Two Sections 14 Pages This Week ''ill, -.' '.V-:,v '.nAV'- ' 11 ',i V r tuqJxh WtI3W--T?uM- J-tU, Hs uuf 1 v. r- - : - i 'i. .... 1 II-....':' I --. I . -.1 I I I I - C .V I ' 1 t . . I I.I 111 11 ' t VOI20: JJJD.77 ' Section I KENAN6VILLE, N3KTII CAROLINA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1353 OLD BOMBS IN DUBLIN ' The : DUa Tlme received a .note- from . xtromlnent-Galdsboro mhysidan. thlft week reading: Why Jn. the. heck doan't some ilatort- ' aUylnded pewonaUty.. prserve Aboae .jold homes. In . Kenaasville jiai aaujplln vCouaty? They look tterdbte, i ,v-?' .- - .."'- ' iVo'w. . heard 1fti.anie ARsiml AaruQuestion &aked : -ahoi old jKjmtsJa every the cvuflty ' jmd. miy ruriLaonununiaea. The location. li.DObttttJ3jiplta; hart per Ibafis.Maany.jof jou. readerhave wassedUHussey'tore on Miway S5 attthe. intewation of the! Ken umsVllle sand LaCrange . hbway itaBtoewr; kiLljeBirCGouTrtyrrom flSnpUn. "There ; theoold 'IWiatfield tiomeldBtingbbAikt to anti-fcellum tbrys ila r.not lheondi restwuon - fcntt.theBwneii.liatBi4.of-r ttMs hanUsDBie oM' home hafctraitt nBew.naodem' tafck home ta the ' Jront yard;literalbtidestrdyh3(rany ioaSlHUIUeaJOf: artoratta.Trnie Ww hone is waattrfitiibut to una a caisstoratienotrft the ol0 iHime'naald bayteerrmuc1nraore AttrmitiYa and pratoably would-not - bave ediSti any :TBie.vWe hajpen , tottMhkcftkaxlrati!rlhhioww. " Wo doubt this has been doaa. In auay phMesThelJuaiiwr yo8uy WdayVHl:lll. .not 'coanpare. With tthe ' niatertol "these old.fcome and t3ir , raatoratleu . could iAf (idone wo thaoughont the comaty coUUHriake Doplin a."5how place: In Eaaaarn ,pttiaa. . -y,:- KBEFltTODP: JtTDtlE STETESS iudge Henry Stevoos of Warsaw hetcUagccoart!:in.-Nw;:Bern. Cite wBk rebukd .a town policeman fer'wnning throighjraffic light Hit -rtni. SaJd ' Judee (Miiit.. coats i and braes "tuttoaa eno.njan .the righfi law. 'ir asujwior. aWtrjudge 'J . du iwe -got . no rigm . tc . break the !iiruthantihe JMejrtV cUbwnl oiacjc eor v wne. Polloe , patcoJmn and iireroea skhonld drine Jfce; anyootber ntoristg ex cept (On obpeaBjen of actual femer genejr. ttwasingaa: lawbiwakeR . stitutes uoh -ar emersancv.i bulancos 't(Kcheald reaarve ' speed Ctorjserlouscemergeacies con-Aaa. rhier It riaicowitf ftorrast-amDUWie u go like nwidtto.plc'Up tbebodi of a dead fcrvm. iaeyre( dead f,m . cney rc $SWZ tto tay, dead. MOBSCBIFTION BATE: St per year to Dimlin and adjotataf PRICE TEN CENTS eoutieat i.00 ooaid this ana U NC4 $5.09 eatelda w C. Durtnjg dhe pst week xne man has ansae to hUjdeath and. another near doath aiuiliheL issaMmr. ts went acotttee. , 4;' ,lst jSatucdayblght.'Satrblman Nortaa was called. lo tbciotne of Roaeoe dwaods. white af nenr Fountain's store. OOn atstral Not ton bntnd ?a MSarlne .sitting by the fire in 'Eiwards"- home with a snot gununandd. in his shoulder. , The story: .'Ebe :.Marine name not glwm vwentcapido that door of EdwauaV borne about . midnight and nttenratddbhre'ak&tn. Ed ward went to the oor ahd warned the KSatine. "The would be intrud er caolfrirued ' Us efforts? and Ed wards meat to tbeidoor-aiid warned glass nntther'door.The shut took effect la tthe 'Marine's 'shoulder. After. 4khe shooltng the marine aaked perrtlsirion to" -coibei -In and warm, asfarafds SAullt .a 'fire and let Mm Jn;tempg Jim that If he had toVhitn'' he',wea Cold afJl want ed to crane in aifchwarm hetwould have let im ' inrche UlAvtem was reportely.ddnihk 'v.v-!