I.L.3. 7F. ""1 Clin Q;::J For Year The Home Economic! teacher. Miss Cornelia Qulnn has closed her evening classes for the year. The attendance has been good. The trend of the cfcas seemed to be upholstering. ' Those who did not have their projects completed are permitted to finish, still being as sisted by the teacher, , ., Mrs. - Ruby Smith Snlter made button holes after learning how to use the attachments. -i ; - Miss Ada Williams worked on '.dress. '-:",- -v- ' .- Mrs. Zoa Jackson covered a dav- w.w .n4 timA 1u mnrinom th VUIV WUM ..... ' O 1 second time, because she said there Your Money ERSKIIIE'S EESKINE'S Willi ' . KINSTON'S LEADING JEWELERS IN KINSTON Juviyilu with field-size power : . 1 e I 4 I i 7 Y. c i i - Here's Altts-Chalmers power that works between rows of seed- lings and in narrow aislesl- Rear-engine design gives clear vision I; and low over-all height Big rear wheels have the traction you : -L'iM'-,i 1 Front-rnounted tools' include 12-Inch plow, 4-foot Held culti " r s. n Vator, and a wide assortment of precision seeders and row-crop j 'f the NeNwMl fwie mI Ivwy sSekmley mm NBC , ., v . "Ed jtzat News, Adv. Begreseatattve was- so much work about it, she wanted, to do It right , -,' . - Mrs. York Lanier tied the springs la her chair and , upholstered it in rose. V ;" : Mrs. Ernest Qulnn of Potters Hill did not have to tie the springs In her chair. She upholstered her chsir In green. Mrs, Phoebe Pate registered and is waiting until .after school to commence' her-' project.;', t cxi-'i'' The room was visited by several home makers. Misses Ermie Sand rson, and Glennie Miller kept up the Interest Mrs. Hinson cut a dress. Mrs. Bena Jackson made an af a-t In ajMvina. ..'': Tbe Wuinn economics viub un V. .(..t. . o?rnomr5o1 Warsaw, who opened her cottage i t othe group. Buys More At In Kinsfon rr V l(s l v wVXWVV I'' w cultivators. Let us demonstrate the Lr SAltS AtiD SIZYICt P TO::::ninAac!:::L:::z:Ta-' 1 1. ....J ' ;-'in. PNMhvsrlan women of the HallsvIUe church met Saturday af ternoon for regular meeting. President Mrs. Leland Grady pre sided. "Go As a Witness for Je sus" was followed by prayer. Mrs. Homer Winstead gave the secretary rwirt and rail call. The crogram of the month "Life and Work of niarnuinn nv . mrs. iiuuu uiuvi . &&ctt L rd Ashe Miliar ' An invitation was accept ed from the Beulaville WOC te attend their annual birthday party May 13 at 7:30 at the church. 1 The group was dismissed by pray er. Stork Shower lUTra TJnnrtnn. Huffman was a re- InlAnt nt manv lovely and useful gifts when Mrs. W. M. Thlgpen and Mrs. Henry aonnston emenainea with a stork shower in the Thigpen home recently. Games were play ed. A salad and sweet course plate with iced drinks were served to the guests. - 1 Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Brown of Norfolk and Beulaville announce the birth of a. daughter, Barbara Jane, on May 2 in the Family Hos pital, fjamp Lejeune. rare, crown is the former Jane Bogie. Thigpen Family In Get-Together Mrs. P. E. Thigpen. Sr. entertain ed members of her family Sunday with a family get together.- Those attending were Sgt and Mrs. P. E. Thigpen, Jr. home from Fort Dix for a 7 day furlough. Mr. ana iwrs. Alwood Thigpen and daughter of Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs Foy Jones, Jr., and son of Midway Park; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pickett and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McDow ell and family . and Miss Letha Gordon Thigpen. - U.D.C. Members Attend Meeting Among those of the John Ivy Thomas chapter UDC attending tbe Memorial Hay program in Warsaw Sunday were Mesdames lxm Belie Williams, president: M. M. Thigpen, S. P. Bostic, Gardner Edwards, Bill Carroll, Ashe