ft t ' r .' ... . fr.... A i VCA1 ' -.' V South's - Needs Superior Court Becently the President of the World Council 'of Methodist Blah- A two weeks term of Superior ' ; ' 0 . Court will convene here Monday, ' ' . V V i i' ' JZ--'L S I P w'd: "The South needs to I Miarcn loin, juage w. Him mocks of Fayetteville will preside. At return to the simple life When everybody believed in hell, calomel and the Democratic Party. 1 11 I . aW 11 IV II I I lllillfclF . !. . ..V: W "i . ' ' "' . .V;'i Jt- VOL.NO. 19 Tmzsvjer Audit Ib. 1952 Red Gross Drive On; Duplin County Kramer Of Heads Campaign Drive ;'.' lEciiteriali .Mis-Information By J. R- Grady It seems the Duplin Times spurt ed forth last week a little misin formed, however the fact of the misinformation did little, if any, damage, but the ideas expressed because of the - mis-information seems to have struck home, to some. 'In this .Issue will be found two letters that reverberate with sound, maybe long dormant in Duplin, but nevertheless vibrating. The pulsat ing pulse of serious thinkers in Duplin may be beginning to beat Just little faster and we are wondering if they are beating out the handwriting on the wall. .; ' The correct facts are: , The meeting held in the court bouse here Saturday, February 23rd, was called by the Chairman of the State Democratic Executive; Committee. F. W. McGowen, chairman of the Duplin Democratic Executive Committee, was instruct ed by the State chairman to call meeting. Mr. McGowen imrnea J i 1 I t- ..t I M V. precinct committee of the eetmg,rin cerh date and purpose. When the ap- 14. -J " VC. pointed hour arriyedthere was not - ! mlfJ? S-Bn?tT2.21 htag through Friday at 7:30 o'clock. uaot1 MV.HV'nl Pastor ' S 0" "3 Presbyterian Church SJIl o' Wilmington, is a naUve of Cam SftTf., S. C and a graduate of Clem KlSi "A & M College and Union The- N?i ologlcal Seminary, in Richmond, - -UJJSSSM? He served in the Arm- "S !!BS??JJ22SSr 6d Services during World AWan II. v meeting. Itjwas not necessary noe wister was omTW ary in ipim in ine IJZLXZi T rr."VSii ytian Church, Petersburg.' V., ' fSf SESSTtoiSW11 Home Mission f 5?'? t5LS?t5 churches In Holston -.Presbytery, Board Of Elections. Those certified Jt?zLm- ,nH HHnff hl lt vo.r kTSa itnnrSSh. TfSm , Koy and Carlton Precytte. From t these thsee names; two wiU M nam- ' y me oie w)ra, to ine uup-; tin vuuuqr jooora ox . faecuons.! I Through similar process one Be , t publican will be named.. The three " t then composing the Duplin Coun- ' ty Board of Elections will meet and i name a chairman, who, in4this ease, ; will be E. Walker Stevens of War r i saw. . It is usually customary to v' ' name aa chairman the one recom . ended by the County Executive .lCommlttee.,.' ;;,:';f v. ir;':i-'-,s. " ' Too often, most of us fail to real ize the importance of the precinct . tneeting. This meeting is the very 4 backbone of our form of govern : ' ment Those chosen to lead from . this group have the ties directly up . ,-. the line to the State and national "party leaders. This may be called the often heard expression ''grape vine". This is the line of connect ion that holds a party together and " thus eventually the entire govern or ' mental structure of our' country. . If folks at home are not satisfied ' 'with their : political . leaders the -7 place to express themselves Is in ', the precinct meeting for there is the very root of our government Sf things are not going to suit you . ,'. then blame no one but yourself for I am sure in this case not over one . of you readers out of a thousand ; ' . attended the last precinct meeting v'f in your section and probably never toave attended one. . -Proper notice will be given in . The Times prior to the precinct; - meetings. -.y.j';":-:'v ' I ElbcaHill Boy Killed In (Otficer '". Aaron Carr Knowles, 24 of Rose Hill died in the Sampson County Hospital around four o'clock Wed nesday morning from injuries sus tained in an automobile, accident Tuesday -.night . ,. ' The accident . occurred around ten o'clock' on- the Kenansvllle Wllmlngton highway about 4 miles South of Kenansville. Fred Wil Duplin school bus accidents so f r this year have-been minor but it is time to take stock and plan f 'r precautions, surer lntend- t o. Juhnson says.' luT. Jobn t f Ttk sent out a let", or to . e f --'Ttnipato calling for a t t ail school bus drivers ""torhmt.