THE DUPLIN TIMES, THUESDAT, JULY t, UBB -) " '4 Jpfbyn Qreeiilcind's Icy Moimtdins V ' itymn is written while a group of men talk'l " ' England's' William Carey pat aside Mi cobbler! ; but he could And no last, dug out an education, went to inula ana ouxea the trail for Protestant foreign missions. Close on 'Carey's heels followed America's Adoniram Judson and churchmen on two continents raised their eye brows. That's why Sunday, May 30, 1819, was set tside fey, Protestant Churches in England for em phasis ton foreign missions. And that's why t group of men gathered at the1 Vicarage at Wrexham on the Saturday evening preceding that ' Among those present was Vicar old son-in-law Reginald Heber. Shipley was proud , of Heber and had reason to be. Though bom with a , .silver spoon he was one of the most generous, as well as brilliant, Angellcan clergymen in the empire. At Oxford his clean morals were an inspiration to bis classmates and he won two prizes for writing poetry. He was so free with his money that; on his visits home, his mother sewed his allowance in the ' lining of his clothes to keep him from giving it .away before he got back to school. With his education, wealth 'Reginald Heber could have literally selected his ' pulpit . . . and he did. He ciiose a Utue enurcn as Hodet and, for 16 years, preached from the Bible, -gave a fortune to the poor and wrote 57 hymns be cause he wanted to "draw more people to Join in 4l:e singing." .Dr. Shipley planned a sermon of i'From Greenland's Icy mountains, i From India's coral strand v . i n . . f . I r ! ' I Vvnere Airic s sunny Tuuntuin ' - j' Roll dowfr-their golden sand; n sond;V river, ' plain, 4, rs cholivt From many on oneient ? From many o palmy .: Thev call us -to deliver i Thair land from error's v jJWhat tho' the spicy breezes f Blow soft o'er Ceylon's Isle; 'Though every prospect pleases,' ' And only man Is vile! . ' In vain with lavish kindness The gilts of God are strewn; 1 The heathen in his blindness , Bows down w wood and stonst Coal! Coal! We have it Yon will want B Get it now be sore . We Deltver Garner Coal Co. . Warsaw. N. C iW wJ J Jl j 33 SALES & SERVICE ., your Friendly Ferguson Bealer ' Carolina Tractors W. B. STJTTOM, bit. . si IM. Olive Highway . Phone 49S ' ' ... r C . ; UOlOJHiOrv, no . -. ., f J t t, 11' '""' l"""v - " - 'IJllllrVlirZi.L iT ... ... See Our l 5 Golden Jubilee Tractor ! That Can Be Fully Equipped With All Farm I Implements. I ! m a .11 ' -rt - m I we oeu vnerry iranspiamers Ana nave for r . The Fast Four Years Without Any Complaints. N I II . v See Jack Perkins At j j JEIIKIUS FARM EQUIP? .EtlT CO Inc ' 121 W.Blount St r Kinston Phone 4702 1 1 :: Lin. Used 1L At Very Low Tr'-rs - CLINT X - BONNER BY: CLINT v r Heber ana asked corner of the room, Reginald Heber wrote while the men talked. He had never seen the land of Carey and Judson but after he had written three verses Dr. Shipley said he had a fine missionary hymn. But Heber added . fourth verse to "make the sense complete." The next day Dr. Shipley's congregation sang about India's coral strands to music of a secular song Called "Twas When the Seas Were Roaring." Sunday. Shipley's 36-year- - The following February, over In Savannah, Ga, Miss Mary Howard read Reginald Hebers poem in "The Christian Observer." She wanted to sing it at her church but could find no tune suitable for the metre. Then she thought of a 28-year-old clerk at the bank who directed choirs and wrote music on the side. Lowell Mason read the poem and wrote a tune for it while Miss Howard waited. ' Three years later BlshoD Reginald Heber was sent to India where there are no "coral strands." In charge of foreign missions in three countries, he and background, worked himself to Lowell Mason went to Boston and spent 45 years writing the sweetest