Miller, Herman Mil ler and Miss Ermie Sanderson. ' .Iff'. '; Mi G Tractor equipped to fit ' The Beulaville PTA met U May 8th for tbe last meeting of t e school yer. President James lad ler presided and the secretary re port was given by Mrs. Clyde Mc Dowell. Rev. Lauren Sharpe of Kenansville and member of the Beulaville faculty led the devotion Mr. Humphrey, principal of Beu. lavllle school installed we new Officers. iv"'p ' The organization voted to donate $100.00 to the baU park and $750.00 to sponsor large instruments for the high school band. Mrs. Rhem Taylor was In charge of the uro gram presenting Murphy Thigpen, O.E. Stars Meeting Mesdames James Miller, Worthy: The following program has been Matron of tiie .local chapter OES, announced for the Commencement Ashe Miller, Walter Rhodes and Exercises of the Beulaville High Phoebe Pate were in SalemburgSchool. Saturday night to attend the 23th Class day exercises and Eighth anniversary of the Coharle ChapterGrade graduation exercises. -, of OES. ' i ' i";, " Friday evening, May 9, 1952, 8 The i'lrst Worthy Matron,. Mrs.o'clock. Goodwin and Worthy Patron, How- Baccalaureate Sermon by Rev ard presided., The Chapter hallCharles B. Howard oi' Buies Creek, held lovely arrangements of. redSunday afternoon. May 11, : 1952, and white flowers, the Masonic 2:30 o'clock. , -j - colors. Mrs. Lena Brewer; Dis trict Deputy Grand Matron of Rose- boro gave readings of by gone days In Dlayette form. .. Refreshments in the silver motif of silver and white were made up of cake nuts and punch. Women Of Church Hear Reports Beulaville Presbyterian Women of the church met Tuesday evening. Mrs. Lou Belle Williams presided and led the devotional reading, Heb. 11:1-3 and Heb. 12 3-4. which as followed by prayer. Words of the hymn written by Martin Luth er, A mighty Fortress is Our God, was read by Mrs. Ray V. Cupp, then played softly as a meditation. Roll call and minutes by Mrs. M. M. Thigpen and Mrs. Cupp gave the treasurers report. A report and plans for Intensive Bible study and use of supplementary literature was given by the Spiritual uroww Chairman Miss Ermie. Sanderson. Rpnnrtu wprp alvm hv the circle ! laea xamiif leuuiuu auu wTadTfo? Th.nioyed a bountiful barbecue and chairmans and plans made for the annual birthday party to be held May 13 at 7:30. Mrs. Cupp was in charge of the piogram, The Life of a Great Christian Reformer, Mar tin Luther, v Mrs. Ada Williams and Mrs. Thigpen assisted her In presenting the' program. The lat ter also led the closing prayer, v. it- Mr. and Mrs. Berry Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Walton, pa rents of the mascots of the senior tlass entertained last week with a barbecue supper. ' The cafeteria was decorated with blooming spring flowers. . A social and recreation hour was enjoyed. Judy Walton end Kenneth Lewis are the Senior Class Mascots. Mr. & Mrs. Rhodes Entertain ; Mr. and Mrs. Bland Rhodes of Beulaville entertained friends and relatives at their home Monda p. m. April 21 at 6:30 at a picnic and barbecue. The occasion being the birthday of Mrs. Rhodes. Those attending were Mr. and. Mrs. Her man Houston and children, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kennedy and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Sumner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mil ler, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ottls Miller and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Miller and family. Mrs. Ed Jones, Glenn Houston, Mrs. Dallas Rhodes, Bob by Miller; Gordon Miller, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller and Billy, Rev. Sam Hayter, Alice, Linwood, Hor ace, Pat and Larue Rhodes. Mrs. Rhodes received many gifts. Miller H. D. Club April Meeting The Millet HDC held its regular April meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. The group met in the recreation' room -of the Hallsville Presbyaerian Church and the club president, Mrs. Herman Miller pre sided, calling the meeting to order. The song, The Old North State, I was sung and minutes and roll call was by Mrs. W. L. Miller, secretary, a treasurers report was given by Mrs. John Miller. .' Project leaders taking part on the program were Mrs, Norwood Miller who discussed Family, Life In the Home. 