Iwfice 1: 4 r. terns for the Duplin a.' Jeiy par moat reach the Society ',. 1 ' Editor's desk by 1M 'dock on Tneeday BMnOnnL 4 tta Editorial w cadi week,' Vol. 19. No. 23. KENANSVJLIT, NORTH . CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1952. SUBSCRIPTION BATE: S.- per year tai DopHa- and aaJpiatac PRICE TEN CENTS Monties; $4.0 Mtdde thia area is N. C; M.W ewtalJe N..C O n nsIM Mnrv ! I I a jUUCJ ' - , " 4, , Hl ' ' 1 1 V n X'O t1 r? 1 v By J. B. GRADY i 6,384 Democrati and eleven Be- publicans went to the Duplin polls P last Saturday (or the biennial pri- enary election!. The day wag . mark l ed with few incidents and on the , t whole was reported county-wide as one of the quietest elections seen In Duplin In a number of years. Evidence of money floating around ' were at a minimum and less drink ing was noticed. Conspicuously noticeable to those who were pre-i- aent Saturday night: and those i present two years ago was the at- tltude 'and actions of the crowd ' that packed the court room during and after election returns were ail In from the twenty Duplin pre l . cincts. Two years ago there was I much evidence ? of . drinking and X slightly intoxicated victorious can- ; didates making speeches and cele- brating in general. , Even then one i of the notorious bootleggers of the " county made his appearance in the court room and was immediate , ly taken in by one of the victors. Last Saturday night the picture " was a complete reverse. The crowd was large but cool, somewhat ser . lous, but jovial, and the writer ' only spotted one person who ap peared intoxicated and he wis so quiet he was naraiy noucea. in . mentioning this phase of the two . nights the writer is trying to em- nhaslze that of1 all the times in the life of our governmental acti- : vitiei election time is the one when " everyone should participate and ' ahould do so' with a clear and sober mind. The ballot cast by each vot " er is one of the most solemn ac tions of his lifetime and his attl- " tude towards such an action is go ing to determine the kind of gov . ernment this country will have to- i" morrow. It will determine tne : kind of society they will live in and 5 the kind of people our children will V, be In the days ahead. As we are . v wont to prophesy by the proverbial "handwriting on the wall! and elee ;tions fc,deiiHely that bandwrlt. .. ins tnat can st piaimy seen. Reviewing; .the results here in Duplin w find the majority of voters favoring Hubert E. Olive who lost the race- for governor to Win. a Umstead. DupUn also fa- vored our neighbor, Roy Howe from Burgaw, who trailed second In the race for lieutenant govern 1 For Insurance commiasioner wi ' went along with the winner, Wal , , do Cheek. Also Duplin gave " Judire Hunt Parker a nice malori- f for the Supreme Court nd be lead the ticket. In the House of ' Representatives ; ' race' incumbent . Robert Carr lead MltcbeU Qritt V and J. S. Blair but failed to take a majority. Brtn nas cauea ana there will be a second primary in the race. - For Register of Deeds Mrs. Christine Whaley Williams of near Pink Hill took a 26 vote ma jority over incumbent Albert Out law and Walter Gresham. : Wm. F. Dail defeated L. O. Williams for Board of Education. In the coun ty commissioner races incumbent Airthur Kennedy defeated Leon Brown in the third district and Em mett Kelly defeated Durham' Gra dy in the second., v'''. .' The Times did not get the tabula tion of races throughput the coun ty for justices of the . peace and township constables due to lack of apace. They will appear next week. For a table of the certified returns please turn to the back page. , Ti;r.;1lo" .Izhes Girl A The old axiom about trying ag ain when you don't succeed the first time proved to be what Doris Ann Hall of Hudson, North Caro lina needed to win the National Spelling Bee, and the $500.00 cash award plus a free trip to New York that the Scripps - Howard newspapers give each year. When C 1 , f p- - if v f y. ' A r"''" i oi.s mo C i 1 ) 1 'V8 i S I J,'. 