"! It M:1-S0! 1:1-10. ..iU IwIiwili Mack 1US tMtj for February Id 1951 VZaYSODY know that Jesui took an interest In' the poor. Bitf Citi U another aide ol the pic ture: Jesus took Just aa keen an In terest in the rich. ; Some of hit most famous and pene trant iy lags .'ware spoken - Id , conversations with wealthy men; The truth Is, Jesus was interested in people, as people. Whether they were rich or poor, was, 'for ; him, a side North Carolina Duplin County . Pearsall et ux Vs v;, Pearsall et ux Pursuant to an order of the Clerk of the Superior Court the undersigned Commissioner will on February 18, 1952 at 12:00 noon on th rvnirthouse steps in Kenans ville, North Carolina seu to me hi0ht hinder for cash the timber on 215 acres of land as described In Book 209 (rage 98 of the Duplin rniintv Resistrv. Terms: iir men stumpage, ten pet cent deposit at sale, hid stays open ten days, cash nn delivery of deed, one year from delivery of deed allowed for re moval of timber, bidding will start at - $8502.50 the ma oi me v. u. Tart Lumber Company M Clinton, This the 30th day ot January 1952. - JLJlBrltt . Commissioner - 2-7-2T AJWJ. Or. Feremo .Issue. And itlll he knew that man :wlth money has both temptations ito evil and opportunities for good 'that the poor man never hag, i '. ' j --. - "' a" .e re-J south "is Vet 24 ixiius to the run of Bu lard'e Branch, Bience up the run of Bullards Branch to the mouth of Meadow, Branch; menoe up " Meadow' Branch to the beginning, nnaitfiinin 9v arres. more or less. and being the saine; lands as de scribed in a aeea to a. wnwweu. Jr. as recorded in Book 411, page 511. of the Duplin County Begistry. Subject to a lease on the above lands which expires veccuwvr a . a ton er cent deposit will be required of the successful bidder as evidence of good faith. . ; . Advertised mis ine uin any in i ; H. E. Phillips, Commissioner 8-7-4T-H. E. P. NOTICE OF SALE lWm.iS V.Aj saIaAIIOW. The undersigned, having quali fied as administrator of the estate Of Willie James Murray, aeceasea, late of Duplin county, mis is io notify all ersons having claims against said estate to present them to the unaersignea on or bciuih mp 12th day of January, 1953, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate' payment to the iinffara! tmed. ; This is the lath day of January, 10X9.. -. t Nathan C. Murray, Administrator of the estate' of Willie James Mur ray, deceased BosehllL N, C. 1 H. E. Phillips, Attorney , Kenanevllle, N. U. , . 2-21-6T-H. E. P , - llns.ln the County of Duplin, and state oi norm uarouna, in raison i . m to Enos Jones as recoraea Township, and more particularly in Book 209, page 83, of the Duplin descrwea as xoirows: County Begistry. 1 v AIL tbat certain tract or parcel EXCEPTING, however, from the of land containing wn acres, ,Twe Elch Men IESUS met two men of means who were quit different from each ether. One, who remains nameless, had smich to recommend him. He was ! . . . ( A. A 11. - t . lien, dui parnapa mat was ui w -.thing people . thought about when they saw him. He was young' and vigorous; when he came to Jesus for an interview he did not walk, he ran. He was a man of execu-. tive ability, for the story calls him a "ruler." Ho was good, at least he claimed to have kept all the Ten Commandments, and Jesus did not contradict him. . tatiherniere, he was eager in I . fee right dlrecttoev BU prlav s !'. etas! aanMUoa waa aet to have . aaere meoey tat to have eter- aal tVe. ' On top of all this, , Jesas tove him. Ten would eerlatnly think mat a man like ... ; thai eeaUn't miss. Bat he did. On the other hand was the man Zacchaeus. Being a publican, and aaCABa aja aa MTaMtlw Mlwirail TnaiT nil eYIVlfa H MUwwa WMvavtw couldn't have been either honest or generous, for it was only the greedy and the dishonest in those days who -- could amass fortunes by collecting ' taxes. He was no doubt middle-; : top la the publican game. As for eagerness for spiritual things, he seems not to have felt a bit of It We may guess tbat Jesus was not the duly on who loved