.. ij.c3AT. 27. 1..:. "- The Annual Negro Achievement Day Program was held at Wal lace Elementary School with Wil lie King Williams presiding recent ly. . Some three hundred and twenty five club members filled the audi torium la .witness the program. A 1 superb pep talk was given by Miss A. M. Kenion, Supervisor of Schools In Duplin, and response was rendered by a Kenansvllle ninh member. Loretha Farrlor. Mr. ' W. C. Cooper, Negro 4-(H Club Spe cialist who made the principal ad- ress was Introduced Dy Mr. J. a. Spaulding, District Agent for the N. C. Extension Service. Mr. Coop- r's address was on the subject My hands to larger Service. Also an impressive formal instal lation ceremony ui mo - County Council officers was per formed by Mr. A. u. winiams, ie-r-her leader of the Wallace Club. New officers are Willie FenneU of Wallace, President; Ruby Coston of Warsaw, vice president; Gloria Cos ton of Wallace, Secretary; Juanlta Murphy of Wallace, treasurer; Del nhlne Bryant, reporter; Hattie Lowe of Magnolia, Song leader; and Pethual Hall of Kenansvllle, Recreational leader. ThA Rnse. Hill Jr. Club was hon ored by having the largest enroll ment of members present at the program. By R. E. Wllkins Negro County Agent NOTICE OF SALE - Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in tha certain Deed of Trust executed by Walter Houston and, wife, Katie Marie Houston, to Vance B. Gavin, Trus- esc r"tov jfthrr duii ei V 'I JiHiwi.?-'M!Ljv , ICE CREAM FOR YOUR FEAST Festival Finale To Your Thanksgiving Dinner Is A Holiday-Inspired Mold Of Delicious And Flavorful Ice Cream. Order Our Sparkling Ice Cream Fantasy Now, And Take A Bow For If Later. : , , ... j I tj 15 A TREAT C tee, and recorded in Public Reg istry of Dunlin County in Book 470, page 180, to which reference is hereby had, default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured and request hav ing been made upon the undersign ed trustee oy tne owner m iu note to foreclose said instrument. The undersigned Trustee will offer for sale and will sell to the highest bidder for cash on Wednes day, December 10, 1952 at the courthouse door In Duplin County, North Carolina at 12:00 noon the following described tract or parcel of land: ' ' a ui undivided interest In an that certain tract or parcel ef land containing 56 'acres more or less which is described in deed dated th 2nd dav of February, dm David Chambers ana wue Naomi Chambers to Katie Molver Moftowan. being recoraea in ine public Registry of Duplin County in book ao, page m. A denosit of ten per cent will be required by the highest bidder as evidence of gooa saun. Advertised this 10th day of Nov ember, 1952. . Vance B. tcaivin, Trustee 12 4 4T V.BjG. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina ' Duplin County Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed vf tmt executed by J. T. Wells to Robert C. Wells. Trustee, dat ed the 14th day I January, ..urn, and recorded in Book 426, Page 60, in the office of the Register of LOIIG TO BE REMEMBERED. WHITE ICE CREATJ Deeds of Duplin County; and under and by virtue of the authority vest ed in the undersigned as substitu ted trustee by an .Instrument of writing dated the 15th day of May, 1952, and recorded In Book 475, Page 377, in theiofflce of the Reg ister of Deeds of Duplin County, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness there by secured and the said deed of trust being by "the terms thereof to foreclosure and the holder of the indebtedness thereby secured hav ing demanded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness, the undersigned sub stituted trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the hignest bidder for cash at the couroouse door in Kenansvllle, North Caro lina, at twelve o'clock, noon, on tne 2nd day - of - December, 1952, the land conveyed In said deed ox trust. the same lying and being in Du-r plin County, North Carolina, and more parucuany oescrwea as ioi lews: : iSBCimmsa at a stake' in the South right of way line of N. C. Highway No. 41, the Northwest corner of a tract previously con veyed to J. T. Wells. 