SCENE CW DROWNINGS In the top 'picture Is shown the sec tion" of the old Cooke-Albrttton millpond where David John Dur ham and Wilbur Raynor, Mount Ollye Negroes, were drowned Jan. 27th. In the very center of the picture a small fishing boat is tied tn one of the trees which Hay-'. ator of the pond, shown in pnoro ai ... lpft Merritt and . U. iiaicn, jr, mona Mcaiman uieu ." recovered the bodies ' of Durham reached, and from which he was d paVn0r. (Photos by Cletus rescued toy Gordon Merritt, oper-j Brock.) ' War saw Mews Mrs. Howard Joiner, Reporter and Subscription Agent. , Please Call Mrs. Joiner at telephone 454 for news ; - Grammar School Honor Roll Released x. n frtr aim Warsaw Anne Straughn, JoVce Potter, An- :':LZZ kl, Tr..ntlv been nette Holmes, Carl and McLamb. It is released by Mrs. im ilnur'l i j nr. Mica Rowden. Teach- r. Charles i 7"neTte Bell. Judy Rollins, and ette, uera u , . Penney Brooks Boy ette. Grade Six Mrs. MoLamb, teach- Litch Huie, Johnny smitn, wai- Stevens. Jr., Carole uaars, en. Billy Knowles, Johnle Pridgeon, Sennle Bartlett, Carolyn Fussell md Sandra Lanier. v Grade One Mrs. swncu, xeaciv er. no. Grade Six McColman Teacher. MnriP r.wkreil. Judy Standi, Marcia Hipp, Janet Wood, and zines uraae u -"-". r " rh,rip Powell . George Clark, Jr., Johnny Cross- .Charles roweu, Allen roumain, " ,t' . ft a ' i I MartrDaV ssi junior Music HUD n..t T.tnH Lee English. - l Grade Two Miss Nell Bowden, Teacher. Jimmy Bradshaw, Robert Cruse, Benny Dunn, Johnie Pat Harmon, Bill Rollins, Billy Vann and Charles De Luca, Linda Fays Saw, Mary Ann Dunn, Louise Dail and Linda Sue Farmer. Grade Two Mrs. Carlton, Teach er. Neal Mitchell, Bobby Philips, Dwight Smith, Lee West, Gloria Best, Edna Bright, Linda Bras welt Mary Alice Erwin, Johnnie "Frederick, Linda Hurst, Edna Ann Pollock, Joan Ridge and Beryl Slayton. Grade Three Miss Womack, Teacher.- Mickey Askew, Jerry Cnnke. Rav Davis. Michael Faulk ner, Asley Jones- and Walker Mc Neill. Margaret Basden, Jane Carl- ton, Janice Henderson, Dorothy Hlnson. Judy Rivenbark. Grade Three Barden, Teacher. Dannie Pitts, Lanny Guy, Frank Joiner, Gail Kennedy, Hubert Mer ritt, Lura Anne Penney, Edna Faye Powell and Mable Jane Straughn. Grade Four Blackmore, Teach er. Fred Basra, Bill Straughn and Sue Whittle. Grade Four Hollingsworth, Teacher. Martha Barr, Helen 'Cooke, Ruth Knowles, Judy Pear- sail and Cecilia Thigpen. Grade Five Mrs. Huie, Teacher. The Warsaw Junior Music club held its regular monthly meeting on January the twenty fUtn at tne home of Judy and Bill Rollins. The meetitng was" called to ord er by the president, Mary Elizabeth Packer. After the club pledge and roll call, the club hymn was sung. After this, a musical quiz was con ducted by the teacher, Mrs. Nell Middleton, 'During this meeting, the club members received their National Federation of Music -magazines. A musical program was rendered by several club members. Among those playing solos were the fol lowing; Judy Rollins,' Ann Draughn, Joyce Whittle, Sue Whittle, Johnle Smith, Alfred Smith, Shelby Jean Jones Sandra - Blanchard, Llllie Mae Philips, Sally and Gall New ton. ' Joyce Blanchard, - Marione Davis, Ann Carol Woodard,. Ken Veach, Bessie Barbara Herring and Jimmy West. Miss- Mary Elizabeth Packer sang a solo. i At the conclusion of the program, Mrs. Rollins served fruit cake with whipped cream and son drinks. Rotarians Having Interesting Meets The Warsaw Rotary Club is en Joying some mighty fine programs according to reports from its mem bers. Program chairman Paul Potter Is doing a bang-up job they say. At ttf last meeting coumy commissioner A. P. Cates was guest speaker of the Club and talked, naturally, on Duplin County pickles and their processing. - From time to time the Club is having repre sentative's of all of Duplin's Indus tries talk to them along with var ious county officials. New Hours For Warsaw Library " Beginning next week, the Warsaw Library will only be open on Thurs day afternoons. The hours are from one o'clock to five p.m. The change is being made to enable the working people to visit the Library during their noon Hour. . Mrs. Sheffield Hostess To Club Mrs. Charles Sheffield Mrs. Charles Sheffield entertain ed last Thursday night, the 31st of January with five tables of bridge. Her home was attractively decorat ed for the occasion, the valentine motif being used. . i .