8:33 a. m. i 12 V. vy aisa'w uiuxen, 8:33 a. m. ta G u. -cs., s., zz.1 Til. i Socials gsaajjsBjBjaBaMaWaMaMaiHBB I f n r-y j ' 11 I'. - - ' i I' , Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Whitfield left on Friday morning o visit Capt and Mrs. Henry C. Merritt at Fort Banning, Ga. and then visit points of interest In Florida. X. J. Bowden, Jadge Anderson. Dr. Elmore Jones and Mr. Channel of Portsmouth, Va. were v week- . end guests of Mr. Bowden's sisters, Misses Stills, Maggie and Nell Bowden. Dinner guets of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cavenaugh on Wednesday were Mrs. LuU Parker at Beula ville, Mrs. J. O. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Miller and Mrs. J. M. Quinn of Kins ton. Mrs. Nelson Carlton and daugh ter, Tanya,' visited Mrs. Carlton's parenuTMr. and Mrs. T. R. Qulnn, in Beulavllle Wednesday. spent the week-end with her mo ther,-Jurs, msb nrraus- ' t ..... mmat f W!fi Hreen- JIUH MiW" " " " ' ' . villa visited her ftaneaU, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. west, aw wie end.,;.. Rev. and Mrs. Wilkerson, and sen of Norfolk, Va. visited Mr. and Mrs.. E. Walker Stevens part of last week, while here they attend ed a family sapper held at the Presbyterian Church on Thursday night Mrs. Forrest Martin and daugh ter, Jackie, spent Wednesday wit Mrs. Martin's sister, Mrs. H. C. (Davidson, in Mt Olive. - n WATCH YOUR DOLLARS Grow. Deposit Regularly In a Savings Account, Then In The Sunset of Your Life You Will Have No Worries. Start A Savings Account Today. Dank Of Dt. Olive u T. fUmven Jr. and Mrs, Paul Potter visited in Mt OUve last week. . . . ut Marv T.vnm Smith of Jack sonville was here for the week end with her parents, jar. ana mr. Paul Kltchin. i , . : Mrs. Waddell Brinson returned home, on Saturday fjrom Duke Hospital where she bad been re ceiving treatment for several days. ' M Julia Torrans oft Baltic spent several days last week with her daughter sad son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawis. Mrs. A. Brooks is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Marshall Solomon, in Greensboro. ' ' Un .Tlmmv Kltohtn and son returned to their home at Virginia Beach Saturday alter a visit whb her parents, Mr. ana jars. a. ju Cavenaugh. "... Mwi Hfilnn Torrans and Mar- Jorie Davis were week end guests of Miss iiveivn wavis 01 k-. Greenville. Mr: - and Mrs. R. H. Davis and Mrs. S. L. Torrans went over on Sunday to accompany them home. Miss Mary Elizabeth Packer was at home fpr the week-end with her parents, Mr. ana Mrs. samara Packer. Mm Inn Wenritltf nf Seotts' Store visiter her sister, Mrs. S. L. Tor rans, -on Tuesday. . y Mrs. Forrest Martin ana aaugn- ter, Jackie, spent Tuesday with Mrs.- James mil near nenans ville. MV and Itfrs Bav Davis and son, Mickey, visited relatives in Calypso Sunday. MWm Uarv Tii Jnnes Visited her mother, Mrs. Ralph Jones, over the week-end. S-Sgt. Jackie Sutton 'oi rort nrmoa vultjrf hi oarenta. Mr. and Mrs. Q. S. Smtton, during the week -end. "" ' ' ' ' Mr. and Mrs. John Baadshaw and , children spent , Sunday at Snead's Ferry., ,-, -;'s .. ,- ' Mr. and Mrs; Frank Strauss of Washington, D. C. visited his sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. J. I Carr, last week. They were enroute to their home after a visit in Florida. Mrs. G. P. Pridgen has returned home after a vhuc with her daugh ter, Mrs. Wilson Sholars, of Rich Square. '- : ' "''; - Mrs. E. C Thompson was the guest speaker of the Clinton oar den Club on Friday. Mrs. Thomp son spoke on "Altar Axratige meats". ' ' Ernest Middleton has been visit ing In Salisbury. Mrs. Virginia Lanier and daugh ter, Sandra, visited her parents In Turkey Sunday. - mr. I.nd tuira Dsm R. Saleed and rchlldren, aDanny and I4Ulan,of Greenville spent bunaay wii" Saieed's mother, Mrs. Lillian Quinn. '' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blackmore and daughters, Marina and Jane, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Black more of Winston-Salem during the week-end. - : " 1 " "' Mr. and Mrs. Sanford P and