I! !: j Crete 0:!:cr Y;VCA At Ecist CcreS Ina For 52-53 C:.:"IV3LbE L April 10 Helen i Grace Laker of Kenansville has been eeted to the presidency of the TWCA at East Carolina College and will direct activities of the orgsnlgzatkm during the ' 1892-53 ft termv " ".. "' ? Miss Baker, a junior at (be col- lege, was a cabinet member of the i TWCA this year and headed work among freshmen members of the organization. .,- i . Chosen to serve with her as ,. . TWCA officers nest year are Jove ? Gurley Qoldsboro .vice-president; t Aum uiiucti vncuvuu, secretary; Mrs. II. L Pippin Hostess To Garden Club Mrs. H. L. Pippin entertained theorange poppies; a modern design members of the Kenansville Gar den Club with a delicious buffet 1 dinner at her home, Glory JH111 farm, on Monday night, April 28. A Her entire bouse was beautifully ; necoratea wun spring uowers and , red rose buds cut from her gar- I After dinner, the club held Its regular meeting. The president, Mrs. Vance Gavin presided. Mrs. H. L. Pippin, gave a full report 1 Of the work of the court house project committee, and presented a blue print for prospective fu sr tore planting. -. ' The guest speaker, Mrs. H. W. i 8toulars, of Rich Square, gave a ; most instructive and interesting j-talk on flower arrangements. . She Uloitrated her talk with several arrangements and. compositions a stunning oriental- composition using a tall green candle, pecan branches, a porcelain figurine, and - red roses; an arrangement of five Iris leaves and three shaded pur ; pie tulips; a colorful and gay ar- rangement of pome granite buds , and flowers with yellow Iris and For RE-ROOFIIIG RE-SIDING METAL WEATHER STRIPPING .:'V.'-:"V''"'':;''"-:"';" : rv'lft'V;'!'.-vv:'i'v';,'?":-l.''. ' ., Home InsuUUoiv roof eoatlnrs for your old roof. We have sapett mechanics to make installations sccordlnf to mann ; faotarert specifications..- i '' - ' ' We re-roof over wood shlndesL ; ; i: Call ns for large or small Jobs , Brookbank Insulating & Roofing Co. Phones 2608-1081 oooooooooooooooooooooooot o J. .J s un mm :; for Sure - 8 S:lisfcction o o o 8 o o o o o o o o o Tea, yes eact trust our i - i 1 factorily find and eliminate that rough spot in your motor. Come around any yonH be pleased wltti oar skilled, rapid service . f ,' ear fair prices. i - v u ' XT&chOdtor Co- MT. OLIVE, N.C. "'' o ccroocw ooooooooooooooo T03ACC0 MiSPLAllTERS . ' -i.:".. .-. -.;-v - - We now bare in stock Ellis mounted pick np type trans rUaters for John Deere-Mr Farmall Super "A", Ford, and lergasoti Tractors. The runner is the floating type most de .(fred by, fluwen wmbein. Ki , . , , : t"' ';.-.:. "v. '''- H.. '$r .Vf'.i' ' , For the tobacco grower who wants, to plant with a team, we t vrm the well known Bemls Transplanter which also haf the Loarmmer. . ; , re ns for John Deere Tractor and Eqnlpmeat and Tractor Included In ear slock of used equipment we have: -Jehn Deere B , ".rfMe Eartto . '1-Case VA: Tractor ' 'X? " f-- ., ,i,itAad A' Good Selection' Of Biding Cultivators r Ceme la To See Us The Next Time You Are In Clinton. 4 . t, -s E!::!;J President and Janle Parker, Dunn, treasurer. Twelve committee chairmen have been appointed as cabinet members of the YWOA and wlU be leaders In the program to be carried out during ' school year. They are Anne taune, Sausoury; Anne John son, Goldsboro; Edith Mangum, Rocky Mount: Jane Kanoy. Thom- asville, Alice Jackson, Godwin- Nora Mills, Winnabow; Lena Tay lor, Sea Level; Marilyn Walking, &.eniy; Jjuian jaayes,, uoitjsDoro; Anne Slier, Slier City; and Ramona Outlaw, Kinston. using barberry and driftwood and three yejlow lilies; a massed ar rangement m a white goblet of larkspur, phlox, ins and many smal ler flowers, and one using a narrow necked bottle with a Hogarth curve formed by scotch broom