-v Those claying were the follow ing: Mesdames William Sheffield, Fes Mitchener, Ed Sheffield, Tom my Gresiiam, James Herman Hines, Ed Hines, Eddie Strickland, Robert Frederick, Ralph Best Jr., Joe Sur ratt Jr. R. W. Riggs, Daulton West, John Vincent, W. G. Britt, John Fonville; Otto Matthews, Allen Draughon Jr.', James Norwood West, William Taylor and Mrs. William T.An4inMl " The club high was won by Mrs. Eddie Sheffield who was given a box of Hollingsworth Valentine candv. Mrs. William Sheffield won the Travelling prize and Mrs. Fes Mitchener won the visitors prize, Both received Hollingsworth valen tine candy. ;'-' : on arrival, the guests were serv ed frozen lemon pie and coffee. During progressions, Mrs. Sheffield served soft drinks ana cneese wafers. penny and Edgar Pollock,- The traveling prize was won by Mrs. Allen Draughon Sr. who re ceived a valentine box of candy. During progressions, soft drinks and valentine hearts were enjoyed and at the end of play, the hostess served pecan pie AiLanMode and coffee,?..- , Hi II I 1 1 OH IDS Mrs. Draughon, Jr. Entertains Club Mrs. Allen Draughon Jr. enter tained her club last Tuesday night. Her home was lovely for the oc casion, camellas being used in the table and mantel arrangements. Those playing were the follow ing: Mesdames Fes Mitchener, Ed Hines, William Sheffield, John Vin cent, William Taylor, John A. John son, James Norwood west, Jim Middleton Jr. The high score was won by Mrs. Fes Mitchener who was given a roll cover. Mrs. William snemeia won the second high and received shell ed nuts. - - -?.-,-;-' During progressions, soft drinks and cheese wafers were enjoyed. After the game the hostess served a salad plate and coffee. . BAPTIST CIRCLES MEET FEB. 4th. , if The Rosa Hocutt Powell circle of the Baptist church met, at, the home of Mrs. C. V. uarner wun twelve members present and two visitors. - Mrs. Allen Draughon Sr. was in charge of the program, me topic studied was prayer ana name Missions. The devotional was giv en by Mrs. Allen Draughon br., The theme of It was "Urging mem bers to carry out the work ol tne church during the year." The prayer was given by Mrs.. Clarence Brown. During the business, ses sion, the work of the WJ& wai discussed The dismissal prayer was given by Mrs. David Chambers At the conclusion, thctiostess serv ed pound cake, Ice cream, assorted nuts and candy. - ' The George Rollins Circle met at the home of Mrs. Alton Green law with fifteen members present. Mrs. L. O. Williams presided. The program was ably given by Mrs. Robert Blackmore and Mrs. Kate Herring. The topic studies was an introduction on Home Mission to be climaxed on the -Week of pray er which is scheduled for March. At the conclusion of the pro gram, Mrs. Greenlaw served date nut cake, with whipped cream and coffee. . Mrs. E. B. Greenlaw was guest at the meeting. e pastor, ur. uum f . . . . j i tollr gave 8 oriel oui very after which the Book .'Wake Up or Blow Up" was reviewed.: Mrs. Charlie Cook was in charge of the devotipnal. Participating in, the program were the Mesdames Ennis Tadlock. S. E. Parker and Mrs. E. B. I Hales, . - At the conclusion of the pro gram, Mrs. Hales served Russian tea, cheese biscuits, pecan heart sandwiches and mints, j ; t,.i, rianipln Circle of the Baptist Church met at the home of Mrs Walter Bostic. Ten members were present. The devotional was given by Mrs. Florence Houston, Mrs. Vera Ezzell was in charge of the program. The topic studied was "Missions". ?:?; ? ? i At the end of the program, the hostess served