Warsaw Church and ocials " ' , A ' ' . Mrs. Howard Joiner,. Reporter and Subscription Agent Please Call Mrs. Joiner at telephone 454 for news I Irs. Jim Middlelcn Is Hostess At Afternoon And Evening Parties Here - - Mrs. Jim Middleton entertained net friends at an afternoon and -evening party last Tuesday at her Itonie on Pollock St. Her home was lovely for the occasion, lily and clematis being used In her floral arrangements. Variegated sum mer flowers were used on the man- : tie with navy blue candles. - .. Those who attended were the following; Mesdames Bill Sheffield k. h. nest, j&atmeen snyaer, nr. .A. Mitchell. Wilbur Garner. Ed ZOnes, Eddie Strickland, E. D. Pol- iock, j. t. uresnam, e. a .Kitcnm, George Penny of Kenansville, Ben Bowden, M. H. Baar, F. A. Mitchen- cr, Joe Surratt, Jr., 14. S. Whittle, J. N. West, Jr. W. G. Britt, Glenn Rollins, Ralph Best, Jr. Frank Hobbs, W. J. Taylor, A. M. Britt, J. F. Strickland, Paul Britt. Allen Draughon, Charles Sheffield, G. A. Philips, B1U Craven, Robert Black anore, Paul Potter, J. A. Johnson, Rivers Johnson Jr., John Vincent, JT. H. Hlnes, Avon Sharpe, John Tonvllle, M. H. Jordan, Henry R1--venbsrk, Herbert Neimeyer, J. It. Oaly and Miss Jean Newkirk. . , i In the afternoon party, high score -went to Mrs. Bill Sheffield and the second high to Mrs. J. T. Gresbam. At the evening party high score was won by Mrs.. Joe Surratt, Jr., Mrs. A. M. Britt won dub Mgn. During refreshments, Mrs. Mld dleton served r as berry puncn ana salted nuts. On arrival she served party sandwiches, frosted soft drinks, cheese crackers and butter mints. ' iC .. ' Is Club Hostess Mrs. Albert Newkirk entertain ed her bridge' club last Tuesday evening. (Dulng progressions, she served Sunch and potato sticks and at le end of play, she served apple pie a 1 Mode. ; - Mrs. Moman Baar won the high score and the prize for Traveling. She was given a box of note cards (S) GOLDEN MAID .. MARGARINE sweet' , I0IIA PEAS SULTANA STRAWBERRY PRESERVES IQNA CALIF. DFAfHFC eeOr GRAPE JUICE OUR OWN 2 Lb. NO. 301 Cans 21c Harrea 12-Oe. Jar No. 1 Can 12-Os. BotUe TEA Vi Lb. Fkg. 39c 1-Lb. 21c 25c 25c 17c 77c Sara Joiner's Column DEFERENCE TO AGE Re specting the age of Rome's fa mous pine trees and complaints of irate Romans, the builder of this apartment house got around the tree problem by going around the tree. He left the tree untouched by circling it with the roof of the main entrance. and a not holder. Mrs. M. A. Smith won the second high and was given dusting powder. Others wbo played were Miss Nora Blackmore. Mesdames Charles Carroll, James Rackley, Y. I Smith and Robert Lewis. 1 'I u H i 1 L 2s- ' ARE LIKE ARITHMETIC- AND THERE IS A SOLUTION TO EVERY PROBLEM. ' EVEN TO BILLS THAT JUST SEEM TO HANG ON. GET A LOAN FROM I US PAY UP THOSE BILLS AND MAKE YOUR REPAYMENTS IN SMALL MONTHLY ! AMOUNTS. SEE US TODAY. Braidli ms WARSAW . WALLACE FAISON Baptist Hews The George Rollins Circle of the Baptist Church met on Monday night at the home of Mrs. L. O. Williamson with Mrs. R. E. L. Wheeless as co hostess. Ten members were present. The de votional was given by Mrs. Wheel- ess. The program was in charge of Mrs. Henry L. Stevens. She chose as her topic. 'Liberty and Justice for AIL' At the conclusion, the hostesses served ice cream, cookies and salt ed nuts, The Ruby Daniel Circle of the Baptist Church met on Monday at the home of Mrs. R. A. Parker in Bowden. Eight : members - were present. : The meeting was opened with the song 'All hail the power of Jesus' Name. The opening prayer was given by Mrs.