V2. N. C, 1- Z, I 17. SHADOWS I!,1 : is1 i v .Ta n9v loavoo Mst tlipir shadows on the old Baptist Church in Seven Springs. :This is' about a 100 year old congregation nestled on the banks of the .. Neuse. - iJ , , s DANCING ' DECORATIONS Prancing reindeer and colored lighU make it hard for him to miss your mistletoe. This is one of many novel Christmas decorations suggested by Carolina Power & Light Company home economists. (Photo by Harold Cannon.) Gay Decorations Enliven t By Barbara S. While ..DUNN, Dee. 14 Christmas Uchts atnui; arsuna1 the treat doer eaa be intensified by backing; them with strip of metal foil, brig ht side out The fell - ordinary kitchen variety . reflects more lifht and diffuses it enough to add a mellow (low. ... . .Such novel ideas, treated with imarlmif"". provide Tnletide dec orations that , heighten holiday in terest at little cost and effort. . . .Many novel decorations now art Corn rJanied YELLOW IN SHUCK $1.30 SHELLED $1.40 WHITE IN SHUCK $L20 SHELLED :4;:..;...... ....:..! ... : .$1.30 Place Tour Order for Woodruff Seed Now Carroll's ill ' V Phone 2241 Warsaw (Baltic) being demonstrated, here, during "osen house'', at the home of Mrs. Alene Mlntz, home service repre sentative for Carolina Power and Light Co. Homemakers elsewhere also are drawing upon home econo mics of the power company for ug gesttons. ' . A few of their Ideas are offered below. .' "'..;:.' '. '" . .From Santa Clans on the roof to a simple wreath on the front door, outside decorations become, more glamorous under the brilliant beam of a white spotlight Colored lenses on the spot give even the simplest decorations a fairyland appearance. . .A Christmas "mobile" for the hall hi easily constructed. Select a small tree limb with a pretty arrange ment of branches. Paint this either silver or white and ataoh Christmas ornaments to it Suspend this from the eclling with plan wire and watch the shadows dance as air c or ients twist It to and fro. A spot light focused on the "mobile' win Intensify the shadows. This same creation makes an attractive mantel decoration. ' . Magnolia leaves, sprayed, with "canned snow" and banked around candles provide a holiday arrange ment Just right for the table or mantel. The snow will glisten under the soft candle lighting. Christmas tree balls placed here and there add a touch of color. . .A shadow box Is easy to make and provides a point of Interest in win dow decorations. Take a box that is at least six Inches deep. Cover the whole box with Christmas wrap ping paper. Choose your favorite symbol of the Yuletide, such as Christmas tree or an angel, ' ai sketch It on the side of the box. Cut this -figure out and cover the opening with a piece of transpar ent paper pasted an the insu From the top of the box Insert a all electric light Now cut a dltlonal holes In the top to allow the heat from the light to escape. The light shining through the cut- oat will bring the figure to life,, .The Christmas' tree remains the focal point of Tnletide decorations. Tour preference in the color of lights should express the prefer ence of the whole family, and every member of the family can take part in the ceremony that decorating the Christmas, tree has. become. From Junior to granddad, Christmas decorations will have more mean ing If each has had an opertuntty to add his own special touch. ..... ."THE WISE MEN" . , By InaT. West ' - . God's bright star was a guide for the wise men , As they made their journey to Bethlehem. They saw in that star a luster so bright , '' ' The fulfillment' of God's promise His Holy Light. -They were looking for that star with great anticipation,. And immediately recognized it as the star of Jacob. It heralded Ahe coming of the King of the Jews The new born King was the idea Herod refused. ' He asked these men to report on the findings there Of God's great promise His son and heir, - ' They departed and again the star was their guide They found the young child for them to decide. r How wonderful God tookvpare of His Son V 'Twas His precious will that had to be done. , , He sent His Son to make atonement for sin ' This atonement made life fuller for men. Herod issued a terrible decree . . (s To kill all males under three . ' ' , ' An angel appeared to Maryj His mother To take the young child," flee to Egypt and no other. I Gifts were brought by the men so wise. -' , As a symbol .of, their service and not a disguise. With our talents and service to God's church we bring We become as the Wise Men, ' ' . . r Bearing gifts to our Lord and King . - - SB0'SBSBBSSBUm ' Mrs. Levi Heath ana cnuareu ux Deep Bun were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Joyner and family Sunday. , Mrs. Lola Hines and son, Parley, and Mrs. Dolly Summer were ow ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hardison in Mt Olive Sunday. Jordan Joyner of Jacksonville was a visitor with Miss Janie Turner Monday. t , Walter Goodson and daughter of Mt. Olive were dinner guests 01 Mr. and Mrs. Hoyden Roberts, Sun day- vvK -ii- 90:Sv' K -: Mrs. Gordon Merrltt ' and son Harris were dinner guests of Mrs. Merritt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Branch at Roseboro Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Roberts and family of Cove City were visitors with Mrs. Mary Quinn ' Sunday night. Mrs. Jasper Walker and children of Clinton spent part of last week with Mrs. Lucy Kornegay. v List 01 ti, fiwin is the list of men: Alfred Lewis (colored), Warsa. I m . fn TTT . i inducted into. Army December 4 1953: ' John Hoover Smith,- Magnolia; Cecil Grey Atkinson, Kenansville; Marlon Thomas Herring, Route 3, Faison! Bernard Flynn Kornegay, Route 2, Mt Olive; Croatan Lofton Fouts, Jr-. Faison; James B. Far. rlor, Route 1, Magnolia; Dempsey L. Arnette, Route 3, Faison; Harold Boney Wells, Rose Hill; William Robert Somen, Route 2, Kenan. ville. ' The Draft Board Office will t,! inaui-l from December 18 th.,.i December 28. . Induction call, five men January " Pre-lnduction uary 13. . call, 29 men Jan. ELLIS' SUPER MARKET SPECIALS Dressed Fryers ........II). 39c Oleomargarine ..lib. 21c CranberrySauce .19c T-Dosie Steak ...... .......lb, 55c 0:gias . - .2 lbs. 25c ztSzi nil!;.3t2ll tens 39c q:i:3PcS:.:a .zzt . .........,5 Ls. REDDY'S HOMEMAKING NEWS By SARAH T. -JONES " Home Servlee Be presents Uve Carolina Power Light Co. Yes, the holiday season Is here again and time to try those favorite recipes you have been saving for the past year just for that special occasion. Here are some favorite fruit cake recipes of mine. ;. WHITE FRUIT CAKE 10 eggs 1 pound butter 1 pound sugar t' lpound flour .; - 1 pound citron, sliced ' hi pound almonds, chopped . pound English walnuts, chopped pound pecans, chopped v V pound cherries, cut ' Y pound orange, peel, chipped Va pound grapefruit peel, chopped Vi pound lemon peel, chopped 1 pound white raisins . , 1 pound coconut, ground 2 teaspoons vanilla 2 teaspoons lemon flavoring Sift flour, measure. Creun butter, adding sugar .gradually; cream to gether until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, beating .well after each addition. Add flavoring. Add half of the flour. Mix the other half wjth the mixed fruits and nuts, .Combine; the two mixtures. Bake in a greased stem pan 11 X 5 inches. Makes about 10 pounds of fruit cake, Bake at 275 degrees lor 3 to 4 hours or bake in small pans. i DARK FRUIT CAKE ; pound butter pound sugar 1-&4 pound flour (7 cups) dozen eggs ' pounds Saltans raisins 2 pounds dates 1 pound nuts V pound pineapple pound crystalized ginger pound citron, orange, and lemon peel... ' ' 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 cup wax cherry preserves cup liquid (orange, lemon, ana pinapple juice) 1 teaspoon soda in ' ' I cup boiling water last Dredge fruits with 1 cup of the flour. Cream butter and sugar until light Add well-beaten egg yolks. Sift remaining flour and spice. Add flour and liquid alternately. Fold in well-beaten whites. Add dredged fruits. When well mixed, add soda dissolved In boiling water. Fill well greased pans two-thirds full. Bake at 278 degrees, three hours lor bread pans and' four 'to six hours for tube pans. ' " REFRIGERATOR FRUIT CAKE 3 cups Brazil nuts, shelled 1 pound graham crackers " ' 1 pound seedless raisins 1 cup (8 ounces) diced mixed . Blazed fruit 1 8-ounce jar maraschino cherries, drained envelope unflavored gelatin 1-3 cup orange, juice 1-2 cup sugar 2-3 cup molasses 1 teaspoon vanilla1 . 