' -it ..or t'edn- 1 ' I i --...un for t.e week ended Mav a my obtain 24 was estimated, at 275 millio; f sent There pounds. : . . L. I . u... y t, : S C t i dloU .iUt'-i 1 tension, Ser .. a set from y rco is vi chari , V 1 . i l IT K Personals lln. T. J. Turner and daughters Marsha and Judy are spending this week at the-- Turner Cottage at Morehead,'-She was accompanied by Mr. Turner ana Mr. ana Airs. Earl Smith, who . spent the Week end there. --,. . ,..i, Mrs. David Green la visiting her Daren ta at their home near Eureka. YOU WILL MAKE MORE TOBACCO " 7 - When You zm fcl ' PROFITl (GATEi ? S w -V l s water II I liDKD.TT IRRIGATION xivea year eroa the right amount of a the riant time. Tour plants get a good start, continue to grow through dry spells no stunted growth, no luwdened jW stalks, bo buttoning out. i jjM WATEB keeps your fertiliser In action every day to give you the crop of tobacco yon want eveijy year! INCREASE YOUR YIELDS INCREASE YOUR QUALITY INCREASE YOUR PROFITS DONT LET PBY WEATHER out Into your profits. NOW for top quality Irrigation equipment In all sixes, glneered free to fit your farm. ? with IRRIGATION SEE US En- 51 Li Si ni Thompson Irrigation Company J , . Kinston m Miss CcSly Cray Villiamsa Is Wed To Mr. Elvood Thigpen On Friday May 30 .Mr. Elwood Thigpen, son of Mr. and ,Mrs. Merle Thigpen of Pink HillRt 2 and Miss Betty Gray Williamson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Flavers Williamson of Pink Hill were married at the home of Justice of the Peace John Shaw in Richlands Friday, May 30. Mr.j Card OflThanks? : The J. P. Williamson family wish to thank their many friends for the help and contributions during the loss of their home and business by fire on Wednesday, May 7th. Thank you very much. - ', v The Williamson family Shaw performed the; ceremony. The groom attended ' BeulavlUe High School and served six months with the,yjs. Army at Camp Stew art, Ga, . ;Mrs.' 'Thigpen attended Pink Hill , High School. The cou ple will be at home in Pink Hill. j 605 N. Heritage St N6vat T. A. TURNER CO. PINK HILL HE COLD-CIEAR-TO-THE-FIOOR ' " i.i -MJ - - . . I -4at Imagine... at this low price you get 7.1 cu. ft. of space, 13.9 sq. ft of shelf area, in a deluxe new Kelvinator! Just look at these features! , . . . a "C-SmI" freeur Chest -i-wowit thing to a real horn frMzarl Seg fcoetle spesel. O Stoat fray wHk frMxing-cotd ator ' CeM .Clear te-Mie-ffrorl : PPiIm MMwa for dou. la roar mubm with r i.w i rau rnjunm riu Dm. gna nw lun ra. Prlw u4 prtncitLoM ubM M bun J THERE K BETTER REFRIGERATOR . . . Ruthle Turner of Kinston spent Monday night with her grand mother, Mrs. T.- A. Turner. Misses Pegiy Jo Stroud and Betty Jean Davis, students at the Woman's College, Greensboro," have returned home, j , v ,, i ' ; ; - Mr. and Mrs. Graham Turner and daughters visited the Bill Cal vert family, at Tarboro on Sun day. Mesdames Corbett Weston. Bill Cade, Frank Wiley and 'Scotty' Wiley, spent Thursday after noon at Topsail. vj -, Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Grady and daughter, Pamela of New York, Mrs. Editn Grady and Mr. and Mrs. Durham Grady of Albertson were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Smith on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Godwin and daughters Lela K. and 'Billie were guests of the H. N. Haxwell fam ily Sunday. 