f TBK DUPLIN TIMES, THURSDAY, JUN5 4, IZZi J d 'mm , Lis. Ty I Liege u "Mrs. :& C. TyndiilL was hostess to her bridge club, Thursday even ing of last week. Arrangements of loses, daisies ana otner mixea flowers were used about the home. ' Mrs. 'George Penny and Miss Mary Xee Sykes were ; visitors tor the tgames. Winning high score was Mrs. P. J. Dobson. Miss Sykes won visi tors high score and was presented a novelty ash tray. ' : Between progressions, the hostess served home made strawberry Ice cream. . Personals Mrs. Dan Davis of Mt. Olive spent Thursday with Mrs. Parker Quinn and attended the Woman's Club Sleeting. ' - i- JVIiss Kathryn Quinn Is spending this week at Myrtle Beach, S. C. with the Sorority members of High j Point College. . . ! , , Mr. and 'Mrs. C. B. Guthrie, Jr. spent Sunday in Clinton with Mrs. ' Guthrie's , parents, Mr. And Mrs. ;.H S. Daughtry. v " :" Miss Pattie Williamson,' student fnurse at Highsmith hospital, Fay ietteville Is spending her vacation Ihvith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. "C. S. Williamson. ' . - ' MIm Linda Dobson of Show Hill . ia visiting her grandparents, Mr,v .rand Mrs. P. J. Dobson . , i Mrs. Baggett is visiting Mr. and I Mrs.! Jack Baggett at Dunn-Erwln J this week.-; ''":.:.,' - Miss Sarah West of Meredith I College, Raleigh has arrived home lor the summer vacation. Mr. Robert JV Williamson and Mr. Jimmy Johnson of P. J. C, Mazton arrived home last week for their summer vacations " Miss Xheo Collingsworth spent the week end in Monroe and visited western North Carolina ,' Mrs. Velmon Benson and Mrs. H. J. Brown accompaniea Mrs. N. B. t: For Sale FOE SALE; Call on ns for Dixie Air Tobacco Carers, Wayne To- bmeeo Tracks, all kinds of In secticides,' Insecticide Sprayers and Casters, Tobacco Clip Oil Toppers, Sucker OU, Boyster's Tobacco Top Dresser, Garden Seeds and FerflUser, Nitrate ol Soda,. ' Taylor's Curing Tbernw ometers, Oakdale Tobacco Twine, Water Kegs for bam days, Boll and Galvanised Booflng, Nails Brick, Lime, Mortar IDx, , Oe ment, and Concrete Blocks, Field Feat and Bay Beans, Ca E. Quinn Cbmpany In Kenansville Boney to the Bloodinobile in Golds boro Friday. . v..... Mr. A. J. Patterson,- Misses Yvonne Patterson and Miss Frances Sitterson went to Raleigh Monday. They .were .accompanied horn by Miss Frances Patterson , to spend her 'vacation.. -- Mrs. Davis Hollingsworth and son of Warsaw visited Mr. C E Stephens (saturoay , ; f v-.fiv Mr. Charles Stephens, Jr. of Wil mington spent the week-end with Mr. C. ZS. Stephens. .. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Quinn and Edward spent the week-end in Selma with Mr, and Mrs. Artis Price. . ';- ';'"hk,'. Mr. tod Mrs. Everetto Bradshaw and Mr. and Mrs; Henry Teachey spent the ., week-end at Myrtle Beach. S. C. . . . .. lit. and Mrs. C. C. Loth of Way nesboro, Va. is spending a few days with Mrs. L. A. Beasley. , Mr. V. H. Reynolds, Mrs. Pauline Johnson and Mr. Edward Simpson attended the County Agents Con vention at Carolina Beach several days last week. ; Mr. and Mrs. James Wolford and daughter,- Martha Jean of Charles ton, W. Va. Is visiting Dr. and Mrs. R. F. Willis. ,? ;v Mr. and Mrs. Buck . Farrior and Billy of Durham spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bowden. - Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith and Joan and Miss Mattie Brown of Newport News, Va. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Murphy and Mrs. Nora Shaffer attended the V. F. W. luncheon in Wallace Sun day. 'i;vT,v; ; ' , Miss Theo Hollingsworth spent last week in Horioik, Va. with Lt Col. and Mrs. Alton Payne. Mr. and Mrs; A. J. Patterson and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stroud were guest , of Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Smith at their cottage In Atlantic Beach Tuesday' and Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs; R. L. Sykes and Miss Mary Lee Sykes spent the week-end in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Brock and daughter of Bailey visited Mr. and Mrs. Amos Brinson Sunday. Woman's Club Hold the living and dining rooms. High score was won- by Mrs., J. B. Wal lace. Following' progressions, Mrs. J. O. Stokes assisted the hostess in serving home made lemon sherbet, cake, and salted, nuts, s:U,;v.;. $ j !cv;ton The local Woman's Club held its Annual Memorial ; Services . last Thursday afternoon at 3:30. The color scheme of red, white and blue was carried out in. the use of the American, Confederate and Red Cross flags and blue and white hydrangas. -.