Two Sections 16 Pages This Week 1 r VOL. 19. NO. 42. Duplin :! (Norman Boney, 32 year old Ne gro truck driver, went to his death Tuesday evening in a flaming in ferno on highway 11 about 10 miles south of Kenansvllle. .Officers say Boney was killed instantly. In their opinion, when the pick-up truck he was driving took to the middle of the highway and crashed into a huge oil tanker laden with gaso line. Boney was headed South and the oil tanker on Us way north. The pick-up struck the left front of the tanker, careening around and crashing into the tanker trail er, igniting the tanker and knock ing the pick-up almost clear : of the highway. Harper Howard, white man of Kinston, was driving the tanker.' He leaped from the cab .through flames and hit the ground "rolling. " He reported fee I-''-- --J I,;,?.- : I ' ill. " An 4-H (Club girls, interested pa rent and friends are . invited to come to KenanavUle and see a dis play of fall and winter fashions in the Home Agent's' office in Ken ansvllle from 10:002:00 Wednes day, November 2fl. . ; - Included in the collection wUl be a dark fleece top coat and a collection of suits one suit es pedaUy, made la grey flannel and pleated skirt which has ah alternate bolero jacket in red, black and grey tweed. ' Separates, always tops with .' young girls, will point up the mid dy .look, tuck to blouses and both ffieachersj ' students parents, and ' friends of the schools of Duplin County will have an opportunity tb .ex'araine epp'rjxinwely 1000 r Iont tbOusa"l library fcu' s that ' wili- be n 'deploy at the1 Wallace School cafeteria on Monday,. Nov ember 24 from 2: until 6: p. m. IMf. Charles Vlckery,j.a repre sentative from The Book Center, Chapel Hill, N. Cv is brhigiag the display, which .includes titles1 for both the elementary "and high i school ages. Schools of the county tooth White and Negro may use ' local library funds to purchase the Inrernd: 9tfcFatalitv Of Year Stacy Evansjkgnolio Fertilizer 5 Deicnslrafi(iiOniTwm , " , Stacy Evans, Magnolia, "conduct- ed a tobacco fertilizer deononstra ; tlon using three different kinds , . of fertilizer on 0.3 acres of tobacco this year. Bach plot of tobacco was , ' : exactly 0.1 acres. PLOT 1: -0-6 7 (organic nitrogen) fertiliser was . used at rate of 1400 pounds ?er acre. Yield was 122 lbs. and sold for $57.98. i'; ' :. '-::'.:;' vf. - - PiLOT2: 2-9-8 (Mineral nitrogen) fertilizer was used at rate of 1400 lbs. per acre. Yield was 126 lbs and sold for $59.86. :'''::-. 'v- PLOT 8: 4-8-10 (Mineral nitro AfcDuf 1,G Duplin Last I light To Discuss ' About a thousand Duplin County veterans swarmed on Kenansviue last night for the called meeting to discuss the proposed N; C. Bonus : campaign. Commander in Chief of the Duplin AMVETS, Colon Hot land of Kenansvllle, presided. A ' round table discussion was had and many of the Vets expressed their views. About 800 signed statements urging the legislature to call, far . a ntAte-wide referendum on . the oiiestlon, were tunned to, A leng-J thy resolution was passea, mcmu- -" Ljc:z7 Co; tczti The following is the cases tried during County Court a Monday November 10, 1952. ; ' Bryant , Edward Williams, charg ed with assault with deadly wea pon, causing serious bodily Injury, temporary larceny of automobile. Found guilty of assault with deadly ' weapon causing serious bodily in Jury. Road sentence suspended on payment of a fine of $150 and for use and benefit of Sam Boney and the cost The aeienaani gave notice of appeal to superior vmi-u Lond for abearance Hi fixed at $200. Johnnie Sutton , charged witn ro'sesblng non tax paid whlslcey i r the purpose of sale plead guilty. -i sentence suspended for- two s on good behavior and the jer condition that he obey the .icants laws and pay $50 fine h ro' -'d Tindall, charg . j tax paid wftis- i, t, i i i on the puLiic . A . i - 1 on! -ed con- r 1 1 f Qui fund. , - Section I Man Dies In Flaming thought his clothes were afire. He first opened the cab door and huge flames licked in at him. He closed the door, collected his mind, and then opened It again and made his leap. He escaped with; singes and an injured hand. r Boaey's head was literally crush ed to a pulp, it was said. His pick up truck turned- up. " Onlookers managed to pull him from the truck reporting that when they took hold of his legs the skin peeled off. His body was severely burned from the waste down. -; - flames lighted the sky for miles around. Patrolman Brlley said he saw the light and smoke billowing into the sky five allies away. The highway hard surface treatment was