-, Plan To Attend East Cann yyf " restival KenaA . ber 13 and 14. the 5 kouflcUx T?UJ- ,! J"i ii', .': 'l-.n'A 1 .A ! VOL. 19. NO. 30. ' ' . , ,.J , . ....,,. KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. JULY 24, 1952. . SAToii; n'. c,D SiSfSfH PRICE TEN CENTS ,. jy;.j';v i. 1 ;'v':'v: -v:f';':;:;;f!: ''""""';j;.'-:i-':f:-''. vlHV.;v , . They'll Swing And Sway In The Old Fashioned a; ... -'- : , v ' ' . . 4 . L , 'it.,., . " v . The Above 1 picture show what may be expected at the first Annual East Carolina Folk Festival to Ue staged In t Kenansville on Friday and Saturday, Sepember , 13 aad 14 under the direction of Bascom Iiamar Lunsford, 'Minstrel of Ap palachian when : be comes1' here to establish a dream of his of Ions standing. Ur. Lunsford established nd is. successfully directing the Utjhinint Strikes TiAtelMitt Lun nna ' -i-By J. E. Grady f. WE WELCOME Kenansville and Duplin County extends a hearty welcome to ue. Robert F. Willis and his attractive wife and two children who moved to town this week.. "They are oc- euDvina the home vacated by nr. and Mrs. M. F. Allen, a fine couple Kenansville ' hated very much - to lose. Vr. vwilli"will open offices In the Gpoding buUdlng 'here on Aneust kL He tomes to Duplin highly reoomnatnded. He wist, do general praetlee.:. ,Wateh the Times for announcement of hit of fice noursv f,;..r if. ,,..;--,-'-'; It is fitting and appropriate that Von.ntttnia hniiM attnet vonni and capable doctors 'now and - as time coes on. The folks of Duplin are looking forward tap the begin ning of construction of the new hosnitaL The Times will have an 'important announcement on this subject ut a snort ume. t ',;. (Kenansville and the surrounding area also extends a hearty welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Phil Kretsch who moved into the Laura Moore Gavin house Monday. Mr. and Mr. Kretsch come to Kenansville from Whlteville. He Is the new cashiers of Waccamaw Bank. ,; i Also we wish to welcome to out community iMr.', and Mrs. Plato - Thigpen who purchased the Lacy. Weeks new home this week and expect to move here from Beula ville some time this month. We hate very much to lose Mr. and .' Mrs. Weeks and Jeaiu Though a little belated we wish to welcome Solicitor Grady Mercer to Kenansville. Though not moved here yet, we hope he plans to do so. Mr. Mercer hat recently built and how occupies his new office located on the Chinquapin highway lust off N. C. 24. . , , ' Congratulations are: In order lo Bernice Farrior who has recently gone into the real estate business. Mr. Farrior is the first Kenansville business man to make a profession of real estate promotion in Ken ansville. : Ho says tut nope is to bring about the, construction of more homes and, business houses In the .county tftfr uw.'a; Jh " it. Hi SUte Superintendent of Schools Clyde Erwin died last Saturday. iiMxriectedbr. 1 On the following day friends of Charlie Carroll sup erlatendent of the city schools In High Point and a native of Duplin County, began pushing Mr. Carroll for the Job. Also friends of Supt. O. P. Johnson of Kenansville began BhiHlnc Mr. Johnson lor the place, It It felt by many that the support for Mr. Johnson may have gained some momentum but he insisted that Mr. Carroli wae the man for the Job and threw hit support to him. However H is taous, Joha aon'a name will b presented to Governor Seott as. wtU at nr. car rolL Both men can well qualify . and Duplin hopes that Ce new leader of. our state schools wUl be . Duplin County ,tKt,v.h Heir. N. ' H 'Gwsia V'i Chinquapin and Dupl! a C''y! tat lost' a very, fine, and . - j citizen In the death of 1 v. K. I' : Gresham, a native of tSrfl " j : tectlon. has given hit 1 ' to tie service of hit fellow n -Though maybe not in the f-nm . clasa he wat truly among tike t .. in the r-onps of 4hest who I -w clrclt le t i i r 1 1 nelf welL 1 ft-hools a 1 i r ea i.ru lliiQdung Editorials annual Folk Festivals at Chanel Hill and Asheville each year. Tha first Festival is expected to draw talent and crowds from all parts of North Carolina." Like The Du plin Story, it will project Duplin into tbe limelight again, not just for this year, but for many years to come. Many of the older folks who recall the days of the 'Old Soldier's Reunions' . in Kenansville Simutttj Tvio