--v .;; .,-V f1 Mrs. V. H. Reynolds presided Over the short business session. Mrs. N. B. Boney had charge of the program as follows: The national Anthem, the 23rd Psalm, read by Mrs Parker Quinn followed by prayer and re marks concerning Memorial Day. Poem, "Crossing The Bar" was read , by Mrs. "-Willittrd Brinson, "How Firm A Foundation" sung by the group. Mrs. J. A. Hines read a poem, "The Soldiers Grave." Mrs. Edward , Simpson rendered a solo, "Abide With Me." The roll was called of all the deceased veterans of .the wars, who were from the immediate' vicinity. As the names of deceased club mem bers were called a white candle in a silver holder was lighted. The prpgram.was concluded by, "Taps' played on the clarinet by Johnnye Daughtry. ;,;-':';:; ' '- Hostesses for the afternoon were Mesdamea A. T. Outlaw, E. A. New ton and Mrs. W. M. Ingram, who served punch and cookies. Mrs. Gulhrie Is Bridge Hostess Mrs. C B. Guthrie entertained her bridge club at her home, Wednes day evening of last week with all members present . Gladioli and daisies in most at tractive arrangements were used In Lower Cost Moans Higher Profit! . . - i . ' ,u r;-f ,i J' A FIOREMCE-AYO Air-Conditioning Tobacco Curcr . Priced $53 to $75 LOWER THAN ' ? SMOXE STACK CURERS ... ' ' Operates from $75 to $150 , ? " v, , ' , per barn, per season -1 ' CHEAPER THAN SMOKE STACK GUREK& , (Doseadiag e sise of bam) . . J A ;. :.' ' ;'T:::.i';'s:''' i ft Tht entire curing easing of Florence-Mayo Curtrs Is mods of hsavy gauge galvanized 'ttesl. . if florsnce-Moyo Curat use from 1 to 3 drums of oil Ion per bom 1tion curers wing smoke stock, .;.: i . if Florence-Mavo Curers cure your tobacco better. Over 60 of the prize awards given for bright leaf tobacco exhibited of WO N. C State Fair went to all Florence-Mayo users. 195 M'xM' Bans (Oil Tier) . Prices . O. i'si t Wair si A A (7 Tier "lUw B. Parmville, N. C. plus Inttaltatiosj oad lea of porcelain chimneys by Florence Stovo Co or riorsnce-Maye Nuway Co. or sMnuMys E.C.Z Your dealer has them now ' " T " -' ' r nM k.-fc-lV.' CD. To Garden Club - The Kenansville' Garden Club met on last Monday evening in the home of Mrs. E. A. Newton. Beauti ful arrangements of mixed early summer flowers were used effect ively throughout the living room. Guests were greeted by the hostess and the roll call was answered by each member naming their favorite program of the year. . . - After the business was completed, the president, Mrs. Vance B. Gavin Installed the officers for the coming year . as follows: President, - Mrs. C. B. Guthrie; Vice-President, Mrs. Louise Mitchell; Sec-Tress., Mrs. G. R. DalL Mrs. Gavin was present ed a beautiful arrangement of glad ioli for her two years service. After the installation of officers, Mrs. F. W. McGowan gave a most Interesting talk on Color Harmony in flower arangements. She told how to blend colors for harmony, attractiveness and effect. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. A. T. Outlaw, served home made orange chiffon cake, iced tea and salted nuts. The Garden Club was ad- journed'until the September meet ing. Mrs. Wallace Entertains At Bridge The Monday evening bridge club met with Mrs. J. B. Wallace this week. The hostess used pretty arrangements of gladioli and daises, After several progressions of bridge, Mrs. Vance B. Gavin was awarded high score prize for club members and Miss Margaret Williams for visitors. The hostess served frozen fruit salad, cheese straws and ham biscuits. ,,..,.' , Miss Williamson Receives Cap A Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Williamson, Mrs. Bill Williamson, Barbara and Anita and Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Brown attended the capping exer cises at Highsmith hospital in Fay- etteville Friday night Miss Pattie Williamson received her cap, mark ing the finish of her probation period