1 ; Drive Safely ' Don't Be Duplin's 10th Fatality 'SWT X! , " X. AA . ; 'W"V - " ' TO BUILD - mk(B ii i i& HIS VOL. 19. NO. 43. Dffre Jo Regis fronts Coming V tor kdutiion 'Seniors in hieh school who are satisfactorily pursuing a course of Instruction that will permit their graduation at the end of this acad- . emlc year will he granted a post ponement of induction until after their graduation if they make a. r written request for postponement and furnish a statement from the principal of the school stating their : class standing. : v,'.y..y ' College students will "be post poned until the end of the present academic year provided they make a written request for postponement and have on file information speci fically stating that they are pres ently enrolled and satisfactorily pursuing 4 full-time course of study. ;- v "-. Pink Hill Doctor Gets Deferment . Dr. Joseph S. Bower. Pfaik Hill physician, has- received '. notice of , service deferment until - April 1, -1053,1 he announced last week. He received notice of recall into ac : tive duty with the .United States ; Navy on October 1. . ... - pink Hill citizens signed a peti - tlon requesting he be exempted from further military service be cause of his medical value to the community. Dr. Bower said he will have to, serve a minimum of 17 : months when, he receives his ord t ers to report for duty. . ; ' v i ' 1 . The beet way for a business man to handle hard liquor Is to let bis competitor do the drinung. Ruf us VilHeins , Kufus Williams, young (colored . man of Rose Hill was arrested Mon day afternoon by Deputy Sheriff N. D. Boone for 1st degree burg v. lary. - " ' Around two o'clock Monday mor- " tXl U1B UUU1V W c. V Aspvuci about 8 4r41eS' east of Bpse Hill, Rufust Wftmms got a VmSset from an out bniidhig, put it under a ' window; toe the screen away and climbed in the house. ' He used a flashlight to find his way around and pulled the light switch and unscrewed the fuses. Mr. and Mrs. Teachey were asleep in one bed room and their daughter1 Helen Rose in a room across the hall. Helen Rose heard a noise and got up to see what it was. She dis covered she could not get a light to burn so went into her parents bedroom, . waked, her , latner ana told him she was scared, u She told him about seeing a light flashing and thought for a few minutes It : was a ear coming down the road but soon found out it Wasn't.' Mr. - Teachey got up, tried the lights end they would 'not turn on for . him. He then discovered that the r . . I .. .. . . , ti , n. ilgnc BWlDCn naa oeeu puueu. no caLed Ilepulty Sheriff Norwood Boone. Boone and Policeman Bear- ChirgedHVitKSFirst S Burglary Two Weeks Superior Court Scheduled , .Here In December;; Jury List A two week term of Superior Court will convene here Monday, December 1st for trial of civil cafes. Judge John Burney of Wilmington Is scheduled to preside. The fol lowing jurors have been chosen for the two weeks: ffrki . : , First Week v ID. P. Moore, A. O. Wilson, Hoy Southerlahd, W. B, Rivenbark, Geo. W. Sullivan, H. L. Kennedy, Flave Kennedy, 'Lloyd C. Jones, Robert Grady, C. A. Cavenaugh, W H. Brown, R. V. Williams, Jennings B. Penny, Ki C. Carter, Wesley Gur ganus, Erastus Dail Carlton E. 6cott, L.C; English, A. D. Horne, W. R. Clifton, Herman W. Hugr gins, Earl ID. i Smith, Nedham Brown, Re Id E. Fussell, H. L. Pip pin, D. W. Kornegay, Cloop Swin son, E. C. Matbis, S. M. Jones, M. E. Barfield, P. W. Teachey,, Zollie , Knrnpffv. O. L Brown. William El mo Maready, J, J. Blanton, David R. Johnson, SECONBT WEEK Bill llenillTo Speak . Bill Hewitt of Clinton, Assistant (Boy Scout Director f or: fuscarora Council, will be .the , principal speaker at New Albertson Chapel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Sunday evening, November 30th at 7:00 p.m.- Mr. There 'will be a meeting of At coholics Anonymous at the Amer ican Legion Homq in Wallace on ' Monday-nighty December 1st at 8 o'clock.' Two outstanding speakers are on the program. ; , ' y) n::ibs A"pn I t-nC. v ; r "' fcf j n, v 3 i v ' n, driving to Washlng 7 to a ttend the wed , 5 ro."nr, Benjamin 1 1 s car near I-'a-i is i- into the i - t - ''. r""n M i 1 - Section I We're Sorry, -Folks Your Times is smaller than us ual this week. In planning it Mon day we reasoned that .this being Thanksgiving week .advertising would be light and since the pap er was coming out on Wednesday news would be light Here Wed nesday morning we find we need at least two more pages to get by with what normally would be a minimum but with our equipment it is too late to add : two more pages. Only ten pages comes to you this week. We will make it up ' next week, carrying the news and ads that were left; out this week. It seems that there is Just no such thing as a small Duplin Times any more, even occasionally for a breather. We thank our cor respondents and advertisers for their cooperation this week. - The office will be closed Thursday, Fri day and Saturday so that our help may have a few days off . We wish all of you a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving. Ye Editor and wife will be thinking of you in New York over the holiday. JUG. Hot ice All entrants in the popularity contest in Magnolia, sponsored by the Magnolia Women's Civic Club, and .which was a part; of the show VShootmg Stars' may get a free picture toy going to Shubert Wil liams Studio lh 'Wallace, . No ap pointment will be necessary. ', j sArresf ed Monday ; tlce Fussell with the blood hounds went to the Teachey home, They discovered the window and started the dogs tracking from there 'Vie dogs trailed the tracks back of the house Into a field for about 1-2 mile then lost the trail. They started them from the tracks at the window again and traded tracks tit-.ld'oue,;4rbK, there. " They gave up that' night. The next morning Mr. Teachey call ed Boone and he and SB1. James Bradshaw of Burgaw came. They followed -tracks leading down into the field. They noticed from the tracks that the person had a de formed foot They saw a colored man working down in a field, went to him and asked to see his shoe. He was their man. But us Williams admitted to them that he was the one who entered the house, t. He said he did so hoping to find some chant brine 'around. , ; - Williams was given a hearing be fore Justice of the Peace C. B. Sit-, terson. - He told his story. Pro bable cause was found. x Williams was charged -with first degree burg lary, placed in the Duplin County fail without bond, to be tried in the next term of Superior Court on January Z6. IW. O. Jones, A. E. WlUiams, Al ibeA A. Carter. Remus Creel, L. R Whitfield. Ernest Jones, R. A. Oates. (Leonard Grady, W, P. Brown, M. W. Sutton, W. J. Boy- ette, H. D. Kornegay, Cleon Smith, David E. Cavenaugh Wllbert Jen oett, M.vT, James, R. A. Mobley, O. H. James, Jr., Paul Southerland, S. H. Mallard, Jno. W. Brice, J. H. Miller, Perry King, C. R. Edwards, Paul Cottle,- - Thunnan 1 Brown, Wayne Quinn, Pi W. Teachey, Ro land Thomas, T. C. Edwards, D. W. Buckner, James E. Whitfield, Jesse Lanier, J. L. Rich, A. R, Wood, Jes se D. Thompson. I ' . : ' L. F. Blanchard, Archie Hender son, Willim D. Brown, E. E. Ma ready,. C. L. Sloan, Tommie Baker, Jr.. J. H. Cavenaugh. Ralph Ma- reaoy, Amos J. iwiaw, jvi. j. trope, Leslie Bradshaw, Millard Ecdwards, Nlek Edwards, J. A. Swinsen, Jr., R. B. Dickson, Marcus Jones, Onnle Whaley, Ben S. Swinson, Jr. . i . ' i At Altsrtson Chapel Hewitt is an Interesting speaker and always has an inspiring mes sage for, his, listeners.' Aioertson Chapel sponsors a Boy Scout troop among its group. All members and the general public is invited to at tend this meeting.- ? The public throughout this area Is invited and' urged to attend. Bot.i men and women are invited. Rem; d your friends and neighbors who ht not see this notice.! Jured was little- Johnnie Brown. Johnnie's grandfather, M s o n Brown's mouth struck Johnnie on the head and one of his teeth cut inte Johnnie. Others in the, car were, Mille Ivey, Mrs.. - Mason Brown and Mrs. iotty Brown. . .. ' FJ)EHWnKJ rrrL- EiEhodtofr t i , av..,e( -,jrWont pi e n"y o"-i-a. lal ' Lil l: ' "-y;1 f - .