1 ,ntr r.-3.r .3 riSew'Br--riar tl" Sidgaraaa''Argt Kmc Cell lira. r.lewAtTelr: --tZZlt:?V i::-;2CII.:rrSull: The" James Kenan Chapter of United Daughters Confederacy met on Thursday afternoon at the noma f Mrs, Q. X Sutton with Mrs. C A. Womack. Mrs. J. J. West, Mra. W. E. Taylor, Miss Lenora Womack and Mrs. M. H. Hodges co-hosesses. -- Mrs. Paul Potter,, president, pre sided at the meeting and opened , by singing "Ho Tor Carolina.'' Tba - pledge and salute to the flags were - given Rafter which Mrs. Womack led the ritual. .The minutes were read by Mrs. I S. Whittle In the absence of the secretary, Mrs. James . Backley. ' ' During the business period, Mrs. ' Potter gave a report on the dis ' trict meeting held in Mount Olive. The marking of Confederate Sold . lers grave was discussed and the members were urged to report any unmarKea graves, runs ior jnem ." orial Day Exercises to be held on May 17th were discussed. Plans were made fox a fau to be enjoyed after the memorial exieUo on the i vn ,at Mra L U Stevens home, he president appointed a nomln- committee for len of new as follows; ICC Prid- n.chairman, Mrs. X M. Pierce and WFred- BaarsMrs. Boney s?ainV reminded , members of the fciood Mobile to be In Ooldaboro tiwr J2nd fd eredail to take part to thls-'rog.'n..xts. J. W. i atrlor gave - ,m "f -presting an lirlbrmaVt ttalk Worth Carolina War i verno ." Zeb Van. ce .was th.' oUnu jg character ln- her talk. Mrs. N. B. Boney ler discussion e?tb ?tuf?the United StatA tb&A fcfcstrations were given e,r"Vway to v and- tavr . ne nos- esses served chicken salad plate, ritz, pecan rolls and hot spiced tea. u.w Mr i were Mrs. Fred BMr! f.Mri. Chaa, F. Carroll, V I- J- anor, aw. Mrs. TV. M. B. Hodge, Sr. Mrs. N. At Potter, MissJhiU P. Pridgen,? -Mm Mrs. Charue ea' : J. Middleton, Mrs. Paul oVteUJMrs. O. l CiPrideen. , Mrs. Kathleen ioooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o s o o o o o o o o o Important Schedule Chongas Effective Apnl2$th, 1953 Except Asltloted, No. 41 Arrive Warsaw At 5:07 A. M. No. 42 'Leave Warsaw At 8:22 P. M.- NOTE " No. 49 Leave Warsaw At Jl:33 A. M. - No. 48 Leave War&W At 4:49 P. Mv Note: No. Schediie HTeeUte.-April Uth, M6S. :rK; ; fl!''' " Tv, Atlantic Coast ; Line S Railroad Company oooooooooooooooooooooooo .Jl.l Mr. and Mrs. J, N. Clark. Jr. of CUrkton announce the birth of a son, David Bowden April SO at. Thompson Hospital, , Lumberton. Mrs. COark is the former Nell Bow den of Warsaw. . PM!:::::a Cbss Cc:.-:lsScrvite$ The PhiUthea Class of the Baptist Church , went over to Kenansville Sunday afternoon .to conduct Sun day School at the Home of the Aged. Rev. J. C Powell taught the lesson. Others attending were Mrs. Kathleen Snyder, Miss Nora Black more, Mrs. Bill Vann. Miss Fannie Wilson and Mrs. D. I Matthis. - Junior Fellowship Met Tuesday ' ' The junior Fellowship met at the Presbyterian Church , Tuesday afternoon. After a recreation period the host of the afternoon, Linwood Cockrell invited the guests to the Drug Store for refreshments. Atten ding were Charles Stevens, Linda Farmer, Benny Dunn, Mary Emma Dunn, Edna Fay Powell, Johnny Pat Harmon, Susan Baars, Jerry Albertson, Eddie Cobb, Diane Wa hab, Gloria and Sandra Smith. Mrs. Brilt Hostess At Bridge Party Mrs. Mitchell Britt entertained her bridge club on Thursday night Lovely floral arrangements were used throughout the home. Mrs. Fes Mitchner was high scorer and received a milk glass bowL Mrs. Dawlton West was runner-up and was presented a butter dish. . Mrs. Britt presented Mrs. Walter P. West, recent bride, with a sugar and creamer in her crystal The hostess served strawberry short cake to Mrs. Daulton West, Mrs. Ed Hines, Mrs. Fes Mitchner,. Mrs. John Vincenti Mrs. Ed Simpson, Snyder, Mrs. C. wT Surratt, Mrs. J. J. West, Mrs. L. S. Whittle, Mrs. C, A. Womack, Miss Lenora Wo mack, Mrs. Q. J. Sutton and Mrs. N. B. Boney of Kenansville. Mrs. Walter P. 