t i By popular request, Dr. Green law, pastor of the Wirsaw Baptist Church, Is . conducting a special tudy on the subject of "Revela tion" each Wednesday at 8 o'clock.' Introducing the study last Wed nesday, July 9th, Dr. Greenlaw (presented informative facts, nea" easary to a better understanding of the book. "Revelation means lo unveil, to pull back the curtains. MANHATTEN rrr: and VAN IIEUSEN SPORT SHIRTS ' PANAMA IIATS ' .: . G Tax :--;..-;(; Tom R. Best MEWS CLOTHING ' - IN GOLDSBORO The New Testament jbook,' "Reve lations" is the unveiling of hidden principles of God. It is New Test ament, which means it was written at a specific time to cover specific existing situations at a given place (the seven churches of Asia). It is apocalyptic In style; that is it is written in signs and symbols. Words were Inadequate to give the full meaning and to Interpret the meaning one must first find the principle being given and then to make application of the symbols within one's present knowledge. It is prophetic in that it is an in terpretation of history (past, pres ent, and future.) "The principles of life as re vealed in all history show forth God's two definite laws, wrath and righteousness. - 'God's wrath is ' God allowing man to destroy himself. Man turns xrom uoa; maxes nis own way which produces suffering, destruc tion, aeatn. - uoa gave to mankind free choice to be and do just what he wanted. "Man takes upon him- FIRST uitli America! Trt).-- 'Mr: 1A r ri - - -i1,- A VV.' BLBND- : cigarette hy billions! But long before i" 4" Camel reached those heights, repeated ir'Tt. surveys showed (that more doctors .?k smoke Camel than any otherdgaiette! , : .;;..'; ineooaors cnotce a America s choice ' T'Camel' Start enjoying them today! 8ML i - J ' ' ,Y00 HAVI READ IT fas . - IH VpUX NIWSPAfER . NOV GET.THE DOOK 50 INSMMNd STOKlIi O HOW THi WORLD'S ','-' miiTltTUVUMI Will WBITTFM ) ; rUxiBU BINDING " . f.y ,vw I I :'.f , l J Dl LUXE . GIFT ' BINDING ' 1 U0 fAGW m this brttratfiaf ly nttH beak CIM Bohmt yea how tliwt tad 40rtthM leatsat hywas wete writtea. ti JtOCJC bF itG5 1 ; JSSVS LOVER Of XT SOUL ' L i ' , , FHAr A fRIEND VB HAVE lit JESUS ABIDE WITH MB J H ,&JirU ON CHRIST THE SOLID: ROCK 2. STAlVbf?! if j THR IS A FOUNTAIN FILLED WITH BLOOD COME THOU FOUNT OF EVERY BLESSING " ' iUX HAII THfi TOWER OF JESUS' NAME 1 ' 'a ' FV THR CUT RI?T IT sVl) T-:.3ti!)'W Jat'i- ;.;.w-:i.. W.ai. :'H4rt iWPWN. TIMES', J.: WgMfT, mrm ilrKWIAIISTIIXl;!, N.-.C-t --rr$Svici'' .i.-."" .? -.S (A4d 10 aw am for aortas and ! State sj" E Addrots !MMBaa L ooses to accept., "All of history, la a record of these two fundamental laws of God."- ; ' - .'. ' Another basic - understanding In the stuiy of "Revelations" is con cerning Prophecy. "This book of prophecy means more than just a prediction of the future. It is God's jnteroretation of history: the prin ciples that men live by in the light of God's control oi History. ; xne prophecy of God does not have to come to oass. (Story oi Nineven' God changes the course, of history the fulfilling of prophecy) la keeping with man's cnange of atti tude, man's free , choice, toward The hanger of children in m re fugee samp school in Germany is stilled with milk and cereal pro vided by the Christian Rural Over seas Program (CROP) to which American farm families have con tributed generously for four years. self power, but power only to de stroy nlmself. . By permitting man to go on in degradation and' ruin God thus exercises