$ Norton took t the .".ilarine back to Caanp lluJeuirae Where tit was I found his injuries vwere not serJ ious. The Sheriffs office lnvestga ted and observed ttfaat Edwards saw Rivers Conner Negro was warrants have been : sworn out On Wednesday afternoon In War sew Rivwrsl Xiaoner Negro was killed tastxpily wtaken his wife fired a shot from a shot gun Into his right eye The load came out his right ear HiKvyeball was blows out Coroner . Powell empanneled a jury who turned Cooper's wife loose saytqs it -.was-, jutJiabLe homklde , ' . According to officers 1 Cooper went to the bomeu6f his wife's mo ther and attempted to force his entrance through tthe front door, which was locked Falling he wentr arouna to tne side and tore the screen from at -wiatdow Be raised! the window atnd his wife told him1 it he attempted to enter she would shoot him He itatsed l-his ' leg and' caugni ms - Knee 'sntbe window sill in an afttemptUnooawI through when she Shot ibhttlThe couple were sepacated asn sshe and her children had -gone 'home to her moter's to' live ' ; Rev. LlilJiatefiAccepts Ajpoiiftment To l!::J Di.7lin 1953 Red Cross Drive Pastor -Of the OOnUaw's 'Bridee VnlversBHstOOhnrch-nrill head the 1993 Sad aSrossTMv In Duplin. Mr. Pratet-aays'-hehas his organ- mMjtmrnvjuuM up' and is ready,U.atrttthe drive off -with a bang. J v " - Mn Praterlisvurallitoown thru out the eoiwrtrhhavlnji come hare h way (tin June ffiATitoasccep the pastar- paic vm. ih mm Bin a. tf3uauK cnursu. ie lives inttaeccmirciriftome thene. Jfe also aems ttbeXInston Uni versalist Chnroh.lHeii'was born fen Srowowoafl "Ttuss jtaod attendee public schools ' hi 'Sweefcwaiter FU. 3He attended coS4ogert3St Law-1 waca university Canton N. Y. gaaduatbig in .C37. Hn ! 1029 he 1 J sajitluatediranlt,rLawnce The-1 (dlfgleal.r;.,,, 4ttebeS : Texas rJcr PtifciiFcr Dcrfb Grcz? - 0 Chnkts Csvos Into Cocrty Hi Construction Begins On Duplin Hospital ' ' '' ' a y-t a. l 1 VA ThiMlIn mSVMSD MBS. EUGENE HAGEB V r ATfTMrnwifiiM' hm(H c I-ST?" aro.-wssisippi. as an.AwiycOhapliiln In 1 and llaser to the Pacific Senator at;i .arrss jjlabaton 'Was chttCkUng .'mar ta ohacge of findictmamt ttbteiwak. The Senator rsald that duttag :feis oentlnerjprac Itlce of Jaw jtbts :b tMte .'first -such charge b feaa oae ,ln eaatact Tisflth. It's a rKtrmflliTeedu peahen , ,a father neglMts ibis ffamilyrthat his wife should aeek the courts fjp la fordalilmitoimaJteittple provisions for this lamUy. Also lit Is-jpu might any nonml -pwetbtte for the father or jnoflier of aa iUlifHlmate child to take" every I Patd Lambert, XI, tweQ-knawa jpreeaution In thfdr power tto (too- f farmer and bustaessmaa -of rtaly rwNu w uuornMiaajn nr inciaeiw iu bmbu -w a sewsitiuaEm-insioi y Sisrlng WanuTWar3lJhMr. Prat er served Qallarnla theataa. fforithe ps8tB)5atfJs.serv cd as district tchtirenaa f the Gady and OuthW Jhiidge sarea L REV. I C nUUTEB Bed , Cross drive In ;the rB. F. .A recent regrouping, of Duplin Missionary Bautlst Church brings into .the. county, a new pastor and his -wife. to .work, among our peo ple. "They -are . Bev. and Mrs. Eu- LgeneIHger..JVIr..Hager will serve the maw ;group jot . Alum Springs (Garnetfs ChapeL and Jones Chapel onurcnes. ne ana Mrs.. Hager are making .their : home .in . the Her TingTs JStaire .community In the house ifotmerly . occupied by Buck atterringand-are already becoming very popular .in the community and ithe:church: communities they aeree. -They come to Duplin from Greensboco.:Mr..Hager is 24 years aid. auey rJiave no children. He is Jt :ttattYO.of Huntersyllle N. C. and. attended Mars Hill Colloge and Wake Forest. He attended Southern Baptist Theological Sem inary in Louisville Ky. where he receive his B. D. degree. Prior to coming to Duplin he was assistant pastor of the Immanuel Baptist Church In Greensboro. Duplin is his first full time pastorate. Mrs. Hager was the former Miss Lou Bagwell of Asheville. 