as. a student nurse. Card Of Thanks Acknowledging with grateful ap preciation the many kindnesses and courtesies extended during our re cent bereavement. , . . . , i t Family of the late Stephen Hampton Grady Experience is about the only thing in this world you cant buy on the installment plan. '"' r . ' If ' '" . The Duplin Square Dance Team met Saturday to. practice and make their "plans to go to Chapel Hill Festival. They will practice this coming Saturday night ,at Mrs. Falson Smith. - -X : , , i . : ' Mrs. W. M. Holt is sbendlns imu time with her, sister, Mrs. Mattie Smith at Winston-Salem. . , v i Mrs. W.; X .Grady spent Sunday and Monday with her daughter, Mrs. Falson Smith. . . ; Mr. and Mrs. Boscoe Daniels vis ited wjth the Arthur Grady's Sun day p. m. i Miss Jo Grady of Goldsboro visit ed in Albertson Sunday evening. Buddy, LuGene and Aeron Smith. Peggy Grady, Hess, Jr, Wayland. and Larry Davis went to Dudley! Beach swimming,' Sunday p. m. , Harry James and Barbara Joyce Grady spent' the past week-end with their Dad and Grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grady. Mr. Bennie Tillman of Mississippi visited with Mr. and Mrs. Falson Smith Monday p. m. Mrs. John D. Grady and daughter Mary Ann and LuGene Smith went to White Lake Saturday to bring a group of girls home who attended F. H. A, Camp there. The girls re ported a very nice time. Mrs. Allen Stroud and daughters visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grady Sunday p. m. . Mr. Leonard Grady who was taken to Oteen Hospital some time ago is Improving very nicely. ;;-- NOTICE State of North Carolina, Conty of Duplin. , Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed by William Thom as Strickland and wife Dorothy Strickland, dated June Srd, 1890 and recorded .lb Book 4S3 at Page 78, In, the office if the Register of Deeds of Duplin County, North Carolina, default haVing been made in the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and said Deed of Trust being by its terms thereof, subject to foreclosure, the undersig ned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Kenansville, North Carolina at noon on the 6th day of July 1853 or there abouts, the property conveyed in said Deed of Trust, the same lying and being in the County of Duplin, State of North Carolina, in Rose Hill Township and in the town of Rose Hill and more particulalrly described as follows: v -' Situated in the town of Rose Hill, lying south of West Main Street and to the west of Maple Street and being a part of the Isaac Cottle land and. being lots number forty one (41) and forty two (42) and forty three (43) and containing In all three lots. This lots were deeded to G. B. D. Parker and wife to Issaac Cottle and wife as per deed recorded in Book 163 Page 587 in the Registry of Duplin County. Said tract being conveyed to D. J. Fussell by J. B. Fussell and wife Georgia B. Fussell and Horace Fussell and wife Clara H. Fussell. But this sale will be made subject to all outstanding taxes and muni cipal assessments. This the 2nd day of June 1953. ' Latham A. Wilson, Trustee Latham A. Wilson, Atty. 6-25-4t-, L a. w. minlstrator of the estate of L. G. Farmer, now deceased, late of Dup lin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against his said estate to present them to the undersigned Adminis trator on or before the 28th day of June, 1853, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. ... All persons Indebted to said es tate will please .make immediate payment :, ..v:.;;oy 'This 29th day of ,May,: 1853 .-' Billy Farmer, Administrator ;:. . Of the Estate of L. G. Farmer, '. rfi Deceased. 7-9-6t- v. b. g. MRS. ANNA CABA BONET.. j Mrs. Anna Carr Boney, 78, of Wallace,, died Sunday after a linger ing illnessi-She was the widow of the late Frank 3oney of Wallace. Born in 1874, she was the daughter' of John and Maggie Carr. She was a lifelong member of the Wallace Presbyterian Church. Surviving are two stepsons, H. S. and D. E. Boney; and one stepdaughter, Mrs. D. Blos som. Funeral , services was held Tuesday at the Wallace Presbyterian Church with Rev. W. B. Hood offi ciating. Burial was in Rockfish Cemetery. - . " ' . - . MOUilT OLIVE SHOE SHOP Expert Repairs " Quality Materials 160 E. Main-Mount Olive Reasonable Charges poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having this day qualified as Ad- lOOfeOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pot I WW" O o o o o o o o o o 6 o o o o o o o O if you will start saving today. Come in and let O .' ', .'