V 1 Hi""! roses. lhe bride u a high school graduate and attended business col lege. ' She has been employed by Neil Joseph Co. of Goldsboro for several years. t iU J A Joint meeting; of the Veterans of Foreign-Wars and Auxiliaries, of the 2nd District, will be held at the Pink Hill Post on Sunday af ternoon. May 18, Department Jun ior Cice Commander Forrest Dun ,tant of Elizabeth City is expected to attend. District officers will be elected and Installed at this meet ing. Supper will be served in the cafeteria of the Pink Hill High School at 9:30 pin. Posts repre sented will Include Goldeboro, Kin stem, LaGrange, Greenville, Famv " ' I m m t- wiy i.jy .1 ' ' SKINLESS WIENERS vllle, Washington and Pink Hill. jasper u. Tynaau or me rvox tim Post is district commander. ; ' Personals Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Ruffln and Winnie and Jane Ruffln spent the week end at their summer borne at Topsail. , , t Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Tyndall were at their cottage at Carolina Beach for the week end.. - , . ..' Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Holden attended an automobile dealers convention at Pinehurst recently. .-, . Mr. and Mrs, Graham Turner and daughters visited the Joe Cal vert family at Tarboro recently. Mrs. Thad Kornegay, L. G. Kor negay and Miss Lula Tyndall vlsit- id relatives at Warsaw Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Hobgood of Ox ford were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Turner for the week end. er Miss Elizabeth Small, came re cently from New York to visit rela tives. 'r.i ': v !.---- i 'rt.-.- Mrs. Horace G. Tyndall has re turned from a visit with her daugh ter. Miss Wanda Tyndall in New York. ' ' - Torn Davis Is . Olive Mcncger Tom Davis1 of Pink Hill and H. F. Grady of Klnston have been named co-managers of the Ollve- for-Governor campaign in Lenoir County, according to a report. Mrs. Helen Turner Gets Bridge HiglilJ ' Mrs! J.'M. Jones entertained her regular- Wednesday afternoon bridge club at her home in Pink Hill Wednesday.. Mrs. Helen Tur ner was high score for members, Mrs. T. A. Turner scored next for second high and Mrs. Jasper Smith won the consolation trophy. The hostess served a delicious salad plate with iced drinks. Pin!i Mill And Lenori Cc-jnly Precinct Meeting Will Be Held May 18th . Precinct meetings of the Demo-iVerdle Noble, R. E. Hicks, vice- cratlc Party in Lenoir County will chairman; Secretary Annie Noble; be conducted at Z p.m. Saturday, Aubrey smith and Cameron How May. 10 at the 17 city and county ard. . ;,fv polling places, Chairman Meri-I The fottoWmg are serving in wether Lewis of the county Demo-1 Pink Hill, No, 2 Chairman Whit cratic executive committee has an- ford Hill; Mrs. W. H. Jones, Vies nounced. Precinct committee mem-. Chairman; Mrs. T. A. Turner, Sec bers now serving w Pink HiU retaiy; Ti J. Turner. , townships No. 1 are: Chairman1 ' - m REGISTER OF DEEDS I I f Continue An Efficient Corruption-Free, Courteous Register Of Deeds Office by Cast- i ing Tour Vote For ; .:. o;..b-n;:i nr. mmns ,: Experienced RECORDER and BOOKKEEPER A- Free From Alignment With Any Group Under Quarantine - The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Shepard of Pink Hill is cri tically ill at Duke Hospital In Dur ham. He Is under quarantine, and the parents are not allowed to visit the sick room' at the present tune, Local Seniors Enjoy, Beach Party The seniors of the Pink Hill High School and their dates, were' most graciously entertained, by a member of the class. Miss Lou Ann Davis at the L. H. Turner sum mer home on Topsail beach over the week end. Chaperoning the group were Miss Davis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter ' Davis , and Mr .and Mrs. Walter Davis and Mr. and Mrs. David Green of the faculty. r