burned down to the foundation. For hours traffic ,-was detour ed at slim aad full Skirts. V ' , ; Amons the' basic styles will be a simple to sew pyramid dress in brown tweed with a talent for completely changing appearance with a set of colorful accessories. ! Party-wise visitors will see how a velveteen Jumper can become a date drees, minus the turtle track blouse. For real glamour, vtam velveteen will combine with pink taffeta and net in a gala-time for- in addition to Silhouette trends S fine cress section of new fall and winter fabrls will be sees.;' -v books shown. Individuals may also . , T . . . ft .u To esuioll Wlil I n mn- oispmy foeaminttenw , weftsss from the White schools .from 2:00 V"J1 4.v9 p. so. and for the Negro tea chers front 4:00 until 4:00 P-J.-i Ttaa disnlav. sponsored 1 the Duplin Schools, is being brought to the coumy to' an effort to bring good books to tne attention oc pu- pile, teachers, and the public and to encourase reading by persons of all ages especially thatschooI age. ?: c-i-.)Cfa gen) fertilizer was used at rate of 1050 lbs. per acre: Yield was 154 lbs. and sold for $87.40. i r -: The three plots were planted at the same time with the same va riety of tobacco and cultivated alike; The plots were adjoining on same type of soil i. ' . The test was 4 to determine whether or not organic nitrogen fertilizer, 'which cost more ; than mineral nitrogen fertilizer, 'was better. The , same pounds of ni trogen was used on each plot ' k" Veterans Met Here II. C. Bonus Project lng the following statement about Vie government oi uupun uounxy. Duplin office-holders are teen of high calibre. They are doing a wonderful Job in the governmental affairs of our county.' v- - U was decided that this would be the last special meeting and that future discussions of the campaign will be taken up at the regular meeting of the Duplin AMVETS which will be held each, first and third Wednesday , nights : in the month at the court house here..!' ' ' William Henry Stalllngs char ged with .- speeding plead guilty. Judgment suspended on payment of a fine of $10. '..,:. David Miller, charged with pos sessing non tax paid whiskey for the purpose of sale. Road sentence suspended for two years on good behavior and the payment of a fine of $50 and cost - ' I - LUlle Bell Jenkins, charged with assault with a deadly weapon caus ing bodily injury. Prison sentence suspended for three years on good behavior and the payment of a fine of sou and cost. - j - - Ed Hill, Jr., charged with speed ing and careless and wreckless driving. Judgment suspended on payment of a fine of $25 and cost. James Thomas Barnes, charged with careless and- reckless driving causing a wreck. , Koad sentence suspended when the defendant paid to Ifenry Wells, Jr. the sum . of " 0 ( i per month until he fully 11 9 tlie 8"m ot t .iOX ), the tv :4 cn JLailt l-3 tea, I KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1952. Charity Cross . Roads around by Rose HiJL , . ... .. Coroner Gurman Powell went to the scene, empaneled a jury, and ruled that Boney came to his death through bis own carelessness and negligence. He was a native of the section and neighbors said he was a good , Negro- and had no reputation for drinking or careless driving. Same advanced the theory that he must have gone to sleep at the wheel. "'',. y.i .,-. The truck-trailer be kinged to (Tidewater Transit Company. It was a 1962 White track with a new trailer. It was loaded with 6.000 Lgallons of gasoline. -The truck and trailer were reported to have cost This was Duplin' County"! 9th highway fatality for the year. Turkey Slipper JAl Pink, Hill School Friday l!ighf. A turkey supper wii) be served in the cafeteria of the Pink Hill School Friday night November 21. Tickets arc being sold at $1.00 per plate, the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Pink Hill Methodist Church to benefit: - PineyGtofeClrrch tapper There will bai barbecue and cnivKca sapper raieyJrove church, Thanksgiving afternoon at i.QA . a.iA iit . . mm r'"" v urau. r imm mu s . -hwimi mszajM -aw ' a'.ne. l V 1 - in"ani iter Carter from Rricfc ill hold service -at.7 nis-ohohf win be mil . . f tTM public .cordially. InvlteX Scout leaders Tbifjlere llext Tuesday '1 Bill Hewitt Tuscarora Scout Ex ecutive .announce, that leaders of Scouting in the Duplin District will meet at the Presbyterian manse here at Sp. ni. on Tuesday, Nov. ember 25tKT All leaders are urg ed to attend. . .v,-. T Lets Contracts '..--... 