- Florence Hous ton.. The program, 'Liberty and Justice For All' was given by Mes dames Fields, John Barden and raui rotter. Tne nostess served pineapple sherbert and home made cookies. The Rosa Hocutt circle met on Monday at the home of Mrs. Clar ence Brown. Thirteen members were present During the devotion al that was given by Mrs. David Chambers, Mrs. Clarence Brown played softly, 'God Bless America'. Mrs. Macon HoIUngsworth gave the program. Lt's keynote was God Is no respecter of persons.' The Good Samaritan Circle met at the home of Mrs. Zacchry, tne circle cnairman, Mrs. E. a. Hales presided and cave the open ing prayer. The devotional was given by Mrs. Fred Eason and the program was given by Mrs. George Faulkner. Twelve members were. present at this time. At the con clusion, the hostess served cheese and cucumber sandwiches, lemon ade and cookies. : The Katie Murray Circle met with Mm. Tinrtani RsnHmi Monday afternoon. The chairman, mn. jimmy sincjuana, presided. Mrs. Herring led he devotional. The title nt tha nmmm 'T .1 Ka. ty and Justice for All', was given uy xars. Maurice joraan, Mrs. Bill Vann and Mrs. John Bradshaw. Ten members and one visitor were present Af the conclusion, Mrs. Herring served party sand wiohes, cold drinks and salted nuts The Annls T?nf Pnmli met with Mrs. .George Clark. The circle chairman, Mrs. Fred Revell nresided Mr Rnhiim dkiiii... . - ... i. gave the devotional and also the program on -14 Deny and Justice for All'. Eleven members were pre sent, xae nosiess served cnocolate pie a la mode. v .. ; vi - . . ' Mr' and Mrs. Joe Surratt Sr." visited ' tha Wit.' c, . Greensboro last week While there mey spent several days at their cottage at High Rock Lake. They also attended the Surratt family 2 1 1 i i 1 1 Did you ever think about the fact that it only - takes little kindness to give a new sunrise to someone lost in darkness; . v v One of the strongest memories of my childhood is how a farmer friend of my granddaddys jbad , a fine bird dog that killed chickens. At least he killed one while we were making a little visit to his home. I'll never forget how the angry farmer tied' the bloody car cass of the dead chicken around the bird dog's neck and made him drag it around whereever he went He said that it would cure him of kill ing chickens. (I wonder If it did.) Society holds somewhat to the same idea. Once let a person do something that violates the 'code' and we are disposed to tie it around his neck and make him drag it along back of him the rest of bis life. " y- ::.". A case has come to my attention recently of our dead chicken meth od of punishing our fellow man. It may be a competent methed though I have my doubts; but It certainly is cruet and crushes something Inside the person so punished that makes redemption and return to life's higher levels all the more difficult, If not in possible. ' The case has to do with a lady. I use the word lady advisedly. (She Is a lady.) A sort of angel with a crumpled wing. Back in her past is a little period when she was something less than her best But who Is there who does not have some scars on the wings of his soul? The majority of us are fortunate that we have healed our wounded wines and each morning sing the old sweet strain but the scars are there and we should never forget them when we come to .deal with those wings are crumpled and who have fallen down from their high places. Maybe, too. they could fly again if someone should care enough to help. In the lady's case, tne ones wno could have helped didn't seem to care. Her past had caught up with her, and a truly fine person Is be ing punished for something for which s&e mu aireaoy para ana paid dearly. Look up that poem with the line, At sunrise, every, Mrs. Bcr.nieThcmos Entertains Club Mrs. Bonnie Thomas entertained her bridge club last Thursday night On arrival she served the guests coconut cake and nuts. Dur ing progressions, she served cola drinks and lemon- thins. : The club high wss won by Mrs. Vernon Standi who was given a set of towels. Mrs. Moman Baar re ceived the prise for traveling and the visitors prize. She received a Jewelry box and a decanter. -Others who played were Mesdames Belton MinsheW, Y. L. Smith, E. E. Jones, Forest Martin, Carl Win ders and J. V. Davis. bv and Mrs. Paul Edwards and son, John of Roeebore spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bostlc. ?