the rich young ruler; but if Jesus loved Zac chaeus, and he must have, he was . perhaps the only person then in Jericho Who did. No community " loves a man who bleeds it white. Tat, strange as it seems, it is- this rich man; this bad rich man, who comes out in the end with a higher ; - rating inaa wo jooo ncn man. y j w e .. . ' , T- iSoaUr Am Uattac "" , r last thing wa see of tha good rich man to his turning his back -en Goodness. Ho had a chance to follow Christ tha same chance that Peter and Matthew had, the same command. Follow Me! What great aervtoa Christ had ' v la natal far alas wo shall never kaew. AB we kaew is that he - awaae the great refasat. Per-. Ease he Iheaght better of II and ''asas back later eat bat It la' - aal Hkety. no last wo seoef aba la ate back, as he "weal , away aoriowfaV ' Jesus never said of him what ho aald et Zacchaeus. Salvation never, tamo to his house. He never in herited the eternal life he wanted.' i e i w wu : choice: money, or eternal life, ho 4 chose money. He was willing to be a Christian, but not a sacrificing , Christian. He only wanted to be ' aa bihariting Christian. He thought at himself (no doubt), as master of A bis money; Instead, money was his master. His money talked so loud ha could act hear well what Jesus aid. His money talked so fast that " tt made what Jesus demanded sound fMVnak easMtaiatwaaiaB -' .. ' v .. mmm a"iiaiania'w i . , . a . i:Rsy fha Servant , . TlTJS did not ask all his follow .J M m nt rlA of averv Demur . they possessed. Zacchaeus, for in . stance, did not renounce all he had. That he did was to give back all .that did not belong to him, ana give away a good deal that did. Jesus v Aid not ask this man to do more. A lector ieea set always pro ' sjerZ-S dm same operation for owy eao. rer seme men, aa :: 'r ' ' A bum. mM rl a.., - ' ' ak.1 mart bo remeved at eaco, ' for f rs, aa appendix may ' aa.: and most wisely bo left ' i wto H to. ' Jetus could see that tha younger man was at the point where money was :-1 to be his master; so tn - 'dl it v as fr the older man. But ts I A coi.'J not shake 08 the y of t's wealth, his own ' y." ; t!,a other man could. . 1 r t e servant ct Christ, money ,h r t i i Ji sin. It is a root of , x 1 I vi'e is louder than tit tf C e t aster. It is the r . 1 1 1 wf a it stops ilie ears ;i . ; r' 1 V.n one can call i a t.ii. - a when be re- t , tuoaey in the service of :c - NOTICE OF SALE A ' 'H ;- esalBa-iBaMai. ,y r " Under and bv virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed by James Anna Hand and husband, Berry Hand, dated the 8th day of January, ioi, and .iwrded- in Book 465, Page 107, of the Duplin County Kegtstry, and under and by virtue of the authority vested in the undersigned as substituted trustee, by an instru ment of writing dated the 9th day of January, 1952, and recorded in Book ... Pane ......... in the office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin County, default having neen made tn the payment 01 tne inaemeaness thereby secured and said Deed of Trust beinz by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, tne unaer alened substituted trustee,, will of fer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Kenansville, North Carolina, at 12:00 Noon, on Fridav. February 15V 1952, the property ,l conveyed in "' said Deed of :Tni8t,i tne same-iying ana ne- iTwryRR AND BY VIKTUE of an order of-the Superior Court of Du plin County in the special pro ceedlngsr "In the Matter of B. W. Jones and wife, Ina Jones, et als", the undersigned commissioners will on the latb day of February, 1952, t 12-ftfl Noon, at tne courcnouse I door in Kenansville, North Caro lina, offer for sale to tne nignesx bidder for cash tbat certain tract of land lying and being in GUsson Township, Duplin County, State of North Carolina, ; and more par ticularly ' described as follows: CTBST TRACT- BEGINNING at a maple in Bear Branch and runs South 12 East 160 poles te a stake, the corner of Lot No. 1, in said di vision; thence East 74 poles to a nine: thence North ' 12 East 135 pole to a bay on the run of Bear Branch; thence up the run to the beginning, - containing ' 75 acres. more or less. SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING at a maole at the head of a small drain and runs South 30 West 24 poles to a stump; thence South 40 West Zl Dioes to a stase; mence West fis soles to a sine: inence North 12 East 135 poles to a bay on Bear Branch; thence down the mn of said branch to a small drain- thence up that drain to the begin ning, containing 56 acres, more or less.!' V, ;.'