VOL. 1?. NO. 40. VtiuTQ Kosts r.lc'iGis VMI Hold T Ths Distrbt II Rally for FHA members will be held in Kenan Memorial Auditorium October 18, 1952. :; -. - -v. Registration will begin - at 9:30 o'clock af which time eleven coun ties will - have r; presentatives to : register.. The group is expected to exceed eight- hundred Future Home Mak.rs of America. ".'Isn't' it - a sad state of affairs when a young girl, tven under 16 years of age, finds her home life so unpleasant that she is willing to .-. many up with most any stranger 1 who comes along as an escape to get away from her parents, lur ral . sing and her surroundings? . One -, can hardly toe'ieve that such a con . dition could exist in Dup in Coun- ty but if the story Gertie Mae Carr, - 13-year old white girl, told in the Justice of the Peace's office here - this week is true that's just exact ' ly what has" happened in Duplin County this fall. $ H -' t A few days ago Deputy' Sheriff .;. 'A. R. Marley and Patrolman Briley Investigated the case after Gertie Mae's father had sworn out a war rant" against Alton Harrell- for i rape, seduction, or -whatever term . -' one might wish to place on 'it . On Monday of this week the fol lowing story was related, in court here: . .. ; - .-" ,-. - Gertie Mae Carr, buxom" 13 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Carr of the Charity Crossroads section, was at home last Saturday afternoon when Alton Harrell. who lives between Kenansville and Chinquapin, a total stranger to her. knocked on the door. Gertie an swered and Harrell asked if Nellie (Dixon was there. Gertie told him she was not and Harrel inquired as to her whereabouts. Gertie In formed him that Nellie was mar- - nea ana gone.- Talking on a tern ' minutes , Harrell asked Gertie - if she was married. Gertie gave him a shp 'no' answer where upon uarreu s interest perked uo and he continued to stand and talk 'with Gertie. .After - some little conversation,, he asked her to go , with him to.ashow. She. told him . her fatheKewe ron bene . and' she ouuld toot go without his ..permission-.. .Harrell said he would , return later and maybe her father " would be home. He left and went about her house chores. Some time later -that afternoon Harrell returned, all primpsd up to take ' Gertie to- the show. Gertie told him that her father had not yet - remrnea wnereupon be persuaded her to ask her mother for permis sion, which she did, and her mother told her it would be all right. .The couple drove' off from the Carr home in happy spirits and - headed for the picture show. Af ter the shqw they returned- to Ger- . tie's home and found her, father, . Eddie Carr, on the porch drunk. Gertie said her father refused to - let her go into the house and threatened to whip her.,- After , some little talking Harrell persuad ed her to ride off with him again. Seeing his ... opportunity for one great night, Harrell proposed to her: He made no mention of the fact that he was married.. It was too late then to get a marriage license so they decided that since they were to be married they saw no harm in spending the night -'together, so off they headed for 1 Wallace where they secured a room in a Mrs. Quinn's apartment house. They registered as man and wife. - Hie next morning, Sunday, they wenx ) visit uerties cousin, Shelby Batts. "While there Harrell told her he was going out to buy her a wedding dress. That was Sunday . turning. . iate wat . afternoon - when he bad not returhed Gertie Began to worry. At first the wor- , nea ana then she began to wonder. He finally returned and asked her ' to ride -around with him and let's talk things over.' By this time Gertie had really thought things . . over and decided that maybe she had enough of Harrell. . She re fused to go back riding with him t "d be left. Later when officers f "ind him he was In bed with his Wife at home. t Gertie, returned to her home and garter hef father learned the story he went o Wallace and swore ouf a warrant against Harrell. He vis arrested and released under a .00bond. Gertie Mae told the Justice of r e Peace that ahe did not know J irrell was married and had not i own him before this incidence, f ie said that her home life was fieh that she Just wanted a new 1 jme. f . Vrcr-i M-".r s.XP.II:on yj Tc.vn Clci'j At the ' monthly meeting of the irsaw Town Board of Commiss