'She attended Mars Hill College and the Baptist Training School in Louisville. Before the regrouping Garner's Chapel grouped with Mt Olive and 'Alum Springs and Junes Chapel with Kenansville. Star TUSatre InBeulaville .- The olid anaaasvivsyrior the new built Thosa who have mm ttw In BeauIaYille as the old Model work going oh say you will hardly xuibw owneresnip ana recognize me oia snow place. bsojnHhp new Star Theatre.1 , Saturday, February J4th is the Ms. ud Mfi:ffiob Itetaorest,T(ibo ' date "set fttc the,opening. The dooos Duiatxne roid aioaei several years to Jtna new sstar will open at 6:30 ago, 'haw -oia iltito:Messrs. BUI -pan. Saturday and the show' will '---'HHHil iiHiiiriim-i V The photograph reproduced here is one of the best ever taken of the Great Emancipator. It shows President Lincoln as he looked while leading the nation through one of Its mot trying hours. Lincoln's Birthday, February J2 ' at: oroKierr trfpomflhe public tint Mother in BJupiin tnis moath changed the swder. , '."-,ir. - HmfHe StalUngs esteeed as auing Jethro Williams Jr. colored stu dent at A & T College for non .support -of her twin chUdrea both out of wedlock. The warrant reads ( in parts as follows: "Laellle fital r lings Awing duly sworn eompteins t and says that in said County xof Duptwi dmstoha Township n or about Jthe 21st of December 1S2 i Jethra WUUams Jr. AM unlawful- ly and wilHuHy and . maliciously negiecc ana reuse to support and maintain his twin llllgttlmate . children -tegtrtt upon the body of LutHUe Stallings and born (November 0 1932 namely Jacque- lin and OwemMsm StalUngs and j he continues to -willfully neglect and refuse ta auppart said child ren" -..V - ,. i The trial will be field February Kth In the Town Hall m Warsaw at 2:30 p-m Senator fohnston: Is I representing the mother,. the death a sutdde, Neither -mem ber f the family ar (Close friends could aassign a reaaan aorxhe art. Faneral services ware held Tue day at. 3:30 p. m. at the-8aptist Church in Calypso, conducted rhy tne pastor.. the Her. wtte Barnes. Burial w in the Lamhert ffamlly cemetery, near, the home. ; - .. Survhting are his wife, the for mer Eva 'Berwick of Mt Olive; a. dauBfater. ln Kllvn of hn tutma-' this- mataer. Mrs. Oscar (Lambert -f Calyaso: two- brotheu James 'taT Calypso and Robert Lambert vaf'poldsboro; and a sister, Mrs. 3boraon B. jacikson or Calypso. wound 'between 7 am. sand '1240 P; m. aConqay. His body was 'foaad In his packed aT by his brother- in-law, aorjtan J acksa oout r&B) When her husband failed to -come to lunch at noon as ousutln fllrs. Lambett telephoned tnefj hame of his Ulster, Mra. Jadfcson.' to lnfluire if he had stoooed thereJ When Jackson left his heme tol jnyesugase me saw am Dews car; parked in a field aear the Lambert: home. n the driver's seat was the, slumped body of Lambert with I Lambert yfB a member of -the his jplstol beside lit and a buUetj Baptist' Church, the American LeW note aarougn tae sampie. ' &W ana tne vaffsaa Kuntam uutt iQoranor Guraaan Powell ruled v , EI;dric Sccra Board lo he lasfcJIed ? Kcnd'atodtt ' 0 ) v . , .. . ,J . . ' al v - .. ; Bostfc ntf WinlfMd iGuy, both natiaea aSt fieulavllle. They will operate the house In the future. It has Ibsen