i-- J I- : My. ' -.'fc.f.i,-v-! County Court 1 County Cpurt 1 Mast Head Box Next term ox vounty court wiu I convene Monday, June 2nd. . A ' ,-. 1 ' m r neavy. docket facet Judge Phillips -and Solicitor Mercer. ! ft-1 . - . . Vol, 19.No. I Heads Duplin School Improvement . Committee MRS. ASHE MILLER who was elected president of the Duplin County School Improvement Com mittee in its final meeting of the present school year here last Tues Editorial! Saturday Is The Day By J. R. Grady ' v Saturday is the day the most important day . in the machinery of our governmental system.- Thf whole structure of our party system and 'Mix, forrnf f .rofiov0rnmentfej cinct meetingstihat are Jneld ;xn .every1 prefeinct in meetings -wlil be held in Duplin County. . It is -the; privilege, and duty, of all registered' Democrats to ; attend their precinct meetings and voice themselves on precinct officials and cast their ballots: ; Too ofteri we criticise and say that elections at,the pre- :; tints are under the control of a certain few when ; that few has no other choice. They attend the meetings and must carry out the law and elect of ficers. They may be innocent in their actions where so-called special privilege accusations are concern-V ed. At the same time, however the precinct meet- ing is the place where experiene'ed politicians who want to get hold of elections machinery for personal gain do their work. They know the average voter": doesn't know the importance of .the' meeting or doesn't bother to attend so they maneuver their Schemes and secure control. ' Your elections two years from now will be Controlled by. the groups who attend the precinct meetings Saturday. If you are not satisfied with things now going on in your local, election places, , Saturday 'is the time to do something about it r I County Chairman. Faison W. f McGowen has issued the following memorandum ,' concerning the ; precinct meetings and county convention: . To All Chairman and Members of Democratic ', Precinct Committees; ' f You are hereby notified of the dates for holding ; Precinct, County Convention and State Convention meetings as fixed by the State Democratic Execu tive Committee. , i , c . ; .' 1: Saturday, May 10, at 2:00 o'clock, p.m., is the time for holding Precinct Meetings for the pur-.; pose of perfecting the precinct organization and for electing delegates to the County Convention. :- 2. Saturday, May 17, 1952, at 41:00 o'clock, ; km., is the time for holding the County Convention for the purpose of organizing according to the Plan , of Organization of the.Deinocratci Party and for1 electing delegates' to the State 'Convention. : , 3. Thursday, May 22, 1952, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, is the date for holding the State Convention : in the City Auditorium in Raleigh. The Precinct Meetings Shall Transact The f ,1. Elect a Precinct Committee of five active Democrats, at least two of whom shall be women. The Committee so elected shall immediately elect a Chairman and a Vice-Cnairman. The Chairman or fhe Vice-Chiarman shall be a woman. -; This is re quired by Section 14 of the Plan of Organization. - The precinqt Meetings shall be presided over by. the Chairman of the precinct committee, but in his absence, the Vihairman of the Committee shall ' rrr: r i m thsj. absence of both the Chairman I f ' C -irman, any member of. the com- ---rsflAl-rr' r, day night. Earl Edgerton princi pal of the Wallace school, was nam' ed secretary. Mrs. Miller is. the only school committeewoman in the county. ? "3t3ti.2Ccun- KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, ' MAY 8, 1952. ' J iwU ii East Carolina folh Festival Is Planned for Duplin Echoes oil The Duplin Story were beard in JDuplln last weeK when the B. F. Grady P.T.A. held its final meeting of the school year. Following election and installation of new officers Editor J. R. Grady of the Duplin Times introduced Bascom Lamar Lunsford of Tur key Creek who discussed with the group ways and means of estab lishing an Eastern Carolina Folk Festival in Kenansvllle. The Grady group decided to initiate the move and named Principal Hugh Wells to take the matter up with county school officials and representatives of each P.T.A. in the county. At the meeting in Kenansvllle Tuesday night of the Duplin School Committee tne P.TJU of tbe coun ty, or. those represented heard Mr. Wells present the proposition and listened to encouragement from Chancellor Bob House of the Uni versity of North Carolina, and vot ed to sponsor the project. Hugh Wells of Grady was named chair man of the broJect. n . lar festivals in Asheville, at Chapel Hill and the' State Fair , annually will personally select the talent, dl- tauve pians camor tue program to be .given -three nights in Kenan Memorial Auditorium some time in the early part of September. , Mr, Longford says ne expects it to be come an annual institution for Du plin and Eastern Carolina and pre dicts crowds will attend by the thousands. The festivals have pro ven very popular1 and have been a huge success with' him elsewhere. Duplin will be nls third major fes tival development project In the State. -wiv.'