- 5 Charles Hales and Marcla Jones left Monday to enter the second session of summer school at Camp bell college, .vr-.v- .v.'y Mr. and Mrs. Ross Watklna visit ed relatives in Dawson, Ga. while thev were on vacation. - , Miss Elois Norman of East Bend recently visited Mrs. Joe Surratt,. Jr. and family.. .vwrVV1.-'' Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Herring, Mrs. Henry Heath and Mrs. V. F. Darden are visiting in Atlanta and Tifton, M. and Mrs. Elbert Mathls re cently visited Elizabeth City, Kill Devil Hill and Manteo. . Mrs. Morris Bransome , and Clyde Daulton of Hlllsville spent the week end with Mrs. P. A. Kit- chin. '' " -..-V Mr. and Mrs. John Vincent 're cently visited Mrs. J. W. Vincent in Greenville. ' , , . Mr. end Mrs. Fes Mitch en er have returned from a visit to the Moan- tains. . ':r;1vi;'';''j!,;";";'M' Miss Ann : Hule has returned from attending summer school at Chanel Hilt Little Pat Mathls is spending the week with his grand pareitfs, Mr and Mrs. L. R. Patterson, in Rosd- bOrO. .. :.-.--svV-?.i Mr. Ernest Hussey has gone to Statesboro, Ga., where he is con nected with, the American Tobacco Company. Mrs. H. C. Allen and ton and Mrs. Ralph Best Jr.. and children spent Sunday at Topsail Beach. Mr. and Mrs. w. G. Britt spent the week end with her parents in ParXton. ....'f-vvi' Mrs. Kathleen Snyder has re turned from a visit to. Rock HUl, S. C. . , v: --v,.v;:'-- Miss Mamie Bethea is spending her vacation in Dillon, S. C. , ; Mr. Belton Houston of Fayette- viUe spent the week end with Mrs. Florence Houston. v.;1 . .' . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mills of Wil mington spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Gore. Miss Arah Lee spent the week end "with her parents in Dunn. -' I Mrs. Benson of Mt Olive is now operating: the Hometel since the WM takers moved to Wallace. Mr. D. B. PoweU of Rocky Mt. recently .visited the. Powel sisters. Sgt. Jackie Sutton who has com pleted three months training at Denver, Colorado is now' stationed at Ft. Bragg. He. recently visited nis parents, Mr. snd Mrs. Q. i Sutton. . . Mrs. Mildred Wells of Richmond, Vs. recently visited her sister, Mrs. J. A. Porter. f'-.- Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Middleton and Mr. and Mrs. John Slayton of Wilmington spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Surratt . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Earl BeD and. children of Gainesville, Fla., have e turned home after visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Belt Bobby Lanier and Nelson Best. outstanding Scouts attended the Order of the Arrow meeting at Camp Tuscarora last Wednesday evening. Mrs. A. Z. Gregory of Goldsboro spent several days recently wita Mrs. Nan Summerlin and the L. B. Gardeners. ' Miss Peggy Mitchell, Mr. Tommy Rogers and Fisher Carlton visited Miss Patsy Kornegsy who is a stu dent at Campbell college. , Mrs. L. Q. Southerland, Mlts Ruby Southerland, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kornegay spent Sun day at Penderlea. Mrs. Walter Carter is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles Barker in Oxford. Mrs. O C. Carter of Mt Olive is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Gor don Kornegsy. Mr. Henry Rivenbsrk and Keith Hobbs celebrated their oirthdam at a picnic dinner at the home ot Keith's parents, Mr. and Mat. Frank Hobbs. Others present were Mrs. Henry Klvenbark and Dallas HoIUngsworth of Clinton. After