' L THE DUPLIN TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBEXLAXX 12, lJ BY: VIDA IHLLOY iWimMn't vou .know, "old Mr, Ground -hog" would bring us this bad weather for the, rest of the mrinter? Chtajuapin and vicinity Is still Buffering from tne worst sorts of cold ana liue it uas nad in a long time. Here's hoping aU that are sick will soon be ready , ior spring. ft : ; Mrs. - Cyrus, Batchlor and Mrs. nnhra Bostio of Beulaville left last week for Fla. where they are JUfatle visiting their sister, ihe former! old son of Mr, and Mrs. (Frank Mrs. Bertha Sloan and escaping Parker celebrated his birthday last the bitter colds and rain here. week, with several of bis little Mrs. Elliott Pickett has lust re friends, and woke uu nest moraine turned from a visit with her daugh.1 with a good case of m easels but ter and family, Mr. -and Mrs. Sill Brant of Uhna. S. C. Miss Elian Ann Dall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dail spent the past week-end with her par ents, returning no Wilmington sun day, where she is in training at J. W. M. Hospital. Jerome Paprker G-lyeef: 1 GALLON PURE TURPENTINE ... $1.00 1 GALLON HEAVY PURE MINERAL OIL....: ,$1.49 IN BULK PURE EPSOM SALTS, Pound 5c TOILET TISSUES, Per Roll . ....... 5c 70 PER (CENT RUBBING ALCOHOL 13c- . 100 PUBE 5 GRAIN ASPIRIN TABLETS 13c 40 'CENTS j K0TEX 29c 50s IP ANA OB COLGATE TOOTH PASTE 39c 50c PHILLIPS MILK OF MAGNESIA,.:..,......... 39c 1.2J CARDUI 89c Standard Drug Stores DRIVE-IN IN KINSTON QEBBSBBEEEBBEi 14 And Our Lcu.'VJry Service Is The One to Hefy You, Oar Trucks Are On Regular Schedule In Your Community, .' For Expert Cleaning On Your Clothes, Bugs And Upholstery You Can Rely On Us., , ' " (; '- v ? i ' -ft-V'r ftftft V v! "ft ftjft .ft. ftftftft;ftift-' " Your Wash Day Can 13e A Vacation Day For You, It You WiU Let Us Pick Up Your Laundry, E u II Ideal-Laundry & Dry Cleaners ''ft V, !"' V':.'?j- . ftUftft ' f ':' :,ft "' WILMINGTON, N. C. ' ;-j '?.y - .'.''.' -, ft; '' -: " ; - , r ft . ' Cjar Trucl s r,i::i All Over Duplin ! i is patiently nursing them, Mr.- and Mrs. Frank Cavenaugh of Wilmington and family visited his sister last week, Mrs. Norma Lanier , who has been down with flu. , -v-, -Mrs. Ethel Bland of Harroll's Store visited tier daughter and family recently, Mr. and Mrs. Will le Futreal, leaving from there for Lompo, California to vslt her daugh? ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Warner,, where her grand daugh ter has been stricken with Polio. It's hoped the child wfU be able to return here by June with her grandmother and ' mother for a visit. Mrs. Myrtle Futreal is visiting ner daughter Mrs. Ben Hall in Ahoskle who has been seriously ill recently, Her stay is lmdeflna- tely. M. ft'-? Mr. and ' Mrs. Earnest - .Easter Were visitors of Mrs. Norma Lan ier last week several hours en route to Wallace and other busi ness. '' 'ft;, Miss Dot Shlpps who Is in charge of our 'School Lunch room has been seriously 111 with fie but. is expected out again this week. Mrs. Haywood Sounders of More Head City visited ber mother last week. Mrs. Norma Lanier,, taking care of her while in bed with flu. . :'r.:::'r ':'.' Mr. and Mrs. Allen Futreal and family of Magnolia are spending several days with Mr. and Mrs, Dick Futreal. ' - Mr. and Mrs. Paisley Rouse who have both been down with colds and flue are able, .to be up and about again. . ' -. . Mr. and Mrs; Frank barker were some of those who visited at the home of Mr. Joe Rouse at Charity in the hours of death of Mrs. Rouse, last week. The Rev. IL. A. Taylor of Wil mington held service at the Pres byterian church last Sunday A .M. with a nice attendance. The Rev. Honeycutfc out of town visiting pastor, will bold service the 3rd Sunday night at 7 P-. M. The Rev. Dudley of Wilmington, N. C- of fers to fill the absence of a Pastor the fourth Sunday, regular meet ing. Here's 'hoping all members will attend and visitors are. wel comed.. Members are still expect ing a regular pastor. The young people; R. A. s and O. A.'s all met at the Baptist church last Thursday P. M. with a good ajttendane despite the weather we've been having. An interesting program was had and some refreshments served at the close of the meeting. Mr. .and Mrs. T. IF. Sanderson and family made a pleasure trip to Snead's Ferry last Sunday and some business and brought home plenty of big nice oysters. Mr. ana Mrs. waiter Klvenoark -1! Seed Corn f . is ; ' Scarce Buy Wow While You Can Get It ii: C. 27 DIXIE 18 DIXIE 82 COKER 811 HACKETT'S PROLIFIC IMPROVED YELLOW DENT , PEDIGREED LATHAM'S : DOUBLE . REGISTERED LATHAM'S YELLOW CROSS HERRING'S , SPECIAL WHITE a- GARDEN ' CORNS COME IN NOW BUY YOUR REQUIREMENTS TODAY. ; Heritage St. , Dial 4211 KINS i ON, N. C. ' Red-Throated Loon I jOl95! National WlldlH Federation . ( , The fact that a bird has wide range for its species does not' mean necessarily that it is correspond ingly well known. The red-throated loon ranges during the year from the Aleutians to Greenland and south to Florida and lower California and yet most people go through their lives-without ever seeing '. or bearing one of ' these birds, '' ' v ' !''