!: .' ' Watch the Times for more de tails and plans as they develop. There will be a meeting of the Citizen Committee For Good Gov ernment Friday "night, May 9 at 8 o clock in the Rose Hilt school auditorium. The Rev. A. D. Wood will be the speaker. - All interested citizens are urged to be present. Compliments To Ralph Mille Ralph Miller, County Ranger, and his force have been doing a fine job for all of us in their vigi lant checking of fires in- our coun ty. We can all help by remember ing to extinguish cigarettes before we drop them. Be sure they are out, don't guess. : If you have ever lived .through the horror of a rag ing . forest fire, you will realize the importance of using extra pre cautions on all days , and above class III. ' ii .v.-. .'; v,.-tv-1 ", V: ? :. vt These men who safeguard our property and our lives are to be praised for doing their work,) and once to) a while, someone remem bers to give credit where it is due. " The following letter from Dallas Herring of the Atlantic Cof fin and Casket Company speaks for himself: Atlantic Coffin and. Casket Co. , . Rose Hill, N. C. - April 28. 1932 Mr. Ralph Miller County Ranger, Beulaville, N. C. " ' , Dear Ralph: I want to thank you and your en tire force for the very splendid work you people did for us recent ly in checking tne nre near our timber in Magnolia Township, it is lust another Instance of the ex cellent work you have been doing for a long time ana we want you to know that we deeply appreciate it , .:. . .. ,. : iv, We businessmen have some pret ty heavy taxes to pay and sometimes it seems to us that we get very little in return. However, your department probably has saved us many times our total, aa valorem tax bill. When you mok at u mat way, our taxes are a Very good in vestment. V; --:-- . tnat" iJndesf ' frer"J29f' ' 1M Sheriff Is MasMi Bulletin I By J. R. Grady As we go to press word flashes in that Sheriff Ralph Jones' of Duplin County committed suicide. Coroner Gurman Powell has been called. We have no verifying details but reports say he shot himself with a shot gun at the fish pond of his brother Toby Jones some time this morning. It was said a note was found. Senator Rivers Johnson of Warsaw sent a hurried message to the Times by Vance Gavin to hold out and not print the story about the sheriff in this issue. The story must go on. Duplin political corruption must be cleaned up. All facts should out so that everyone may know. Clean thinking Duplinites who prefer honest govern ment in all branches are demanding a clean house. The infcident of the death of Ralph Jones should not be al lowed to slow down one bit the investigation but should spur it on until people in Duplin can lift their heads and face God 'and the world with a smile. The S.B.I. are already in j(he county investigating from new angles Coroner Gurman Powell becomes acting fcffijAiiKTt Odew wprge, chinquap.fi; ? 4 Richard Lee Beaton, Wallace, f. Education Pink Hill Suffers $60,000 Fire; Turner Warehouse, Williamson Home Destroyed Pink Hill suffered the -worst fire since the 1920s Wednesday af ternoon when fire started in the self-service laundry located one block north of main street. The laundry, two story home of Flav lous Williamson, an uncompleted home of Jesse Williamson and stor age warehouse for T. A. Turner and Company were totally destroy ed. Two fire trucks from Kinston and one from Goldsboro responded to calls and held the fire in this area. Farm and Home Equipment Company barely missed being de stroyed. Reports say the fire started about 5:15. Neighbors rushed to Rotations Hear An inspiring talk on education by Dallas Herring of Rose Hill and reporting the district meeting re cent happenings consumed the ma jor portion of the Warsaw Rotary clubs meeting last Thursday. Bill Sheffield, president presided. Mr. Herring gave a short talk of the history of the casket busi ness including the effects of, his factory- in Rose Hill before launch ing into the talk on education. . Mr. Herring who is chairman of the Duplin county board of Edu cation, stressed the value that ac cure to any community from a per sonal, social, business and politi Letters from Our Many Readers Mr. J. R. Grady, Editor , ? ;;. The Dunlin Times ' ; . i Kenansvllle, N. C. - ' Dear Mr. Grady: i .