THE DUPLIN TIMES, KENANSVILLE, N. C THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1958 ' I Daiita, Phase; Don't Forget M need to look at the calendar know Christmas is Just around the corner. Just get one whiff of the spicy fragrance fromnaelen Vann's kitchen. That's proof enough. Baking cakes to give at Christmas i lust one of many things she does to help the poor in her small town; Usually Helen aoes aer oaKing alone, but not this morning. Her young son Tommy is seated on the kitchen stool, waiting patiently to get the next empty bowl. This way he gets a sample of every cake. ; : After a long silence, Tommy sud denly says, "Mother, I hate to leave the next bowl,: but I'm afraid I'll have to. I promised Doctor Steve L'jxe T:n Goss for $22995 f in r si i .For limited time only your! Suburban Rulsne dealer " 4.V1. A,iai;fv Tannnn irai ranee for $229.95. These splenaia ranges are noi aviuMwra aHwwaa m tiny price, xney were nwwA lust for tut oner. Your 1229.95 buys automano. lighting i througnout, -..i enrome ourner neaas, syt nour wnwr, , electric clock, cov top, electric light, extra work area, burner overa,: Yfaualite ' chrome HrtedV llighted oven, serv-a-traya, towel w , mricn. condiment set. .. ,.: 7. I The range special price Is f 279.95. Your old range w gooa i fnr lin . to 60. Your C08t is 1229.95. Your down ; payment. including installation, is sz&.cw.i .:..5---'-.-:-.-T..'T-. cv f The $24.95 set of Wearever HaMU alumnumware at the right is our gift to you with yourt Tappan range. Includes wall-hang fixtures, coppertone contour lids. YOU CAN DEPEND ON !f mM '::'f' v. . I I ' -v- DeVane Gas & Appliance Co. In Clinton ' , ' f Love's, vln Kinston Give Useful Gifts This Christmas Bedroom Slippers for All The Family. Infants Sizes 3 to 8 Yellow' & Blue P . Red & Blue Corduroy sff Small size 5 to ?,S , ; Large Size 3 J l J .: ' . ' ' ' . m m. n nr j ,s i I iV5 r :( 'nHBlue'&Red 1 I V YeUow & Blue K $1.95 , v a Ladies . A Blue & Wine f :.:;Felt';S':;1-V: , Sizes 4 10 j:jJ mi . . . a i s.'' -: ' 1 '.Mens , y , - s ,.zes 6 to 12 A K 1 - Vt'Lia anJ -Brown ' $'.55 -: s C:-"Ttesa 3 I.Irre Styles v ' .j r.t Your rcU r:- t r -1 Chr Czrnl Store if rd go to see him this morning. Bet he thinks I'm not coming. Today is his last day here. . c "Is it really?" His mother asked disappointedly. ' t':--v'a :' . 1 "Why Mother, I didn't think you would care." ';v':f-v' ' y::' : "Not that I care," she answered, "I was just thinking' about ' asking him over to have dinner with us." "Then he can help me with my airplane. Oh Boy! He's the best pal I've had since Grandpa died. May I ask him?" ' Tm not sure he wants to come, being this is his last day here." "Hell be glad to," Tommy cheer fully said. "Mr. and Mrs. Pope are planning to go to a meeting." ; "You may ask him," she decided trying to conceal her excitmenl "What's wrong with me," she was thinking as her son disappeared. "Surely, I can't be - why how ridi culous to think of such a thing! Only young girls fall head-over, heals la love." Yet, she had lelt like this since she first met Steve. What made him different from her other1 would-be suitors. He wasnt half as handsome as some of them. Still, 'none of them had fascinated her. But those deep blue, eyes and unruly blonde hair remained in her consciousness. (Who can explain the words of cupld. He must have sent an arrow through her heart.) i ' Helen was married to Lt Thomas Vann during the -Second "World War. ' They 1 were together such a short time,' It seemed more like a dream than reaUty. Only three weeks after he arrived overseas came the heartbreaking telegram. He never knew about the' baby -almost more than Helen could en dure. With the arrival of the baby, she resolved to live in the future rather than the past (Thomas Vann still Uves - a tiny baby boy and now a big boy going' to school.) Helen's daydreaming ended ab ruptly as the phone rang. Tommy was calling to ask if he might stay for lunch with Doctor Steve. Know ing how much .he wanted to, his mother could not ' refuse.'' Rather, she found herself wishing it were possible to accept the invitation Mrs. ..Pope extended her. ' Ay-, v. Looking forward to having Steve Crawford for dinner,-she began planing her menu. There Would be roast turkey with all the trimmings, and everything it takes to make a real Christmas dinner. "Here I am trying to trap myself a husband," she , thought, thinking of the old saying, "the best way to a man's heart is through bis stomach." Finally, she remembered the tur key was still in the freezer, so she started down into the basement to get it. Suddenly her foot slipped, making the trip seem much shorter How stupid of me to forget that step," she moaned wishing the car penter had come and fixed lt like he promised. "Oh, that pain in my ankle! Is it broken?" Trying to Set up she discovered she was unable to stand on it . .. -. "What am I going to doH,,i3et', ting no response from two empty walls, she slowly began crawling up the steps. It seemed a long, pain ful way to the phone. At last she reached it and dialed Mrs. Pope's number. i...