Three Settions 'A 22 Pages Ocfr'jor 2-3-4 This Week . f f -w ---7- uv (A.AVI i" i , '.V v 1 I U VOL. 19. NO, 38. Tyo KenansVille Vomen In Hospital Result Auto Wreck; One Critical " ' Mre. William Brlnaon. the former MIm Martha Cannon of Mount Olive is in Wayne Memorial hos ' pital, Goldsboro, along with her . moder in law Mrs. Emma Brlnaon, following an automobile accident Sunday evening about 7:30. -The accident happened at five points' near Genoa, between Mount Olive and Goldaboro on highway 117, and occurred when the car driven by Mr. Brlnson ran Into the Sid of one driven by Mr. Brlnson! Both the Brinsons were from Duplin County. WlClUm, husband of the injured girl lives near Ken ansvllle, while the other Brlnson " Involved in the accident is from Wallace.. ' t - , The mishap occurred when the Brinsons fronr Kenansville were , coming towards Mount Olive andi the Wallace Brlnson was going to wards GoMsboro and turned across the highway in front of the Ken- . . ansvuie unnsous. ' : Mrs: William Brlnson , to addi tion to the broken ankle, suffered ' cuts and bruises. Mrs. Emma Brln son is hospitalized with cuts and bruises about the face and head. Last reports said her condition was still critical. Mr. Brlnson and young brother, . Tommy, were not hospitalized. It -was understood here that none .,. Of the several occupants in the car from Wallace were injured. iReports said a patrolman was parked near the'scene of the wreck and said the WsT.lace man was fully responsible,'.,, ,.;;. : .. Eleven Plays Smilhfield Tomorrow Night The BeulavlUe High School foot ball eleven will play Smlthfleld : high Friday night in the Beulavllle Athletic Field. A large attendance Is ejpected for the third game of the season, - More Tob:cco HC':rI:d Stolen f G Wednesday morning a call came to Duplin County Sheriff's offljefrom Alec Jerr-an of near SumraerHn's Cross Roads wbet re ported around .3 or 4 hundred pounds of his tobacco stolen. Sher iff Ralph Miller and Deputy W. O. Houston investigated.' They could not find the tobacco. Further In vestigation is being Mt. Zion Presbylerian Church, Rose Hill Announces Major Change In Schedule Effective Sunday September services very Sunday, rather than 28, there win be a major-change two moning and two evening serv in 4he schedule of worship servlceslces. :, ? l - .:. at the Mt. ' Zlon Presbyterian : There Will "be -no change In the Church in Rose H11L Morning schedule of services at the Teachey 'Worship with a sermon by the pas-and Oak Plains Churches, tor will be held every Sunday Next Sunday is Rally Day, and a . morning at 9:4S o'clock. The Sun-record attendance is expected, at Any School hour will be changedeach of .the Churches. A special to 10.45. The change Is being made offering Will be received for Sun-. In order to permit the Rose Hill day School work In areas of shift-. Church to have regular morning Ing population. Mrs. Mnson Announces Recreational Mining ScfcBI In Duplin Od. W-8 Mr! Lonnle Powell, recreational director 'of N. C. recreation com mission will conduct a recreational training school for recreation lead ers In Duplin County on the nights of October 0, 7 and 8 at 7:30 in Kenan Auditorium, Kenansville. According to an announcement by Mrs. 's Pauline Johnson, Duplin Home Demonstration Agent - this L......iL. Dy5iLr UlvcrsdiiSj Church The annual Ingathering of the Red Hill Universalist Church, lo cated on U. S. 421 ten (10) miles south" of Clinton, will be held Sat urday 27 September 1952. The auc tion sale of farm produce needle work,; pastries anJ novelties will begin at 2:00 p. m. Id the past we have been very fortu" 1 in having Mr. B L. Dudley o nton and Mr. James Parker of Sevn Springs as our auctioneers. We are happy There is a hint of fs'i In Hie air. Leaves are tutting a their dre lay -s of yellow and gold, the 1 of the fox hounus can be t art to w Of making , t' e n. F. Grady Home Lm u members reewt j , hunters-to t"-.r " '-'" annwl-f J 1 B t -in r iters , Section 35 Calypso Women Meet In Home