( a t lr f. La t KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1952. WLA002 Govt. PdBx Washington DC Nov 20 241P Bob Grady , ; ? ; Kenansville N Car Just received a telephone call from public health service; informing me of approval of Duplin General Hospital application. Department states that approval covers total cost of $776,250 of which the federal govern ment contributes; $263,925 and that the building will contain 50 beds and 15 bassinets. ; ' v Graham A Barderi M C $776,250 $263,925 50 15 : : It is now expected that the contract will be let about December 15th to 20th and work sHould get under way about the first of the year. No Loitering Corporal Brooks of the State! sary. The Times will pubhsEnames Highway Patrol has been requested 'of any person or persons found by officials to have members of 'parking on or using school prop- the State Patrol in Duplin make regular checks on scnool grounds throughout the county and Kenan Auditorium in Kenansville for per miscous parking and loitering "at nights. . Cpl. Brooks said his force would be glad to cooperate with school officials 1 and report any violations of parking1 regulations and making arrests when neces-. Sfafe-Vide Meeting To Discuss Rural Fire Protection Is Called A second state-wide meeting to discuss Rural Fire Protection has been called by Commissioner of Insurance, Waldo C. Cheek, and will be held at 10:0& a.m., Decem ber 3, 1952. in the Assembly Room of tne Kowan county Liorary in Salisbury; North. Carolina. - ' ' At this conference, tt 4s expected a definite plan will be agreed to concerning areas qualifying for col lection of Firemen's Relief Fund Tax, preferred, procedure In the organization of fire districts and municinak wl shins to extend Pre taction to rural areasV and areas qualifying for reoucec; tire msur ance rates.-'" ' : . " This meeting follows a previous statewide nwetirif held in Salis bury in October at'wnicn time a of their study at the meeting in Hold Southeastern The Southeastern District Feder ation of , Home Demonstration Clubl held its Eighth Annual Meet ing at the Shawton High School at Lllllngton .North Carolina. -? The theme of the meeting was, Today's, Home Builds Tomorrow's World.' Greetings to the delegates was giv en by Mrs. Pernicy Swinson, Pres ident of the Southeastern District Federation, and Mr. J. S. Spivey, Principal of the Shawton High School. 1 The address was given by Mrs. Harriet Pressly, Woman's Program Director for Radio Station WPTF, Raleigh. " Mrs. Pressly spoke on 'Making a Career of Homemaklng Mrs,? Pressly in her address said that the home-maker was (D a peace maker, doctor and nurse. She stated that the homemaker in the - Home Demonstration Clubs should challenge' themselves and go out and get 'new members into the clubs. 'The women of the Home Demonstration Clubs should work more in the churches, and the edu cation of the child and community activities, such - as P.TA, are also Rev: John Grant: Is TAX SON ,Thft Reverend John Grant, ministerial student of Car ter Bible College, Goldaboro, has accepted the pastorate of the Mil ler's Chapel Free Will Baptist (Church near' Faison, and will preach , there ' . each . .second l and fourth Sunday, it was announced by offivlasa of the Church. Rev.' Mr. Grant is an ordained minister of the Wilmington Con ference of the Free Will Baptist Negro Home Demonstration Club Women Miller's Chapel Free Will Baptist Church ExaminationslSetForPositi Substitute Clerk At The United States Civil Service Commission announces an opening competitive examination for' the position of substitute clerk. War saw, N. C. Post Office. At entrance salary of this position is one dol lar and sixty ens 1-8 cents per hour.. '.- v .; v V v.., '. 1 Applications for this position will be' accepted by the Director, 4th U. S. Civil Service Region, Tem porary. Building, 3rd and Jef Vcrs:ySeOT-yafer Bond Bids Are Out Officials of Warsaw have announ ced the bids en the water and sew er bond project have been rejected: 'I'nis ran several tnousana aouars 1 her than money allotted. Bids vi . J be reopened on the project in the early erring. .' .. rrfcpre is no escarp the fact f at r I '..