1 - v - , , s. "V ' . , . s . ;iU Saturday .i ..... i Y I A j, I i .'t,y..::!T-f-,-v H , a.) I1' ''"!' .w-'V -fti- KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1952. PRICE TEN CENTS fc -wpma to buiuj . ' , rIT A ? V V'yA Jiflf : M .... 1l I 0i 1 VOL. 19. NO. 29. , , t' iUiapiia' raraaers- V ote rot survival Hast CMAimmMvmmbmmBHweln Se By J. B. GRADY , Echoes of The Duplin Story are being beard around Duplin these jays. : In fact we 1 heard it . from Durham last night. ' The sounds haven't reached amplification proportions- yet but are scheduled to 0o so in a few more days. ' : Bascom Imar Lunsford, the "Minatrel ; of - the . Appalachians" from Turkey Creek, way up in :he mountains west of Asheville, has decided to oast his next lot with old Duplin and establish his East Carolina Folk Festival Cere. Mr. Lunsford has been toying with the thought for several years of estab lishing an East Carolina Folk Fes- tival somewhere in Eastern North Carolina and after, 'learning the 1 story of "The Duplin Story" and visiting Kenan Memorial Auditor ium in Kenansville decided that right here ia the heart of Duplin was just the spot he has been, loot ing .for;..-, :,i,t ,., Jf.f,:jf,,,, Mr. Lunsford Is master of the arts of folk festivals. He has estab lished and Is successfully operat ing festivals at Chapel Hill under 4 the sponsorship of the University 1 of North Carolina and at Asheville in the city auditorium. The Chapel Hill festival was held in Kenan Stadlem last month and the Ashe ville Festival will be held next month. 'August 7. 8. and 9th. A number from Duplin are expecting to attend and some of Chocolate's dancers win participate.: .v. Mr. Lunsford visited "Duplin County several weeks ago and dis cussed the matter with a . number of interested citizens, following which the nDuplln County . Parent Teacher Association decided to sponsor th. Festival. . Hugh Wells, principal of B. F. Grady acnool wtfs A named chairman- of. the - Festivah -j Mrs. Faison Smith of Albertson. secretary ana voo uraay, puouetty and general utility man., Dates for the local festival have been set tyr Friday ana Saturday, septemoer is and 13th. Sunt, of schools O.M?. Johnson informed us yesterday tnat -the remaining balcony . seats In the eaet end of the auditorium will be completed in time for the Festi val. V-..-C:;.-? The local ' Festival will feature .folk music artists from the Pied mont and western part of the state, Mr. Lunsford will bring along some . of the outstanding banjo pickers. fiddlers and singers of tne moun tains of Carolina, -Soon after the . Asheville Festival la over Mr. Luns ford will come to Duplin and begin scouring around for home county talent In Duplin and other, places in Eastern North Carolina. . He will be the whole boss of the show. that is the program, and anyone. warning to oe in tne f estival wiii have to contact Mr. Lunsford.' His present address is B. L, Lunsford, Turkey Creek, Leicester; N. p. or you may notify Hugh Wells or Mrs. Faison Smith, Albertson, N. C. or J. R. Grady in Kenansville. ' Above we said' we heard about the (Festival . from Durham this -week.- Last night we were inform ed that some musicians from Dur ham had already heard of. lt'-from Mr. Lunsford and are' planning to come down and participate. ' ' Judging from experiences of Mr. Lunsford the Festival standsi to put Kenansville and Duplin Coun .. ty in the limelight again.. The Du- . plin Story told the world about Du plin and this Festival will center attention from all eastern Caro lina and In time will spread state wide as have the Chapel Hill and Asheville festivals. ' Mr." Lunsford vls not entering It down here on an experimental' basis he says he means' business and that once he starts the festival Is here to stay and will rapidly become an East- - ern Carolina institution.. It pro mises to attract thousands to Du plin for the two nights. The audi torium will ' be equipped to seat upwards towards 4,000 people each night. Admission will be much low er than admission for the Duplin Story. Musicians will flock 'all over Kenansville. and Duplin Coun ty will hear music. like It never heard before. . : - : Other features of the Festival will be announced as time goes along. The eyes of Eastern Caroli na will soon all be focused dn Ken ansville and Duplin County, ex pecting another phenominal suc cess such as was -the '"Miracle in the Corn Field." , - Ferrer Wcrso;7 Vz Dies In 1 r:" :o l!or:!:I ; I T,Ieen, iVZlUC, tarm "s, who was critics i. i, accHent near 1. f t tie lsrboro hor: .... t T ' l:nd been sta Shadows Of Events About To Come To Duplin s'i-U', the Appalachians," da,,.inB at, 6e dirVISe 12 iil ,' ,nri, :;,y oe seenvomiciag come September. UiinfArA1' J a iNiiii.1 a i Imprpying;ai;:j Pfc, Baxter fturiter Wells, CTSMC,' son of Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Wells of Albertson ie in the hospital In Ja pan recovering frona; wounds re ceived in a patrol acuon in A.orea June 26. On Monday of this week, his parents talked to the young Ma rine by trans-pacific telephone. He is expected to be in the hospital about a month.. Two of his letters home written since he was wound ed follow: ; ;; . PFC Baxter Hunter Wells, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wells of Al bertson who Was wounded in ac tion In Korea on June 26th writes' home. ::k : V S S Hospital Ship REPOSE : Yellow Sea- ' ; , '-. . July 1st, 1952 , , v "'Hello' all:,' , ' v' ,': ": ;-:'' '. 'v T Well, things 1 here are Coming on the hospital ship USS REPOSE along fine. . How are you all? I am and I have never lived so good since I came into this outfit They can do wonders with men here. Came In yesterday and my eyes feel ,100 per cent betters. ' They looked at them for about. 2 hours yesterday and they put drops in the left one every hour; The doc tor said I was going to Japan lor rest today or in the-morning, so I will. send new aaaress wnen, get there. - He-said my left eye had a few small euts and scratches on It. .Said it would take time and would be :m good as: new,' My ear drums were: bruised a little from the concussion but not bad. 'Just take time I guess. '-I am the luck iest guy in -the world yotf should see the others. .- Don't know how long I'll be in Japan and hope lt a lona' time; This time counts the same as line time so let it pass. I will still ao home when my draft comes in. I am going to try to get out rol a line XH. v .unins: a can with my eyes line Co. no good, Tno man nennla cet hurt. . I-listen to the radio most of the time. We have ear phones beside each hunk and can select' any 5 , (Continued .On Society , Pare) L slice 'The "need fo : ttood "1 turgent Friday Is the day; to give yours to save the life of a boy wounded in fighting tor you. Goldsboro Wom an's club at 2 p. m'. Give that a boy may live! . , , r, t:- i PV. Vr I J , n, n IS'.i. iM "S J i of I." P. II. Cay s' Is t 5 v - - 'v iff- i nLf - 'f -.- "'-;; ft- J ;,t ; A i'i - ' . ; . of -his festivals; Mr but.iatim Eat S' i-.r' ;tir;fi.., ;i Piiin mis, ;bs::tomk!afe ttilliiol . Residents in' the ; Mount Olive area of Duplin County have Issued a formal complaint tb the Duplin County Health Department as well as' the State Health Department about oollution of the' North East Cape Fear River by the town of Mount Olive ana we mouni uuve PlcklB) faetorv. ' ''M "V : Aocordine to the complaint which has been investigated by the health dept., the sewage from- the town dumps into the river, and the brine from ithe pickle factory is also dumped into the river. . The angry citizens claim mat not oniy is me odor very offensive, but the poll tlon has killed all the fish for 15 miles down the rivert k Dr.? Potts, sanitarian of Wayne County' and Dr. John Powers of .tne itnipiin Pnnntv Health Deoartment found that the1 pollution did exist, and It la not denied Dy tne town 01 aaouni Olive nor by the Pickle Factory, mere wui oe a neoruia tu xuo uc future. . . ; Jl"Jl A new and stringent law again? nniiutlon of streams and rivers In the state was passed by the legis lature and ratmea on uie ota oi April,, 193ti-(Sessioii Laws, 1051 H." B 53, cnapter ouo, an a vo rewrite Article 21 of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes relating tQ Stream sanitation.) xnere u now established a ' Stream Sanitation Committee which is empowerea to hold hearings; open to the public. It will be interesting' to see if this nuisance' is abated, jm'.' Rev :lt E; Graiham ' Rev. "Vt. iE'ttresham'bf4 Chinqna- pin,,promlnent Duplin County Bap tist i minister, is a patient in the Baptist .Hospital in. Winston Salem, Mr. Gresham is suffering from can cer, reports say. He has undergone one operation, Machinery began arriving