Mrs. M- E.Gfl'j'js; Organizell. Demonstration Club;' Gst Inspiration from Franklin Club Is to be congrat ulated for Inspiring women in the neighboring community of Calypso to oreanize club, of their own. Thirty five charter members met at the home oi Mrs. n. is. uruoos Friday morning, September 19 and organized themselves as the Calyp so Home Demonstration Club. - Temporary officers elected were: President. Mrs. Owen Sutton: Vice President, Mrs. C. L. Sloan; Secre tary, Mrs Jack Herring; Treasurer, Ms. James Wolf Project leaders chosen werer ;,. ;:; Foods and Nutrltldo, Mrs. Hicks Pigford; Home Gardens, Mrs. Lon nie Joyner; Home Poultry, Mrs. Clifton Shepherd; Home Dairy, Mrs. Albert Martin? Tood Preser vation, Mrs. Charles Rivenbark; House Furnishings, Mrs. Gurney Pope; Home Management, ' Mrs. Russell Holland; Family Life, Mrs. Hiram Cook; Home Beautlflcatlon, Mrs. James Wolfe; Clothing, Mrs. Officers Get 100 Galloner In Albertson Was Copper Outfit With 40 Gallons Mash On Sunday Deputies A. R. Mar- 'ey, W. O. Houston, M,.B Brunei and R. M. Byrd foui4''V.'f3 still m Albertson Townswp near Pink Hill. ' , The entire still was wade of copper and had a capacity of 100 gallons. It had a double condenser and a double heating vat. The officers' found 40 full barrels of mash which they poured out. me The Yoiiiiget Set I sja:-'. i - -. .' A - ; Provsng Popuistv The Younger Set, Imv of mington opened' for, business In, May 1952. It Is located in the new Market Street Shopping Center at 17th and Market.' Folks who have been visiting this Center report that it Is werf nice and they en joy shopping 'there. The Younger, Set is owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Qulgley. The school is to be conducted for rec reational leaders in the 4-H Clubs, Home Demonstration Clubs, P.TA Farm Bureau, and church groups. Any leader desiring to attend this school should get in touch with the Home Agent, Mrs. Pauline S. Johnson Kenansville, before Sep- vamoer au. j : m , J Fcr Rod In Spicn Sat. to state that Mr.. Dudley will be with us again this year andhonlng that If wiU be possible for Mr. Par ker to be with us also. A barbecue and chicken 'salad ; supper with trimmings will be served at 9:00 o'clock. The proceeds from the sale and the supper will be used to wards landscaping v tha grounds, erecting the steeple, screening and furnishings for the church.-; - fW- t irn t 1 h " el, v rt: f 1 TH 1 e if i I ! l JTeaVH. a lpi.a One ' KENANSVILLE, Bob Waters; Arts & Crafts, Mrs. C tk Sloan; vommiuee vnainnan. , Community Service, Mrs. Tom Committee Chairman. Holland; Health, Mrs. Owen Wil son; Education, Mrs. Russell West; Citizenship, Mrs. Paul Grice; Rec reation, Mrs. Jim Herring; Loan Fund,. Mrs. W. H. Hurdle; Score Keeper, Mrs. Jim Herring; 4-H Club Leader, Mrs. Morris Sutton; Music, Mrs. Adrian Davis; Publi city; Mrs. Owen Wilson. . ( Th first regular meeting of the club will be October 24, at the home of Mrs. Jim Herring. One of the Charter Members, Mrs. Hicks Pigford, told the group that as a child she used to ride with her mother on horse and buggy to club meetings in the early days when Dr. Jane S. McKimson and Mrs. Estelle T. Smith were giving canning demonstrations In upper Sampson County. .- .. still was brought in to Kenansville and iDictures will be made of It. A large truck was' required to haul the still in. Nq arrests have been made, - f:... ' Sheriff Ralph Miller reports that they have found one other still this large since he has been in office but this was the largest amount of mash found during this time. : , , ,,. : , f, Qulgleys are formerly of High Point. Mr. Qulgley is a graduate of The Citadel of Charleston, S. C. and Mrs. Quigljey graduated from the Wemans College of the Uni versity in Greensboro. Mr. Qulg tevi attended the school of retair- . . " j 1.1 . loved Installing in. New York. They hwe been Wtlmlngton M yar. r I ' I The store specializes In child ren's furniture and furniture ac cessories, toys, exclusive selection of children and the youngerset gifts and children novelties. They also carry a selection of school supplies, toys, games and a, large election of dolls and wheel goods. They Invite Duplin shoppers to visit their store. Reynolds Says Knov Your Cotton (County Farm - Agent Reynolds asks the following questions of Cotton farmers and makes suggest ions. T J,'- v-.;. Is it Sfect Middling 1 i-3J" Worth 42.48c per pound? ? Is it Middling 1 1-32" Worth 88.87c per pound? JUST WHAT DO YOU SAVE? 1. Ask your ginner to sample every bale for Smith - Doxey ClaS' Sificatlon. ' :"; j 1 .I..