100 ft. west ward with the highway line from the center of a ditch on Mrs. Rob erta Pickett's line; and running thence with the South line oi Hign way No. 41, N. 40.20' -W 100 ft. to a stake; thence parallel to J. T. Wells West line, and to, the ditch on . Mrs. Pickett's Una, s 31.50' W about 550 ft to a stake in a drain; thence up the drain, East ward to a stake, J. T. Well's corn er; thence with his line, parallel to the ditch on Mrs. Pickett's line N 31.50' East 462 ft to the BEGIN NING containing 1.1 acres more or less. This 6th day of November 1952. Winifred T. Wells Substituted Trustee 11 27 4T W. T. W. NOTICB OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in that cer tain deed of trust from J. H. Jones and wife, Ahma Jenes and Nettie Jones, Single, to R. N. Summer gill. Trustee for J. F. Mohn Mer cantile Company, dated March 26, 1952, recorded In Book. 472, Page 221, Duplin County Registry,, and (WnuTr having been made in the payment of the indebtedness there by secured and said deed of trust being by Ma terms subject to fore closure, ana request naving umu made on the undersigned trustee by the holder of tne inaeweaness to foreclose the same, the under signed trustee will offer for sale and will sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door, Kenansvllle. N. C at the hour of D2 o'clock noon, on Monday, Dee ember 8th, 1052 all of the follow ing described tract of land, viK -Beginning at a stake on the Mill Swamp road and runs with Alonao Fountain's Una South 624 East 88 poles to pine, Wilson Fountain's corner, then with nis Une North 68 East 38 poles tp a gum near the mill path, then North 1 West 69 poles) to a black gum, a 10 Fountain's corner, then South 84 West 29 Poles to a short straw pine near the canal of a prong of gravelly ran, then Norm 81 West 20 poles, then with the run North 824 West 20 poles and 8 link to the mill swamp road, a.'.'TTI. .') ,;ii'tV jIkiV .. .. 3f, 81 l' 8 ! then with the. road South 6V4 Eat 4714 poles, then South SY East 13 moles and 8 links to a pine stump, then South 22V4 West 16 poles and 14 links to the beginning, contain ing 8m acres, and being tne same land described in a deed from Lu clnda J. Jones to Joe Jones and Alma Jones, recorded in Duplin County Registry in Book 307, page 376 to which reference is had. , A deposit of ten percent will be required of the successful bidder. This the 7th day of November, 1052. R. N. SUMMERSHX, Trustee 1244TS&S 'i NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In The Superior Court Before The Clerk S. P. North Carolina Duplin County Ivey W. Eakes, Administrator of the estate oi jrreaenca;. vrreai Smith and Ivey W. Eakes, individ ually', k :.r.:. .','.. ' ' i vs Elizabeth ISmlth; . Clarissa Ann Smith; Joseohlne Smith Stroud; Anna Smith Stroud and husband. Clayton Stroud: Mamie 'bourn Sheppard and husband, Clarence Sheppard; Thelma Smith Sander son and husband, John Hill Sand erson Christine Smith Page and husband, Herman Page; Sadie Do ris Smith; D. L. Smith; Chaneey Tvev -Smith and : wife. Maggie Smith; Ruth Odessa Smith Jones and nuaoano, mutton ione; emma Jean, Sackett and husband, Fred Sackett; Inez. Smithy Quino and husband. ' '- ''' y ' .: Thomas H- sjuuui; naison emim, Turner It wife, Hattie Lee Turner; William P. Bakes and wife, Julia Baker Eakes; Roy Leon Eakes and wife Eleanor Eakes; Graver Knoaes and wife, Gladys Smith Rhodes; Allen K. Rhodes and wife, Eloise T. Rhodes: Annie Catherine HAM- es and Edna Grace Smith, a minor, Represented in this Action by her Guardtsn Att utem. The defendants, Ruth Odessa Smith Jones and Clifton Jones, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court cf Duplin County, North Carolina, by' the plaintiff above named acalnst the defendants, to sell tb Frederick (Fred) Smith, deceased, lands as set forth and described on that map as recorded in Book 216, page 190, of the Duplin County Regis try to create assets to pay debts, and in which the defendants are interested, and which cause of ac tion is set forth in the petition fil ed in this cause, and that the said defendants," Ruth Odessa Smith Jones and Clifton Jones, are nec essary narties to this action: and that the defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin Coun ty, at the courtnouse- in iunans ville, North Carolina, on the 10th day of December, 1992. and answ er or .demur to the petition, filed in this action which has been duly filed in said office, or on or. before the 1 day . of January. 1063. or tha plaintiff will apply to the' Court for relief demanded in tne petition. This the 10 day of November, 1062. k. v. .weus - Clerk Superior Court H. E. FhUllns. Attv. 12 4 4T H. E. P. 