with sev eral galax leaves and three red tu lips. She concluded her talk with these words, "It will not be -an easy diversion and, in your con stant and intense search for beau ty you "will be sure 'to see truth and to build some philosophy of life. - ' Mrs." Pippin's guests Included the speaker Mrs.. H. W. Stoulars. Mrs. Vance Gavin, Mrs. J. R. Grady, miss Martna ficiceu, Miss Margaret Williams, Mrs. Jack JSiterson, Mrs. Robert HolUngsworth, '.Mia. Leo Jackson, Mrs. Ella Pickett. Mrs. Carolina Gavin, Mrs; J. Wallace, Mrs. O. R. Daii, Mrs. Norman Cush- man, Mrs.'' Louise Mitchell, Mrs. Jomory sacuer, ana Mrs. jraison Mc- Gowan. Clinton, N. C. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o expert mechanics to satis- time V. It's a sore bet Tractors ' i - 1 ,-r a - .IV mm. incwn t . Pony .Tractor Personals .'. Mrs. J. E. Jerritt of New Bern was a guest of several friends in Kenansville last week. . She spent one day with Mrs. Norwood Boney, a night with Mrs. Perry Dobson, and the next day with Mrs. C. R. Sittenmn - -.-.,.' - v-- : : -.',. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Murphy were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Faison Smith at Albertson. Mrs. Norwood Boney attended the U.D.C. meeting Thursday at . Mrs. j. R. Grady entertained her mother, Mrs. Park Pridgen of War saw, and her sister, Mrs. H. W. Shoulars of Rich Square, over the week end. Mrs. Shoulars was the guest speaker at the meeting of the Kenansville Garden ciun on Mon day night. She is a well known judge at flower shows and came here from judging the Spring flow er show at Norfolk. Virginia. : v Mrs- Andrew Patterson attend ed the beauty college convention in Wilson Sunday and Monday. ,: Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Bowden and Mr, and Mrs. James L. Tucker spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hiott In Charleston, South Carolina. . The Reverend A. H. wood, Mr. Z. W. Frazelle, Mr. W. McPhaiL Mr. MoCullen, Mr. J.-R. Grady and the Reverend J.T, Hayter, Jr., left Fri day for a deep sea fishing trip from Morehead City. ' , Gibson Lanier, now stationed at Fort Bennlng, Ga., visited friends in Kenansville Monday. Mrs. Parker Qulnn. Mrs. Roy Sanderson. Miss Ruth Sanderson, Mr. Manly Kornegay and Glenn Kornegay , visited relatives . in Greensboro last week end. Mrs. Vance Gavin left Wednes day for Raleigh for a meeting of the State Hospital Board of which she is secretary. Young Society Mrs. Dorothy Sellers, aand her son. Master William Sellers, of Shalotte, were week end guests of the Rudolph Hastys. (Miss Shirley Tyndall of East Carolina College visited her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Tyndall, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gooding, Jr., of State College, and their son, Giiy,r III, arrived Friday for a visit with Mrs. Guy Gooding and Mrs. Nonnan cushman. v.-Mr. J. G. Alphln. HI. and Mr. Stephen Gooding were Sunday vis itors at Beaufort. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Booth of Murfreesboro and Mrs. J. H. Booth of Rose Hill spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Booth. Miss Katie Mae Qulnn visited her brother, Willard Qumn in Wal lace over the week end. . While away she enjoyed a fishing trip, and reported a good catch. Mrs. H. D. McKay went t oFay- etteville on Saturday and spent the week end with Mr. McKay's family in Sanford. Miss Jeanne Tyndall arrived on Saturday for a visit with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Tyndall. v-'Mr.' and Mrs Charles Guthrie, Jr.; spent Sunday In Clinton. - Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Smith and their children, Miss Cheryl Smith and Master Stephen Smith, of Fay etteville, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Gilbert Honeycutt and