-:';.-, . ,v.; What's wrong?" her neighbor asked., 'v.-v'.,-.' "I Just had a little accident, please tell Tommy to come home at once." Tommy . came and so did the Popes.' Doctor Steve was only a short distance behind them. , "Just a Utiie accident - young lady you have ; a sprained ankle. Luckily, I came prepared." ; , , With a bandage , and , the same terible pain, Helen was soon in her favorite chair. Mrs. Pope offered to prepare dinner for them. "Oh, no!" Steve hastily replied. "Have you forgotten I'm a bachelor. Even they like home cooked meals, and the best way, to get one when you want it is to cook ft yourself." "If my hostess will please loan me an apron and give me her menu, I'll surprise her." Of course Tommy was right be side him wanting to help. It was he who- went for the turkey, being careful not to fall. , ;:i v f OccassionaUy Steve would, take time to look In upon his patient. The. pain was much better. By the time dinne'r( was served, she man aged to hobble to the dining room. ' Tommy was usually quiet when they were alone. Tonight he was fuU of questions.- They did not seem to annoy Steve, so Helen, let him lead the conversation. She was almost famished - and . everything was so delicious. She hoped they wouldn't guess she had missed her lunch. ,v,:,,..,T;i,1'.,,-,-;::,.',;j -;. As soon as the dishes were wash ed, Tommy and Steve went to the basement Here Steve saw a play room filled with toys. Seeing all of them prompted him W ask what he wanted for Christmas. : . '(. ,,,! "That's a secret" the boy hastily answered. "Nobody knows , except Santa Claus - not even Mother! I've already , written ; to him , and Tm going to mall his letter tomorrow " "Know what rm going to do with this airplane?" Tommy said, quick ly changing the subject "I'm going to give it to Mike Smith. He is very poor and doesn't have toys like I d::vvv:vi!.;ei,;t::;,jtf i Time passed rapidly and soon the airplane was finished. Know ing his bedtime was- near, Tommy led the way up the steps and on into the living , room. . His, mother was busy wrapping Christmas gifts to give to the unfortunate children. He hurried to kiss his mother good MORE MORES MORE. . ; V:,..;, night, , . V.r.:.'.. Jy i)!,'. ."Mother, why ', not. let , Doctor Steve tell me my bedttoW story to night?" r ... -fi '.:.'' t" Ws.",t' , "Maybe he doesn't remember any. 1 "Oh, but I dol Hurry and get your pajamas on,, while , 't. S"e ,1' s bam? ""! is too t';' t on yot-i . i " ' " t n thought watching Steve leave the, room." "We does not even see me. To him, I'm Just another-patient Tomorrow he'U be gone and ihy air castle will tumble down." Still it had been wonderful having him here this afternoon. She felt thaf she was greatly indebted to him, J : She thought of her son, ' how happy he must be to have another person in the ''house. : Since : the death, of her father, they had been alone. Many times she had wished she might marry again'.--for ' her son's sake.' They were well pro vided for (her father left small fortune) but : money isn't every thing. One gets lonely no matter how much wealth he possesses. . How happy) she could be with Steve. No heed to deny it any long t; she was deeply in love. And Tommy was so fond of him. : 1 Tommy was. soon fast 'asleep Steve was about to leave the room. vhen he noticed an open tablet ud pencil lying on the boy's desk. Vonderlng if that was the letter o Santa, he walked over and pick- 3d it up. Not wanting to be nosy, le just wished to find out what the boy had his heart set on. Per haps he could find it for him. ' In a childish handwriting were these words: Dear Santa, Please dont brina me anv to vs. I have i plenty so carry them to somebody who ' needs them. The only thing I want is a Daddy. Santa, please don't forget and' let him be good one. I have been a good boy. - Love, ;; Tommy Vann "Well' of all things to ask Santa to bring," Steve was thinking as he placed the tablet back on the desk. ; He hurried into the living room, his mind on the lovely lady sitting there. ' After all , these years, he wanted a wife a very special one." Will she say , Yes? I'U find out this very minute." Somehow Tommy must have known what he was thinking. The happy smile on his little face seem ed to say, I know soon ITl have the dearest gift in all the world - A DADDY! THE END Written by: LaMuriel S. Sutton Address. !;. ,-.'