7,' ' Contracts-were let. here this -week for construction of 3 i addi tional class rooms at the Wallace white elementary schools. The general construction contract went to Coastal Construction Company of Rose Hill for, $35,095. Wiring to Duplin . Electric Company of Wallace for $734. Rewiring Wal lace High School to Duplin Elec tric Co.. for S44Z0. Rewiring Tea- chey colored school to H. C. Cooke of Calypso for $1,387. Plumbing In the Wallace addition to Orrlll Smith of Wilmington for $1,974. No contract was let for heating in the Wallace unit- It will be done by the Board of Education labor. Argument Ice Pick In Hospital I The results of an argument In Wallace during the week end sent Roy Lee Carter, white, 18 of Gar land to the iPender hospital witn an Ice pick through his .stomach and backbone. Elmer Bordeaux, J8, of Garland is being held with out bond, pending the outcome of Carter's condition. A report from the hospital Wednesday morning on Carter's condition was still cri tical. r Announcement The Woman's Society of Christ ian service of the Bose Hill Meth odist Church' will have their an nual bazaar sale on Friday, Nov ember 21st A turkey supper will be served in the church basement from 6:30 til? Plates $1.00 each. Proceeds will go for the benefit of the church. Everyone is cor dially invited. : : .-.. -. " HARD TO ESTIMATE St won' 4 fce hard to estimate the in we, h of Scouting to , whole some, uswui and nappy living, v Special Hofice The Times will Issue on Wed nesday, November 26th next week. in order to give our employes a few days rest With the heavy fall work 'this season they are justly entitled to' a short vacation. The Times office will be closed from Wednesday evening until Monday morning. , All . advertisers please note this and get your ads in. No ads can be taken, after noon Tues day. AH correspondents are ask ed to get their news In on Monday If possible and not later than Tuesday.' ;! Aiiy special communi cation to tne. Times- Irom any one should be in the office by Tuesday night - Your cooperation will be appreciated. -v Prominent Religious Leader, Rev. Rufus Manley, Will Speak At V6ddland Church TueslAnlWedlipM Dr. Rufus Masley ; an interna tlonal Religious Mder and author of several very popular Religious Books will speak ; at Woodland Methodist Church Tuesday and Wednesday night of November 29 and 26 beginning at 7:30. '. Or. Mosley is is one of tne most unusual Religious speakers we have today His home is in Macon Geor gia, he, is a -retired College, pro feasor, now spending the remaining days of his long successful-life going about telling people about Christ and, what, be has meant to him. . Brother Mosley has probably, had mora . Influence on Young Preachers than any man living tc- Tovn Of Pink Hill Fire Truck; Jwls A new $10,000 tire' truck has ar rived at Pink; Hill to replace an old wnicn ned seen loanea to vW AnMI tFiA' nfrtr dm tymU'l i J fr Ut ..i ..... iav uv qui iun BH w Vallace Befas Hi.v3 Hear ye, hear ye, folks of Duplin County. . The Wallace Chapter of the National Beta Chib Is sponsor ing a Thanksgiving Dance at the Wallace. Legion Hut November 26, 1952, from 9:30 pjn. to 12:30' a.m.' Dick Leven and bis well-known band from N. C. State College WiU play for the occasion.- Neighboring schools have been asked to send a representative , to compete 1 for the honor of Thanksgiving Queen; 4. Chinauanin Juniors Comedv. 'Deacon A threa act comedy. -Deacon Dubbs'.-will be presented by tnessc tor au scnooi Junior Class of Chinquapin-Mignior aamw, School, Friday night, December 12come. Interruption In Electric Service Sunday Electric service will be interrup ted in the Warsaw, nenansviiie, Beulaville and Chinquapin areas on Sunday Afternoon, November 23, 1952, between 1:30 p.nv and 4:30 pm.- This Interruption Is to enable crews to enlarge the - capa city in Warsaw 33 KV Substation. Beulaville Turkey Shoot Set For V; November 22nd The annual Turkey shoot spon sored! by the Beulavllle Lions Club, will be held In a field on highway 9A ahnnt niM mile we st ox oeum- ville on Saturday, November 22nd. Shooting will commence about 10 o'clock in tne morning auu fun tinue until dark. , ; Thanksgiving Services Here W " w mr , j, . Kenansvllle ministers have an- nnuted a union Thanksgiving ser vice to be held in tne iocai lactn odist Church ori Thanksgiving mor nintf at in o'clock. Rev. Lauren Sharpe, pastor of the local? Bap tist cburcn WUl ao tne preacning The public Is cordially Invited. ; - l!o !!e;vs This Y,'c:!t For reasons we are not aware of our Beulaville correspondent fail ed to get her news in this week. We hope it will show op for next week's paper . Our. apology to, our eulavtiie teader . - - .4;. '.