Oat Ivjo Laborers around the tobacco barn of Marving Bradshaw in Mag nolia Wednesday must have thought something was after them during the serious electrical stoim. Lightning was flashing rapid aid fierce about the barn. Three of the workers went inside for pro tection. The barn seemed to be no protection for that lightning just Kept runt on coming. It came into the , barn and struck Henry Kor- negay in the leg1 tnd knocked him unconscious. Alter reviving U ReY. Ilevtcn Ernest , luc fXCYt rtmwi.ua xnvai uxvvn am, 57, pastor of the Chinquapin field of Baptist Churches, died at 3 a-m. Monday in Baptist Hospital in Winstott Salem after a short ill nett ' HIS churches "were Sharon, ShlloHDobffse'l .Chapel and the Is land Creek Church. At the time of hit death, he Was also on the facul ty of the Chinquapin High School. The Rev.' Mr. Gresham was, bora in" Beulavllle, June 13, 1899, ton of the late H. N. and Mattle Gresh am. He graduated 1 from Buies Cresk Academy in 1915 and receiv ed Mtvdegree from Wake Forest College in 1920. He attended the Southern Baptist Theological Sem inary in Louisville, Ky., complet ing hit work there in 1924. During hit career in the educational field, he waa principal of the Beulavllle High. . School, Chinquapin High School, South Edgecomb High School in Pinetops and served as County superintendent of schools in Edgecomb county irom 1H34 1941:" The Rev. Mr. Gresham also served as counselor to the , Veto Ans Adanlnlatratlon during. 1S4S to 1947. - He wat a Mason and past commander of Tarbora't Le gion post, f uneral services were held at Sharon'; Baptist Church Tuesday at 3 n. m. and burial was In the family cemetery in Beula- vme- surviving are nw wue, neien Smith Gresham; two daughters, D; ;lin Co. Public (:dliiilllevslll Mr& Myrtle Register it etteni- lng a short course on mental health at tho University at Chapel Hill this week. Miss Mary Lee Sykes and Mist Norma Candrena went to Winston Salem Wednesday to Jake a premature baby to the prema ture baby center there. Dr. John F. Powers gave a talk on Flrrt Aid to the .Rockfun Home -uem. Club Wedneday anernoon, , Mrs. Gordon Kornegay vital tU tlvtics clerk r'vet the following rc nert for Mav I:"-' . - : Births to Ci ylin residenU T4 41 of w" re bora in out of county k... j 8 deaths, " 8 oc curring in ,t of county Bostutais. , Mr. Gib . ' k, Sanatorian is back on the job two weekt ox mil itary leav ti e.ten4 camp 1a Ala bama. r , , , J , t - Dr. Do" " eetor of I Q. Fark, alng lr atrle and i holo jr tv 'ir' Caro r'esi s at , co . . ; tint WJ". i wi h I ft of t 'W1 1 i't r i ..t of I'u .c . euare. a psyrhomglcal clin- pupun County. ' s nine 'kd in i r en conferen " t werk. j ' n In a oirt the ' l"ter- Way In Kenansville September 13-14 have pined for the return : of an annual .get .. together of. Duplin, folks and their neighbors, i Folks ; around , here have been searching for an idea to restore these old reunions for a long time. Mr. Luns ford, when he visited Duplin Coun ty and Kenansville recently, saw the advantages offered by Kenan Memorial Auditorium to put into action in Eastern Carolina what he came again, striking nearby and shocking nun a secona tune, no: only Henry received shocks, but so did Rivers Bowdeo and Craw ford Carr, all colored. Two mules were tied outside r and they got their share. - They were knocked unconscious and stayed, out for some time.- Kornegay wit carried to a Rose HUl doctor for treatment. After it was all over the trio and the mules were able to go on about their' business ;but they . will never forget the experience. - Gresham, Prominent KEY. N. E. GRESHAM Mist Elva Gresham of Chinquapin and Mrs. Van Muriel of Jackson ville; two tons, Newton Ernest, Jr., Dnkkw flimahaM a 4 Via tiAmai want) ajvv MtcoiMiui vt uiv uvuivi five brothers, W. E. and R. C. of ueulavlile, j. c. of uoidsnoro, J. F. and H. R." Gresham of Raleigh: three sisters, Mrs. W. C Fitzgerald of Raleigh, Mrs. Robert Batchelor and Mrs. Ma)or Lanier of Beula. Vllle. . . I.".-' Miv-Les'; Receives Gifalidii TrpffPFO. 0apf for Service Mr. Let WUllami, recently re tired from hit position as Postmast er of Kenansville, has received! the following citation from the Post Office Department: Honorary Recognition la accord ed John L. Williams for meritorious accomplishment and - devotion to duty In the court of an honorable career in the United Statei Postal Service. .