L.' . -J t'-l'Zl lViiarxQik ivy Ore:? Enjoys Ice Crestn Party " Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smith enter tained a group of friends at weir koine on Saturday night with an .. lrt eieam nartv. - t-t ' Fresh peach ice cream and eook- lea were served to nr. ana mr. Clifton Cheatnutt, Sandra and Jimmy. Mr. and Mrs. Bill. Potter, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald Beasley and Bonnie, Mr. and Mrs. Abbie Smith and Bobby and Butch, Mm. Bill Wilson, J . P. Smith and daughter Linda and Melvin Pope. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pope and daughter 'Becky", Mr. and Mri. 'Snook' Lloyd and son of Bowden, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smith and child ren Linda and Dough, Mr. and Mrs. Abbie Smith anri boys Bobby and Butch and Melvin spent Sun day afternoon at White Lako. Mrs. Annie Mae CLeary and daughter Harriett of Zypher Hill, Florida are visiting Mr. ana rare. N. T. Pickett and family and Mr. and Mrs. -A. O. Smith and family. Mrs. Ed Evans and children Janet and Sheila of Wilmington spent the week end with her father James Tucker and family. Pfc. and Mrs, Herbert Tucker returned home with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Michaels and children, Derby and Bill of Durham arrived Friday. Mrs. Michaels and children will remain for a couple of months with her mother, Mrs. F. N. Barden while her husband is away working on the Georgia too- . acco markets. CLASSIFIED ADS LET US RECAP YOUR TIKES Full circle full cap Fully Guaranteed Work U S. Tire Distributors BRYAN-EDMONSON Tractor Co. Mt Olive Hwy. Phone 3636 Goldsboro When In Mt Olive Visit REAVES RESTAURANT A Good Place To Eat 7 31 4T C. USED TRAC'lOJt HEADQUARTERS 1040 Ford- Tractor Complete 1944 Ford Tractor' Complete 1940 Farmall A & Eqpt 1938 Farmall F-20 Complete 1934 Farmall F-12 Complete ICMfL Avery V & Eqpt. M38 Avery & Eqpt. - , 1942 John Deere LA Eqpt , 1049 Case VAC & Eqpt. i 194 Oliver Cleatrac Tractor 1950 Nash Statesman 2. door 1949 Hudson Super Six . 1039 Pontine B Sedan :!?.. Plows -CulUvators Dusters Tour Ford Tractor Dealer BRYAN-EDMONSON Tractor Co. Mt Olive Hgwy.. Phone 3000 x Goldsboro -.v.. -v.v FOR RimBEa ASNALT. LINOL EUM and plastic waU tile, and (or expert laying, call J. P. Smith or A. Q. Smith at East Carolina Tile Co Magnolia, N. C. Workmesuhlp guaranteed . Free estimates. Pbene night 2110, day 2147, Box 108, Mag nolia. ... tfc Watch This Spaee Dally For The Best, Boys In A-l CARS AND TRUCKS 1951 Ford Custom Fordor $1944.00 low Mileage-Loaded 1948 Pontiac DeL 4 door 41290.00 Extra Clean 1938 Ford Coupe LLL. $ 350.00 Real Clean-New Motor 1948 Ford 2 ton Dump Truck A-l Condition $1090.00 1 1946 Ford 1-2 ton Pickup $ 590.00 A Good Buy '. 1945 Willys Jeep .$ 350.00 Good Condition ' You Can Find The Car Or Truck You Need At Our Big Lot On North Center St Sales Dept. Open Evenings . Until 9:00 p.m. -WE BUY-SELL-TRADE COMUNITY MOTORS CORPORATION GOLDSBORO ' ''-' ctf FREE ROGERS SILVERWARE at Clinic Drug Co. Get your card to day and own a set of silverware soon. JLOveiy patterns. : tic LOST 1 package containing 2 dresses and one pair of shoes in Strickland Dept Store wrapper. Placed in wrong car in Warsaw Wednesday July 10th, Notify owner and hell come for It Wesley Brown, c-o Lewis Mercer. Rt 3. Pink Hill. 7-17-lTpd. ' c, V J FOR SALE used gas range In ex cellent condition. Cheap. Francis Sutton, phone Mt Olive 2604 or !. 2158. : , .', - ;... .' 7-24 2T pd. r S ; ' Scales repaired,' -any - make, or HOOOOOOOOOCOCCCCCOOOOOOOC300000000000D o o () MS r I- Ka 3 : uuU a 8 f nEG'JXIESS Of jjiU flnl!!Q!l . , . , - g o C) o () ) ( ) .' 1 mm mam v ' rjr. -v.. .rciYiAiEai fOH 6EtrY6jQ,jJV:llOYr-'.; ' P J VERNELL BLACKBURN - Little Veraell Blackburn.- daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs Gprdon Black burn of Magnolia won second place in the" Annual Independence Day baby parade held at Reginal High School in spnngiieid, new jersey. Little Vernell is visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. ' and Mrs. Robert Burns at 38 Oakland Ave., Spring field, New Jersey. .. . '' Mrs. Alvln Powell made a busi ness trip to Wilmington Tuesday. She also visited relatives.- . Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Pope and son C. H., Jr. spent last week end at the beach. Anne Pope visited rela tives in Goldsboro. Mr. and. Mrs. Jerry Smith and sen Gary and Mr. and Mrs. BUI Potter and son Billy spent Sunday afternoon at White Lake. i nicnara vroom leu r naay tor Georgia where he will work on the model.,' New and used scales, siic ers, meat grinders. Easy terms. J. D. Hatcher 289. Phone 2.4. Mt Olive; N. C. tfc. PLENTY OF -GOOD WATER FROM A DRILLED WELL. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET AND ESTIMATE, GIVING US DIRECTION AND HOW FAR YOU LIVE FROM YOUR POSTOFFICE. HEATER WELL CO INC. RALEIGH, N. C NEW FORD. For the best deal on a new Ford car or truck see W. L. Cavenaugh at Kenansvllle Also many good used cars and trucks. Telephone W L. Cavenaugh at Kenansvllle 2138. GENUINE D-CON Noted rat pois on, new on sale at Clinic Drug Company, in Mount Olive. tfc See us for bargains in good need trucks Leading Motors, Inc., Wal lace, N. C Acetylene and electric welding on all farm machinery. Sprays and dusters repaired. Trailers, hitch es put on, - Lawn mowers sharpen ed and repaired. A good , weld means longer wear. . Work done by Garaie S. Herring at A. C. Hall, Hardware In Wallace. ' ' ;&''::: : For Rent Aug. 1 Filling Station and combination living quarters. Located at Intersection of Sarecta road ana Hiunway no. ii. see or write Earl Banks, 1207 North Cra ven st, New Bern, w. c.u 7 31 2T pd. I , Farm for Rent: Acres of tobacco 60 acres crop land stumo- ed. 100 acres not stumped. Five room house with lights and running water.' 10 miles from Wilmington. Will give long lease. Cash Rent Clarendon Plantation - : Box 1027 " ' ' Wilmington. N. C. 8 7 3T C. TYPEWRITER-ADDING machines repaired. New Royal typewriters fo revery need. Call Goldsboro 251, Worley Typewriter Exchange 105 1-2.JJ. Center Street ctf :?:,.-.. :i BABY CHICKS Pnltornm clean vaccinated. . Hampshire Reds, Bar red Rocks, White Rocks. Com plete line of Wayne Feeds. Mount Olive Hatchery. ctf WANTED Farm with or without tobacoo allotment In or near Du plin County. Write full Informa tion to Box sot Wallace, . u. . SAC. tfc ' : .'t,i u-!-'-iv- Your health comes first Take Plena rains and salt tablets during this barning season. These and other drug needs at Brewer Drug Co.. Pink Hill, N. C. 741 4TC; - FOR ATHLETE'S FOOT A " KERATOLYTIC IS MUST' What is a keraitolytle? An agent that deadens the Infected akin. It then peeks off, ' exposing more germs to Its killing action. Get 2'-4 lu keratolytic, at any drag tore. If not pleased IN ONE HOUR, your 40e back. tToday at 7-31 4T 1 . " I aaaaaaaaaw , , - , ...i i; , ' '' - dews:'' Tobacco markets. '-? v'r Melvin and Lloyd Pope attended the Furniture Show in High Poiat last week. ..' iu-vj-r.i.u- vu m Mrs. J an Trapneu nas munm to her home in Tom River, N. J. Mrs. Melvin Pope and Harry re turned home Monday after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed feump son in Stokesdale. ; " V Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Sasser and ' wmmim Melrose L. Cavenaugh, daughter . . . A rafA! Oi but, ana ir. b;ius xa.e- naugh of Warsaw, RFp No. 1, graduated from Magnolia High School-as Valedictorian of her class with an average grade of 95 i '.049. She started Nurses Training in September 1949 at the Hospital of St. Barnabas School of Nursing, Neward, N. J., one of the highest rt1 aphonia in New Jersev. She attended Rutgers University fori , . i -t wo semes&crs aim iuiumucu a high academic standing in basic eciences. In her Freshman year she served on .TnHllai Pnnnpll nf the Student Faculty Association. She also was ' a member of tne uiee uud ana Arts and Crafts Clubs. She received kir Psychiatric Negro Farmers And Expanded Extension a : . f.;;..