'Ill ! I Jack Sillerson Of Kenansville Appointed Local Agent For Farm Bureair Insurance d JACK SITTESSON Fish Fry To Be Wednesday June 11 - The Magnolia Lion's Club is spon sorins a fish fry to be held at Carl ton's Fish Pond, located sear Carl ton's Crossing, between Magnolia and Warsaw, on Wednesday night. June Jl. come and enjoy a meat, au you can eat ior i.uu. - ; Cctlur! . . !' .. Will -2Z 1 i uia-oay. recently r, shewof Warsaw who bcmm tu. Mlnshew taxt heard a nolse;ln the motor' wnen ne cranxeo sua car. When he raised the hood to in vestigate he found a cat In the bait between the fan and motor. There was blood and cat hairs all over everything. . Mr Minihew thinks the cat climbed In the motor to get warm. : Even though the 'cat put up a good fight Mr. Mlnshew was able to rescue him. i Junior Base Ball Team Loses Opener 'V The ; Warsaw American Legion Baseball club t laved Its first game of the season on Saturday night at the local ball park. Opponents for the evening was Wilmington. The -admittance was free but a collection was taken at the gate. 1 This was an exhibition game and a return game with the same team will be 'played in Wilmington on Monday nisht. ; i ; The final score was IS to 1 in favor of the Wilmington team,' Morehead City The Carolina Rac ing Association is now operating in 4ts "fifth season. It was North Carolina's first dog track. " ' tlcrth Ccrctina ion she was twelve, she had worked her wav un to the finals. ' Then with' thirty other contestants still left, she missed the wont 'condign'. But she was determined to try 'ag ainand she made up her mind she was going to win. 'V i i So she began , intensive train ing last November. She got her Square Dancers Enjoying Friday Night h ..i at Lake Tut, !?re' dance Is 1 .us. there is a r A ,jy n;. . t. 'Jack Sitterson, Kennasville, nas been appointed a local- agent for the Farm Bureaux insurance com panies,, according to W. A. white, vice president in charge of sales. White said Sitterson will work under L. R. George, Burgaw, dis trict manager in Duplin, Pender and Sampson counties. Sitterson is joining an agency force numbering more than 3000 men and women operating in 12 states and the District of Colum bia. He represents the Farm Bu reau Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, the Farm Bureau Mu tual Fire Insurance Company, and the Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company, with home offices in Col umbus, Ohio. t.hny Applications The .-Board of County Commis sioners at its regular meeting dir ected that a letter be sent to Mr. Joe Herlevich; District Forester at Whlteville listing the following names of prospective applicants for Sheriff Office lias Sheriff Ralph Miller's office has been busy In June. OK the first, Deputies W. O. Houston and Oliv er Home, discovered a cache of noa-tax paid whiskey, in Glisaon! Tewauhlp about 80 yards ; from Alum Springs Churrh. They ar rested Modercii Wallace for pos k jlng three gallons and one quart of . the contraband for the5pur MM of selling it. He wai tried in the Jno term of the County Court 4ettened to twelve -&MT...4 in Jail,, He appealed to the super- U.' IJi hjt " iu- Hr 2 i ' D wjum unra, vum vcpmy ar.jm ine 4. tr. vourt ana bound over D. Boone accompanied by Deputies In a brawl that has several as pects of the famous Hatfleld-McCoy feud, two men from Glisson town ship exchanged blows late Satur day night or early Sunday morn ingusing the same weapon, an iron jack handle.- David Williams alleged in a warrant Issued on Mondy that Coy Herring hit aim with the weapon in the head, in juring him so severely tnat he Herring And Villiams In Double Assault Case In Glisson Townshin Sheriff inerisfisGemmissiotiers At the first Monday meeting of the Board of County Commission ers this week, Sheriff Ralph Miller went before the Board and asked that they make with him a com plete inventory of all the whis key held in evidence or seized in raids and contained In the locker behind the judge's chamber. He asked them to direct him as to Its proper disposal He further re quested that a thorough inspection of all the closets In the courthouse teacher to excuse her from some of her class work in the eighth grade she is a straight 'A' stu dent. Then she began reading Web ster's Collegiate Dictionary at the rate of fifty pages a day. -As soon as she had finished, - she began again, making lists of all the words Continued on Back. Page (Sect I) At Lake Tut r iff i i,,, . ...j t in Duplin i every n c .t'V ' h music hy 1 t" .ince to Ue muc of i-.e..ter V.J. II 1 : ; PAVI. INGRAM ; Paul Ingram was elected president of the' Lion's Club at the meeting Wednesday night. The other offi cers are 1st V. P., B. W. Reynolds; Znd V. P.. Andrew Scott: 3rd V. P., Roy Sitterson;Secretary-treas., JLaurne Sharpe; Lion Tamer. D H. McKay; TaU Twister, A. C. Hol land; Directors, Ivey Bowden. W. L. McPhall, Z. W. Frazelle. For Rcnger's Job County Forest Ranger: Lloyd H. Kennedy, Jack Brinson, James Alr bertson, Eugene C. Wells, Leland H. Sheffield, Perry Smith, Wilbert Jones, Jack Albertson, Albert Lan- ier, and Woodrow Maready. Busy Week-End W. O. Houston and J. F. Futrell, raided a still in Glisson Township about 4 o'clock in the evening. The wnereaDouti ox the still was re ported to the Sheriffs office. It was a copper still of one barrel ca- Sacity near. Doc Herring's store, be eput also found she bar rels of maoJ.'