-.! :-.ui This citation, tendered twon the occasion of the retirement from ac tive duty, conveys official commen dation from the Postmaster Gen eral with cordial expression of esteem xrom co-workeri in the service. Washington, June 30, KfX . . , J. M. Donaldson, . u f .iV Postmaster General. 1. " i I. n i ttl M, Louise Boney, Executirre Secroutry of : the Red Cross an nounced the following people t blood, donort at- the Center in Goklubore last Friday JUrt. tlar rret Johnson and Joe Cilnn of e?nsvi le, The Eevreml L. C. Q One Others Mes has done In the Piedmont and West, The Duplin. PTA decided to spon- sor tbe project. It has been agreed that. one third of the profits from the project will , be given to the county P.; T. A. for their part in sponsoring it. Keep the Festival in mind folks and begin talking it up. Many axe already predicting crowds of over 5,000 people each night. . ' y . -" Sheriff's Office Busy With Arrests The ' Sheriffs office ' was busy over the week end with several ar rests. Jasper Williams of Glisson Township was arrested for public drunkenness using profane and abusive language in Doc Herring's store on Sunday. He was asked to leave the store several times, but refused to leave. Tried in the J. p. Court, he was ffned $10 and costs. Leslie Miller of Limestone and James Henry Bryant, Negro, of Kenansville were arrested Satur day for public drunkenness. James Bryant was fined $10 and costs in the J. P. Court. Leslie Miller ao- pealed to the County Court. Herbert Lee Summerlln. Jr.. and Emmett Ezzell both white of Glii son Township, were arrested on Sunday on a warrant charging them with kidnapping and rape, and pos session of non tax paid whiskey. The case was tried in tbe J. P. court on Monday, nlsht before a j-ciMcu vpnvwTO-'i.ravur wno Wr; qucsira t na we , witneswf be te- quetteredi oth nterod a plea tfpo the "practice of general medl- not guilty. The woman1 who twqre out the warrant wat Married and the mother of two children. She claimed that the two men dragged her to the car against her wishes and drove her to thenrooda where she was raped by both of them She submitted as evidence a badly torn dress and slip -both covered with blood. - ' . fi The two defendants who did not take the stand had admitted to th sheriff that they had , intercourse with the woman which was brought out in the hearing. Mrs. Connie Bell Byrd. the orosecutina: ivitnes. had to support her charge three state s witnesses, jur. and Mrs. Roland Davis jm1 their riauahtar Joyce. Mrs. Davis was not present at me ume ox ine alleged kidnap ping, but her husband and daughter ootn swore tnat Mrs. iByrd had been taken away against her will, and mat sne naa struggled to get away There were discrepancies, in the stories of the State's witnesses but their story about the prosecuting witness, nawng Deen taken away Involuntarily was not shaken. Both of the defendants had been in court before. There was no attorney for the State present to argue the case. C. B. Sitterson, Justice of 'the Peace, dismissed the case, he said for lack of evidence to support the cnarges. .,';. Willard Pate, 33, of Summerl.'n Crossroads, was arrested for wife beating and ' drunkenness on the complaint of his wife: Mrs. Emma Louise Pate. - He was alleged to nave neaten ner on Doth July 19 and 20, threatening her life, run ning her away from 'home and cursing her. v He wae bound over to the County Court to be held on August 4r ' tTNNIB Lynn Veach, age 12, me r of, the Warsaw. Junior Mustc Club nlaved in the North' Carolh i ri eradnn of Uuslc Clubs its .1 in GravlUe April 8 and a the " e ef tuperlr ratln i iane Solo ever t f r the t - - e ye". I:" t wiJ r ' 1 Cfrt.. : n the i if -i cf ) c Clu! s r, ; t. ., hoht -t t ( J i C ;." , eenv - ' I It SIV tie - c - elj t Is was I eo c. 1 JHeavv Ka SuffermMankiM,Tob ' ' x ... . Th. wrtnnrl mllllnn Hnllnr ruin New Doctor Moves To Kenansville .DR. ROBERT Or. Robert F. Willis moved to Kenansville this week withMrJ WHUa and their two chlldrn.