the picnic they visited White ! " . .. , : ' 1 . i 1 I I I . . , potest puhll. eepU-e. te -. JZj TnTtari hd b, . .... . mm ltBl J lulkaai as atVniTISaSf fllWl mm SUSS VUtHin wwmmm . - Buck's famed hoisepower rirewm n -" " Mrs. Sheffield Club Hostess Mrs. Bin Sheffield entertained her club and additional guests at her home on Thursday afternoon. High score went to Mrs. Ed Hlnes, s coloene stick while Mrs. Ed Shef field received candy for the second high. Mrs. Laura Wright sister of Mrs, Tommy Gresham was re- with perfume. Cold drinks and cheeses were served during . progressions' and lime sherbert and cake at the 'Those playing were Mesdames Wright, the guest of honor, Mes dames Ed Sheffield. Tommy Gre sham, John FonviUe, Ed Strickland, James Herman Hlnes, Charles Sheffield and Mrs. Ed Hlnes. Mr. S. M. Hlnes has returned to his home in Washington, D. C. aft er visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hlnes. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Askew had as their guests recently Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Askew and boys of Norfolk, Va. Mr. r. L. Smith made a business trip to New York last week. Mr. snd Mrs. D. E. Lassiter and daughter spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Miller. - Miss Peggy Mitchell and Neal Mitchell recently visited in Fair mont 1 ' 1 ' - Mr. and Mrs. J. N. West Jr., and! Miss Ann West spent last Sunday in Kaielgb where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Whitehurst Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Thornton and daughter, Mary Elizabeth of Mebane spent .the week end with Mrs. Lela Middleton. . Dr.. and Mrs. J. N. Kornesrar spent the week end in Orrum. Mr. and Mrs. William Atkinson ot Jacksonville, Fla, recently vis ited Mr. snd Mrs. J. R. Barden. MX. Hopton SmltlvXnd sons: Allen and Dwight have returned home after spending several weeks at Topsail Beach. . . ; Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Weeks and daughter, Sara Ann of Klnstea re cently visited Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Barden. -".?.; Miss Mary Lou Pblllns. stndent at East Carolina college extent last week end at her home here. Mrs. C .E. Darden snent last week in LaGrange with her sister. am. nenry neain. - -n-. Mis. S. T. Boykfn of Goldsboro spent last Tuesday with her daugh ter, Mrs. G. A. Clark. 1 miss jean Miller. Miss Asmes Turnage Miss Sue Hlnes, Miss Ma ble Byrd and Miss Kathryn Wells enjoyed a houseparty at Wrights ville Beach last week end. - -. Miss Kathryn Steed, rising sen ior at Lumberton County Memorial hospital Was home recently to visit her family. --.iiv.;.v. Mr. G. S. Best and Mr. Lester Best made a business : trip to wngntsviiie Beach on the fourth. Miss Mary Lee Jones of East Carolina college ' recently visited ner mother Mrs. Ralph Jones and xamuy. v;i:,rj . .- ,.,.. Mr. -and Mrs. Paul Kltchin were guests last week of Mr; and Mn. Dixon at Pauley's Island. S. C. Mrs. Julian Gatlln of Trboro spent last week end with 'her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Best. Mr. and Mrs. James Martin and children of Mt OUve visited Mr. and Mrs. - Mills Hodges on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Otto Mattnews have returned from a week's stay at Topsail Beach. . ':;"' a'i Mr. and Mrs. Sam Godwin and -son spent last week end at Topsail Beach.. .,....,.,.". i.