- If you can believe all the newspapers and the major magazine September, 1953 will be notable for one thing - the publication on September 14 of their Kensey report, Sexual Behavior in the Human ' Female. Certainly no book ever published before has had such fantastic publicity. Weeks before its publication, writers from every important magazine. and newspaper went to Bloomington, Indiana tot a p revue of the proof sheets. Shrouded wih all the hush-hush " secrecy of an atom-bomb explosion, the bomb shell was released , last week the opinions of the journalists who had the opportunity of an advance peek at Dr. Kinsey's findings. These opinions are varied as some of the experiences of the women whose case histories make up this new report but all of them seem' to agree that the book will increase our understanding of sex and that it will help , build more stable and happier marriages.' , , v : . - T We shall reserve our judgement until we have read the book, but ' era have grave doubts that we shall be half as surprised at its find ings as some of our Journalists would have us believe. The statistics must all be taken with reservations - even Dr. Kinsey admits that In his some 9,940 cases, there Is touch too high a ratio of college women and women from, the higher economic levels to get any sort of a ponn. It Js, as Ernest Haveman of Life Magazine points out, mostly ;ec"on ot ha habits of the younger, better-educated city women. -The so-called surprise of this new report - and these writers would have us believe that marriage counselors- and psychologists will be surprised themselves - is that the average woman is far less interest j Ti .,than Prevlously believed, that her sexual urges start later fJin k.!"" th8n to0'0 toe - one reason why women Should have younger husbands. One of the readers of Dr., Kinsey's first report on the Sexual M)000O0OO0OO00OOO0OOOO0OO A ll ii r w r t v m O o new mtvKum tar o ! GIVEN AWAY - ' o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o FREE I Absolutely Free COME IN TO ONE OF THE STANDARD Drug Stores OR KINSTON CLINIC PHARMACY AND REGISTER, "FREE" . O A Name Will be Drawn Saturday, September 26 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o at Two O'clock, P. M. At Standard No. 3 Nothing to Buy. You Do riot have to be present to win. Numbers will be Drawn and Posted in the window at Standard No. 3 A O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o - Behavior of the Human Male wrote a heated letter which he quotes : in his new tome saying that all he had done was to prove what she and every-other right thinking woman 'had known all along, that - the male population is a herd of prancing, leering goats, Well, that; - Is far truer according to Dr. Kinsey that most of us have believed. ' The average woman can take sex or leave it alone - she marries "to establish a home, to establish a long-time affectionate relation- ship with a single spouse and to have children whose welfare, may ' become the prime business of her life." ' It seems that George .Noel Gordon, Lord Bryon, did not know what he waa talking about when he wrote that too-oftea quoted bit in his Don Juan, ----- ' ri , Man's love is of maifs life a thing apart; 5' ' ,; Tis woman's whole existence."- ' ." 1 1 , ' ' . On the contrary, quite the reverse is true men are a lot more concerned about sex than women, talk more about it, think more' . ' about it, are far more easily stimulated than women. After all men not only read, they have also written most of the pornigraphic litera- tune of the past two thousand years. Dr. Kinsey also found that men responded to all kinds bf phenomena associated with sex to a far greater degree when women, observing the opposite sex, clothed or ; nude, observing portrayals of nudes, observing burlesque shows -"" stimuli to which most of the women interviewed were completely i indifferent. And if th Journalists are right, Dr. Kinsey says that , most men are baffled and hurt by this apparent indifference of . - women - the fact that they are not moved by tne signt oi b spienaiu physical specimen of a man on a beach, say, or perhaps In a wrest ling match on television.','- .'