-They are occupying the M. I. Allen home; ur. wuus wiu open omces cine here on August let. His office will occupy the entire first floor of the Gooding building, work :s being completed this week on re modeling the floor into a suite of offices that will enable the new doctor to take care of several pa tients at one time. DA Willis comes to Kenansville and Duplin County highly recom mended following a year of lntert -shlp In the Charleston, West Vir ginia General" Hospital. He chore rural general practice instead of a specialized line because he is a countryman himself and has dedi cated hlji life to the improvement of health and protection of the ru ral people. He became convinced, he says, that Kenansville was tnc place for him after visiting here several montns ago at tne invita tion of the local Lions Club. He recently took the North Carolina State Medical Board eximlnatton and nassed with high marks. Dr. Willis was born in Kanawna County; West Virginia, the son et a Coal, Miner. He attended Kana wha County schools and graduated from East Bank High School in 1938. Before entering the Service, he attended West Virginia Institute of Technology and Morris Harvey College. He entered the U. s. navy In 1942 and served in the Hospital Corps, for three years. Following this he attended West Virginia Un iversity. During the course of his 'Thrifty's' Is Warsaw's Newest Self : Service Type Of Warsaw continues its signs of progress. Last week the Top Mode Manufacturing Company opened for- operation and tomorrow, Fri-; day, Thrifty's opens the town's newest department store. Thrifty' Is a type of store the: name implies. Being opened .by Norman Hurwitt of Clinton, who operate! a Thrifty's there, he says the plan of opera tion of Thrifty'a allows them to sell at lower prices because of lower overhead. No shelves will be found In the store. All merchan- Shining Moments Of Coiinlioii? i',y I Ae are co ta Dress on Thursday. the nominating speeches and the parade are still to come. But three moments will stand out la the future annals of the . Democratic party. The first was the tremen dous and well deserved acciaun accorded one of the treat women ef the world,-, Eleanor BootevettJ and her inteuiaent and non parti san r-MMh that followed. Another high: it of the convention was the s ech f f Speaker of the House, Sam ayuurnlils attack ef the Kept, jean party and M platform waa, delightfully humorous. ' He lbigh , Be V Padolsky and' Carnahan com' nd her htgh'y en her musK rlt I. t. W. J.Klddleton, j'v is Lynn's teacher. 'i "' f .'lr. art t 4 i VmiiimW, N. C 111 F. WILLIS rhnun tar Alnh VTWflon JvettS. ,-KWlemtl. Hona-aifPre-Meaioal! Fraternity. While t Wst Virginia University he received the A, B. and B. S. degrees. Then after two years of ' medicine he transferred to the Medical college or Virginia, from which he received his M. D. degree in June, 1951. Miss G. Louise Fewlass, the daugh ter of C. D. Wewlass of Delta. Ohio. ArHhe time of their marriage Miss Fewlass was serving In the Waves of the U. S. Navy as a Laboratory Technician. They have two small daughters, Patricia Ann (Patty Ann) and Linda lee. Dr. WillisTs very optimistic over the future growth and developmtnt of Kenansville and Duplin County as a whole. He tells us that advis ors where he came from recom mended this area as one of the fastest developing areas in the South Atlantic. He feels that the new hospital to be built here is sorely needed In a county as large as Duplin and Is ready to give his full cooperation to the project. Dr. Willis is anxious to meet as many people as possible so If you1 see someone on the streets you might suspect as being the new doctor Just walk up to him and in troduce yourself. The Times next week will carry the official an nouncement of the opening of his offices on August 1st and office hours. They have a telephone at their home, using the old number of M. F. Allen as listed in the pret erit telephone directory. Department Store disc it displayed . on tables and plainly marked to that the custom er can wait on himself. All red tape at to conventional merchan dising It tnrown out ine winnow and -the savings passed on to the puntomer. he say. The new store will be easily spotted at you drive down main street. It is a few doors from Branch Bank and hat a large mar quee type of sign over the zront. Seed their announcement on an other page in this issue. said in part, that the Republicans want an America wncre imj iru in power ana we peopw n vui ui