V . ... Mm 7. F. Pcrsc::Is Mr. and Mrs. Flave Mercer- and .-. 'Wanda, Mist Margaret Mercer, Miss Joyce wotue, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Earl Mercer and Mr. A. R Mercer vuitea the lormer Mrs. Mercer's toother. Mrs. Standi, near Raleigh ounaay. Mrs. Margaret Campbell and . daughter. Bunny, of Raleiah: Mr. ,i and Mrs. BUI Hussey and family , of Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Harry . f ountain ox Jacksonville, Mr. and . . Mrs, Jack Brinson of Kenansvilie : were guests Saturday of their oar. ; en fa, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Brinson. r rs. woodrow Williams and son, Danny, -of Washington, D. C, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chea- s; Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Brown and " airs, raul Parker vislt.rt niati, ,. jn new Bern Monday. - Mrs. Al Cantor, Mr. and Mrs. Ben .Krakow of Brooklyn, N. Y.. were - recent guests of Mr. and Mm. mi cantor. . Mr. and Mrs. Billy Sandlln of Ve rona were week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Bratcher. Miss Louise and Marjorie Evans oi new uern were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Evan- .... ,. Messrs. Mickey Brooks and Loujse Bachtell of Norfolk were week-end guests of C. P. Howerlng and MrT um on. w. M. UOSUC. Sgt Cecil Hunter, who has re cently returned to the states from duty in Korea. Mrs. HunteF and' OautfhtAr &in i ' . " , w-r. C viSlUUg 'Cgl,: and Mrs. Sidney Hunter in N. J. and Mrs. ROY SANDERSON Beulaville KepresentaUve For Warsaw Floral Co. Warsaw, N. C. THE BYE Has A Complete Line Of Inf ants and t PARKVIEW 116 Piece tXISSOa BRIGHT $2973 29J3 r- Valua.1 OUR Gin TO YOU ' WITH NEW r . i I 7 , I v7 ' J LJ or EXRA I j ! J LJJ 1 O ?irl SOUTIIEhn QUZEEI FOU-STAtf r.:.:zcA's fastest - ' 1 IJTERS Jl i v f .b'" I ,7 "Dai" tSer, Ncwb: Ail W Ctprejentatir. . . J A 1 Pennsylvania. .' t t..i;3,-i ! f and Mrs. Ashe Miller. Miss Elsie Mr. and Mrs, Hose Hunter Mr. I Hall; Messrs Bobby Miller and Bud and Mrs. Walter Lynn, .Wade' were dy reeves spent Sunday at Carolina rcceni guests ox air, ana Mrs. $Mr ney Hunter at Brown's Mill, JS.. J. mi valley rorge. Pa,, r . ,f vrr' W. mo an, uinon sjuinn ana aaughter. Jo, have returned to Chapel Hill following a visit with uv ana jars, jueon vruinn ana Mr. and Mrs. John G. Kennedy. iW Mr. and Mrs. Bud Miller and fam- Uy were in Morehead Sunday, and visited Mrs. "ZoUie Batchelor,. Mr. 4u w ,awjw jvenneoy xn jacx :;''! - .a-,':j'.'" ;MUton Bostic. U. ,S. JJayy, and "i naanjngioo.. are visiting Mr. and Mas. Rushion Boatie enroute to .Chicago, -, Hi; wuere mey ww resiae,, t r 'BO Thomas, U. S, Navy inent the week end wtth-hia " parents, rjdr. and Mrs. Ad J&. Thomaa.enroule to f .. " " perloa Waltun- wmue.,Dss..Deen Visiting Sgt Whaley With the tli S. Army in Alabama. ',.,,. ,t;;'- . ar j -a a v -s m- . . S f lai4.,viuiuei anaispent last week . end at Topsail .- ui own(u we jveen ena guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.'ji CotUe: t -Mr. and Mrs. Hubert HarreU and family and Mrs. Lillian HU1 of'Bur- gaw were Sunday dinner guests of ur. ana Mrs. Temple HUL , : Mm. a. xx. xnuroen nas returnea to ner nome louowmg a visit with iorge4inaau, ana umuuau, reiauves, ujsampson wuniy. v- . o; J. i Mrs. J. W. Morton of ,Wew Bern wto Boone JW.PS w TM'WesfUWpw - ins; fwcs, . iiynvuie, caravans ;ta lng State Park Drive to DanvUle last . week-end and attended, the uwaroAngei Wedding in. the Lane Memorial Methodist Church in Al taVista, Va. Pat Coward the groom hintf a nnhw nf Mm Utr Reeves of Nashville were w'&k end guests of the former's parents, Mr n am. nsae taiuet, ei.rX. Mr. and Mrs. E ' L . a Ooldsboro ' were recenFjiuests ,ofl Mrs, VaUie Campbell .. , r I - 10 SHOP Childrens Wear School Dresses ; 15 ;: Custom Made Dresses -. -it '.