.-" , The red-throated loon, with a length of . 27 . inches: overall, Is some 5 inches shorter than a full grown common loon. It lacks the conspicuous black head and neck band of the common, loon though it is white beneath and has the breast striped with black and white. The throat of the red-throated, loon has a conspicuous chestnut triange at its lower edge. In winter the bird is dusky above, The sexes are colored alike. . '' Breeding of the red-throated loon takes place from northern Alaska and the western Aleutians south to northern British Columbia and east to Greenland, Newfound land and Quebec. It also breeds in Europe and Asia. Our winter range of the species extends south to Florida and the region of Low er California nearest to the Unit ed States, for the most part. The red-throated loon has been suspected of feeding on fish eggs and it is known to make a large part of its diet of fish which it catches by diving and pursuit un derwater. Because of these habits it has been considered as undesir- made a business trip to Wallace last week, where they did some shopping. Miss Nellie Sanderson spent the week-end with Miss Gloria Ma- ready Jast week. v Mr. and Mrs. uanana visited with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Alton (Lanier 'last week-end. able but what would a' summer be In the wilds of Canada or northern United States without the oppor tunity of listening to some loons "talk things over" on the other side of the lake In the middle of the night? , - -. .During migration the birds have a remarkably strong direct flight. If through accident or otherwise they happen to come to 'earth in migration they probably will end their days where they come down since the cannot take off except from water. In New England the southern migration Is about at Its "height in October. A poet has con cisely described ' the overground migration of the bird as the sure swift flight of loons. Words would hardly improve this description. : .The nest is nothing but a mere depression hidden on the .bank of a lake or stream. Sometimes it is lined with finer grasses. It must be close to the Shore because the birds are almost helpless on land. In the water they more than make up for this land handicap. There are usually 2 eggs each about 3 inches long highly variable in color and either spotted with drab brown or plain. Both sexes iake part in the 4 week Incubation period and the downy chicks are dark gray, and drab. The young take to the water soon after they are hatched but they, are guarded jealously by the parents who become greatly ex cited when any sign of danger is to 4e found. In spite of the noisy behavior of loons at some times they may vanish from sight quick ly when they wish to do. so. The National Wildlife Federation and similar conservation organiza tions are greatly interested in Industry Ciles CP&L For Honor Carolina Power & Light Com pany is one of five power compan ies in the nation being considered for the annual Charles A. Coffin award the most coveted honor in the electric industry. It was re vealed today in New York City by.B.'L. England, president of Edison Eleabrlc Institute. The five were singled out for outstanding achievement in 1952 from a total of 23 previously cited by a nominating panel representing every section of the United States. In addition to CP&L, they are Arkansas Power and Light, Detroit Edison, Electric Energy Inc., (a five-company syndicate) and Penn sylvania Power and Light. - The reviewing committee said of Carolina Power & Light Com pany: "Vividly redemonstrating the basic private utility . concepts of community service and public responsibility an able aggressive management led its organization in a highly successful campagin of civic betterment and state de velopment, meanwhile extending to a large new territory the bene fits of better electric services at substantially lower cost." This alluded to sponsorship of the "Finer Carolina'' contest, careful observations of all forms of wildlife about whose genuine value there may be any question. The red-throated loon would come under this heading unquestion? ably. E. Laurence Palmer merger of, Tide Water Company- into us system ana reduction of rates in the old Tide Water area. Similar references ' appeared last week in the citation of Louis V. Sutton, president of CP&L, as winner of the N. C, Society of Engineers 'award for "outstanding engineering achievement" In 1932, Judges for' the Coffin award will be Dr. James R. Killian, pres ident of Massachusetts Institute of Technology; C. W. Kellogg, past