His wrath. God does not desire the destruction of war, hatred, jealousy, covetousness, lust. Man chooses these for hlm- seu. "Yet at the moment man turns to God in repentance Tie finds God present, willing, ready, and anxious to lift him up out of his manmade ruin. God offers salvation and eternal life to 'man-IF man so Bible Comment: Purity of Heart Is More Than Just Resisting jivil rYO the wise- men, among the x ancient Hebrew the; heart was not only the center of- man's phy sical being, but It symbolized also the center and source of his moral and spiritual life. He thought not only with his mind, but with hi heart. "As a man thinketh in nis heart, so is he." "Search the heart, for out' of it are the issues of .life. , , Purity of heart, therefore, be came the supreme condition of a good and wholesome life, as much as pure blood is the condition of a healthy body. One can live with a diseased , body, for a' time at least, lust as one can live with a diseased soul, ., but thai , seeds of destruction are there, i And the conditions and . demands of , good moral health are as imperative as are the conditions and ; demands of good health for the body. . .What does it mean to be pure in heart?. The common, tendency is to think of "purity? chiefly, if not altogether, In . terms of sex; but purity of heart means a ereat deal more than avoidance , of what, Saint Peter has called the "Fleshly lusts 'that war., -against, the soul." There are other lusts that are as damaging to the soul, and that are nerhaDS even more destructive to man's fellowmeni There-is the lust of power and wealth; and there is even the lust of 'ease, and the lust iof - pleasure, which unregula ted and uncontrolled van destroy in man- the sense of duty f :', r . Purity, too, must be considered oh' its positive side." It is not enough to resist the temptations of evil; it-is necessary to be moved by the impulses of good, and power of. love, i ; Purity means strength as well as freedom from .taint- -,.,- ('"j'iT!- 's-o'iT . , Purity relates.' m. much -more than sexual conduct, but that does not mean that purity in .that area is any less vital. .The Bible is very plain and ' outspoken ' concerning right relations between -man and woman. It commends the virtuous woman, who will do her husband "good and not evil all the days of - her life," and it warns against the strange women" in. whose lures ' are the ways of destruction. An cient counsel still holds good. Y BY Cbin I A UUflNBK 3 aa w 1 7 I mward. cinsnctn soldiers Of a halfeei for 916 toftf ?r DoriDt the week days the Rev. Sablns Barinr kept on tWtUO ' GoaflntalorTu, hU UiU. eoogregation at the : MM. to? ort ! K bUU town o( Horbary, Knalaad,, On Bandaya he aton at Lew Trenchard ... and kept en writmg. taoBvtttedi'his laabeier Quartors, toto--:'eatlrsy-f-Bj,Itfcf( Baring-CkmM wrote I novel ijaftT,,. house. At sight he beM school la the same room. , Be alae wrote books on religion, mythology; bt After sehooi he retired to bis upstairs bedroom ography, travel, folk-lore, theology v . . and Pb. aad wroU into the smell hours of morning, . lished-a book of hymns. His 14ves of the SalntaT . Whltmonday was a day of festival tor the eh0' aioM oovers U voiames. Tat he wrote all hia 88 ,,.: drea of Horbnry. And it was eustom lor .them , books: ia long hand aad never had a secretary. "I to march, with erossee aad baanera, to a nolgh- norf wait tor aa Inspiration.'' he said, "and wbea,i(j; boring town to join other- children