Mrs. Lillian Quinn carried Mrs. Graham Quinn and children to Raleigh on Monday where she left by plane to Join Mr,- Qulnn at PensacoUv Florida. , Mrs. J. H. Wahab and daughter, Mrs. Forrest Martin and daughter,. Mrs1. Belt MiSu&ew and son visited in Goldsboro Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Smith and sons visited Mr. ana Mrs. Wade Carlton Saturday. '-. -r; MT. OLIVE CALYPSO POULTRY VAIITED . i WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES EVERY DAY FOR POULTRY OUR TRUCK IS AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES EACH FRIDAY BEULAVILLE 9:00 TIL 12:00 A. M. CHINQUAPIN ............ 12:00 TIL 2:30 P. M. PINK HILL .. . .... . .. . .. 3:00 TIL 5:00 P. M. WE PICK UP FLOCKS AT YOUR. HOME Andrew & Knocks Produce Co. MOUNT OLIVE, N. C. ; v wtr Bad'-Luch , . Your cd Friday 13th Sale Shop At Johnson Cotton Company, This FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE MANY VALUES. -THEY'RE HERE. ' EVERY SINGLE HOUSEWIFE ENTERING OUR STORE WILL BE GIVEN A FREE GIFT. SO MAKE "BLACK CAT DA" YOUR LUCKY DAY AND SAVE AT JOHNSON COTTON CO. ; 4 mm 13 r" v-AHaft J PER CENT ALL FURNITURE EASY WEEKLY OB MONTHLY TERMS FARMERS PLAN NO - DOWN PAYMENT HEW LINOLEUM THAT IS AT HOME ANY WHERE . THESE . NEW . PATTERNS DEMONSTRATE THE VER SATILITY OF LINOLEUM . FOB EVERY ROOM, AND H70 ranrap VOTT THR Will. , EST POSSIBLE SELECT- V. ION OF LONG WEARING. ' 1 , l . a w w vv v a iMifsnua . AWsf -- tUlivlhl V M JTA1 AAMlia i JUST A FEW OF WHICH ABE SHOWN. REAL VALUE SIZE 10x12 GOLD SEAL RUG $13.13 s - I 41 ohiisou Cotton. Company m Hill. CASH IF YOU HAVE IT evehytii!:;g fo the ho::e '1 i 1 r ' ' 7- r ' r ' .. . . ( V Xi S Ta ;liJ i r- "'MMN'-'l r&L im, Cc:.:o czo ccoros of L. l . r-wlrctch- in vdiica thst chow hov a iiiy v;o fellow car Fcur.dar's Advico "Givo l!so Pccplo Iho ir.ost you can for tlssir ir.orapy, ; PI Mild American Peas Row upon row of the best things that grow r marked with lowest "possible price at A&P. ;' Sweet Juicy Winesap , 4 Kkv flppt Crisp and GolSen Bag Juicy Florida Oranges - a 45c U. S. No. 1 White ' ; Potatoes ----- 480 Juicy S4's .. Grapefruit - - - 4 23c - - 29c Cashew Nuts SCOTCH MAID FROZEN VEGETABLES GREEN BEANS PEAS BROCCOLI LIMA BEANS m 2 33c L. 2 1 UlS " " " ; iITGGiil 2 " S I 1 . - Whitehouse Evap. , . - Iona Cut Green Cans l77 r" Golden Maid airgariiia(3,i.21 c Red Band 1 f 1 1A1L II I 1 I I I xu-xju. l r ill ri Bag 2T, K Patto PrVor White -f ' ' -: ' . ' 1 i Campbell's n Nabisco Crackers D M 2 v- - Pkg. Ann Page Grape Mild & Mellow 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE ;g77c $2.25 Red Circle; 79c Bokar.S;81c lane Porker : Plain Sugared Cinnamon . DONUTS 1 1 Doz. Pk., 1C Jane Parker Golden Loof Cake 25c Jellv ICc Ann Page , . ' 'liOx '''i"' Ketchup ...... 2 Bot.. 35c ANN PAGE ' ' ' " SALAD DRSSltlG 11 25c Ann Daera Tninfttn r, : . ' ' . kSoup . . ; ; . ; . 3 can. 29c Wesson Oil. . ,s 33c G3c 1 i ' ' ' ' am '.am -a.... H I . , nnnnai it. i i Wax Paper, 1111,1 . reG; . 5c. , l Dinner Naokins ------ "p 15c l M b Paper Napkins 10c i ? Toilet Tissue - i,.. 2 Bott, 19c T I SAtirlwirli BflfS 10c i .. . ',. ..... . ..v.-.. I Snowdrift - . ,Lb. Can cc Peanut Dutterter p.n 12-Oz. 3 Jar W" REGALO PEANUTS SALTED S OZ, 23c Vd a, ... y Fab . - - - Lge. Pkg. 2C Giant 15c PAltlOLIVE SOAP REGULAR, POR 23c Ajax Cleanser Can 12c lux Flakes . . . .; . 27c (Wiy V. Bara Ti Soap ' 'Lge. J -- Gt .1 P&G liquid LVj Detergent a . . ' Bet L2 ;. a v f Bars 22c WHITE. RED.' YELLOW 0!!I0!I SETS .... 15c SEED POTATOES $6.40 SEED POTATOES S6.0 BLACK BASS ................. 29c 1 - 'Vtu "."),..-?. ..V"i - .-V,,..-.v-:'i.'(fSf.-; f . f- V. sir.-''.'.f.-i'' SHRIMP ............. 69c JONES I1 ' sausage iM Morrells Pride Smoked Short Shank-4 to t Lb. ATCTige SnODLDHQ FI3IHG3 vtb. S Wilson Com King 0 V U32D DAGOU -:-. Nice Thick nice luu , . . ' .,': . - FAT DA0:i : . U..1E3 Lb. 1v3 j Headless and Dressed r rmi"' ' ' " " Swift Premium (. a-Lb. f Can J f lElue" tsbel Karo . , ; Pt 21 2 These Prices - Effective Thru Sat; Feb. Mfc .Pkg. t j CREDIT D7 YOU NEED IT WALLACE, N. C. v!