1 tablespoon grated orange rind 1-4 teaspoon each, cinnamon, nut meg, cloves. . - 1-8 teaspoon each, allspice, ginger Line s 94 X 5V4 X 294-inch loaf pan (or 2 loaf pans, 7V4 X 3V4 X 2 inches) with two strips waxed paper extending paper 3 Inches above rim. Set aside. Put Brazil nuts in large mixing bowL Finely crush graham crackers with a roll-pin; add to Brazil nuts with raisins. glased, fruit and maraschino cher ries. Soften gelatin In orange juice; place over boiling water and stir until gelatin is dissolved. Add sugar; stir until dissolved. Pour mo lasses Into large bowl of electrii mixer; add gelatin mixture, vanilla, orange rind and spices. Beat on highest speed of electric mbixer 19 minutes. Add to Brazil nut-fruit mixture: blend thoroughly ..with spoon. Turn onto , prepared pan, pressing with spoon. Fold waxed paper over cake, press down. with hands. If desired, garnish with ad' ditional maraschino cherries and sliced Brazil nuts. Chill in refri gerator 6 to 8 hours. To store, wrap in aluminum foil and keep in re frlgerator. Yield: 4 pounds.. v 1 Stanford Hews. Christmas Schedule For Churches On Wednesday night, December 23, at 7 o'clock a Christmas pro gram, The Light of Life," will be presented at Stanford Church, aft er which the Christmas tree and old Santa Claus to distribute gifts and fruit, will be in the Sunday School rooms. The public is invited. Circle No. 1, Stanford Women of the Church, met Wednesday night in the home of Mrs. Albert Out law. The ' chairman, Mrs. Outlaw, presided.' Roll call and minutes by Mrs. Edna Kirby. Tho prgoram Mrs. Edna Kirby. The program was given by Mrs. Albert Outlaw, Mrs, Herman Brogden, Mrs. Simon Quinn, Mrs. Edna Kirby and Mrs. Maude Vernon. During the social hour the hostess' served fruit 'jello topped with whipped cream, Ritz trr.chcrs. ; candy -canes and coffee to eight members. ' ' v Circle -No. 2 met at the same time in the home of Mrs. Ralph Jones. The program was given by Mrs. Myrtle Kornegay, Mrs. A. D. Quinn, Mrs. Ralph Jones and Mrs. Ned. Roberts. During the social hour the hostess served pound cake, whipped cream and coffee to, four memoers. . Mr. and Mrs. Burt McArthur and , boys of Friendship .were dinner J guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jones 'Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Roberts of Calypso and Mr. and Mrs. James Roberts were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Faulk Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Bill Waters of Cal- ypao ana sgv ana cars, wumwi Waters and son David of Camp LeJeune visited Mr. and Mrs. Ran dall Hargrove Sunday. . , r Miss Billy Smith of Summerllns Cross Roads and Bobby Royall spent Sunday with Misses Florrie Ann it Nancy S. Roberts. Mrs. Betty Barfield spent part of last week with relatives in Hai- eigh..j',,:;;:;,-,',y'f:v;,. Mr.v and Mrs. Wyatt Eatmon and son Johnny. Mrs. Ester Eatmon and Mrs. DonnelU Bell spent Sunday in Goldsboro. Personals : ; Mr.' and Mrs. Jessie and toooooooooooooooooooooooe 2 o o o o o p o o o o o o o o o o o oooooooooooooooooooooooot Corn Allotments For lew Farms A producer who Intends to plant corn In 1954 on a farm on which no corn was planted In any of the years 1951, 1952, and 1953, should if he desires price support on the corn to be produced in 1954, apply in writting for a 1954 corn acreage allotment by January 15, 1954. Blank applications and Acreage Report forms are available at the miintv Agriculture Stabilization & Conservation -(formerly PMA) of fice tor filing requests for allot- 'tlx: 1 : w 0 , , BAR-B-Q - FISH - SANDWICHES o For Reservations Call 5353, Chinquapin, N. C. O . 9 ((ORRIS OYSTER ROAST Chinquapin, N. C. ' i - f : ' ?-'-'!:Ji - ' 'it- '"' ''' V"" i , , Si : Open Seven Days Each Week , . I SEE US For Your (954 Cash or Time Supplies Armours Farmville Oil Mill Fertilizers " -.'- "v. - .' :. . :: i . . - :' V, ;.;,. 'i'-.f'f'. ';-'..-..' . - -v' .- V-t - - - 'r'""'- v v'. Everything For The Farm and Home V. H. Jones & Co. '.'.-sv.vjai.-.-m1 ' in Pink HiU oooooooooooooooooobooooooooooooooooooocoooooooooo A II II 0 U II C I II G ; j. Ems urn sr;:?. tiir.;ir Varsaw, I.TcrlZi Carclina ; ' The opening of a New Finish Body Repair De-: partment, ia addition to our Garage. "We are' now prepared to make your wrecked cars look and run like new. We are happy to have with ..'as' an experieQced body man as, well as skilled mechanics. Come in and see us for your e- pairs. Ok1 Q O O o o o o o. o o O: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o r t O i tit 5 Q c o o o o o o o o o o o () o () c ) ( ) : i ). () . ) III EASTERN O O o o o o o o o o o ' 1 k j j , . ." , o Jm J :.. ;:) o t" 1 ;vr-; V;-;-. "V , 1 J ;.-Wr J t ' r , O Turn On Your Di2l To (la. 9 V'' .v..j:.. t.Am 1 y . i 4 K '. FOR THE BEST .Otf TV SCREEN IN a. fu-. o ) U3 C) ( ) ( ) w J. :4. . ' 'I ,-3 Tl::l's All ..Art fcifr j Ycu D:n' II:.v3 1 s . L. ... j I s V, --S

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