last night and workmen were busy set ting it up for operation this morn ing as 25 women reported for work at the Top Mode Manufacturing Company id Warsaw. The new in dustry, recently secured through the efforts of Aubrey L. Caven anrh, A. J. Jenkins and the War- ' - -rial Corporation, is the lie mill to select Du , y in the pa st two years. lt: 1 ode is not as large as the J. ! s 1a V -"ace. Drivers ;Schpol For School Bus Be Held School Garage Next 'Behind the wheel' driver- train ing for prospective school ous driv ers of Duplin County will be held for1 three days next week at the Duplin -County garage as announc ed by W.t L. Fountain, Field Rep resentative, of the. Department of Motor Vehicles. The first two days will be for White prospective and the 3rd for Colored prospectives. Schedule follows: For white ell- glbles. Monday July 21st. 9 o'clock a. m.; Tuesday July 22nd. 9 o'clock a. m. - :. '.. For colored eliglbles. Wednes Duplin Will Get 20.4 Under Scott Road Bond Program Letting RaleiKhJ The State Highway Commission Tuesday called for bids on 272.78 miles of highway improvements. Bids will be open ed July 29, and will be reviewed by the Commission at its next meeting July 31. i , Twelve of the 33 projects for which bids were requested will be financed out of - the $200,000,000 secondary bond Issue funds. The projects are in 31 counties. The projects for which bids were requested include: Duplin (Bona Project) zu. miles of surfacing on 7 sections of county roads in Dupnn uouniy. Warsaw Tb Vole On .rh rWtfTufnt tha'.tawn, Sf War- lopfegistrStt on Julysl9 at.-the'-aoiBe of Mrs. Frank Tho- mn . Th,hond-issue, is for $185v 000 .and is to JbVt used to f inane j an Improved water supply system, aawy Or . hydrants and piore ade quate; pewage pla,rit. ..,t...;.v ; Th!h1ee rigtnatedWwtth the Warsaw Jaycees who requested the fown beard to float the issue it at aU - feasible. The board andk the Jayceea have worked together to make the issue '. .possible which should be of Inestimable benefit to the town and the 'people of War saw. . The proposed system Gould take care of 255 new water customers and 292 sewer customers ,-Under the provisions of the bond issue 30 fire hydrants will be added to the present fire main system. - Fu ture builders within town will en joy a cheaper premium rate due to increased fire protection, ; Health conditions In Warsaw will be improved by making city water and sewer available to all those now using pumps and .privies. In- creasea revenue win oe suuicieni to cover the principal, and Interest on bonds as they mature so that, no additional, taxes .will be requir- TThe Wagsaw I tl llnlof Chamber of Commerce and the:'. Warsaw town board are to be commended, for this progressive step ARC Director Gets Yord Pfc. James ; Mrs. Norwood Boney, Director of Home Service for the American Red Cross, tis received a, letter from the field Director' id Tokyo aluMit wounds f received by Pfc. James Farrlor. He received shrap nel wounds hi the, left shoulder, right leg and rhvV His leg below the knee was amputated hut- his general condition is improving, ne iit had a niece of shrapnel remov- ed "from his lefteye. It is antid Mtiui ihat he' . will . be return ed to the States as soon' as his . am- nutauon neais. say that if labor conditions are satisfactory, J; wmcn. iney mpcKi. them to be, they will move two more of .their plants to Duplin. Mr-.'Hsrry Epstein, co-owner - and manager of the mills, came to War saw; last night and this morning expressed satisfaction with the re ception of his plant and organiza tion In the town. He is optimistic about the future of the business and - anticipates " an e i"'d growth in Warsaw a'-i 1 i iin Cf " y. I" svs t'. nt if c ns 1 1 e t " i ove h!s 1 v to ' a r day, July 23rd. 9 o'clock a. m. Training to ; begin promptly on time.: .itu'-i- It is requested by Mr. Fountain that eligible persons, that . have reached driving age, be present on one of the above dates, so as to pre pare themselves for the coming school year.': And for all prospec tives to please be on time. Mr. Fountain requests also that Subscribers to - this paper notify any student or person that might be eligible. : Miles More Roads From John , ' Waters to Wayne County liner From Beautaneus north to . Faison-Seven Springs Road; From Mt. Olive-Summerlin Road to v