'Don't worry, fuss or lose your temper optimism and cheerful ness are the world's best tonic.; ANT QUXNTOT Steam -Cared Godwin Building and Block Co., Inc. t Phone 500 WARSAW N. C. V! DR. H. W. COLWEU. Optometrist i Wallace. North Carolina " Office Phone: 2051 Residence: 8446 A. J. Cavenaugh Jeweler n :' DIAMONDS : WATCHES Watch A Jewelry REPAIRING tc ENGRAVING Wallace. N. Cv i . TTDALL FUNERAL HOME IN MOUNT OUTE PHONE 2S0S Home of Wayne-Dnolla ' Burial AssortaCNMi ' Eureral Directors Embabntra AmbuaneeSerrlee Day or Nlcht THE DUPLIN TIMES Published each Thursday in Kenansvllle, N. C Ceonty Seat of Editorial, business office and printing plant, Kenansvllle, M. C j 1. ROBERT GRADT, EDITOR OWNER ' Entered At The Post Offloe, KenansvlUe, N. C,' : , 4 as second claw nutter. , - l TELEPHONE Kenansvllle, Day 285-6 Wight 21S-1 SUBSCRIPTION BATES: $3.5 per year in Duplin, Lenoir; Jones,. Onslow, Pender, Sampson, New Hanover and Wayne counties; 14.50 per year oatside this area in North Carolina; , and $5.00 per year elsewnere. ', i "y t .(': ; ';; 'fi''j ' , Advertising rates, furnished, on reouest' A Duplin County Journal, devoted to the nucleus, material, r edurntional, economic and agtseultoral development ef Duplin - t-ouuiy. U st mt f-5 MATIOMAl b... ' Many of our deciduous shrubs and plants may be easily propagat ed by means of hardwood cuttings.. Examples are spirea, crape myrtle, forsythia, ; jasmine, figs, bunch grapes, privet, gooseberries,, cur rants, and many others. - . This is a good time of the year to make deciduous cuttings. Good, strong wood of last summer's growth is (best . for this purpose. The cuttings may be made in leng ths of eight to ten inches and tied in bundles of ,25 to 50 cuttings. If you have access to cool storage (38 to 40 degrees) the cuttings may be stored in boxes of moistened peat or sand. Otherwise, they may be buried In a mound of sand or sandy soil out-of-doors where they can be shielded from the sun's rays. Before growth starts )n soring, the cuttings must be taken up and planted in rows or beds for rooting. - . ,, About two-thirds of the base. or bottom end of the cutting should be inserted below the surface of the soil and -one-third above the surface. . It is necessary that at least one good bud Is above the j 'QUESTION: How can I prevent molasses from going to Sugar? , ANSWER: ! If you do not have any control over the manufactur ing process," about the only way to prevent sugar crystallization is to mix a little water with the mol lasses .according to George H. Wise, head of the animal nutrition sec tion, department of animal Industry at W. C. Bute College. Wise points out that sugar for mation Is a common occurrence when too. much water has been removed in the cooking of the juice in Dreoannff molasses. . . . . ut wouia .e cinicuit to maw STATE COLLEGE HINTS "L. INTERIOR , (DECORATION: Perhaps you ve been thinking that you need to spend a lot of money to redecorate your home. You don't. Why spend a great deal of money on expensive new furni ture pieces when you 'can really work miracles with colors . Even In the most inexpensive materials, color will do wonders. A Analyze your room as it is now before you begin doing any full- scale renovating or redecorating. What , colors doyou have nowT What colors do your family mem bers like? If possible, tit down with the whole family and plan your new color schemesif you do so, every one will feel that he has had a part in .the redecorattogh-t , BUYING MEW MATERIALS: - When you are redecorating your sti bihh'i'.w) yhwDTH ,s.u. 1 J.'.i,.' (ji::::id cows r.or.3 FlUltim i in 6W m . j t j. : '.' E DITORI At 0 , .IUL mM a. surface of the soil. Instead of stor ing the cuttings over winter in bun dles they may he planted out in cold frames or even directly in nursery or garden rows as soon as they are cut from the plant. Us ually, however, the former method gives a higher percentage of root ing. ;;...;-: - :...,. :f-.s. :vriv..