Z.IA iZKZZ3KY JIXT 84. 1952. ft ! V ::::: un cgs Vovr ttucis Two new heavy duty 2 and 3 plow general purpose tractor the John Deere Model 50' and '60' were announced Saturday, July 18 by Johnson Cotton Company. ;' At the Announcement Day, which Included the first public showing of the Model '60' L. B. Fussell stat ed these new tractors replace the Models 'A- and 'B' in the John '.Deere line. Among the major advancements : featured on the new tractors, Fus sell listed duplex carburetion, 'live' power shaft, 'live' high pressuta Powr-Trol, ' quick change wheel tread, effortless steering and new, more practical styling. These new features he added, mean stepped up tractor performance,, easier handling, greater comfort and con venience, and better all around ec onomy. LIVELIER POWER , Duplex Carburetion, according to ' Fussell, Js a revolutionary develop - ment in tractor engines. Through ; a new type, double barrelled car buretor, fuel is metered in identi cal amounts to each cylinder, pro viding livelier, more flexible pow er, smoother performance and faster cold weather starts as prov ed In intensive laboratory and field tests. A New live Power Shaft is independent of the transmission clutch and provide continuous power for operating power driven machines. Fussell pointed out that this feature reduces clogging of power driven machine to a mini mum, eliminates much ot ibi clut ching and shifting formerly rein ed, and speeds up .all power take off jobs. He aleo added that the new tractors with the 'live power shaft will pull ana operate any power driven machine within their power range without the need of an auxiliary engine.' The new power shaft has an independent clutch which protects the system and cushions shock loads. A New 'Live' High Pressure Powr Trol, also direct engine driven, operates independently of both the transmission clutch and the power shaft. Fussell said tint RoseHill Icals-Sodety ' Alia iJeakM&TJt SU''- . ... .... .,.! c.Wrmtlnns and Advertising. sTdephone 243-2. Please Call In Tour News. . Mrs.ieias WIu.t-- ,. Mrs. Robert Fields, Duplin Times Representative Ing constant I hydraulic presM; gucn as a oumuv ivw.t wm - -power feature will save the op erator up to 40 per cent of the time and effort formerly required in clutching,, and chitting gear. Fussell added that the new tractors have a higher speed hydraulic pump which increases the lifting capacities of the hydraulic system as much as 114 per cent over the elder models. 11 Hi thiVc Change Wheel . ; 1 Rear Wheel Tread adjustment are much easier to make in these new models, according to Fussell. To adjust the rear tread, the opera tor jacks up one wheel at a time, loosens three clamp screws, tight ens two jack screws, and turns an adjusting nut to get the tread de sired Fussell continued, that when the desired tread is obtained, jack screws are backed off and the three clamp screws tightened, locking the wheel in position. - Both wheel hub and wheel clamp are tapered when operating equipment requir-to assure positive locking. Tw' tip urn v v 1 mmmmm mm up Spend Saturday At White Lake Mr. Gordon Sanderson, Inter mediate Sunday ' school teaehrf, carried his class to White lak for flxy n ittiliKf. i He was assisted by Mrs, J. L. Fussell, Miss Mary Ann Fussell and Mr.. Manly Sanderson. A picnic lunch was spread at noon. . The following members en joyed the day, Misses Nancy Fus sell, Carolyn - Fussell, Margaret Cotton, Sue Fussell and Mary Lou Fussell and Mr. Morgan Pope and Daniel Fussell ' Jr. 1 ft Lake Tut Is Interesting These Days Especially Fish Feeding After Dark ; reonwe irom,iar ana near ari: ...... , . . following the signs reading fLake TJonald Mallard of Salemburg vis- Tut. - One finds most any type of relaxation and entertainment, swimming, ': sunning.-' plcniclng, ahade and seats o relax, pets for ited relative here on Sunday aft ernoon. - - , . Mrs. Albert Well and Ann Davis spent Tuesday with Mrs. Peyton the children to see Jitterbug contest Warrior near Willard 1 and most interesting is the fish deeding ! when the lights are on ; from 8 p. m. til 10 p. m. on th-i 1 board walk. That is a sight well worth a trtn to Lake Tut any night. . .Each Wednesday night there is a Jitterbug cqntest. Last Wednes V day the winners were Pop James of Bose Hill and Marilyn Williams of Wallace. The dance hall waa pack ed with people. No one seemed to - ' mind the heat i. ' On Sunday afternoon a swlm- min contest is held. Last Sun- . day 1st prize went to Brownie Sal , mon of Wallace and Ed Linesay of . Wallace winning 2nd prize. Mr. Bernard Tut' Fussell reports i; that last week end he had the larg ,rest attendance since the official opening. Mr. Fussell offers nice picnic tab " les and grounds to the public free t of charge. Miss Evelyn Barden of E. C. C. - spent the week end with her pa P rents Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Barden. j Mr and. Mrs. John Cooper, Jr., and family and Mr. and Mrs. 