-.. By R. E. WUkine v, ; Negro farmers and homemakers raced through the final session of a four day conclave at A. & T. College In Greensboro, Friday July 11, passing a resolution urging ex panded extension work for their race In 42 North Carolina counties. The 30th annual state conference of Negro farmers and homemek era met at A. & T. College. July 8- 11. adjourning late Friday morning after a session which say present officers re-elected for another term. - -': -i-'.::. The bulky group of more than 1.000 delegates spent the best part of the morning approving resolu tion drawn at the conference. Among these was the resolution calling for wider extension service Gaston Branch Is Victim Of Hit And Run Driver Gaston Branch, well known negro farmer of the Branches School section of Duplin County was cri tically injured by a hit and run driver near his noma aeout oarx Sunday night He was rushed to a Kinston hospital and had not re covered - consciousness Monday morning. . Other than- having a broken leg, the extent of his In juries could not be learned. It was said that a marine was driving the car that struck him and was probably returning to Camp Le Jeune following a week end pass. 'BEAU MARSH Mr. and. Mrs. J. D. Wrenn and boys of Oxford spent the week end with Mr. end, Mrs. W. E. Davis. ' ( ''I' fl IX'f -:Vvtr-;i. ' 4 ill X 1 I,- i , , 7 l 4,'- Cumy went to !''! Robert Tud :r v.", jtMBt several days with patn intt, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Register Ur anil Mn 'Bud SeciSter spent Sunday at White take. Mr. ana Mrs. emmeiv made a business, trip to Goldsbora Mrs. J. H. Rouse la visitihg Mr, and Mrs. Frank Calloway In Clin ton for several daya. . ''"'.' ; Mrs. cnancey carr ana son iww my returned to their home In Dunn after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith. : mmsmmmm f ' M Nursing experience at the New Jersey State Hospital, at Greyetone Park N J. Alsn anent two months at the Essex County Isolation Hos pital in Bene viae, . J. ior com- munlcaoie aisease nursing exper lAnn. ' . . : .' '.: ; Melrose was chosen as Secretary of Class of 1952, ana servea on Literary Committee of Yearbook Staff. She is active in the Social funntlnna nf the school and hug made several trips to New .York as class activities. - She. plans to spend the month of Antfiiot nrith hr narents. - Melrose Graduates on September 12, 1VSZ, wmcn wiu oe mo i" class to eraduate from The School of Nursing. llcmemakers Urge Work in Slate for rural Negroes. The resolution committee dubbed this step neces sary to bolster understaffed offic ers in nearly naif tne counties in the state. :',?i'ttU 'The total state membership" Is 1,749, larger ' than any previous year. Some fifty memberships came from Duplin. . . i v-li . t Representing Duplin County for the entire conference were Miss Allee Hall of Smith Chapel, M. Marie McCalop of Warsaw. Mrs, Lonnle Branch of Branch Club .and Mrs. Irene Powers of Wallace. On bus from Duplin composed the One- day delegation and was accompan ied by the Negro Home Agent, Miss Aiease Massenbers. . R. E . Wilkins Negro County Agent, attended, the entire conference, lour days, v- Dies At Home , lonnie firaiuh. mlnriwl alwiii 17 years old died at hla hum nn h outskirts of Pink Hill Monday morning, no naa oeea in Ul health for several war Vimoral unriH, are exnected to be held next Run. day.: Interment will take place in the Branch family cemetery near Survivinar relatfrna ''lni1tul hla wife, Mrs. Pauline Branch, several cmiaren,! one sister, Mrs. Lottie Outlaw , and a v brother Willie Branch all of Pink HULA -..'X'. ,jv Mrs. Annie Belle Bvrd of Kin ston is. spending her vacation with her daughter. Mrs. David Lane. Mr. Charlie Carr te en the lick list at this writing, .v -. .,, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Davis, Ra chel and Ann Douglas Davis spent Friday afternoon at White Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Brock of Kings tree, S. C. spent the week ena wttn the formers sister, Mrs. Emma' Pate.'