-...; . Although bunch grapes are eas ily propagated by means of hard wood cuttings, this is not true of most varieties of muscadines. . The scuppernong is' especially difficult to root Jn this manner For these it is better to .layer the vines that is, to cover a young vine with a shovelful of earth while it is still-attached to the parent plant. In one growing season roots will usually form and the new plant may be detached from the, parent and moved to the desired location. Dipping the basal end of the cut ting in rootone powder just be fore planting out in the nursery row or coldframe will often cause Quicker rooting and a better set of roots. Rootone may be obtained at any large seed store. , A- cate the exact quantity of water that should be added to prevent crystallization, but the thickness of the syrup at tha average room temperature would be one possible way of determining the extent of dilution,' Wise asserts. He points out that if the syrup is too thin either from the original or from the dilution, spoilage may take place or the taste may be im paired. ; 4. :.;.: '....-.J. Chilling promotes ssugar crystal lization, therefore keeping molas ses in a warm place will lessen this action. ,.. i, ,.. it i.ji,. V home or certain rooms of your home and plan to add a little more color -by making new draperies or slip covers, . remember these sac tors when you go material shop ping. .....vt.- 1. .-.-.-; W ' .;.n-f 1. c&eck tne xaftrlc laoels t be certain that the colors are, fast Study tha design and color com binations carefuly- Simple, subdu ed designs are much easier to live with, over a long period of , time than gaudy prints. . 2. , When buying the material, keep in mind the, other colors in the room. Avoid using too. many colors in one room.-1- , 8. Often times the light in a store will play tricks. - Examine the color! of the fabric In the day light before buying just to be cer tain that tha colors are. what you want . v. 4. j Closely study the weave of the material. Is it firm enough to be used as a drapery material,' or wui it stretcn out oi soaps witn hangihg? u, tVrvil mtoui 8. What is the composition of the materlaL Can it be laundered or will it have to be dry cleaned? ft If the. material can be laun dered,- has it been pre-shronk? Check all tne manufacturer's lab els carefully before buying. ' . NOTICE State of North Carolina. County of Duplin. , in the matter of the estate of R. J. BROWNING. Deceased., The undersigned, having Quali fied as administrator of the estate of R. J. Browning, deceased, late of Duplin County, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all' per sons naving claims against the said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 24th day of October 1953. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make im mediate payment to the undersign ed. This the 23rd ; day of October 1952.- . W. M .Browning, administrator R. J. Browning estate. Latham A. Wilson. Atty. V 12 4 6T L. A. W. -! r good motoring manners is the best life insurance you can get xne average man on the street is far happier than the millionaire with his troubles and fears. V: Until the money question is set tled no man can know when he in betting his bottom dollar. oooooooooooo For Sale : I SASH) DOUES, SIIEET. ROCK WOOL, PLAST- 'ERr!LIMEi' CEMENT, BRICK, M02TAR, ; VAlOTS, TERRA-COT- ft TA PIPE, DRAIN TILE, WIHTE ASBESTOS SL DING, ASPHALT.: 1 SHINGLES, ALL KIND - ROLL EOOmiG, 5-V ; ;.; ckrip tin 'r.c.c-riNG ' And Dr.ic:: siding rock, xocn -lAtii n ( " ' J. Lm-JV -El Camlno' Real-4he Royal Highway stretAes from San Diego to Sonoma, The old road is now approximately the same as U. S. Route 101 travelled by thousands of. cars daily. ? The first man to travel this road and it was not 'a road then but a trail an much of it fraught with danger was Don Caspar De Portola, the first governor of California. The road linked the twenty one missions established by the padres and later confiscated by the Spanish, government and most of them were founded by Fray1. Junlpero Serro-who lies burled at Mission San Carlos Bor remeo en Carmel. Many of the other missions are better known, the ruined San Juan Capistrano, the splendidly preserved mission at Santa Barbara, the restored one at San Gabriel. ; But none . , has the setting of Carmel where sleep Father Serra and his faithful padres who did so much, to found the missions of California.. IK commands one of the most beautiful views in all the state, on a little knoll -overlooking the river, within sound of the booming ; surf as it crashes against Point Lobos, and sheltering mountains to the north, 1 east and south. The water is bluer here, the break ing surf whiter and the agless cypress and pines greener than any place along the coaste z:'-''!:!?' 