music this side of heaven. But one of his best tunes was one of his first . v . . the tune be composed- in half an hour for this poem Reginald Heber wrote in the corner of a living room one Saturday night while a group of men talked foreign missions about foreign missions. The lamp Salvation! The ioyful Till earth's (Till o'er our ransomed nat'ire I The Lamb for sinners slain. Redeemer, King, Creator, in Dliss From The Book 'A HYMN IS BORN" , WILCOX-FOLLETT CO., Chicago, HL PASTOR'S COLUMN Carlton F. Hlrscht MAKING TIME "Look carefully then how yon walk, not as unwise men but as wise, snaking1 the most of the time. Ephesians S:1S. Wa talk about time In common daily terms. We speak of -making See us now for your Silent Flame : TOBACCO CURERS We Recommend Them To You Utility Hdwe. Co. Mount Olive, N. C. J TYJJDALL FUNERAL HOME ; m mount olitx . PHONE 2303 Home of Wnyne-Dunrta :, - Bnrlal AzeoclatRMt Enneral Dlreotors Embalmers AinlwiaaVt Serrlee Day or Mcb 1 - i.' " i-. s.. Li New : - o'l rw s Gsir V V J ml table hymn, to he tamed to him to write one. Retiring to a death and died on the Job at 43. .Shall we, whose souls are lighted IWith wisdom from, on high, -.Shall we to men benighted of life deny? O salvation! ' V sound Droeloim. remotest nation ' Has learned Messiah's name. Waft, waft, ye winds. His story. And you, ye waters,, roll. Till, like a sea of glory, It soreads from Dole to cole: returns to rsignt v ail Copyright 1952 time. While riding in an automo bile a man passed and some one in our car remarked, "He is making time", The reference being he was driving too rapidly. , We speak of saving time. In com parison to twenty years ago we are able to save time in many ways through the use of the washing machine, sewing machine and the automobile. This ' is the mechical age and much time is being saved through the use of many machines. We speak of killing time. I did not have anything to do so I went to the movies. My husband did not come home for dinner on time so I just waited for him to .come. Time is precious and most valu able. It is a wonderful gift given to us by God. Life is too short to waste our time. James says con cerning life. "What Is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes' James 4:14. i Do you take time for the daily habits that are essential to healthful living habits that keep the physical body going? Do you take time to care for your body? Do you take time to make friends? Do you take time for your family relationships? Do you take time to worship God? If we would make the most of our time, let us improve each passing moment. Let us remember that we can make added time by extending our lives "in to lives and causes which will be going on far beyond our years. . ; Old Photographs Restored - Portraits Commercial Photography Weddings, Parties, Anniversaries :- and Identification Photos ; ' LANIER STUDIO' Phone 6341 " At Wallace Sittings Mights and Sundays ' By Appointment SUMMER SUITS $19.95 $32.50 CROSBY SQUARE SHOES Widths A to EES TOM R BEST i '. Goldsbore Fire t Safe! Tc::rs:o c:os Eu"t With ! ''' j UMUInal Unto . W0W, S Spncby School I on. ' W0, Sflrlptarat Romans 1 3. D,vUnl Baadlnf : Psalm 111. God Is Righteous Lesson for July 5, 1953 MAYBE it is because righteous is not a singable word. (Is there any rhyme for it?) Maybe it is because the word has a hard ring to it in some ears. It seems to suggest something rigid and un be&Kiful, like' a poker or a fence post. Anyway, for some reason or other, we do not hear much about God's being right eous.. Words like "love"-or "mercy" are used : more often. We hear of the high and holy' God, the almighty, or we hear of the loving Father of all. But we do. not bear often enough of the God who IT" first and last and r. Foreman always Is the righteous God. A Righteous God Or None