i t I hi ;f! ; " !K u. Mr Fc.:d On C Mr. W. T. Byrd of Wolf scrape Township entertained a large fam ily gathering at dinner on May 25th to honor her father, Gilbert E. Alphin of Mount Olive on his B2nd birthday. Five . children,, fifteen grandchildren and three great grandchildren wore present to honor this well known Duplin County citizen on this momentous occasion. Mrs. Byrd lives on the old family farm where Mr. Alphin spent many years of his long and active life. After a delicious din ner of fried chicken and salad, a huge birthday cake bearing 92 can dles was brought in. And Mr. Al phin blew all the candles out with two breaths. "." x'y, lore Be left fcuaiay -ftlgut -to re join bis ship ana iil spend this next week end in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Banks McNairy. IQrOf Goldsboro, will bo week-end guests aof Mrs. Guy Gooding. . , Miss Rebecea Grady Is spending a week with her aunt, Mrs. H. W. Shoulars,, at Rich 8aare. -r.. t'w.-- ' Young Society Miss Janet Boney of Washing . ton, D. C, and Mr. and Mrs. Nor wood Boney and Master Christo pher Boney, Jr., of Greensboro spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Norwood Boney. Miss Frances Jean Patterson who returned home on Saturday from Meredith College left Sunday for Raleigh where she will work dur ing the summer vacation. Miss Mary Sue Burch and Miss Theo Hollingsworth left Monday for East Carolina College to attend summer school. Miss Jean Tyndall who was op erated on Saturday at Rex Hospital is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Hasty re turned home on Monday after spending the week end in Laurin- . burg. They were accompanied by Master Rudy Hasty who had been . visiting his grandparents. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Craft, Mrs. G. R Dail and Master BiUie Craft spent Sunday In Kinston Miss Sylvia Gooding left Satur day for Chapel Hill to attend the anniversary dinner of her father's graduation class from the Univer sity of North Carolina. Miss Shirley Tyndall left Monday to visit a college class mate at ' Camp Lejeune. . Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gooding. Jr. and Master Guy Erskine Gooding will arrive Thursday from State College for a visit to Mrs. Guy Gooding. Mr. Stephen Gooding left Tues day for State College to visit his brother. He will return with them Jo Kenansvllle on Thursday, and will leave for Presbyterian Junior College at Maxtoll on Sunday to at tend summer school. Miss Gail Newton and Miss Syl via uooaing are visiting Mrs. Sta cey Boone in Kinston through Friday. , Lieut. A. R. Bland, tl, USMCR. spent the week end at his home dpaL His graduate work was done at State College. . ; Dortrmlc . Mrs. Gene Tyndall left on Fri dayday to be with her daughter, Miss Jean Tyndall who was op erated on Saturday, . ' Mrs. Falson McGowao attended the twenty-fifth anniversary of her college class this week end at Meredith College. - Mr. and Mrs. Vance Gavin apent the week end at their summer cot tage at Swansboro. u Mrs. Guy Goodinfg spent the week end in Chapel Hill and at tended the commencement exer cises -and the anniversary dinner of her husband's class. Mrs. W. W. Terry of Whiteville has. returned to her home after spending a week as the house guest of Mrs. O. P. Johnson. : Mrs. Falson McGowan entertain ed at luncheon on Monday for the Board of County Commisslners. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hollings worth entertained ..at , a family houseparty over the week end. Among their guests were Lieut. Commander and jars. A. W. Payne, Miss Holly Payne and Master Al Payne and Mr.. Win. Reese of Nor folk, and Mr, Johnny Helms of Monroe. .. .. .'.-uniit . Mr. Joel Whaley and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Williamson had as their guests over the - week end, Mrs. Hunter E. Sanders and her dauga- ter. Mrs. Albert' B. Hawes and children of Goldsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Bernice ' Whaley of Holly Ridge, Mrs. Ralph, Bateman and Mrs. Carlton Harris and Children of Elizabeth City and Mr. Chester Whaley of Rocky Mount. They attended the Whaley-Taylor wed ding on Sunday at Rose Hill. Mrs. Taylor is the granddaughter of Mr. Joel whaley. Mrs. Guy Gooding left Wednes day to visit her daughter, Mrs. Banks McNairy, HI, In Goldsboro. 1 i'i.i i, i ii i ' i i O. P. Johnson Elected Class President At Duke O. P. Johnson, j Superintendent of Schools of Duplin County, was elected president of the class of 1927 at Duke University at his twenty-fifth -class reunion last week. This is the first reunion that Mr, Johnson .has attended since his graduation.; Mr. Johnson has served as Coun ty Superintendent 'for he past 17 years. He taught In Richlands, Bur gaw and Atkinson before being called to Rjchlaod yga. school prln- Following Invitation : Has . Been ' Received: f - Mr. and Mr TJlns Gurganus request tke haetoar roar sreseaee at the marriage of their daughter Jean Elisabeth Mr. Z. W. FraseUe eat Saturday, the serenta of Jane M four o'clock is the afternoon . Richlands Methodist Church Richlands, North Carolina $ Club Holds Memorial Day Service The Kenansvllle Women's club met Thursday afternoon at the Lodge building. , The president, Mrs. Alton Newton presided. Mrs. Louise Boney bad charge of the program wbclh was a memorial day service. The Reverend Robert Col lins opened the - meeting with a beautiful devotional and closed it with the playing of taps. . Mrs. Collins accompanied her husband in his trombone solo, Perfect Day, played by request Refreshments of punch and cookies were served after the meeting. Public Accountant. To -der- trained people for their jobs iu undoubtedly relieve r art of t e trouble. It la Just as important for these people to be trained as It Is for a school teacher to have a de gree in the subject to be taught, the minister to have a graduate profes sional degree In theological studies, or a doctor to have his Doctor of Medicine degree. Along with these high standards, we must remember that there Is no substitute for hon esty. Sincerely yours, t i ; ' MurreU K. Glover C: . t Continued From Front Page) she was not sure of. Then she read through magazines looking for al unas oi unusual woras. -,. Week before last, her big test came. In the auditorium of the Department of Commerce, she lin ed up with some 51 other boys and giris ine pics: oi xour ana a nan, million. The first words were easy to Doris assonance, homily and camellia. But at the end of the fifth round, 28 contenders had been