CrEdoCaMwdtCMkuiy! la an atmosphere thick with fly lng cok bottles end brandished cue "ticks, on a Sunday BUM a Juke Joint near Charity, Henry Eemon Cair wis alleged by e itate to have thot and killed John Edgar CarrolL' 1b Superior Court wbea ha came la. He Shot Into Um crowd to break It up trying to getaway. After a consultation, the defense changed K plea to man aUugbter. The defendant was sen tonced to three years, aentenca sua peaded, and be waa placed oa pro bation if be would pay the sum of 1500 ana eons, we money w here this week the state charged jaguuinento tofam- eecono oearw anuw, - - - y of aeao man. entered a plea of not guilty. At tornya for the defendant, Rivera Johnson and Walker Stevens, brought out on cross mhuiobi the fact that the defendant had come Into the place to get a coke. that a gang of men were fighting 7a t'rewbottles at the defendant In the case of the State verws William MaCalop, the defendant .... tABoit ruinv , OI I1IUUI IU- vrv MaCalop on the 28th of October, 1961. -His attorneys, Vance Gavin ana ai entered a pie of 2nd degree mur der, and the defendant was sen tenced to serve M yean at hard labo " The . last vuraer caae on Amn MiMidar for the first week was that of tfae State versus John ny James who was tuegea nave killed Willie James weu on we um. , AnmaL 1951. The defenae .t..ot nut evidence that there was heavy annsang iu vu, a fight had ensued, and the de fendant was sentenced to 15 years at hard labor. Judge Grady Holding Court THIS weer wexi . .'.' ii lit- Lilt 4 Wi US r.:?AR PRODUCTS 'Cone in and have us get your Madv for summer an Vina. We'll flush and clean the radiator . . . install a fresh oil fitter element . . . check fan belt, radiator hose, and thermostat. Remember, we use MoPa parts genuine Chrysler CorpWtoB parts engineered $pteiaUy for .Plymouth. Dodge, De Soto, Chrysler cars. C& yssr csr tai tatty! Service Motor Co. DESOTO PLYMOUTH SALES & SERVICE In' Kenansville The April term of superior court convened on Monday, April 7th, with Judge Henry Grady presiding. Solicitor Walter Britt presented a full docket of cases to the court. The first Jury case was that of Frank Herring indicted by the lower court on five counts of pos sessing, manufacturing, end aiding and abetting the manufacture of illegal non tax-paid liquor. At torney L. A. Wilson appeared for the defense. The jury found him guilty on two counts, and the, court sentenced him to 86 month in iail to work on roads, the sentence suspended, and the defendant placed on five years probation with a fine of $250.00 and costs. Among other cases disposed of were Walter Respass, charged with breaking and entering, evidence was introduced that he "Just stum bled in while drunk", and he wa fined SS0.00 and costs. The case of fcart unerry naa & new ancle. He was charged with operating a horse-drawn vehicle while intoxicated, vance uavin iTroeared for the defense. The defendant was given a six months usoended sentence tna put under five years probation to remain so- hw .' Simon Chasten .accusea oz as sault with a dangerous weapon. waa given a six month suspended sentence and fined $100,000. The divorce action of Polly Lane Taylor from Rufus Farrior Taylor on the grounds of two years separa tion was uncontested .and grant ed. that the defendant had baa robbed, and that Hugh Marlowe had re paid the money be bad extraotea from the defendant when be was drunk at barbecue stand. The verdio) not guilty. The court aagournea unxu mod day. April Mto. Helen uunaan, uwn ii f i, 1 ' -': -::: - jiaamBBBBBBaaBBBBMy, Assault with intent to kill was the charge against Willie. Jr., White. He was released upon pay ment of $100.00-and costs. Oases 3793 and 3794 were con cerned with James McCalop and Katie Mac Henderson both charg ed with fornification and adultery. They entered a plea of guilty and were given a suspended sentence of 18 months in Jail, and put on probation