( r our nr i nor any i ,r( it It' 3 t " :ie Com- erty for private purposes. It Is a violation of the law to usurp school property for private purposes without permission of' officials. COURTING COUPLES, TAKE NO TICE. The flagrant disregard for decency and respectability on the part of some of you has made this action necessary, vj . Salisbury. Members of this com mittee Include Chief Jack Wake field, Guilford College Fire Depart ment Guilford County; Mr. H. E. Williams, Safety Engineer, Field crest Mill, Rockingham County; Chief p. L. Cox; Durham Fire De partment, Durham County; Chief A. A. Ferryman, Wrigbtsboro Fire De partment, New Hanover County; Mr John . Wallace, Troy Fire Department Montgomery County; Chief Harold V. Glover, South Sal isbury Fire Department, Rowan County; Mr.- Hugo Heidenrelcb, re presenting Mecklenburg County; Mr. Wally Dunham, Forsyth Coun ty Commissioner, Forsyth County. 'Invitations to this meeting have been extended' to County Commis sioners Fire Departments. Mayors, Protection; District Meeting the responsibility of the homemak er. Mrs. Pressly concluded her address by saying that a house is built of wood. brlcK and stone, but a home is built of love, trust, hon esty; peace and happiness. Skits were given by . women of the following counties:- Cumber land, on "Family Budgeting'; Har nett County, 'Aims, tt Objectives of Home Demonstration Clubs:' John son County, 'Use of Modern Cleans lng Equipment : and Wake Coun ties 'The Importance of Using En riched Cornmeal.' ' The members of Duplin County Home Demonstration Clubs who at tended were as follows: Mesdames Marie S. McCalop, Naomi Huff in. Emma Wallace, Emma Powers, Dorothy Powers, Edna Wallace, Es- telle Bryant, caiiie Stevens, Jar- earet Herring. Florence Ingram,' and Davetta Herring. The report of the Achievements made by Du- plin County for the year was given by Mrs. Marie McCalop of Warsaw, . By Mrs. F. W. Conbett Negro Home, Demonstration ' ; : Agent. . . New Minister At Denomination. Miller's Chapel is a member of the Cape Fear Con ference, Mr. Grant is a native of Snow Hill in Greene County. For several years he was the full time pastor of Mill Street Free Will Baptist Church in Rocky Mount. ; In connection with the Miller's Chapel pastorate, he will serve the Turkey F.WS. Church each first and. third Sunday. : , V , . Warsaw Post Office ferson Drive, S. W.; Washington ,25, D. C. until further notice. ' Competitors will be required to report - for written examination! which will Jie held as soon as prac ticable after the date set- for the close of receipt ; of 'applications. Full- information, and application blank may.' be obtained from Sec retary, Board of U. S. Civil-Service- Examiners, at the Warsaw Post Office, North Carolina. Reprted B:I!ar Last reports from Sheriff Ralph Miller state he is doing fine in a Kinston hospital where he under went an emergency operation last week for appendicitis. -He Is ex pected to be back home in a few ays.v -.: , . 'I.'. , 4i IlKievementTjgjDec. 3rd. f - :S ' ' r " : ' ' " " " i ' ' i " , U ' iii I The Duplin County Home Dem- Lodgtf Supper Here At School Lunch ; St "John's Xdge, A.F. & AM. will hold the' regular December supper ' at the local school lunch room on December 4th. Repair work in the lodge dining hall makes this necessary. Regular commun ication: will be held in the lodge hall Immediately following the sup per.l, , .-.r-'.'.