lor.me. a .,i votm a Job I suy on it ui hi uoun. i Had the SOT. Banng-uoun uvea umjm ,. -f, mmiahrmOan. For th event la 1854 the Rev. Baring-Gould was asked to escort the group. On the night before he searched hymnals for a songs the children might slur as they lurched, romngi up his search, he wrote aome verses of his own; wrote them "Hymn for rroeeaeloa with Cross aad Banners" and went to bed. 9 it p s . That same year the young bachelor saved a ' mlU hand's daughter trejdrowainf,. soov ar vt0 mosie la 187L . away to aehool. married her ta 1SS8 , . .. and 1 Osteord, t?rto toUHmrt. t , , V'r-- OlTAHBa mtm mm laywsj 111 I Vi I tut. un (V ,. . .mi - If ua tlw. nr.. ot J- .4 . ,' ; ' arewers, ipe ere in.oa , VMM tae somn aov (rva, h would have been M when he died la 1M4. It is paid Joe literary catalogue ec the finifa ainaoum.,!, t Uets more tttleev by him,- than any ouer autnor ot hia time. But Babiae Bariag-Qould is beat r membered for a children's manning song he wH4 one night when he waa SO . . . and to Which i a ' A rfl... QnlHv.a mmt U I likt a wtifkty army ' JToees U 0Mren tf eos; fit rVZLfr. f?S'wi-oli tWSnlS -ilnk" -Ji era e dWdl;A ' f Arttt -4)t9i reyaf l.eadi agatmt tae foe; forward into tfV: set, UU ornnrrm. pv ' at, aiM, of triumph A ' " Hatan't' ot doth, fif -T(rir7TJ.rtet. sotdterr, Oh to victor t-;s.;n ;-i.:.Y:y:-: ' HH' rofid(itio nuivor --2 r "itfro.ers, W your1 Voicet. yff All one ftedv we. Otnoorg, then, ye people, - -Join ear Mm rc, : Blend with ourt vonr voice In the Iriampa ot; . Glory, load, 4 honor, Unto Ohtitt the Sine, ,.: This thro'.ootM.ieM opes , j ttmm nmA amjtttU ttna. : hrit t t-s I . ... . i i God. God offers a permanent sub stitute, His righteousness in salva tion .for His prediction of destruc tion. He offers the plan, reveals His purpose. . Man accepts or re ects, thus , requiring God's wrath ana righteousness. 1 .. . bu-MIOMl (Mom . . . . f SWiJrr fchxl I I? arrtrvrfTitiRt t a.mu.1 DEVOTION AI READING: I Samuol 1:1-40. ... God Prepared Him for July ST. 195S lid To study this Interesting, eon-1 Find the principle ( pronusee;t t v. lu,ie t ' fusing yet valuable prophetic book-; warnings of God) of law being sent i-i Ueia into the -i-... . ou.y these positive suggestions are of-to that group. 'Notice the response AfTEZl recognlzlagi and accepting fered. First, find the specif ic place 1 of the church (man's free choice) fh- HB(.mi h.t.M. , i. (one of 7 churches in Asia) being to that principle. Apply the prlfl.' PPle. tha Uachlng, the law written to; find otft what situation wrtple to any situation existant to- imroiyeo.'l v existed at tharplace at that time, day that parallels the situation of I " OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOi oooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo Or. Foremaa 1 1THEN A CHRISTIAN 100KS Daca. he can see God's hand better than he can see it looking forward A Christian, even a worrying Chris tian (though there should be no such neoDle as Christians who worry). can feel very thankful for God's blessings, care and guidance in the past, ' 'even while worrying over to morrow's uncer tainties. How fool ish this isl God is even now making ready for the fu ture. He is not to be taken by surprise. He knows what be wants and ha knows.1 how to get it. While we waste time in worry, God is at work. The story of Samuel is a case in point .