5 THE BOPLtrl TIMES, KZNANSVILLE, N. C, THCRC3AT, J." iJ X . c' TOow t uw to my dream that the two men went in it Ut sate; and 1 u they catered, they were truiifUimdi and they had rsswsal put in. them that ihaaa like gold. The streets alao were paved with fold: aad s tbses walked many men -I- 'wiihad myuU ament them,'' So reed n-rear-oM Slnier-CoaMMmr Philip Pailbpe te hla email ton. . J wUhd myself assoag them." FeJUtpe muted. Be read the Unae Main. la that paragraph of John , Bunytn'i "Pilgrims ProfPMt" lay the theme for a hymn. Phillip made' no elaim to being a poet, to ha eopled the Unei and aant them to Poeteaa Ellen Huntington Gatet. in New York, with the tugges-1 tion she write tome vertee he might let to music. Born on a farm in Chautauqua County, New York, In ISM, Philip Phlilipt began tinging in pub lic when he tu 5 yeart old. At 16 he lead a church eboir. At 19 he taught music At 21 he wu publishing hit own tongt, going from house to bonne tinging and telling his wares. When the Gos pel Song nude Itt ritbtit, during the 1850s, Phillips took hit mlonon to New York City and sang the. gospel on tret comers to any who would listen. , MORE THAN to any other Individual, the Gos pel Song owet its early popularity to Philip Phil-. lipt. Before ha wu 40. "The Singing Pilgrim" as he became known literally sang hii way around the world He Introduced the Gospel Song and sold t bis song hooks all over America, Europe, Australia I will lino you a song of that beautiful land. The far-away home of the soul, ' Whir no storms ever beat on the glittering strand Wliile the years of eternity roll. Oh mat home of the soul! In my visions and dream? It bright, jasper walls I eon see; Till I fancv but thinly the veil Intervenes 0 Between the fair city and me. TheGmsfiun Viewpoint Prepared By lSepartment of Bible PRESBYTERIAN JUNIOR COLLEGE Maxton. N. C. "Fast Falls The Eventide" la the Lyte: - "fast falls the eventide: title of a painting by B. W. Leader, K. A;, which is owned by the city of Liverpool, England. A reproduc tion hangs in the college reception room. It is an English sunset scene , giving the impression of quietness and peace. As I looked at it this morning I was thinking of the new year before us, and the title brought to my mind the words of the great hymn written in 1847 by Henry F. ,000000000001 For Sale . SASH, DOORS, SHEET- l3 ROCk WOOL, PLAST er, lime, cement, brick, mortar, paints, terra-cot-ta pipe, drain tile, white asbestos si- ding, asphalt shingles, all kind roll roofing, 5-v crimp tin roofing, And BRICK SIDING ROCK, ROCK LATH Z.J. CARTER &S0II WALLACE, N. C IOOOOOOOOOOOC nooooooooooooflooooooooooo 1 eafi fcrntiMg J 2 o g HICKORY SMOKING O o Lockers -Storage - processing o on o n n 'n.-i.S o o DHL it frozen rooass Z WALLACE, N.C O ooooooooooooooooooooooooi All" OUAJr? v ? " ' CvK X N s" . JPA , ' : rRODUCTS . ' . V- ""?.fZ7at'K , WMBERTOH. N. C . x . ,: f-. ;v.'!i;,?.:!:;,;.l:srt ' BV , LINT A BOW NCR Home Of The 4 afier reads a story to his and Asia and blared the way for inch greats aa Philip Bliai and Ira Sankey.. . Aa the "Sieging Pilgrim," Phillips lave 4000 "ton; aervieee" far efcertty alone and filled 100 en gagemeatf for the tMo Sunday School Conven tion. On Feb. M, lMt. ho uag EUm Gates' "Your Mletioo" in the U. . kUaate ehamber. Abraham Unooln waa to over rw, he requested Phillips to ling the hymn agate. Aad. of Mi thousands of en gagementa, it ta aald that fee never misted one. When Philip Phillips received the poem from Mre. Gitei, he took hit eon back oil hit knee and read again that part of Bunytn'i classic where Christian and Hopeful .enter the city of gold. The poetess had caught the sentiment exactly and, "with pencil In band," Phillips turned to his orgau and set the words to music. THUS, IN 1865, was born one of the most widely used hymns of hope ever written. One minister alone states hav.ng used it at no less than 120 fu neral services. And the grief-stricken Phillips him self, wrote, "It was sung at the funeral of my own dear boy, who bad sat on my knee when I wrote the tune." . On June 25, 1895, Ira Sankey went from