'Mrs. John MUler who gave timely hints on flowers ; and gardens. " Mrs. Frank Rhodes who presented in teresting Information on Frozen Foods,' having the ladles Join in playing a game, Your phone Is ring ing when as opportunity was given those present to give their methods of freezing certain foods. Mrs. Herman Miller then gave a demon stration, Corsage Making, using many home grown flowers. After tbe demonstration, names 01 Wales present -were drawn and the attractive- corsages were presented these winners.: Mrs. Frank Rhodes, Mrs. Leonard Kennedy, Mrs. Edgar Murphy, Mrs. Adeline Ken nedy, and Mrs. Mattle Bradshaw. Hostesses for the occasion, were Mesdames Adeline Kennedy; Odell Gresham and Wilmor Houston. They served delightful refresh ments consisting ' of sandwiches, cookies and Iced soft dri s. There were 19 members prf-tei t and four visitors, who were l:Um Lou Jack son, Mesdames Maiue 1 rad.,haw, Lou Belle Williams aud l..s. Mur phy Thicpea. , ,. i " ' :helor, .-j Lt--'. r i . 1 -'li.. 1 jinn In vwal 'seBcUtw-s. ii.ke IZier, Steve I.hodes, Acgi eta Thomas, Betty Sue Mercer ajnd Katie SUe Grady with piano num bers. . , Following the adjournment, re freshments were served In the school cafeteria.' Purple arrange ments of larkspur marked each ta ble and refreshments were in keep ing with the floral scheme. Miss Cornelia. Qulnn. Mrs. Ivey Nethercutt, Mrs. Caroline Johnson and Mrs. Delbert Batts comprised the hospitality committee. Dc:n Flora M:tD:n:U Cclbjs To Deliver Cospcnccnt Graduation exercises ' and com mencement address 'by Mr. Prince H. Gwynne, Dean of Flora Mac- donald College, Red Springs. Wednesday evening, May 14, 1952, 8 o clock. Below is the program of the class aay exercises ana xne service ana Baccalaureate Sermon. Class Day Exercises: v'w i 1.-: Address of Welcome, Grace Shoiar. 2. Class History, Glenda Ed Wards. ' 3. Class Will, Ramon Batch lor. 1 ' 4. '' Class i: Prophesy, ' Raybourn Lanier. 5. Class Song, A Perfect 'Day, senior Class. s ' Mercer's Hold Annual Family Reunion At Home Of Calhoun Mercer Sunday ; The home of Mr. Calhoun Mer cer was where descendants of the Mercer family gathered Sunday for picnic lunoh. Among. the out of town were Mrs. Laura North, Nor folk, Va., Mrs. Eva Standi, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Standi and Martha Frances, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ren frew, all of Kenly: Mr. and Mrs. Cedrick Hales family of Fremont; Mrs. oaie arraway, armvuw,.i Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Renfrew, Lu- coma; Miss Victoria Kennedy, Miss Deewllla Heath and Mrs. Leata Cain of Kinston. Mr. and7 Mrs. Jay Kennedy and son Jimmy Powers of Jacksonville. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Shaw and family, Richlands; Ma jor and Mrs., Art Waddell and fam ily of Indiana: Mr. and Mrs. G. C. McSwain and family of Wilmlng- - i V nrzT T? tea II v , E',f 7"'--. . ..I I .': lis 1 ?ZfL-L' I f U ,;i IVlDX, ' -I ' - I S fAZ J IaSaJ ' K - ' M '9 Kt.iS-V.'. . . . -y - 1 I II ii ,.:;.iw;;,a;:iS;5 . ; : ' lime honored kiting place for the family savings . :. hui not very safe, is it? How Your money earns ship. You have the unn'iA A nil nhnvA nil visr -vi,- are insured' : ifiiTNcfr. "l -bytljrcI-rJGovenr- r.t. Let f:r passbook, ( lj Uf 1 ' ' ! , ' an err". ! 2 cf c-jx carefully Lej t reccri, be your - r Xk")J I picture tl frc;ress you are iiiaj. AJ it 1 Members of the seventh grade classes of Beulaville school toured Raieieh Monday on a chartered t... Tk. mim at dinner at the S i W Cafeteria. The white and colored schools for the blind, Hail DMnn, tha flasltoL) the ffiU- seum and art gallery were some of lh. nlanai nf IflTprffffT IQCV YiUWU. Mesdames Robert Matthews, Ann Craft ana rouniam iyiuc ww chaperones for tne group. Address May 12lli ' Mascots: KenneTh; Lewis and Jiiriv Walter. -i : ' Marshals: Mary Alton Brln- son, chief, Janice Smith, Helen Baysden. Mary Catherine Edwards, Sue Lanier. - , 6. Eighth Grade Graduation Exercises: , . , Sunday Service , v 1. Prelude. 2. Processional, God ,: Of Our Fathers. Seniors. ' ' S. : Invocation, Rev. A.-L. Brown. . 4. Anthem, The King of Love Mv Shenherd Is Seniors ' . S. - Announcements, W. '. Hay Humphrey. - 6. ; Scripture and Prayer, Rev. A. L. Brown and Rev. Walter it. uooa- mtn t i 7. Anthem, Praise Ye The Fath. er, Seniors, 8. Introduction of Speakers: Rev. A. L. Brown. - 9. Baccalaureate Sermon, Rev. Charles B. Howard. - s 10. Hymn, AU Hall tbe Power of Jesus Name, Congregation. - - 11. ; Benediction, Rev, Walter H. Goodman. I Director of Anthems, Rev. A. L, Brown, Pianist, Evelyn Penny. ton and Mr.' Tommie Standi, Jr.; who came by plane from Ashboro, Announce Birth i.Mr. and - Mrs. Gordon Brown announce the birth of S son, Jerry Mac, April 17, in the Lenoir Coun ty hospital. Mrs. Brown Is the 'former Miss Bertha Rhodes, Y.M.U. Will; . Meet Monday The' WMU Beulaville : Baptist church will meet at ' the church Monday for their monthly meeting. y.;.-.K. '):,- ,., . sail . - HI lllt' I II 1.M ' KSMttS "J 1 r r much better to cpen your account wiih us toiay." interest wtile it's under our prmle tf uc:rj our many A O - ' I 4mM- ----- - entertained at their home te -ly honoring Jollier's r Mrs. Elizabeth Jsrcer on h- r '. i birthday, Mercer . J I e- sented a corsaje of UUsman ru- s. The cake holding pin wnu u ,ipf,h nf a century was white. Centering the table was a bountiful barbecue and picnic lunch wnicn was serveu., : rr1 . II n VfAf-gk- HMT Inn Mrs. L. E. Ballar of Ayden; CpL and Mrs. Mack Rhodes and son, Fort Dix, N. J- Mr. and Mrs. OttU Jere MlUer, Langiey jieiu, Charlie Lenier Is 5 Years Old mm HUMPH Tinier entertained Mnnilav May 5th hon- oring her son Charlie' on his 5th birthday. ': v 'I ' -tl J,-" .- vAr of oarty whistles were given upon arrlvat - The white cake with pinar canaiea ana ue du rations was served to the 17 young guests.- A number of games were played and Charlie received many lovely guts,. ' . . t ; Personals i Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Jones and daughter Kate made a business trip to Raleigh Seiurday.??Y.V,-- ' Mrs. Pearl Sandlin spent Sunday and Monday with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ; Roscoe Pierce.- x--. ' :? ---i K : i tik i r..nru T. Smith of Nor folk, Va., spent the weekend with his aunt, and uncle, ;Mr., and Mrs Herman MUler. ' I Mm r .nri IMnrth Af MonoiK. va. is spending some ' time with her nelces Mrs.. Kaipn Miuer anu sua. Orvis Thigpen. . ' ! Mike MUler spent last, week end with Mr.: and Mrs. Elwood Ken nedy. In Jacksonville. ' . Mrs. John Q. Thomas has been spending some time with patrolman and Mrs. John G. Thomas in Bel haven and Rev. and Mrs. Sam Ken nedy in Greenville: ; i . v Mpiaiinia June Thomas. Earl MnriAn jini f.IuIh Summer made a business trip to Camp Lejeune Monday. , t r- .hj nv Wm-mjiti WIlKamn i ' iTxi. auu wa ... v.. , . and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Eason of Raleigh were week end guests ot Mrs. LUa K. Lanier. i Pvt. and Mrs. Roland Edwards, JT. S. Army were home for the Week end with Mr.' ana Mrs. jonn Home. - 1 Mr. and Mrs. Temple Hill spent last week end at Carolina Beach. Cpt Atlas Pate of Fort Dix, N. J. haa hwn vlsltins his mother. Mrs. Phoebe, Pate and also friends in Georgia. ' . Visiting Mrs. Neeiie mu ln.ie- nnir Cmmfv hnanital Sundav was her, mother, Mrs. Mellie Sander son, Mr, ' ana Mrs. . t loya jarowa and Mrs.. Kizzle. Teaohey, ,r ' f '-JUS"! protected guardian; . v " .aS- I'll , fy II' " .. , I-.r. j 1. i.s. 1 r ', and i. ( . 