-; . 2. Find out what the particular grade and staple . of each bale should bring. - -...'? . 3. Get several bids on your cot ton, before selling, i p '' Average of 10 Spot Markets designated by USDA September 8, 1952. J.,:..; (The first two weeks in Septem ber, marked the new year for Du- 5Un County 4-H Clubs. The first ne of business, for -the new year was the election oi officers. Miss Betty Melvin, assistant Home Demonstration Agent and Mr. Ed Simpson, Assistant county Agent, will be in charge of the clubs this year. Miss Melvin and Mr. Simpson acted as ' chairman until the new officers could be elected and Installed. ; The new officers have charge of the October meetings. The following "boys and girls were elected officers. (President Carol Lanier of Chin quapin; vice President, Anna Niaude Sholar. Wallace: Secretary, ueima irnene Brown, cnincjuapui: Song leaders. Aulin Brown. Chln- Chinquapin Junior Club: ' ,, President, W. K. DaiL Beulavllle: : TMM.irt. Marcaret Anne ', i. Iiinquapinr Secretary, ; r rell; .Wal'ace; Song -, J Garv, Wallace. . ' ip 1 1 b: n I - uuia Best, FalsOn; t, Geraldlne Miller, ,tary,""-iinie Ukz i Leader, Glenn Jerni- i I 1 a I I - utyi ! NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, Patrolmen Chase From - Rep And To W. , 4 ' Jacob Franklin Parker. Jr. an 18 year old white boy of Rose Hill was arrested on Monday night by Pa trolmen C. C. Hester and J. S. Brlley and charged with speeding at 90 miles per hour and careless and wteckless driving. . Parker passed Patrolmen Brl ley and Hester on highway 117 South of Rose H1H going north at a high rate of speed. They pulled in behind htm andne chase began. -I Parker stayed on highway 117 and I w... lnto Warsaw where he turn ed onto highway 24 to Kenans ville. He turned down Grove Street towards Unity Church for about Anni'd Football Maapelim0cl.10-n-l2 The annual fall-'Football Camn oree' of Tuscarora Council will be held this year at the University of North' Carolina in Chapel Hill on October 10-1142, The University will act as host to approximately 500 Cubs, Scouts, and Explorers at the State - Carolina game on Oct ober 11th. Admission to the game will be by current registration card in some Scouting Unit of Tuscarora Council. ...,; 7.;.t- K'ff'f : Scouts and Explorers 'Will make camp Friday night, Ostober 10, on Emerson Field at the University. Registrations will start Friday af ternoon as soon as the various un its begin to arrive.'. Since facili ties for cooking are not available at Emerson Field,, all Scouts and Look Wilh Homecoming ' Alum " Springs Baptist Church. now in Its ; 44th year,- will: ceCe brate homo coming Sunday, Sep tember 28th with a dedication program.- Rev. Lauren Sharpe, Pastor, will preach and have charge of the program. Sunday School at 10 a. m. and preaching service at 11:00. After church services an old fash ioned picnic dinner will be apro on the yard taWe.Iofl$s&&a 9 nerMhe irttrp Jwffl'Tewesnble in the church for a short rognun al which time "a group of rtiCdren from th Kennedy Orphanage Dear Vtnctnn-urni frfl.TV Klnston'-wiU partsebwte. Alum Springs church h in Gils son township not far from See? Warsaw Junior Music Club; Holds First On Friday afternoon, Sept. 5th, the Warsaw Junior Club held Its first meeting of the year at the Warsaw High School building. The president, Miss Thelma Swinson presided. The meeting opened with the singing of the Jr. club hymn, after .which the pledge was given and