for five years and told to stay away from each other. Leslie Devaun pied guuty to a charge of larceny of a $2300 Ford Station Wagon, and was sentenced to SO davs on road. There were severaa cases in volving careless and reckless driv ing, drunken driving, operating a car unuer vae lnnuence ox uquur. Rivers Johnson appeared as at torney for the, defense in the case of Earjl Flavis 6troud, charged with careless and1 reckless driving. verdict, not guilty. Tfae court sus tained the Judgement entered by Judge. Phillips in the case of Her man Thompson, and he was fined $150.00 and costs. Carl Basden, charged with public drunkenness and property damage drew 12 months sentence suspended upon payment of $190.00 to Roy Dunn. William Mathis was found guilty of careless and reckless driving, and sentence was suspended upon pay ment of $40.00 and costs to Mrs. Viola Quinn. Dallas Lorenzo Sit ter charged with operating' under the influence bad bis driving li cense suspended and was fined $100.00. Alfred F. Coston charged with bit and run driving was sea-J MRS. DEBBIE AIKENS PIGFORD Mrs. Debbie Aikens Pigford, age 80, widow of the late W. S. Pigford died at the home of her daughter Mrs. James Hall near Kenansville e.rly Tuesday morning after hav ing been in declining health for the past eight years and two weeks of serious illness. Uv,'?v ' ; funeral services were held Wed nesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock evaded that neither death, nor life, nor angles, nor principalities, nor powers .nor - things present', nor things to come, nor height, aor depth, nor any other creature, snau be aoie to separate us irorn ue love of God. which ia in Christ Jesus." , Romans 8:38-39. . . Lions To Help Kids Play Ball - The Lions Club of Kenansville met Wednesday evening, April 9th, at 730 at Roscoe Jones Cafe. Lions Craft, Phillips, Kelly, Bell, Jack son, Weeks, McPhail, McOullen, uraay, Nicholson, McKay, Jones, aeon, Keynoias, sowden and In gram were present and Z. W. Fra- zelle reported. . Lion Pot Craft presided. Since the secretary was at the home of Mrs. Hall by Rev. absent, the minutes were dispen- K. D. Brown of Burgaiw and Kev.'sea witn. rot craft introduced the Lloyd Vernon of Mt Olive. Burial was in the Golden Grove Cemetery in Kenansville. She is survived by two daught ers, Mrs. James Hall of Kenansville Mrs. Estol Hudson of Clinton, two sons Charlie Martin of Wallace and Lee Martin of Rose Hill. Thirteen 'grand children, and "ev en great grand children. The case of Wfllto LP)tenced to for 15 morfth, to Jr, charged by .the state wtthi BeatllM!t -aH- assault on a Imic wa o'15", ed alMl pi 'on probation for 5 with the dmonitlB J'J-M years defendant to pay costs and tenced to 09 year in the peniten tary ' Raymond Kornegay, charged with carnal knowledge, was given a sus pended sentence upon paynwuv vj $150.00 for the usa. ad;baeflt of Parsed Johnny How ard Evans on two counts of lar ceny and receiving. The cottt or dered that the. two cases be m iSdated and that the defendant oentenced to 18 months on the road. . '.... . , ioooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o AIKCIIIG.... The Qiange In Name Of . JOHN M. LWTLE, JEWELERS B. F.H0ARK "KINSTON'S LEADING SILVERSMITH" KINSTON'S ONLY AUTHORIZED DEALER For The Following SUverware TOWLE KEEJJ-BAKTUJN WALLACE , K1TIK WATSON LUNT We Are Also Authorized Dealers For The Following Gorham Heirloom ' International Come in and hold a piece otafir ' - f" n ; 8 m I, : o l I ' 0 , - o O i . o . () I oil V'v ' . - .... Jjj,. . WAX STERLING iiv your hand O O o o a 3 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e Q o o renair biH. Kenneth Tlfanan, a veteran of three years service, pled his own case of larceny by trickery and fraud. The accusing witness did aot bring out on questioning that the defendant had paid a down payment of $550.00, or that the car bad been repossessed, and claimed