dttosedooWn for sev eral days oindergolng Complete ov erhaulimj. Best icooms are being lnstallad; a mew coat of paint ap plied and Aha atage is being ra- nm h i .ou. xne new owners say four ; cash prizes will be green away on opening night Your at tention is called to their ads on other pages in this paper. -Watch for the weekly picture program on the Times Theatre pgge each week. WITH OUR boys ; IN SERVICE "X- VO FBOM CHINQUAPIN SCHE DULED TO GET RELEASE Camp Atterbury, Ind Two linquapin, N. C, soldiers are heduled for release from active ity at Camp Atterbury, Ind:, lere they are serving with the 4 Infantry Division. . The men snd the dates they 1 to be released are: . v , v PFC. Slgmond V. Fountain, ton Mr. and Mrs. P, J. Fountain, of inquapin, reoruary 11; and -Jpl. O. K. Wood, son of Pete od of Ollnojuapin, February 12. oth former students of Chin High School the men are 1 to Company C of the i i.eglmemt. Fountain as a an and Wood u a cook. HOMAS G. TOBRENCE ?. omas G. Torrance S. N., son r. ana Aiiis. Ellis Torre nee of w Is now s-rving aboard the i fhelton it J 7. J .sompwhera Korean Outers A lc -r re? 1 renCyrrl i- i : V- 1 a .d do- ' - . Tiny Go.l ' s e ratter ! 1 ' 1 I'm sure t. y therefore I expect ta 1 -'e In a day 0? tr--: CWna. T. 1 & ' . ; Xtz t'JC l school ground adjaoant to the aa- owsataaj ' 9r. aetsg - unproved Shrubbery has recenOh?' been put out arowd the ' buUdatg and the yard ia front of. ttoe building fenced off to prevent '(COrs driv- lag ana parsing on it v " ,; 1 Plans call for a landscaping pro a win w pvuvvi iuu iinuivi' lum grounds V ft .. Kenan Memorial Auditorium Is egtening ta shape ap Into, a fin- aama proauei as the want eonun uea towards fiishing the floors. A substantial gymnasium Oalsh has been put en the playing court ana , mo oiner part of the floor covered with rubber tile. ; Last week a modern sound ays tern with three microphones and a combination loud speaker was installed, t The speaker susDends from, the top In the middle of the building. s This week an electric scoreboard was ordered and Is ex pected to be installed for the an nual county basket ball tourna ment .-v ,.v v - ' - In an effort to ; himrere the grounds around the building, es pecially during wet weather this week dvt has been hauled in It Is planned to grass the grounds mw.Mwu At. VI1JI. Ja. . rl"-."wy not MnchMlna anr lt attach- I'MaaRBjnV m 1 1 nAtliUi th .-h.' . . . VV" . t- , -. -"" ' menta weighed 19 pounds. Fills" Finds Fine Liver A BeaJavOIe ''report today said that Fitzgerald "Fits" Beetle down that way , killed bogs one day this week. One of the hogs dressed out 120 pounds of this amount 13 pounds was liver: The, liver alone The Magnolia 'Womans Civic taClub Is spansering a chicken and pastry supper "Friday -flight, Feb ruary 13 from 6:30 until ? Donate rel.00 to the March of JMmes and eat all the chicken and pastry you want. .Chilifren donate 50c fori their supper. This supper will be held in the Magimlis School lunch ream and everyone its "invited to come and donate to a worthy, cause and enjoy a deaclaus augper. ' Viiodrow Smith v OfPJnk Hill Commits Suicide 4 Woodrow Wilson Saadth 3 manager jjf the W. H. Jones and Company store at Pink VM nded hla luto with a .38 caBhre jUtol bullet to the Jiead at i t. sa. Wed nesday. sHe asas a Boa -of the late Ernest and ifanle Smith of Deep Bun.1-' - v,.i'I. Belatles aid he had threaten-, ed suicide ona number! of .occa sions In the -jpMt. Surviving wKh nis wire a iunscon nurse.. Mrs. Grace Smith area daughter Mary Etta Smith of the"home! two sons Ernest WoodrW- and Bobby Glenn Smith .of (the home; one brother Vance Smltttaf Deep Run: two, sisters Mrs. Patd Taylyr and Mrs. Elton Harper bfltth of Deep Bun.", .i'c ',v -v'-V'j fc',SA- -Funeral services wlllbe held from the Tyndall i Wood , Jarman Funeral' Home In Klnston. 