I BY: VEDA LI3X0Y 3 F 1 The next Contest this community should have is one concerning the rural mallboxee -to see just who t could make the most attractive box ', ca their mail man's route. Next to ' Pr. the mail man is about the ): most important seemingly man to expect About two years ago the V Home Demonstration Club out on somewhat of campaign In effect l to standardize and improve tne x. looks of the mail boxes- and im- orove the looks of our newly paved roadsas well as : the unpaved - ones. Mrs. Rodolph Futreal came p with a sample which many peo- 1 pie have since- loiiowea wun an 1 eye appealing one which must make ; the carrier smile and make his bur- " den lighter. Tbla personal go be , t tween box between each individual and Uncle Sam should make each j- of us take pride and a delight in ", : , making at ntflraotive enough to xreet your mail man with a smile ' and make it a pleasure to deliver ' v- your most . precious treasure your mail. Think of the long hot summer days and the long winter -' bad weather days he hag to face stopping and starting. Refresh him with a lovely box. In some sections of the country you can see differ ent signs hanging from the bottom, ' denoting perhaps, their favorite . "".fruit, pet, animal, vegetable, and vJ'what nots no one-has yet seen a ". human being hanging beneath one yet but if times keep changing .V i i ' f- r Wilmington Coca Cola 17 i 4'.,. i i Bottling Company- Wnmlniton 'N. C.' and taxes remain the same who knows? ''i 1 Many a clear Conscious ha some times been, mutaxea xor a oaa memonlf All in all. life is good to those who are not backward in coming forward. , . Mrs. Eula Sanderson left Sat urdav A. M. for a trio no in Va where she will tour me sUte and go sightseeing with a group of Club women from Wilmington, returning sometime next week. ;j,'v Mr. A. L. Gatlln GPO U. S. Navy returned. Saturday for another thirty day leave for convesalence from Bethesda Md. Hospital agalr after a series of examinations find him In excellent condition and can now start, using his foot and leg. Since going back to Md. Mr. Gat lln was one of a group of inured veterans to be entertained at the home of General George C. Mar shall at Leesburg, Va. last week end. Reports is the General is a handsome hostess and a fine en tertainer. Next time you feel you haven't the right clothes, car, home, fur niture, or ever looks make a visit to the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Norris, of Beulaville, R.F.D. where wee baby ox twelve years old weighing only about thirty five lbs. lies staring and living in an un known world all bis own, Borned 11 years ago, he has never crawled, walked, talked.' perhaps heard. tnd may hot see well, and has only eaten strained iood and juices fur food. Drs. everywhere see no hope for him. I wonder how many peo- just found out last week. These cheerful parent whose burden it is to bear, is bound to live around darkeness and unhappiness far be yond the average parents, mingling among tnelr daily lives and that of the brothers and sisters of the little child. I wonder just how many folks can picture themselves in this . darkness. Have you good reason to complain 7 Check. If you must cry over spilled milk, ' couldn't you just condense it just a bit? Mr. Henry Sanderson of near Magnolia was down Sunday after noon Visiting friends and relatives neN.M '' . . Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Beat of Wilmington spent the week end visiting her mother; Mrs. V. Milloy ana Mrs. a. jr. uatun and family. ' DB. H. W. COLWEIX '2 ' ' Optometrist - Wallace. North Care Una Office Phone: 2051 Residence: 3444 Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Sanderson mnt the dav with the family Sun day down at Sneads Ferry in their cottage on the .Beach which lay a must when time is available. , " Those G. A. Girls who departed Mnndav for a week's visit to a Bap tUt Camp near South Port haven't been so excited since the last Santa Claus expectation. Here's hoping thmr n mi iUt well and have a nice time, -and return to their homes safely. Those reported go lng were: Kay Sanderson, Tbom- asine Sanderson and Annett ana Mary Gatlln ' and several others, nama, iinVnavm. ;' y i v " -' K.:- Mr. ad Mrs. H. J. Sanderson of Wallace atoDned over to visit in Oilnnnitnln after spending the day at Sneads Ferry with Mr. and Mrs T.