...1,3, N. C, TI-CAT. trCE2i M 1253. U M U D. F. Grcdy II. D. Club Keels. - Thirty club women and : two ; visitors were present at a meeting of the B. F. Grady Home Demon stration dub held at the home of Mrs. liehman ' Williams Monday . night, lira. Norman Johnson, Home Agent, and Miss Mae Hager, as ' aistaut agent, demonstrated ways . of soaking and wrapping Christmas Sifts and a Christmas program was . presented with several of the club women participating. A gift ex- change was had. -y The hostess served open-faced ? sandwiches, pecan pie and cpffee. ', Ari'mfis - I have been wonderfully blessed In being restored to active life after being crippled ' in nearly every Joint in my body and with muscular soreness from head to foot. I had Rheumatoid . . Arthritis and other forms of Rheumatism, hands de ' formed and my ankles were set Limited space prohibits telling you more here but if you will write me I will reply at once and tell you how I received this wonderful re lief. Mrs. tela S.Wier 2805 Arbor Hills Drive P. O. Box 2695 Jackson 7, Mississippi oooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o OFFICE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT Kinston, N. C. John H. Carter Company Phone OOOOOOQO 0060000000000 O OO Turner & Turner INSURANCE AGENCY ; "We're Known By The Service We Give V Phone 2836 L. C. Turner, Jr. iVl.'i V.;.'.' Listen to the local news at 12:00 noon over WGBR. i imi OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOI Attention Farmers , Build Tour Own Septic Tank and I Will Install Tout Bathroom and Connect It Up For $390.00 ' Using Only The Best Equipment , I Do All Kinds Of Plumbing I Work Guaranteed o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o JAMES E. (Bud) VESTBROOK Near Grady School ' Albertson,' N. C. ' OOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOC oooooooooooocoooooocccoo C) r C) c C) o V)M kiTTii A COMB 1 en Entertain Af Bar-B-Q Supper Messrs. Elbert Smith, Dempsey Smith, Norman Smith and : Hess Davis were hosts to a number of Construction Superintendents, fore men and their families of the Du Pont plant near Kinston at a de licious Barbecue supper : at the American legion Hut at Maxwell's Mill Sunday Night . Mrs. Helen Turner Entertains Mesdames J. M. Jones and W. H. Jones won club members high and visitors high scores, respectively, when Mrs. Helen Turner enter tained her bridge club at her home in Pink Hill Wednesday afternoon. Refreshments of iced drinks at the beginning of play, and apple pie with ice cream following the pro gressions were served. . Rev. N. P. Farrior Guest Speaker Rev.' N. , P. Farrior was guest speaker at a regular meeting of Oak Plain, Rose Hill and Teachey Presbyterian Men of the Church held at Teachey Wednesday night. 3133 Pink Hill, N. C. T. J. Tomer n n Be "The Bride Of The Month"..." Get Lovely Prizes If you are getting married during . Dec, Jan. or Feb., come in and get a lovely gift we will give to every t bride who registers before her mar- riage ... in addition you many win the valuable prize we will give to -some . .- ,. LUCKY BRIDE OF THE ' MONTH ' Be Sure To Come In. And Register Sol&aaci-C(eotqt Casteen m m THE BK PURJUIUsf 9TORI OK COfTIft IJIUT ".: nmi mmiibu hi mtm o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ceo MP WP6AV rue ceo VV WfSAVF O Wftf NEXT SfASM g o c o o o o o o Y.F. To Go Caroling Members of the Pink Hill Pres byterian Youth Fellowship group, under the direction of Rev. and Mrs. N. P. Farrior, expect to go Caroling Saturday evening, Decem ber 19, preceding their meeting and supper at the church. The meeting regularly scheduled - for Friday night, was postponed to Saturday due to conflict with a basketball game. ' Miscellaneous Shower Mesdames Lawson Williams' and Ben Wolever were hostess at a miscellaneous shower to honor their niece. Mrs. Paul Flynn, . Jr. of Raleigh, at the home of Mrs. Will iams Saturday night , Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs. Allen Nethercutt of Raleigh announce the birth of a son, (Jurtis, at tne nenaerson Crumpler Clinic, Mt. Olive, Decem ber 19. Mrs. Nethercutt is the for mer Jean Smith of Albertson. Grady Teams Defeat Chinquapin Teams Both the boys and girls basketball teams of B. F. Grady won over the Chinquapin boys and girls, in the Grady gym Friday night, Dec. Hi The girls team with . Betty Smith as high scorer, won 72 - 59, while the boys score, was 37 - 41 with Paul Tyndall, high scorer. Personals , Rev. N. P. Farrior attended a call meeting of the Presbytery, held in Wilmington on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Spence and children of Goldsboro and Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Regan of Pink Hill were dinner euests of Mr. and Mrs. Lehman Williams on Sunday. Mrs. Earl Smith, who has been ouite sick. Is improving at her home. - . -' Mrs. I. J. Sandlin, Jr., of Beula ville has been ill at the home of her parents. Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Edwards. '' ' Mrs. Sallie Westbrook is getting along as well as can be expected following a serious illness at her home on the Kenansville road: , Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Maxwell spent several days in Wilmington, visiting relatives, this, week. .$; . 1 Mrs. Johnny Watlihgton of Reids- ville spent the week end with her parents, Mr.: and Mrs. H. D...Max welL She accompanied a nephew, Attorney. Hugh P. Griffin Jr. also of Reidsville, who was a week end guest of Mr, Warren Perry in Kin ston. -;V ":' ;:V;!;' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Godwin and daughter! Billie and . Lela K. of Wilmington were Sunday guests .of Mrs.. Godwin"s parents, Mr.; and Mrs. H. D. Maxwell. ' Other guests included the Emmett Rogers family, Miss Lula Tyndall and Mrs. T. K Kornegay. . Mrs. W. 3. Smith has been spend ing some time with her daughters Mesdames R. M. Carr, Jesse B. Southerland and W. M. Rivenbark in Wallace. . 'RALEIGH, Nov. 10 The North Carolina Motor Carriers' Association has again conquered the Nation's No. 1 Trucking Industry Award "The National Truck Safety Award" sponsored annually by the Ameri can Trucking Association, Inc. of Washington, D. C, winning the four th year since 1946. J.T. "Outlaw, NCMCA Executive Vice President, announced here to day that plans are near completion for the official presentation "Nat ional Truck Safety Award Dinner" to be held Thursday,, November 19, Get tow cost Farm Bureau auto insurance save up to 25. Standard, nonasiets-, able policy . . . quick, friend ly claims tervlce. ' ' Second largest mutual auto Insurer in (J. S. fOK INFORMATION, PHONE eti;:oj::il Bill Supply Ce. ' Pink XZn f Iff! ..5t-'-' L OluuJ U LIU Grpving Shore Of Feed D:!l:r Goes to Market ing Of Predicts A growing share of the consumers food dollar is going into marketing charges with the result that less is being spent for food and more for packaging and other services. Our County farm agent for the State College Extension Service, says more and better packaging, washing, selection, mixing, precook- ing, and preparing of products for the American table are si continuing trend which partially -explains the widening spread . between i farm prices and retail costs of food. He bases his statement on recent mar keting and transportation reports of the U. S. Department of Agri culture. , - . Several reasons are given for the increase in marketing services. One of the most significant is the mount ing proportion of women, especial ly , married women, now working outside the home. The families of working women tend to buy more partially prepared and wholly pre pared foods, and eat -more meals in restaurants. Both these practices in crease marketing charges In relat ing to farm value of the foods con sumed. . ; , Other long-term trends that ef fect the spread between farm prices and retail prices, according to our county agent are geographic specialization in farm production and greater concentration of our 780 P. M, in the Robert E. Lee Hotel, Winston-Salem. ; : In a letter of praise received by Vice President Outlaw, ATA Mana ging Director, John V. -Lawrence said: "The Award was based on effectiveness -and scope of - the NCMCA Safety , Program, as evi dence by the safety promotional activity : carried on during the 12 month fiscal year. In competiflon with nrty-one other state trucking associations -in the ' United States, the North Carolina Motor Carriers' exhibit was judged-to be the best; Invitations are being mailed to: i.Se, Governor; members of ,the Cohncil of State; Editors and mem bers of the Press and Radio; em- uers oi me siate senate and House of Representatives; other top State umcials and Commissioners; mem- oers oi the NCMCA Board of Di rectors and members of the NCMCA Council of Safety Supervisors. THOMPSON Telephone 3331 Rural & City Bath Rooms A Specialty We Handle Leading Fixtures . And Material of All Kinds V See or Call Us For An Estimate , ,1 N. C. License 1030 BBMSSSSiBBBBeMeBBSiiaJ 1 1 L. H. & Tom At f Farm & Horxie Equipment Co Phone U; "IT In Pink Wish Their Many Customers' '-. A f!:rfyCI:rista3s i And H M : . Happy & f 7 v i population in urban centers. Trans portation costs are increased as more of our people . live farther away from the areas in which their food is produced. :, ( , r ; i : Improvement in consumer , in comes is another factor . described a responsible for Increasing de mand for, marketing services.