-iiv Skirts Blouses ' -i Coats - Jackets Raincoats r, Girls Sizes 1 - .3 3 - 6X 7 -14 Boys Up" to 8 w Complete Layette Gifts KWSTONil STAINLESS STEIU fV V, and nr:isT waciiis . i - :: . .. 't. Cutlery Sett The new Easg 4 Eiar wUl amase you It's So jastA clean tubful of rlohM evary law minutes! It's so dtptndabU yon caa -forget service worries! It's so Mrt elothae eome out nally sparkling clean, You owe it to your family to see the ar I CL,: Come m tooayl . . . ., ; ! lAwDowar'eryanent (..Iasy Terms - . ... iv t 'I V.'i"ace, n; c. I Beach. - , I Mr. and Mrs. James Miller and IfamUy spent Sunday at Topsail I Beach. I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller, Mr. and Mrs. John MUler, Nancy MUler, Barbara Jean Kenndy,-Norma Allen Smith, James Robert Grady, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Thomas, Angeleta Tho- max Mr. and Mrs. w. J Miliar and (Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Miller were - lin KenansvUle Sunday to the- out I door Service, at Grove. Churchy Mrs. Ashe Miller attended Athe president's of the women of i the church held last week at the home of the District Chairman. Mrs. E M I Sills, in Pith Hill. I I.t and Vra Lim Rmrtl and children, Mary Frances and Butch, I hma ntnmarf t h at fm '. Japan and are visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Bostitf .i-s ?? I Mr nnri Mm - TWmon i tll w Tommy MUler and Bennett Hunter " - geach. ': '-.." Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Conoway and grand son, Mike, of Wilmington were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Johnston Little Connie Johnston accompanied them home i tnr nuak'i ui.it Friends regret to know Mrs. CUn- ton; CampbeU is confined to her borne due to Illness. I Mrs. Aubrev Johnston and infant an TTnrl .Taw hnva ' isafninaH ' ta-i I their home from the Bladen Countr lHospttal in Elizatethtown,; ) i y The Young Ladles Circle of the I Beulaville Baptist Church met Mon day night with Mrs. Bud Miller. Mrs. Macon Browtr presided and I led the "JevoUonaL The program of A IT" V j , . I tho Jesus Way" was developed In open aiCU8sion ' by Mesdames Brown, - Orzo Thigpen, Elwood uecu Miuer, . Hoses Hunter and Robert Jackson. The meeting closed with prayer. , - ' The hostess served Coca Colas l-and candy, to the twelve attending. Wafer Melon Slicing v i ' Mr. and Mrs. Richard William entertained a group of friends re cently with a water melon sit-ins and -additional refreshments. Those attending were, Mr. and Mrs. Al Wehrhahn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kilpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph wmiaxer, ana uenise, Mr. Al Proc tor, Misses Joyce Morris, Janice Morris, Jewel McCoy, June Watson, Mr. ana Mrs. Richard Fouhe. Mrs. Lou BeUe Williams, Mrs. M. M. Thigpen and Miss Loce Belle. Games of Bingo, Harmonica and Uke music and snappy sayings were enjoyed. Entertain Mr. and Mrs. Ashe Miller enter-1 tained with a Bar-B-Q chicken supper Saturday evening at Wood row Smith's in honor of Bobby Miller and Buddy Reaves of Nash ville. Those attending were Miss Elsie HaU of Jacksonville, Mr. and