'Billie remained for a weeks visit with her grand par ents. -: v - ' - Mr. Willard Smith of Albertson expects to leave Monday morning with the group of farmers from Duplin County for a tour of west ern states which will take them as far as St Louis, Mo.' The par ty will arrive back in Kenansvlile on Sunday June 15. Mrs. Bill Cade of Lejeune is spending some time with her par ents in Pink Hill while her hus band, assistant field director of the American. Red Cross for this area is on maneuvers with the Marines on the island of Ciegues, off Puer to Rico. ' Mr. Cade is serving as St, representative of the Red Cross on these maneuvers. Mr. R. K. Smith has returned, via Eastern Airlines, to Miami. Fla. following a few days vsiit with relatives at Pink Hill. He is a member of the office force of Home-Wilson, Inc., in Miami, which is a branch of the firm located in Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper J. Smith left early Wednesday for Waco, Texas to visit their daughter,, Mrs. Charles Saunders and Mr. Saun ders. They expect to be met there by their son, Mr. Howard Smith, who is with the U. S. Army station ed at Camp Polk, La. , .Mr. and Mrs. Layton Cochran of i Robersonville spent the week end with Mrs. Cochran's parents, Mr and Mrs. Alvln Kornegay, hav ing attended the Taylor -Whaley wedding at Charity on, Saturday, jars. N. C. Davis, Mrs. - W. G. Kornegay and Miss Bessie ' Kor negay spent Sunday with the Her man Fussell family in Rose HiU Mrs. Thad Korneaav. Miss Bes sie Kornegay and iZ G. Kornegay were recent Durham visitors. Miss Marianna Grady. Mrs. Ed Fordham and Miss Bessie Korne gay of the B. F. Grady community left Monday for Greenville to at tend summer school, at E. C. Col- Church Group Young People Hold:Meeling A Joint meeting of" the Presby terian young people of the . Pink Hill group of churches was held at the Presbyterian Church In Pink mil at 0 p.m. Sunday. Rev. N, e. Farrlor conducted the Bible study. A. picnic supper was served, Mrs; Turner; Bridge Hostess :. ' Mrs. Lynwood Turner, Mrs. Al ton Tyndall and Mrs. Horace Tyn- dall compiled high, i second high and lok scores, respectively, when Mrs. T. A. Turner entertained her bridge club at her home in Pink Hill Wednesday, r . , The home was decorated for the occasion, with a profusion of sum mer nowers. ,. , The hostess served banana splits. VFW Serves ; .v-'lMITf lltwOa '' . .'- j SV ans-ws4 tew dt) M 4 A barbecue chicken supper ser ved by the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 9514 on Friday night was a decided success in spite of the heavy rain .which fell in the Pink Hill vicinity Friday after noon. Proceeds went to benefit a V.F.W. cause. ; Narrators At Dress Revue - n-fr The Lenoir County Home Dem onstration club women and the 4H girls staged their annual dress revue at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Lewis school auditorium in Kin ston. ' Serving as narrators for the occasion were Miss Glenda Noble of Deep Run and Mrs . Xelghton Turner of Pink Hill. , Glenn Smith ri Rangy. Rlan 'Suifs Small Lot ' - ' -!' i V' TIT! i: I I- : 'Jasw ' J brifiin.itf ymiiiiiOTriirnirnfiMnmMiiiiminittfiffTinfnfrrt il 'iiiiiiiiiii 'i i rrr 'i in i iii,i,-JTv-rfn-',f,r i i.--.-. ' lOABAot . . ., , an- .. in. rn I ' ' ', ici2r . tS-Ck-0" i-4-t'-0" rtffTT I ' ' t -s' ' 'v - cl IcryTf cl '' Id P -V.'