Edgar-Nunn Crossing; From irall7 via Vegetable Exper' mental Station west to junction with county . road and drive to school; - From Calypso-Beautaneus Road via Reaves Store to Wayr.e County line; From junction of Fai-son-Frieadshlp Road to junction of Calypso-Beautaneus Road from Browning Cross Road to Wayne County line; and from Warsaw northeast to Bowden Road, ' . . EISENHOWER 'We like Ite" seemed to be the big theme of the Republican Con vention last week in Chicago when General. Dwight D. Eisenhower was nominated by the Republicans to be their standard bearer in tne November general elections. The Democrats will meet in Chicago next week to name their candidate who will oppose the General. Sister Of Former Prii Mrs.- Dorothy Taylor Price of Kinston died of strangulation after hanging herself at home about 3 p. m. Sunday ' She was reported to have been brooding over ill health. Her husband. Walter D. Price, a su pervlsor at the Barrus Construction Company iounaner. sne aiea en route to the hospital in an am bulance Funeral services were conducted Tuesday from the Riverside Christ ian Church in craven county of which she was a member. K' Surviving are her husband; two children, her parents. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Taylor of Grlfton; three bro thers. Dr.. a W. Taylor of Raleigh; WoodroW Taylor of Creedmoor. and Fred Taylor of Grlfton; two sisters, Mrs. E. D. Moore of Ayden and Miss Agnes Taylor of Staten, Wisconsin. ' Woodrow Taylor, was principal of the Kenansville schools for several years, s v ' ..1 , . .. be trained. I As soon as they- are moved Into their permanent posi tion another group will te cauea. Mr. Epstein says he has received a total of about 280 applications from woman for Jobs and is still seeking more, White women who are in terested In becoming a seamstress in the mill are asked to make ap plication at the plant, located weal of the Warsaw Armory..,c ; Tnl factory manufactures "Top Mod " fabrics, a action dress made to sell in t :e lower brackets. They "I c"- ' "y to the merchant. T " 1 ' its materials f Flue-Cured Tobacco Saturday; MRS. GORDON KOSNEGAY ' Mrs. Gordon Kornegay who has resigned as secretary of the T. B. Association. She will be replaced by Mrs. William Craven of War saw. T. B. Association Elects Officers The Duplin County T. B; Assocfcv tion elected some new officers ?t the meeting held in the Health De partment on Tnursdav niffnt in .Kenansville. Dr. H. W. "Colwell, UlWlrni. .rjiieijUt tne mvBinis. . ' Mrs. Gordon Kornegay whose re signation as secretary was receiv ed with regret introduced her suc cessor, Mrs. William Craven of Warsaw. Mrs. Kornegay will de vote more time to the X-ray clinic which was established by the asso ciation and the health department. Miss Lillian Wilson, State Field Secretory 4f the T. B. Association addressed. 'the group. The new officers, inot yet a complete slate, were Dr. H. W. Colwell, President; Lewis Outlaw, Seal Sale Chairman, Mrs. William Craven, secretary; Garland King, treasurer. After tthe meeting adjourned, re freshments were served by Mrs. Gordon Kornegay and Miss Mary Lee Sykes. Present at the meet ing in addition to the new officers were M. B. Holt, Miss Mary Lee Sykes, Mrs. Norwood Boney and Mrs. L. B. Brummitt. Duplin C.R.O.P. Officers Announced The Reverend Herman True blood, District Head of CROP for twelve counties, has announced that the Duplin organisation is well underway. The officers chos en for this program for people of all faiths to give surplus food to the millions of hungry people all over the world are beaded by M. B. Holt, owner of Holt's Store in Al bertson and Ellis Vestal of Kenans ville as co-chairman. Mrs. David Williams of RosehiU is Secretary and the Waccamaw Bank of Kenansville will act as treasurer. Publicity will be in charge of Mrs. Cushman of the Duplin Times Staff in Kenansville. The Commodity Chairman is James Strickland of Warsaw. A prelimin ary meeting will be called la the near future. Also acting as vice-presidents la charge of 'the various churcnes are the following ministers: The Rev. L. C. .Prater of Outlaw's Bridge; ine ev. lauien anm-pe of Kenansville; The Rev. Frank Goodman of Beulaville; The Rev. L, C. Crossno of Warsaw; The Rev. Elliott Steward of Teachey, Rev. Alton Qulnn of Limestone. Rose Hill Negro Arrested In Pickle Factory