-, .'; i. ..-..v ii i... . ' ' .' : 's '.A' It seems from an article in the News and Observer, of May 1, that you may have rendered a service to the people of Duplin County In bringing to light some of the vio lations t of tobacco acreage allot ments. . It Is especially interesting to note that some PMA officials have evidently used that office to promote their own personal inter ests. ' ' I have a small farm in Duplin, and realize that I am in the "absen tee landlord" classification. Never-the-less I have maintained a home and helped to support my mother and aunt in Duplin County for more than 10 years. They died In 1950 and '01 respectively. During County Md The the scene and succeeded in sav ing practically all the furniture in the Williamson home. It was re ported that Flavious William son lost considerable radios, sup plies and electrical equipment. Many Hems in the Turner ware house were brought out but a con siderable amount of Soda, fertiliz er and farm machinery was des troyed. All stock and equipment in the Farm and Home Equipment Company were moved out. Re ports placed the total loss at be tween 50 and 60 thousand dollars. The Turner Company and William son reported partial Insurance cov erage. ' Dallas Herrin i cal stand point. He accented that potential industrial establishments are now looking for desirable plac es to locate where the people can readily learn. Mr. Herring was Introduced by Paul Potter who is program chair man and who arranged for his ap pearance before the group. Bill Sheffield, President, report ed that six members from Warsaw attended the " Lumberton armory meeting of the 279th district of Ro tary International. They were Rev. Jerry Newbold, Lee Brown, Bill Craven, Dr. J. M. Kornegay and W. E. Fussel. ; . . . 4 ' this time I have each year spent more money in Duplin County, than I have taken out of it I have found it extremely difficult to get much consideration no matter how serious my plea. ' : I have now had a failure in health myself, and am going to be forced to depend largely on this farm for my own living.. ! I have written the County PMA Office several times asking when tbe County committee would meet without having my letters acknow ledged, and I have recently writ ten askina for other information without receiving a reply. . : . , I do not know your subscription rates, but please use the enclosed check tq (tart me on your subscrip tion list : 6incerely yours, J -A. B. Alderman. Elisabeth City, N. C. anevllla will ' give a graduation piano recital Thursday, &fay, 15, at 8 pm;, in the Kenansvllle 'Hi'-n r"(hool Vut!:torinm. I ""s pan' i ' v is a i fl of 1 ' . V. J. Ji l . 'on f ai-5aw. i;.e public is i t r. i (."'..-t. T" e i 1 JLv.I.. . n fW. PRICE TEN CENTS Malfeasance In Mice Others Are implicated Charges to Solicitor Press Time Time Is pressing-. Readers are anxious for the news so we are going: to press at once, leaving out some important stories. They will appear next week along with de tails on Sheriff Jones' death. Duplin Boys Are Inducted The following Duplin County boys were inducted into the army on May 5: James Owen Powers, Jr., Wallace; Gurman Lee Lanier, Beulaville, Route 1; William Dan iels Carr, Wallace, Route 1; Nath aniel Murray, Beulaville, Route 1: Munford Wilklns,. Beulaville. The following were transfers originally from Duplin and inducted from other? places: Joseph Stallings, Waljace: Robert Craddockv. Faison; GoQd Life Dr. Robert B. House, Chancel lor of the University of North Carolina, gave the main address at a meeting of the . Committee for Education and Improvement in Duplin County held in the Ken ansvllle High School cafeteria on Tuesday night. The committee is composed of the Duplin County Board of Education, The Superin tendent, all principals, P.T.A. presi dents, local school board mem bers and the County Commission ers. Dr. Allen Hurlburt, head of the Dept. of Education of the University, and who has worked closely with the committee under the Kellogg Foundation, also gave a short address thanking the mem bers for their cooperation. Mitchell Allen, chairman oi the committee, presided at the meet ing. E. D. Edgerton, principal of the