- They smashed the still and poured rat the mash. J pnf f W. O. Houston - and. C.yer arrested Roy Andef scms f. kenness nasi Ooihen . ' " ' .y,rLuau J" tried Rtnwe en. 1 Hw.v.Ht bad a jar of to' County Court. had to be admitted to the hospital for treatment, and several stitches naa to Do taken In his head. : Coy neranj in warrant against David Williams alleged that he had been hit In the heaa, knocked uncon scious, ana nad sustained serious body wounds. Deputies W. O. Houston and Oliver Home found Herring in a semi-conscious state be made, and that all the trash and other contents be disposed of. juate tnat aiternoon the Commis sioners and the Sheriff went to the safe In which the key was supposed to have been kept, but the key was missing. Ralph Brown, a mechanic, was called In, and fin ally sawed the lock off the door. In the locker the whiskey was found In many different containers of all sizes most of It well aged in the courthouse. :' It was estlmat- For inventory Of Uliiskev Letters From Our l.any Readers Bob, ... I could and did read all, espec ially the $4.00. T m enclosing check for same. .It's a damnable shame, but I have to depend on Aunt Vevie in South Dakota for most of my Du plin County news. Some day I hope I can go back to Duplin and finish my career as a teacher. I don't suppose anyone ever chose a car eer for which he was anymore un suited temperamentally than I. But I love it, and these folks here at Stanhope have put up with me, for nineteen- yearv;- (.-:. i,:J.,r I'm looking forward to reading your paper again. Please keep it Bob-like. Don't let it go sterotyped as our local Spring Hope Enter prise has done. ' Best wishes,.' Mary Holt Richardson May 28, 1052 Mr. J. Robert Grady, Editor ; The Duplin Times Kenansville North .Carolina ' Dear Mr. Grady: ' , ' I want: to -congratulate you-on the long article in .The. Times' for Ma 8. 15E entitled "'Nick Talk.'. I especially noticed that Vance Ga vln..andXlvers Johnson vdld'BQt want you to print the story. When I V heard . what ' Charlie - Nicholson told last summer, I thought then that the account Bounded: forced and that behind it many corrupt nd c .snoiv t people of Dim tin Courjr were jproiaUy bluing, kcu Here's Smoke, There's Fire It wasn't a particularly hot elec tion as elections go in the Kenans ville ' Courthouse. The campaign had been quiet rather than heated. But something caused a fire In the courthouse anyway. During the afternoon, smoke was observed coming from a closet on the main floor. Gurman Powell, deputy, opening the closet to put out the fire, discovered that even the courthouse closets sometimes have skeletons. In the back of the closet, concealed behind the Janl tor's supplies, two gallons of non tax paid whiskey were found. It did not seem to be of sufficient quality to have started a fire spon taneously. . But no one has yet claimed own ership of the highly volatile liquid, nor does anyone admit knowing how It got there or why or when. It was smoked out, you might say, and that's another courthouse clo set that has been spring cleaned. BilJVann Hev Lions President ...... In Yarsaw Bill Vann of Warsaw was elect President of the local Lions club at the meeting held on Tuesday night. Other officers elected at the same time are Milton J. Westi -Flrst vice president. D. li. Ma this Second vice presi dent, Woodrow Blackburn Second vice president. D. H. Standi was elected as secretary. Herbert Nelmyer re ceived the Tail Twister post and Eart , Whitaker was elected Lion Tamer. Members of the Board of Direc tors are- G. S. Best, E. B. Paul, A. W. McNeil, Ed Strickland and Felteaatouse. Installation ceremonies will be conducted at the last meeting of the Lions Club In June. and took him to the Memorial General Hospital in Kinston. His condition Is Improving but there is a possibility that his arm may have been fractured by the jack handle. . David Williams waa arrest ed Sunday night and is now out on bond. . The deputies served the other warrant on Herring In the hospital. , v 'V, . ed that aDnroxlmately ten gallons was there, mostly of the non-tax" paid variety,- or about fifty f iftns. It was inventoried and then poured down the drain outside the court house. All whiskey seized since the new sheriff has taken office has been inventoried and poured down the drain as well. All of the closets in the courthouse have been clean ed out now, and the contents haul ed away In a dump truck. can render a great service to the Countv of Duplin and to the State of North Carolina by publishing the unadulterated truth as you have done in this Instance. It might be wise to have a guard thrown