president of Edison Electric In stitute; and -Mr. England. The winner will be announced and the award presented during the Edison Electric Institute's annual conven tion in Atlantic City next June l-.' ' : - The Coffin, award was estab lished -31 years ago by the Charles A. Coffin foundation, in the name of the firsT president of the Gen eral Electric 1OJ4. to be given an nually "faro distinguished ' contri butio to the development of elec tric light and, power." ' . SINUS SUFFERERS ' AMAZING NEW DISCOVERY FREE TRIAL THIS AMAZING NEW DISCOVERY civet quick relief from (Inus head aches, pressure In forehead, aorenesi In eyes, aching cheek bones, bridge of nose, top of head, back of head and down neck, can't think straight or see well at times even tho' glasses have been recently tilted, nervous ness, dizzyness. This new treatment relieves most sinus headaches In few minutes and as general rule soreness in head, face and neck Is entirely relieved in short time. No matter how long you have suffered or how chronic your case may be or how many different treatments you have tried or how much money you have spent without results, we believe ' T u i me w reuei inn amazing new treatment gives DJ i2iJtj2Wven msz'nS ,a5t relief to thousands. Write for FIVE 9AY DOSt Daid tO VOU. no COSt Or nhlivatirtn AVAAn, you write for it. it is agreed that you will mail it back at the end of five days If not satisfied, since It Is not a sample NATIONAL LABORATORIES LODI, CALIFORNIA .This YEAR as ALWAYS tor -83 YEARS OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI O Cpa He Fnr himlw. Ruilrfinrt o o o o o o e o o o o See Us For Lumber & Building Material Kiln Dryed Roofers, Flooring Window Casing & Moulding. FRAMEING 2x4 2x6 2x8 2x10 o o O Brick Siding Gravel Doors Sand Windows Roofing Window Units Clear and Select Rock Lathes Oak Flooring Nails ) Sheetrock Celotex o o o o o o o o o o o o o O WILLIAM rllJWIUC LI., IflL. O J 4y2 Miles West of Wallace, N. C, on Highway 41 O ? PHONE 341ff O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPOOOOOOOQ - t ' , ' tyfS r 'f JjPn ' mM Ls V4r ftv if ,s r ft l'if-vj ft 1,, - ! : i i' -Aft , ;i ''lost year I treated part of '. (ny -fold with O-b and thrfra kwo 'so muqh. sJiffBrenc be- tWeen the. Vreated and tb - wtnofd,',thatJ went whole hot, this'. year, D-D sure is a. paying proposition t I'll double b'my yWdJ" and the iiuttlity U . I ,' excellent. Next season alf my ' 'ft tobacco land is "gotna to be l,f,D-D 4realed..To make! re, nV, I'rti fumigatirio thft foil," r 1 , . . . IlilMilllili ip$l- You can tobacco like is nexf season. i October and November are the best month? to treat tobacco soil for robt 1 knot and other nematodes. yv ' During the fall months you can choose a day when soil conditions and temperature are ', ideal , '. ; when D-D can work to beet advan , tage. Also, you'll be free of much of the pressure-of work that piles up in early Bpring. : WHAT ARE NEMATODES? . j Nematodes are tiny soil pests, no larger than a ; pinhole . . . yet.they account for untold losses , every yeajr irt tobacco areas throughout the South.'Piy burrow into feeder roots of tobacco I (and more than a hundred other important crops), obtaining all the food they need by absorbing the vital plant fluids in the roots. One kind of nematode activity causes the root cells to multiply and enlarge like cancer .. .re sulting in the familiar swelling known as root knot. "Other varieties simply choke off the feeder roots. In any case, the normal .flow of food from root to plant is literally starved off, and the plant becomes stunted, of poor quality and low yield. HOW TO GET RID OF NEMATODES. , A tested and proven way is to treat with D-D, a liquid fumigant, in jected ' into the soil by gravity flow plow equipment or simple tractor attachments. After application, D-D changes to a gas, and spreads uniformly throughout the soil, killing nematodes as it goes. You can apply it yourself or have it 'done by experi enced crews with their own rigs. WHY USE D-D? Fumigation with D-D results in a clean, healthy soil which produces strong, full-growth plants and top-quality leaf. D-D is widely used from Florida to Con necticut on tobacco land. It is approved by agricultural authorities, and endorsed by grow ers everywhere. Properly. used, D-D is eco nomical, usually paying for itself many times over in increased profits. Get in touch with a D-D dealer today. There's one near yon. end he will help Improve your soil. For further In formation, write to the address below. Julius Hyman & Company Division SHELL CHEMICAL CORPORATION i Chemical Partner o'f Industry and Agriculture Mutant Tn Muk, U.S. rural ostaa ft J ' ', . TV?-" , I DalyHerring! Company DISTRIBUTOR ; KINSTON, K. C.?, 5 Phones 3848 & 39G0 ' 9 , AIIOSKIF, N. C, Phone 3241 'I

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