- :eaeit; '"rt' ij ' This home is low and rangy in the best contemporary style, out it is nevertheless well suited, to a city lot as narrow as 45 feet It is Plan 303-C of Walter T. Anicka, architect, 617 Forest, Ann Arbor, Mich. -- The exceptional adaptability of tne dwelling was acmevea oy ae signipg. it to run lengthwise on the lot instead of crosswise. The saraea is at the front - " The architect selected materials for the exterior that are economi cal. both in initial cost and main' tenance. Asohalt shineles are rec ommended for the roof. Sidewalls are of waterproofed cinder block. and the contrasting nrepiace wait isoi cinaer nricK. Asphalt shingles are available In a great variety of professionally selected solid and blended colors, giving opportunity for expression it individual taste. Ihe sparkling white sidewalls supply pleasing sontrast Both exterior materials are fire-resistant virtually a ne cessity in modern construction. The interior is arranged around a central reception hall paneled in easy-to-clean hardwood veneers. The inside fireplace wall is pan eled to match the reception hall, repeating the warmth and friend liness of natural wood grain. The wood grain motif is continued in all three bedrooms, where sliding closet doors are of hardwood plywood- with attractively figured face veneers. ! Floor area is 1.250 sauare feet a figure useful in estimating con struction' cost. (Detailed buildinr plans art available from Walter t. Anicka, 617 - Forest Ann . A bo Mich. Refer to Plan 3U CJ , , WW rf -i'ii-rtr-tirrirtii itfiirr.mi . namr" mum inniin qulrementS for corn, barley, oats, grain sorghums, rye, soybeans, and wheat 7 Factors covered Include minimum weight test per bushel. moisture percentage, damaged ker nels, ana xoreign material. ' QUESTION: Where can I get in formation . on grading of small grain for market purposes? ANSWER: The U. S. Department of Agriculture has prepared a se ries of 10 charts covering grade re- IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - GET YOUR O HARDY-IIEVSOME- ' IHUVIU f The condltldn f Glenn Sicoltri Sr, at B. . F. Grady School Vho was taken suddenly 111 while on a signt seeing trip to Washington ' D. C, recently, Is improving steadily. He has been allowed to' walk around a little. His mother Mrs. Bryant Smith, Sr., who was at his bedside became ill also and had to return home, but others from the Grady community have taken "her place mere and it is hoped that he wiu return nome at an early date. Thursday morning of last week neighbors and friends of the fam ily met at the Smith farm and with tractors and other fanning imole- ments, cleaned all the crops:? Just goes to snow mat a mend in' need, is a friend indeed. ,.- A i ' i i ,' V' (. In P'ASTURi 1 MANUFACTURED v BY KUT-KWICX TOOL COHPORATION ' OPtGlKATORS . .Or MOBILE Q WEB SAWS : THEN LET KTJT.KWICK J0NIOR PASTURE SAWS SOLVE YOUR CLEARING PROBLEM by cutting GROUND LEVEL stumps, trees and brush with a one-man. quick and inexpensive op eration. Leaves land ready for disk and mower. Also sprays cattle, and paint mows lawn. Don't htat. Investigate. Let us show you WHY kUT-KWICK IS BEST before you buy ... . ,'; T i. . . ; , While on a visit with Kap hni: band's parents! Mr. and Mm. Doiier taae at isufaula. Ala., recentlv Mrs. Bill Cade was he honor guest ai a oeugnuui cold drink party, given by her sister-in-law. ; Mrr. Cade, at her home there. lege. , . ' i v . -. . ..,,,.v.: Mr. and Mrs. William Balrd and sons of Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Southerland, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Carr and Mrs. W. M. Rlvenbark of Wallace and Mr. and Mrs.: An drew Patterson of Kenansvlile were Sunday guests of Mr. andMrt. W. J. Smith. - Mr. and Mrs. L H Turner, Becky and L. H. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davis, Miss Betty Jean Davis and Mr and Mrs. Seth King spent the week end at the Turner cottage at Topsail. ..-. :H v. , . , . ... ..... ; WJule Prices Are Right " LARGE 2.i;..; 4' ...-437.00 . 4.JWEDA.J.i...I.M.l'....32.00 ;l SMALL ...... ;...r22.00 1 'X PLACE TOUR ORDER NOW AS PRICES, MAY CHANGE. '.THESE TRUCKS HAVE GREASE . ALEMITE FITTINGS ilmsSonlrecSor & YOUR FERGUSON DEALER Richlands Iliway Phone 4920 ft Kinston OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI IS o o o o o o o o o o o o 00000000ft0000060O00OO0ft000 L c. II Inch ttumr Cut CWQt'VD'lEvrt lr XUT-XWICK SEE THE DIFFERENCE Good vision and good looks' are 1 1 9 yours when , we , fit you ith smart, beoomlng glasses,' made exactly to your prescription. ' SauTII-TOLAR OPTICIANS . Complete Eyeglass Service Open aQ day Saturday S. Cer ft ". ri '! k.i,. , ' '' j V . INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS FARMALL 4 Jtti j- di H t t ' 1 ...,..., ...... TRACTORS t.f ARM IMPLEMENTS J SERVICE' S V l' I ! 1 REFRIGERATION PARTS 4HiiiifJi - - MACHINERY COMPANY, INC kinston.northcarolina-phonewb , H NEW TREADS IN ONE-HALF DAY - ;"J Don't throw your good old slick tires away! Let us recap them. ' "All of our'4 recapped tires carry the same guarantee as a r new first line tlre.( Guaranteed to last longer than a second lline tire. .It ; J 'J f V. W a v m 12S W. BLOUNT-ST. DIAL 358 : KINSTON, N. C. J !':.'. Mi if ;." '1 ':':y ' ; H -K: . . . i , i) l .-1, Turner & Turner , , INSCsUN 'AGEWZr "We're Known By The Service We Give" Mrs. Christine WUliams --Office Mgr. Phone 2836 Pink Hill. N. C . L. C Turner, Jr. . T. J. Toner ' lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOf NOTICE r fir r'Quickesf Way to A Vacation " f ju '! .."' ', ; t .: ! .. . ::-.. : ' By regular savings, of course. Use our !;;; ;,:... f. ..-:,: ..:.- .-' ; ; '' " ' '-y, ' .:; . convenient Vacation Club plan to give you the vacation you want. And for complete safety, depend on our protect ed Traveler's Checks. First-Citizens Bank & Trwst any "'.:;""- ;. , o O Of- o o : - r O - . O fiTTF. Tfl SIfrtRTA flF OP T.ARAR O 1 ' and VACATION ! ill WE WILL BE 0 XLOSED-ffPil EACH SATURDAY v ti!vhi; -J !. . o .'rj-.p AFTERNOON DURING THE SUMMER 'k Xz o o o 8 JMONTHS BEGINNING SATURDAY, JUNE 7th j r. .-yv -vvfti;.". -Wr , .'; .''.ii - .' k O ; & XtVtN APK NUN A IPMI Y I JK v O A ' '- " wy : A OH.&Dale,Mgr.1: , j Seven Springs, N. C.O ?ooooooo66oooooooooooboot5 It ' t K 1 f ILL .J t Buflding Supply Cai-. ; 1410 W. Vernon Av Durtoa. - Fhoni mh ; ,U nil ......-..- V v..ir.v, .'jM.t-i ..PP. -rta-i.,. no" - '""MMMIIIMMMnWHafeM l&ur dream home . ; . : , r , - buM it rww this thrifty way j Comb i ' II ii .J I caac( I . ;, Celotex Houm No. 10 as Aorkmallv Advertised s mom IZT . lnow Ml ) HAlt ' 0MNC 1 1 rt IMNCSOOM ! . weooM ri -V Well show rtm mamr fnm i i..j ..-J! the new Celotex Book of Homes -that assure you wre frr your building dollar. Costa are held to a anlnlnnmi by up-todata, Improved design and use of double-duty materials -such as Celotex Insulating Eiwi.W that builds and huulatet at one cost Well help you b t Uueprlnta and coct estimates, and ' dvise you on financing. See vn todyl d fca'v it A J jai in id iu

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