-.lr -.'A . i i . . : 25:Year Old lleqro John Dee Newkirkt 25 year old colored man was arrested Saturday night,-November 22 for raping Elno Rose Huffln, 18 year old colored girl at Cabin, . . John Dee Newklrk went into the negro joint and -stuck -knife ag ainst Elno Rose Huffin's back and trrahbed her by the hair on the back of her head and made her go out side to a car parked near toy, where he choked her and bit ner in sev eral places and . raped her. After the act was completed the girl got away from him and went to Wallace where she took out a warrant for him. Constable John Butts and Po liceman E. W. Whitaker made the arrest. , : The hearing was before L. R. Brown. Newfirk plead not guilty but probable cause was found and he was placed in the Duplin County Jail to be held without bond un til the next term of Superior Court in January. . . . y' - Pvt. John Kennon Plans Exercises ALASKA Army paratrooper Pvt. John C. Kennon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Furnnie Kennon, Route 2, Kenansville, N., C, winds up the final phase this week of his participation in isxereise warm Wind, a test of United States Alas kan 'defenses. .A .... . . The exercises began for him al most a month ago when he was airlifted from Fort Campbell, Ky., to Alaska in th longest military airlift on record Since that time he has been glyiA-iold weather in doctrination and pitted against an enemy 'aggressor force, in re alistic, cold weather maneuvers which included a paradrop of more than 300 ld0Wfrom his regi ment." """-'Ijv: " He has participated with elem erita from 'AkSiForce. Navy, and ifrilTdfefenseVttuifStflf Alaska In a rlald exercise' .'to' test eauioment, supplies and logistical support for artic fighting', He was fully equip ped with ite-plates cold-weather and special cldthing, ' An assistant flO-mm. mortar gun ner In Ckmpair.M the 303d Air borne Reginwntit-ipombat Team, Private KenhrtKn(ered the Army in uctooer. iwaxv.vy Mrs. Haittie DaU .' Mrs. Hattie Dail, 64, widow of Octave Dan of Mt. Olive, died Wed nesday Nov.- lath at 8 a. m. in a Ra leigh hospitals Surviving are four daughters. Mrs Vernon Batchelor, of Mount Olive with whom she liv ed, Mrs. W. C. Smith of Ingold, Mrs. Ralph Johnson of Roseboro, and Mrs. . Robert - Lamb of Fort Bragg; one sister, Mrs. Matthew Bell of Mt. Olive, Route 2. Funer al services were held Thursday at 3 p. m. in the chapel of the Tyndall funeral home, with the Rev, Russell Harrison, pastor of the Methodist Church, officiating, and burial was in Maplewood Cemetery. Let yourself and not your words oreach for you. ; Radicalism isn't a principle it's a stomach condition, , . II tf 1 a-'l;!! nem ror Kape SUBSCRIPTION RATE: S.50 par year in VnpUn and adjoining cniintlMt X4.A0 notsidn thla area In N. VS5.0C utald w C. Pink Hill Names Georii Turner Fire Chief; Other Men To Named to operate the new $10,- 000 lire truck received for Pink Hill last week are the -following: Fire chief, George Turner; Asst. Chief, J. V. Caudill; Captain, Jep sie Pickett; 1st Lt, Burnice Mal pass; 2nd Lt, Levi Everett. Driv ers. Alton Taylor, enns uoomos, Herman Stroud, Johnny Westbrook, New York Yankee Of Wallace Lions Club Monday champion, New York Yankees base ball team was guest speSker at the meeting of the Wallace Lions Club Monday night at 6:30 at the Amer ican Legion building there. Scarborough has pitched with the Washington Senators, Chicago White-Sox, Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees. He won five important ball games for the world champs in September which materially assisted in placing the Yankees in the October World Se ries. Claude Heeler was in charge of the program and made the arrange ments tor Mr. &car.Dorougn 5 visu. He introduced the speaker. Spe cial euests at the meeting were Coach Thell Overman and Assis tant Coach Miles Buck of Wallace High "school. Members of the ath letic teams of the school were guests of the Lions. The Yankee pitcher is a former school teacher, farmer and pickle salesman for the Mount Olive Pic- Next Monday Is Important Day In Duplin Next Monday, December 1st, will find the court house here a busy place. All officers elected in the November election will take their office and all re-elected will take the path again. The Board of County Commissioners will reor ganize and name a new chairman. Emmet Kelly will replace L. P. Wells on the board and Mrs. Chris tine Whaley Williams will replace Gilbert Outlaw in the Register of Deeds Office. . Duplin Library Board Has Meeting The Duplin County Library Board