- New Jailer ; W. O. HOUSTON DuDUn - Deputy Sheriff. W. O Houston has been named jailer suc ceeding the late Oliver Home by Sheriff Ralph Miller. Mr. Houston, from Beulavllle, has been a deputy sheriff in Duplin under three sher iffs, Williamson, Jones and Miller. dy ' Dr..VE. Stanley Jones the Great Missionary to India for more than forty 'years has this to say; We set In Rufus Mosley not anap preach to life but Life Itself. Ru fus Mosley has an amazing moral end spiritual canity amid an amaz ing freedom. - He is the least and the most bound man I know. He is bound to Jesus and, therefore Free.' The heart of his teaching is that" Christ Is Perfect Every Thing, perfect mind, perfect body and perfect spirit. He presents a plan by which an men might be come likewise. The public is cor dially Invited to these services. Gets tlew $10,000 Arl Being Made nm to the test several days and a. Ml -i fcAlM , - wklal Coombs; Pink Mill Mayor - Thtnksgivir.3 Pontic Tka l I I H-alll 1 1 II MTiraSIIIITalTlVMl ri flVBS ii The following representatives have tern submitted: Mis. Betty Phil - Zl. vri iBhm.-aZ JiAn Sholar, Chinquapin; ana bmsb vw enuaoa ma u uu.u v Whaley. Wallace. t'-f'''-'- '"' , - . " Admission will be $1.00 par per- We feel that the services render son. There will be an advance tic- ed will go a long ways towird Llon ket sale during which you can ob- ism with us and you can be assur tain a ticket from any member of ed (that the proceeds went for a the Beta Club or Mr. Everett Stout, good cause. President of the P.TA. i. Tickets May we thank you again for your will also be sold at the door. Come cooperation as we remain, one, come au. .--.. 'yv'V - in , To Present Three Act Dubbs' On Dec. 12 at 7:30 o clock. Aamission to Everyone is invited to - This is in keeping with the Car- ollna Power and Lignt company Presbyterian church is doing practice of keeping ahead of needs he preachg. Rev. Sam Hayter, f its customers by mainteintag an lJ u fading the sing aibundant .supply of electric ser- . ld tta rf hyinng. Ser. vice for au present ana luture needs. Sheriff Miller Operative Patient In Kinston Hospital Sheriff Ralph Miller was stric ken with an acute attack of appen dicitis Monday night. He was car ried to Memorial General Hospi tal In Kinston Tuesday morning and was operated on for ruptured appendix that night. Last report from the hospital said he wss doing Cine, t Turkey Shoot Scheduled At Rones Chapel '' The' Hones 'Chapel Lions Club is Boonsoring a Turkey Shoot all day on Saturday, November 22nd. Sportsmen are asked to bring their guns. Shells are furnished. The shoot- will take place at the. Com munity building; ; , ; ,. , Week-End Revival I Rev. RayGoodwln,1'inlnlster, an nounces a special four day Revival will be held at .the Friendship Methodist Church Friday, Satur day Sunday and Monday, Novem ber 21, 22, 23, and 24th. Rev. Mr. Goodwin will do the preaching. The public is cordially invited. , S.5S eonnues; $4.00 outside this DiipEin Farm Meeting; Approximatelv 800 Dunlin Coun ty Farm Bureau members attend ed the annual meeting here in Kenan Auditorium last Thursday evening. It was an enthusiastic meeting with many members tak ing part. President LeRoy Sim mons of Albertson nreslded. Lewis Outlaw of Albertson delivered an address in the absence of the in vited speaker. . Oar. Simmons also made an in spiring speech, calling on the farm' era of puplin County to rally to gether in the interest . of their cause. They pointed out that the Farm Bureau was their machinery of action and without it and the cooperation it offers our farmers have not too much hope against the highly organized groups in oth er lines. ' Mr. Simmons was reelected pres ident of the Farm Bureau for an other year. -Other officers elected were Ellis Vestal, Kenansvllle, vice-president and Mrs.; Dora Bet tv Bell of Kenansvllle. secretary- treasurer. Vestal and Mrs, Bell also served the past, year. J Prior to the meeting 1034 mem bers in Duplin had been signed up and another estimated 00 paid their membership dues that eve ning. Three townships in the coun- SUBSCKIPTION BATE: UrandUleUDrvui Gang, Southernairs Here Mod. Night From an advance reports Mon day night Nov. 24 is to be s big night at she Kenan Memorial Aud itorium,' when Wally Fowler and but Original Oak Ridge Quartet bring another big Gospel and Spir itual singing concert On the pro gram with this well known quartet will be the well known and well liked Original Chuck Wagon Gang direct from Fort