'West. 1 is. Fonvielle and Mrs. Troy Kornei. colu:::i 1,1 FOR THE ONE YOU L0.VE MOST-OH AVERY SPECIAL OCCASION... Carlton F. Hlrschl ' V ', : National Family Week ' v National Family Week May 3-13 this year gives us another, opport unity to stress the importance l Christian Living in the home. Nat ional Family Week is observed by many of our Protestant 'Denomin ations. Likewise the Roman, Cath olics and Jews have their obser vances' the same week. ;"A. ''', The slogan is certainly true, "The family that prays together is the family that stays together,. . We need' more families that ' find a prayer life and a life of fellowship together. Is your family l united family? Is there . cooperation be tween each member of your family?. Is there harmonious relauonsntp between each member' of your fam ily? Is each member of your family growing in love together and above all with God? Is God the head of your family? Let each family seek to realize the importance of the family and to do their, besfr't tot prove their xamuy reuuonsnip ifi their home. ' VAV.'' Personals A S 1 miliar ifeo Imummmsi ' DKWYf m!mi If ..mimw i..i..i.l.. mi iiiui.i 7 V, . ""Ll"l ? - T Ur A 1 X : ': I A I v ' I 1 - ' ' ( araduatva readinff left to right are members of the 1953T graduating class of Faison High SchooL first row: Bobby Lee, Shirley Herring, Lila Belle McCullen, Lorraine Sutton, Marvin Arnett Second row, Gerald Aman, jimmy raageix, innua wu. ouo oaoa, mm. mauua. - N - Absent when picture was made were, Culbreth Adams and Jennings Strickland. - ,.-v .:...:.! .'. -.; ;- Photo by Lanier's Studio, in Wallace. frimdi of Tom Waters will re gret to learn that he is a patient at the Veteran's Hospital , in Fayette ville. ' 'V .;;.' Mrs. H. A. Topel and Mrs. B Ai Kerkes of Wilmington visited Mr. and Mrs. James Rackley Wednesr day. Mrs. Sam Britt of Goldsboro; Mrs, Plilip Gordon of New Hampshire and Mrs. Herbert smitn oi jvenaiw ville spent Friday, with Mrs. Paul Potter. In the afternoon Mrs. Potter accompanied them to Clinton to see Mrs. L. A. Beasley who is a patient at Sampson Memorial Hos pital. Mrs. Virginia Lanier and daugh ter, Sandra, were dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cottle at Turkey Sunday. ' Miss Helen Murphy of Wilming ton was the week-end guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. James ' Miss Bessie Wuinn oi wiison vis ited friends here over the wee Mrs. John Fonvielle and children. Johnny and Jeanie, left Saturday night to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Divine, at Flint Mich. Helton Houston who ' has been employed with the Carolina Tele phone Company in Fayetteville has been transferred to Greenville. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Surratt, jr. ana daughter, Pamela, of Golflsboro were Sunday guests ,01, aar.anu Mrs. Joe Surratt, Sr. ; . Mrs. Chas Carroll spent Monday night in Beulavllle with Mr. and Mrs. Bill CarrolL She was . guest speaker at the U D C meeting while there. ' . " '-'-:.' Mrs. Belton Minshew visited Mrs. J. B. Minchew at Wallace Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C E. Wahab and son, Ronnie, made a business trip to Wilmington Saturday. Woodrow Blackburn, ..J. D. and Jerrv Davis spent Saturday . at Carolina Beach. Forrest Martin Is able .to be out after being confined to his home for several days. . v , V Feeling OLD and Yorn-Ouf At 40 Work . Strain - Worry Getting Xoa Down i i ' . if' All tired out no energy never feel like going out evening : any more wake up still tired wd. m; couraged? '-, 'S ' r' Thousands wholail 'to ''get from their food all the Vitamins-Iodine and Iron they need, have lejt fast like that until they start'itaklng f FERRIZAN gives yott a '.gener ous supply of valuable B Vitamins and Iron with precious Iodine Jtor the ductless glands. ' Accept This Generous Offer Today You've nothing to lose and everyr tling to gain. "Sou must eel better look better work better and rest better. Be completely satisfied with ey back, v i '. CLARK DKUQ Blvac , ? In. WarsaW x Mrs. Everett Young of Goldsboro; . Mr. and Mrs. Alton Johnson and children of Hamlet were Sunday guests of their mother, Mrs. Bessie Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Johnson." tlx. and Mrs. Fred Baars ana children visited Mr. and Mrs. Nat han Frederick at Kington Sunday. ' Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Straughan have returned after visit with Dr. and Mrs, J. F. Robertson at New Symra Beach, Florida. Alvia Powell and Mrs. j. c row- ell made a business trip to Wil mington Saturday. Allen DrauKhan. Sr. W. W. ear ner, Charlie Miller, Frank Haislip and Allen Draughan. Jr. have re turned from a fishing trip to Flor ida., v .;.v..--':''. Rev. J. C Powell spent Thursday nisht visiting in Rocky Mount en. route to Richmond on a business trip. ; :. k-iS ; - 1 c v' ; ' Mm. Robert Minton and son, Ken ny, and jars, norence uoiuion spent Thursday in Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs.. Ed nines ana cnii dren. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dail and children of Rose Hill spent the week-end at Carolina Beach. ' Mr. and Mrs. Sam Godwin, Mr. and'. Mrs. Avon Sharps , and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kitchin spent the week-end at Topsail Beach. ; Mrs. Clontz Kornegay has re turned after a visit with her hus band at Columbus,' Georgia. . , Rev.-, John McGee of Durham, missionary to Africa, spent Satur day -night with Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Powell. " . Mr.- and Mrs. A. D. Wilder and son, Al, of Kinston visited Rev. and Mrs. J. C Powell and Mr. and Mrs. David Chambers Sunday. Mrs. Bill Patterson of Mount Olive spent Thursday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C V Garner. Dewey Smith and Belton Hous ton of Fayetteville were week-end guests of Mrs. Florence Houston. Mrs. W. E. Beianga oi Kenans ville spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bostic. Mrs. and Mrs. L. C Southerland Unafurflr tiricii modern 41 , MOM OU. Mfn.Pi umr am tuni comnmct. citimsi r oor Whatever the occasion k will ' mean more to her oow, and much ' fr iI-l Borttoberuihtfutor-. , ' ',. JLt!?.-P.T. M you remember wiu ntf '.TTT 3ii-, -i".i ,"r ' lost SO nsnasomciy common ; y v , , CmMt of frunai mnn f05 to hsndtomeljr combines , t.' f ,'k 3 epicWsi. w' witk wJi-ria nr. liauM-ia twmuneot and prscticauty- ' "JJJ """,r i f'i;o" M tl la WHOM. , :' v., J .,'.!' "! IJMr. .. ... J , x 1 :r-M!f'..i?..,a a,tf'' ."" '' J -., noooooooccoci i i i and daughter, Sandra, moved from the Qninn apartment back to Al bertson on Saturday. " Mrs. J. H.