met on Wednesday of last week. County Librarian Dorothy Wightman, reported. Miss Evelyn Day Mullen, chairman of public libraries in Eastern Carolina was present and spoke oh development of public libraries in jjupun. . ane is working with the board on some of the local problems. The Duplin County Library gets state aid each year and her talk had to do with the best use of this money. The local library receives $3200 a year from the state and an annual bon us of $300 to $400. Members of the board attending were: Mes dames Lawrence Southerland, chairman; N. B. Boney of Kenans ville; W. ii. curton, liaison; raui Potter, Warsaw and Lula Herring Of Rose Hill. ' ' . The Magnolia-Rose Hill high school Juniors will present a three act Jnvsterv Slav. 1Aoartment 13' on Friday night, December 5 at 8:00 o'clock in the Rose Hill school au ditorium. Admission 25c ana tuc Juniors To Present Play 'Apartment 13' WiWMi Man jjeiy Fire Truck A 3. Taytojj,' and Wilbur Tyndall. Noezlemen J. F. Williamson, Clyde Hartman,- Aaron Murphy. Johnny Jones, Newtoert Adams and John Bell Jenkins.;' Hose-men 8am Davis, Graham Turner. Woodrow Smith, Horace Lee, Adolph Howard, Jr., and.JSth- ro niuv -' ".'..'iv,-r vi" , a Pitcher Was; Guest 11a rMn.nv i ',:W A1ttAjtA llfi Tflnmi. milounfoiiv during the off seiH son. , ' Justice Sitferson Makes Report The following is a report from Justice of the Peace C. B. Sitter son on arrest made in Duplin County recently. Aaron Peterson, R.F.D.. Mt. Olive was arrested on November 16 by Deputy Sheriff R. M. Byrd for driving a motor vehicle while in toxicated. He plead guilty and was placed under a $200 bond for ap pearance in County Court. Nathanel Leroy James, Rt. 1, Maple Hill, arrested by Patrolman J. S. Briley for driving a motor vehicle without operators license. Cited to County Court. Adolph Bostic, arrested by Pat rolman F. E. Epps on November 7th for operating a motor vehicle on the public highway of N. C. with improper registration, to wit, dealers license tag for private bus iness. Cited to County Court. Edgar Holmes .arrested Novem ber 16 by Deputy Sheriff R. M. Byrd for being drunk in a public church In Calypso while church was being held. He plead guilty and was confined to Duplin County Jail for .a- period of 30 days to work the roads under supervision of the State Highway Commission. Leslie Earl Moore, arrested Nov ember IS by Patrolman C. C. Hest er for falling to stop for a stop sign where sign was properly post ed. He paid a fine of $10 and court cost. r Ossie Graham arrested by Patrol man C. C. Hester on, November 16 for parking improperly on pub lic highway plead guilty. Road sentence suspended on condition that he pay a fine of $10 and court cost. Albert Grayson Albert arrested on November 19 for speeding and falling to stop for a stop sign by Patrolman C. C. Hester. Cited to County Court. Brown Lucia-n James, arrested on November 23 for speeding by Cpl.-T. G. Brooks, patrolman, was cited to County Court. Harvey Sinclair, arrested by E. W. Whltaker, Policeman on Novem ber 22, for appearing in a drunk en condition in the town of Wal lace. , He plead guilty and paid court cost Charles Frances Cook, arrested on November by Patrolman J. S. Briley for speeding was cited to County Count. " Elwood Rudolph Heath arrested on November 21 by Patrolman Bri ley for careless and reckless driv ing was cited to County Court Rex Batls, arrested November 18 by Patrolman Briley for driving in a careless and reckless manner, tail spinning, was cited to County Court ,,v Carolo Lanier arrested on Nov ember 18 by Patrolman Briley for careless and reckless driving, tail spinning, was cited te county court. Avery Lee Cottle, on November 23 was arrested by Patrolman W' Proctor for speeding. He waseited to County Court. iVv ; James Grant Highsmith,1 arrest ed on November 25-by Cpl. Brooks for speeding was cited to County Court - - vsv . PRICE TEN CENTS onstration Federation will hold -its Achievement Day Program on Wednesday afternoon, December 3, 1952. In . the Kenansville High School Auditorium