Worth, Texas. Also on this program there will be The Beulavllle Lions Thank Hade Rife The following letter was written Hade Kite bxit y. w owr TUi XjHHU wuui Made -Rite Bakery 'Goldsboro, N. C i i ! GentieMrtni H - We, would ulks toMpres. i our liuarw amreciation for the coop- f uou m tfeuiavuie ijkhis v-mu Cecil A. MUier Co-Chairman Finance Comm. , Revival At urove ihurch Is Continuing Tho TtmHval at Grove Presbyter ian Church here is growing each miKht. Rev. Mr. Hood oi tne wai- m each evening at 7:30 and will continue througn sunaay evening. ' There will be services Saturday evening and Sunday mor ning. The public is cordially in vited to attend. like Tut How Serving Oysters Tjk Tut Dunlin's famous lake resort, Is now open for the winter season. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blan ton of Wilmington are operating it. Regular meals are served in the dining room daily with special me nus for Sundays. A very special Thanksgiving menu will be served Thanksgiving day. Roasted oys ters are served dally. A square dance is held every Friday night Notice Don't foreet the big show Shoo- log Stars' to be given in the Mag nolia School Auditorium on touts day and Friday nights, November 20-21 at 8:03 pan. Tickets: 75c and children 35c. Funds go for the fire house roof. This giant TV stage hit will last for two hours. You will practic ally roil in the aisles with laughter. Both nights a Queen for a Day will be ehosen and presented gifts. On Friday night there will be tne Tiny Tots Popularity contest with the Queen and King being awarded loving cups ' and the Prince end Princess crowned. . ' COULD BE RIGHT - It isn't the fear of criticism that bothers most of us it's the fear that, our critics may, be right: Mr rear in DnDlin and adjoining area in N. C; $3.00 outside V C. Bureau Holds Leroy Simmons Selected 'A '". 'f ? . . . ftllililpllliit LEROY SIMMONS tv. Glisaon. Warsaw and Wolfe- scrape had exceeded their quotas. Their leaders, Lot Kornegay, Ed Grady and Taft Herring were giv en ovations for tneir success. The following directors were oup, SouthernaJres Quartet and other groups. - & The advance ticket sale Is in dicating that there'will -be a large crowd present. , The KenansviUe and Warsaw Lions Clubs are bring ing this fine entertainment with the idea in mind that it might start a program of development of this music in our area. We know you will enjoy every minute of this vf r Available . To Duplin Warmer in DSolln County-are reminded that emergency or dlsaa- m Wte toJtawB w ,y tuvuuA to- Fansei s Home nlstration." sufed Arthur M. Benton, County Supervisor for Far mers Home Adtninistrauon. , To qualify, a farmer must show: (1) that ha suffered substantlaHoss because of drought or hailstorm; (2) that he -cannot obtain credit from private- sources; (3) that the government' loan can be repaid from farm Income; and (4 that the loan will not be used for con Board Trustees Auditorium; Plan The Duplin County Board of Ed ucation this week named a board of trustees for Kenan Memorial Auditorium. This board will have charee of oDeration and maintain- ance of the building and have al ready taken over. They are: J. it. Grady, chairman; Ellis Vestal, Otho Emergency Or Disaster Loans Are German Visitor To Duplin Symbol World Citizenship Hans Franzen, .a German school teacher, who will arrive in Ken ansviUe on December 2. we will discover is far more than just a guest from Germany. Mr. Franzen is a symbol of the very newest ev olution of this expanding age the development of world citizen ship. We have tended to tnink 01 tne world community as a powerful combination of nations, welded to gether somehow by high diplomat ic agreements, affairs of state, and impressive documents. This is not the important ingredient. The vi tality of a world community will depend upon how well people ordinary, non-distinguished, mid dle-of-the-road people, you and I can understand the same type of citizens who live on other contin ents. Mr. Franzen arrives in our county basisally as one of us, sym bolic of this urge to know what the other fellow is really like, and will spend a week in this typical American county ot ours to see tor himself. Hans Franzen is an extremely personable and intelligent young man who lives at Frohngau in the German state of North Rhine West phalia. He teaches 50 children In all eieht srades of his local school. He does not anticipate that we shall roll out the red carpet of official dom to greet him. Like teachers in our own country, Hans' represents no high station; but at the same time be