IJKeftii ; Chief Deoutv Norwood Boone and Bertis Fussell. Chief of Police of Rose Hill arrested Tommy Mur phy, Negro, on the street in Kose Hill Sunday for breaking Into the pickle -factory on Saturday night Deputy Boone said the man wa drunk and resisted the arrest when he was apprehended. .He is charg ed with breaking, entering, larceny and receiving. He Is alleged to have stolen some checks made out to other employees of the pickle - mpany as well as some cakes. He id the sheriff that he had broken ' the factory to ft the small to t. i: v i be tried h , r-J-"! ...r court iaAu;itv Referendum List Of Voting Places Sheriff's Office Solves Mystery A radio message to the Duplin County Sheriff'6 office from the Chief of Police in Whiteville was instrumental In solving a mystery of a missing man and his monev tttis week end. The message said that a Hay wood Sykes of Duplin had been picked up in 'Whiteville on a hit and run charge. Later on Satur day night two Negro men came to Deputy D. H. McKay s house asking help in locating their brother, Fon nle Carroll who had been missing since Friday morning. The men told the Deputy that he had had a large sum of money with him, more than $300.00 from selling hogs the day before. They also said that some one had seen Fonnie with Haywood Sykes. Knowing that Sykes was locked up in the White ville. jail, Deputy McKay called the Chief of Police who said that Sykes bad two one hundred dollar bills and some other money on him when he was locked up. At that point a girl came to the office and said that ' Fonnie had returned home. The brothers agreed to bring him to the Sheriff's office on Sunday if his money was missing. On Sunday morning, Fannie Car roll came to the Deputy and told him that he was barning tobacco when Haywood Sykes came by and urgea mm to nava. a oruut. . tie said that he had nop had a drink In six'or seven years slid as soon as he took 'it .be islt f stony and went out to lie down in his car. When he came to hours later he was in his car alone between Elizabeth town and Wilmington with his mon ev gone. The sheriff's office called Whiteville and had Sykes held. Sheriff Miller and Chief Deputy Norwood Boone brought him back on a warrant charging him with larceny and receiving information and belief. He was lodged in the Kenansville Jail. Wednesday he made a confession, waiving a hear ing and will be tried in the County Court of August 4. William Bradham of Chinquapin who was arrested Monday night by Patrolman E. K. Norton for drunken driving was released or. bond furnished by his uncle lor appearance in the August term. On Tuesday afternoon near Is land Creek Township on the oM Christian Chapel Road leading from Chinquapin to Jerry Teacn- ey s store. Chief Deputy Boone and Deputy W. O. Houston found a still of the submarine type, two barrel capacity, with ten gallons of mash. The still was not cool, and was destroyed along with the mash. County Schools To Open August 20 The schools of Duplin County will open on August 20 for the 1952-53 school year. Superintend ent O. P- Johnson announced this week. By opening on this date, the schools can close two school days for Thanksgiving, five school days for Christmas, one school day for Easter, and one day for the District Teacher's Meeting In November, and close for the school year on May 11. Attendance is better in Duplin County In the Fall, months, and much better during the Winter months than during the month of May. It is almost imperative that nine months of school be held be tween the seasons for housing and planting tobacco. Fish Fry To Be Wednesday July 23 The Magnolia Lion's Club is sponsoring a fish fry to be held at Carlton's Fish Pond, located near Carlton's Crossing, oetween Mag nolia nd Warsaw,; on Wednesday night, July 23. - Come and enjoy a meal, all you can eat for $1.00. Duplin Col Medical Society Meets The Duplin County Medical So ciety met Thursday. Jury iu, in tee Health Department Office. . Dr. J. D. Robinson President, presid ed. . Other officers are Dr.C. F. HawesK vice-president. Dr. ; E. , P. Ewers, Secretary-Treasurer. ; The group voted unanimously to elect Dr. John Powers of the Health Department a member. At the conclusion cf the meeting, re- fnr'!.ui..;...i.s . -rved and a so cial hotyr was t . . 