mis. Anarew amier, Misses nay Quinn and Sue Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. BUI MUler and sons, W. L, Jerry and Truett, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph MUler, Mr. and Mrs. James MUler and family and Mr. . and Mrs. John . MiUer and daughter, Nancy- fhsonic Meeting A regular stated communication of Beulaville Lodge No. 658 A. F, an A. M. was. held on Tuesday evening,' Sept 1, at 7:90 o'clock. The lodge was opened in regular form with the Master Leslie Ken nedy presiding. The membership assembled ia the during' hall and enjoyed a deUcious meal of roast pork, potatoes, beans, rolls, butter, cake and tea. Folllowing the dinner W. F. MUler Introduced the speaker of the even ing, Mr. R. Paul Blevin of Roseboro, District deputy grand master of the ninth Masonic district of North Carolina . The membership were happy "to receive guests from the KenansvUle, Jacksonville, and an out of State lodge. There were approximately forty in attendance. Birih Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Johnston of BeulavUle announce the birth of i son, Karl Jay, on August 21. Bladen County Hospital, Elizabeth town. Mrs. Johnston is the former Miss Eva Conaway of Wilmington. . President Aubrey Johnston has announced the BeulavUle Club will meet Tuesday night at the Lodge at 7:30. All members are urged to attend. .-- v Eastern Star . The Beulaville Chapter O. E. S. wUl meet at 7:30 Monday night in tne ixxjge Jor a regular meeting. Pi.liw.rcrs . PaU bearers ' for the Johnston EzzeU funeral were Leroy Matthews Granam FrazzeUe, Hugh Sandlln, Led WUliams, Hampton Baker and uienwooa Tnomas. . . Ccrd Of Thz!c$ ' The family of Johnson EzzelT wlah to thank each and everr one for meir Kinanexs and symnathv shown during the I!'r-' l and death of our I!:-::ssU!d.C , The John fvey Tl.oiiias 'Chap U. D. C. met Monday night -In the home of Mrs. Ray Humphrey. Mrs. Lou BeU Williams, president, pre sided. The living room desk held a lovely arrangement of red dahlias flanked with the American; and flag of the Confederacy. .The ritual and flag salutes, were led by Mrs. Humphrey. Mrs. Ashe MUler acted as secretary in the absence of Mrs. HermanJUUer. Miss Ermie Sander son give the registrar report ' Miss Lou Jackson was in charge of the program wmcn was on National U. D. C Memorial bulldina erect ed In Richmond, Va. 4 Delegates. to the U. D. C.; Convention were ap 1 pointed by the president The nom inating committee, Mrs. M. M. Thiff uen, Mrs. S. P. - Bostio and Miss Ermie, gave -the fouowing nomina tion of officers: President-Mrs; Ida Thomas MUler, great .granddaugh ter of John I vey Thomas for which the Chapter was named; .vice presi dent Mrs. Lou Belle Williams, granddaughter, pf Mr. Thomas;, sec retary, Mrs. Ray Humphrey; treas urer. Miss Lou Jackson; historian, Mrs. S. P. Bostic; registrar, Mrs. Gardner Edwards; records of cross es, Mrs, BUI .Carroll. ., i j.: , Mrs.' Humphrey,' assisted by her! little - daughter, Susan, . and Mrs. Jim 0. Sandlln, served angel and cream .frozen cake f topped jvjth- wmppea cream ana cherries.'