-Wahab and daughter, Annette, visited Mrs. Ed Simpson at Kenansville Monday. ' Mrs. J. A. Hirschl returned home Saturday after a stay in St Peters burg, Florida: Mr. ' and Mrs. John Schnoor of Long Island, N. Y. are visiting Rev. and Mrs.; C F. Hirschl and Mrs. J. A, Hirscht j-, ; ., ' : . ;.: , . Mrs. R. L. Svkes of Kenansville visited Mrs. Florence Houston Mon day. f.-.f a.: : Rev and Mrs. Virgil Queen of Wilmington ' were dinner guests Monday night of Rev. and Mrs. C P. - Hirschl. : t; .).: ..w- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rouse- of Seven Springs spent Sunday with Mrs. Rouse's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John - A. Boyette, Jr. :i-J- k , Mrs. Claudius Stroud spent Sun day with Mrs. Stroud's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Boyette, Jr. Mrs. John A Boyette, Jr.' is on the sick list at her home. We hope Mrs. '.Boyette-will soon be 'well gaia j'v;.; y-jj-f ( j ' Miss," Pat Kornegay returned to Campbell College Siinday. For the past' six t weeks Pal has been re cuperating in Sampson County Hos pital and her home near Warsaw from injuries suffered in an auto accident 'near Lillington- on March 20th.rwhen she with five other Cam pbell girls and their teacher wreck ed their car in a collision with an oil tanker. Stanford Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and children were dinner guests ox Mr, and Mrs. WUbert Roberts and fam ily near Kenansville. Sunday. r Mrs. A. D. Quinn, Misses Neta Jones, Lilly Smith, Nancy Sue Roberts and Bruce Swinson attend ed the. Spring Rally of the Senior Hi Fellowship of Wilmington Pres bytery at Graves Memorial Church in Clinton, Sunday, h . j :?.-'.):,. Mrs. Mary Quinn was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Listen Swin son Sunday in the afternoon. Mrs. Quinn and Mrs." Swinson visited Mrs. Pearl Parker in Pink Hill Miss Janie Turner left Saturday to spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. .Thomas Kanoy in Winston- salem. ' Mr. and Mrs. Burl McArthur and daughter Hilda were Sunday vis itors with Mr., and-Mrs. Bruce Mc Arthur at Kinston. Mrs. . J. E. Roberts and boys of Calypso spent Monday with rela Uvea here; - ' i s'.'y...li;V' .' Cpl. and Mrs. William Waters and son David spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Croon in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kornegay and son of New Bern visited rel atives here Saturday 'night Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Joyner and daughters of Jacksonville spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. : Woodrow Smith and family of Pink Hill were din ner guests - .of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Joyner Sunday. - ; t-w, , Mr. and Mrs. David Swinson spent the week end in Raleigh with Mrs. Ina Swinson. , ', ; . ' i Mr. and Mrs.' Simon Quinn visi ted Mrs. Sudie Brock at Bear Mar ch Sunday afternoon. , ' Mrs.' George Parrott Mr. and Mrs. Proctor and Mr. and Mrs. Ar nold Smith of Goldsboro and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Parrott and child ren -of Kinston were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Coy Smith Sunday afternoon. t - -i -., ' .sv-'"r , Mr. "and Mrs. E. 1 Kornegay and boys of Mt Olive and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Jackson of Golds boro were dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Kornegay Sunday. Mrs. Clyde Broadhurst of Calypso and Rev. and Mrs. Taylor O. Bird and children of Faison visited Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brodgen Sunday i fc.