-ic:: ' ' Well, we haven't read the book and ought not to Jump to any con clusions about it but on this point we will stick out our neck. We . believe that women are more discriminating, more personal, more fastidious in their approach to sex - and are aroused not to the male ' sex but by a particular member of that sex 'for whom they feel, affection,, companionship; a similarity of interests not necessarily ; physical at all. We think that for most women sex is merely an out- ward, physical manifestation of a unity that already exists, a spiritual, oneness. The sexual relationship is one of the possible expressions of love, it is more intimate,, more fundamental, more fraught with '; consequences inner and outer, but essentially-one of the expressions of love. It is neither something high and holy nor is it something low and comtemptible. It is simply an organic function to be used like all others for the expression Of personality in the service of love. It seems to us that this is very important If, you make -It a , thing apart, to be mentioned only in whispers; or if you exalt It romantically or debase it with feelings of contempt, if you single out sex and make it something very, special or wonderful or shame ful, you merely exasperate it and make it uncontrollable. ;-. i V Unfortunately life-today has helped to do that - and no one is -more to blame than our advertising men and women who use sex , as a medium to display their wares. Look atsthe dust packets of almost any book, the bill 'boards, even television. As Ernest Haveman points out, "Most female singers go further .than the lyrics of our songs, they deliver even innocent and -completely as sexual songs like "That Doggie in the Window" with -winks, lears, bumps and; ' grinds that would shock an Oriental brothel keeper.; " ' . The danger of all this over-emphasis on sex "is quite apparent -in some of the conclusions that Dr. Kinsey and? his associates have drawn. Men who are so easily aroused and stimulated by even a well turned ankle have come to expect that women will re-act in the same way. They read books - usually written by a man about some -woman, supercharged- with sex whose every gesture, is an invitation and expect their wives to be such a woman. Dr. Kinsey I says, "there is considerable emphasis on the intensity of the female's response and the insatiability of her sexual desires. All of these" represent the kind of female which' most males wish all females " to be." And most women are not like that at all. A good thing for , most men, too, we think. Because we seriously doubt the ability of. most males to keep such a female happy, content, satisfied, "ven the normal woman .according to Dr. Kinsey - gets frustrated enough as it is. ' : '-. (-' '(( .-vv We think that if this book helps men to understand women better, " to be realistic in their approach to sex, it will serve a great purpose. Because, fundamentally men are not now and have not been realistic. . about it in the least. Men have lacked completely an emotional grasp -of reality - they have demanded that their wives act in a fashion -, not only unnatural but against their innate integrity - that they pretend to passions they do not possess biologically, that they become insincere in their reactions. Sex is for most women a means of com munion, simple and natural, not an appetite. It is part of life, certain ly - we wouldn't be here In this world without it - but it is not all ' bf life nor its most important part. If it is, then we haven't progressed very far fromjhe jungle, ' ... - i s w And if tue bouK will? be invaluable. I ; that t r wi i t. j . 'women have haunted hun why they are not normal i vmn'i i i -it -, it ? l ! ve ! l f ! . i c.iuia , i i. t i i t t... r i .- i. Ana t of psyuiii- .ois coiic.cs to f id out i they cah't honesty react t".e way . a man obviously expects them to act Now they will find that they . . were acting normally and naturally all along - and need have no ; feeling of guilt about it either. Most of the. women-I know admire . ! men a lot respect them, like them -but certainly have no urge to go to bed with them just because they have a good mind or are a good dancer or are fun to talk-with. And if men are really hurt because -their wives don't swoon over the sight of theirjnanly figure on the , beach well, the men ought to look in a mirror - objectively. If we -. happen to love them .it is not because of their pot-bellies, . or their" -bald heads, or their stooped shoulders - we love them because, they -are kind, and considerate and good companions, because we feel for . them an essential friendship, a warm, . enduring"' feeling that will exist even if they are confined to a wheel chair. I think a book ;, ought to be wsitten with case, histories of you wish, thousands of " them, and we"ll call it "Women, are the Constant Sex'V; because we -believe It : .: ' . - HELEN CALDWELL CUSHMArT . ' - The First will win if called for in Three Days If Not, the Second Wins and will have one extra; O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o day to claim the car. If the car is not claimed it will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION and the money will be given tC the Salvation Army. , " Minors under 16 will not Participate Brugr 'Store. IN KINSTON ooooooooooooooooooo0000n .":.'