." Mrs. WUliams named to the conV ventions. State Convention Yin Greensboro, Mrs. Ralph MUler; al ternate. Mrs, BUI Carroll. Nation al Convention, Mrs. Ashe Miller; alternate, Miss Ermie. Sanderson. ,' . t i. Junior Class Officers The Junior-Class met. August 27 and elected officers as f oUowes: President . BUly Bostic: Vice-Pres loent Mary Grace Whaley: Secre tary . Veachie Rhodes; Treasurer Pearline Whaley; Class. Advisors Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Spence. elect Officers The Sophmore Class met mventlv ana eieciea me loiiowina offlmm: rresiaent - ttruce Guy;-Vice-Presl dent Jerry Ann Sandlln: Secretary xui Mercer: Treasurer Benny xmgpen. . Seniors Meet -i The Senior Class met Aucust 23 to. elect class officers. Elected were: President . C. P. Howerlng; Vice President - Ervin Dobsott; -Secretary. Kay Quinn: Treasure. . Raddie Faye Quinn; Advisor - Mrs. Bar bee and Mrs. Gray. . ' ,.. i Church Synod To Convene Inli Wilson mm Raleigh - The dne-hundred-fortle- th annual- meeting of the Synod of North Carolina, Presbyterian Church in the United States, will' convene in the First Presbyterian Church, Wilson, September 8-10 The host pastor is the Rev. R. Murphy WUl iams. The opening session will be held Tuesday, September 8, 2:30 P m, and win be presided over by the Retiring Moderator. Rev. Albert B. McClure, Superintendent of Barium Springs -Orphanage. The Sjrawd wUl receive annual reports from the Council, beaded by Ruling Elder W. E. Price of Charlotte, rec ommending a Synod's benevolence budget of $577,110 for tmr church year HS4, and $948, TOO for Assem bly's causes, a total of S2S,B0O; the Executive Committee of Church Extension, A. E. Gibson, Wilming ton, Chairman, whlciv will pay tri bute to the Rev. O. V. CaudiTl, who for the past eight years ha served as Caasrch and Manse building con sultant, and who wUl assume a similar position with the General Asteasai of the Church October 1; the Executive Committee of Educa tion, the Rev. W. M. Currie, Gteens borov Chairman, which will present a report on the Educational Survey to be made of the Synod" seven institutions; and the foUowiag Per manent Committee: Heme, Dr. J. Harry Whitmore, Thoma svUle, Chairman; Inter-Church Relations, Dr. Kelaey Regan, Durham, Chair man; Woman's Work, Rev." J. M. Walker, Roanoke Rapids, Chairman; Annuities and ReUef, Rev. C. M. Glbhs, FayettevUle, Chairman; Min ister and His Work, Dr. Sidney A. Gates, Salisbury, Chairman; World Missions; Dr. Edgar Woods, Graham, Chairman; and Assembly's Special Causes, Dr. Harry M. Moffett, Jr. Gastonla, Chairman." 'r Speakers for the Synod will in clude the following: . Rev.. A. B. McClure, retiring Moderator's-ser mon; - Mrs. Rufus- D. Wilson, Bur lington, President of the Women of the Synod: the Rev. Clifford J. Earle, Philadelphia, Secretary of the Department of Social Education and Action, Board of Christian Ed ucation, Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A.; the Rev. Joseph K Hopper, missionary to Korea: John J. Eich- horn, Greensboro, representative of the Home Life Insurance Company; Dr. a Frank Hill. WrightsviHe Beacn, who will speak on "1953 Christian World Events"; the Rev. Milton B. Faust, Synod's Director or Evangelism; the Rev. Lawrence W. Bottoms; Atlanta, Assistant Di rector of Negro Work for the Gen. eral Assembly; the Rev. David M. Currie, Board of Christian Educa tion, Richmond; and the Rev. Harry amiu, uirecior oi - Presb-rtrrian Student Work, University of North Carolina, Chapel HilL v Dr. Harold J rh,H1w r-n..l Secretary and Stated Clerk nod. .will deliver his an Tt 'ay- a'" ernonn. I r i i :) , ! O- SMJ : ' . . . ' ' ' V - The Senior -Class had a pepsi party In the home room Tuesday morning tn honor of reaching their 1st goal of .....CO in their sale of magazines. Donald Edwards Was awarded a prize of $5.00 for seUing the most and Joyce Cottle an addi tional prize for runner up. , - The class elected their annual staff as follows; Editor In chief - Norma Simpson: Assistant Editor Donald Edwards; Business Manager - Margaret Mercer; Asst Business Manager - Tyson. Houston; Circular tion Manager Joyce Cottle; Typing Editor - Louis Tyndall - Raddie F. Quinn; Sports Editor Ervhf Dob son; Hynior Editor James Robert utaujrj nn caiior uu-oiyn Jorm son and PfaotoirraDh' Editor - Janice xiOSUCt .,,,.'