.:''' "V- ' The above two tracts of land be Ing the same lands as described in . EXECUTOR'S NOTICE , Ravina- Qualified as administra tor nf the estate of Stephen J. Wil liams, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons naving claims against the estate of said deceased to exhloK tnem 10 me unaersmnea at Beaulavllle, N. C. on or before the loth day of January 1993, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of . their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This 14th. day 01 January, ioz, ' Mary M. Williams, Executrix of (Stephen j. wiuiams. Grady Mercer Attorney at Law 2-21-6T-G. M. more or less, in Faison Township,1 Duplin County, N. C. known as the "Henry Wright", place on State Highway No. 40 about 3 miles South of Faison ana now in tne possession of James Anna Hand and bounded on the North-by the lands of Willie Thompson, I. Fai on, Annie Mella Faison, Lou Ad ams and Bobinson land; on tne isast by the I. Hill land; on the South by the lands of L. Thompson, Ike raison and obhens; on;the West by the lands of Jfary Ellen Thompson, Ike Faison,. Sam 'Thompson and State Highway No. 40. Said tract of land is more particularly de scribed, according to a plat thereof prepared br.C. Beems, Surveyor, in December; 1934, us follows, to wit: r-';rv'1;.i,:-. 'v,. , BEGINNING aV a stake on High way Nj. 40 at corner in the lands df WilUe Thompson, and. j run iMorm 7o aegrees 10 minutes riasi 11.6 poled to a stake; thence North 1 13' degree,- 15 minutes West 30.32 poles, to a stake; thence South 87 degrees 27 minutes cast 18.96 poles to a stake; thence North 75 de grees 30 minutes East 13 poles to a stake; thence North 68 degres East 15.5 poles to a stake; thence North 9 degrees 30 minutes East 20 poles to a stake; South 83 degrees 13' minutes East 28.52 poles to a stake; thence South 7 degrees 6 minutes West 139.68 poles to a stake;; thence North 87 degrees 25 minutes West 22 poles to a stake; thence North 1 degree' 45 minutes West 28 poles to a stake: thence South 83 degrees 45 minutes East 10.5 poles to a stake; thence North B degrees 13 minutes West 16 poles te a stoker thence North 83 de grees 45 minutes West 39.7 poles to a stake on the highway: thence Norm 13 degrees 16 minutes West 34.68 poles along the State Highway to ne oegmning. j- . - ' The above lands being the same lands as described in a Deed of Trust to W. O, McGsbpny, Trustee, ana signea oy James Anna Hand and husband, Berry Hand, as re corded in Book 374, page 380, of the uupun tunty Heglstry. A ten per cent deposit will be required of ; the successful bidder as evidence of ood faith. -Advertised this the lOUi day of January, 1952. -. . . , , Albert A. Coribett ; - ' Substituted Trustee i'i,- ' . . Thorton- BIdg, W .'. " Smlthfield, N. C. . ' M4-4T-A. AC... j: FAI SON'S VOLUNTEER FIREMEN, with their 4,500 gallon tank er. Tbe town S lire aepartmem aiiracieu uiuusuiai aiicuuun lecpuujr. and as a result, Faison is .under consideration as a location for a new knitting mill. They are, ten to ngnt, rront row: wuei v. a. rre cyhe. Murphy James, Floyd D. Boone, Joe Hollingsworth. A. W. Boy- ette, E. A. Taylor, P. G. Adams, and Jim T. Taylor. Back" row: C. B. Taylor, R. M. Boyd, C. R. Shine, James Cottle, William TUoJton, J. B. Bailey, T. K. Faison, Fulton Taylor, and C. D. McCuliear ' (Photo by Robert Dickinson, New-Angus Jbaarter) northern Knitting rll Likes Faison Fire Department; Considering Liill Tliere NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Havlnc this