. Mrs. Floyd T. Sutton. Route 8 Mt Olive, N. C. leg Christmas Carols, which every one enjoyed very much. Several members gave interesting ideas for different Christmas decorations. - Each club member brought a home made gift,, and at the close of the meeting, names were drawn and each one received a useful gift. There- were -many attractive and colorful aprons, pot holders, deli cious candy, . a tempting chiffon cake, and a spicy pecan pie, all re sults of the fine club work being done in the Miller Club . The hostesses, Mrs. Mack Rhodes and Mrs. Huie Rhodes served red and green jeUo topped with ice cream, cookies and iced drinks to the 15 members present ' The Miller Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Frank Rhodes, Saturday night, December 12, at 7:30 p. m. The vice president Mrs. W. J. Miller called the meet ing to order with everyone singing Silent Night". Mrs. Ashe Miller had the devotional and used Luke 2:7-14 which was most appropriate since we are approaching the Yule Tide Season. Mrs. W. L. Miller, the secretary read the minutes of the November -meeting. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. John Miller. After a brief business session, Mrs., Herman Miller led in sing- or Christmas ' JEFFERSON CITY. TENN., Dec. 8 Two Duplin County students will it will provide. return home December 18th to spend the holidays with their fam ilies and' friends. They are Miss Margaret Elaine Jackson and Mr. Joseph Earl Jackson, daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Jackson of Beulaville. r 1 Miss Jackson, a senior at the College, is president of her Young Women's Auxiliary circle, treasurer of the Tar Heel Club, and is active in the Volunteer Band, the Future Teachers of America, and the Hypa tion Literary Society. Mr. Jackson, a junior at the col lege, is active in the Philomathean Literary Society, and the Volunteer Band. . BothStudents will return to Tenn essee January 8 to continue their studies. - , Money still talks today but does n't linger long enough for serious debate. V - , Each day can be made more tol erable by seeking the opportunities The Music Center 00000000(0000000000000000' o o o o o o o o o o o o o Is Now Featuring Jesse French & Gulbransen Pianos Allen Organs Jesse French Organos New & Good Used Pianos Name Brand Band Instruments THE MUSIC CENTER 9 130 E. Gordon St. o o o o o o o o o o o A Kinston, N. C. q OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOi Santa ouaaetfsa SINGER Vac Cleaner 5 exclusive SINGER features make the SINGER Vacuum Cleaner today's best buy for Christmas ... for years and years to come. CORD REWIND mh In cord auto matically CORD REEL storst cord for you TWIN FANS moan oaiior, faitor cloaiMjp FLOATING BRUSH-ollminatti broth adjusting STREAMLINED HOUSING -only" high for greater "got-vndor-abillty" ludgof Torm Beat the CkrUtmat ruth. See it try thi$ wonder cleaner today, SINGER SEWING CENTER ' A trod Mark of TU Slnow Mlg. Co. I Front How Uutil Christmas A Good Allowance On Your Old Refrigerator or Gas Range When You Buy A Hew One u IM 1 DEPENDABLE.... Is The Word For Our Gas Service Whether You Live In Town or On The Farm We Have A Complete Selection of Modern Appliances DETROIT - ESTATE - TAPPAN GAS RANGES And The New Gaslbbac Curing System 4 A Modern, Gas-Fired System for Curing Tobacco " . International Harvester . j V ; Home Freezers And Refrigerators FAIL TERMS FOR FARMERS $119.50 MODISN GAS RANGES : INSTALLED FZOll ' r i 7 , :, .r", V. i EotUed and Dulk Gas Service 'wi , ,,' 123 - 583 - and 1CS3 gallon storage tanks f ' Gclijljoro : " r , " . Kinston , ',' C3 2031 Tarboro 2730 H (to 'J.UMss&s. JSMsnawecatv r i-vvpot . PLUG M for (roam usl as yea would for currant Lightest weight steam or dry iron made - 2 lbs. 34 MORE steam than any other iron in same time Deep steam dome gives deep steam penetration Kinston, N. C. Be Sure To See The -1 "The Uving Book"! Over Television Station The Story Of The Biblbe W N C T Channel 9 - Greenville 9:30 P. M, Thurs.r Dec. 24th. BE SURE You Are Ready For This Grand Show With A TELEVISION Set From LEE T-V And This Week Only LEE TV Is Offering The Greatest Television Bargainof The Year... With The Purchase Of A TV SET . . . LEE TV Will Give You FREE A Complete Greenville Installation . . . Remember It's A Lee TV TRIPLE-SAFE ANTENNA INSTALLATION ALSO THE MOST OUTSTANDING TV BUY OF THE YEAR THE NEW 1954 RCA 21-tnoh Cameron Budget-priced Contemporary table model. Compact cabinet is finished rich maroon., Matching stand available, extra. Model 21S355. $249 95 Complete With Greenville Installation EVERY NIGHT IS FAMILY NIGHT AT -V Yv . -:: .;' .'' ?."; "'..;'.';' V'.i; '.'.''. ' '.'.'' LEE TV Vk Open t A. Jrl to 9 P. M. It's The Service 'After the Sale That Count r In OOLDSBOBO Phone WSJ I fr- I n r 119 W. Walnut.

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