1. . : i ftember HELEN CALDWELL CUSHMAN The most important day in the lives of Duplin County farmers this year comes this Saturday, the day of tne flue-cured tobacco market ing referendum. It is in every sense a vote for survival. It will affect not only all growers, tenant farmers and sharecroppers, all of whom are eligible to vote, but the day is of paramount importance to every merchant, banker, lawyer, worker, teacher, housewife and of ficial of Duplin County. Should the quota fail to pass, or should it be discontinued because of the poor vote showing a lack of Interest in the matter, it would spell dis aster for people all over the South, and particularly in Duplin. 81 per cent of the income of our county comes from tobacco. The price of that commodity concerns every man, woman and child. Let no farmer delude himself that his vote does not matter, that others wjill Vote, and besides he had planned to barn tobacco that day. If too many of our people feel like that the danger of ruin will mount and soon that farmer who did not take the time to vote'on "thisain important day will find himself without a farm, a car a hnn All the gains that the program has brought the people of the South could and very possibly would be wiped out overnight, and the re sulting depression would wipe out hundreds of business men as we.l as tobacco growers themselves. When the bill comes up in Con gress the opponents of the biil-. and there are many could make out a strong case against tobacco controls by showing the small per centage of growers who were in terested enough to get out and vital' tl ftnZo PlreS 01 leUon i h tobacco farmers have pass- u k "man majorities that Lh T, a trend away sup port prices-one bill passed by only one vote. Unless there is an overwhelming majority of th" growers, tenants, sharecroppers a! e polls next Saturday, even the nrWh0'represent the South will not have sufficient ammunition 7n muster to win. If, however the" X 95 per SS -- 6-"s uiu vote realizfrl how vital this referendum (hoi- i. how uen UIey can snow how strongly the people support the program, show how much thev want anil i . lnt'' mi, , - ."v&ia.M, The voters will vote on two que .ons i te referendum bfSv-1- I. Continuance of flue-cured marketing qU0Us for three years U953.1954.1955), or for only onf year (19531. 2. Pn(i., their support on Tobacco Associat es, inc., an oraanizatinn r f, bankers, merchants anrt ii.' formed in 1947 to develop and ex pand the export market for tobac- ' CO. NO government Drirp snnnnri. will be available on the 1953 crop unless marketing quotas are ap proved, and it must pass by a two thirds majority of the growers who vote to ensure passage. The vot ers must show interest and confi dence in the program by a tremen dous turnout on this day in real ity an election day. The farmers will elect to continue their pros perity and the prosperity of most of the people in the flue-cured area; If they get out and vote, or they will bring sure disaster on them selves and their neighbors by not electing to take trouble enough to go to the polls. It is strictly up to the farmers. WHO is eligible to vote? Every person who has an interest in the 1952 crop of flue-cured tobacco, owner, tenant, share-cropper, is. eligible to vote on Saturday.. WHERE can you vote? The following Is a list of voting , places in Duplin County, the town-i? ship first and then the place of vot- ' ing: V, Albertson Holts Store- Cypress Creek Jay Maready's Store Faison Faison Town Hall Glisson Melvin Powell's Store Island Creek D. B. Teachey's Store- Kenansville : Agriculture- Building Limestone .Ransom Mercer's Store Rockfish Rockfish Community Buildir-g Rose Hill ....Rose Hill Town Hall Smith Freely Smith Store- Warsaw i Warsaw Town Halt ' Wolfscrape .. .G. E. Alphin's Store - And vote be sure to vote it is. truly a vote for survival. , I wish every farmer in Duplin County - had been present at the planning meeting on Friday-in the Courthouse in Kenansville schedul- , ed -by the Duplin County PM A com mittee. The chairman, J. W. War- ". ren, presided, and introduced Bill Hooks of the State PMA. He ad dressed the large and Interested -gathering on the urgency of the . vote, and discussed Tobacco As sociates, Inc, and how successful, they had been In finding new mark ets for tobacco. Even in the face of ' losing all of CMna, t- a trpmea . CCXn.i. c. CAC-i . . 1 0 ", 1- -v.