day qualified as Ad- mlnistratrlx of the estate of Hat tie Bell Binmette, deceased, late of Duplin County this is to no tify "all "persons having . claims against said estate to present them to the wraersignea Aamimstratrix on or before the 2nd day of Jan uary, 1953, or this notice will be pleaded in oar 01 tneir recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will, please-make immediate payment. This 2nd day of January, 1952, Mario A. Monk, ' " Administratrix of Hattie Bell Birohelle estate 2-7-6T-VBO ' Rv ROBERT DICKINSON A northern knitting mill Is con sidering Faison as its second loca tion in North Carolina for a new plant. A representative of the com pany, was traveling through the eastern part 01 we siaie some time ago and saw the big red above described tracts of land the followlns lands: " FIRST EXCEPTION: BEGIN NING at a stake, B. W. Jones' corn er near the tobacco barn and runs South 15 West 20-94 poles to stake; thence North 8644 West 65-Vi poles to a stake in C. Jerni gan's line; thence his line South 12 West 44 Doles to a stake, his corn er; thence as his other line about East 132 poles to a stake; thence North 40 East 21 poles to a stump, thence north 30 East 11 poles to a stake in j the edge of the path and in a drain; thence North West 84 poles to the beginning, containing 39 acres, more or less. And being the same lands as de scribed in a deed to Enos D. Jones as recorded in Book 307, page 55, 01 the Duplin county Kegistxy. SECOND EXCEPTION: BEGIN NING it staJj! on- the run of Bear Branch and, runs South 15 West 75 poles to a stake near the tobacco3 barn: thence -South 58-V4 East 84 poles to a stake in the edge of the oath in the drain of a small branch: thence down that drain about North 62 East 50 poles to the run of Bear Branch; thence up the run of said branch about 136 poles to the beginning, containing 41-V5 acres, more or less. And being the same lands as described in a deed to B. W. Jones as recorded in Book 193, page 383, of the Duplin Coun ty Registry. A ten per cent deposit win ne required of the successful bidder as evidence of Kood faith. - Advertised this the stn day 01 J - January, 1952. , ) H. E. Phillips f E. Wakker Stevens i 1 ? Commissioners 2-7-4T4I. E. P. . NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Klrby Heath Administrator i of Henry Faison Heath. Grady Mercer, Attorney at L.aw. 2-7-6T-GM ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE North Carolina, Duplin County The undersigned, having quali fied as administrators of the estate of E. J. Dan, deceased, late of Duplin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the under signed on or before the 12th day of January, 1953, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. - All persons indebted to aald estate will Dlease make lm- mediata navment to the undemlcrn-l ed. This is the 12th day of January, 1952. - G. R. Dall and Mrs. Alice D. Powell Administrators of the estate of E. J. Dall, deceased H. E, Phillips, Attorney -1 Kenansville,- N. C. ; i 2-21-6T-H; E. P. ' Havlnr Qualified as admlnistra tor of the estate of Paul Kennedy, deceased, late of Duplin uounty, North Carolina this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to tne unaersignea at n.- Bansville, North Carolina, on or before the 3rd day of January, 1953, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recvoery All per sons indebted to said estate will olease make immediate payment. This the 3rd day of January, 1952. 