Wallace school, and the new secretary of the committee, in troduced Chancellor House Be fore tne address, a dinner was served by the KenansvilMrLunch room Committee Under the direc tion of Mrs. L. Southerland. Dr. House gave a delightful and inspiring talk on education and life. It might well have .been en titled .Education and the Good Life. In his Introduction, he men tioned the history of Duplin Coun ty, its contribution to education in North Carolina and the great men it has given to the State and Nation in every profession. The informality of his talk was enlivened by several harmonica solos ... an instrument of which Dr. House is a master. He used the selections to illus trate the points of his speech. He esaid that education can help you make a living and is equally im portant in making a life. The be ginning of education and life is to find your instrument and learn to play it. What educates you is not what you are exposed to but what takes . . . it's like measles. It is important to fall in love with something, to have enthusiasm, and to follow through. We do not need new ideas as much as we need to learn to use those we have. He emphasized that in our community, in every community there may be a red-headed boy who may not fit the conventional pattern but in whom genius may be latent, await ing our understanding and encour agement for its development We must believe in children, love them and encourage them. The power of love is the greatness in our life. . ' "You cant start In this life from where you ain't youVe cot to start from where you is." Intelli gence must have a religious and moral and spiritual basis.- We must hear church bells along with school bells to have a good life. We must preserve reading In the borne, be gin work in . the environment Children must learn to love read ing, must, lie encouraged to form habits ef reading every day. . , Education begins before the "J"e end nevr rotate, 'we .td en I i.'i. iite Cect I) Accusec The following statement by Charlie Nichol son, former deputy sheriff keeper for Treasurer Ralph Jones was made before the Duplin County Board of Commissioners in session here Monday, May 5th. Nicholsons statement was taken down verbatum by Mrs. Lauren Sharpe. After hear ing Mr. Nicholson the County Board ordered a transcript of the statement be made and turned over to District Solicitor Walter Britt. The state ment in detail is as follows: A HEARING BEFORE DUPLIN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF C. H. NICHOLSON,' MAY 5, 1952 (C. H. Nicholson duly sworn by R. V. Wells, Clerk Superior Court) Chairman Wells: When did you make your first statement? C. Nicholson: My first state ment was made on August 4th. Chairman Wells: What do you want to do, make a new state ment? C. Nicholson: I want to retract the statement I made on August lairman Wells: f' notlcV you never did come back and s lgdihis statement. ,-''V-. C. Nicholson: I did not because the statement. wTnot. true. I made the statement under pres sure. : ri Chairman Wells; I noUced that you said to the Sheriff, when you had finished, Sheriff wasn't that! about right? Had you gone over it witn Mr. J ones r C. Nicholson: Yes. Chairman Wells: It was not true? C. Nicholson: No. Chairman Wells: Tell us about It in your own words. C. Nicholson: Gentlemen, I have asked permission to come before you at this time to retract the previous statement I made to you back in August of last year. I made that false statement under pres sure and knowing at that time that it was untrue. I was not sworn and I refused to sign the statement because it was. not the . truth. I am now ready to make a true, com plete statement of the shortage that occurred in the Sheriff's of fice, while I worked there. Now I am sworn and will make a com plete statement. The only way 1 know is to start at the beginning and go all the way through. 1 made these notes, and I am going to use them to keep it straight. I began working for the Sheriff in January 1947. That was about a month after he came in office. I had never met the Sheriff but had heard he was looking for an office deputy or clerk. I was working at Goldsboro for Wayne Agricul ture Ass'n. 