.' Mrs. Mettle Noblln left last Wed nesday for Raleigh after a-vtslt with her daughter. Mrs. Fred Brock. Revj, Wade James and family of Calypso and Mr. and Mrs. Paul King and Betty Jean of Maysville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Davis. '.--"'j";'.'-.'i'.' i" Mr. and. Mrs. Cecil Davis and children spent the week ena a Carolina Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Byrd and son of Fort Bragg ere vkltin? the lormeri ; sister, urs, win Lane. -,.vv.. ., Mrs. L. J. Brock and r-sndaugbt- er Joan Krieger of ( ' ' oro all spending this week wka te for mer's sister, Mrs. Emma 'I ate. Rev. Kenneth Wilson f Inde pendence. Vs.. epent the we'k end with hie parents, Mr. and lurs. Henry Wilson. His mother return ed home with him for a vibJt .'Mr. and' Mrs. Walfr Yours and 'if! ivvi t' a-' - ,irs. Iaty IL SpcU Mrs. Marv Herrlnx Snea age 85, widow of the late J. M. Spell died late Friday afternoon at her home In Wallace after an uiness oi aooui twelve years. a-v..'.-'.. t-----i-n Funeral services were neia Sunday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock at the -Wallace Baptist Church. Burial was In the Rockfish' Cemetery at Wallace. The body - lay In state at the Church for one hour prior to funeral service. She is survived oy one aaugnier. Mrs. A. J. Merritt of Wallace, three sons, J. E. Spell of Rocky Mount Durald and Sam Spell both of the home, six grandchildren and three great grandchildren,- one sister. Mrs. D. F. Nicholson of Kenansvuie and a number ,of neices and' ne phews:"." n,.'i(!? .l;W..Gy-'WMtte4. LaGranse. July 21 Funeral ser vices for William Graham Whit- ted, 78, who died at his home Sun day morning, were conducted at 4 p. m. Monday at the Rouse Fun eral Home. Rev. R. U pune of tic-: lated and interment was In, Fair view Cemetery here. ,v - ,,. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Maude Grady Wbltted", a native of Albertson; two sisters,- Misses Sal ly and. Mabel Whitted and a brother Ernest Whitted, all of LaGrange, Route' 1. He was a son of William G. and Lydia Mewborn Whitted. Mr. John L. Register . Funeral services ' for John L. Register, 65, of Warsaw, who died at 11:30 'Wednesday morning in Raleigh hospital, were held at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon at the home"' of son, Bay Register, in Goldsboro; Lt. Wllliard Evans of the Salvation Army: In Goldsboro and the Rev7- Murrel of Warsaw were In charge of the services. In terment was in Plnecrest Cemetery in Warsaw: He is survived by his wife. Mrs. Llllle Bell Register; four sons, 1 Ray and ' Kenneth -of Goldsboro. Hilton of Norfolk, Va., and Bennie . of ' Seven Springs; three daughters, Mrs. William A. Stocks and Mrs. Henry D. Stocks of Norfolk, Va., and Mrs. Harvey Summerlin of Seven Springs, three brothers, George Register cf Goldsboro. and Ellis and Alton Register of Warsaw; two sisters. Mrs. S. M. Cooke of Warsaw and Mrs.! Elizabeth Guy of Mt Olive; ana several stepchildren. 4 ; George Kannan " George Kannan, 74 year old re tired merchant of Wilson, died Monday, July 14th in a Wilson hos pital. Funeral services were con ducted Wednesday July 18th In St Therese , Catholic Church, Wilson. The pastor, the Rev. Michael O Keefe, officiated at the funeral mass and burial was In a Wilson Cemetery. Surviving are three sons, N. K. Kannan of St. Peters burg, Fla and Joseph and Mitchell Kannan of Wilson; six daughters, Mrs. P. . A. Parker Of Rocky Mt, jnrs. josepn tiauow of uoiasDoro. Mrs. Wadell Brinson and Mrs. Seth Hill of Warsaw,' and Mrs. George josepn of Dunn; and Mrs. Leslie r ams ox wiison. ' . - George W. BatcieIor : George Washington Batchelor. 