recognizes the influence his teaching will have upon the young people of his town and his nation, lie is vitauy interested in our way of life, our culture, and our democratic school system. This, you can be sure, our Duplin coun ty will try to show him, without any fanfare or. special arrange ments. We have much to be proud of, and a few things that, like all American communities, we wish were different, All of this he has come'to ss -.. c --. i(ltr Mr. Franzen speaks English very wellt German teachers are thor oughly schooled. Ha was educated PRICE TEN CENTS Annual elected: George Sumner. Lime stone; Taft Herring, Ghsson; R. A. Smith, Albertson; Freeley Smith, Smith ;Jack Albertson, Island Creek; Arthur Whitfield; Kenans vllle; M. L. Lanier, Cypress Creek; Ed Grady, Wotfescrape; David Lane Faison; James Ward, Rock Fish; Ixrtt Kornegay, Warsaw; Warren Bostic, Magnolia and Jack Cooper, Bose Hill. Several hundred prizes were awarded. John Whitfield of Chapel Hill, representing the N. 'C. Hospital Savings Association, made a talk on the value of Hospital Savings to fanners and pointed out why the land-lords should cooperate and see that the tenant carried the Insurance. He urged them to form a Blue Cross group in the Farm Bureau. He complimented Duplin on its proposed, hospital and prais ed the Farm Bureau for its various activities on behalf of the farm ers. President Simmons has announc ed that the 1962 membership drive will officially come to a close on Friday night, November 21st and all workers are asked to meet at the Agricultural building here and make their report. - on fine program. Come out and sup port your Lions Clubs as well as get a four hour show of some of the, finest talent available. . Our advice is to come early and, get a good seat. Doors open at 6:30 pjn. Show starts at 8:00 p.m. and last 'til midnight Advance tickets are now on sale at The Ser-' vice Motor Co., KenansviUe and at .The Warsaw Drug Co., Warsaw. FHA Fanners version from one type of farming to another, . - oissuwfuid may Tymm pawehase feed, seed, fertilizers, in secticides, tuel for tractors, ana other essential farm and home ex panses. Refinancing of back debts cannot be done with disaster funds. The Farmers Home Administra tion Office is located over the Branch Banking and Trust Com pany in Warsaw . Office hours are eight o'clock ajn. to five o'clock p.m. Monday through Friday of each week. Named For Kenan Operation Schedule Lee Holland, W. M. Ingram and Z. W. Frazelle. The group is working out a srhe dule and charges and rules for the building which will be published shortly. Also services for a full time janitor are being sought. at Teacher Training Academy at Aachen. His special Interests, not unlike those of many American tea chers, include child psychology, ex tra curricular and social activities, student self-government, testing. His visit to our county as an in dividual is the very apex of Hans' seven-month observation of Amer ica. He is one of a group of sev enteen German school teachers vis iting North Carolina where head quarters aa provided for them at the University in Chapel Hill. The delegation consists of nine men and eight women, each of whom are going this week to other North Carolina communities as individual observers. The Germans have been in the state since the first of Oc tober. Under a steering commit tee of faculty members at tho University coordinated by Profes sor Wilmer M. Jenkins, they have been shown institutions of higher learning, the state captol at Ra leigh, and several of Carolina's na tural geographical attractions. They have observed the activities of the State Department of Public Instruction, and the State Boards of Health and of Welfare. They were received by Governor Scott at Raleigh on October 13, and attend ed the State Fair on the 16th. Dur ing the first week of October, the visitors went as a group daily to observe the Chapel Hill Public Schools. From time to time they have attended various receptions and informal gatherings to meet the hundreds of citizens of our state who are enthusiastic about this experiment in international . fellowship. Yet here, in the quiet hospitality of our own county, we welcome . the opportunity to give Mr. Fran ten an unexalted demonstration of -real American democracy at work in school, business, and home. Be cause he comes as a lone observer, he expects to see us ss we really are. We hope that his Impression, of our way of life here, from kit (Continued on Back Page. Sect. D Chuck Wag T U

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