around Charlie wicnoison (if this has not already been done), for it begins to look as if many of the so-called 'good people of Ken ansville and Duplin County are in volved. And If a real probe ana cleanup get underway, there is no knowing what vicious measure somebody might take to keep still further truth from coming out. Undoubtedly now there are fur ther questions in many people's minds. What will be found out if all the of flees of Duplin County are investigated? If the State Bureau of Investigation goes further with its investigations as it must and should, shall-we hold our breath or put something over our nostrils? In some measure both the Coun ty and the State are to blame for this kind of situation because , of their failure to demand qualified men . and - definite standards for each 'county office, - For example, hov can a man be a coroner with out having the knowledge of a medical doctor? Why should the sheriff alao.'be the County treas urer? Two different types -Of -men are required here.-. One main qual ification for a sheriff is brawn; one main qualification for a treasurer is an, academic and commercial edu cation with a thorough knowledge of bo keeping. The auditor ahould have the training of a Certuiea COn :ied ea EJt rag (Sect, I) Jaycees Sponsor Dance To Warsaw Youth Center Opens; Recreation For Warsaw And Nearby Communities CHIEF EARL WHITAKER Chief Earl Whitaker, formerly of the State Highway Patrol and at present owner and operator of Whitaker's Restaurant in Warsaw has been named chief of Police In Wallace. He took over his duties on June 2nd. He succeds Chief Boone who leaves his Wallace post to become Deputy Sheriff of Du plin County. Infant Outlaw Pattie Jo Outlaw, one-day old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon K. Outlaw of Outlaw's Bridge, died late Saturday afternoon at the Hen derson - Crumpler Clinic in Mt. Olive. Surviving are the parents, three brothers, Donald K., Michael and Ivey Gordon Outlaw, all of the. home; vtwo Sisters, Mrs. Herbert Lewis, Jr., of Goldsboro, and Miss Elsie Jean Outlaw of the home. Funeral services were held at the home Sunday at 4 p.m. with the Rev. L. C. Prater, pastor of the Outlaw's Bridge ' Universallst Church, officiating, and burial was in the family cemetery near the home. Muskrats Delay Opening Of Lake Tut L. Bernard Tut' fussell of Wal lace and owner of the recreation al resort center, Lake Tut located near Rose Hill said that he believed that muskrats were the cause of a leak in the dam at the lake last week. He said that a corn, field was pushed up to form the dam and that many roasting ears imbedded in the dam were probably the ob ject of the muskrats intentions of their burrowing for them that caused the break. 'Tut' Fussell said that a leak of about 200 gallons of water per min ute had been noticed for several weeks , but It began to get worse last week. : The clay was so hard in the area that was dynamited on Wednesday, in an effort to stop the leak, that It would not be sealed. On Thursday sandbags were placed at 'the base of the dam and later sales of hay were used in an attempt to stop the leak. 1 A 12 foot wide section of the dam caved in late Thursday afternoon iiw uet uu uiosi iniiueujau: it. .. vu lucbe iw, j w-cj, utuu. ui wuui iiuwiag water, and.. that relief has been available for tas at Kenansville. v The date when this artesian well from which Josephiua C Precythe of Faison is drinking began flowing 14 not known, but it fa? reported that at one time it was the major supply of water for the county seat of Duplin County,. . The well waa cemented and curbed In 1009, as Indicated In the curbing at left, but the well was flowing lo before. - Precythe, H, and a frequent hot weather visitor to the well, said be bad been drinking Ms wa, for 45 years. r x , Nv. , ' ' ', v-c -r, ' " A Warsaw Youth ' center spon sored by the ' American Legion Auxiliary of Warsaw opened on Tuesday. The Youth Center is being con ducted at the Legion Home and is open from 8 until 11 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Plans are to con tinue the Youth center through the month of August. Ping pong, music for dancing, and soft drinks are provided. The auxiliary feels that the center is an urgent need of the community and extends an Invitation to all the young people of Warsaw and the adjoining communities to come out and make Warsaw your recreation center. Suitable chaperonage will be provided . during these hours. Two Warsaw Stores Robbed Two stores in Warsaw were for cibly entered between midnight and dawn .today, June S. The T & S Grocery Store was entered through a side door, and the cooler was raided and a large ham