( ' O God's Home EVERY ONE KNOWS that the strongest single influence in a person's life is his home. We some times, take that for granted. On the ,-. contrary, a home may wreck a man before he starts. It has. been said that many alcoholics get their start, not their start in drinking but their start in the ner vous. ( unsettled disposition which easily slips down into alcoholism and other drug habits, before they are six years -old. The wrong kind Of parents, lack of harmony between father and mother, ill-treatment or simple neglect, can make a child already abnormal before he Is old enough to go to school. i Oi the other hand, the fonn : datioa of a strong man eaa al ways be found in the home where he first lived. So It waa ' with the remarkable man, the prophet Samuel. r In later. Ufa, he .became lawgiver, king-maker, preacher and . general of the army; no ordinary maul The nation needed him; and when, the time came, God produced him. But God produced his mother first i .. o God's Church AFTER LEAVING HOME, Sam uel literally lived in the taber nacle, which served as a church in those far off days.- The little boy found there a second home. Old Eli the priest no doubt came- to mean much more 'to him than hia own fa ther did, his father whom be so seldom eaw.i'f: i-.-'i'-v, Jj'iV .' Be tt atHl ts waere Wehureb la doing what it shoald for the ;' ehUdrea of lie people.: A child ' should not be afraid sf the mln ; later; be aheuld not feel any thing bat love for the ehareh. ';iTroe, ehareh building ta dif fereat from 41rar btdldlngs la df .that It is set apart for a sacred asevA ehareh Is the symbol ot " Cod's preseaee among men, and ' tae taaetaary of a ehareh ought to make all who come late It MA'PcehJ .holy . ; , .JfoTeHsJIItJey .n' t&tftm&t&liilbi90lfyL. . : But that i does not mean that 1 ehud should be afraid of the place, ss some children are.' If they have been coming there v every Sunday since' they ean remember, ; sitting with the rest of the family in the family ipeWi (sounds old-fashioned but there ; are stfll 2 thousands of them), coming ae regularly that no question-Is ever asked on Sunday morning, "WeH, ' shall ' we go to church; or ' not?" --then they will feel more at home on the Inside -of 'the ehurch, when the Lord's Day comes, than they ever.wiU on the 'outside.';' , ;." '. ,. . ,, . Now this Is not aS always true. If children and young people are not attracted by fhe church, as too often they are not, whose fault is it? i Whoever may be to blame, tt is certain that a .church which loses .its young people, la headed for its and. .. KJJf" ; ; ' ;f lit.'jA-c-.-l;--;' f.;ejr; Th Tolctrbf Cod ' ''t..fI,. . rIS MOST WTERESTTNQ to know that when young Samuel heard 'the voice ot God, . It Bounded just like .the voice ot EU the priest (It you hoard the voice of God, Whose biimani voice would it sound like?) At any rate. Gad prepared this great prophet Bamaet act eaty - b tha InfluaneaJ a( boma aad A. ehareh; but by a penoaal re7 Ugious esperlence. ' Now there la ao real conflict or eentradlo ttea between religious odocatloU 'aad' eonverslon, betweea, ithe ; . (t hureh aad the home, and the . ,'t work ef the Holy Bpirit; id , ., jj.jGod jras in Samuel's home, God Waa in that (abirnacle-.''God was In his '- religious i edvicatirm Buti G' 1 Jso'earne' to' htm'dlr"eMly and w-t ionly'mrough-home 'and ehurcb,,'lf; we' wonder ' Sometimes" where the Christian leaders tot- the'ncxi sen eratlon ari, dbrnrng froni',' wei may ! be surrGod. is, preparing them evert ' now. hi simple if obscure ways, as na eUd , with Samuel of Old, -,Crrit""l ' ' tW ot Cbrl-- o S oH.. t 4I ; Cmill I t, i .1 C"- t .1 Ui Unite Go ij o Bz:Q nnrnr The Time is attempting to give its readers a complete directory of all white churches in Dupll nCounty There are some denominations not listed and probably among those listed errors will be found. We solicit the cooperation of our readers In giving us the correct information and missing information. If you find your church not listed please drop us a card giving the correct information. N SUNDAY SCHOOL AT ALL CHURCHES EACH SUNDAY PRESBYTERIAN REV. W. B HOOD, PASTOR Wallace Church Every Sunday Morning 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sunday nights Blacks Chapel 3rd Sunday night VITAMINS FOR THE SOUL METHODIST CHURCHES WALLACE GROUP K. R. Wheeler, Minister Text: "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest xel. 3786 prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." 3rd John, Wallace Every Sunday morning 2nd verse. and every Sunday night REV J. M. NISBETT, PASTOR Rockfish Church 2nd and 4th Sunday mornings 3rd Sunday ngiht REV. WADE H. ALLISON, Pastor Mt Zion Church, Rose Hill 1st and 4th Sunday mornings 2nd and 3rd Sunday nights OAK PLAINS CHURCH 3rd Sunday morning 1st Sunday night TEACHEY CHURCH 2nd Sunday morning 4th Sunday nigh. John, in above text, .wishing his friends physical and spiritual health and prosperity, the most priceless blessings of life Vita mins are essential to good health; they contain certain nutritional elements and chemicals that are necessary, which the body itself cannot produce. Vitamin A is good for eye trouble; B cures pel lagra; C prevents scurvy; D promotes growth; and E stimulates fer tility. Body vitamins are important, but religious Vitamins are equally important to assure our spiritual health and happiness. Providence First and Third Sun days at 3 o'clock p. m. ROSE HILL GROUP W. B. Cotton, Minister Tel. 3511 Rose Hill REV. J. M. NEWBOLD, PASTOR Warsaw Church Every Sunday morning Bowden Community Church 1st. 3rd. and 5th. Sunday evenings REV. J. T. HAYTER, JR., PASTOR Grove Chunch 2nd and 4th Sunday mornings Hallsville Church 1st and 3rd Sunday morings REV. W. H. GOODMAN, PASTOR Beulavllle Church Every Sunday morning PINK HILL GROUP Rev. Farrior, Pastor Pink Hill Third Sunday A. M. and 1st Sunday P. M. PLEASANT VIEW 1st Sunday A. M. and 3rd Sunday P. M. SMITHS Second Sunday A. M. and Fourth Sunday P. M. HARPER-SOUTHERLAND Fourth Sunday A. M. and Second Sunday P. M. HEBRON Third Sundays 4 P. M. (3 P. M. Winter) Women of the Church PINK HILL General meeting Third Tues day night. Circle No. 1 First Tuesday night SMITHS First Friday night PLEASANT VIEW General meetnig Thursday P. M. after 3rd Sunday. Circle Thurs day P. M. before 3rd Sunday HARPER-SOUTHERLAND t v ' "First Wednesday afternoon Y. P. Field Group 1st and 3rd Saturday evenings 8 P. M. ' 1. VITAMIN A ATTRACTIVENESS. To make the Christian religion charming and attractive was what Jesus meant when he said: 'Let your light so shine before men that they may see vour good works and glorify your father which is in heaven.' Matt. 5:16. In her prayer one night a little girl said: 'Dear God, please make the bad people good, and the good people nice.' Is our religion nice, winsome and attractive? 