spelled down. ; The words got ban- Mrs. G. R. Hostess To Club Mrs. G. R. Dail entertained her bridge club Wednesday afternoon. Two visitors were present. Mrs. Jack Sitteraon and Mrs. Joe Wal lace. High score for the members was won by Mrs. Norwood Boney, and the high score visitors prize was won by Mrs. Wallace. After the last progression, the hostess served strawberry shortcake. Mrs. Helen Cushman was a guest for most missed a word herself che spelled 'heglra' with a 1' but the judges found that It was an alterna tive. . wv-' ' When round 23 arrived Doris Ann Hall was still In the contest- with two other girls. For , the next five rounds, not a word was missed. Then a girl missed fher baveous'. , At this point, the rules changed. ' The contestant to win had to spell not only, the word her opponent had missed but the next one on the list as well. And ten sion mounted as Secretary of .Com merce Charles Sawyer came down from his office to witness , the final rounds. f.itt The words increased in difficul ty 'shibboleth,' oleaginous and finally 'cicerone' Doris missed that one, but Marjorie Follart of Crafton, Penna, knew it. How ever, Marjorie missed farraginous'. Doris got that one right and 'she bad one word left between her and the National Championship, v She took her time. The word was Vlg- S: K ' . : a;.-,;-; il Vililwsl On Thursday afternoon at 5:00 Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Cox honored and presented Donn Allison wells, pianist, to guests at a tea. Donn la the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wells of the B. F. ' Grady High School in Duplin County and High School senior and piano pu pil of Mrs. W. T. Byrd of Mt Olive. Mis. Byrd mcroaucea we very talented young musician and he played: Prelude by Rachmaninoff, Valse by Chopin, Ave Maria ty Schubert, Traumerl by Schuman, Dizzy Fingers by Godfrey, Liebes traum by Liszt, Coasting by Bur leigh and Claire de Lune by De bussy,1 He was assisted by Miss Jo Ann Padley of Ayden, vocalist, who gave two selections. ' The home was decorated through out with beautiful spring flowers and roses. Immediately after the recital a buffet supper was served by the host and hostess. . , Out of town-guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wells and daughter, Connie Jo, Mrs. O. C. Stroud of Ay- r1 mwA )invlA 1 i 1 utsawi autl asm . 'depilatory', asthmatic.' DorW'aWdelV Sf- fd M?;,JvA; Batso,n son, . Jimmie of Mt Olive and Mrs. W. M. Fowlks of Wendell. Other guests enjoying the musical were: Mrs. v John Coward and daughter, Esther Hill, Mrs. John Worthlngton, Mrs. s. E. Cofunan, Miss Bene Mc Cotter, Mrs. L. O. -Cox, Mrs. R. C. McCotter and Miss, Mary D. Mc- Cotter, e n " of a. ' Anne wl'tehum of Betnei rendered piano selections, c Mrs. M. L. wadsworth oc Wil mington directed guests to the dining room where bridal cake, nuts, mints ana puncn were served by Miss Murphy and hono rary attendants The dining taoie was covered with an imported lin en cutwork cloth and centered with a silver bowl arranged with white carnations, snapdragons and fern, flanked by silver candlesticks with white tapers, 11 ' , t . . ' Goodbyes were said to Mr, and Mrs. Luther West. Following the reception the bridal couple left for a trip to the western