..,.T,'w...y-.,.,..Ki.J.-.. A Service To Misr Mildred A tiny bud I first besad Ji I "A" little service did I then. Opening stUl a little more. '? , I recognized my Father's door. A little more unfolding stiU. - Wow I know my Esther's will. Greater stiU the bloom has grown. -Service to others I have shown. ruii m oioom now 1 stand, Taking others by the hand, Showing. helDlna. everv da. V Someone to Uve in the Father' w way. K . !, The task U great - . I ' Theway ta clear.'Vfj'.t'i,!:" For a full' bloom recognizes wind ; severe.-- . ... . . From bud to bloom a cycle! Has IMSSeO. : - V ' . Ttt-.- ,V I t And what- rm to do now h I need not ask , Except of my father , Who day bv dav. . . Watches the blooms from Buds dis play. He in His greatness will -.Watch over me now. ;' As I commit myself, Father - ' Now, to Thy care. ; i ... va, Etheline Parker Cupp.; OpenLcller- " ' BevOavUle, N. C. 1 September, 1 - near Friends. - As representative of the Warsaw Floral Co, please let me thank you lor ine line ousinesa you have given me inrougnout We past several years. I appreciate your tDledid cooperation and want you to know wai is nas been a real pleasure to serve you . . ' ; ; . . i Perhaps voir have'- heard that I Bian to be-away from BeulavUle for the winter with the exception oi an occasional visit home.' In September I wUl go to Raleigh to work as hostess at Peace Colleee. However, during my absence, I have arranged for my flower orders to oe Handled bv mv daughter. Mr Orzo Thigpen. She wUl be more than happy to serve you at any tune and will gladly assist with funerals, weddings, .. receptions, banaueta. church arrangements, or with flow. ers for special occasions such as unrisrmas, Easter. -Mother'a rn fete. She will have flowers delivered and the other a Moderator nomi nee who will be the principal can didate for the 1964 meeting- of Sy nod. Synod will hear a recommen dation from the Synod's Council that the annual meetings of Synod "cm in uiy instead of Septem ber, as at present The recommenda tion stems from the change In the urch year to the calendar year, being observed In 1853 for the first ame, though a short year; running Ma April l through December JL To be successful one must learn how to listen even thosgh the con versation isn't the least bit inter- estingt " . s -. Tm returning this. All he says is. Ton ought to see her In the i :: i. .. tnorninjf . . taa"oooooooeooaesooooooooeoooa,00f0t: CEDAR ti-f. VARD Protect Your Clothes J 1 .eUsUsUL. a OF KINST0N, INC.; i .y.pi? v t at . i r " 7 r If a t UKr,l J rf .. d I... v kJ pi "7 Hwii.ujnakejs across North Caro lina are discovering many new and wonderful -ways to use , cottage cheese. .'' , .., This nutritious dairy product Is becoming particularly popular in the diets of those who are trying to lose weight, says Jewell Fessen den, State College extension nutri tionist A scant half-cup of cottage cheese contains about 100 calories. But in ".Addition a half