- F.'. Sanderson. r?.'- NOTICK OF SALE , a . t'mA aV ninnlnz on the around" around his plants theiuvatorTnd wielding thej as a mulch and the results were hoe In your garden, in a losing baW excellent; 1, UwlthTeeds uul grass? .Why n Many, vegetables, flowers, egg iSvJli : I iflanti.vand, cucunfbers (may be It ta surprising how few igard4 mulched with straw, leaves Or pap mSnT5f mulch- as art ,r. :. Azaleas, camellias, and blue- aid in the conservation oi mwi"", and the control of weeds. A mmchj AUTO LOANS - -mini ; i ,4 nvS n x t QWCKv SERVICES fi I t W PRE-WAR MnrKT5! mMSIfiFRFn GEflRlL FLWGE Co. I EUFUS KING HOTEL BLDG. , ri CLINTON, fi. C LSI Mailing Address Box 519 . Clinton, N. fV an i Wi 5vn TrwnEH AND BY VIRTUE of an order of the Superior Court of Du plin County, made in the special Proceeding entitled: "G. R. DAIL, ET ALS, EX PARTE" the under signed commissioner wiu on m lfiih day of August, ai i:uw Noon at the courthouse door in Kenansville, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder lor cash that certain lot or parcel oi land lying and being in the Town of Kenansvme, Kenansviue iown shtD DunUn County. North Caroli na, and more particularly descriV ed as follows: A certain lot or parcel of land adjoining the lands of H. E. Phillips on the West, adjoining Kenans ville Drug Store lot on the East, ad joining the lands of Duplin County on the North and adjoining Main Street in the Town of Kenansville on the South and being described a follows: BEGINNING at a stake on the North edge of the Street leading from the Duplin County Court house in an Eastern direction, the Southwest corner of the lot own ed by the Bank of Kenansville, for merly, at a point which is North 75 West 87 feet from the Southwest corner of the Dr. A- J. Jones of fice lot, now owned by C. E. Qulnn and runs thence with said line of the said Bank of Kenansville North 15 East 75 feet to a ; stake, ssid Bank's corner, formerly, in the lice of J. A. Gavin, formerly, now Du plin County; thence with the last mentioned line South 75 East. 37 feet to a stake in said line; thence South 13 West 75 feet to a stake on said street: thence with the edge of said Street North 75 West 37 fee? to the point of beginning, contain ing 2775 square leet, more or less. And being the same lands as set forth and described in a deed to E. J. Dail and R. D. Dail as recorded in Book 284, page 625, of , the Du plin County Registry, reference be ing bad for a more complete and accurate description of same. Ref erence is also made to tne Last WU1 and Testament of R. D. Dail jn Book 10. page 214-216. of the of fice of Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin County. ;, A ten per cent deposit will.be rw quired of the successful bidder as evidence "of good faith. Advertised this the 16th dajy of July. l52. . t H. E. Phillips, Commissioner 8-14 4X HEP , . , r v' Ka n material Mich as hay, strsw, strawy manure, leaves, eaf mold, peat, sawdust, pines traw, or paper which can be put down On the ground around plants for the purpose of conserving moisture during the hot, dry, summer weath-t er. At the same time it will keep down most of the weeds. ,1 recently read of one gardener who collected all the cardboard boxes he could get at the stores, flattened them out, and put them berries which desire. aa acid soil may be mulched with sawdust, leaf mold, or peat Red raspberries, dewberries and grapes may be mul ched with straw or strawy manure. - In all the cases the mulch should be applied after the soil has been well moistened by rain or Irriga tion. If fertiliser is necessary It also should be applied before the mulch is laid down. ' You will find that In small gard ens a mulch will help solve many of your cultural, problems. . veruit J, dm . ' before tiie 2 t. c o i -y. or thi snotiue wiU be pieddeJ i. bar of their recovery. All per3ons indebted to the estate of said de ceased are hereby requested to make prompt settlement with the undersigned. ? , - This July 21, 1951- -Miss. Mary L. Falson, .) Administratrix, C. T. A. of1 the Estate of Miss Zilla E. . . ration, oeceasea, j t Oxford, North Carolina.) ) tvster & Royster.. Attorneys, OxfordNorth ccaroiina. 