The Bible's God is a righteous God. But the writers of the Bible did not shiver when they wrote that word. They . did not believe and tremble, they believed and were glad. In fact, nobody who gives the question the serious thought it deserves would be in terested in God if he were not righteous. An un-righteous God would be no God at all but a kind of devil. Righteousness means being right, first of. all. It means seeing things as they are, seeing past the surface to the heart of things. No one who sees men and character dimly or crookedly can be righteous. But righteousness is more than being right. It means being right-in-action, It includes being just and fair, though it is more than that, too. Some one might be fair be cause the rules compelled him to be. He might be fair to others so that they in turn would be fair to him. Righteousness means not only justice in act, but justice in desire. It means the love of justice and not only the practice of it. Right eousnessthe Bible word in ad dition means dependability. The original meaning of the word was simply "straight." Justice For All God is like man in one respect His actions speak louder than his words. The writers of the Bible, Old Testament and New, more of ten speak of God's righteous acts than of his righteous words. It re mained for the Apostle Paul to sum up the case for God's right eousness. It Is shown, he says demonstrated, that ' is to say in two ways. These two ways are en larged on in the early chapters of Romans as well) as elsewhere in Paul's writings. First of all, the justice of God expresses His righteousness. God is no "respecter of persons;" in other words, He plays no favor ites. Paul's own people, the Jews, had misunderstood what it meant to be the "chosen" people. They had supposed it meant they were God's favorites, though the proph ets had long tried to explain that "chosen" meant chosen for serv ice, appointed. Some people to day think that "Nordics" or Americans or some other group is God's chosen people, His favor ites, His pets so to speak. No, the Bible teaching is that in God's sight all men stand on an equal footing. i Redemption For All If this were all .that could be said, we of the human race, would be in a hopeless hole. As Paul shows, the fact that God treats all men alike in the long run, is no comfort at all; it only means that the verdict "Guilty" must be pro nounced on us all. Comparing what t-we are with what we ought .to be, not even we ourselves can hon estly say much for ourselves. If God's righteousness were noth ing but an even-handed justice, it would be a searing flame. But it is more. The other way God shows His righteousness is in His mercy, in His coming to us in Christ . He has : made - salvation that is,, the setting-free from the deadly whirling wheeling of sin and destruction He made this free to all. He forces mercy on no one. But if He offered mercy and forgive ness only to a selected few or for that matter, only to a selected many then while He might be called 'merciful He ceuld hardly be called righteous. If God saved everyone, regardless - He would still not be righteous. . He saves those who have faith, that is, those who humbly accept what they real ize they can never earn the trans forming love of God. For'one of the elorlous things about God is that He Is not only righteous He shares ' His righteousness. , (Ban ' MtllMi aayrlshtaa r ha Dtvliioa ml Chrt.Uaa EaaoaUm, Ma Uaaal CunU at taa Caar.a.l al Chrlit la taa V. S. A. Raltaa.a by Caaamaltr Prtsa Sarilaa.) ...... . WSS. M. M. TLUGPEN ,( Beadsrtllle. H. C ; ' Breaenttrte Pot - T7AE2AX7 rLCZAL ' r- "nr. c Populor Dairyman To Retire After 41 Years Service A man known to thousands of Tar Heel farmers as the "father of progressve dairy farming in North Carolina" will retire July 1, after 41 