i tiers held Mon. night, Mrs. J. P. U irmon iwas appointed as Town ' 'rk of Warsaw. She goes Into ice on the first of November, i. Glenn - Rollins, who has so "-Jtully S t'Ved Trmm in t's pidns to ii a a-.i'sW v e Cawi'na 1 -nr a-"! I! . .t Cv t ; ny In t-e . i. -' : - Section An interesting program has been planned for the day. Mrs. Bess N. Rosa', Womans College, Greens boro, N. C. will be guest speaker for the occasion. A pageant 'Our American Heritage' directed by Mr. Clifton Britton, Director of Dramatics Goldsboro High School will be one of the, main .features of the program. She Just Oanf s A Hew dome Senator John J.Sparkmanf Democratic ROCKY MOUNT. N. C. Plans are in high gear-here to put on a rousing welcome for Sen. John J. Sjarkman of Alabama Democratic vice presidential candidate, when he brings his campaign to Rocky Mount October 21. A U . Hubert. E.- M:y' of Nashville, chairman of the Itash County Dem ocratic Executive Committee, said" tnat sparKman wui deliver a ma jor campaign, speech in the Rocky Mount High School Auditorium Tuesday night, October 21, at 7:30. .This is the first time a vice presidential .- , candidate . has ever campaigned in this part of the State,' May said, 'and we plan to go all out to show the Senator that we are working for the biggest Democratic majority in the history of North Carolina." - - Spademan' visit to North Car olina takes on even more signifi cance since no way has been work ed out whereby Governor Steven Grcdy School Sponsors Barbecue Supper Free Movies, Square Dance On Ocf. 24lh The B. F. Grady School Oom-1 mlttee is sponsoring a, Barbecue Supper, free movies bit (he school Auditorium and Square-Dance In Gymnasium on Friday night Octob er 34th. - Tflbra will ha Mlsti a Barbecue and aU the, fixings -fce-j ginning at,o p.m. tne scnooi lunchroom. . Mr. Morrison, : Agr. Inst, has offered to give the crowd Gertle-wenty" entertainment - In free (movies on subjects that will be of interest to rural people, plenty of fun and comedy for the children. The Square dance will begin about 8:30 in the Gym. : . -. ) .-. Pigs for the Barbecue' are be ing given by the Committeemen and the Principal. The movies are to be furnished by Mr. Morrison and the Square dance is sponsored Tbvn Fathers Pass Ordinances On Bicycles; Fire At a recent meeting of the War saw Town Commissioners, several new rules were passed and are now in effect The first is the passing of a bicycle rule and is as follows. It is against the rules of Warsaw to ride a bicycle on. the street of Warsaw from the Bank, corner to the north eomer. Any person vio lating this ruling will be punished by paying a five dollar fine. ... In ease of e fire, it is unlawful for any person to drive or cause to be -driven any vehicle within fifty feet of the fire truck during a fire. It is unlawful to park with in 200 feet of point where a (ire ig In progress. It Is unlawful to run over a fire, hose while fire men are engaged in suppressing a Ore. ' Any person or persons violat ing these said rules will be guilty of a mlsdeameanor and fined fifty dollars or a sojurn in the Town's jalL Jt is unlawful to park within SO feet of any fire hydrant or water main or block the firemen in any way when a fire Is in pro gress. Any person guilty of same will be fined fifty dollars or a so jurn in jail. Sillcrscn Repbrfs 9 Cosos Ibsrd; The following is a report from Justice of the Peace C. B. Sitter son for the past few. days.-" . - Milf ord Quinn arrested by Pa trolman C. C. Hester on Oct 6th for operating a motor vehicle on public highway at high rate 'of speed. The - defendant cited to county court. . - - Aubrey. Faison was arrested for operating an auto without drivers license on October 8th by Patrol man C. C. Hester. Cited to County Court. .v....--- r James Allen Dunn arrested for speeding on September 29 by Pa trolman J. S. Briley was cited to county court. ' ':' Carl WhH florae, ' arrested for speeding by Patrolman J. S. Briley on October 5 was cited to County Court v ,.- ". Jr'oes Gordon Madly arrested for f ceding by Patrolman Briley on f ler 5 was cited to County "t I (ian 1 "' -'an I.j. T 5. i was arrest--r for speed- l. v- cited r ' ' t ly I KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1952. to V Griffin's barbecue chicken will be served at 75c per plate to those people wno purcnase uciceis in ad vance. 