QUESTION: Hutiie New Ramp-1 way to control Fusarium and bac- shlre midget watermelon been tried t terial wilt in tomatoes? in North Carolina? i ANSWER: - The only practical answjui: rnis, variety, aions control lor rusarium wut ac- wlth about 16 others, will be in- cording to D. E. Ellis, plant di- cluded in test plantings this year at the Coastal Plain Vegetable Re search Farm at Faison. The plan tings will includ ; some vareities and breeding lines that are resis tant to wilt and anthracnose, as well as the seedless watermelon sease investigator with the North Carolina Experiment Station, is to plant resistant varieties. Several varieties usually listed as wilt resistant are Pan American, South land, and the new variety, Jeffer son. .For the control of bacterial that has been rather widely pub- wilt, the only practical method is licized QUESTION: What varieties of grain sorghums are recommended for planting, In North Carolina? ANSWER. Preliminary teste by the North . Carolina Experiment Station have shown that Wheatland er? Plainsman, and Martin Combine ANSWER: to plant tn disease-tree soil, prac tice crop rotation, or treat the soli with certain cnenucais such as cbloropicrln and urea. QUESTION: How can egg qual ity be maintained in warm weath- One good way to milo give good yields in the Coastal I help solve the problem, says Poul- Plaln and Piedmont sections of the try Specialists T. B. Morris of the State. Bonlta, which is also a low growing type, has some chinch-bug resistance. Hegarl gives high yields but grows five to six feet tall and is almost impossible to com bine. Imperial Kafir is good to turkey-off. Rachel King Has HAIL INSURANCE FOR YOUR TOBACCO J. LSuflooj Jr. DIAL 2068 104 W . GORDON ST. The Fred M. Taylor Agency Kinston Turner & Turner : " ' . j-- INSntANCX AGENCY : ; " -We're Knewm By The Ssrrioe We Glvs" Mrs. Christine Williams Office Mgr. tn ... Pis am. n. c. L. C Taraer. Jr. T. J. Twssr , Miss Rachel King was honored on. her 15th birthday Wednasday evening,' April 30, by her mother, Mrs. R. L. King, at a party at the VJ.W. Fast home In Pink Bill. A three -tiered cakfr centered the uuu ana 'a cuiur- fcuenn vl num. and white was used Mrs. King was assisted by Mrs. Robert Summer- lln in serving cake, ice cream. drinks and .candy. ' Dancing high lighted the entertainment for the evening...- The following guests at tended. Becky ; Turner, , Winnie Ruff in, Frances Howard. Jackie Perkins, Russell Bostic, Norma Ray Stroud, Pauline ana Christine Sum merlin, Bobby and Cecil Howard, Jimmy Williams, Joyce Sanderson, Tom Heath ana ciinon Tyndall. Keilh Goodson On Deans list 3 Among those 'making: the deans list at East Carolina College. Greenville, for the past quarter, Included Keith Goodson, freshman, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Goodson of Mt OUve, RJFJ. He is a 1851 graduate of Goldsboro i j. ,s m::iier J .ssssam fmmmmm,. ......... .ti. , nrinr.-o. nu I is i' t 1 A fAJVN " kS I ' 5 2 1 i.J I 1. tSP " - I 11 1 ( J II J - t.. t ii .. . i i. QUESTION: .When should pox vaccination be given to chickens? ' ANSWER: Chickens should be vaccinated with chicken pox virus between the ages of eight and 14 weeks. During this Job when the chicks are .moved from brooder house to range saves one handling! perature around of the birds. QUESTION, State College Extension Service, is to collect eggs often. This will help prevent loss in quality as well as soiling and breakage. Morris says collecting should be done at least three times and preferably five times a day in warm weath er. ' A wire basket should be used, to allow beter air circulation so the eggs will cool as quickly as pos sible. The more quickly eggs are cooled after they are laid, the bet ter the quality wil be. Another factor that is important in re good holding room, with the tern- 