-' Saturday, ., -,. J-iinfton "a tt v. Wallace The Duplin Bed Cross Chapter has announced a 1952 Fund Goal Of $5,093.00, an amount determined as the minimum ' needed by the chapter for Its activities during the coming year in this community and for its share of support of service the organization provides nation ally and world-wide. , 1 The annual fund campaign of the chapter here ' began March 1st. Fund Chairman Harry Kramer said an organisation has been set up tt make possible complete coverage of business and residential' district: by . volunteer : soliciting teams. Headouarters for the caimSaian will be located in Kenansvflle. "Practically all our chapter ser vices, especially those that tie in with national and international ac- . . CONTINUED ON BACK Rose Hill Church To Hold Revival All Hexf Week The Rev. S. Wylie Hogue will conduct a series of evangelistic services in the Mount Zion Pres- March will begin with the Sunday evening service at . i,lM!k ,n3 -n-tinui Ch ve- : 7:30 o'clock, and continue, each eve- s(udentsgitait 'at Second Pw ta Uege suppUed Halifax, Mercy Seat ,nd.oak Level. Churches in Uaiiux County. Virginia, where he u pastor from 1948 to laki , - . Revival Speaker Rev. B. H. P'haup, potw 01 the Charlotte Central Wesleyan Meth odist Church, Charlotte, N. C, will be preaching at Bethel Wesleyan Methodist Church at Charity each evening, Monday through Friday, March 17-21.- Service hour is 7:45. Rev. A. D. Wood, pastor, and the church congregation extend a cor dial invitation to all who will At tend and hear this man of God. liams of Pmk HUT and Mr..- and Mm Wm, R, Teachey of Hose Hill were the first at the scene. Wil liams went for Deputy O. A. Home who called Patrolman Proctor and an ambulance. The car went across th loft airii. Af the highway hit the soft shoulder and went about 400 feet when the boy puuea tne car back onto the highway the car we have ha 4 right much property lamage., - a -;: . The Wvfciori f Transportation nt thtk ct RaiM Af Education is alarmed at the t crease in school Continued on BacK rwe T" ' ! t 1 Gar Attribute Xreck To ENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1952 I Grief-stricken B. T. (Big) Eflrd is shown in which the five small children of Mr. and ship near Deep Run were burned to death Wed were visiting a sick neighbor. Cause of, the ell of Kenansville ruled the deaths accidental, lng in ages from three months to four years, flrd's place in Duplin County early this year. Five Children Die In Blazing Home Last Week In Albertson Township .' Flames flf undetermined' 'Origin" Wneda-tnBht ollMtweek at 9 o'clock kHIed the fivevamall cbikU ren ot. Mr. ana Aire itutus Haw kins. Jr., colored, on the B. T. Eflrd farm in Albertson Township and destroyed the fottr-room frame Deulaville Church To Start Revival Wailae : of Hleh Point will conduct a revival at the Beulavllle Baptist cnurcn oegm ning March 18 for two weeks. Mr. Wallace is a former pastor of tiim . Tjimharfnn church and held revivals at the Beulavllle Baptist cnurcn in mi ana xvut. B. F. Grady H. D. Hub Meets - The B. F. Grady Home Demon straUon Club met with Mrs. Leah man Williams Monday night with 1 a nmiiiHi nreaent. The next I meeting will meet with Viola West- brook." Wreck Hi-Speed J t.iMinA mimr and rolled for 50 feet stopping on right side of highway, it was reported Patrot man Proctor determined the wreck was caused from excessive speed. -Mr. Knowles was carried . to Sampson County Hospital He bad a bole in the back of bis head and was bleeding from ears, mouth and CONTINUED ON BACK Prc:i XltxmM Criisf Revival Jt nart of the Eastern Baptist A -nriUonal simultaneous cam- puign scheduled for March 23-April 12, the Warsaw Baptist Church w'U l'iH !s revival ttie first week, . '. V Rev. O. Cr-vl -' r i .9 T irt" ' - t C. 