tup of cot tage cheese will furnish 25 per cent of . your dally requirement of pro tein, 10 per cent of your day's needs of calcium and 15 per cent of your day's need of riboflavin and one of the Important B-complex vita mins. 1 . . "!.'' This cheese, however, needn't al ways be confined to the low calorie diet Here is a recipe for a temp ting cottage cheese pie offered by two of the 4-H girls who entered me state dairy-foods demonstration contests. And one of the advantages of this pie is that it's' flavor can be varied; and in addition, it can be made weU ahead of serving time and stored in the refrigerator: COTTAGE CHEESE FIE Cup fruit Vt cup" sugar ' . ' 1 " s " . V4 teaspood salt'.'. - - - ' 1 beaten egg ' '. 2 tablespoons, orange gelatin 2 tablespoons lemon gelatin r va cup whipping cream X cup cottage cheese ' 1 holrorf nla hall ' Combine fruit SUfiar.. salt and' beaten egg. Thicken over a medium I heat Add gelatin. Fold In the whip ped cream. Mix in cottage cheese, ChiU about 20 minutes. Place in pie shell and chiU well before serving. Fruits adapted to this particular recipe are peaches, cherries, pine apple, blackberries and strawberries In fact: almost any fresh, frozen. canned or dried fruit may be used. To vary the recipe use two table spoons of a gelatin that corresponds with the. flavor of the fruit.to.be used and two tablespoons of-lemon gelatin. For Instance, If you .were making a strawberry pie, you would use two tablespoons of strawberry gelatin and two tablespoons of lemon gelatin. - ' ' - . ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kennedy en tertained last week honoring then- son, Norwood, with a bar-b-q and picnic lunch before he left for New Jersey where he" will, be stationed with the Army at Ft Dixr Among those attending were George Scott, u. s. Army, Ft. Bragg and Oregon. Mrs. Lula Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kennedy and son. JerrvH iuiss rouy &enneay, Air. Larry Ken nedy, Rev. and Mrs. A. Lw Brown, Mr. and MrsAlton Strickland, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cottle and f amUy, Mr. and Mrs. Rober Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cole and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. , Clarence Netbercutt jmd Buster Strickland. , ,. . - by wire to any address. You may see her at their store .or call her there; telephone 214-4 during the week, .or at her home en Sunday. I will deeply appreciate your continued patronage and assure you that Mc and Mrs. Smith of the Warsaw Floral. Co. Join soe 'in thanking; you for your past orders and we promise the same prompt ana emcuiet service in the fsriare. Although, 1 shall miss be inac with my friends hire. I shall look for ward to being back next sumaaer, ana aurinc ine unristmas-holidara With best 'wishes and thanfciBg you again for both past and futart pleasant business connections, 1 a : Sincerely. . . ' Mrs, Murphy M Thigpesi LINED ROBES no 10 fa j f m Pvt. Kennedy Honored P f K'dy's iho ITmo Scacoh'sTruii:, FT AUC3 ez:ztt EOUOTTFUL supplies of fralU , end vegetables extend a bearty inntation to do a bit ox canning. And Toutlont baft to be a coun- try gal to do up batches of pre serves. No, Indeed I A city child we know, whose apartment boosts only a kitchenette, turns out per . feet delicious Items,- .. f 1 . OU-Fashlone j f . oed Damson ' Plums are tmotiies, easy t make and really delicious accompani ments for pork or beef. The recipe . calls for lbs. plums. . .