8 28 6T R R QUESTION: What points should I be included in a good farm rental agreement? - ; , ANSWER: C. B. Ratchford, In charge- of farm management ana l2'to;the'feed?i'--''T'. t-.o lai'.z ANSWER A recent test by the U. S. Department of Agriculture shows that pigs do gain more when fed ' growth-promoting . .antibiotics marketing for the . State College but Wn growth la Umited U worms Extension Service, says a good lease is one that is written down on paper; covers "more than one year, or eUe has an automatic re newal" ciause i 0 specifies how the expenses, upkeep, and labor, as well as Income, are to be sharad; encourages the tenanj to produce livestock as well as crops; and pro vides for permanent improvements on the land and in the home. QUESTION Can the ill effects of worms in hogs be overcome by adding aureomycln and vitamin B- are -present' " Even when feeding aureomycln " ana vitamin' u-n, farmers still need to control worms for maximum pork production. " In the tests, worm-free pigs on the special diet gained 161 lbs. each, but those infested with worms on this diet gained 118 - and 120 pounds, respectively. ; The worm free pigs on the . regular diet gain ed 98 pounds and 154 pounds each, and those infested With worms on the regular diet gained 70 and 84 pounds each." -1 1 i - ). :i v.ltct .. -if ,-i i.'i. :i;;'nH -, IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O J , O O When BUILDING, REMODELING, or REPAIR- O i ING SEE US FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY i Srv, ' 'j0i ' ' 'I Vf. -V V.1 H Vf w r i 2 o O o to lo o i8 o o O o 1 o C ) MEMBER SOUTHERN PINE INSPECTIOir BTJKEAU O c oooooooooooooooooooooco. ROUGH and DRESSED -All Kinds Moulding and Trim-' , J. - TELEPHONE' 2542 v ' For Free DeliveryPrompt Service Calypso Veneer Go. Wildlife Commission To Meet Clvde P: Pa-tton. Executive Direc tor of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, announced today that the Commission will hold its July meeting in jtiaieien and at Morehead City. . ! The Raleigh meeting wiUf Degin at? B0-p) m. lpn -Saturday, July 26, when the Commission Will con vene, in tneir neaaquaners. oiiu.-v to conferiwith -persona wishing to discuss any. business to be brought before the group. After the Saturday meeting, the Commission will make an .inspec tion of some of its operation in the eastern part of the state, ending at Morehead Cltv. At Morehead City. Commission members will eonfer with members of the 'Department of Conservation and Development on' mutual' problems, and conduct further business as may be . nec- essary.i''J' -' pv'?'.' iimtrj fat, a NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION .' The undersigned;' having quali fied before the qierk. of the Sup erior . Court of j Duplin county, North Carolina, as Administratrix. C. T. A-i of the. Estate of Miss Zilla E. Falson, deceased this is to notifv all persons having claims i mo secttoi tobaoci For many years the South tic states have been using; fertilizer than any other of the country. Loin rates on 1952 crop tobacco range by grades from $74 per 100 rounds for too grades down to $17 per 100 pounds for certain 'nondescript" grades. M f Wholesale prices of moat dairy products are about the same as they were a year ago. . . t i kc:p Year l And Be Sure Of Looking U , Tour Best Always In Oothes. ,J I ; PERFECTLY And EXPERTLY CLEANED I I ll i! r ', '-" "-sT'i P ' For A Spotless Spar! Home Send ,Us Run And Drapes. We t v v will clean Your IDr.p,. JE' V i Your Uphols ... -v-jVi U I Uu 1 1 nack Par4ner, :: YeH.'' reacih lor u 'OermeVt h.e()!(,n ? t ! 