part of the state. The bride wore a white suit with green accessories and an orchid corsage lifted, fom her bowsuet' Mrs. Taylor la graduate of Wallace High School and East Carolina College. Mr, Taylor is a graduate of Robersonville High School and is now serving with the U. S. Army at Fort Dlx, New Jersey. Morehead City Dogs racing at the track here have to be IS or under. That refers to their names, which can not be more than 13 let ters In length. " ; Morehead City Schooling races are required in dog racing at the local track. Each dog must run three times before official racing begins, two on the futurity length and once at 5-16s of a mile. Morehead City Last year's at tendance at the Carolina Racing Association dog track here was the best in the history of the track. . Marilyn Alderman In Recital At Vake Forest College Miss Marilyn Alderman, lovely daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Alderman of Rose HH1, one of the most popular members of Duplin Society, , was presented in a piano recital by the department of Music of Wake Forest College on Wednes day, May 21, at 8:15 o'clock. Miss Alderman's varied program Includ ed the following selections: . Pre lude and Fugue in A-flat Major, by Bach, Intermezzo, Op 119, in C ma jor, and Rhapsody, Op 119, E-flat major, of Brahms, - the difficult Sonata in G. Minor of Schumann; three pieces of Debussy and two Chopin Etudes. . ,, Miss Alderman has been highly praised by music critics all over the state. The people of Duplin County look forward eagerly to a possible recital here. K.:ti Carolina - "..:.:, ,.. . i-J Dupiai County g? . ' - .X? for cash at the 'home Place of Eneas LS 10:0' Hvestock. farming machinery and tools, hay and erchSp4 frocerles, includlnt the followu sale at puouc uu-: tf . 1&a Tarious article, corn, stock k aaa tmM at lumber 2 rolls of poultry wlro 1 canvass "-' i tMnr (Oliver 77) i i X bush and bog disk I gang disk 1 2-row stalkcuner 1 scoop tractor .. ... . . 1 fleetllne Chevrolet, 1947 . - H; 1 seed sower 1 hammer mill -1 grist mill 4 1. 2-horse disk harrow . '.i ' V" :'' . qiti . a "'SsiS,' i . Mi i III... Jj. Iff. 1 hay rake 10 brood sows 1 manure spreader 1 stock hog 22 pigs 4 up-right plows 4 cultivators 4 term plows 100 barrels of corn 100 bails of timothy hay 1 22 rifle 1 12 gauge pump gun I ice cream oox 1 ahnwcasa 1 heater . wttvT' 1 set of counter scales Ulif ' 1 drink box 1 wire stretcher 1 hole digger 5 mules 1 grease gun ' . 1 sack saw. , 2 tobacco dusters ' , 1 seed sower . ' f ' 1 $25.00 of miscellaneous tool 1 junk safe Jfg 1 wmwri 1 fan -. i: s.y,:-.. 1 single section harrow 2 corn planters 1 guano sower 1 electric fence control a set of cartwheels , 3 1 set of pump tools 1 14 Inch bottom plow, for Oliver tsactor 1 International BLB.-d truck 1 International K. B.