'at that time and de cided I would like to have an of fice job. My father and I went to see Sheriff Jones one night. I told the Sheriff I had heard about an opening in his office and was interested in working there if I was properly qualified. I told him I did not have any schooling or experience in bookkeeping but would try hard and if he felt I could do the work I would like tolfollowm8 month after the Petty try. He assured me that he had been working in the office some 30 days and knew the general rou tine of the business and he did not believe I would have any trouble in doing the work. I found the work was not too complicated, there was quite a bit of posting and copying figures and making deposits. . The Sheriff was some help in tbe be ginning, and at times I would ask the County Auditor to help with a problem. Everything went along fine until (he Spring at 1940, then on taking a bank reconciliation it was found that a $950.00 deposit did not get to the bank. I have for gotten but the records will show the exact amount of that deposit. The Auditor checked and found it was In the Tax fund and we agreed that for some reason ft fail ed to get in the bank In time to get on the statement, it usually be ing sometime In the middle of the month before we take our trial balance or reconciliation. A soon as the Auditor completed his trial balance showing the deposit to be outstanding, I Immediately sought to find the deposit Mr. Jones on occasions would make dno.;lts and receive tax df-osiis, s- te would place t jo c ; . t U t!ie of Duplin County and book tax receipt book and leave them in a drawer or table or sometimes he would lock it in the safe. I thought this was probably the case this time and asked if he had made a $900.00 or $950.00 deposit, that I had found one to be outstand ing, at the end of last month. He said he knew about the deposit and would put it back in the bank be fore the end of the month so tbe record would be cleared up. The day before the end of the month I asked him- it he had made the deposit, aifcf he said he would on that day but he did not. It was carried) as an outstanding deposit again. He had a check for $300.00 at that time in the safe for Petty Cash and I had orders not to cash that check unless I had to have it and then to give him notice that I had cashed it. He said not to let the same deposit be outstanding month after month but to deposit a deposit for that amount from money received later. Chairman Wells: You did take money from the Tax Fund to cover up for this. C. Nicholson: Yes. Chairman Wells: Did the Sher iff instruct you to do this? C. Nicholson: Yes. He told me dozens of times that he could re place the money any time. I re minded him that the Auditor would become suspicious of this but he said he was running the Treasur er's Office and that Faison Mc Gowen did not have anything to do with the way he did or made de posits, just so the money got into the bank. It was impossible to keep the Petty Cash box straight. The money just would not stay in the box. It would just disappear if there was cash. Often when we were getting ready to pay the Jury I would remind him that his check was still In the Petty Cash box ranging anywhere from $300.00 to $600.00 and he usually kept a check in the box for $340.00 at all times and if he was going off he would write another check and clip them together. Usually when he re ceived his salary check, he would tear up those additional checks and still leave a check for $340.00 in the cash box. Very often I would remind him that the money was out of Petty Cash and that we did not have any money to pay the Jury and other bills and he would tell me to cash some checks from tax deposits and he said GiN bert Alphin does this every month and the deposit could be made the Cash had been reimbursed by the Auditor. He told the other depu ties that this County had been run by two or three persons long enough.. Several times he told this and that he was going to do away with it. He told us that Fai son McGowen and Preston Wells ran the whole works and that we did not have any Board of Com missioners. He said the Commis sioners were against the Sheriffs Office, all except two and that they Just sat there and listened to Fal- ' son and Preston and agreed. . Chairman Wells: Do you know what date those statements were made? C. Nicholson: He made them SO times or more while I was there and to outsiders too. He told us that the : next election would be fixed so that a majority of the Commissioners on the Board would be on his side and would get some . Commissioners that would get rid of Faison McGowen and Gilbert Alphin. - He told mc to watch Mr,. McGowen when he was in the of-' -flee for any reason and when he came In to check; the numbers of : the bonds in the safe or to coi'Tr"s, for me to get them ct ' f f and to watch him all t. V i .dm Ts ( . tt I)