78. oi near Kenansvllle. -died Moc day at l p. m. at the home of his son, Dewey, after several years of declining health. Funeral ser vices were held at the graveside at tne srown family cemetery In the Pasture Branch community at 4:30 p. m. Tuesday. Officiating were tne Hev. A. D. Wood and the Rev Paul Mull; Surviving are four sons, vsnce ox Kose hiil Dewey of Mag nolia, Rodolph of Jacksonville, and Walter Batchelor - of ' Warsaw: a daughter, Mrs. Hubert Teachey Of nose mn. a brother. Joe of Kin ston. , ' ' ..' '.v w , ' '':' Vann Lanier - . ' Vann LanlAr AO rflail . at his home' near Chlnnnanin Sun. day after a lingering illness. Fun eral services . were held at the Sraveslde near the. hnma HTnnHav at 4 p. m., conducted by the Rev. R. W. Gurtraniia. aaalaful K. h. Key. L. L.. Yopp, both of Jackson- vme. surviving are ois wife, the former Lou Raynor; a sister,. Mr., Christine Brown of Warsaw. : -'::--(.vm'':i$; iv Sgi Dean McMeen The funeral of Set Dean McMeen who was critically injured 4n an accident near Tarboro two weeks ago was held at the Quinn McGow an Funeral home last Thursday the seventeenth. Sgt McMeen Is survived by his wife, Iris, two sons, Donald and' Harold of the home. and several sisters and brothers of Illinois." 0, t 'I.?!' Vi.,',;;,,- :.f ; Interment was In Plnecrest cem etery. At the time of his death he was stationed at Norfolk, Va. He was a former resident of Warsaw. Mrs. Hiram J. PhllllDS of near Warsaw died Monday night In the Clinton hospital following a long siege of Illness, at the age of 62. She was the former Annie Cooper of Warsaw. ; . Surviving besides her nusnand are the following children: P. J., Phillies of Goldsboro. Frank lin Phillips of Seven Springs, Mos- eiey ana Randolph Phillips of War saw and Ralph Phillips of Tampa, Fla, Mrs. Earl Howell of Wllming- wn; Mrs. it. c. McCullen and Mrs. Durwood Scott of Warsaw and Mrs. Redwyn David of Fayetteville; one sister, Mrs. Ralph Jones of War saw and two brothersi Clay Cooper of Raleigh and Jim Cooper of War saw; , :. ' 5 5 -i ,. Ja-.I i 5 i, ! t 'Funeral sendees were held at the Warsaw Baptist Church Tuesday afternoon with. Dr. Alton Green- aw, pastor, interment was la Plnecrest cemetery In Warsaw. - Mrs.' FJley Frjuor, .aje 38" ef MDiroapin c.ea eaoy Toosday morning aUsr e linxerlnx iilneas. Funeral service were held from the noose cf hr son Connie Raynor nar 1 "?!avi:!e at - 8:30 V'k wed ' i,y kternoon by Rev. V,u - '.' Cettns Frent ' " church work. At the time of hit death he was pastor of several Baptist churches in Duplin County. Through his leadership the Dobson Chapel community rauiee ana duui a handsome brick structure a few years age when the eld wood build lag was destroyed by fire. Mr. Gresham will be missed by his Hock and hla host of friends. -.'. ,' RedXross To Meet On July 31st, 1952, Miss Mildred Patterson,' Home Service Field Consultant for Southeastern Area, American Red Cross with head quarters in Atlanta, Ua. will hold a -Home Service Group Conference meeting will open at ten A.' M. in the' Presbyterian Church Sunday School Bu ding which is Air Con ditioned, it wm close ac s p. m, with time out for lunch. " Mrs. N. B. Boney, Executive Sec retary of the Duplin County Chap ter, with Home Service ResponsI biHties expects to attend this meet ing and hopes to be able to carry sjevergL ..volunteer - workers from the local community with her. Any i one Interested in v going along should call Mrs. Boney (for free transportation) at the Chapter Of-, flee in Kenansvllle, f C. on phone No. 2451. .. ' The Home Service Department of the local chapter rendered valu- ame services to 839 cases during the past twelve months period, from June 1951 thru May 1952. Of this number, 717 were service men, 112 were veterans and the other ten were civilians. . t r1 During this period the chapter expended 8360.000 for- financial assistance to several families, pen ding receipt of their first allotment checks or in meeting other emer gency needs ' where government . J l a ' vunu wcic ueiayeu. s. yy - Many of the other types of ser vices rendered during the past extensions end variflcations of sick ness and death in many instances. Several Social Histories were se- curea aunng this