- As incomes improve, consumer do not buy a significantly larger quantity of good,1 but are willing to pay for the kind of services that improve the' quality and attractiveness of the food they buy or save their time in preparing, it ' t .Farmers probably . will receive about the same share of the. con sumer's food dollar next year as in 1953. according to .the , county agent The share for this year tentatively estimated at 49 cents. At Morehead City Port of Morehead City, Dec. 10. (Special). A full 11,000 ton cargo of a new type fertilizer material and nitrate -of soda from Texas and Louisiana plants is being discharged at the N. C. State Docks here this week as a test run upon which fu ture ! movements and operations' will be based. - ' ;-v.-.': -.'!..;.; ,' The. complete, -pellet type fertil izer comes from the Pasadena plant of the . Mathieson Chemical Cor poration, on the Houston Chip Channel, with other tonnage of ni trate from Lake Charles, La. ' Both materials are in bulk, and the great er part -of the cargq will be bag ged with new equipment being in stalled in the dockside transit sheds of North Carolina Ports Authority, officials said. ; Mathieson Chemical is the ship per and charterer of the Bull Line steam-type vessel, S. B. Maewhich is serving' the Port' of Morehead City for the first time. For the 'irst time also, the State' Ports Au thority is undertaking the steve doring of cargo. ' The SPA termin al recently purchased and leased DuiK conveyors, hoppers and pay. loaders, two mobile cranes are unloading the Mae which does not carry ships tackle. . :;. ' PLUMBING CO. LaGrange, N. C. Turner Davis The 233-1 Hill & Friends n rsrr ft A ; 4" Prosperous TrT'T. - "if i J SPA Executive Director G. W. Gillette and the agency's More head City terminal manager, J. D. Holt, describe the current fertilizer movement as highly significant in the port's program which seeks to establish the recently : Improved harbor as major fertilizer distri bution . center. Using terminal equipment and local stevedore la bor is expected to supply basic cast factors for discharge, handling and distribution. . The first cargoes of synthetic bulk fertilizer, to move ' through Morehead City, where the State of North. Carolina1 completed a $3, 000,000 marine terminal In 1962, were shipped from West German porta last spring by ' Mathieson Chemical and General Fertilizer. A large part of the movement was transhipped via Atlantic and East Carolina Railroad to the Standard Fertilizer plant at Williamstoit Holt said this week that the new islPortable bagging equipment being installed will permit a wider di rect distribution. The coastwise movement Inaugurated by Mathie son and the bagging operation will bring distribution by truck and in land waterway barge as well as rail shipments Into the transport picture. The pellet type complete fertil izer releases its plant food over a s r' ' .... - - -i -'"'"''sb a, ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooi o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o -SPECIAL U11TIL CILIISTMAS-; -Culling Beards 7-y x 12 In. . ......... .m..:J...vli?c 4 , ' ' - k ' ELECTRIC BLANIETSi ROASTERS, TOASTERS and LD33Y ' HOSTESS GLASSWARE SETS. I . All Kinds of Small Electrical Appliances which will make j o 0 o ( o ! - Wonderful Christmas Gifts, i " C) o () () tor is decidedly less, its manuiac turers claim. , The extent of use of the new type material by farmers in the territory served by the port will determine the extent of fu ture movements. ' 1 " ' It's In The Ccok ' I am 15 years old and live on the farm. Fve learned to drive tractors, cars and trucks. Can I get a drivers license nowT H, H Jacksonville No, the Motor Vehicle Manual says no one under 16 years of age may be issued an operator's permit . of We are receiving toys every day Get Yours Now II l i t. A. j r On r1 Hot Point Home freezers 11 Foot List Price W5 Wotv $329.95 15 Foot List Price $499.95 : Woiv $369.95 For A Limited Time Only Buy Nov While We Have Them In Stock. TYndalls SotlS;' v-"' Pink HU1, N. C. Electric Pop Corn Poppers $5.95 up Electric Perculators $3.49 up i-Y. longer peiriod of time than powder- Wait until your lo-ii tu : Jay, then ed forms, and that the waste fac- make application at your nearest state mgnway rauoi omce lor a license. Even so, applicants between 16 and 18 must have their parent's or guardian's consent before a per mit can be issued. .1 . French, Italian and Finnish tapes tries and rare Chinese ,porcelin, Biltmore House is rated as one of the great show .places of America. lb Relieve Misery of UQVIB Oft MSUn-MMI FAIT HUB We Still Have A Complete Line TURNER & CO. PinkHm, N, C. O O O O O O O & O O O O O O O O O O , o o J') o o o o o o V t v ) ( ) C ' .2- Front and Market Sts. ) ) - WILTIINGTCN, N. O.

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