'M-tH-J'Vfli ' With all Us splendid history, there are, shameful and bloody chapters along El Camlno Real. The Indians were far worse than slaves of the missions if they attempted to .escape they were dragged back and whipped into submission. C ftW s S v; It is no wonder that most of the, missions were very wealthy so wealthy that the Spanish government became envious and took them away from the control of the Church. One of the first eyewitness accounts was written by Jean Francoise de la Perouse who came to Monterey in 1766. . He was In port only " ten days and introduced the potato to California. He wrote: The Indian population of San Carlos consisted of seven hun- ' dred and forty persons of both sexes, Including children. They live in a miserable condition, worse than the animals. The mom-, ent an Indian allows himself to be baptised that moment he re- -lidqfuished every, particle of liberty, and subjected himself, body and soul, to a tyranny from which there was no escape. His spirit was entirely broken, and the Indians are driven to their work like cattle.' ft-- v. ;:'.v. &f,' , It is interesting to note the consequences of the so-called sal vation of the Indians under MIssIonizatlon. From a total of 30,000 In 1769, the number of . Indians toSouthem California declined to approximately 1,250 by 1910. The seeds of this decline were sown by the Franciscans. So far as the poor Indian was concerned contact with the missions meant death. ; , If you have a highway, you'll have highwaymen.' There were J several famous, or Infamous ones who operated .along the Royal Highway in the period following the gold rush. All three were Mexicans and all three hated Americans. The most romantic, one . the man whose name struck terror in the hearts of the people up ' and down El Camlno Real was Joaquin Murrleta. The details of " his career are lurid and legendary, but it is known that he was , born in Mexico, and came to California with .his very attractive ' young wife named .Carmen in 1849. He was an excellent shot, , skillful with a lariat, was a superb knife thrower and a supreme horseman. f. A-.-.. t;; v'i:;,.';;,,::''', . f At first he operated alone. He haxl a devilishly cool manner and a highly dramatic ability he disguised himseld as laborer, . a priest a cowhand or even a woman. He waited in ambush for a solitary traveler, then he, would lasso him, cut his throat and:, ride away with whatever wealth the victim possessed. Soon he became a leader of a gang, as evil a bunch of tough bombres as any In criminal history. His most dependable killer was a beetle-1 browed, pock-marked sadistic hall-breed called Three Fingered J. (Jack. e. -';..:V. ;!;',.-,a ; v iil-v---' U j-- Burrleta was evidently a man of great daring and courage and would play cards for hours in a public saloon, defying the danger of recognition. If his, name happened to be mentioned in a derogatory way, ha would upset the table, scatter the cards and draw a gun saying, "Be more careful of your words, senoraC for I am Joaquin Murrleta,. Than he would light a cigarette and ' calmly walk out the door. for all tola romantic tradition, the end ' of Murietta and his chief Heuteoant was grisly enough. He was eventually captured ,after"a seWom-equalled career of rape1 and arson robbery and murder by Captain Harry Love and Us rangers and bis head was cut off so the rangers could claim the reward . and exhibited to Californlans all over the state for a dollar admls fSion fee,. r, , . ' i p p: ... , . iwwi, m viuiunm ,uu went on aner tne era oi the highwayman bad passed Into history. Tha bandits were crude amateurs compared to the government at Washington with their IniquKoui Land Act They could and did take every bit of your property from your last acre to your last cow. Many a. native Californlan with a large rancho rued the day the gringo came. The bandits wanted your money or your life. ;: The gringo took OOth.. si:'tti 1 &mi ,i3!'"fX fit iJ58 ".'torii - ft! -r.