4 Garland P. King, Administrator of Paul Kennedy. Grady Mercer, Attorney at Law 2-7-6T-G M NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION r NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION NOTICE OF 'ADMINISTRATION North Carolina,'. J ' " Duplin County. , NOTICE Or 8 ALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of an order of the Superior Court of Duplin County, in the special pro ceedings: "In the (Matter of Paul Howell. Guardian lor B C Howell. Jr.", the undersigned commission er will on the -13th day of Feb ruary, 1952, at 12-00 Noon, at the courthouse - door in Kenansville, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for ..cash that certain tract of land lying- and being n uusson rownsnip, Duplin County state 01 jxortn Carolina, and more particularly described as follows 'BfcuiNirtlNO at a stake in the old Railroad bed of the Enterprise Lumfher Company in the run of tne Meadow Branch and runs the cenfr of the old Railroad South 62 Last 62 polos to a stake on tha Gaston Kelley, Sr. line; thence as his line South 42 West G4 poles to a stake in a fiat or bottom, former ly a sweet gum: thence with.Kel- Iey's other line South 24 West 85 poies to two red oaks, on the soutn side of the public road; The undersigned, having quali fied as administrator of the estate of Joe Hill Teachey, deceased, late of Duplin County, this is. to notify all persons having claims'' against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of January, 1953, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment to the under signed. - ,::..;, .v-' This is the i2ta day of January, 1952. D. H. Teachey, Administrator of the estate of Joe Hill Teachey, de ceased Rosehill, N. C. H. E. Phillips, Attorney Kenansville, N. C. 2-21-6T-H. E. P. - Having this day qualified as Ad ministrator of the estate of J. D. Bostic, Sr., deceased, late of Du plin County, this is to notuy an persons having claims against said estate to present mem to me un dersigned Administrator on or be fore the 21st tfay ot January, nroi, or this notice wiU be pieaaea in bar of their recovery. All nersons indebted to said es tate will please maxe lmmeaiaie payment. This 21st day of January, 3 D. BOSTIC, J.. ADMINISTRA TOR OF J. D. BOSTIC, SR. 2-28-6T. V. B. G. tanker parked in front of the Fai son fire department. ' He Investigated further to learn as mucn as possiDie aDout tne volunteer fire department. In se lecting a site for a new plant, his company is particularly interested in the available fire fighting equip ment. The company is so impress ed with the organization, Faison is under serious consideration as a location for a new knitting mill. Chief C. A. Precythe of the Fai son fire department related tne following information about the department The Department was roganized in 1935 after Faison installed its water plant in 1934. George Sum- merlin .then chief of the Mount Olive fire department, is given credit for helping with the organi zation of the Faison department. It s first chief was P. G. Adams, followed by E. A. Taylor and now Chief Precythe. Mr. Taylor Is new the assistant chief. The departments first piece of equipment was a "hand - reel" This was followed by a home made motor driven apparatus. It's first regular fire truck, a 350-gal ion pumper, was purchased in i44. in iya, a second truck, a 500 gallon pumper was added. This truck was purchased as a memor ial to Tom Avent, ' a Faison fire man killed in World War II. Also in 1949, a 4500 gallon tank er was donated to the department cy w. K. Clifton, a Faison farm er. The tanker is used for fires outside the city limits, farm fires, etc. When an alarm is answered out side the city limits ,one of the two trucks remain in town as an emer gency measure. The Faison department has an excellent record, since its organl zation in 1935, only one building has been completely lost In a fire in tne city limits. Department equipment Is valued at $20,000 and only $225 of this was paid toy the town. The remain der was raised with donations and memberships. ' Fifty dollar mem berships are sold to persons with- in 10 miles of the town. The de partment also answers many calls outside the limits by persons oth er than members. As a result of the performance record of the department .Faison and the surrounding area has en joyed reduced rates on fire insur ance for a number of years. The firemen work on a volun teer basis; are not paid for their services. During National Fire Prevention Week each year, they make a canvas of all buildings in Faison; inspect them for fire haz ards. ' Jr. machinist's mate fireman' ap.' 