1 , Every Duplin County Home Ec- onmics student should avail her" self of the opportunity to attend this fine meeting. . - ; ounf Oct. 21 son, Democrat!; candidate for Pres ident, will be able to campaign in. the State: , A 31 member reception commit tee; has been - appointed to jfreet Senator Sparkman, who wfil be accompanied by his wife; his daughter and four staff members. The Sparkman party , will arrive at the Rocky Mount airport the afternoon before his speech and will travel to Atlanta from this State. The committee includes Rep. Ha rold D. Cooley. Supreme Court Justice Itimous T. Valentine, Fed eral Judge Don Gilliam, L. H. Foun tain, candidate for- Congress from the Second District and William B. Harrison of Rocky Moont, Presi dent of the State Young Democrats Clubs. - ; An eight member Arrangements Committee is also working with May in mapping final plans for the Sparkman rally. by the Committee. The Home Ec. teacher and her FHA girls are go ing to xumisn - ana prepare, toe flim and corn bread' and etc. , All vroceeds from the Barbecue supper and the sauare daaoe will beappKBd toward the bus fund wnicn wae aurtea last year. xnis fund has a total of $1018.03 to it's credit at the present tone. . It is hoped by the Committee that the-t proceeds from the Barbecue Supper and Dance will add a considerable amount to this Fund for .the pur chase of a Utility Bus .for the school. The Committee expects to buy this Bus at an early date. Such groups as FFA, FHA, Beta Club, Athletic teams. Science groups are expected to use the Bus frequent ly, rf . . . - - .: ,s : Trucks And Hydrants .County Court. (Paison Lee Smith arrested by Patrolman Proctor for speeding on October 5 was cited' to County COUrt. - James Cecil Jones arrested for speeding by Patrolman Proctor on October S was cited to County Court. ... . ..;., ?BUly Hunter's' Address For friends who may be inter ested the following is the new address of William 'Billy A. Hun ter.' Alb William A. Hunter . A F 24079183 Fit. 1153 Sqdn. 3708 . " . Lackland A F B San Antonio, Texas.' - Vally Fowler WALLY FOWLER Wally Fowler and his Oak Ridge Quartet are nationally famous, hav ing appeared on the NBC portion of Radio Station WSM'c 'Grand Ole Opry for more than S years, featuring their Gospef and Spiri tual music in their own Inimitable style, that has made them the na tions Best Gospel and Spiritual Singing' group. ' The Oak Ridge Quartet has, in addition to their radio work on the nations largest radio stations, appeared and filled to overflowing some of the nation' largest audi tf .Tier have, also appear ed i i tlie Iwg t e' urchea In the com j-y. lit C'"e t was organ ii t, C i ) ' -v 'Aennessee and ' f rmf-otion Jss' II !-'!ll, -Ttrfr- fife fllllSiliiiMlMiBl ' MR. AND MRS. THOMAS J. MjOGOWCN of Kenansville who celebrated their Go' den Wedding Anniversary at the home of his son Mr.' and Mrs. Faison W. MsGowen in Kenansville last Saturday night. See story on Duplin Society page. Special Grand Old Opry Team Coming To Kenan Auditorium A message received Wednesday morning from Mrs.1. Samnjy Bland of Rocky Mount, son of aformer Duplin resident, S. W. Bland of near Wal!eco, Manager for Wally fowler and his Oak Ridge Quartet informed the Warsaw and Kenanst: vUleLion Clubs that in addition to Wally Fowler andJChe JOek Ridge Quartet M Is bringing, at no advance in price, the nationally famous Jordsnaires'. Quartet direct from the WJ5.M. Grand Ole opry, Nashville, Tennessee. 1 j Duplin Educator Resumes Work At Radford College; Miss Virginia Kornegay daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kornegay left recently for Radford, Va. to resume her work as head of the mathematics department of v Rad ford College for the third consec utive year. Miss Kornegay took a six weeks religious course at Wake Forest College during the past summer,, having won a schol arship, several of which have been given to worthy teachers by the Purina Co. to promote more inter est in religion in the schools. She is a graduate of Mars Hill College took one year at Meredith and transferred to Wake Forest College, where she received her degree. At Wake Forest Miss Kor negay was one of three girls and nine boys receiving special honors at graduation time. She was the smallest and youngest member of her class.