Mrs. Guy Gooding. ' v Miss Kathryn Qulnn spent -the week end with Miss Lib Waters in Rose Hill . . K. HA Class The Kenansville High School graduating class of 1927 held their annual reunion at the Kenansville Cafe, on Friday evening, Aprl 25, MJ32. ., . . .; Those attending were Mrs. Wil bur Adams, Miss Margaret Wil liams, Miss Mary Lee Sykes. Miss Viola Westbrook, Mrs. Maggie Lou- Kornegay, Mr. ana Mrs. Ellis Ves tal, Mr. and Mrs. D. F, Chambers and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ingram. Barbecue chicken -was served, and the. class enjoyed a delightful social hour. '. : Women's Club; Meets The Kenansville Woman's Club met Thursday afternoon, April 24. It fcW - " " ." ,'aea 1 1 1 ' nnnrm mm ..... Joanna Carter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C. Carter, Jr., of Rose Hill, is the first child from Duplin County to be admitted to Warm Springs. Joanna Is - nine years old, and has two brothers, one eight, the other ten, who did not contract polio when she did. She is the daughter of a tenant farmer who would not have been able to afford this very expensive treatment for his daughter. Her admission was arranged through the Duplin County Chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis.;v-v J:-..-..;. Joanna was stricken with polio in the epidemic of 1950. Paralysis set in on the second day. She was hospitalized at the Carolina Con valescent Hospital at Greensboro, being sent there immediately udoii diagnosis. She was released from there in July, 1991, after a stay of eleven and a half months. Jo anna is In the third grade in school, ana ner mina is keen and obser vant. She laughs a lot, is a very nappy cnua., and in mite of her affliction , is never moody or de presses ;- (.-. . When Mrs. Edna K. Stroud of the JDupun county Chapter of the Foundation visited her about ad mittance to Warm Springs, Joanna was Jubilant exclaiming that she would be glad to stay there six years If she could get better. In the 600 mile ride she did not com plain once although the other mem bers were very tired. - Both of her parents accompanied her to Warm Springs as well as Mrs. Stroud who had made most of the arrangements. Every effort Is made to make the narents ram. fortable, and Mr. and Mrs. Carter were delighted with the place. It cost about fifteen dollars a day plus treatment fees to keep a child at this Foundation made famous hv our late President Roosevelt. Many of the staff have been victims of the disease, and have stayed on to neip otners. When Joanna left, her right arm was beginning to show symptoms of paralysis. Since her admittance the first of April, two minor operations have been arranged, and her mother left last week to be with her. The Lost Opportunity Using the 21st chapter of Mat thew, 33-46 as a text, the Reverend J..T. Hayter. Jr.. delivered a stir ring sermon entitled "The Lost Op- ff&'J 9 PbZ ST."" . ounuay, Apru a. three from Wallace, and one each VIZ ftLh,ta meseet wa thaJ from Magnolia, Kenansville, Beu- ..' ''"''"" laviUe, Calypso, Chinquapin, and gives us opportunities over and Teachey "Pi" 5!Tally tis Satie"c? 13 There' are nine freshmen, one ufd'2dPPrtn'ty's taken sophomore, three Juniors, and from us. Those talents we have, three seniors !infiVfn,i.ih0.Se( adY.aniaSes- tne Representing Warsaw are Gra posltion In life into which we have ham phlllipS s0 o Mr. and Mrs. been put are all to be used for a A. phlUips; Carol Carlton, dau f?? elM w? sha to" them.! ghter Mr. and Mrs. E. R.'Cari. Our abilities confer an obligation ton. Gege Bennett, son of Mr. to use those abilities for the bene-;and Mrs. George Bennett; and Da fit of. mankind. It reminded me vld Hugh Carlton, son of Mr. and of those words of the Quaker mis-1 Mrs D H Carlton sionary, Etlenne de GreHet X. From Rose Hill are Charles . "I shaU pass through this world ;Hawes, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. but once. If therefore, there be Hawes; Ella Mae Starling, daughter ki?neSTS 1 ? S?T' ,rJan1X of Mr. and Mrs. M.G.. Starling; and 1 " , nre a uw, ivi ine nm aeier h or negieci it, for 'I shall not pass this way again. at the Lodge, building. The pres ident, Mrs. Ruby Newton pre sided. Mrs. Carolina Gavin was In charge of the program. Mrs. H. L. Pippin of Magnolia gave a most interesting talk on "Plants in the Bible.' A large number of members attended the meeting. , :, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having this day Qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of J. R. Miller, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned duly verified, on or nerore tne zatn day of April, 1953 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate settlement This the 29th day of April, 1952. J. R. THOMAS, Administrator 3. R. MILLER, estate 8-5-6T. Aji. f If you've saved out too manv beef bulls, sort out the ones that don't plan out right and put them in tne ieea lot they'll do about as well as the castrated calves. If a farmer wants to get the besd returns rrom nis lambs, he has to keep them growing and gaining steadily. ;.. - . IGIVE NEW BEAUTY YOURvWORN' FURNITURE, ' .'i . j : SIM I Dras mem In gay colon with. Titer t 'ipsr losmet oukt thtmuefultddi. V Hons to -yon home, One coat will -fmt oil enamel surfaces solidly i ' i f UJy to lon-IiMting; mur-re After The above photos show little put on and treatment started (on fsom the Carolina Convalescent Hospital in Greensboro. Health Dept. Officials Attend TB Meet Dr. John F. Powers- and Mrs. Ruby Kornegay of the Duplin Coun-i ty iieann uepariment attenaea tne Mrs. Norwood Boney Mrs. Norwood Boney entertained the members of her bridge club at a dessert bridge Wednesday after noon, April 23. Mrs. J. E. Jerritt of New Bern was a special guest, and received a visitor's prize. The Mrs. A. G. Brinson Mrs. A. G. Brinson celebrated her birthday with a barbecue din ner last week. Among those pres ent to honor Mrs. Brinson were Mr. and Mrs. Augdon Brinson of Wal lace, Miss Janice Ann Brinson of Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bos- Sixteen Duplin County Students Are Enrolled At Wake Forest College Wake Forest, N. C, April 25th Sixteen students from Duplin County are among the approxi mately 1700 men and women en rolled at Wake Forest College this Warsaw? three torn Rd fflii year. Of this group are four from Morris Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brown Students from Wallace are John I. Durham; Curtis Knowles, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Knowles; and Bettie Blanchard, daughter of Mr. GoSdsboro Stores The following Goldsboro merchants call your attention to their closing hours oh Wednesdays at 1 p. m. These stores close on Wednesday after noons ... as most stores in North Carolina close on Wednesday afternoons during the summer months. MOST GOLDSBORO STORES Close at 1 p. m. on Wednesdays as elsewhere in North Carolina. Read this list and plan your shopping accordingly: CREECH'S, INC. , -FURNITURE RICHARDS JEWELERS NEIL JOSEPH'S LADIES SHOP . ISAACS-CASTEEII ROGERS GOLDSBORO'S FRIENDLY JEWELERS HEILIG - MYERS FURNITURE J .1. ft m Before Joanne Carter when braces were left) and after she was released State T. B. meeting at the Sir Walter Hotel in Raleigh, Friday, April zs. Bridge Club Hostess hostess observed the birthday of Mrs. Bess Hines presenting her with a remembrance. Mrs. Ella Pickett won the high score. Mrs. Boney served strawberry shortcake and iced tea for refreshments. Honored At Dinner tic, and their daughter, Miss Elna Fay Bostic. of Dobson Chapel, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Nazelrod of Ken (ansville, Mrsl Robert Dyson of New Bern, N. C, and Mr. Grover Bostic of New Bern. All present nad a most enjoyable tune. and Mrs. N. P. Blanchard. Other students from the county are James Earl Quinn, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Quinn of Mag nolia; Gilbert Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Smith of Ken ansville; Bemell Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ottis Miller of Beula- ville; Hervy B. Kornegay. Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Kornegay of Calypso; Norman Aycock, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Aycock of Chinquapin; and Harold Wells, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wells of Teachey. Quinn, Hawes, Miller, and Korn egay are planning careers in medi cine; Smith, Wells and Bennett in business; Durham, Knowles, and Aycock in the ministry; Carlton in banking; Miss Carlton in journal ism; Miss Starling and Brown in teaching; Phillips in law; and Miss Blanchard in Science. A number of the students are ac tive in various organizations on the campus. Aycock is a member of the Cul lom Ministerial Conference. Is cha plain of the Euzelian Literary So ciety, and is a student assistant in M ' JL the library, . Miss Blanchard Is a student as sistant In Johnson Dormitory and is a member of Mrs. J. B. Hipps' Sunday School Class.- wells is vice-president of the Society for Advancement of Man agement, newly organized business organization, and holds the office of junior warden In Delta Sigma Pi. international honorary business fraternity. Miss Carlton is on the business staff of Old Gold and Black, stud ent newspaper, and is also affiliat ed with the Youjiz Women's Aux iliary and the Women's Recreation Association. Bennet is a' staff announcer on WFDO, college radio station, and is a pledge of Alpha Sigma Phi, social fraternity. Knowles is affiliated with the Cullom Ministerial Conference. Kornegay is associated with Al pha PMi Omega, national scout service fraternity, and is a pledge of Sigma Chi, social fraternity. Smith is a pledge of Theta Chi, social fraternity, 4nd Brown js also a member of the same fra ternity. (AHilED GOODS SMiVpltowOe CANN9 FRUITS Lnd VEGETABLES, ts Mothers Day & Graduation Day Gift Headquarters Since 1859 DIAMOND RINGS and WATCHES ALWAYS A GOOD CHOICE GIDDEN'S North Carolina's Oldest Jewelers 135 S. Center St. Goldsboro III FOR DEPENDABLE Used Cars SEE Goldsboro Motor I ni si w I 0 i uompany I GOLDSBORO, N. C. j DODGE PLYMOUTH DEALER LIAKE YOUR NEXT ONE TUB NEW DISSTOM DA-211 CHAIN SAW ' Wood cut faster faster than ever before, ' With less backache and strain. That's what the Hew 9 hp Intermediate Disston Chain ; Saw does for you. Powered by the Mercury gasoline engine . . . it's light in weight, but built to take it. Has all the power you need for day-in, day-out cutting. The new Disston t has many superb features magnesium cast ings, float-feed carburetor, automatic clutch, v. automatic chain oiler, service-proved power head. Capacities from 2 to 7 ieet. rnces start at $ Get your free demonstration today. On your Own place if you prefer. No obligation, of ik course. '' Durham Is associated with the Philomathesian Literary Society and Phillips is a pledge of Sigma Phi EpUson, social fraternity. Carlton is connected with Alpha Phi. 5& ?, CANVAS AWNINGS Protect against tl sun without hindrance to .re freshing breezes. Make your home degrees cooler. Delight the eye with the charm of harmonizing color. A con plete line of modern styles w ( designs from which to choo;t Call us today. Estimates with out obligation. Carolina Awning & Tent Mfg. Co. Rocky Mount, N. C. Phone 1859 it yr J Gcofr Machine Co. - CLINTON, N. C. . ' ' ,- ' 1 I ! c.

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