'Jack C; ' Dall and daughter spent the week , end at Topsail Beach. f '' ,1 Mrs. Agnee Fussell, Mrs. Marg : aret Cooper and Mrs. Lucy Farrior I of Rose Hill, Mrs. Clute Blvenbark t. and Miss Annette Robinson of Wnl- : lace plans to leave Sunday to at- tend the Huckleberry Mt. workshop ' camp. " ' ' ," Mr. and Mrs. John W. Mallard ,, and son of Raleigh, Mr. and Mr. Miss Patsy Ruth Wilson of Ra leigh is visiting Mr. and Mrs. De witt Lockerman and family. Miss Evelyn Fussell of Durham is spending a weefci vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fus celL . v.i'.i: Julian Marshall is at home with parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mar shall after attending summer school for 6 weeks at Carolina. Week end guests of Mrs. D. D. Ramsey were her sister and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Q. M. rooie ana daughter of Neuse. Mr. and Mrs. Pat veuano ana family of Ambridge. Pa., and Mr, and Mrs. George Watson of Long Island, N. Y., were Tuesday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dixon. - i Mr. W. J. Walton of Raleigh is spending a few days with hi sister Mr. D. D. Ramsev. Miss Carolyn Wells left Thursday to spend a couple of weeks with her , cousinu Betsy Matthews, in Winston Salem. , Mr. and Mrs. Vann Jones of Wil mington visited friends and rela tives here during the week end. i Mrs. W. T. Blanchard and child ren have been visiting her lister in Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Townsend Is Feted At Layette Shower On Monday evening Mrs. Thomas Townsend was honored with a sur prise Layette shower at the homo of Mrs. Francis Townsend in Wal lace. She received many useful gifts. Two tables of bridge and 1 table of canasta were played. When the gtteqts arrived ice cream, cake and nuts were served. After games of bridge and canasta were played, cold drinks and po tato chips were served.' ; " a - - . : , fe l'; i tK11!? .. I Southern Pulpwood Forester Urges More Expenditures For Forest Fire Control Duplin-Asbury Districts Meet At Rose Hill On Monday evening, July 21, the Duplin, and Francis Asbury sub- districts, met jointly at the Hose Hill Methodist Church at 7:30.- After devotional and fne Uusl- ness session at the church, the group went to Lake Tut where swimming was enjoyed and a pic nic upper wa spread. " ' ' A good attendance was reported. B. K. Bradshaw B. K. Bradshaw of Rose Hill died Wednesday afternoon, July 16 at his home. Funeral services were held at the Baptist Church in Rose Hill Friday at 10 a. m. and burial was In the Peterson Cemetery near Rose Hill. Surviving are three brothers, L. B. and Hicks of Ros Hill and Rex Bradshaw of wiiiara; and a sister, V-- C. C. Carter of Rose HilL - ' ' Atlanta. Ga:. The South'8 $3,- 000,000,000 forest products income could be doubled u puouc expen ditures for fire control were in creased from five to 11 cents an acre. That Is ' the opinion of H. J. Malsberger, general tnanager and forester for the Southern Pulpwood Conservation Association. It is con tained in a comprehensive forest fire report issued today, by the pulpwood organization. . "In spite of the vast contribute SAFETY SHOWER-Testing shower withoitf taking one is accomplished at tieneral Elec tric' Schenectady; N. ', Y re search laboratory with this spe cial shower tester. The Jet of water ere ready , for use in the event a scientist'' clothe catch Are or to neutralize an acid burn. Seldom used, the device are checked periodically. , Unsafe Items - .-.'::( Heading the list , ot ten Items checked were one out of seven brakes; one out of twelve front lights: one out of fourteen rear Hints, and one out of fifteen steer ing and exhaust systems in need ox maintenance auenuo nior saie vehicle operation. Of 335,016 passenger cars check ed, 31.45) were in need of service attention compared to 30.6 (in 1051. Of 48,704 trucks cnecitea, 39.7 were unsafe compared to 27J in 1951. An additional comprehensive 'Safety - Check' of 169.576 vehicles conducted In Florida by the Florida Automobile" Dealers'' Association showed that 56,370 or 33.2 failed to pass. 131,223 cars and 38,353 trucks were checked by Florida dealers wit hofflclal O. K. stickers being placed on vehicles passing the check. Safety Check Reveals One Out Of Every Three Vehicles On Roads Are Unsafe Mr. and Mrs. Ray M. Williams of Savanah, Ga., announce 4he birth of a son, on July 20. ' Mrs. Williams is the --former Patsy, Wil son of Rose Hill, N. C, i. The Attendance at LAKE TUT, ROSE HILL, gj N. C. is increasing daily, especially in picnic gath erings. All picnic tables and grounds are free, i No charges. ' . ' jJ Be sure and visit LAKE TUT from 8 p. m. M til 10 p. m. while lights are on and see we nsn while being fed. " Don't forget Jitterbug contest each Wednes day night and Swimming contest every Sunday afternoon. : . ettL2a 'WASHINGTON Preliminary ore ports of a nationwide " 'Safety- Check' covering more tnan one nan million cars and trucks, reveal 32.6, or nearly 1 out of every 3, are. ,unsaf e due 1 to- needed service attention to one or more' parts af fecting safe operation. ".