aa amount of $1050.00 still due. When new evidence waa dis closed' by the attorneys 'who were called In after the Jury had ren dered a verdict of guilty, Norwood Bonev and W. E. Craft, the court sentenced the defendant to Jail for five years, sentence not to be come operative if he paid costs and sum of $450.00 to Duplin Motors. and op condition that be leave the state witnin so days ano . not re turn for ten years. The Jury rendered a verdtct of not guilty in the case of Eddie Lee Smith charged with the possession of non-tax paid whiskey and trans- Dartins non-tax paid whiskey. They evidently agreed with the defense attorney that it would be hard for the state's witness to smell whiskey at a distance of 150-200 yards .: .'w"v;it... ,; '' The last case tried by the court .before it adjourned was one of the most interesting. Jeff Alphin and his son, J. D. Alphin, Jr., were ac cused bv the state of assault end larceny . The attorney for the de fense Rorwood Bonev. introduced evidence that completely refuted the testimony of Mr. Marlowe, the witness for the state, who charged that the defendants bad robbed him of $130.00 and beaten him, that he was sober while the young defendant wee drunk. Hds story iuiTid as he told it each time. The defense 'Introduced evidence Never Underestimate CONTINUED FROM FRONT ' informed, they r know quite well how to vote to assure the death of earountlon on the local, state and national level, and how to cut through the red bane that political machines nave set up to get w w facts. From the initial devotions con ducted by the Reverend J. T. Hay- ter, Jr., of Kenansville to the con cluding address by the Reverend R. C. Klontz of Hickory, the same theme echoed and re-echoed. From the County achievement report to the impressive resolutions unan imously adopted, you knew these women had a program, a long range plan, and they have no in tention of being dissuaded from their devout purposes.! Let me give you an example of what they have already done. These 'women rec ognizing that the happiness of the home denends on well-adjusted family relttkms, a sunny emotion al climate, formed a aunuy we and community council, devoted three montlw to programs dealing with family relations, held teen age panel discussions, insisted that they be provided with a .ner son trained la child-welfare t and go her. Feeling the need for a deep- er, cultural background m their homes, these women are studying music appreciation, demanding mu sic education in their public schools, and are themeelve parti cipating in music, forming -groups like cne Dupim county vlujc, Choir with its 45 members. You think these women are dis satisfied. You bet they are. Just examine one of the resolutions ttiey passed. "Therefwe, be it resolved! wax we siuoy am uie oooumwi nor our county, state and national w- ficee and exercise our mi Mien ce to eo to. the noils and vote." These women love their homes and their State and heir country. And to them me State motto "To be ratti er than to seem" means that ixeiH eHy. Note this well, gentlemen, and be prepared for a relentless scrutiny of your recora in oaice. speaker, Mrs. Helen Caldwell Cushman who spoke on the need for organized play for young peo ple in our town. She asked the Lions to help the local boys clear haseball field at the re;r of the Bowden house.' They have already done as much as they can without some help in equipment to fill in rough spots in the infield. Mrs. cushman read "Casey at the Bat" The Lions moved to get behind the Kenansville kids and help them develop & baseball team and get the diamond ready. Lion Mc Phail told the club that he had helped the boys, and confirmed the -need for help, and suggested that the lions might help boys organize a, team to play ia the American - Legion . League. A committee composed of Lions Mc Phail, Bowden and Elmore Bell was appointed to investigate and report back