'O.N.C. : ?Ct - I .t" f . t . iVii, : 1 : i . t .iViitd. ' " lime- Farmer Views Spot Where 5 Children above Inspecting the ruins of his tenant house Mrs. Rufus Hawkins, Jr., of Albertson Town nesday night of last week while the parents blaze was not determined. Coroner G. P. Pow The Hawkinses and their five children, rang moved from the Fort Barnwell section to Ef- (Whltaker-Leffew Photo.) dwelling while : the .parents were 'isitag stcMelgntoor. Coroner -Gurman Powell 'ruled (he deaths accidental. ' He said be did : not know what ; 'caused the blase, but some expressed the view it could have started from defective Water Candidate ROBERT M. CARR of Wallace this week announces his candidacy for the House of Representatives to succeed himself. Mr. Carr repre sented Duplin County in the last session for the first time. , Church llotice m V. K. Jones will be at the Pasture Branch school, on the Ken ansville Chinquapin- road, March 8 at 3 p. m. for regular church services. 'rv By Maude Smith H 'i--."- " It-was a beautiful, spring like day when I started out on my trav els a lew days ago. ine sun was shining brightly and the yellow daf fodils looked loveiy swaying . in the warm breese.. I decided I would ride out by tne home of Mr. and Mrs Jab New- ktrk, West. Of Rote Hill, and talk ' "t t-n tew-a while.-1 visited In i j: t. e when I was in f 'ammar ',od i 1 " 1 rot teen t . Jc s -"-e t -t-' . f t I. ' i.:.. . ( . ai)1 a-, fie 1 j- -ne V. , ... . a, ow I ". L. il. S 9 Perished wu-kut. -The house was engulfed and the children had alreacw ished when it was dlscoveieoV. it was reoarted. Only the chimney and debris from the flames are left on the spot where the tenant fam- ' CONTINUED N BACK er & Light Company will reduce electric service rates in iiae wat er Power Company area by over conn nnA jfaiHntf rho first vear of operation under the merger of the two companies, it was cusciobcu here todayw 4 . Th. maw ratM Al tful ar Aa wen aonroved Friday by the Utilities Commission, roey wui appiy to meter reading perioas enai-ng aner Aorll 1. The merger becomes ef fective March 1. . Members of the Commission can ed it "a boon to the people of the Tide Water area."! Fred B. Hunter, m momhr Ivf thlt CATmniflslOll fOf 11 years, said, "It fulfill a dream and a long-range plan the Commis sion has had ever since I've been with it." : " -' - Along with immediate reductions averaging eight per cent for resi dential customers will come an 'Inducement type" rate allowing considerable additional use of elec tricity over the . corresponding month of 'st yMr without addl Continued On Back Magnolia is taking advantage ot street funds provided in the Pow ell bill and is openind two new streets. One leaves highway 117 at the John Croom home and runs east The other leaves the Ken-ansvllle-Magnolia road at the home of Parley Potter and runs to the Alva Brown residence. , highway among large trees covered with moss. Mrs. Newkltk saw my car drive in her yard and met me at the front door,' She invited me into her lovely living room which had been redecorated since I was there last Over the mantle was a huge picture, which I thought was band painted, and another thing that caught my eye was a beautiful flow er urn abmrt three feet high. . Its 1 1'ie e leld a hv-e rennd blue t'?.-i - ith-' Sowars' pair- 'on tt ! . wl kb-tj; - it it and 1 t : 1 t ' X made a L f '.. I t sorry- to j,,,.,,., 1 -v 'VI .d been f" - ' $ 3 I r I 1 al. fiort $4 Commissioners Address Letter Celebrate 60 Years m -.