-; :'-.;-7'. Miss Kornegay spent the first two years of her teaching exper ience at Salemburg where she was head of the department of mathe matics. Her third year was spent at home and the taught In the B. F. Grady School. The following And His Oak Ridge Quartet Coming It -r 3 VJ8 .VJ.KJ J- many successful recordings," in cluding 'Dese Bones A 'Gonna Rise Again,' and 'On The Jericho Road' on Capitol Records and The Gos pel Boogie' on Mercury-Records. Now recording on The Wally Fow ler label which, features the 'Rec ord of the Month Club' they have released 1Lead Me To That Rock', Just A Close walk; WHh Tbee, Peace In The. Valley. 1 Wanna Rest, My Journey Tohe 6ky and many others.-, p ' . The Quartet has been.sneee fully sionsored in their" 'All n Flnrtag' fcifrfi by all typi ef Civic I fi '""S rri""".' v. -(.!! t I 1 '1 ii r i : :-.-:--:-'(y. With Vally Fowler The Jordanaires are heard each Saturday night over NBC Network on the Prince Albert Grand Ole Opry Snow. . They are featured on recordings along with the well known Red Foley and other pop ular singing stars. --.TickeU for this outstanding pro- gram, wui ve avmuujir- irvjv inera- berrtf the Warsaw or .Kenansville Lion Club. . Be sure, and get ad vsnen tickets for this program and be assured a good seat Tickets will-be $1.00 Including tax, Heads Math Courses summer she went to New York where she received her masters degree at Columbia University and the following year was her first at Radford. Radford College is to Va. what the Woman's College, Greensboro is to North Carolina. At Piney Grove F.W.B. Church The regular quarterly Confer ence of the Free Will Baptist Church will be held at Piney Grove Church in Albertson Town ship on October 11th. All mem bers, are urged to attend, 'i Regular church aervices are held every second Saturday night and Sunday. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Rev. v R. C. Kennedy is pastor. Rev. Clifton Rice of Kinaton will holds revival at Piney Grove be ginning Sunday night, October 12 and lasting through the week. The Sublic is cordially . lnvjted to at raded all of these aervices. Singlfig Man'f'Joe ATlred, "one Of the nations best tenors. First Tenor; Pat .Patterson, Baritone; Bob We ber,, Bass; and young Levi Free man: loaded with personality and rhythm, Is et the piano: Also Ken Wilcox, nationally known spiritual mngexv w .-..: tf --. tr A4 night Jinging concerts are beir t eld in many cities through out ihe south including, ?The Or ifinul All Nite. Sing in NaahvlUe, Ism.; also in AtlanU, G.; Win ;alm, J. C; Charlotte, N. C, y Mount; N. C .These are i each month, of course there - ny-tKt are held at eUiier- r( f the year, plus " c n' ft concrts fc- - 1 - MJBSCBIPTION BATE: IM per year In Duplin and adjoining counties 94.00 ouUide this area in N. C. SS.00 oniaide m C Duplin Farm Bureau Drive j Not Doing So Spedcd Meeting CalledTues Nigkt Frost And Hail Reported Last Week In County The weather man has been play ing some seemingly strange pranks (luring the past week. On last Thursday evening a qui?k storm blew up bringing a heavy rain' around Kenansville. In the Wesley and Friendship neighborhood hall was reported. During the day the weather was real summer like. With no forewarning it turned cold following the storm and frost was reported Friday morning. Fri day afternoon it turned -warm again and by Saturday was just like summer again. The summer weather continued until yesterday afternoon when heavy clouds brought cooler weather and rain last night. Reports from over the state said the temperature went down to about 40 in eastern Pied- mont, heavy frost in middle and western and below freezing in the mountain sections of the state. State Official Coming To Warsaw Or. E!len Winston, Commission er of Public Welfare for North Car olina, will be in Duplin on Octob er 20th. She will address a meet ing of the Business and Profession al Womens Club in Warsaw at a dinner meeting at 7 p.m. in the school cafeteria. Representatives from each community in the coun ty will be invited to attend. Prices of oranges and grapefruit are expected to decline as the Oc tober citrus crop from Florida hits the market in volume. BeulSvfllPIm 36 tocalFsfsA. Boys Initiate 39 Greqn Hands, Who In Turn Imitate Teachers The Kenansville chapter of Fu ture Farmers of America held its initiation of 19 boys Friday the 26th day of September. The pro Iniation of the Green Hands' took place during the day Friday. There were several of the boys who Imitated a few of the teachers. They are as follows: Pete Dall imitated Mrs. Pearl McGowen; David King Imitated Mrs. Mattie Sadler; Bill Quinn imitated Mrs. Sallie Ingram. Each of the boys wore the teachers dress, high heel slippers, rouge and lipstick. Richard Brock imitated Mr. Hel ton. Ray Taylor Imitated preacher Sharpe. The shirt that Ray wore of Mr. Sharpes looked like an evening dress on him. Steve Wil liamson imitated the janitor, Hen ry Moore. 85th Annual Opens Juesday October .14 Mamma has baked her prize winning cake, papa has his exhibit seed selected and junior has his calf groomed for the opening of the 85th annual N. C. State Fair the biggest annual event in the State from a standpoint of attend ance and participation. It will open in Raleigh next Tuesday, October 14, and continue through Saturday, October 18. Robert W. Shoffner, assistant director of the State College Ex tension Service and aide to Dr. J. S. Dorton in the management of the Fair, says all indications point to the 'finest exposition in history, with 900,000 persons ex pected to attend during the five day festival of education, inspira tion and fun.' One reason we expect the best fair, and a record attendance, said Shoffner, is that there will be 'more to see, more to enjoy and more to learn.' He listed the fol lowing features: A greatly ex panded exhibit area, including par tial use of the big new coliseum officially named the 'State Fair Arena', plus new livestock, poultry, Scouts To Hold Council! Wide Planning Meeting At Camp Tuccavora Council. Boy Scouts of America will bold a Council wide Planning Meeting at Camp Tuscar ora on Tuesday, octooer n, mot. at 6:30 pan. This will be s supper meeting. -. --' ' " - - ' The -purpose or--the planning Meetinsr to to project a Scouting Program ' for the -Council - which will meet the 1953 objectives set mo by the Executive Board The Chairmen of the various Council Operating Committees will be pre ertt together with the district Seal Chairman Mlllfli . T f,El1?, ' w' ,VLW t ' O11" Altoertson has en named Dup in County Seal Chairman for 1952, according to an announcement by Mrs. WilUam graven, .executive oecreiary iui Duplin County. Chairman for each community will be appointed in the near future, she said. Ap proximately 5,000 letters with Christmas Seals will be sent to ci tizens in Duplin County this year. Card Of Thanks I wish to thank my many friends and relatives for thf ir kindness and unselfish consideration during my reient illness. The beautiful flow ers, good food and the knowledge having so many kind and sincere friends played a large part in my hastv recovery, so anain I say thanks and I know that God will bless you as he has blessed me. Mrs. Oscar Langston Rt. 2, Warsaw, N. C. The other boys initiated were as follows: Jimmy Bland, Wilbert Kornegay, Clarence Brock, Edgar Casteen, Allen Coker, Haywood Dall, Frank lin Kearng, Ray Kornegay, Wil bert Martin, Marion Parker Som mers, Kenneth West. To start off the night part of the initiation program, the FFA boys and FHA girls had a joint social in the Home Economics Depart ment. Weiners and drinks were enjoyed by all. After the short social the boys met in the agriculture classroom where the new members were for mally initiated into the FFA being awarded the Green Hand degree. A grand time was enjoyed by all who participated in the initiation. J, T ri .-.... Tl L State Fair educational and commercial display buildings. Also, new rabbit andj pigeon shows, a new dual purpose cattle department, new competition for Braham beef cattle, and competi tion open to the world in all four breeds of dairy cattle' and the Hereford and Aberdeen - Angus breeds of beef cattle. The entertainmen features will also be largely hew, the Fair of ficial said, except for the return of former favorite attractions by thv James E. Strates Midway, the George Hamid grandstand reveus, Jack Kociunan's Hell Drivers, AAA sanctioned big car automobile rac es, harness horse races and nightly fireworks. -". "We especially invite farm peo ple to attend the Fair, Shoffner said, Because we consider the agricultural exhibits one of the best ways to exchanging informa Ition about better crops, better livestock and