1 ...t a i t Mr. -id lan. Kuey IJtouvs ai i umily . J r. and Mrs. Marvin I ' ' 'S, Mru frank Rhodes, Mr. an J l.rs. An drew Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph i iller, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mil. ler, Mr. Woodrow Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. George Summer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bland Rhodes and family, Mr. and Mrs. Flave Mer cer and Mr. and Mrs. Romie Merr . cer and family. The honoree was a recipient of many lovely and useful gifts, - Friends Of Mrs. Raleigh Lanier are happy to know she has return-' ed to her borne from Parrotts hos pital. ' . Miss Mattle Frances Kennedy of James Walker Hospital In Wilming ton has been spending some time f with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' Thomas Kennedy. 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cottle and family visited Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Fussell in Burgaw last week end. Mr. J. W. Thomas of Wilson, ' Misses Mary Jackson of Fayette ville and Betty Gray Nethercutt of Rocky Mount were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Jackson. Mrs.- Carrie Batts, Mrs. ' Caroline Johnson . and daughter Sue, were , Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs.. Fate Batts in Warsaw. Mrs. Betty Banks, mother of Mrs. Delbert Batts is critically ill at her home in Kinston. . ; ' , Mrs. Marion Bratcher, Mrs. Her- , man Gore and son Rickle have re turned to their homes from, a vsilt -with relatives 'in New York. v. , J- Friends of A. L. Mercer regret to know he is very, ill in a Columbia hospital. ' Messrs. R. R. and Ran- som Mercer visited him Tuesday. Friends of Mr, . T. Y Dobso'n re gret to know his brother, Davis Dobson, is very ill at his home in Wilmington. u 1 t Mr. and Mrs. Ray Swinson of Rhodes Island are visiting here and will attend the graduation of their daughter, Mamie from Beulaville High School. WW'-vvi " Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hunter and son Tim visited Mrs. Ben Raeford in Le noir County Hospital Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Milton and Sila Brown in Snow Hill. '-v. -, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas, was . Glenda Sue Thomas, daughter of painfully injured Sunday when her finger was mashed by a truck door1. MOdEY-SAVIFlG OPPORTUNITY In Quality Floor Wei a- f,rri nhi v - 1 BtrV-Bf-lNa ' IM 111.10 ' tal'triMi j ft 1 1 in fa! 1 Qtttdttit VOtMttf the tilesj 1 , are unbreakable and resilient, in fact to flexible you can cut them with a 'A icissori or a knife - its easy as playing . - with blocks. Style your own personal-' , . ized floors and save installation costs. :' -?'',,"'?...;. ::;:',1.V",".;v.,fe-:., ; ZCt9&Vt ZwideselecHonof new i decorator colors in rich texture patt-anS ' that go all tht way through to the t tev f . - , ; . : 4' ', ', C cfjxm of its exclusive Triple-S-o'-d ,t ' Waxed Finish -a swish of tiie I A .' that's all ,. Now you can treat ynurw'X to t' try of a genuine quality hilutJ I nt tile floor for every room in yoir i ne. Bonny Maid Hies today. iff'.' ' ; 7 ' r r i I 1 T

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