period and many Dependency Discharges. Reports were sent in to the various Field Directors, at the request of the mil itary. '.; - " ,, Too much can not be said in thanks to the doctors who have cooperated with the Red Cross in making many of these' reports pos- sioie, so tnat z hour service can be rendered whenever necessary, To Exist , The State - Stream Sanitation Committee has recommended that the Town of Mount Olive and the Mount Olive Pickle Company In stitute a Joint research program to determine the actual cause pf the pollution of the headwaters of the Northeast Cape Fear. Rive, which rises in Mount Olive. .. The recommendation was made at a meeting here at which time Mayor Nelson T. Ricks, members of the town board and officials of the pickle company were informed by E. C Hubbard,' executive sec retary of the State Stream Sanlta tion Committee and W. E. Long. State Sanitation Engineer, . that Governor Kerr Scott had' received and turned over to the committee a complaint signed by approxi mately 200 farmers and landowners slong the headwaters that fish are being killed m the stream due to tne contaminated water. . y- flubbard told the group the re port or nan dying in tne stream was valid and the cause had been determined by the State WUd Life Commission as stream pollution be ginning in the headwaters of the Northeast Cape Fear River. . ' While the state officials did nit single out any one factor as cause for the water contamination they did make note of the fact that facilities of the town's sewage sys tem constructed in 1912 are inadequate and also that Industrial wastes from the pickle Company are being dumped into the stream. According to the-state official complaints also have been filed with Governor Scott and the Sani tation Committee that cattle are unable to drink from the stream because of the polluted water. Both Mayor Ricks end I. Jr. With- erington. secretary of the Mount Olive Pickle Company, gave Hub i j j . i .i i vara ana .juuug uicu aaaunuicB they will immediately seek the ad vice of an engineer In an effort to solve the pollution problem. Duplin Farmers Turn Out To Vote The farmers of Duplin County turned out in record number to vote for the tobacco referendum on Saturday. 8,093 cast their bal lots with 88.8 voting In favor ef retaining tobacco quotas, and 98.2 per cent voting In favor, en assessing themselves tea cents an acre to support the Tobacco Assoc iates program for marketing. Out of potential vote of 8,000, the number voting was' 192, 1,500 more than voted la the previous referendum..'.. . A breakdown according to pre cincts , follows: Albertson, total vote, 457 for 455, 2 against, Tobar eo Associates, 454 for 8 against; Cyprus Creek, 888 for 885, against, 21, T acco Asm. for 855 against, 25; laison 238, for 238, against 8; Tobacae Assoc. for 22S against 13; Gilson, 450, for 446; against e; Tobaoco Assoc., for 447. against 3: Isla4 Creek. 550. for (44. acainst 6; lc' eco Assoc 842 against 8; Kens ville 424, for 423 agate; 1, Tot o Assoc, for 418, agaL t 3; MatpwJa, 2v'5, for 201, agatot 4, To re Associates, for 204, against, 5; Li estone 958. for 047 against; 11, L acco Assoc, for 811, against 15; L.JJlsh. 214 for 2RS S'alnst: 8. Trfio Assoc., for 2J4. Kose 1UU li.3 f 184 against 4, Tobacco Av oc, l i for 10 agairwt; Smith 444, for 4 inst 4. Toliscco Ao. ' O. P. Johnson, ; secretary,' St ! JohnV Lodge No. 13, announce that supper wUl not be served at the reguUr meeting on August 7th. Instead shpper' will be served on Wednesday evening, August 13th, when the Ninth Masonic District will meet in the local lodge. . The Losses Due To Forest Fires Cut Do;vn Aivnri!nir to Acting County Rsnger Leland H. Sheffield, from July i, 1951 through June 30, 1952, 10,848 acres of forest land burned as a result of- wild, ! uncontrolled iorest fires, 91 forest fires burned during this period aoing a aamage of $65,140.00 to tne wooaiana oi Duplin County.. s " :; , Nine out of every ten of. these