-.M Sit .a L.. i nF their sixtieth wedding anniversary on February 17tjr at, their home. About 75 people, mostly members of the family, gathered there to honor them on the occasion. Mrs. Hanse Green of Wilmington and Mr. Willie Hood of Wilson, sister and brother of Mrs. Bonhmn were pres ent Mr. Hood brought five of his children and his grandchildren with him. Mr. Ernest Bonham was present to represent his brothers fam ily. ; , A delicious and ample dinner was enjoyed, , and , reviving of old memories comprised a major part of the days activities. -They received several nice gifts. '-""'w -' . L. JOT. mXMl AUVi jpuiuujlf UO W Herbert of Richmond, and Henry -of Duplin County School! Improvement CommiKco To Meet At B.F. Grady 12th 1 Pictured above are Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs,' who along with The . Foggy Mountain Boys, will appear here Thursday : Night, March 13. They will be at the Kenansville High School Auditor ium, sponsored by the Senior Class of the School. The group consists of Lester Flatt, M. C. and Guitar. Earl Scruggs, Five String Banjo, Ever- ette Lilly Mandolin, Art Wooten Old Time Fiddler, and Featuring Tuscarora Council To Ce By Order Tuscarora Council, Boy Scouts of America, is - - being honored on March 7th. 8th, and 9th by having as its guests all of the Order of the Arrow Lodges in the State of North Carolina. A huge area-wide meeting win take place at Camp Tuscarora on the above mentioned dates. ; , t Preliminary registrations for this meeting indicate a very large and Installs 0O,0G0lh Telephone A significant " milestone in the telephone progress of ' eastern North Carolina was reached on Friday, February 29, when the Car olina Telephone and Telegraph Company placed Its 100,000th tele phone in service. : Installation of the 100.000th tele phone was made In the home of Mr. J. R Ellea-, a farmer of the Dort ches section,' near. Rocky Mount The service wm installed at about 11:33 Friday morning. at the Lome where a group of in- ttrested , --'- . fnchH- .' ' r -1 PRICE TEN CENTS ,516o97 Quota Of Wedded Bliss in. . tha Phnxiru i it .i ii i-ftr-tiCH iWl UJIB uvuauWA'-v. iMwaywy-w Charity. They have fiftgU gHmd- The Duplin School Improvement Committee win nom it s secona meeting at B. F. Grady school on Wednesday March 12 at 6:30 p.m. This will be a dutch supper meet ing with plates at $1.00 each. En tire committees of each school in the county are urged to be pres ent. G. B. Phillips, -dean of the school of Educations of the Uni versity of N. C. will speak on School Board 'Ethics. Dr. Hurlburt and possibly others from the Uni versity will be present. The Executive Committee will meet at Grady school at 3:30 p. m. Attend Mardi Gras New Orleans Jimmy. Norrls of Klnston, Alfon zo Qulnn, U. S. -Army, Ft. Jackson, Raybourne Kennedy, Beasley Jones and Lloyd Rhodes, all of Beulavllle have returned from the French Mardi Gras celebration in New Or leans, La. Jody Ralnwatejr. cemedkn, also The Foggy Mountain Boys Quartet. Come out and support your Sen ior Class as well as enjoying an evening of good old time music and fun. Of Arrow March 7, 8, 9 representative attendance. All Or der of the Arrow members in this area are entitled to attend the ses sions of this State Fellowship Pro gram. : In addition to routine business to be transacted at the State meet ing, there will be degree work put on in all of the Order of the Ar row honors. The Ordeal Honor will be exemplified by the Order & Telegraph Co. In Carolina Telephone bled. '..'