- ; 'Safetv-Check'. W. F, v Hufstadef, Chairman 'of .the - Inter Industry Highway 'Safety a Committee, and Vice Presi'dfent of General Motors, said, 'Vehicles today apparently are not as afe as a year ago when a similar sample check showed that 30.2 were in need of maintenance attention. t The results of this check indicate the need for all own ers to have "their cars 'Safety- Checked' periodically.' ' ( With an, estimated 40 muuon loot forest products are making to the South's economy, only one-half enough money is being appropriat ed to protect this resource from fire," Mr.- Malsberger said. '""On the average, only two-fifths of. a cent of each public dollar appro priated is allotted to fire control.? ;. Citing lire control progress dur ing the past 20 years, Mr. Malsberg er said 78 per cent of the South's woodlands are now protected from fire." He added, however; that 41, 000,000 acres are not yet guarded by an organized fire control sys tem. V't . 1 ;;?! ; When this remaining acreage is protected, and with good forest management practices, we. can ex pect fully stocked stands growing wood at full capacity,' Mr. Mals berger declared. "It ,c.. will, mean more Industry, more employment, more payrolls, safer investment in forest lands, expansion of the tax base, and a better living." ; 'Copies of the report, entitled Forest Fires r- Your Loss, may be obtained from the association's offices, 156 First National Bank Building, AJanta, or from any of the South's pulp and paper mills. Attractively printed in two coiors, the publication traces the history of the wood burning custom, cites the causes of fires, discusses flam ages and prevention metnpos. Charts show the status of the fire situation in lrivtdiial southern states. i. n a ;uo i f -: LI- - Li ' L--" ! vehicles ott the highways, he stated 'every motorist should make certa4n his. car . ia in safe operating' condif- xion an. or jne lime. . tsui mat is, not enough, in addition to starl ing holiday or vacation trips in a sae) carvi-make certain, you- drive in a saie manner.' , t The 'Safety-Check11 program was conducted during the month of May by the Interindustry Highway Safety Committee in cooperation with the National Safety Council. Results were obtained on the ba sis of 'Safety-Checks made by the nation's automobile, truck and tire dealers of 551,26 vehicles in yii states and the Districtof Columbia Wm. E. Wheeler William' Edward Wheeler, 89, of Route I Wallace died at his home Thursday afternoon. . Fun eral services were held on Saturday at the Hopevllle Baptist church Interment was in Hopevllle Ceme tery. He is survived by hie son, Preston Wheeler, one daughter, Mrs. L. W. Garrls of BurgaW, one brother, A. J. Wheeler of Elm City, one sister, Mrs. L. C. Piner of Bur gaw, two half sister?, , Mr; LeltH Forbes, of Wilson,' Mrs Margie Efc lers of Greenville, 10 grand cmic fen and 20 great grandchildren. Cut Actions Count Graham Blanton is attending tl'ei Charles Hall of Winston Salem, 4-H Club week in . RaleJgh thislvlelted his parents, Mr. apd Mrs. week. Graham is our Rose Hill rs-l Heman Hall Wednesday tad Thurs- Ten items affecting safe vehicle operation were included -la the voluntary- check. '1 v r r , Brake and Lights Head List of. Half an acre of land produced $406 'worth-of cabbage for ' Lee R. Wilson. Route 1. Lake Lure, ac cording to F. E. Patton, Rutherford eenntv oeent. -"--""'"" 4.t Dates for the 1952 North CaCro Una State Fair, to be held at Ra leigh, are October 14-18. . , ! .. . i. County Agent S. C. Winchester of Pitt County reports that small grain yields in that area were un usually good this year. Many grow ers reported yields above. 40 bush- els per acre for wheat and 80 bu shels per acre for oats, i! A conference of hurley tobacco workers will be held near Waynes ville, August 20-22. 1 IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCDOOOOOOOOOOOO o o o o o I 0 o o o o o o o o ' o o, o o n : ') ') ) Johnson Cotton Company ARSENATE OF LEAD -' I .i PARIS GREEN - . HAND AND HORSE DRAWN DUSTERS 'I 'i AND SPRAYERS. ! ' ' I - 1 T03ACC0 STICKS TOBACCO SLEDS AI,D TRUCKS Special Price on Clue Ribbon Three And Four Ply , TOSACCO TWINE, 5 Lb. PacLa;es . $3.87 3 r.,'J (TAX INCLUDED) ' v ; ; ' TOBACCO DARN IXUZS , BUCKEYE TCDACCO CUr.II.G SYSTEMS T o o o o g o o o o o o o o o o o o o () ! L l J --V? ' art : 1 I y: For "v- -: ALLA.Cj, IT. C O o ( ( r f1 ''-j ' LTi J2c ihi John D" , -50" 1 T"-?. our,r!rri.ij m..-wn Imoa iWre trolr ereat 1 thrc'j3t races in ?"--t --,-,, k , -f new tntctorfc , , , n V y 1,4 kj kj ( J (till Vfl -"tf K d t 7 - -1' 1 i " :" ' w k ,V'-lf J.-K ,r,B. 4 ... Ufa , k1dV'

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