collection taken. Mrs. Jim Middleton, the club counselor, dis cussed the activities for the com ing year. One of these activities was the coming 'opostta' entitled 'On Top of Old Smoky which Is to be presented by : the club in December. The new officers for the year, were introduced. They- are tne ' following: president, Thelma Swinson; Vice President, Betty Philips; Treasurer,- Doris BJanchard; Reporter Joyce' Whit tle. ' - ' : ' A student recital was presented at this time; Those who partici pated were Joyce Whittle, Sue Whittle, Judy Rollins, Linda Kaye Barrr Martha Barr Sally Newton. Gail Newton and Ross Garner. ' President, Lester Britt, Albert- son; vice: President, William Rhodes, Mt. Olive Rt 2; Secretary, Gwen Kelly, Mt Olive; Rt 2; Song Leader, Shirley Britt,-Albertson. . B. F. Grady Junior Officers: ; President, Curtis Simmons; Alb ertson; Vice President Helen Wal ler, Mt; Olive Rt 2; Secretary, Patsy .Kelly. Mt Olive Rt. 2: Song Leader, Ann Houston; Kenansville Kenansvill Senior Officers: ' President, Doris Bostlc. Magno lia; Vice President, Murial Byran, Kenansville;' Secretary, Frances Sitterson, Kenansville: Song Lead ers, iDallaoa. Maria Jones, Kenans ville. ..- Kenansville Junior Club. ville; Vice President, Earl. Stroud, Kenansville; Secretary-, -nadine Brlnson. Kenansville; Song Leader, sammy uaugntry, Kenansvuie. . calypso Senior Club: , President Christine Joyner. Mt Olive, Rt. 2; Vice President Ros sle Brack; Mt. Olive; Rt. 2r"Secre- Rt 2: Song Leader. Faye Wllna. " (tsd-JuhlorClubT - 4Te ' ' n--,'Ma1iagtV Mt C:iver ..;-V sZt- r-n-J..' n 0:,ia; . y. ' ' ' ''..' Ca' I '-j- , :meiy, Cava l.i. g. , "rose I2H ComHned Club: ' A i'1tt At'1 ---y Ft"welL Rom. Teen - Age Joy Riders Warsaw Kenansville Boys Are Uninjured one quarter of a mile further and attempted to take a curve. He lost control of the 1951 Mecury, skid, ded about 100 ft., turned around in the road and turned over in a field, ,-vv - ,: . . There were four boys In ths car and no Injuries were reported. Estimated damage on - the car, which belonged to the boys father, Jacob Franklin" Parker, Sr. was $400, reported Patrolman Hester. Parker had to pay a $75.00 fine and court cost' His drivers license wfl be automatlcall ytaken from will be automatically taken irom Cenpmee Explorers will eat in Lenoir Hall one of the Universities Cafeter ias. Meal tickets will be issued as a part of the. registration procedure. Total registration fee (Includes meals and emblem) will be $3.50 per Scout. A refund will be made for any unused portion of meal tickets. All ''units must be in charge of an adult leader, who will attend to the registration of his unit at Emmerson Field. Cub Scouts and Leaders will not camp out at Emmerson Field, but will participate In the football game. All that Is required of Cubs is that they appear at the proper gate with their current registra tion cards. They will be admitted to the game "without charge. isls To Celebrate New Store.', The. old building has been completely renovated, painted in side and out. A new vestibul has been constructed ' over the front door. New brick steps nave been installed. - .Ten new stained glass gothic memorial windows have been Instaled.- New Pews and pul furniture of" oak finish have been put-jo. also ""new song Ibooks. In the aisles and at the front new car pets oi maroon - color nave been laid.' In short almost a completely new church will greet the worship per Sunday morning. The public is cordially invited to attend the homecoming. ; Plan Operetta This Year Wesley Woman Hit By: Lightning Suffered Burns Mrs. Clarence Jernigan of Wes ley Chapel was struck by lightning last Friday afternoon while grading dry tobacco in the Kornegay neigh borhood near B F Grady She was stunned and suffered back burns. Taken to a Kinston hospital she was released after emergency treat ment. Mr. Jernigan was knocked down but not injured. Others working in the building escaped injury. . ' Miss Ann Straughan was host ess for the afternoon. Billv Johnson: Magnolia, Outlaw Bridge Junior Club: ' President! Richard Taylor; Seven Springs; Vice President, Faye Thompson; Seven Springs; Secre tary,- Ann Herring, Amenson. Wallace Senior Club: lOrganl zation not yet complete.) Wallace Junior Club. President, Barbara Wells; Wal lace; vice wesiaent, noo uian chanf; Wallace; Secretary, Jack Kirkland, Jr.; Wallace; Song Lead er, Joe Ann Best; Wallace. . . - Warsaw senior Club: riTSIUVUb.'flf UVU UCOi, llMH, Vice President, " Helen Torrans; Warsaw: Secretary. H. E. Register. Jr, Warsaw; Song Leader, Shirley Bianonara; Warsaw. Warsaw Junior Club: .'President, Henry Carlton; War saw; Vice President Charles Bras well; Warsaw; Secretary-Jimmy Lanier - Warsaw; song Leader, Romtnle Taylor, Warsaw. -Warsaw Elementary Junior Club: President Drew Grice; Warsaw; Vice-President Annette Holmes, Bowden; Secretary, Dan Clark, Warsaw; Song Leader: Joyce Pot ter, Warsaw. ..' (.; Ui- ?. Itanssxnsia goalunes I" -' - - 'i' thankt.tiarha me ' 4 America. a fei. goal lines, rather than bor- r lines. . 1 sales , of Hgtl,.,yr 1952. SDBSCEIPTION RATE: eonntlea; 94.00 Mtaide tills Wallace Woman Arrested 2 llrs. For Speeding; School Improvement Group Iril Duplin Begins Functions For '52-53 School Year The Executive Committee of the Duplin County School Improve ment Committee held its first meeting of the new school year. Attending the meeting from tne University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill were Dr. A S. Hurl- burt who is the University - Kellog Foundation director of the pro gram, K. M. Mclntyre and W. P. Anderson. Chairman Dallas Her ring presided. Various projects for the year were discussed and H was Pink Hill Civics Club Meets Friday The Pink Hill Community and Civic Club will meet Friday night, September 26th at 7 p. m. A mo vie 'American Harvest' will be shown. Plans for Ladles Night will be discussed. Supper will be serv ed. Members are urged to attend and carry new members. Duplin County HDC Council To Meet Here October 2 The fall county council meeting of Duplin Home Demonstration Clubs will be held in Grove Pres bvterian Sunday School Building on Thursday afternoon, October 2nd -,at 2:30 o'clock. Mr. LeRoy Simmons, president of Farm Bu reau will be guest speaker. Mrs. Mary Lee McAClister, Southeast ern District Agent will discuss Leader Participation with club members. Officers and club mem bers are urged to attend. Small Heads; . Pink Hill F.F.A. ' Naming of Freddy Small a; president and planning for initia tlon of several members into i special FFA degree were major deails attended to in a Wednes day meeting of the Pink Hill Chap ter of Future Farmers of America. Boys chosen along with Small to lead the chapter were Rodney Hicks ,vice president; Kenneth Tyn dall, secretary; Linwood Stroud, treasurer; Kenneth Howard re porter, and Clifton Tyndall and Johnny Williams, sentinels. A Green Hand initiation com mittee ' was appointed to draft a program for the Inducting of new degree members for the inducting of new degree members into the Degree of the Green Hand. Other Work; and recreational activities are already included in a busy schedule planned for Pink Hill's 50 FFA boys. Woodland Church Barbecue Supper Friday October 3 Woodland Methodist Church near Grady High School will serve a Barbecue Simner Fridav nleht. October 3rd beginning St 5:30 for $1.00 per plate for Adults and 50c tor children Beginning about 6:30 a Harvest sale oi Pies, Cakes, Aprons, eggs. Dressed Chickens. Canned Fruits. and vegetables; and all kinds of larm products will be sola at public auction. Woodland Church Is about one mile from Westbrook's Store on the Kenansville Pink Hill Road. The public is cordially invited to at tend both events. Folk Festival Director, Bascom Lamar Cuhsford Thantks Folks For Cooperation South Turkey Creek Leicester, North Carolina September 18. 