his home in Brooklyn to Delaware, Ohio, to sing "Home of , the Soul" as tribute to "The Singing Pilgrim," for, i on that date, Philip Phillips went to "that beautiful 1 land" where loved onei "meet one another again." That unchangeable home Is for you and for me. Where Jesus of Nazareth stands; The King of all kingdoms forever Is He, .And He holdeth our crowns in Hi hands. Oh, Sow sweet It will be In that beautiful land. So free from oil sorrow and pain, , With tongt on our llpt and with harps In our hands, . To meet one another again.. - From The Book 'A HYMN IS BORN" Copyright 1952 WILCOX-FOLLETT CO., Chicago, TU. The darkness depends; Lord, with me abide:" "Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day; Changes and decay in all around I see; O Thou who changest not abide with me." In the whirl and bustle of our atomic age, enmeshed in our many tasks and duties, we are sometimes over-wrought by the pressure of present events. Our souls need some thing steady to stay us up. O, Thou who changest not abide with me." Hold Thou Thy cross before my busy eyes A. J. Cavenaugh Jeweler 9IAMONM WATCHES Watch Jewelrv REPAIRING ENGRAVING Wallace. M. C Coal! We have It Ton wfll want It Get It now as be save We Denver Garner Coal Co. . Warsaw. N. C 3r ) Soul son Shine through the smog, and point me to the skies, From raucous din and static, set me free: Let Thy still whisper, Lord, abide with me (adapted) As we face 1954, "Blessed is the man - (Whose) heart is fixed, trust ing In the Lord." (Psalms 112: 1, 7 A.V.) PASTOR'S COLUMN Carlton F. Hlrschl FACES It is interesting to look at the faces of people and to note the expressions the faces reveal. Ex pressions of guilt, sorrow, and hap piness are to be found on our faces. Shakespeare in "Much Ado about AllAM CIlAMNIHM mien Jiiuppmy When Af Work Relax With -S i Wilmington Coca Cola $ Bottlinf Company Wilmington, N. C I GEO. P. PRID6EII Plumber STATE LICENSED PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SUPPLIES BATHROOM BOETIFMKNT OT WATER HEATERS water nun KITCHEN SINKS Phono 473 WARSAW. N C. MRS. M. .M. THIGPEN BewafOIe. H. C Rtpreaaaume Far WARSAW FLORAL v COMPANY WARSAW jr. C 1 TTND ALL FUNERAL HOME - -; a MOUNT OLITB phone tin . . . ' Heme at Wayme-Dtvaa BarUl fiiBnw rueral Dtreoiara - RmbalBaan Aanbniaaoa Berrtee Oay or HtaM r Nothing" says "You have such a feb ruary face, to full of frost, of atorm of cloudujesi." Someone hat rightly laid, !The face you wear at twenty is the face that God gave you, ,but the face you wear at forty ii the face you gave yourself." Our faces are molded by our thought, our emotion, and our experiences. The great thought that molded the life of Jesus were, first, God the Father Of each individual; and second, good -ness must be the lone quality of one's life,' The experience of Jesus left their mark upon his face. - I will never forget the remarks made by Dr. Clovls Chappel at a preaching mission in Norfolk, Va when he said, "I sometimes wonder which gives the greatest grief to the Paying Top Prices For All Kinds JUNK Quick and Courteous Service New Scales TYNDALL JUNK YARD On OM Warsaw Highway Back of Gulf Plant Beside A. C. L. Railroad CLINTON, N. C. -Go oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeooooooeooooooooi PRESBYTERIAN REV. W. B HOOD. PASTOB Wallace Chauvb Every Sunday Morning 2nd. 4th, and 5th Sunday, nights Blacks Chapel 3rd Sunday night BEV J. M. N3SBETT. PASTOR Bockflsh Church 2nd atd 4th Sunday mornings 3rd Sunday ngibt , Eev. Wade H. Allison, Pastor Mount Zion Church, Rose Hill Every Sunday Morning Except Third Sunday Third Sunday Evening Oak Plains Church First Sunday Night Third Sunday Morning REV. NORMAN FLOWERS - Warsaw Church Every Sunday morning Bowden Community Churah 1st. 3rd. and 5th. Sunday evenings BEY. J. T. HATTEB, JR PASTOR Grove Church 2nd and 4th Sunday mornings HallsvUle Church 1st and 3rd Sunday morlngs BEV. W. H. GOODMAN, PASTOR Beulavllle Church Every Sunday morning PINK HIXX, GROUP Bev. Farrior, Pastor Pink Hill Third Sunday A. M. and 1st Sunday P. M. Women of the Church General meeting - Third Tues day night. