( Is J 'V : rat mB COTOT I COUNTY' ' f- ' " ..ACO FERTILIZER CO. , -VS- f ' 3. a JONES er and by virtue of an execu :irected to the undersigned f from the Superior Court of a County, in the above entitled l I will on the 18 day of Jan- - 1354, at twelve o'clock, noon, door of the Duplin County ioum in Kenansville, North na, offer for sale to the high- liider for cash, to satisfy said Uon, aU right, title, and inter ublch the defendant J. SC. Jones 7 has or at any time at or after s docketing of the Judgement in 1 action had in and to the follow- . ; described real estate, lying and in IJmestone Township, Dup- I it nty." North Carolina. ning at a stake on the Mill f road and runs with Alonxo I in's line South 63tt East 88 I to a pine, Wilson Fountain's r then with bia line North Li I'iSS poles to a gum near the r ' 1 f tb, then North 1 West I 3-ito a, black gum, also Foun t corner then South M West J i :,-, to a short straw pine near e e canal of a prong of gravelly run r j North 81 W. poles, then with, f 8 run North 824 West 20 poles and 8 links to the mill swamp road, f on with the road South 6tt East .. poles then South 8V4 East 13 T! Jsis and 8 links to a pine stump. t.en South 224 West IB poles and It links to the Beginning, contain- ir. SI 14 seres. Being the same land dt; .'ribed In a deed of trust from J. II Jones et ux et al. recorded in Duplin County Registry In Book 4:3, page 167. ' The above described lands were conveyed to grantors by -. See Book' ' i, .i. i i' page , this the 18 day of December, 1953. . Ralph Miller ! Sheriff of Duplin County - 144-4tg.m. ' NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION - The undersigned, having qualified as administratrix of the estate of K.' T. Jarman. deceased, late of Duplin: County, this is to notify v ail persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of December, 1954, or this notice win be pleaded in bar of ' their recovery. All persons indebt . ed to said estate will please make v , immediate payment to the under- This the 29th day of December, - 1953. Mrs, Vioja H. Jarman, ' Administratrix of the estate of r " IV J. Jarman, deceased 1 'arsaw, North Carolina. , IT. H I klHlps, Attorney Kens- -villa, - North Carolina ,3-4-I t h. . P. : r vcs or . it it- ....nofr ' STAT3 Cr"lTJia"CAMOUSA , DIIFUN OOTJNTT ' "TS, OF SALE OF LAND XT " ty, r ent' JC . beir.r the u. 1 AND BY VIRTUE OF -TTT OF AN ORDER of erlor Court of Duplin Coun a in that Special Proceeding "IN 'THE MATTER OF J. KENNEDY ET AIS," and -cial Proceeding No. 2733, signed Commissioner will offer f.r sale on Saturday, January 23, i:," l at the hour of 2:00 P. M. on t. e premises, in the Town of Beu!avi"..a, North Carolina, to the highest bidder for cash certain Town lots lying and being in the Town of Beulaville, Duplin County, North Carolina, and being described as follows: v ' Being eight (8) Town lots in the Town of Eeulaville, North Carolina Situated on Main Street and describ ed as follows: Beginning at a stake on the son 'x side of Main Street, Ruby r. i n'S corner, and runs wilh I.:aiii i treet, South 74 East 2:r) f ct to the cross street; thence v , -. s " 1 Llreet South 15Mi West E 3 i . et to a stake on Broad Street; t' price wi i Broad Street, North 71 " We t I J feet to a stake Ruby Brinson's corner; thence with her line, Nori'i lS'4-East 300 feet to the br;,innii ', and being described in a deed rt rded. in Book 362 at -,-- S" f the Duplin County I'uL'.ic 1. ?' i . - cent deposit will be 'ie- successful bidder : good faith. UiS the 22nd. day of . . J.: .Lanier, . . rcerr Commissioners , A t in i r re -ired t " Sifl" iff ' lv . I . ' : C...i 'y t r. j. 1.' IN TK3 SUFERIOS COOET X. CAROLINA POWER ft LIGHT . COMPANY v - PetiUoner - , .VS. ?7 ROBBIE L. 2XBELIN, Widow; ROB BIE L. ZIBELTN, Administratrix of the Estate of J. A Zlbelin. De ceased; LOUISE Z. MURRAY And Husband, ROBERT T. MURRAY; JOHN R. ZIBEtJN And Wife. IRENE ZIBEXJN; HENRY & ZIB ELTN, Unmarried; HELEN Z. FAR FIOR And Husband, CHARLES C FARRIOR; PEARLIE HIGHSMTTH And Wife, ' LENA ' HIGHSMTTH; CARRY KORNEGAY And Wife. NAN KORNEGAY; A L. McGOW- AN, JR.. And Wife, POLLY & Me GOWAN; HUGH McGOW AN And Wife, MARY JANE P. McGOWAN; THOMAS McGOWAN, Unmarried; MARTHA v McG. WALKER And Husband, EARL WALKER; MARY WALLACE JONES. Widow; C T. HAWES And Wife, MARY EMMA HAWES; COLIA ADKTNS And Wife, KITY ADKTNS; IDA McMTLL- IAN, Widow; WALTER McMTLL- IAN, Unmarried; XD McMTLLIAN, Unmarried; SAM McMUXJAN And Wife, NINA McMTLLIAN; ARCHIE MURRAY And Wife, AMELIA MURRAY; FISHER MURAY PAR KER And Husband, BEN PARKER; NEIL BONEY : And Wife, MARY BONEY; DUPLIN COUNTY, NOR TH CAROLINA; The respective De visees or Heirs at law of Lona Hlghsmith, Deceased, Carry Kor- negay, Deceased, and Nan Korne gay, Deceased, whose names and residences are unknown; and all other persons having or claiming any interest in the lands herein described, Defendants To Hugh McGowan and wife, Mary Jane P. McGowan; Martha McG. Walker and husband. Earl Walker; Sam McMillian and wife, Nina McMillan; Walter McMillan, unmarried; Ed McMillan, unmar ried; the respective devisees or heirs at law of Lena Hlghsmith, deceased. Carry Kornegay, deceased, and Nan Kornegay, deceased, whose names and residences are unknown; and all other persons, firms, or corporations who may own some part of, or claim some interest in. the real property sought to be con demned In this proceeding, whose names and residences are unknown: Take notice that A pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled proceeding. The nature of the relief being sought in as follows: Carolina Power Sc . Light Company, the petitioner, seeks to acquire herein, by exercise of the right of eminent domain, (a) the fee simple title to the following described lot or parcel of land lying and being near the Town of Wallace Duplin County, North Carolina: Lying near the Town of Wallace, Duplin County, North Carolina. Beginning at the intersection of Little Rock Fish Creek and the southern right of way of the Old Hilton Lumber Company tramroad. and runs thence with the old tram- road South 71 degrees 20 minutes West 757 feet to an iron stake; thence South 29 degrees 05 minutes East 298.5 feet to an iron stake; thence North 51 degrees East 713 feet to an Iron stake In Little Rock Fish Creek; thence northwardly 64 feet with the creek to the point of beginning, containing 2.8 acres, more or less, as shown on Carolina Power Sc Light Company Drawing No, RA-9664, copy of which is attached to and made a part of the petition for condemnation; (b) a permanent casement and right of way for an access road fifteen feet In width, extending from the paved highway along the existing dirt road to a point fifteen feet eastwardly from the northwest corner of said lot or parcel of land, and extending thence southwardly between parallel lines from the existing dirt road to said lot or parcel of land, as shown on Carolina Power & Light Company Drawing No. RA-9664; (c) a perma nent casement for the construction and maintenance of a guy anchor and guy wires, said guy anchor to be located at a point North 71 de grees 20 minutes East 110 feet and North 18 degrees 40 minutes West 84.5 feet from the northwest corner of the lot or parcel, of land des cribed above, together with the right to protect said guy anchor and guy wires with a fence, three feet wide and eight feet long, and the farther right of access thereto a- cross the lands lying between said guy anchor and the lot or parcel of land deseribed above, the loca tion of said guy anchor also, being shown on Carolina Power & Light Company Drawing Na RA-9664; and (d) , together with the right to ex tend, construct, maintain and oper- ate along the margin , ox the access road described above, In a proper manner, with poles, wires and other necessary apparatus aiad appliances, a line for the purpose of transmit ting power by electricity, and also communication circuits, together with the right at all times to eater upon said premises for the purpose of Inspecting said line and commun ication circuits and making' neces sary repairs and alternations there on; and the right to permit the at tachment of and or carry in conduit wires and cables of any other com pany or person, together with the right at all times to cut away and keep clear of said line all trees and other obstructions that may in any way endanger the proper main tenance and operation of the same. The relief sought by the petitioner would divest said defendants of any Interest or lien which, , they may have or claim in the real estate which is the subject of this pro ceeding. You are required to make defense to L such pleading not later than February 15th, 1954, and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the court for the relief sought This 4th day of January, 1954. R. V. Wells. Clerk Superior Court E W. Stevens, Attorney l-28-4t- e. w. s. News For Veterans For the benefit of post-Korean veterans, the Veterans Administra tion supplied a list of questions and answers on the education and train ing program of the Korean GI bill, Public Law 550, dealing with eligi bility requirements and the length of training that can be taken. They are as follows: Q Just what is the education and training program of the Korean GI Bill? A It is a program of furnishing financial ld for schooling and train ing to eligible veterans who served after June 27, 1950, the date of the outbreak of the Korean conflict. Q Who is eligible for train ing? A A veteran is eligible if he meets all of these requirements: (1) a discharge or release from ser vice under conditions other than dishonorable; (2) active military duty any time after June 27, 1950, and before the end of the present emergency, and (3) at least 90 days total service unless discharged sooner for an actual service incur red disability. Q Must a veteran have served in Korea to be eligible for the train ing benefits? A No. He may have served in the armed forces any place in the world - in the United States or abroad - and not necessarily Korea. Q Are there any kinds of mili tary service that do not count, in figuring whether a veteran has enough service to qualify? A Two types of services do not count: time spent in a civilian school studying courses offered to civilians, and time spent as a cadet or midshipman in one of the Service academies. Q Assume that a veteran meets all the requirements for training. May he enroll under the Korean GI Bill even though he has gone back on active duty and is in uni form? A No. Veterans are not eligible for Korean GI Bill training while on active duty, even though they meet all the law's basic requirements. Q How much training entitle ment does a veteran get? A An eligible veteran's maxi mum period of entitlement is com puted on the basis of one and one- half days for each day spent in service on and after June 27, 1950, and prior to the end of the present emergency period. Q What is the top amount of training a veteran may receive? A The maximum is 36 months of training. Q How much Korean GI Bill training is allowed to a veteran who previously had trained under the World War II GI Bill or Public Laws 16 or 894 for the disabled? A Such a veteran must sub tract the period of training he al ready had from 48 months. His entitlement under the Korean GI Bill may not exceed this difference. List County Taxes With Your Township List Taker Now Ml LET THE LAW CATCH YOU 7000000000000000000000000000001 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ooooooooooooooooooooboobooboS See Us About The New Auto Liability Law. We Can Help You. j HcD IneitfenGii Agency ' In Kenansville ADVEBTISEU2NT FOB BALK OF WATER TANK IN TEE TOWN . OF WALLACE t . Sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk of Wallace, N, C until 1 o'clock P. M, Wednesday, January 20, 1954, for sale of 75,000 gallon steel water tank in the Town of Wallace. N. C Tank will be available approximately v April 15, 1954. Bids shall be lor the purcnase of the tank where Is as la. Town reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid con sidered to be to their best ad van tage. , Town of Wallace, N. C J. W. Hoffler. Mayor Helen Hunt, Clerk, 1-14-lt c READVERTTSEMENT FOB PROPOSAL TO ACCOMPLISH PLUMBING AND BEATING Bids will be received by the Town Clerk of Wallace, N. C until 2 o'clock P. M. Wednesday, January 20, 1954, for plumbing and heating work In the Town Hall, Wallace, N. C Town reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid considered to be to their best advantage. Soecificatlons for required work may be obtained from Helen Hunt, Town Cierx. ' Town of Wallace, N. C. J. W. Hoffler, Mayor Helen Hunt, Clerk. 1-14-lt c. January Egg Month Announcement of North Carolina's plans to Join in the observance of January Egg Month has been made by Governor William B. Umstead, who expressed pleasure over the recognition being planned for "this Important farm product" A prepared statement released by the Governor's office quoted him as follows. "North Carolina farms produce many food products which contri bute to the economic stability and general good health of the State end Nation. Eggs are among the most important of these products from the standpoint of good health ond economic welfare. "I understand that the month of January 1954 Is being observed throughout the Nation as Egg Month, and I am pleased to have North Carolina join in this recog nition of this important farm pro duct. In North Carolina, eggs ac count for 4.2 per cent of the cash farm income from all products in cluding field crops, livestock and livestock products. "January is the beginning of the season of heavy production of eggs and serves as a timely occasion to recognize eggs for their great im portance to the health and economy of this nation." North Carolina's part in the month long observance was planned by a six-man committee headed by Ralph B. Kelly, poultry marketing specia list with the N. C. Department of Agriculture. Kelly stated that his committee has received wonderful cooperation from all phases of the poultry and egg industry in helping to focus public attention on eggs through out the month of January. The N.C. Restaurant Association will feature menus in which eggs will be widely used, Kelly said. Wholesale and re- Also, it must come within the 30 month limit and may not exceed bis entitlement based on his service. Miss North Carolina, Barbara Crockett of Winston-Salem, adds her contribution to the 154 March of Dimes. More support than ever be fere Is needed In the current drive because of the leosts of the new Folio Preven tion Pro gram of stepped -ep gaaa na globulin supplies and massive testing of a nnito vaccine. tell ilMlnre of man also clan to emphasize their increased use in Hollv meala. Extension nutritionists and home economists will call the consuming public's attention to toe nutritive value of eggs and encour age the preparation of dishes calling for the use of eggs. 1 Other members on the Egg Month committee are: C B. Davis, Armour and Co, Charlotte; Dan M. Paul. N C Chain Store CounclL Raleigh: C F. Parrish, extension poultry nKiallat. Balelfh: W. B. Shearon. producer, Wake Forest; J. V. Vogler, N. C. Food Dealers Association, Charlotte: and Alton Kearns. N. C Mutual Hatchery Association, Farm- State College Ralflvh. N. C. Jan. 8. Rleh school students and their parents from 64 North Carolina counties- attended a day long observance of "North Car olina State College day" at the Coll ege here December 5. " This was reported today by the committee oa arrangements follow ing study of the registration fig-, ures for the event J. J. Stewart, director' of students housing, headed the committee. r i - - . , The program Included tours of the campus, explanations of the fun ctions of various schools comprising State College, basketball game, and talks by Chancellor Carey H. Bos- tian and others, c -'-s-v Following are the II persons from Duplin County who attended the program. y f' '-';:.-"",' '. t'-"'" ';.'. Lewis Gaston Kornegay, Albertson James Robert Grady, Kenansville; Devon C Herring, Mount Olive; A F. Shaw, Beulaville; Norwood K. Oates Albertson; -Gerald Simmons, Albertson; Dickie Creech, Wallace James Mills, Jr. Wallace: Thomas E. Field, Wallace; Richard Cording Wallace; Joe Bryant, Wallace, L. Ill i Cvrv"vV V. , Sandwiches All IZ-Zi , ) One Clock South of Kinstcn Hotel , ',." " " - MgiuJ, fart Stanley SALES ft SEHVICE TeurrrhseeTT Carolina Tmc tors Inc. Hi. oUve Highway Phone 299t Geldsber. N. C fcaj "Saves gas, and tbefr glad to do it ubtn I'm putting down Smith-Douglass Pastmrt Fertilizer.' Tutier tod mote nouriihing, ss well ss earlier and more abundant, are the pas ture mixtures and gnttng craps yon fertilize well with Smith-Douglass ret tiliier. And it's the chtpts$ my to buy feed ... in S-D Ferdlixer bags. Now U a good time to top diets pastures. Smth-Douglass Fertilize!! Average increased yield worth mmUMmti results from ererrll worth of Smith-Douglass Ferti lizer you use on til crops. Let the nearby Smith-Douglass Fer tilizer representative help you keep your income mpl lltttn to OEBNAM VIEWS THE NEWS 12:43-1:00 daily Listen to the local V news at 1240 noon , aver WGBR. sW WhlkMtsMsmMM gjgj' m r i ka iF : Be "The Bride Of . The Month"... ' , ' Get Lovely Frizes It you are getting married during Jan. or Feb, come in and get a lovely gift we will give to every bride who registers befsre her asar rtage in addition you many win the valuable prize we will give to LUCKY BRIDE OF THE , MONTH . , v Be Sure To Come In And Register, I p 4 V V t ' an LiJsT" we See America's Most Exciting New Car Today The Completely New Star Chief Pontiac ! isii ,. J;, r 1 Jty4 ' i i mi sssiisjsjiwijujim. rtw? wwvrw .c wr- DUAl-MNOI HYDM-MATIC MIVI and more powerful engines set new standards for thrifty performance. Eztraeonomi eal eruiaine or quick traffic response is your at a finger-flick. p,tlmal mmmm. COMHITI 0Wn CONTtOU-power ' steering, power brakes, electric window lifts. Comfort -Control driver's seat and Dual-Range Hydra-Matie Are optional equipment foe 1954 at extra cost. THI ONTIAC CHIISTAIN, General Motors - lowest priced eight, is even mightier and more beautiful for 1954 far and away the finest car ever offered in Pontiac's low price range. ' 1 World's Finest Union ol Luxury and Low Cost Here is the real news behind Pontiac's completely new Star Chief line and the real reason why it is so important that you 'see and drive this magnifi cent car soon. At a cost just above the lowest, you can now acquire the big gest and most powerful Pontiac ever built. And with this dramatic size and performance comes distinction of contour and inte rior richness that make the Star Chief the peer of any car for beauty. Come in and drive it for plentiful proof that Pontiac represents the world's finest union of luxury and -low cost. IOOK AT PONTIAC'S SCORE FOk 1954 Biggest Pemtoc Iver Snltr 3 14 ladies Ung , e Magnificent Not sswtylnsMis esid Ov ' ' New CMStettrtsd Iwtsrlsrs New Colors fthti hiwrfHl 1 hw'ssllt New Readability aad Driving lose lesreassd Cross Cewiliy Utggage Reesa Dmllmr fmr Dmllmr T !? emut bmmt m MONTIAG V 7jti'-i. 1 - - it I .uf ' vfl iK .' .. w I.' a 't vt T O 6 t l i .

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