pecan pie and cof fee. ' r The Annie Kate Powell Circle mar at the home of Miss Annie Kate Powell with thirteen members present. The circle chairman is Mrs Fred Revell. Mrs. Harlee Jones was in charge of the program. assisted by-Mesdames m hiu, J. v. Brock and John Wood. , ' ' Dr. Greenlaw was present for a few minutes at which time he of fered helpful suggestions to the group: It was agreed to aid in feeding one of the under privileged hllrinn tit the Warsaw schools. After Mrs. Kathleen snyoer ot tered oraver. refreshments, con sisting of Russian tea and heart shaped individual pies, salted nuts, and valentine candies were enjoy ed. ... ,.- '? . . 1. hii , ifiii t. ...--rf- T Mr wnh sixteen memoer J""-"; James Herman , i. chairman presiaea. rtudj. 'was giver iby M-Utc Huie and Mrs.. u. n. nn l Mrs. Jonn s reuei tv - xeading on Stewardship. At the end of the program, mi. Whitfield served chocolate cake and coffee. ' . ;? :;:;-':?i:v?-i;:;''; Methodist Circles Meet ' ' ! piu Numtwr One .of tne Methodist church met at .the home of Mrs. Gordon Wes with ten members present. Mrs, D. J. Middleton presided. Two readings from the book of The Acts were given by Mrs. . K. mpp ao u.. D J. Middleton. The devotional was in charge of Mrs. Claude Best. ' At the conclusion of the program, Mrs. West served strawberry short cake' and coffee. . ';i..? .1 . The Circle Number Two met at the borne of Mrs. W. E. Taylor with eleven 1 members present.., Mrs. Hopkins Smith presided. Mrs. Lena Carlton was in charge Of the program. Three chapters of .the Study book were aDiy given. . ai the conclusion, the hostess served a chicken salad plate, coffee and angel jfood strawberry hearts. The Circle Number, Three was held at the home of Mrs. Joe Sur ratt Sr; with eleven members pre- home of Aus. Julm u with sixteen members pre-tnt. i .. A M. Benton presiaea. ivirs. rus Pridgeon gave the devotional. A. contest was enjoyed in which Mrs. Frank Hofobs won the prize. At the- , conclusion of the program, fruit Jello, whipped cjream and cup cakes. Birth Announcement i Mi; and 'Mrs. Thomas Elwood Re velle announce , the birth of. a , daughter, Connie Marie, on Jan uary 22 at the Henderson Crum-v-1 pier clinic In Mt. Olive. The Katie Murray Circle met at tne home of Mrs. Raeford Bostic, The program was in charge of Mrs. Jimmy Strickland. She was assist ed by Mrs, Bill Vann, Mrs. Avon Sharpe, Mrs. Ivey Carter, and Mrs. Betty Humphrey. The topic dis cussed was "Missions". At the con clusion, Mrs. Bostic served straw- rr HAPPENS EVERY DAY" Warsaw Motor Co- I 'M 1ZLLIH' VA MtL Ai A PR&HO AH' Hl6H3Otl-lUl-R-CAQ0F MIMt'5 A STEAL - I'VE BEAi- afteezv svoow-BtiTAtAVM irrM-ij.A. a i mm ii iw w rwR MALr THAT 'A CJ??MVW;8AAJDXVT? VHZiWi UP W4Ai WC 60 OUf AAJVMOCC - SIHC& W B0U6AT TmCPK FROM "Over A Quarter i Century of Service , uHLiM vouAUt AN AUtO MCH- auic. . . -youn BuyAre A USt-V 0PSMOAQU CAVVOUtolOVi l AC IT 14 0U illUTIDHOf CAR6flUW Mill MOTOH Co. mron eos t-Twens WAJ&AW.MC. 0 I . Kinston ', ijP'v 4444;; ';: Presbyterian Circle Meet Feb. 4 Circle Number One of the Pres byterian Church met at the home of Mrs. Aubrey Cavenaugh. Mrs. B. W., Riggs presided. Mrs. Jerry Newbold gave a reading on the Tenth Commandment .Mrs. John Pierce was in charge of the pro gram. ,t'.V :?-;, j ' ? , v I At the conclusion of the program, Mrs. Cavenaugh served orange cake cookies, party sandwiches and cof fee. Fifteen members were pres- The Circle Number Two met at the home of Mrs. jott Koraegay with fifteen members present Mrs. Tommy Gresham ; presided . and KINSTON TRACTOR & IMPLEMENT CO. Highway 258 South -Kinston, N. C. , Phone 4920 , - KEITH WILLIAMS, Dealer t FERGUSON TRACTOR lOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOO' 00000000000009000000000C O V ; - O O . WE HAVE. O nilAIITY RARY CM o O rft rrrir O -V J- W S,. OLUG f.lLD ivlttti nt in U Li wi Li i ' - CLEAN EASY TO USE EstzaKftuStd by tobacco authorititi Ask yecr Jelr today ?v .