at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. J. B. Torrans, Council Chairman will preside. The theme of this Achievement Program will be 'International. Good-Will.' Miss Nancy Prltiett, I. F. Y. E. 4-H Student, just return ed from Germany will be guest speaker. She will present slides and tell of her experiences. A special guest will be Mr. Hans Framzen. a German Exchange Tea cher who will be in the county at that time. The Duplin Choral Group under the leadership of Mrs. Robert Blackmore will present a short pro gram ,f favorite hymns, followed by devotions to be presented by Rev. Lauren Sharpe, Kenansville Baptist minister. Toe various Club s outstanding achievements w!il be given by club presidents in a panel report. . OB. F. Grady, Mrs. Dempsey Smith; Maple, Mrs. Kit Brinson; Outlaw's Bridge, Mrs. M. L. Out law; Chinquapin, Mrs. E. Green; Rose Hill, Mrs. Roy Southerland;' Mineral Springs, Mrs. B. D. Lloyd; Pasture Branch, Mrs. Jack Albert son; Teachey, Mrs. Charles Hearn; Lanefield, Mrs. Herman Phillips; Hbmemakers, Mrs. James Whit field;La Place, Mrs. Lonnie Bell; Scott's Store, Mrs. Zollie Korne gay; Penny Branch, Mrs. Bill Vann; ftockfish, Mrs. Amanda Williams; Miller, Mrs. Herman Miller; Tin City, Mrs. Norman Whaley; Mays ville, Mrs. Liston Swinson; Mag nolia, Mrs. J. W. Evans; East Mag nolia, Mrs. Stacy Cavenaugh; D. S. Club, Mrs. Francis Usher; Bummer lin Cross Roads, Mrs. E. M Whit man; Bethany Chapel. Mrs. Gordon Thigpen; Friendly, Mrs. O. D. Hol land; Cabin, Mrs. Bland Nobles; Franklin, Mrs. Elbert Davis; Calyp so, Mrs .Owen Sutton. A welcome will be extended by Mrs. E. A. Newton. President of Kenansville Woman's Club. Special music selections will be given by Mrs. Florence Currie's third grade in the Kenansville school. : ,.u lITflrm RiirAjUft. nrtzAs uill AA aw arded by Mr. Leroy Simmons, County Chairman of the Duplin Farm Bureau. Mrs. David Williams will be in charge of club awards. Perfect at tendance pins and guards and read ing Certificates will be given. The attendance Cup will be awarded to the club with most members pre sent at Achievement Program. Clubs with highest scores will be given prizes by county score-keeper, Mrs. M. L. Outlaw, and prizes will be awarded to clubs having outstanding exhibits. All club members and friends of club work are invited. Following the general meeting, a social hour and tour of club exhi bits will take place in the Kenan Memorial Auditorium. The exhib its this year are shaping up to be the best yet. Many phases of clun work will be portrayed. Those Committees in Charge of arrangements are as follows: Registration, Rose Hill Club; Courtesy, Teachey Club; Program, Penny Branch flub; De-coration, B. F. Grady Club ;Exhibits, Scott's Store Club: Refreshmenls, Sum merlin Cross Roads Club; Music, Duplin Choral Group. Pauline S. Johnson Home Agent Florida Minister At Warsaw Church Next Sunday (Important Notice Rev. J. S. Garner TH.M.; of the fir.it Presbyterian Church of Orlan do, Fla., will hold services at eleven a.m. on Nov. 30. The public is cor dially invited. Army Takes 15 From Duplin The local draft board announces the names of fifteen Duplinites in ducted ireto the Army on November 17th as follows: WHITE: Johnny Whaley, Wal lace; Orvis Brown, Beulavllle; Wy att Elwood Roberts, Rt. 2, Mt Olive; Arnold Ray Strickland, Fai son; Douglas Wills Townsend, Al bertson; Clifton Herring Brock, Beulaville: Lenwood Horace Heath, Rt. 2, Mt. Olive and Leonard Rus sell Raynor, Beulaville. -COLORED: James Henry Best Warsaw; James Jerome Hatcher, Rose Hill; Guy Vernon Miller, Kenansville; David Hall, Jr., Rose Hill;. Learn on Ross Loftin, Faison; James Owen Phillips, Kenansville and Cerdozo Perciville Carlton, Warsaw. Correction The B. F. Grady Home Demon st ration Club will meet with Mrs. Scott Herring on Monday night, December 8, instead of December 1, as has been previously announc ed. The club will enjoy a Christ mas party at this time. Mrs. Demp sey Smith is President of the Club.

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