPPLIES HEAVY HARDWARE MACHINE SHOP SERVICE I Bolts, Iron, Bearings, Pulleys, Sheaves, Tools, Sprokets, - Chains, Electric Motors, Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Saw Bits. All those items that you can't find, we have or can get. ; No Parking Worries Cdiv Bright-Heritage Sts.; ..Give Us a Try Phone 4680 Give Us a Call.. Kinsfon Machine -Supply Co. Kinstoh, N. C. O O o o o o o o o 0 o o o 0 ftOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i HlI'MI.'i I,' . 'l.'ll -iMtl ' J ' ' MS V S3 ' siaIi cf karsas YOU CAN'T DUY Af DETTER HOUR EVEN AT A HIGHER PRICE Distributed By ATKINS BOOTISERS Phone 2863 Clinton, N C Chilean Nitrate can be ap plied in any standard dis tributer, for larger yields and top-quality crops, order Natural Chilean Nitrate of Soda proved by more than 100 years of experience, , x. - - , i IV . ...a sr- TaayaAvseggr-: oooooooooooo GEO. Pa PRIDGEIJ Plumber STATE LICENSED " PLUMBING C0NTR4CT0E SUPPLD3S BATHROOM EQUIPMENT ' HOT WATER HEATERS WATER PUMPS ' KITCHEN SINKS oooooooooooo Farmers Auction Stockyards Good Run of Mules, Cattle and Hogs Each Thursday at . ' . 1P.M.-' Auction Sale All Kinds Farm Equipment Each Thurs. 12 O'clock , Bring Us Your Surplus Mules . Good or Bad ' " . We Have Buyers For AH Kinds Bring Anything You Have To Sell , ,4 . Mules and Ponies Private Sale Every Day ' , , FARRIER'S AGUTON' I ITj3 "J p pj3 ' 7?if1j '-"pn npnn "'Sr ""Hr" U , -i . if r' iz: ! .. t s r .... . - f ) 1 ) l V J',, 'i'Cfl,','.'':''.''!-H,'.;.f'-.,lJ. '--w-. '-- :' . 1'.. - the greatest car ever built " -PV- In the low-price field Never before has a low-priced car stepped so completely into the fine-car class! Never before has any low-priced car offered such gnat power as Ford's 110-. h.p. high-compressida V-8 . . ' such new power as Ford's 101-h.ri; ." high-compression Six. And this , big new '52 Ford has lots more . than power. It's wider, longer, lower, stronger! New Coachaaft - ' Bodies are styled to stay beautiful ' and quality-built to stay young. ',. , "Test Drive" , this taut-for-. ' keeps Ford today. , , : rJigh -Compression Strzto-Ster V-8 ' i The moot powerful engine ever boilt for low-priced car. Both j V-8 and Ford Six offer Auto matip Power Pilot eoonomyl I liqh-Comprzsslon Mileage Makef Six "It's an all-new, low-friction. ' high-compression powerhoun with new free-turning over head Talveeandthorterftroke. New Automatic Ride Control New Easier Steering Fard'a wider front tread, lower center of gravity, diagonally-mounted rear aboek absorber, 3-inch longer rear apringa and tailored-to-model front apringa help -take the bounce out of bumpa . . . and ' the tilt out of turn. Ford' new tearing sjratem make steer- Wg up to 26 easier, parking cinch. 3 And new Power-Pivot dutch and braka pedal, suapended rrara above, work far ' aaier, give you mora foot room, and eliminate floor hole, r - , , wu '-'V lsa yj'"'"" ril1"wi iimii mini . '. nrn : , - ia V J k ' m a) w' J l - , . 'i ' pi I' , " ' "J . .-. - " ' r --1 Ki-ik - vfi i WS',':'W., .. gjOrcfe Visibility .nolher Kord flrat m iu lleldl Curved one-piece windshield . . , car-wide rear ynuow , . i picture window all around let you aee in all direction. And Ford', new huU-tight construction aeala out water, dust, drafband noiaea. ' . cort. tqvummt, eceurarn on( Hlm wUfml NcrtLcrnE. ;scf Town WI! r ' . r. r. -i IlWay Coa

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