'et 2:30 . ! , 1 Friday .with interraent in the Daen Run Free Will Baptist to Order Wally Fowler Coming to Wallace Feb. 25 Sponsor, North East FWB Church Group . TheHorth East Free W Bap tist Church Youth Organization is bringing to Wallace Wally Fowler and the Oak Ridge - Quartet tor, gather with Sun Crest Trio on Wednesday February 25th at the Wallace High School auditorium. The two gospel singing groups will sing and entertain the audience from 8 o'clock until ?. Profits from the entertainment wlll! be or the benefit of the Youth organization. Tickets will be on sale at the fol lowing places: Warsaw Drug Store WRRZ Clinton; Butler's Super Market Elizabethtown; Western Auto Store Wallace and Billy Brinkleye Store; Chinquapin. Ad vance tickets will be $1.00. Tick ets at the door $1.25. Branch Bank Announces Promotions In Warsaw And Wallace Banks Musha Shoots AndS mm Won'iTdll Albert Matthews of Rose Hill Is free untar an $800 bond after l'.ooV -in wife In the leg with a s'.a , ; teati--? v ha mother !i lw-; i hsiing ( i out of oth ' fU j p "rn car" and a V -out blow at the - . i t ... .or in law. v .' t j "ied Inst Saturday ' i i 1 i 'Tie w-t of Lake ; to r r't- '"1 1 I.. S i ti 1 i fam ily si;i Just a tmalf drink would kno'c rim. This drink or drinks se .- i to have crazed him. It was sa: I le ' ed for $9 to buy some moss v-' sy when an argument en Lis shot hla wife In the Irt t -' , i her to a hospital; Jii i rn aM beat, up his wife's r r. j i. i !'"nr?;'shot 8 bullet I i i i j i ir in law's cr; ,81 ta C-A Wia- I .' c j . i" r-e wind- i 1 ii . s ... I .. ' t e spree was over his brother in law Joseph Lanier literally cold-cocked him knocking him out He was found in that condition when of ficers arrived en the scene. ' It took about 10 et!thes to sew vp the fist wound on his c!.'Vv He will he tried at the 'next term of county court. No one but his wife saw him, shoot her it was said and she refuses to to. lly ic-Jnst fclm. - -, . ','':... 1 v-Farmers of Duplin County are urged to order now and accept delivery on at leaest part of their 3 fertilizer needs be fore the planting season begins says County Agent Reynolds. This wui reduce the possibility of ten porary shortages because of clog ging vi distribution lines at the peak -season of fertilizer use. 'fertilizer nas not been moving rapidly enough in some areas to assure smooth distribution later on according to Information re ceived from officials In the U. S. Department of, Agrclulture This can . lead to a 'last minute rush which arm spell trouble for farm ers who delay their fertilizer pur chases. Achievement of the high production goals set for 1953 will depend in part -upon use of larger quantities of fertiliser. .Spread ing of purchases over : a oerlod longer than the 'normal peak sea son in Maren ana April will reduce distribution and delivery problems. Demand for all three- primary plant nutrients. c nitrogen phos phate and potash Is expected to be up this year. The Department of Agriculture ana the Land Grant CcUeges- are cooperating In a pro gram to promote more efficient use of .fertilizer materials and in many areas this win call for in, creased use of one or mere ef the plant nutrients. ; The . purpose of tms program is to increase yields per acre improve the productivity of the soil and raise the net re turns ta farmers. , The total supply of fertilizer Is expected to be up about 12 per cent over last year but the Depart ment ef Agriculture predicts that certain desired types of fertilizer such as higher analysis phosphate materials and .ammonium nitrate may fall short of all demands. Samara takln early delivery on fertilizer should make certain that the materials received are id good condition so that they will with stand storage in a reasonably dry and protected place. State License Tags Western Auto Store in Wallace selling agent for North Carolina auto license tags .reports that more ts were sold through . January Mat than .during the first three- f"'6'ters of the year last year. 1 hrough February 7th they report 63CJ t 'i were sold In their store. On Ti -ry 7th they sold an v '"?(( four plates per minute C ;t ! first three hours. f" "ry. Rev. Clifton T. Free W1U BapUst laivi to oxidate. Branch Banking and Trust Com pany of Warsaw Wallace and Fai son recently announced some pro motions among its personnel ac cording to E. C. Thomatson vice President and Cashier. In The Warsaw unit Mrs. Betty Jenkins Humphrey was promoted to As sistant Cashier. Mrs. Humphrey has been with the bank for thir teen years. Prior to going with Branch she worked with the Bank of Duplin in Wallace and later in the Tax Collector's office in Kenansville. In the Wallace unit Mr. Frank S. Williams was promoted to As sistant Cashier. Mr. Williams has been with the Wallace unit for eight year. Mr. Wayne Jordan is cashier at Wallace and Mr. A. F Rector is manager of the Faisen unit. Mr Thompson heads all three banks in Duplin. Construction work on the Duplin General Hospital got under way this week when Jones Construction Company of Wilson who has the contract for the main building began moving machinery in. Huge bulldozers were placed on iie scene Monday morning and began skimming off the top soil of the ground to save to be scattered back for the finishing touches when the time comes to lawn the grounds. The contractors have been giv en 18 months in which to com plete the job, weather and other conditions being favorable. The building committee met here Wednesday night with Archi tect Leslie Boney to look over and discuss preliminary drawings of the 25 bed nurses home and 40,000 aniare feet health center. Con tracts for these two buildings are expected to be let late this spring. Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner Be Held Feb. 28 RAIEIGH The Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner, the winter gathering of Democratic Party leaders of the Tar Heel State, will be held in Raleigh, at the Sir Wal ter Hotel, February 28, according to an announcement by National Committeeman Robert L. Dough ton. In announcing plans for the" an nual dinner Doughton said Senator Richard B. Russell of Georgia, an influential party leader in congress and a ranking member of the im portant Senate Armed Services Committee, wilLbe the featured speaker. Doughton also announced the ap ppintment f Senator John D. Larkins, Jr. as chairman of ar rangements for the dinner. Lar kins, a veteran legislator from the State Democratic Executive Committee and has served as chairman of Jefferson-Jackson Day dinners in the state on several pre vious occasion?. As in past years, for each $50.00 contributed, one dinner ti:ket will be Issued. Arrangements are being made, Doughton said, to