- --. 8plced Damson Plums 'Combine one c cider rlhegar, 8 X sugar, Vt top, each; ground ; eloves, ground cinnamon and ground auspice. Bring to boll In a : preserving kettle. Then add plums ' and almmer gently until skins crack but iruit is suu whole. Pack plume carefully In hot, sterilized jars, then fill dtb syrup. Seal Immediately. ' vvw.., a Another fine escort for meat Is Tomato Mincemeat ' ' Peel and chop IMi pis. tart apples. Mht with one pt chopped green tomatoes, 2 tap. cinnamon, . tap. each salt, allspice and cloves, S c. sugar, one pound raisins, V4 c vinegar and one c suet Bring to boll and simmer until thick, Old-TUne Favorite -Watermelon Pickle Is an old time- favotlte.'Hera Is a Dew and excellent version:, . . , r r 'A. J. Cayenaush ; DIAMONDS x ---, WAtCBEa Watek Jewelry " ' - JttFAremo ENGEATINQ 'rie'i' trails H.CU'. Words of the Wisa .;: Pride Is a fault that great men blush not to own; It is, the ennobled offspring of self-love, (Joanna Balllle) ooooooooooooooooooooooooa n CECIL A. MILLER General Insarcncc Beulavlllij, ILC ; Office At ; Brown & Jliller Co. L! n t! f - -i u ooooooooooooooooooooooooa pooooooooooooooooooooooo g-:7TRACT0! NEW AND -;-COruIS!IAPEfl$ : G-:-STALKCUTTERS o o o -:rf-:ov;i::3MACiil::Es o o o EStaatd o-:-7c-:n$ Grcin Drills g-:- ll:yn:!:csGD:!:rs r ; o o o o ; o JOHN BIIS n n nnn a, aaea saaa . fc. : . rinkliai,N.C . l.p.jyi;dall'sso:is your i:oTra::jT dealer I ' Frcozcrs I'i'w-j i - . t. La L. -1 --Jta , to Prcrcrvoj Vcncfablos "il ' . nave ready 5 a. peeled andj siiKa'1 SRataFmalnn tn1 anal- !.( a q'x water end one o. salt for 11, hrs. BoU until partly tender U0-J. 15 mln.), then drain, . . r hs riv . t -t. a sugar, a losp. aurpice, vt.o uu uua 1CIUUU, VUU1 .-. . tUn' f .ed,- End 8- tbsp. grated lemt r nd. t mixture to boll I tnen uou ij l..u. more, taKing, care that It does not burm Place rind In lars, cover with" svrun ' and seal Makes 2 to 8 Dts. . - - Bplced Aprlcot-Plneapple Jam ':' to the final Item In this canning jamboree. . . , . chop Very Fine j Pit (do not peel) one lb. fully" rlne anrlcota, Cut into, small. pieces and chop or grind very fine. Measure 2 c. into a very larga - saucepan. Add ens e (8-oa. can crushed pineapple and Va e. lem on juice. Add 5ft e. sugar and tsp. ground auspice. Mix welL " Place over-ilgh beat bring to a ' V uui ruuuuc duu ana dou nara iax. one mln, stirring constantly. Re? t -- mure uuu uea ana be once sus la Vi bottle fruit pectin.' : . -. . : ; Skim off foam with metal - - spoon. Then stir and aklm by n turns for 8 mln. to cool slightly. , txms prevents rxmt nom' float-, r tote ta tnM 1 ,j .,. ..t. , x i b".- Uia W WJaSa J ' -,. r,. -i '.ij' . Ladle quickly into glasses. Seal imeaiateiy with hot naraffua, I Makes about 8 (8-oz.) glasses, ; ' NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS ' t .:-., .: :; . .;. ,,eA.:s',;i u;'; ,i Credit for Dog Rabies Vaccina tlona will not be allowed on 1953 taxes by Duplin- County Tax Col lecor.' The 1953 North Carolina pen eral Assembly In rewriting the Dog Vaccination Law made no provision authorizing the Tax ' Collector to give credit for dog vaccinations on future taxes. , j t it.. The DupUn County Tax Collector will continue to credit 1952 and prior years' taxes with do vaccination certificates. v 9-3-lt - 1 t .- i i S n ii o O" o O' o o ' USED 7'1 " O ' '--OA o o ' o t o o i' rnU Type DEALERS o o 0 o . MM jr . . a U aV - - ae 2701 O O . ir i ;, .s ji e ,. If It V , .. I