years of service to the state's dairymen. He is John A. Arey, in charge of Extension work in dairy ing at State College. During his long career, Arey has seen the state's' dairy industry grow from a pin-money sideline to the profit able business it is today. The name of John Arey is synony mous with, a good breeding pro gram, improved pastures, herd test ing, record keeping, and efficient management As a tribute for his contribution to the advancement of North Carolina agriculture, more than 200 of his fellow workers and dairymen recently honored him at a banquet during which they pre sented him with a television set, a bound volume of some 200 testi monial letters, and a check. Prior to World War 1, Arey served as Iredell Couty Agent. He has been Extension dairyman at State College since Japuary, 1920. The growth of dairying in North Carolina particularly the Dairy Herd Improvement Association the artificial breeding programs and the OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI Go PRESBYTERIAN REV. W. B HOOD, PASTOR Wallace Cbarch Every Sunday Morning 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sunday, nights Blacks Chapel 3rd Sunday night KEY J. M. NJSBETT, PASTOR Rockflsh Church 2nd and 4th Sunday mornings 3rd Sunday ngiht REV. WADE H. ALLISON, Pastor Ml. zioat cnarcn, nose uiu 1st and 4th Sunday mornings 2nd and 3rd Sunday nights OAK PLAINS CHURCH 3rd Sunday morning 1st Sunday night TEACHET CHURCH 2nd Sunday morning 4th Sunday nlgttt Warsaw Cmna Every Sunday morning Bowdea Community Church 1st. 8rd. and 6th. Sunday evenings BEY. J. T. HATTER, JB, PASTOB Grove Church 2nd and 4th Sunday mornings HaUsvllle Church 1st end 3rd Sunday marines REV. W. H. GOODMAN, PASTOB Bemaviiie enurcn Every Sunday morning PINK HTLt GROUP V Rev. Farrior, Pastor Pink Hill Third Sunday' A. M. and 1st Sunday P. M. Women of the Chureu General meeting Third Tues day mgnt. uircie no i jnrsi Tuesday night SMITHS Second Sunday A M. and Fourth Sunday P. M. HEBRON Third Sundays 4 P. M. (3 P. M. Winter) PLEASANT VIEW 1st Sunday A. M. and 3rd Sunday P. M, General meetnig Thursday P. M. after 3rd Sunday. Circle Thurs day P. M. before 3rd Sunday HARPER-SOUTHERLAND Fourth Sunday A. M. and Second Sunday P. M. First Wednesday afternoon f. P. Field Group 1st and 3rd Saturday evenings 6 P. M. REV. TAYLOR A. BYRD, PASTOR Service each Second and Fourth Sunday Night at 7:30. UNIVERSALnT Outlaw's Bridge Church Sendee, 1st. Sunday Bight 8:00 P. M. 2nd and 4th Sunday morning, 11:00 a. m. ' ' Pastor, Rev. L. C. Prater Sunday School every Sunday Morning at 10:00 a. .m. Mrs. Ed Smith, Superintendent . MISSIONARY BAPTISTS . KENANSVILLK Rev. Lauren Sharpe, Pastor Kenansville EACH SUNDAY MORNING BEULAVTLLE. GROUP Rev. A L. Brown, Pastor Beulavllle 2nd and 41b Sundays Cedar Fork 1st and 2nd Sundays Hallsvffle 3rd end 4th Sunday! Immaculate Conception Chnrch Cathollo Transfiguration Mission Wallace, N. C. ; . Rev. John 3. Harper, Pastor Hours of Mass First Sunday of each month 11.00 a. m. Every Sunday following 8:45 a, m. (Services are held upstairs to office No. 1 of new Lee Building, Wallace). s - This directory s HOMER TAYLOR General Merchandise . , Magnolia, N. C. . CAROLINA BUILDING SUPPLY COMPANY : CkMdabore L shway '. 