-i ?1 C ml k fffaferi MRsr imkMm Personals The. Powell sisters will have as their guest on Tuesday night the following: Dr. and Mrs. Alton Greenlaw, Dr. and Mrs. C. V, Gar ner. Dr. and Mrs. Daly and Marlon, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Greenlaw, Mrs. R. E. L. Wbeless and Mrs. Clyde Hill. " : .'V?.: 1 Mrs. Billy Williams of Roanoke Rapids recently visited her sister, Mrs. R. IE. L. Wheless. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Sloane and Ison Bobby recently visited Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hollowell in Mount OUve. :'" .??.:.'..,?'?. ,. v Mrs. William Craven has return ed from the Goldaborb hospital wnere sne nas been a patient. Miss Mae Brock, student at WC UNC, has been visiting her mother, - Mrs. Carrie Mae Brock. Mrs. J. A. Newkirk has been ill at her home on Hill St. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Cavenaugh attended a Conservation 1 trip . in Raleigh last Monday. While there, they were guests at the Governor's mansion. . On their return home, iney visited the Henderson Mine. Mrs. J. C. Russ and granddaught er, Miss Sissie Thomas recently visiiea an cunton. : . , ,? V , Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Cavenaugh spent- the, W4k end with their daugiiter and ntitlily. Mr. and Mrs James Earl Kitehin In Virginia Beach.. , r Mr. Howard Joiner snent last Monday in Raleigh. ? Mrs. e. j. Hill and Ernest Hus sey spent the week end m Roanoke Rapids visiting Mrs. Hill'a sister, Mrs.., d. Ftntor..; ".''') 'Mi. W. P. Bridgers attended the funeral of Air. George D. Bine 11 In Goldsboro last Saturday. - , ausses same, Maggie and Nell Bowden were visitors in Goldshora last Saturday. - Rev. and Mrs. G?D. Lambert of Mount OUve were Sunday guests oi mr. man airs. William PowelL Mrs. R. C Pridgeon recently vis ited Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Rogers In Fayetteville. .? . T7 Mrs. R. C. PrldMon h Muwnt. ly visited Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rogers Jr. in Springfield. Mrs. II. A. Mi:cbll EiiJ;rf2fcd ' . Mrs. N. A. MltcbeU entertained her, dub last Friday afternoon. Early spring flowers were sed In the flower arrangements. The o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o FCX FEEDS LESPEDEZA OATS GARDEN SEEDS TOBACCO BARN BUILDING MATERIAL O O o o o o o o o. o o o o o o o o o o o o We Have Another Shipment Of . Furniture COMING FROM UP NORTH ' ' FRIDAY. ' FEBRUARY 8 -COME IN AND SEE OUR MANY SELECTIONS Womack & Bartlett -.-: ' 2nd Door From A & P in Warsaw o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ooooooooooooooooooooooooa 'A (route Fnr THARRINGTON Tnhncrn fm-rn'O iir t O O C O O o o o o Warsaw Farmers Exchange k Warsaw N. C. oooooooooooooooooooooooc l1 fl III!! 4 ' I I P Summit fym M r watcii K2Ai3 c::c? ilfX-- ting Sizinaf'-;' Warsaw Fum. Ce. Stare ? .Wanww, N. C. ' Meat Curing: DAILY . v ' " ' " c : v - We Have All Sizes - , - " - ! FROZEN FOOD CONTAINERS , ': WRAPPING PAPER B. & R. Foods Phone 6111- Frozen , Inc. , O. C. Blanchard, Jr. Wallace, N.C. A Six Day Special AT ' Ill WARSAW,, MOERELL'S PRIDE -.'J,, , ? . J Smoked Picnic Hams, 4 Id 6 lbs...39c Dressed Fryers or Hens, lb.: 55c Super Store Pure Coffee, IL;....77c 1 lb. Box Premium Crickersl . J6c All Cakes - 29c Cigarelles, cfn. .......... ..$1.59 Babo, 2 Cans .....;.:.;;.:..M:............25c Sterling Salt, 10c size,3 for ......;...25c Chewing Gum, 3 pkgs. ...:..:.......:.1C: 1 Gallon Clorox ..:...;......M..........:..4?c J. Ellis West, Prep. SALUTE FEDHUAIIT - RC3TES5 , .wianiousE SMOOTH : . RICH "CREAMY V ci:::j v.:::uA ice cct "TI:3n:.;rCITI:3C::r.:j" LUCCIOUS ' i . . I YCU CAN ZZ Old And Toons Attic Will Enjoy The Sparkling Red Meaty Cherries Nestled in WHITE'S EXTRA RICH HOSTESS ICE CREAM n rrs wkite's rrs right" NOW ON SALE AT , , STORES AlO fountai:;3 .where qualtty . T Y ;I D A J. T. ru: t z li ; i ' - i . IT. . - T m .9 ftlAXI ltAIlPHIA f, 9k.

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