2. VITAMIN B BROTHERLINESS. Said the disciples to Christ: 'We saw one casting out devils in thy name and he fol lowed us not; and we forbade him Jesus said to them, forbid him not, for he that is not against us is for us." Mark 9:38-40. In other words, in modern language, Jesus was saying: 'Don't get The Big Head! Live and Let Live!' Be Brotherly! Be tolerant! Be Broad Minded! And try to respect and appreciate any one who is sufficiently spirit filled and endowed with divine grace and power to 'Cast out Devils!' No one individual, church, or sect, has a mon opoly on all the religion in the world; and certainly the world is sorely In need of any and all who are spiritually equipped to 'Cast Out Devils in His name.' 3. VITAMIN C Courtesy. 'Be ye all of one mind, having compassion one for another, love as brethren, be pitiful, BE COURTEOUS." 1 Peter 3:8. Though one may know everything In 'The Books,' have an answer for all questions, and correctly cross all T's and dot all I's, and at the same time be a religious flop because of a spirit of arrogancy, and a lack of kindness and courtesy. Scholarship is.' desirable, orthodoxy important, but Christ-likeness is i essential in a Christian. A religion minus kindness and courtesy isa shameful travesty on true religion mere balderdash, a 'Sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal!' ' 4. VITAMIN D DEVOTION. Paul said: 'I have Suffered the loss of all things that I might win Christ.' Phil. 3:8. It costs dearly, sometimes, to be true and loyal to our Lord; the price could be misrepresentation, humiliation, broken plans, financial loss, or bitter disappointment in friendships. Jesus himself said: 'If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up hia cross, and follow me.' Matt. 16:24. However, we have the com forting promises of God to inspire and strengthen us: 'I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.' Joshua 1:5. 'Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.' Rev. 2:10. 5. VITAMIN E ENTHUSIASM. 'Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as unto the Lord, and not unto men.' Col. 3: 23. Mere intellectual assent to the doctrines of Christianity is insufficient; formal subscription to correct orthodoxy is not enough; punctilious observance of religious rites- and ceremonies is inadequate. We mdst have Vitamin E ENTHUSIASM for, and in, our Master's work, lest our religion degenerate and shrivel into a punny, timid, feet-dragging hollow profession, void of spiritual test, warmth, and worth-while action. Prayer, Bible study. Church attendance and fellowship with God's people, are necessary. Attractiveness, Brotherllness, Courtesy, Devotion, and Enthusiasm, will make our religion contagiously winsome, and well-pleasing to God, as well as a blessing to humanity. Charity WARSAW GROUP R. L. Crossno, Minister Tel. 365 Warsaw First, Second, and Fourth Sunday Mornings. Third Sunday night. Carlton Second and Fourth Sun day nights Turkey Third Sunday morning and the First Sunday night FAISON D. F. Kinlaw, Minister TeL 221 Second Sunday Morning and Fourth Sunday night. Also Flfts Sunday morning MOUNT OLIVE CIRCUIT W. C. Wilson, Minister Tel. 2537 Bethel Fourth Sunday morning and Second Sunday night Calypso Second Sunday morning and Fourth Sunday night. ;. Rone's Chapel Second and Fourth Sundays at 10:00 a. m. Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints Albertson Saorement meeting 7:30 p. m. Sun. PINK HILL D. C. Boone, Minister Tel. 2756 ' Woodland "trst Sunday Morning and Third Sunday night ' Pink Hill Second and Fourth Sun days, Morning and Night DUPLIN CHARGE ' R. H. Collins, Minister Tel 18S Friendship Second Sunday morn ing and Fourth Sunday night Kenansville First Sunday morn ing and Third Sunday night UNIVERSALIS! Outlaw's Bridge T Church Service, 1st Sunday night 8:00 p. to. 2nd and 4th Sunday morning; 11:06 a. m. ' ' Pastor, Rev. L. C. Prater ' Sunday School every Sunday Morning at 10:06 a. at. ' Mrs. Ed Smith, Superintendent " Magno"- FonHh Snndav morning and Second Sunday night '. Unity Third Sunday morning and First Sunday night Wesley Saturday night before the Second Sunday LIMESTONE CHAPEL Advent Christian Church. p Potters Hill ': i Services 1st and 3rd Saturday Night Sun. and Sun. Night Alton Quinn, 1st Sunday, J. Y. Smith 3rd Sunday MISSIONARY BAPTISTS KENANSVILLE GROUP Rev. Lauren Sharpe, Pastor Kenansville. , 1st and 3rd Sundays Alum Springs 2nd and 4th Sundays " REV. ELLIOTT B. STEWART, Pastor Corinth 2nd and 3rd Sundays Teachey 1st and 4th Sundays ROSE HILL Rev. J. V. CASE Services every Sunday FAISON Rev. M. M. Turner, Pastor 1st and 3rd Sundays WELLS CHAPEL Rev. J J). Buerer, Pastor 2nd and 4th Sundays WARSAW Dr. A. W. Greenlaw, pastor Services each Sunday i BEULAVILLE GROUP Rev. A. L. Brown, Pastor - - Beulavllle 2nd and 4th Sundays Cedar Fork 1st and 2nd Sundays Hallsville 3rd and 4th, Sundays CHINQUAPIN GROUP Rev. N. K Gresham, Pastor Sharon 1st and 2nd Sundays A Island Creek 1st and 3rd Sundays Dobson's Chapel . 2nd and 4th Sundays Shileh 1st and 4th Sundays ; JOHNSON CHURCH Rev. Paul Mull, pastor 1st and 3rd Sundays MAGNOLIA GROUP Pastor 1st and 3rd Sundays ;::oneord K-i' 2nd and 4th Sundays ''.- v WALLACE ' Dr. Poatoa, Pastor . Services each Sunday ' -1 -V". 1 GARNER'S CHAPEL Rev. W. L Terrell 1st and 3rd Sundays CALYPSO Pastor 2nd and 4th Sundays , BEAR MARSH Pastor '- ' -last and 3rd Sundays JONES CHAPEL 2nd Sunday morning and 4th Sun day evening. This directory is made possible through the eouperatlo a of the following bustaew firm arnTf'S STORE ATLANTIC COFFIN a ad L. E. OFE TORNR CO. . MkHta- CASKET COMPANY complete, noma '' W. E. Waller, Prop. LEON 3. SIMMONS J 1 . Hardware . MVQUve, N. C. ' '' Rose HilL N. C. BELLE OIL COMPANY. Frigidalre Appliances Pink Hill, N. C. h Magnolia, N. C. I. J. SANDLIN COMPANY Hdwe., Groes. Dry Goods v Beulavllle, N. C ' GRADY SUPPLY COMPANY Red Wing Feeds, Groceries sic 1 Seven.- Sprtngsc ' -, J. L. QUINN General Merchandise '. . Chinquapin, N, C. r. C. E QUINN COMPANY u !.n 3ene-al Merchandise m' i. . ;, KeaaasvlUe, N. C DUPLIN TIMES, 'YOUR COUNTY NEWSPAPER,, j i KENANSVILLE. N. C. h . HOMER TAYLOR i J General Merchandise Magnolia, N. C. SMITH DRY CLEANERS - Sanitoae Cleaning Warsaw, N. C. , BRANCH BANK TRUST CO. ' , i, -The Safe Executor ,? 1o G, E. ALPHIN STORE ! Farm Supplies ! Summerlln's Crossroads ! T. W. QUINN STORE Groceries, Hardware-, Feeds :,. Red Hill, near Seotfs Store , i ;?,'" CATES PICKLE COMPANY Packers of Cates Pickles , v Faisoa, N. C ' CALYPSO VENEER CO. 'I . ' ' Retail Lumber Yard , Calypso, N. C -' m a tmt.T COMPANY . , General Merchaadise'-1'" ."' "."at L. LANIER L. P. TYNDALL SONS ft Geat Mdse, MapU HU1 Geal Mdse- rarm an?". , . oi. uuk lurf , PlBk Hill, H. C - UU4AaffaBa a. '-' -- ' r i i ; V ! s 1 1 fffARSAW FLOUR AND . X t,- '4 'V1 Warsaw, N. C.- .-' , f FRED HARDY , CAROLINA BUILDING . o H.i V. . RUriim n rlT !' Rt 1, Seveav Springs Cloldsbera Highway v, KlBStoa. H. V. 4-it Vvt '-YORE, STORE , m ?1b 1 ) a1 ti n i ii 6 ... '. n- l)t BLIZZARD A HOLMES . LL ' v llK'-UX v Meal d Feed. . , ' , , ' Sevea Springs, N. C. t f. '4 l fe.iiW.S Of i RAV

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