at next meeting, and was aathorized to buy wire for a backstop. r- . "v., - Our Death Continued From Front cross.' -' OBaster satisfies the deenest longings and highest aspirations of the human soul. The rewec- tion Is the b3si8 of an inextinguish able hope, and . a blessed assurance that ."This corruptible must put on in corruption, and this mortal must put on immortality." (1 Cor. 154.) ; . ',v;v?':;:-;."'' Easter confirms the conviction that love, love of God, and love of those "whom we have loved , and lost for awhile," is something im presbable which , the ravages of time and the annihilation of space need not affect; "For I am per- Rambling in Duplin CONT1NUKB FROM FRONT M much they were anxious to see When we. got there they want ed co get out, out I mew better, knowing how they like swimming. They are anxious for not weather to get here so they can go back. We toured the town of Rose Hill, and the yard are beautiful with the iris, tulips, azaleas, hyaclntiia, dogwoods and other flowers la full bloom. Rose Hill is rapidly build ing and it -boasts two new church es. ' Mount Zioa - Presbyterian Church waa burned last year but the people were not defeated. Toe members got busy and rebuilt it The church is built of split face Ohio sandstone in the traditional Gothic Style of Scottish pariah churches. It is located on a cor ner lot end is lovely with its ever green shrubery and Beautiful green grass. The other churches in Rose H11L Methodist and (Baptist, are outstanding too. On the way Rome we rode by my old home place, a farm between Rose Hill and Magnolia. What wonderful memories flashed to my mind as I looked over- the snacious fields and the bouse where I was bora, xnere nave neen a number of changes made. I could still remember picking violets on .. . . . a i t j i 1.1.- at cuica vanss. iwai uv iuiuvb. playing bide land seek in the pea fielda and watermelon patches, and I tried to dress up in high heel shoes and pkny "torn boy" all at the same time. J can ten you aum i work. You see, Icllmbed on top of a tobacco barn, with high heels on, and fell off . I had no serious Injuries, Just got the wits scared out of me and it definitely taught me a lesson. What a wonderful time one can. have on a farm. ; When we' got home the children and I had had an enjoyable trip. .- 1 enjoyed having them go with me, because they noticed things that I wouldn't have and made me appreciate them more. , Ordinary superphosphate, a val uable fertilizing material, has been manufactured in the United States for over 100 years. v II. Til turn it slowly aronnd '7 nd see lt Ut shew yea WtlUes S:."' " ' riiyHimta v " r" "l "t ' that fa "Rose Poiirt.1 Ut as a yoe &m, I ' wo lowly paHMns. silver Hi syrebegtss y : F . i ' t . ' - - A "IB.;.?. .:(.. I I oil o ' , 'iLin REMEMBER- YE ARE AGEUTS FOR ( -'? f- '" ?:.' I'M' mm FARMERS YHO USE, TIIEM U B SUPPLIERS TO TIIS FAKSIESS )' FRESH VANDA ORCHIDS FOR YOUR EASTER JUST FLOWN FROM HAWAII ,With Each Purchase Of $1.00 Or Mow Worth Of Any End Of Merchandise You Get One Of These Beautiful Orchids FREE. SATURDAY ONLY. DONT FORGET OUR REXALL 1 CEtIT SALE, Next Wed. Thurs Fri., Sat, AprL 16, 17, 18, 19 BREWER DRUG COMPANY Prescriptions FiUed By Registered Druggist Pink Hill, II. C. ANNOUNCEMENT To The Voters 0( Duplin County: I Hereby Announce My Candidacy For The Board Of Education Of Duplin County If nominated and elected I pledge to represent all schools impar tially in the county to the best of my ability. Your vote and support will be appreciated. LEIUEG. . : flic Ml t r ,f-Mf w i . 1 V''.''':'',J.''V'':i' V " '-o- Lioncy, uonovwmomyiiQrQ .V.f. J.ifjisp!'! if ra.V rXT.--. it : ..4,. ' "f-- Y-,-.. . . -.,-4 ' au not a dm 01 vasn vvut ncea 11; " v;'.. &Sm&mk "rrAlmost everyone pays by check. xne uome ui uooa uaiiaTiif.';v;t'-T"-'.:-:r',. i...i.riiv,f,a, a, v. a, ty i ' X 'I.

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