.SnwH II - . Weight UMUHZ I I I I i - J. I r r v V c V n my I J 1 1 111... V ... II l V y : l I .1 it. it A ' . I -. ! " : -V : " 1 V "--' . '. . -v:- . A"-.'.r:-J' v;y-;'.yV-.- 'S:vJ'r --i ' ' uawaaMaaai 900000O000000O00O0000OO o m- m mm w m sw .mm pay window O o tF Y0& HAVEN" SOLD V WITHUSBFOR yr ! i wut ruvu rwlLL BBACK0$M6RE'. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Ralsfoli Purina Coiiipziiy Pcrc!:;se Site FortIewCho f :ilI At Wilson Donald Danforth, President ot the Ralston Purma Company, ' manu facturers of livestock and poultry Chows and sanitation products, has announced that his company has purchased, land for a new Ch6w milL at 'Wilson, North Carolina. In making the' announcement Mr. Danforth stated,. 'The steady and consistent growth in North Caro lina in all agricultural developments has made it necessary, for -Purina to build a' second plant in North Carolina. More and more farmers arc .following better feeding pro grams. As a result, the production Of our Charlotte, N. Cmill cannot handle the demand for Chows.' Danforth further stated, : " The new Wilson mill will enable Purina dealers to serve the feeders of east ern North Carolina more efficiently with fresher Chows. This new plant is our expression of confidence In the. future of the . livestock . and poultry industries of, North Caro Una." .,:-.'t The new mill will have the cap acity or 7S,uuo tons annually- and will employ, local labor. Adeauate levator facilities wUl make possible me use oi as mucn of the grain and other Ingredients as local farmers can supply, . . . 5(1)5 : Teople Jire Ii!:e elevators. We lift or lower others to the level we are on." ' Construction of the new mill is exported to get under way in the near future. ; '. " L j . QUESTION: I'm a tobacco farmer and I want to know something a- bout nematodes and how they af fect mv vv;:'K;;.;,t -ANSWSR: Nematodes are tiny worm-like creatures. Most forms are so 'smalt you 'cannot see them. It Us barely possible to see a mature female of some species. We: have many types of riematodes in North Carolina ' soils. Some Me harmless to tobacco while others -are para sites and live by sucking Juices from the plant roots. This is What causes the plant to become diseased. We have two important groups of nem atodes that affect tobacco': (1) . root knot nematodes and ' (2). meadow nematodes. These pests feed and reproduce in the roots of a wide variety- Jf plants and live from year to year in the soil and decay ing roots. When you grow, tobacco and other suscu, ,.,ie crops con. tinuously in infested soil, the nem atode population increases until it is no longer profitable to grow these crops. , , . QUESTION: Have agricultural scientists developed, a tobacco that is resistant to nematodes? j - ANSWER: No, While some varl ties -of tobacco-in commercial use may withstand, nematodes attacks somewhat better - than -others, we don't have highly resistant varieties yet Experiment Station plant breed ers' are striving to develop nema-tode-resistant varieties "and to add this resistant to varieties resistant to other diseases such as -black shank and the bacterial wilts. 'The' fellow who never falls is not necessarily a; genius-it may be he never attempts anything. . ' t- DUPLIN COUNTY'S MOST ' . Modern Cotton Gin : IT PAYS TO GIN WHERE YOU CAN , : . GET THE BEST SAMPLE BEST TURN-OUT v ' , T' HIGHEST PRICE . WE BUY COTTON AND SEED' AT OUR GIN We Can Get You Government Loans On Your Cotton N -rA TRIAL is ALL WE ASK- " 'U CALYPSO , N. C, s dP k w w w w w w v.- ' J And fo keep your youngsters well and happy see that they get plenty of good wholesome milk. ; Aft- rer school, at bed time or as a drink during play. L... iL UfL:i. I4:IL Vmj5-ICEVeP.EAIl2 . VILMItlGTOII. 1 lTC?i COTjMra 'il. 2S3 Tempered Sitel Colls & Firm 8upport ' S,- The Famous Ndchman Pennciornl Border Hoi $.: SittclMd 8Ud Paaa1nrwIPeiiaoT Wr' Insulators to PntmI Sisal "Cupptoa.Vr' VVOU CANSrOT FEELsTUE COOS, d' ' ;c LaTet Upon Laver of Soft reltod Cotton; - 8. Conrenient Remiorced HandleVenulators. Top QuaMry Imxw ailng Damask CoverlnaTS i BoMBltto Ccnblnaaon. jf -','- Fullr Warrantod Aaamsl Deiect l L Material asWorfananshlp. -A a Mmi s 'Mm t , -. ' :; . A :v1aa .y-'ht Af "P 1 i A 4 3

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