fires "were man caused and could have been prevented. Not only did woodland . bum, - people's home, barns and livestock also burned when in the path of the raging fires. On 28 of the 91 fires, the respon sible parties were determined and law enforcement action was taken resulting . in collection . of court cost and fines and reimbursement of ire fighting cost. Lacy Weeks Sells House To Thigpens Lacy Weeks, former County Ag ent, who resigned to become Field Director of Tobacco Associates, has sold his house in Kenansvllle to Mr. and Mrs. Plato Tbigpen of Beu laville. Mr. Thlgpea teaches In tne veteran's school In Beulaville and will continue to teach there. He owns several farms in the county. They have two daugnters, &aye and Sue Thlgpen. Mrs, Thigpen is a sister nf Mavbr Amos Brinson. They will move to kenansvllle be fore school opens. . , Outlaw's Bridge Fourth Sunday morning services at eleven o'clock, Sunday School at ten o'clock. L. C. Prater, minist er; Mrs. Ed Smith, Suhdsy School Supt ! v, : . .. .'' Messrs, Julian and Alvln Slith of Winston Salem have been recent visitors with J. H. Parker and fam ily. ' ' ' ,. Mr. and Mrs. Vance S pence of Kinston were hosts to the local bridge club at their home in Kin ston Friday night. ,Mrs. .Spence is the former Miss Pauline Outlaw of this section. ,' . .' J .; " Mrs. Henry Parker and Mrs. James Parker were Joint Hostesses to the Home Demonstration club Monday afternoon in the church assembly room. Mrs. M. L. Outlaw president presided and called the club to order at three o'clock fol lowing devotional led by Mrs. J. H. Parker. .Jvho used. 4th .chapter of PhiUiptans and Lord's Prayer. Mrt, Rachel outlaw secretary-treasurer read the minutes of the previous meeting and called the rolL Pro ject leader reports were food con servation, Health and Home Beeuti f ication. , . In the absence of the home agent Mrs.' Rachel 'Outlaw 'Music Appreciation'' a music con test : was used in , the recreation period. Club collect closed the pro gram. Delicious 'refreshments were en joyed during the social hour. There were -ten members present and one visitor. .. v . Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Bishop of Kinston visited Mrs. Bishop's par ents during the week end. CAEOLMA Building Supply Co. 1410 W, Vctbob krt Drurtoa. f t PboM 4Ut J ; W a oro o n n n r?o o FLCun ni::3 O iw.dBir k. .a4 o H!r -::r- Tc;vc! i:x::n O CllZVJZZ 'I just Wlmi SHE Always, Wanted , jr--l f'; ; r r fl)l2".c:dj5pMa' T'UkALmUm. August oommlttee will serve the SUPPer.. ' " "Vij.. . On August 13th there will fee an afternoon meeting for officers. The Grand Secretary and Grand Master will attend this meeting; and the Grand Master win address the District Meeting at 8 o'clock. The people of Duplin County are urged to help In every way possi ble to prevent forest fires and the destruction of the tlmberland la an effort to produce enough Wood pro-' - ducts for the increasing.' demands vt ute peuyic. . . . ;,, . lOOOOOOOOOOOf lai'MI'' EASY TERMS Da Urn Msdsi tXM HtaaUiintnd" dee i Tlsser tam beat on, tunes eooUng Interval, ahutaheat off In oven and on one appUanee outlei Automatic oyen :'' ieatliifmdtypebroaerjto clusive self-sealing, self-adjusting L oven door- Seven heat speeds on all surface units. Oneofoint beau tiful new Croaley Models. Come m ? and see their great ieatrJ( fast, clean, cool electric cooking I V Tke eee-Settlg OeelgM Are Ceesteg freae Creeieyf ' V.i.v":!-.V.'',.V.',;:i;;4 , See The Complete Credey Line- , ''' -'i "!'. .",.' 'I-'CICK). '!'. " :r ' :-:: r Near 1. O. Ia Mt Olive Smith Chapel Read Out Of Mt Olive, Phone 2791 oooooooooooo j,k; W It'.,." wfcUi o vcc. c:::a aaaaa-. ' I , m w-m mm yr- - fsa ?r 4 i. V, arw, f 21 for C; To- t"'") Af-'-c, f jr t" V o;'"-"'spe, i j t r 4 ariSiMt, 13; Tcfcacco to their home after e to w r V ' - t e I'rown -etery near i 1 1 l7 l."f I - visit with Mr. and lira. I a- ri t t 1J. son of Philadelphia have returned ter C ,uin ef Penfrlea. Euriel