50 degrees and relative humidity What Is the best cent. about 85 per Predict Highway Accidents To Kill And Maim More People This Year Than Last Jlaleigh 'Unless we do some thing - and do it quick acci dents on the highways of North Carolina are going to kill and maim more people than last year," Commissioner of Motor Vehicles of Motor' Vehicles L. C. Rosser warned today. "You don't have to look into a crystall ball to figure this out," he said. "All you have to do is look at North Carolina's accident record this year.;' ' . . . ; . ' The Commissioner was referlng to the daily fatality and injury sta -tlstics collected by the Highway Patrol's radio system. i "About two weeks ago,'' the Commissioner stated, "deaths aad injuries from traffic accidents were rurinlng encouragingly be hind last year. Everyone of us in the Department of Motor Ve hicles rejoiced at this' downward trend. 1 However, recently fatali ties have begun to edge upward until now they are out In xront ox last year's record. "Irs going to take oeternunaaon and' caution like we've never be fore practiced to push fatalities back down," the Commissioner said. . . --avV. The state suffered 1,071 traffic sags) Sbhool, where be won a scholarship in his senior year. About 30 eighth grade pupus ox Pink Hill School spent , Thursday in Raleigh. They went by bus and were accompanied oy ' .principal Frank Wiley, Charles Garrett and I Mrs. L. H. Turner.. deaths and 19,123 Injuries last year. Rosser pointed out. "That was an average of 89 lives a month snuffed out by careless ness on the highways," he said. "A tragic price to pay for the con venience of the automobile. And unless we do something about it now. it's going to be worse this yew.1' The Commissioner suggested that the motoring public adopt a per sonal responsibility to help stop accidents. . "Enforcement and education alone cannot do the Job," he said. "Drivers and pedestrians must re alize that safety on the nlgnways is an individual responsibility. We must stop trying to put the blame "on the other fellow." Whenever we drive we ought to be- certain our car is mechanically sound. We should obey traffic signs impli citly and always yield the right of-way regardless of who's right or wrong. With the vacation sea son coming up soon we must all drive with more caution, courtesy and common sense. In doing so we may be able to slow down our in creasing death rate before it's too lata." DR. H. W. COLWELL Optometrist Wallace, North Carolina Office Phone: 2051 Residence: 3446 Duplin Child Injured In Fall Betty Smith, four year old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Prentiss Smith. Smith Township, was painfully hurt Thursday when she fell from s pile of lumber and sustained a bad fracture of the left arm. The fracture was so severe that an op eration had to be performed before the arm coma ne set. sne is at the Parrott Hospital in Klnston Kornegay-Grady Sneak Vows The marriage of Miss Hazel Kor negay, dbughter of Mrs. Mable T. Kornegay and the late Mr. Kor negay of Goldsboro to -Raymond Grady, son of the late Frederick Grady and Mrs. Edith Grady of Albertson was solemnized Tuesday afternoon, April 22 at 8 o'clock In the Pleasant View Presbyterian church with the Rev. N. P. Far rior officiating in the presence of close relatives of the couple. .The wedding music was played by Mrs. Ruth Townsend pianist. An arrangement of pine, fern and white spiria provided the background for the ring ceremony. The bride was attired in a love ly brown two piece suit with beige accessories 1:nd a corsage of tallis- Cuu ' a i . , of a mi-rc ....e t -....its on i.t. 1, Seven Springs wtiere the coui.l will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grady, enter- iveral years. . f jj Jtained at dinner for the bride Mr. Grady was a graduate of B. I and groom at