-. --i Yes, California hat a past and a rather horrible one. In hia book first called IThe Land of Gold and recently re-fssued under the title Dreadful California; Hlnton Helper wrote: , ,eMdsaioB, profligajcy and vice confront us at every step The grog-shops or tippling houses constitute the last but not the ' least prominent feature of Montgomery street The devil has cer- tainly met with more than usual success in establishing so many : of these,-his recruiting officers, in this region. '' What to worse, nearly one fourth of the bars are attended by young females of " the most dissolute and abandoned character, wbo use every, de vice to-entice and mislead the youthful and unsuspecting. , r" ' If you remain an hour or two in this vicinity, you will probably v see a police officer rolling a lady In a wheelbarrow. Intoxication is quite common among the ladles in this section. 1 may not be 1 . a competent judge, but this much I will say, that I have seen purer '-" liquors, better -cigars; finer tobacco truer guns and pistols and ' larger dirks and bowie knives and nrettier ivnnte7on. t,m ti,.. In any other place I have ever visited; and .it is my unbiased opinion that California can and does fumUh the, horf- tuii thinam i that are, obtatoable;in America.? . '.?'..: " v.i m: -n ,-v;3it,i,-vi'.v:.f;,,,i,,ii,, , Another note to John Bragaw: v Have you read recently the , '. " delightful words of Charles Brooks essay, On Turning Into Forty? Should fee required reading for all grandmothers and grandfath- ' ers, too. . I quote from his Chimney Pot Papers. - ' ' hWi'A. pleasant picture is it not a grandfather in a cap your. :. toy war air, nuBging your coiu smns in tne cnimney corner? , ' Is It not a brave end to a stirring business?; Life, they say, is a ' journey up and down hill aspirations unattamed and a mild " Trait AtiotlASi at 4- ilvum O ltair nrlnl iU J -A. !, uanu a wiins. nauu JLV UUVUUW IU1U ttb Ulilly-: at best, the lights of a little village, the stir of water on the stones, t : and Silence. ') ;"': 'lu'c;''--; ;-S",.v' ::.-' :'Kt:f Is it true? ; Do we not reiterate a lie? .1 deny bid age. It ) , false belief, a bad philosophy dimming the eyes of generations, ' ' Men and women may wear caps, but not because of age. In each one's heart, if he permit a child keeps house to the very end. ' I have yet to know that a relish for Shakespeare declines, of the love of one's friends, or the love of truth and beauty. "' Youth does not View the loftiest peaks. It Is at sunset that the tallest ' castles rise. - t ' My dear sir, if no rim of mountains stretches up before you, ' it is not your age that denies you but the quality of your thought The journey has neither a beginning nor an end. Now is eter-' -ntty.- Our birth Is but; a signpost on the road our going hence, another post to mark transition and our progress. The oldest, stars are brief lamps upon our way. We shall travel wisely if we see peaks and castles all the day, and hold our childhood in our r : hearts. Then, when at last the night has come, we shall plant our second post upon a windy 'height where It will be first to " ; 'catcli the dawn. j-r '"'',' ,, fr :::; :(--'-A : '-.n' ' & I " ' , ' i 1 - j j t No holiday" in the year brings such nostalgia, such home-.' ' , . sickness as Thanksgiving. That time of all times, we long to -' 'be back at Greentrees observing all the customs that have be-' come tradition through the years. Inviting all the lonely people In the neighborhood who have no families to share our festive , ' . board, the kids at school who live too far awav to m homa la mi - of it. Toasting all the members of the family, all the Greentrees gang related by love and friendship if not by blood-ties to another t part. The huge blazing fires in all five fireplaces adding to the' .cheer and good-will. The custom ;that each person shall say for what he is most thankful. The dinner with three kinds of pie and :two kinds of cake the sweet cider to-drink pressed in our own cider press from our own apples, the huge-turkey surrounded by strings of cranberries, and cranberry sauce made from 'the 'cranberries that grow by the Elf s Rockr , For all the many mem bers of the Greentrees gang all over the world, a special wish that you have a happy Thanksglving-t shall think of each of you that ' ' Attn mJ WAMnUAH . J A 1- . ' w.j auu icmtauuK fvu who wve this holiday. ';"',.;; ,:',? - ) as i say tne urace that we say at ! - Be present at our table, Lord, , Be here and everywhere nrtonvl, ( . T' -! !!'---' i j " . , r. i- t r-i we"- "'..'' T IT. C. r - ! -