1952 Mr. J. R. Grady Editor The Duplin; Times Kenansville N. C. '! jrVL,-jk.r i , Dear Mr. Grady: TMese auow me space ru your valuable paper to express my deep appreciation for the,, outstanding evid oce of hospitality Shown to me and to all the Festival croups during the promotion and at the time of the First East Carolina Folk Festival just closed. , --:' I was ereauv impressed Mr th hospitality- of the -people- of that region all along and then their grand-gesture of-furnishing a pic nic - supper at tne uia Historic i In K nansviUe to something 1 . 125 vWtlirr Mrtichants on tha first evening, tf festival nd their all-'-dy litwn( pton'c at f - . T-Wi:n s N S-50 per reir In Dnolln and'adJolnlnf , wea in N. C; 9S.00 oiUMe " C decided to begin at once on p?ans to make slide and moving pictures of one school district in the coun ty schools and to provide better methods of study as to the needs and to provide information for the public k general. It was decided to focus attention on the Rose Hill district as there will be found the typical average white school in the county, the best and one of the poorest Negro schools in the County- ' t " Business Holds Open House 3 Days Next Week Sutton Gas and Appliance Com pany in Warsaw is holding open house for its old and new customers on October 2, 3, and 4, Bargain Days in Warsaw. Mr. Sutton, own er and Mr Boyette, manager, have left nothing, undone to make their friends welcome to the store and enjoy their visit during the three days. Free gifts will be provided for all as we.;i as refreshments. Leaders in the gas and appliance business will be represented at the store including Edd Kahler, North and South Carolina representatives for Magic Chef ranges; John Davis, factory representative for Bryant Heating and Equipment Company; Fhil Hucks, represeniative of Cros ley Manufacturing Company; Don Hartman, Pyrofax Gas Company representative of Union Carbide and Chemical Company and Mr. W. W. Sutton, owner of Sutton Gas and Appliance Company of Golds boro and Warsaw. The public is cordiaiuy Invited. Warsaw Eleven Plays LaGrange Home Friday Night The Warsaw football eleven plays its first conference game on home grounds at the Warsaw athletic field Friday night against the strong LaGrange team. Last year LaGgange defeated Warsaw by two touchdowns. The visitors have about the same power as last sea son but Warsaw is considerably stronger. This promises to be the real test that will reveal what War saw has in football tlf s season. A large turn out is expected. Albertson Chapel Turkey Dinner Saturday Night Members of ATbertson Chapel, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, will give a turkey din ner at the new chapel located on highway 111 Saturday September 27th. Dinner will be served from 6:00 to 8.30 p. m. followed by a program lasting until 10 o'clock. The Harkers Island girl chorus will be on the program as will the Mis-. sionaries of the district. Mission President and Mrs. Nalder will also be present. Proceeds from the dinner will go to the new building which is expected to be completed about the first of Nov ember. Construction was com menced in early April. This week the bull dozer cleored away over an acre v of woodlands around the church and it now stands out at tractive and conspicuous along highway 111 as the fall foliage be gins to give color to the surround ings. me was ah outstanding demon. stration of North Carolina hospi tality. ; I want to thank Professor H. M Wells, President of the Festival organization,, Mrs. '.Faison smith, Secretary, Professor O P., Johnson, Supt. of Duplin County Schools, Garland P. King, Treasurer; Mr. Schubert Williams. ' Photographer; Professor Z. W. Franell, Principal of Kenansville High, School, for their deep. Interest in promoting the Festival, and of course to you as an untireing worker I extend my ttisnfrc mnA T wan a mmv 4 Mra. Helen Caldwell Cushnu thati iter exceptional writing and fine r t irittthe intereit of a. cause so r K me. Is a, '.;' ' 1 a. ?eaa,pt,'' i nave anoiner year au ox una or ganization may have the happy pri vilege of laboring together for the success of the Second-East 'Caro lina Folk Festival along