-.i..,;? Rc!:rians Hear i. F. Strickland The Warsaw Rotary Club met last Tnanday. at noon at the School Lunch room. The president, Lee Brawn presided. - An interesting report on the activities at Ft Mo Ori&Bmt, Ala., was given by Mr. James Franklin Strickland. He re lated many amusing events that occurred1 at the Ft. while the Na tional Guards are in training there. Lunch was prepared and serve J by'Bsr. Swinson. Mfc' and Mrs. George Bridgers snd dteghters, Susan and Peggy ot Chattanooga, Tenn. spent last week with Mrs. Walter Bridgers. Mrs. Wayne Ellers and daughters of Winston Salem were week end guests of her mother, Mrs. G, C. ' Mt. and Mrs. Graham Quenn and son of Klnston spent the week end with their parents here. ' ' Mr. P. V. RocheUe is a patient at Sampson Memorial .hogpUal, Clin ton. ,rr ,,;Vi Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kornegay and Jim Byrd and family of Al bertson wlere recent visitors In Warsaw... ' ..Ju.i. . i -- " :. - '. i. Mrs. E. J. HilL spent a few days recently In Roanoke Rapids. '; . Mrs. Belton Mlnshew snd Mr. L. C Southerland spent Monday In Goldsboro. -r. . . Young Group Go To Lake Tut - atcAMjia.s f ti 1st ihit TnlUTnTcdV- - JHVIIVJ S ' w t istes of th Warsaw Baptist Train-- ing Union' met at tne cnurcu mi 8:30 to gOr to Tut Lake for swihr- nmwHi .nil nfpnlo. The slrlS provided the tasty lunch and 4ne boys the drinks. Wltn tne leaaers, wu . T mn. wst anil Mrs. Fltir ence Houston; the following shared" the happy occasion:" Misses Joyce Whittle, Jacqueline Boyette, LUlie Mse Plumps, Sterne rwn nw h!m Hurrlns. Irli Estelle: Betty Ann Parker; Marion Creeclr, niiiv .mv hiiiv HiacKDura. ueurxv West. Deams Pollock, Kenny Thy- lor,' Alfred west, nay r auuuier ana Mrs. MacDonald Brocl(. - Tn (hiocTem senseene fcae said the truthful woman Us the eras- who TXes only about her age, weight and! her tadsatnTsi safary. Bud Nelson-. More-fertilizer was nseJenAmer fcan farms; gardens, and lawn in EjgflWEE umw hx any previous year on record;, according to ? recent survey by the EL 5. Department of Agriculture. Consumptiim in 1950 and 51 of 201988r,T4W tons exceeded that of the precedlmr year by I per cent and was ttnttnt three tlmM aa ereat aa immit consumw. tion before World War DT. Averag for 1935-38 was about TVk nriUioa tons. ,:'-'':V.-"v.-..".'--.-'V. A. J. Cavwianjh DIAMONBS WATfHES - Watck Umrnhrr BIPABUNO sk KNCSAVINa VersuV Fish M:r!:et Oeean Fresh geafee IMreet Frosn The PUCES AMS CHEAPBB ' ; (Next Deer Te AAF) . Beth vfhoIsesJe and Besell ' " Know Tew Fish or Knew Tow - " ' ': Ik, Z. HOfXOMAN .. PkSMSM ' Warsaw, N. C - astlvee mi ii mi In Emergency Call Ust Whea lUness: strikes and snedfe&te gauss b sIininistere ejsdteklv hrfna; yauar pcescrlptlon to TteU fs eomtwod it carefully and tk. the shortest time passible. IVlail Orders Given Protapt Attenti Warsaw Drug Co, YOUK "EEXALL" DRUG STOKE SELF SERVICE x PHOKB 521 , ' WABSAW, N. C oooooooooooooooioooooooopooooooooooooc ,: .V,'.,' Li nnM'T incF that TtviArrn ' . AFTER IT 1$ PRODUCED, ; iii. nivjro--,,..,.r.:! . ; 4 t- -.TOBACCO BARNS PACKIIOUSES NOW? ,lta VJa-l V,- S PAC vmI YOUNCf RtARRIED taAN'XGE2TO 3 yTTII MECHANICAL APTITUDE 'TO LEARN MA CHINE REPAIRING j AND CUTTING IN cl6tii;g FACTcT in Warsaw;. , : :v ' no l-;perilnce requeued'4:4..;':';':',. , SALARY $85 PER WEEK TO START - W AFTER 3 MONTHS TRAINING. '.r'-'i'--.".--: :.c'- ersr .t f i... ?tf f rtf.. 4i mm aaa Mam mm mtmm r 'v-f - : v- . yr ' t For M breaiiil Better .Telephone Service IS 1 f 5 2-3 DAYS TO WORK PER WEEK f nf-.' ..e. . 0 o " ,. 9 ft? Here's what we hare done since IMS te meet the growing needs' of the area we scire Added 52,503 New Telephones A Gain Of 17 Per Cent 'i" '4 i j6 , Installed 11,080 New Rural Telephones, A 221 Per Cent Increase ' O Boosted Our I :v ' ztBy$:i,:37,471,or2jPer Cent Like mosi thlncs, tclerhone Sf .Ice costs more these days. The fact that we had to bees our In?s4meni 25 to increase the tclnfltones in serrloe 107 shows, In part, r t.yonr t' ' -'ft f "nr hny more today because ' why your serrloe costs more. o o o o o o o o o. o o 0 o o 0 o o 0 0 I t 0 c 'A c i f.( ( ( r a 1 f t i ever before. ALL HE-roS C7 INSURANCE CAr.0Li:,TA Tr:."":'c:;i: t.t r:i cc::pany you can call more f t t'