accomo date some 650 party leaders at the banquet. Tickets he said, will be available in the near future through Demo cratic Party chairmen in each of the State's 100 counties. Tickets will also be available at the State Democratic Headquarters in the Sir Walter Hotel In Raleigh. Proceeds from the dinner, Doughton said, will be used to carry on the work of the Demo cratic Party. John Harriss (o Give Home Beautif ication School for Club Women Here Feb. 19th Mr. John H. Harris Extension Houticulturist from State College will train "Home Beutlfication and Garden Leaders" in Duplin Home Demonstration Clubs tor their March demonstrations at a school here oa Thursday Febru ary 19t at 2 o'clock The school will be held at the Agricultural building. Every Home Beautifica- tion and Garden, leader is urged to attend. Blood Reported Hot From Human Sheriff Ralph Miller reports that a test of blood found near Foun tain's Store recently turned out not to be human blood The sheriff says that recently he was called to a rural farm house back up In the Glade near Fountain's Store to check on a blood spot on the ground under a pack house shelter Some of the neighbors suspicioned it might be human blood. This was on Monday following the moving of a family of Marines from the house on Fri day. The sheriff scooped tip some at the blood! stained dirt and sent it to the State FBI for an- anlysls. Kramers Return From New York Harry E. Kramer, proprleter of luamer s Uem t Store in Wallace. has just returnee from New York markets where he and Mrs. Kramer spent several days buying new soring The now goods are alreadv arrivlne. ' Mrs fjKramer says the ladies of Duplin wui iixe rnir selection of new spring dresses and suits. You are invited to visit their store anv time now and inpect the new merchan dise. ' Notice Our readers, correspondents and advertisers are aksed to make note that The Duplin Times will issue on Wednesday of next week. All advertising, legals and display must be in the office not lite than Tuesday night, earlier if pos sible. All eorrespondents are ask ed to mail their news not later then Monday afternoon Correspond: ents news arriving after Tuesday night may he left out. We con siderately ask your cooperation. The Editor. ' Mrs. Fitzgerald 2 Dies In New York Word has reached Kenansville that Mrs. John T. Fitzgerald, wife of hhe late Rev. J. T. Fitzgerald of Outlaw's Bridge Church, died in a Peekskill, N. Y. hospital on January 19th. Mrs. Fitzgerald has been making her home in Peek- skill since the death of her hus band several years ago Lake Tut Has Hew Manager Lake Tut Duplin's popular water resort near Rose Hill announces new management - William R Lrndstrom assumed the manager's duties on Monday of this week. The Lake resort Is operating thru the winter months with weekly dances and the dining room is open dally including Sunday, Thejr are prepared to take care of par ties as well as serving Individuals. County Bashet Ball CONFERENCE STANDINGS ; Includes All Games Through Tuesday Night The 10 February 1953 GIRLS Won ROSE HILL 12 CALYPSO 10 B. F. GRADY 9 BEULAVILLE 6 CHINQUAPIN 6 FAISON 4 WALLACE- KENANSVILLE WARSAW, !. BOYS WALLACE BEULAVHiLE .. KENANSVILLE B. r. GRADY ROSE WTT.T, ,, , CALYPSO 1 WARSAW L CHINQUAPIN ' J J!.. . 5 .. 2 0 Wo a 13 10 10 : . 0 9 -5 Lost Tied Percent 1 0 .923 2 0 .833 2 1 .791 5 0 .545 7 0 .461 6 1 .409 7 2 .357 vvv 10 0 .166 13 0 .000 Lost Tied Percent 1 0 .928 'V 1 O .909 2 O .833 ' e o .soo , ' 7 o mi, 7 O .416 8 O 38 10 O Jl v 13 i 0 , .000 1