-l pick up J II 1 horse drawn mo wing machine $900.00 worth of merchandise la the store. . v-v,: :. . aaa 4 4 1 t .v? I 'lie The above articles may be Inspected at anytime prior to the sal. This' the 4th day of June,-1952. - - , Hubert O. Lanier Hazel L. Williams Administrators Grady Mercer Attorney At Law 649-ST, G.M. ..ju. U ii! d 4 CLASSIFIED ADS flo;v They Voted In Saturdays' Primary e s SB O e I fa S3 I S -B.g- g $ LET US RECAP YOUR TIRES Full circle full cap Fully Guaranteed Work U S. Tire Distributors ' ; , BRTAN-CDMONSON Traeter C Mt OUve Hwy. Phone 33 -" Goldsboro V '&tfi SQVARK DANCE Mount OUve - Gymnasium every Saturday night at 8:00. r Music by "The Rhythm Four Phis One." Artralsiion 73c per person. "A dean dance for clean people," sponsored by the Amerioaa Legion. . , PLENTY OK GOOU MAIM I FROM A DRILLED WELL. WRITE FOB ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET AND ESTIMATE. . GTVINO US DIRECTIONAND' HOW' FAB YOV UVK FROM OUB TOSTOFWCE. -v, HEATER WELL CO INC. FOR RUBBER, ASPHALT, LINOL-J EUM and plastic wall tile, and for expert laying, call J. P. Smith or A. Q. Smith at East Carolina Tile Co., Magnolia, N. C. Workntauthlp guaranteed . Free estimates. Phone night 2110, day 2147, Box 108, Mag nolia, tfc. FREE ROGERS SILVERWARE at Clinic Drug Co. Get your card to day and own a set of silverware soon. Lovely patterns. tfc USED TRACTOR HEADQUARTERS 1950 Farmall Super A and Eqpt 1950 farmall Cub tc Kqpt. 1949 Farmall Cub St Eqpt 1948 Farmall Cub and Eqpt. , 1940 FarmaU A tc Eqpt - ; 1938 Farmall F-12 Complete . -1936 Farmall F-20 Complete " ' 1934 Farmall F-20 en steel 1949 Ford Tractor Complete 1949 Ford Tractor w-balf track - 1948 Ford Tractor Complete 2945 Ford Tractor Complete ' 1949 Oliver Cleatrac Tractor 1949 Avery V and Eqpt , , 1938 Avery A 8c Eqpt "r 1949 Massy Harris Pony tt Eqpt 1938 John Deere on steel 1947 Fordsen Traeter on Steel Plows Disc Harrows Equipment Your Ford Traotof Dealer V BRYAN-EDMONSON Tractor Co. , Mt OUve Hgwy., Phone 3000 ' Goldsboro . : . ; When In Mt Olive Visit REAVES RESTAURANT A Good Place To Eat M5-7T. C, M-v; Watch This Space Daily For The Best Boys In ' ; A-l CARS AND TRUCKS Farmers see me for vour land plaster needs. '-WE. Belanga, Kenansvllle. For Sale Cockerel Chicks . 88:00 ' per hundred. ' All heavy breeds, j Southerland Hatchery, waiiace, n. c. roone sszi, 8-12 3Tc u: ir i FOR SALE: One five room house Warsaw. Reasonable. . Call 528 or write Box 541 Warsaw. 5-2fl IT P. H. NEW FORD. For the best deal on a new Ford car or truck see W. L. Cavenaugh at Kenansvllle Also many good used cars and trucks. Telephone W. L. Cavenaugh at K.eaansvuie Z133. . .. GENUINE D-CON Noted rat pois on, now on sale at Clinic Drug Company, in Mount Olive. tfc VACCINATED CHICKS All our chicks are vaccinated against New castle disease with killed virus and are N. C.-U. S. approved Pullorum clean frem strains that really pro duce eggs. Mount Olive Hatchery. Have opening In Duplin County for neat man witn car. Average earn ings 980.29 per week. Write or phone Fuller Brush Co. P.O. Box 182, Wilmington, N C. Phone 2-2803. Tcf ' ..' . I?- Reliable man with car wanted to call on farmers in Duplin County. Wonderful opportunity., $10 to $20 in a day. No experience or capital required. Permanent Write today. McNESS COMPANY, Dept. C. Candler Bldg., Baltimore 2, Md. 8-5 2T pd. ..-;.;'.... j, 1951 Ford Custom Fordor $1944,90 1 ' Low Mileage-Loaded - f ' 1948 Pontiac Dei 4 dooi29Q.OO ' a.xira viean . ,1938 Ford Coupe w.. 350.00 4 teai Clean-New Motor I 1948 Ford 2 ton Dump XrtiAt , - v-rt csMiUon ,i:..