stolen. The cash register tvas completely dem olished. ThieVes also forced their way into the R. T. Blackburn Store and took over $200 in money and checks.; There are no clues at press time, v Memorial Service For Ensign E. E. McLane A Memorial Service will be held On Sunday, June 8 at 2 o'clock in Sanford, Florida for Eugene Elolse MflLano,.,. Ensign. United - SUtee Navy,T Wctoonvill,, Florida, who was killed in a pale crash about 200 miles out at sea, off the coast oi noma on May ze. ibsz. Ensign. McLane and Gayle Gay- lor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gaylor of Jacksonville, N. Q, were marnea August m, mai. en sign and Mrs. McLane were resid ing at DeLand, Florida at the time of his death. and gradually grew larger as most of the lake's 8,000,000 gallons of water drained out. It will require about a week for the dam to be fixed and the lake filled, Mr. Fussell believes. A much larger pump will have to be in stalled. One which will be capa ble of turning about 600 gallons of water a minute into the lake. Two of these are on order, Fussell said. Fussell said that losing the wat er would prove a fine thing In the long run because It will give them a chance to place a more corse white sand along the bottom of the lake and also give them a chance to clean out all sediment and trash that has accumulated and fresh water to be run in. The lake has already begun to serve meals, sandwiches, and hot dogs and is booked for several meals for parties this week. A parking lot is now under con struction and whe ncompleted will bold about 175 cars. Official opening of the lake will be announced at a later date. It's Cool And Ref reshin? In Kenansville Open The third annual dance to cele brate the official opening of the Warsaw Produce Market will be held at the Market Saturday night at eight. Music will be furnished by the Pope Brothers and the Sunt Valley boys who broadcast from Smithfleld. The dance is sponsor ed by that wide-awake and progres sive group of young men, the war- saw Junior Chamber of commerce. Saturday will be farmer's day In Warsaw, and the merchants have cooperated to make this occasion big one. The produce market itself waa opened four years ago by the War saw Jaycees who built and man aged it. The first year was raw er rough going. The next year the market was leased to O. S. Carroll, L. J. Powell and Mitchell Britt, and the volume of business more than doubled. The Jaycees still have an interest in the market and share in its profits. Some vegetables have already been sold mostly cocozell squash and some fava beans. The squash is packed in hlaf-bushel . baskets. The fava beans which are some thing like lima's, but bigger with the eye at the bottom of tha bean are delicious, and are hignly priz ed by some of my Italian friends as a delicacy. This crop is tho first commercial crop grown in North Carolina. Mitchell Britt told me that he has three acres of them, and I believe that Mr. Carroll has some too. They are almost entirely imper vious to frost, and should prove a great boon to farmer's in Duplin County they are firm and ship well. Albert fianadaga, head of the State test farm at Faison rec ommended the beans and wanted Mitchell Britt and O. S. Carroll to grow this crop as an experiment. The market handles cucumbers, peppers and egg plant as well as the squash and bean. The teMtbo of the" season Is from eight to ten weeks. The festivities are all free the dance at the produce market at eight o'clock as well as the band concert at the American Legion Hall Saturday afternoon at 4:30. And the Jaycees will even servo free refreshments at the concert, too soft drinks and nabs, and all kinds of things. If you don't know Warsaw very well, it's time you did. I hope to nave a leature on tnis town soon which grew with the advent of the railroad and used to be called Duplin Depot. Farmer's Day should be lots of fun for everyone. Why don't you come and bring all the family? The roving reporter. Mrs. Nancy Thigpen Mrs. Nancy Thigpen, 65, died Sunday at 10:50 p. m. at her homo In the Potters Hill Community af ter two weeks illness with heart trouble. Surviving are her hus band William A. Thigpen, two sons, Lee of Pink Hill, Route 2, Beattie of Beulaville, one daughter, Mrs. F. D. Hall of Pink Hill, Route 2, one brother, Carris Taylor of Pink Hill; one sister, Mrs. Q. L. Qulnn of Pink Hill Route 1, 14 grandchild ren and 4 gfeat grandchildren. Funeral services were held front Limestone Adventist Christian Church of which Mrs. Thigpen was a member, Tuesday at 3 p. m. with the Rev. G. W. Sheppard, a former pastor now of Wilmington, officiat ing. Burial was in the family ceme tery. 1 A J .:'!, I 1 1