1 ' - Kinvton, N. C. Junior Dairy Cattle Shows - is a monument to Aieya efforts. Today, if a random sample of dairy farm ers with small herds were asked how they got started in the dairy business, many would say simply, "John Arey got me started." "Krey will be succeeded as top man in North Carolina dairy Exten sion work by George Hyatt Jr., dairy specialist for the N. C. State College Agricultural Extension Ser vice since August 1952. - Too many people who are strug gling for luxuries imagine they are struggling for an existence. First Church Of Christ Scientist (Christian Science) Kinston, N. C. ( Gordon It Bast Sts Sunday Services (every Sun day) 11 A. It. Sunday School (every Sun day) 9:45 A. M. Wednesday Evening Meet lngs (Testimonial services of healing In Christian Science) 8:00 P. M. Reading Room 404 N. Queen St. 11-4 every day, except Sun. and Holidays, 7:30 - 9 P. M, Tues. and Thurs. All are cordially invited to at tend our services and to en joy the use of the Reading Room. To Church Sunday- The Logic Of The Heart BY REV. C. HERMAN TRUEBLOOD Text: "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Matt. 6:21. Man is "fearfully and wonderfully made," said the Psalmist. Indeed, that is true. In the human body there are 206 bones; the muscles are about 600 In number. In the average adult the amount of blood is about 30 pounds, or aboul one fifth of the total weight. A grown man's brain weighs about three pounds, the nerves in the body are all connected with it, either directly or by way of the spinal cord. The nerves, together with their branches and intricate ramifications, probably is more than ten million in number. We are told that we breathe on an average 1,200 times per hour inhaling in that time about 100 gallons of air, or 2,400 gallons per day. The aggregate surface of the air cells of the lungs exceed 20,000 square inches, which is almost equal to the floor of a room twelve feet square. But the heart is perhaps the most important of the human body "The Spring of Life." The average heart is six inches in length and four Inches wide. It beats 70 times per minute, 4,200 times per hour, 36,792,000 times per year; and at each heart-beat 2Vfc ounces of blood are thrown out - 175 ounces per minute, equal to 656 pounds per hour and seven tons per day. All of the blood of the body passes through the heart in three minutes. One of the most prevalent, as well as most dangerous physical ailments is "Heart Trouble," and the death-toll from "Heart Disease" is wide spread. However, in the realm of the spirit, "Heart Trouble," Spiritual Heart Failure, Is Christianity's greatest enemy. In this matter of HEART, religiously speaking, we have in mind the whole of man's conscous nature - intellect, affections, will - that which distinguishes him -from -dumb brute creatures, and that which entails upon him responsibilities, and endows him with capobilities which shall last throughout countless ages. How natural, and logical is it for a person's heart to be all tangled-up with his treasure. Indeed, and most logically, a person's HEART and TREASURE usually "stick together." 1. THE HEART DETERMINES heart, there is no God." Ps. 14:1. destiny where there is "no God." 2. THE HEART IS THE KEY lieve in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto salvation, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation," Rom. 10:9-10. 3. THE HEART IS THE INDEX TO CHARACTER. "As a man think eth in his heart (not what he professes) so is he." Prov. 23:7. 4. THE HEART IS THE INSTIGATOR OF CONDUCT. "Keep thy heart with all dilligence, for out of it are the issues of life." Prov. 4:23. 5. THE HEART IS A MEASURE OF OUR SINCERITY. "And what soever ye do, do it HEARTILY, as unto the Lord, and not unto men." Col. 3:23 1 CALYPSO Pastor 2nd and 4th Sundays MAGNOLIA BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. D. Everett, Pastor let and 3rd Sunday mornings 1st and 3rd Sunday nights REV. ELLIOTT B. STEWART, Corinth 2nd and 3rd Sundays ' Teacbey 1st and 4th Sundays CHINQUAPIN GROUP Missionary Baptist Church Rev. Yarn. Uarrell ;:. gharon ; 1st and 2nd Sundays Island Creek . 