-..4io90.oo ' 1948 Ford 1-2 ion Pickup $ 598.P0 t A Good Buy 1943 Willys Jep 850.00 Good Condition ' You Ca Find The Car Or TmckJ VOu Need At Our Big Lof On North Center St , Sales Dept. Open Evenings' .i UntU 9:00 p.m. r ' V WE EUY-flA-TWADE" ; . CCMTMTY V . UVS , CC ti KHaH , GCIX O ,, I at Acetylene and electric welding on til farm machinery. Sprays and dusters repaired. Trailers, hitch es put on. Lawn mowers sharpen ed and repaired. A good weld means longer wear. Wojfc one by Garnie S. Herrini at A, C. HalL XX aA mi.. lM rn . .. GOVERNOR . . ji- - ..V" - Hubert E. OUve (Democrat) 1 261 1 95 98 ai8 189 187 82 138 137 414 140 179 139 33 1 6 256 43( 124 107 1708032 I William B. Umstead (Democrat) . 1 362 13H 27 80 . 92) 118) 95 85 64 148 36) 63 72( 14 87 890 73 167 115 2782375 - Manley R. Dunaway (Democrat) 1 8 3 0 2 1 v l 2 0 : g 8 0 3 1 0) 1 8 1 2 - 8-2 38 FOB LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR r.yr '!..' f. - -. Marshall C. Kurfees (Democrat) 1 B2 18 7) 18 6) 18 ,4) C . 4 19 8f 10) 3 0 4 18) 0) 13j 20 8 200 Roy Rowe (Democrat) 1 875) 78 86) '72) . 99,, 98 113 70 109) 213) 64 91 1 93 80 58 407 65 141) 88 2312S44 Luther a Hodges (Democrat) Afr 129 79 17 MO) a7 48 14 i 18 45 103 26) 26 32 8 14j 172 30 105) W 1411194 Ben J. MacDonald (Democrat) 48 17) 19 12) 20) 46 8 16) 7) 42 8 8) 11 5) 8. 24 10) 8 11 15 237 Warren a Prltchard (Republican) .. Q Q 3 Q 0 yl 0 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 ; 0 0 0 , 0 a) 0) 0 0) 0 6 WUUam C. Lehcw. (Republican) .. 0 Q Q Q) W q H g Q Q 0 1 Q 0 0 1) , Q Q 0 1 Q Q . 5 COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE , ' .", 1' V" - 1 ' ' ,, . 1 Waldo C. Cheek (Democrat) . ... 439 187 74 169) . 77 184) :,89 87 99 239) 581, 48 93 (V& 84 3M 63 153 94 2522726 John N.Frederick. (Democrat)... .1100) 44) 16 86) 41 47 ; 36 1 40 48 92 28 ' 84 84 12 a7 132 40) 6& 86 90) 998 SUPREME COURT (Regular Term) - ymm' -. - - -v.;,. L . x. ItlmousT. Valentine (Democrat).. 99) 33 28 109 ,86) , 87) a3 22) 29) 101 12 37 ' 61 ! 9j . a6 1M 21j , 44 371116)1031 Oscar O. Efird (Democrat) 39) 21) 9 6 .8 .14 .12 7 28 ;41 .; 10) 7 v4 y 0 6 101 16 41 20 32 422 AUen H. Gwyn (Democrat) 1 33 U l 7 8 ,.8t 1 9 6 13 4 1 1 0 1 17 1) 36 . 8 8 171 , F. Donald Phillips (Democrat) ... 27 11 9 16 12 ,19 8 15 4 39, f 8'-fl9 C l Sj 34 13 20 8 26 299 R. Hunt Parker (Democrat) ) 341 07) Sl 71 47 ,89t, 98 40) 62 m- 64 85 72 12 25 41 y 46 j 73 57 1561771 William H. Bobbltt (Democrat 14 18 8 81 12 S 3 1 4 t3 -' 1 , 3 4 "' 1 2 ,-2.28 4 ' 'j 181 24 189 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES X ,ym, wL ...i.l . y,.:r, ,,3 ,. .& MitcheU Britt( Democrat) 1 567 117 36 84 00 148 j83 74 61 139 77 TO) 38 8 ai 28 . 8) 41) 55 135)1823" Robert M. Carr (Democrat) 1 27 44) 43 208 47 . ttt , 95 40 78 257 '; 8g 78 W Ml y 44 829 65 152) 144 20012050"" J. S. Blair (Democrat) 19 S8 26 69 83 i 53 25 41 1 46 110 99 47)' 68 25 30 B96 46 93 50 1021313" REGISTER OF DEEPS , ; mA-'- :- A W. Gresham (Democrat) .' 1 J52 41 8 1Q. 14, g4. U8 67 115 871 69 68 49) A4 25 127 28) 73 , 62 691389 I A T: Ouaaw- (Democrat) .:.r.- 119 S9 37 51) 87) 1181 14 87 17 84 36 68) 28 , 1Q -19 214 , Sl 30 ,471 206)1271' Mrs. Christine Williams (Democrat) .... 8471 1231 80 235 198 160) 127 84 57 171 64 73 129 21 ' 60 295 ' 87) 173 M0 177)2688 " BOARD OF EDUCATION vM.