left field." What they ask of you it a modest request from their point of view, it it only mat you craae your new car for an old buggy; awap your television set xor a ma de lantern iumn from bed into a straltiacket of uncertainty." And no one couia near um nuge, over whelming demonstration given woo grand old man of the party, Alben Berkley and remain unmoved. It wat by all odda the most emotional moment of the convention, and the people use emotional moments Rcndall Jones Hurt Randall JoiieWW''clv'IIr. and Mrs. W. A. Jones, Route 1, Kenansville, wat seriously hurt in a fall from A bicycle on Mob day. He wat seated en the handlebars of a bicycle that hia cousin. Billy ' Jones, wat riding when he fell to tne pavemeni near CTana uww an a xarm. He waa taken to tne hospital in Clinton, suffering from a fractured skull. He it improving slowly, and on Wednesday regain ed consciousness for short Intervals. Frank Rackley Is Improving, Moved To Winston-Salem Frank Kackley, who was hurt when he dived into another swim mer at Lake Tut, has been moved from the hospital in Wilmington to the Bowman Gray Hospital in Winston Salem for further treat ment. His condition is said to be improving. Jones Family Hurt In Wreck On Way Back From Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jones and their two daughters, Ernestine and Gloria, were involved in a wreck Wednesday night on the way back from the hospital to visit their son, Randall, who had sustained a frac tured skull on Monday when he fell from a bicycle. According to Information from State Patrolman Proctor who in vestigated, Mr. Jones was driving a 1950 Ford, on his way back from the hospital in Clinton where the family had been to see their son. The accident occurred on N. C. Route 24 West In the city limits of Warsaw when a 1938 Buick driven by Mr. John Elmer Anthony of Fo't Bragg skidded on the right should er and swerved into the path of the Jones car, smashing the front of the Ford. The Buick overturned, and both cars are a total loss. Mr. Jones received' -lacerations of the Webeadjujd John Anthony lacerated 1 rtSKkt; bruises and abitieunrarAnonv wat ser louslV hurt with chest and bead injuries, broken wrist, bruises and abrasions. Mrs. Wilbur Jones who was riding in the right front seat sustained head injuries, a possible fracture of the left leg and was unconscious when taken to the hos pital in Clinton. Ernestine Jones, 16, had a fractured right leg, bru ises and abrasions. Gloria Jones, 6 month old .daughter of the Jones, who was riding in her mother's lap only had minor bruises although the dash board was smashed from the direct impact. Clifton Leroy Blackburn, 22, riding in the An thony car escaped with lacerations. All of the Jones were taken to the hospital In Clinton which they had just left. Word has just been received that Gloria Jones was more seriously hurt than at first reported and that she had been taken back to the hospital Thursday morning when a large bump was discovered on ber bead. All Heat Records Broken: No Relief If you have been thinking that it Is unusually hot, brother, you are so right! All existing records have been broken this week as the mer cury climbed to the dizziest heights it has ever reached. Tuesday was the hottest day ever recorded In North Carolina It was 105 in Ra leigh, 107 in Wilson, 107 in Ken ansville. Monday it was officially 109 in the shade here and the nights have been scorching. The weatherman from the U. S. Weath er Bureau reports that he can tee no possibility of rain or cool air to break tne sizzling neat wave. All over the state people have been fainting at work,, or become nau seated or overcome by the Intensity of the heat It is hot inside, it's hot outside and if yon. find any nlace in Eastern North Carolina where it It lest than a hundred de grees let nt know. The furniture is hot to the touch. Waves of heat attack you at you walk on the tide- jwaik. Asphalt melts and sticks to i y0ur thoet as you cross the reaa. i Night after nignt tne minimum temperature hat not gone down to 80 degrees. Yet, it s ine nonest driest season ever recorded and crops are wilting and to are we all WelL we can be wrong and so can the Weather Bureau and In this case, we do NOT apologise tor the 'No relief in tight statement above. The rain and the rspia decrease In the sizzling tempera tures were to welcome that we are delighted to have been proved wrong. The weather Bureau per sonnel in Raleigh are taking a lane .share of the credit for the rain jmL the nosedive that the thermometer took' because they bad planned a staff picnic to begin at 8 p. m. All we have to say is it it too bad they didn't schedule one long bjefore and when, if ever.' we have such a st-mlnf. hellish, week again. Jet't wire .the, Bureaa for relief asx tnem to htve .another picnic. j ., .? j ,' 11 .1; You wouldn't want to?' wat the surprised question. 'gtTln. The second million dollar rain came to Duplin last night. Reports say it was general over the county. Not only were heat records broken in Duplin and North Carolina this week but all weather forecasters broke their record yesterday by insisting there was no relief in sight from the heat and drought before the week end was over. As loafers sweltered in the shade and tobacco croppers sweat ed in the sun yesterday slight rumblings began to be heard in the west soon after mid day. Thou sands were quietly praying for rain and relief from the intense neat. Farmers were beginning to count their losses heavy when about dusk heavy clouds and cooling winds came up out of the west and for nearly an hour rain leu neavny and after the heavy fall let up light rain continued for several hours. Farmers were going around with a different countenance this morn ing as a bright sun and cooler air faced them. The remark was heard that we can stand the heat alright If the rain maker will just stay with us until this tobacco crop is bous ed. Duplin and the entire tobacco area has suffered tremendous loss es this year so far. Not only la tobacco seriously damaged but the corn crop is cut even worse. How ever if reports reaching thP Times from all sections of Southeastern Carolina are true Duplin is ex tremely fortunate. Tobacco looks better and shows less signs ox damage in Duplin than any other section. Our crop is cut but not nearly so bad as in other sections. One farmer was heard to say yes terday that if the dry weather and heat continued without abatement the general loss in Duplin would not exceed one third but now that relief has come the damage will . not be near that bad. On the whole prospects are fairly good for a-good tobacco yield In Duplin and! this fall should eee things hum ming good again. There teems little ooudi mat umiw j tupwi.ro wm go at arJreBftttm Wnitt Mtfrt kets in 'comparison with the teal' from most other counties. - " tr Tobacco Markets Open: Price Higher Than Last Year's Tobacco averaged 52.86 at Laker City, Fla., at the opening of the 1952 season Monday. Tobacco on the Lake City market Is ungraded and untied and usually sells from 3 to 5 cents less than tobacco on the Goldsboro market. At the Valdosta, Georgia, mar ket, heavy sales at higher averages prices marked the Georgia-Florida flue cured tobacco market in spite ,of forecasts of a drought shorten ed crop, in comparison to ihoi openings, average prices ranged from an $8 per hundred pound in crease at Metter, Ga., to a drop of $5.26 at Live Oak, Fla. Total sales were heavier and average prices better at most of the 19 Georgia markets than they were in 1951, but all three Florida markets showed reduced average prices. Most of the gains by grade re ported by the U S Department of Agriculture ranged from $1 to $3 with an increase in quality shown in the low and fair grades. Fish Fry To Be Wednesday July 30 The Magnolia Lion's Club is sponsoring a fish fry to be held at Carlton's Fish Pond, located near Carlton's Crossing, between Mag nolia and Warsaw, on Wednesday night, July 3& Come and enjoy ac meal, all you can eat for $1.00 STRICTLY FRESH AS he waa divorced for the Mth. time: a Seattle man said. There's t girl in the world who le made for me." It thlt continue, hell have to try Mart. .eee. , The Army has decided that sol diers who work In an office dont need steel helmets. How about retofecced troutertt ,;,' . ) ' ' . With beet waves aU around ue. Jtf time for epaHinent etoret to tart nmifidtag ut of the number of shopping ears ion " -""- e ' tr I With tneny spending two week vacationing m the woods, a return to -civilization and world newt w bound to increase enrounwn w , SXraTn2& I