about the middle of September. - , , PRICE TEN CENTS Twice Within $75 And Cost Patrolmen Hester and Brlley be gan wondering just what was hap pening Monday night when a car sped northward through Faison to wards Mt OCive as if it were chas ing a fire. Taking pursuit they overtook a 1952 Ford driven by an attractive 21 year old blonde from Wallace Rt. 3. They questioned her and wrote her a ticket for 70 miles an hour driving. She was alone, and dressed in a sloppy jacket and wearing boots. They cautioned her to take it a little more slowly and cited her to court. " This was about 9:45 in the eve ning. About an hour and a half later they saw her again speeding south on the same highway and chased her to Rose HiU where they brought her under control and gave her a ticket for driving 80 miles an hour. The next day the young lady, Miss Catharine M. King, appeared in Kenansville and submitted to the charges before Judge Hubert Phil lips. The Judge combined the two charges into one and fined her $75 and court costs, together with a little talk on why she should not be In such a hurry to get through life. Under the law the Depart ment of Motor Vehicles will auto matically take her drivers license away for a period of one year, so if she wishes io travel more in her new auto she will have to secure an escort which probably won't be too much trouble. No doubt she will be able to advise her es cort on the proper auto etiquette whl e under the steering wheel. Bill Craven Wants To See His Friends Warsaw Next Week William M. (Bill) Craven pro prietor of the Western Auto Asso ciates Store in Warsaw is sonta go ing all out to show the public in Duplin and adjoining Counties that he appreciates their business. Bill bought out '.he store a year ago and is celebrating his first birthday. Mr. Craven selected October 2, 3 and arthe'tclJys to offer his best since thuyl ai. Warsaw Bargain Days and he says he has some of the best bargains in Warsaw to offer to the public. If you don't believe Bill is shooting' straight read the ad of Western Auto As sociates Store in this issue of the paper and visit his store. If you are not in the buying mood yet he wants you to visit him any way and register for free prizes he will give away on October 4th. , Fish Fry To Be Wednesday Oct. 1 The Magnolia Lion's Club is sponsoring a fish fry to be held at Carlton's Fish Pond located near Carlton's Crossing, between Mag nolia and Warsaw on Wednesday night, October I. Come and enjoy a meal, all you can eat for $1.00. PLACE TO HAPPEN Tip to motorists: An automobile- with bad brakes is simply an accident going around looking for some place to happen. STRICTLY FRESH QMAHA, Neb., motorist, Harry o,..Marble, parked his car, dropped a nickle in the meter and went on. Cops came, removed meter, put up "No Parking" signs and ticketed Marble's auto. We wonder if the guy will get his nickle back. ,. .,! itch' which trailed Staff Sgt. Donald Arrington through four years of Army service, and put him in the hospital four times, was diagnosed at his pre-discharge medical examination. He was al lergic to, of all things, khaki. 4 ' A manufacturer of helium-inflated, floating animals, used as displays, hired a rifleman to shoot down any stray flying cows, horses, pigs or sheep he might spot drift ing across the landscape. So that's what happened to the cow that went over the moon. .vf -V An elephant was reported loose . in the Alps recently. As yet the " ,-;. .animal is still free. Only man able to bring elephants through S' ' the Alps was Hannibal . and be R r has not been around for -a long- i' ?. , , Illegal Irish wWttrsMei- -; : f or' when two staggering booze ' l:o. fSs tipped off Ireland's liquor - invito". Watch dogs guarding an unlicensed still helped them sfilv-t and their bark-siza hiccups u ' V V will be below last year s j the spripg pig crop J r . - v rut - I I Sincerely yours, ! -' f . a fe . t . s to set .two og in . " . ..... --w- i --( i A

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