1st and 3rd Sundays Dobson's Chapel , 2nd and 4th Sundays ShUeh 1st and 4th Sundays made feasible through the eeeperatfen ef the P. TYND ALL'S SONS Pink Bin, K. C i SERVICE MOTOR COMPANY DeSoto Plymouth Sales and Strvtce Keiiansville, N. C . . TOO MUCH LIVING One of the privileges of man Is to live and learn the catch is that some men live more than ' they learn. MODERN HOME Architects are working out plans for an automobile with a home that folds into the door. Folks who clamor most for equality know a few people they are going to snub if they ever get their hands on some money. ' McBride & Herring Sporting Goods Co., Inc. 152 S. Center St. Phone 3631 Goldsboro, N. C. Complete Mne Of Fresh and All Makes Rods Je Reels. Salt Water Flshlnr Equipment Toys The Tear Around DESTINY. "The fool hath said in his Such a fool naturally determines a TO SALVATION. "If thou shalt be 1 Island Creek 2nd Sunday morning and 4th Sun day evening. BEAR MABSH last and '3rd Sundays ROSE HILL Rev. J. V. CASE Services every Sunday FAISON Rev. M. M. Turner, Paster 1st and 3rd Sundays JOHNSON CHURCH Rev. Paul MuIL pastor 1st and 3rd Sundays MAGNOLIA GROUP Ooneord 2nd end 4th Sundays WALLACE Dr. Poaton, Paster Services each Sunday Chnrah of JCesne Christ of Latter Day Seinte meeting Sun. 7:30 p, m. Belief Society, Tuesday 7:0t pjn. HXA, Wednesday, 7:30 pjn. fallowing butxneas flrmsc CALYPSO VENEER CO. Calypso, N. C. WILLIAMSON'S ESSO STATION .. Your ear get personal attention W. P. W WOOxwMn, Prop. KeoansvUle, N. C ' OB. B. W. COLWELL " OptooMtrist ' Wallace. North Carolina Office Phone: 2091 Residence: S44S IOOOOOOOOOOOI For Sale sash, doors, sheet rock wool, plast er, lime, cement, brick, mortar, paints, terra-cot-ta pipe, drain tile, white asbestos si ding, asphalt shingles, all kind roll roofing, 5-v crimp tin roofing, And BRICK SIDING ROCK, ROCK LATH, Z.J. CARTERS SOU WALLACE. N. C lOOOOOOOOOOOl METHODIST CHURCHES WALLACE GROUP K. R.'Wheeler, Minister Tel. 3186 Wallace Every Sunday morning and every Sunday night Providence First and Third Sun days at 3 o'clock p. m. ROSE HILL GROUP W. B. Cotton, Minister Tel. 3511 Rose Hill Charity WARSAW GROUP Rev. Carlton F. HlrschL Minister Tel. 305 Warsaw First, Second, and Fourth Sunday Mornings. Third Sunday night CARLTON'S 2nd and 4th Sunday Mornlng Church 9:30 Turkey Third Sunday morning and the First Sunday night FAISON D. F. Kinlaw, Minister Tel. 221 Second Sunday Morning and Fourth Sunday night. Also Fifts Sunday morning MOUNT OLIVE CIRCUIT Paul B. Mannes Bethel Fourth Sunday morning and Second Sunday night Calypso Second Sunday morning and Fourth Sunday night Rone's Chapel Second and Fourth Sundays at 10:00 a. m. PINK HILL D. C. Boone, Minister Tel. 27M Woodland First Sunday Morning and Third Sunday night Pink Hlll-Second and Fourth Sun days, Morning and Night DUPLIN CHARGE Ray Goodwin. Minister TeL 2182 Friendship Second Sunday morav ing and Fourth Sunday night Kenansville First Sunday morn ing and Third Sunday night Magnolia Fourth Sunday morning and Second Sunday night Unity Thirdi'Sunday morning and First Sunday night Wesley Saturday night before the Second Sunday WELLS CHAPEL Rev. J J), Buerer, Pastor 2nd and 4th Sundays WARSAW Dr. A W. Greenlaw, pastor Services each Sunday GARNERS CHAPEL Rev. Eu iren Hager 1st and 3rd flnwdsj tnorncnt 4th Sunday night JONES CHAPEL Rev. Eugene Hager 1st and 3rd Sunday night 2nd Sunday morning ALUM SPRINGS Rev. Eugene Hager 2nd Sun, night 4th Son. mornhtg LIMESTONE CHAPEL Advent' Christian Church Potters H1U , Service lat mMai c. i Night Sun. and Sun. Night Attest munu, rasior. PINEY GROVE Sabbath School Free WilT Baptist Church Each Sunday 10.30 a. m. Second Sunday at 1140 a. as. anil V.M n Pastor; Rev. R. c. Kennedy SARECTA CHAPEL "Original PTee Sunday School every Sunday an iO:nn a m eagnJ Zry 6unday at 8:00 P. IE,' Church Third Sunday, lfOO A. IL uu can f, jvj. L J. SAND LIN COMPANY Hdwe, Grace, Dry Geeda Beolaville, N. C. WACCAMAW BANK TRUST CO. KeanansviBe Beulavllle Base Hill . IT. B. T " t a r. r rrczx CATTS pr IE C NY Pa "i(t '-el I IUC