5 time yotf , yi tit .your; .DfcirijSalaDttiryi'a.' disinfectant to: use : Iroiind the, farm, lit'g highly, effective '-Va-rietytuiVtJ rs ram vars'itii srrtfiai:rlyl uermex uUdlc'ir',aika;., 73 H .,u 'f-iT-f-firtmWAVS''1 6i' -Ciervrf rt ii(tnt-z. v,i5i i ' , wfJBlt'f Trt ih-uu)U'y 1)1 vriltnoa-vsnuli' 1 ! i. l You Are Assured Your Laundry And Dry Clean ing Get Prompt Atten - ITkxpcrikncb k I I i ". CARS , I , W."'ST "" " M i ! ' ' ' 1 Viol?" l''rlJfn,i! "i! f ;J, .vupi C: ' ncoi-f. r.:u- ,iwt N my Ii? niTR TRUCKS TRAVEL ALL 0VE3 DUPLIN" H ' S ' WILMINGTON: NC fe' A Short Course ; Offered Duplin llegro Youlh : "Negro Farm boys and girls of Duplin County and the. state wl(l take advantage of the 'low cost. specialized abort ' course offered July 21 through 26V Some 1,000 boys and girls from over the state will gather at A. & T. College in Greensboro on Monday for the six day event. . Approximately 50 boys and girls from the county will par ticipate. . i Mrs. Alberta Newkirk' and Mr?. Mary Williams, 4-R Club leaden will assist the 4-H Club Agents with the bulky group, " A Mrs. Louise Carter Bullock td Wolfescrape - Township and Miss Mary Lee Sykes of Kenansville as seen on the Board Walk at Atlantic City, N. J. recently where they at tended the National Convention of the American Nurses Association. Mrs. Bullock represented the N. C. State Commission for the Blind and Miss Sykes represented ; Kenans ville and the Duplin County Health Department, TTNDALt FUNERAL' HOME M Hf Mwnrr oura PHONB M01 - ' " ' " J--i-y-i I : - ; - - :t :j it. 'u, vti.u i j ,vm(i j y " l , Yi' - KJ :i' llPi ---ilX -v x- k.--f.55ST -4-- H .4.. y rr . a l.u.fhinlla '. BojW Aaooetanoai $ thisWml plntorEmbbnen ' Ambuunee Sendee Day or Nleht . -mil til til I I ill "t ff ' "T y; e r 1 i mm asasi aSsssf li aaavav $ aaaa aaaas) anas aysaf sjbjsj - 5 CLG? SSaSO.IVlSillAlt; SEMOIl rr lfAiin' nnATrTiAM r afillf n 4 tno e '5 I! "j i, IT. :;3 St W 4 i V" t. -S 1 . 'A 1 Power SUtrint now availablf onSube ' .. t, . "v ' u tc Af fKaaamastercptonai tttxtrafOsU r-wiu uic nucu vye tcu you mac Dusiness is ereac. -tHis is-to coina Dhrase-a"8hopper'8 ' TheyVe ietting more powtr-and the 1 M markets. ttl 1 ?f f I cii? Wa ..... .i a... .r K . M Hi It 19. ill TO1 l 'kr? .. ! H I f I f. at. r ' - 7 r ? r ' Ji i, Im L 1 X -j. . JL. - . 111''! 'j. 4Vrii2rili"C-.i i-vl, ..V'iili Thei'Ve ifettinil 4,biif.CiirP Coinfdrt : TOUU arc uuuiu;:ia,Bfcu iwt. ut. wit. TheyVe8 "getting ;.Vbig-carP c6imfof t, : mor peifepuyiryuick -t ..-.ui j uA. : a Thftv'r tfettintf fl ride that crtst a million J f ! ""X uiupr ur, m mcir prux or UlCy gCVlor.VVUl nicy jty uih"' ; ."7.."P- Z-P .ZZ7-X7-" "Tt ittiu ... , . H . ' a V takingadoublelo,k at price tags. morex rg f I Mi '-TV i If . . AslTiev like Ihe room: Ae fabrics j WotmarKelW nerC vTif xtratCeintmenU they Ilnd in thetHwfeatJbeh - , Do you know Buick prices are down within easy reach' of the folks whd buy: what known "the low-pricedkthree.r t, k lt?U i. i can do iT!:--" r f" : vv;, ;s smart-stepping beauty picturea 55X1 ybfl can afford a ficwarf yda And they like Ehrnaflow -Diiv&fdf. H uil. th nrn.,H 'nWflpf n,vir ., , i - ; ' . v- '".,," tw www v a V aviMyXaS. . v . 1 g J ;e the way itandleiJ They )&4vfff', trimfyipvitirdb fofutto- Koaannuttr, ' : , Fact is - a biX chunk of Btiick ',J comes from the; filks who. trade in one of this low-priced trio. -. L or very few extra c , lting a lot moire automobile, m 1 TiJj j - rsj-i . 1 i. I V. 1S IT SHlUaflU VainEafTaV laiAdffll Aa, t.of inewsTiisrr:ineerea.ineyiiKeuieDeii 7 r r . ntvy-stoutHt , v . , Jts jp lreDaii o ungine ana mey wee me - " v " , , y f ? i a p 1 sales lis Jks, ,i'4i.U, - -iu?'Akiii sijnsst: .iIalZLi r " ' .1 i. V i . . " . ... I t .. . ... Ww 4 - t mi : -1 Al M?. S A . . f .,'.T I ra dollars, ttieye.fe & Rt 7 ; ; : Folks find tkit each one ' f jr , ' - jtoniobile. " ' is me buy in its field. I ?tfthffiQ M" S I 1 f r vet- ; ' ' M i i !;3 I r,ifi rnA if r.r.8 tfisnt-f IruL rorr: Zi -t L1NCE T "If 10 V 4 test alL iiir.TS cr i: s ImI fci ki wabsaw; ic. a I: