f o o o o s o o o o o o o o o o o o o ' I fci w fc-J ib-si bw4 i4 ; HAIL L'iSUXE , ; FOR TOUR TOBACCO t DIAL H88 . 104 W. GOBDON ST. X ine t rea m. xayior Agency -Kinston , i ''.T-'.4ifS,.fi ,oia ttenirVsNX 4 tj fit' iffr & ''V' . . . Have Tomorrow By Saving TODAY!- A savings account started today will start dreams walking your way. Each weekly deposit brings them closer and closer until . . . you are living in your own home or even owning a business. Start a saving account today. First -Citzens Bank & Trust Company , PIIIK HILL, II. C. - nr. Comiilee In Tov;ns Power Co. Contest Tli AU,M' fjt p4nV Mill liavin rnnm tered the 'Tmer Carolina" contest, put on by Carolina Power and Light recently, jut named the fol- lowing steering commiuee to car ry out the work. Dr. H. A. Edwards, T. J. Turner, John E. Johnson, L. C. Turner, . Dr. J. S. Bower and J. M. Jones. , Co-ordinated under the steering committee are. these other committees: lira, J. M. Jones and Dr. Bower, dean up and Beau tif Ication: -' Mrs. L. H. Turner and Jack Worley, garbage pick-up and disposal. . Narcie Williams and Chris Coombs, safety; Mrs. J.; K. Smith and Graham Turner, re creation and Youth and Dr. and Mrs. Bower, Medical Clinic. Mrs. H. E. Maxwell and L. C. Turner are handling publicity for the cam paign. , Mayor Coombs 1 Representative Business Men's Club He:rCcndidale For Congress Af Annual Ledies Night Meet I. H. Foimtlan of Tarboro, can didate for Congress from the Sec ond District was guest speaker at the regular annual Ladies Night meeting of the Pink Hill business men's club at the VFW hut Monday night j Stressing the danger of too . much centralization of gov ernment, Mr. Fountain said the greatest assurance of a vanishing democracy is the present trend of the voters to stay away from the poles. He said, "We are encased in a deadly contest over the inte grity of the individual versus the integrity of the state, whether the philosophy of Jesus Christ or the 'ate s Conder J. King . Funeral services for Conder Je rome King, 63, were held at King's Methodist church Thursday after noon at S o'clock, with interment in we family cemetery. The Rev, philosophy of Marx. Lenin and St.. I Dennis Kinlaw officiated lin hall prevail." I Mr. King died at his home in Ca- fresident Billy Brewer presided wso ruesoay mgni, April sand. and the speaker was introduced by Mr. I. H. Turner. Rev. N. P. Far rier offered the InVpcation. ' Mayor Chris Coombs has been named Pink Hill committee repre sentative for the mass X-ray sur vey planned In Lenoir and Jones Counties May 24-JuIy 12, according to Health officer R. J. Jones of Kington. . Seniors Return From Washington The " senior . class of Pink Hill School returned Sunday from a sight seeing trip to Washington, D. C. They are James Howard. John Robert Spenge, Harold John son, B1U Zaok Williams, Elbert Smith, Lou Ann Davis, Lottie Belle Malpass, Lois Blizzard, Katherine HilL Marietta Quinn and Effle Nan Harper, Prfn. and Mrs. Frank Wiley and William Blizzard accom panied the group. J Pink Hill Girl Hew FFA Officer ' Lou Ella Smith of Pink Hill was installed as vice president of the Future Home Makers of America, comprising chapters in Lenoir and Greene Counties, at a rally at the Cliffs of the Neuse on Wednesday afternoon. Miss smnn.,; succeed ed Shirley Shiver wtof was made president, '. p.' t.Si-'-T: Vhifford' Hill In ter 1 Omonths of combat. I Private Copeland, a rifleman in 'Company I of the 21st Infantry negunerc, receivea nis oasic train ing at Camp Breckrinridge, Ky., and arrived in the Far East in Feb ruary 1952. He attended Carver High School, Mount Olive, and was employed by the Union Bus Station before en tering the Army In May 1951. The condition of Whitford Hill Of Pink Hill chairman of the Le noir County Production and Mar keting Administration, is described as fair at Memorial General Hos pital in Klnston, patient. where he is a Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Mar tha King; one daughter, Mrs. John C. Noland, route 3, Clinton; three sons, Claxton and Harvey, both of uaiypso ,ana William of Clinton; tnree sisters, jura, jwrreat 'William' son, Calypso, Mrs. J. B. Vernon ana Mrs. E. L. Vernon, both of near Mount uiive; one brother, Al len S. King, of Selma. Dennis D. Ramsey xrennis u. itamsey, age 03, re tired employee of the Maintainance and Ways Department of the Nor folk and Southern Railroad died hiiurdav mornln mt Mi Win bis son Dennia Wl Ranuev in Kntt ma after a weeks serious illness. Funeral services nrj KM Sun day afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the Rose Hill Methodist Church bv Rev. W. B. Cotton, pastor, assisted ay nev. i. v. use pastor ot toe Rose Hill Baptist Church. Burial followed in the famllv nls In City Cemetery at Wenk1L ue curvivea by lus wife, the luroKer Laura Jane mi.w o alow County, two sons Rerbert W. Ramsey of Petersburg, Fla. and Dennis W. Ramsey of Rose U1L five graadchUdren. . Several sheep shearing school for 4-H Ch members are being held in North Carolina this spring. The number of farm tenants la North Carolina ha sbeen decreas ing during the last 20 years. Legislative Bills Affecting Agriculture Dr' and Mrs. D. W. Ruff in and Jan Ruffln visited relatives In Gajbesviiie, Powellsville and Ahos ke on Sunday. Kenneth Maxwell, student at State College Raleigh was at his home here at the week end to be at the bed side of his mother, Mrs. e. if. Maxwell who is critically ill. She has been, removed to a Kin ston hospital. Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Edwarde and Mr. and Mrs., J. K. Smith and ooooooooooocoooopoooooooiooqooooooooot we nave a complete une of New Spinets & Used practice P.T.A. Meeting Mesdames W H. Jones and J. T. Spense have returned from Asheville where they attended a district meeting of the P.T.A. Get-Together Parly Held By Young Folk i The following enjoyed a get-together party at the home of "Bec ky" Turner in Pink Hill Thursday night. Joyce Sanderson, Rachel King, Winnie Ruffin, Jackie Per kins. Cecil Howard, Clifton Tyn- dali and Russell uostic. uuests enjoyed a welner roast after which they danced. To Entertain The 11th grade mothers of Pink Hill school and the class advisor, Mrs. David Green, will entertain at a party at the V.F.W. hut Fri day evening. (as of April 22. 1952) Appropriations: House has pass ed all appropriations bills except Mutual' Security and Department of Agriculture. Budget requests cut about 10 per cent. Senate Sub committee hearings on agriculture concluded. Defense Production Act Exten sion. Senate hearings completed. Senate Banking and Currency Com mittee considering extension of bill in executive session. House Committee to begin hearings late this month. The Farm Bureau will appear. Transportation Legislation: Nu merous bills pending. Substitute bill introduced to restrict author ity of Interstate Commerce Com mission to limit leasing of motor carrier equipment. Fair Trade Legislation: House bill reported. Consideration rests in hands of leadership. Parity Price Revision and High Mandatory Price Supports: The Farm Bureau appeared last Friday before Senate Agriculture Sub committee to oppose (1) bill to re quire use of old parity formula in effect prior to Agriculture Act of isro: wi mil to set mandatory price supports at 100 per cent of parity; (3) bill to set mnadatorv price supports at 90 per cent of parity. Farm Bureau flavors flexi ble supports of Act of 1949. &oii conservation and Domestic mm All Pianos Completely Guaranteed JOHIISOII PIANO CO. 'i & I 133 W. North St Dial 3584 Kinston (OOOOOOOOOOOObOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Mr. and Mrs. Raeford Jones of Pmk Hill. Rt. 1 have announced the birth of a son in a Kinston hos pital, April 22. C!oi7 " ft ' 1108,1 HotpoW. offer ysjtj coaven Hot point's currentooserWng J r.ZZ-1 C2 IZVZ-- nced 14, table-top height, : year protection plan. Come in ai mm m p .. j lstt-ont MalcMa. tomatic in- in and sea HotDOIOt r004 -3f ; terior light, thermometer ltd Freezers in 8, 11,15 and 21 ) i"zt?3 f "7. .3 " e7lcaJng Calgloaa.iniab., ! en. ft. sues. "."'.;;- y a U Li u x.. i ( ).,'.c v. u w daughter went to Kenansvllle Tuesday to attend funeral services for Dr. Edwards brother, Mr. Mar vin Edwards, who 'died there after a long Illness. 'Neil Jones, student at Wake For est, spent the week end at bis home here. Mrs. Jasper Tyndall and daught er have returned from a visit with Mrs. Tyndall's parents at South Mills. Mesdames J. K. Southerland, Raymond Turner and Paul Grady have been visiting the Melvin fam ily in Gastonla. ; Miss Miriam Smith of the school faculty was called home to Ay den recently, because of the death of her grandmother . Mrs. Horace G. Tyndall left Wednesday for Hew York to visit her daughter, Miss Wanda Tyndall, employed there. Miss Thelma Hlnson of the Pink Hill school faculty has been 111 with measles at her home In White ville. Young James Willard Smith has returned to his home in Rollo, Mo., following a stay of several weeks with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jones Smith. -,..,. .