'prentice, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs.' Henry L. Gavin of Route 4LiMg nolia. li Gavin, who entered thefiTal service in June, 1961, recefted his recruit training at the U."5)Naval Training Center, San DiegwfCallf. Before entering the Navyhe at tended Franklin High Sejp( in "4 Henry L. Gavin Graduates School Graduating from the Naval Ma chinist's Mate School, service School Command U. S. Navar Training Center. Great Lakes, 111., on Jan. 25 was Henry L. Gavin, The Ledyard Vuft' Precision Built AIR-SEAL ' jnaauiwroirc j SMITH VAULT CO. BJNSTON Consult Tour Locatf r! Funeral Director Havlngv qualified as administra trix of the estate of Luther McCoy Sanderson, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina this is to notify all persons naving claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersign ed at Beulaville, North Carolina, on or before-the 31st day of De cember, 1952, or this notice will be pleaded in ar of their recovery. Am persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay ment, . This 31st day of December, 1951. . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE North Carolina, Duplin County. 1 ,. -Having qualified as admlnistra tor of. the estate of-Henry Faison Heath, deceased late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Beulaville. North Carolina, on or before the 31st day of Decem ber. 1952. or this notice will be nleaded hi bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please mace muneojaxe pay ment 1 ' This 31st day of December, 1951 SM.F.ALLEIIJR. : General Insurance Kenansville, II. C. Kenansville's Only Insurance Agency , Jk Jk i tk J Ocean F, " JLIrect froia The Seg C,aA Boor To Air) , , - - - Eoti TTI U anXcotell ' ' - -ataaw Tear rii cr ntow Xi-Jt ri.beraaa ' - '' ' D, z. rriLcriiN I" 1 f3 We i ' 1 THE DUPLIN TIMES Published each Friday lnenansvlUe, N. County Seat Of : ; t" ' duplin coumtv - : " ; Editorial business and printing plant, Kenansville, K. 0, ' ' 3 tl ROBERT GRADT. EDITOB , OWOTOI " Entered at the Post Office, Kenansvllte, K. C ry as second lass matter; 1 V'W " f'' TBLltrBOlif 1 . " y , KeBaasvUle255-l SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.00 per year In Duplin County. Leaolr, Jones, Onslow, Pender, Sampson and Wajrna cowv ' Ues; . $3.50 per year outside this area in North Carolina; and $4W0 Per year alsewbera. ' . ' , ' , . , Advertising rates famished on. request A PemocraUe Journal, devoted to. tha material. educaUonaL tcbnomle and agricultural Interests of Duplin County. WORRIED ABOUT You've iot lots o company I But if it tha ex pense of illness or accidents youVe worrying about, you can forget it by joining the more than 420,000 Tarheels who have hospital-surgical pro tection with North Carolina's only Blue Cross Blue Shield Plan. 0 BLUE CROSS FOR HOSPITAL SERVICE BLUE SHIELD FOR SURGICAL SERVICE VaaManaai :4f If Anything In Wood Work" SASH DOORS SCREENS FRAMES CABINETS MOLDINGS Also Church Pews and Pulpits WARSAW WOOD PRODUCTS CO. Warsaw 0000000090000000000000004 Have that wmmww you've always wanted! o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o . i Tk m .: , bV - ':avx ' -m, W KBfly, c-ckty; at iw'ttrfSJ,. . m Tn,i0rtn Eaavtoacito.EaayontiJeparae,. Bc4Thuipre-nnuinaterlal Sosw fZJgg&JB buuds, insulates ana aecoraws sauuwi 1 pin. Mt OUvo, N. C. 1 O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o n NOW! RIGHT AS NEW! Be it shirts or linens . . . our scientific - laundering- methods assure you sparkling clean-as-new results. Keep the family happy, and the linen closet, too! Eliminate hours of wash day drudgery! Call us for regular laundering attention to apparel and linens. IDEAL LAUNDRY & Dry Cleaners Rug & Upholstery Cleaning t WILMINGTON, N. C. "Our Trucks Run All Over Duplin" O o. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o s o s NO o o o ; O o . o o o o .;0 o o 0 0 0 c 0 0 c c c c c c c c f r tJoOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOC '! t

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