-ur 1 J'tOl I, v I ss huf I - ' : ...merlin ,. Cross Hot- i t with. Ulim Martha l-i '., Mr. and Mrs. Ciiua Holland of Kenansville and Kir. and Mra. J. M. Holland were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Faulk Sunrfny. . , Mr. and Mrs. Sam Muiolson vis ited friends at Sarecta Sunday afternoon.-':- :- . . . . Mrs. Lola Hines and son Harley and Mrs. Dolly Sumner were du ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sank, Hardison in Mt OUve Sunday. , - Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cherry and r son were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Cherry's parents Mr. and Mrs. Hin son In Mt OUve. ' Sit and Mrs. Ledford SumneT and daughters of Philadelphia, Pa. spent Thursday with Sgt Sumnef mother, Mrs. Dolly Sumner. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Fobs and: daughters of Elizabethtown, and Mr. and Mrs.. A. L. DaU of Jack sonville visited Mrs. Emma Foss and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Sutton and . Donna spent Saturday with Mrs. Thomas Sutton and family .in' Cal ypso. ..... .-..V.; -. I Wayne Roberts of Roanoke Rapids spent the week end at his home1 here and Mad as his guest aunaay,. Brooks Parker of Calypso. Mrs. Martha Outlaw of Mt Olive returned home Saturday after at weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Outlaw; and Sue. ; - Carol and Ernie Kirby spent tnar week end with their grandmother. Mrs. E. B. Kirby in Fremont Espy Sullivan, Sr. of Toano, Va and Espy Sullivan, Jr. of Richmond, Va. snent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Brock. Mrs. Sulllf van who had been vsiting tne Bro cks returned home with them. The community extends its' deep est sympathy to the family of K. M. Nicholson whose tragic death, occured near Raleigh Monday. , . Mrs. Maude Vernon accompanied by Mr.' and Mr. Ralph Vernon and daughters-of Warsaw, visited Mrs. Oda King near Ptaey Grove in. ' Sampson County Sunday afternoon,. The business meeting oft the Pres byterian Women of Stanford was held at the church Wednesday night The meeting opened witbi prayer by Mrs. Maude Vernon, the president Mrs A. D. Quinn, presid ed. Mrs, Bemice Kornegay gaye the treasurers report The roll waa called and minutes of the last meet ing read by Miss Martha Roberts. The Bible Study, "The Church" waa ably presented - by Ms. Simon Quinn, Mrs. Ralph Jones and Mrs. Ned Roberts. -The' meeting closed with prayer. There were 13 mem bers present ''r.V'-i v . V"- Group Meets : . The Senior Methodist Youth Fel lowship met on Sunday night at the Church at leven o'clock. After the meeting was called to order Mrs. C F. Hirschl talked to the group aDOUt tne summer Assem blies. Barbara Jones gave the Call to Worship. The group sang "O" Worship the King." Mrs.' Hirschl continued the study "Worship and What You Put Into It" The meet ing closed with the M. Y. F. Ben ediction. Refreshments Were served to the fifteen members present . tl ' lug. of Cohere i '--s )U"xrxirsix -lie e'i 1 : r x r x hp sis r xrxirsiie O Special Prices In E ' Job ( Q i j;r'7lant: osrcina f m i hi'.!, j. .:..'.'.'.- si. in - m , j . . .r'. . a av x v f ' ,..,.fsv - .-:: ; , .' brought : Fjgg&gg . .. ! .11. 1 - M .l" , lit' SCoea .,1 y ' , - J i 0.".- S .x . -aJ-J v . - ' ,We era proud of th::s fina rr.zx - , . ;L U ; , ; , 4 - zrr - , ' who rsV.zzt such cr:J:t to our " U : j .r . s ' compcr.y. In snc", r; zttj, " ' ' " cnA c'-:' rr-sef r." " r. :.l I ' i' 5 , ; " -.' . ' . ' - " v . wiping cc2 - ) West E3 C reel ' .'Phone ( J YTari" IT. i 3,U JU UUa (, ...... i. : i f , :, ,. , .... - i . - I 1 trices r . : -'j.'w..' ; i. . . . . . . - I s "r . " r ' My 7; f " "".':''., A I