their home after the fiffilir Hlrh arhnnl In nimlln 1 nuLiMinir ' - v. I a iarM Ilia VEEDER5 FOR HACHINW COMPANY, INC. FARM ALL TRACTORS IIISTII. SIITI HltllS Hill 4171 mawnsMi ttucn-rusAU tuctos-mu mmsuti sukuiitim fun soma 'Farm people now make up one- seventh of the total population, if the present trend away from the farm continue at its present rate, the percentage will be reduced to only one-tenth by the year 1S79. Aromatic tobacco growers who change to beat curing can make other users of their barns and heat ing units after the tobacco has been cured. Atlantic alf:lfa, developed at the New Jersey Agricultural Experi ment Station, was released in 1942. In 10 years of widespread testing, it has given superior yields in tests In 30 states and three Canadian provinces. Today's Pattern 71 !; P I 111 DR. VIIISTOII RUFFIII Pink Hill, N. C. ANNOUNCES The Opening Of Offices For The Treatment Of Diseases Of The Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Glasses Fitted Hours By Appointment (PROFESSIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT) For COUNTY COMMISSIONER MMMMMMMi "t II I I I am a candidate for com missioner from Albertson, GUsson, Smith and Wolfe scrap Townships because I want to represent the people in this district. I feel it is time that the eastern section of the district had i mission er. We have not had one since the district was formed. I have made no align ment or agreement with any Individual or groups and ana bound to no one In the coun ty but the people of say dis trict. Tew vote and support will bo appreciated. DURHAM GRADY Past Commander American Legion Post No. 379 Albertson, N. C. 9 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI fT- 1 J 30-42 Paltera MIS: In Misses' Sites 1J. H, If, is. 20; 0, It. 34. If, 40, 41 Slse 1 takes 4 yards M Inch; yard contrast. Send THIRTY CENTS In coins for this pattern to 170 News paper Pattern Dept. Z31 West lath St. New Tork 11, N. Y. Print NAMK, ADDRESS with ZONK, IZC and STYLE NUMSKR. A. J. Cavenaugh Jeweler DIAMONDS WATCHES Watch lewelry BEPABUNG KNGRAVINO - o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Top Bresser 8-0-24 Immediate Delivery SEVEN SPRINGS SUPPLY C(r H. C.Dale, Mgr. O O o o o o o o o o o o o s o o o o o o o o Seven Springs, N.C. g n1 m-XX. rs r, J-l ' ' Hotpolnt offers jroo conTen- Hotpoint'i current-conserrin ----- i s nct, e-alore-coonterbal- ThrifunasterUnit carries a3 f:;!l ";: . i CJ L: Z"I anced lid, tableop height, "i year protection ; plan. Come , - .-. ' r- -r- mZm' ' lift-out baskets, automatic In- f in and see HOtpoint Pood , . f - - f L.:.i tsl?a r.::) It-Jr. '': terior Kcht, therinometer and t Freeurs in S. 11, 13 and 23 !. ,.. easy-cleaoiag CalglosS finish. ' ,c,fti i'ij tit : r f : i i r .r J... t;r. ,W, I; ' At low cost with JOIiriS-MAHVILLE gSZtf CEILING PAIIELS 1 End cracked of bsV ceilings 'with attractlvo, prsrdaeoratsd . - Johns-Manvula Classcoat Cell Ing panels. pplU4 tt tvsr M4 fCi il'ww l!f( Jiij !tJhH-, W'"I cJdcetHngs. No nails show. Cost low. Beautiful Ivory Glaxecoat surface. 8ee us for samples and free estimate. loooooooooooooooooooooooc FOR SALE STOCK IN 82 SERIES, BEGIIINIIIG MAY 1ST. Serial Stock Matures in 84 Months and Pays 5 3-8 per cent Dividend. Full Paid Stock Pays 3 per cent Dividend. MOUNT OLIVE BUILDING & LOAN ASS N. I OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtJOOOOOOOOOOOOl o o o 5 C? J5-f.W luw 'fisnt tf ',';':M?r ' . Wi .ff,'ii 5;l) GAPalER BROTHERS 'i JIT. OUVE, N. C. -rr o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ; We Have A Complete Line of New Spinets & Used Practice pianos o o o o o . o o o o o o o o o o o o ccccccccoocooooccocoooooocococccro fie if All Pianos Completely Guaranteed JOHNSON PIANO CO. 133 W. North St Dial 3584 , Kinston

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