. h Company, had sssem- When installation of the 100, 000th telephone was completed, J. T. Creech, Rocky Mount manager for the Carolina Company introduc ed L. W. Hill, President of the com pany to the creup. ; ' Hill spoke riefly before Intro ducing Mr. Ellen, the company's 100,000th subscriber, to the guests and visitors. - After thanking the telephone company and, expressing ma pleasure on tne occasion, Ellen -'""I a ' "t call ta la-' NO. 10 $5,000 A. M. Pullen and Company, aud iting company of Raleigh, this week turned in its summary audit of thai office of 'Duplin County Treasurer. It will be recalled that last year a shortage was discovered in the of fice of treasurer and deputy sheriff Nicholson resigned. Sheriff Ralph) Jones is treasurer of Duplin Coun ty. The Board of Commissioners immediately ordered a complete audit of the office. County auditor Faison McGowen discovered the shortage and in his audit made prior to Pullen and his figures re vealed exactly the same as did the auditing company's figures except for a difference of one cent. The Board of County Commis sioners acted at once when they were advised of the shortage. They have done all In their power, un der the law and the matter now rests with the district soiocitor Wal ter Britt as to whether and indict ments or prosecutions will be made. The citizens of the county are very anxious about this case and it is supposed that Solicitor Britt will make a presentment to the grand jury which meets In April. The Commissioners on receiving the copy of the audit ordered it turned over to Solicitor Britt with the following letter: March 3, 1952 Hon. Walter Britt, Solicitor, Sixth Judicial District, Turkey, N. C. Dear Solicitor Britt: Herewith we hand you copy of reports on discrepancies in coun ty funds. This audit was made by A. M. Pullen and Company, Certi fied Public Accountants. If there is anything else that the Board of County Commissioners should do in this connection, please advise. With best wishes ,we are. Sincerely yours, (s) L. P. Wells, Chairman (s) Dallas Jones (s) Arthur Kennedy (s) A. C. Hall (s A. P. Cates Attest: A. T. Outlaw, Clerk. Following is the audit as sub mitted by Pullen and Company, It speaks for itself : The Board of Commissioners, Duplin County Kenansville, Korth Carolina Gentlemen: This Special Report is being ren dered preliminary to our full report on audit of DUPLIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA covering the two years ended June 30, 1951, but will be combined in the full re port as an appendage. This Special Report only deals with funds uaaccounted for and not only covers the audit of the two years but also extends to August 3, 1951, the date we made a cut-off for the determination of a com plete accounting for all county funds excluding the Clerk of Sup erior Court and the Board of Edu cation. We found discrepancies as des cribed below: Ralph J. Jones, Treasurer: Collection of taxes turned over to the Treasurer for which he issued receipts to the Tax Col lector but not accounted for by the Treasurer. $357.79 (Summary of the transactions making up this shortage is given in accompanying Exhibit "A") Shortage in Petty Cash Fund as shown by accompanying Exhibit "B" 433.58 Total Unaccounted For by Treasur er $4,091.37 Ralph J. Jones, Sheriff: CONTINUED ON BACK Honored of the Arrow Lodge of Tuscarora Council, the Brotherhood Honor will be put on by the Lodge from Cherokee Council at Reidsville, and the Vigil Honor will be put on by Vigil Honor members throughout the State. The meeting will get underway on Friday Afternoon, March 7th, at 3 pjn., when registra tions start Registration fee for the Continued On Back Warsaw's Big Man Dies . Fred A. MoKinney. 42 year old ' white man, died suddenly in bis , trailer in Warsaw Monday night MoKinney went to Warsaw with the carnival last fall and decided to remain in town throughout the winter months. He and his wife . lived in a trailer. He was sud denly stricken Monday night and died In a few minutes. He was al- ... most a curiosity in town. He was I. a large frame man weighing over . 400 pounds. His chest measure ment across, not around, was 32 twr - A fecial casket bad 'to--lei f him. r was fcen.to , C".r t, a. for turU, i ;':

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