-. - . v,. :. ,, V r ... y v , r y m ,v, ,,.,y , - t L. O. Williams (Democrat) 1 341 1 106 29 65) 58 y 92 84 1 72 45) 288 105 116 85 ' 11 M 213 83 62) 49 jlgjlSbsT William F. Pali (Democrat) .....) 216 87 78 lfllf, J2 130) 109 75 127) 194) 81 106) 125 28 -64 848 72 187) 136 29012871 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ; - --. .yyj, yl;..y.,:yr'.y.v-rt..-. -" - -- ; -.-T g. E. Kelly (Democrat) ... ..) , ai, m , 57) Ul Sij j j j j j j j j 1 ' " ' em " Durham Grady (Democrat) ) 93)' 67 249 48 78 I ' I fH L. O.Simmons (Democrat) 1 , , , t 1 1 ' , , , T j' ;1 1' , ,a Arthur Kennedy (Democrat) 1 , t j t , , , , , , m 4B M 8g .t' , j j p-j pjg Leon Brown (Democrat) , , , . "j 55 168 139 194 181 , W- I . I - I 1- I - 173"" o o o o o o o o o o o s o o 5000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 BEACH COTTAGES For Sale or . Rent Reasonable Rates fleach Lots, For best Information write or visit Tucker Real Estate Co., Phone 2608, P. O. Box 061-A uaroiina utacn, . v. ; ? y FOR SALE: One 8 ft. meat count er, 1 pr. sanitary scales: 1 meat block. All In good condition. N. A Sloan, Calypso. V (W2 8t. P ; -y v CORYZA causes laying slump, worthless cull. , deatlv ot layers. Control poultry eoryza - with Dr. Hess Coryza Tablets of sodium sul- fathiazole in dnnk'ne water. Lou-Simmons (1, i s ville. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o APPRECIATES i THE SUPPORT GIVEN HIM IN THE FIRST BM PRBlARVffismCE A' STATE-WIDE'SI .. -'. , yV-.'v-?.-f.A' vy..' ?f. -Ay ;'-.-y y SECOND PRIMARY HAS I.y o o O Vo o o c ;c o o BtEN CALLED THERE WILL BE A LOCAL SECOND FOR :" .v.nAW-f :r-;, 'yv --V'-i ?vyy;.,Ui"'y.y.(i,v '''0:--Vyy': - ' IN "TC ZZZ&tU fSIMAST VITX DE APPRECIATED. ' YOUNGSTERS?? WE LIKE 'EM! Yes, Mother, anytime you send Jimmy or Jane for anything whether , It's one Item or whole wagon full you can be sure he or she will bring back Just what you ordered. Phone la your needs or have your yoongan bring a list; well fill your londer promptly, and then see that your little helper mimrim AImMIw Kaima .. . "". LEO JACKSON ' GROCERY MARKET NOTIONS PAINTS KENANSVllJjK ' Vn AJsassv Li Ik TO THE VOTERS 0000000000000000000000001 OF THE i 2nd COMMISSIONER DISTRICT ;l WISH TO .THANK YOU FOR YOUR J O VOTES AND LOYAL SUPPORT, AND I WILL q SERVE YOU TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY q AS YOUR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. a , 1 -.-v 0 EMMET T E. KEL1Y if -.; JWt- f - VV.-4"'i V''-" 'l 'S(BSnl o , o o o o O .fif o iOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC , J.' IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC NEVZ2 svai cc;.T-;a . SUCH VALV2 - in a ho:.-j2 nzzzni 1 1 uOMlY s. j . 5439.95 ,! l:-- """"" a i X . a. t HI : 1 - Mil- :-'r ; " ' " - FREEZER Cssiy JUNIUS,) l ; . j;.s FACt-snrmQ ksigns azi c0AL".i3 from aosuxil Tloating-Action' opens at a nudge ticallv to "hand" Iha fnndm vm nflemost often! , . , , ; r ;i. TVinpeiators contwl adjusts from zero to at), below ft naBy; & freezmg.Tamperoo Iock..jemoral)leinS, dividers . a satcmaftt interior fight Durante", Dulux finish, Heavy! duty compressor, wan , ranted for five frV-l Thrifty!, Beautiful! . In 8-.lt-and 2CMbkj foot capacities. Cowf in and see them rODfA ' 1 n C:. j SALE:' Svt 1 y Porta j. J. II c I

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