!-: ' 1 1 . . . . 1 q us neip you siari a saving account towara a 0m J a ey uream come true. o o o o o o o o o o o Can Be A Dream Come True r "Make Our Bank Your Bank" Dank Of i. Olive MT. OLIVE O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o CALYPSO O -o - . . .",p IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O : o o o. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o, o o o o NOTICE The following is a schedule of clinics held at various places in the county by the Duplin County Health Department. Most clinics are held weekly: Mondays 2:00 P. M Town Hall in Warsaw Mondays .. 2:00 P. M Kennedy's Store in Beulaville Mondays 3:15 P. M Brinkley's Store, Chinquapin Tuesdays 2:00 P. M Faison Town Hall Tuesdays 3:30 P. M Legion Hut, Calypso Thursdays 2:00 P. M Rose Hill Town Hall .. 3:15 P. M.... .Wallace Town Hall Thursdays ... 1st. Friday 2:00 P. M La Place Club House 2nd. & 4th. Wednesday 1:00 P. M Outlaw's Bridge School 4th. Thursday.... 12:10 Noon Duplin Health Dept. Robert F. Willis, M. D., Clinician All expectant mothers who are not under medical supervision of a private physician are urged to attend the Maternal and Child Health Clinics at Outlaw's Bridge School and the Health Dept. Kenansville, on above dates. The public is urged to attend the nearest clinic for the services offered. It is advisable for all to get the Typhoid vaccine at this time. All babies and small children who have not been vaccinated against Diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus should attend the clinic or report to their family physician for, immunizations against the preventable diseases. Dr. John F. Powers, Health Officer o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o. o o a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o. o. o o o o o o o o . o o o 1000000(000000000000000000000000000004 It , , Ed w tea as e .Bvsseaaw (Ml!) o r- can set you atingle with thrill. can move from zero to legal speed quicker and quieter than any Buick before it and with the utter smoothness of a gull in glide-because this is a 1953 Buick with the spectacular getaway of Twin-Turbine Dynaflow. It can loaf easily up a long steep hill swoop instantly ahead when there's safe passing to be done or whisper along at highway pace with throttle barely open because this is the Buick powered with the world's most advanced VS engine, with record-high compression of 8.5 to 1. TYPICAL fRKES ON 1953 BUKKS, D LIVE RED LOCALLY h BUICK ! CIRCUS HQUK very fourfh Traiday : wew"s e SPEOAl S-Oser, -auengr Man, MODEL 480 SUPER 44aar, 6-PatMngtr -Bvitra Seaan MODEL 52 (illuslraled) ROADMASTER 4-Deer, eatMnget ' RJvfera Sedan ' MODEL 72R, with Twln-Twblna DynaRow and Pawnr SMerlnf as at M sxlra cart $2295,00 $2826.17 $3389.36 Optional qinpntirf, acnuwln. Uol. or4 local lanii If any, acMDIoiMl. Mem mar my ilgfcllr in adlalmlng camnnmlllM diM tm flipping ekorgtl. Alt prlctl iufcKt ro cfronj. without mile. It can surround you with comfort, luxury, restful ease. It can velvet a rough road with its even softer all-coil-spring cushioning track true on curves with its solid torque-tube steadiness handle like a flyrod with its Power Steering gentle to a precise halt with its Power Brakes. And it can seat you in the superb com' fort of true spaciousness because this big and brawny beauty is the Buick Super Riviera Sedan roomiest six passenger sedan made in America. Above all, this car can give yoif supreme value more room, comfort, power and thrill for the money than you can find elsewhere. Why not come in and see it, drive it, compare it? Well be happy to arrange matters ; Standard on fyadmaster, optional at extra tost onjther Series. Available of additional cost x on Super .and ROidtnaster models only. ALWAYS DRIVE CAREFULLY 1 Wnaa but automobile on boirf BUICK wtt bIM Ibom ' Tar : "j, . C. i3W:; i' . nir .: gross n n t i nnrjr7 TJ C. Vrmw, N. C.