-m 'i--.,-, Mr, and Mrs. Herman Fussell and daughters Clara, . Susan and Peggy of Rose Hill were recent guests of Mrs. N. C. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Lavton Cochran of Robersonville spent Sunday with Mrs. uoenran's parents, Mr. and mrs. uvin Kornegay. ;;. Pift- BenXopelanti On Honshu Island WITH THE 24th TNWAVTUV DIV IM JAPAN Pvt Tlannl. ry cooeiand. son of Mr. and Mn nn Copeland, Route 1,' Mount Olive, is serving witn me oatue-soarred 24th Infantry Division on Honshu, the orlncl-nal JanjinMu Iimu IoIa. 'His unit, the Mat Amartoaw rfiml lsion to see action to Korea, arrlv- ea in 4,pan m eariy jreoruary af' oooooooooooo 610. P. PniDCEfl Plumber , STATE LICENSED PLUMDIN G CONTRACTOR : EUTPLrJ3 Allotments Act Extension: Two year extension without changes passed by Senate. Pending in House Agriculture Committee. Farm Bankruptcy Act. S. 25 (In nature of a substitute) passed by Senate and. pending in House Ju diciary Committee. Extension Service Bills: The Farm Bureau supports passage of measure to (1) restore cuts re quired by application of 1960 cen sus figures to formula for distri bution of extension funds to the states and (2) provide "open end" authorization for additional funds as provided by Appropriations Committee. SKINLESS WIENERS 1, WEEDERS FOR FARMALL TRACTORS IIIITII. MlTI C1ICLII1 HONC 4171 nuuuiiMm mcu fujuu. rucreas fmh mnmam - kfikeutim puts sunec Turner & Turner INSURANCE AGENCY "We're Known By The Service We Give" Mrs. Christine Williams Office Mgr. Phone 2836 Pmk HU1. N. C. L. C. Turner, Jr. T. J. Turner EASY OPE RATION pW . . . standard equipment with the Model G ' ' Have you ever driven a Model G Tractor? If not, there's a real experience waiting for you. Location of the driver's seat in front of the engine i the ' secret of its easy operation. Controls and implements are grouped right to front of you. You can keep your eye on the row without groping for controls. Tools In front, engine in the rear allows you a clear view of the row from any angle. Quick, easy steering keeps the implements on course with little effort j:iVi;;,iv.y;"M;j Four-speed transmission with a creeper gear of mph.. simple control and excellent crop vision . , , plus plenty of ,M.'.y power for a variety of jobs. Stop in and drive the Model O. TenetJi Fan. and Hum ' L .IIL-J'i.- isJ J ... ' fsjlmsjuy mmw MtC ' 'Bssfjs4HBsWasWBsMsasaMasiBsVBsiB - TUnilEli TRACT0H & IMPLEMP CO. T. A. T 2 f: CO. For COUNTY COMMISSIONER mmmmmmmtSMx iv I mmj I am a candidate for mlaaleiier fnom Albertson, Gllsson, Smith and Wolfe scrape Townships because I want to represent the people in this district. I feel It Is time that the eastern section of the district had a com missioner. We have not had one since the district was formed. I have made no align ment or arreement with any individual or groups and am bound to no one in the coun ty but the people of my dis trict. Tour vote and support will be appreciated. BH ftUnr. GEJAD Y Past Commander American Legion Post No. 379 Albertson, N. C. DR. WINSTON RUFFIN Pink Hill, N. C. ANNOUNCES The Opening Of Offices For The Treatment Of Diseases Of The Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Glasses Fitted Hours By Appointment (PROFESSIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT) '900000000000000000000000I W A o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e o BEMIS TRANSPLANTERS Only a few available Get Yours Now Also repair parts for same. SEVEN SPRINGS SUPPLY CO H.C. Dale, Mgr. O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Seven Springs, N. C. O ioooooooooooooooooooooooqi DEE AITCH Brand 74 per cent CHLORDANE, E. C. IN TOBACCO TRANSPLANT WATER e worms POINTS TO REMEMBER CHLORDANE PROVIDES 1 Proven effectiveness in control of Wire worms sad other tobacco insecta. V :. .... . ..: O;.; 1 t liquid. Ease of application: Mix Z to 4 ounces in sa cailons transplant water ... eliminating separate sprayinf e diistint;.1' ;J:' .. SEconomy . . . Since only the area around the plant is treated, a heavy doacentratien af insecticide is provided -' where H tt saeat effective, . t - ;' sVrcater, sast prafKable yields - ASK TOUR DEALER TODAY' : DALY-HERRING 1. ISM 1 Jv-,;t ' r: " if j r!:;nesS213&2CC3

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