poultry, and all the conveniences which bring more prosperity, dignity and content ment to country living.' Tuscarora On Oct 14 Each Committee will make definite plans for a detailed program, for the phase of Scouting it is directly concerned with.' New district -of- fleers are Invited to participate in thi meeting since they will be charged with the responsibility of carrying out the program as plan ned. v t Dinner reservations are neces sary. Please inform your Scout Office tht you plan te attend. PRICE TEN CENTS 'LeRoy Simmons, president of the Duplin County Farm Bureau this morning announced a called meet ing of all membership campaign workers and everyone who is in terested for Tuesday night, Oct. 14th at 7:30 in the Agricultural Building in Kenansville. The pur pose of this meeting is to canvass the membership workers and com pile a report to be given in Ra'eigh Et a meeting of the S'a'e Farm Bureau on Wsdnescl.-.y i 'ght Oct ober 15lh Mr. Simmons says ihe drive in Duplin is lagging. He believes the county will reach and go beyond its goal and says if necessary the drive, may be extended beyond the dates set in order to reach that goal. Duplin has one of the lar gest potential memberships in the state and Farm Bureau leaders are expecting it to go over the top as it did in the Tobacco Refer endum. The future of the farmer, like al! other trades and organization, defends on proper organization and cooperation, he said. The farmer's place now has reached the level of specialization and in this age of science and advance ment the farmers must pull to gether to hold themselves out front. After all, said Simmons, the world is dependant on the farmer and with proper coopera tion among the farmers they can demand what is rightfully theirs. Mr. Simmons is anxious for as many Duplin farmers who will to attend the state meeting in Ra leigh. Mr. Allan B. Kline, Presi dent of the American Farm Bu reau will be present and speak. It is a rare occasion, he said, for the farmers of this section to have a chance to see and hear in per son the president of their organi zatlon speak. Mr. Simmons will furnish free transportation to 13 farmers who wish to attend. The meeting will be held next Wednes day night at 8 o'clock in the Ball room of the Sir Walter Hotel in Ba leleh. - Blocks Beulaville motorists are riding hlffh wUc And handsome now not too fast though since the town fathers went into a huddle with the Powell Bill money and came out with 36 new street blocks paved. Mayor Stokely Bostic talk as happily over it as a kid would over his first stick of red candy. After studying over the prospects they found that if the property owners in each block would assume half the paving cost the town could take care of the other half plus the intersection paving and the town would be pretty well paved. On Monday of last week road forces began pouring asphalt and on Monday of this week they wound up with 36 blocks or nearly 3 milf s of new hard surface in Beulaville. Mayor Bostic said this just about paves all streets in town except a few back alleys and the streets in Negro Town. They hope to make the job 100 per cent complete be fore too long off. ison McGowen Confined At Home Friends of Faison W. McGowen will regret to learn that he is con fined to his home with a back ail ment. Mr. McGowen injured his back a few years ago and has suffered a recurrence from the injury. He hopes to be out and back in the court house after an other week. Registration Books Open To New Voters Voters' attention is called to the fact that registration books will be open on Saturday October 11, 18 and 25th for new voters. AH persons who have attained voting age and not registered should 'do so and vote in the general election on Tuesday, November 4th. Nov embtr 1st has been designated as challenge day. Harvest Festival Outlaws Bridge Saturday P.M. ' The Annual Harvest Sale and Barbecue . Supper at Outlaw's -. Bridge will be held Saturday af- . ternoon, Oct 11th. All proceeds will go to the church fund. ILL IN HOSPITAL :- J. H. Parker, prominent Outlaw's '. Bridge -fanner and community leader, is a patient in the Wayne Memorial Hospital in Goldaboro. TO be eligible for loan, corn must grade No. S or better, or No, 4 on test 'weight only, and Jtot , contain .over S0.9 per cent mois ture on' the ear, or 15 per cent t "d.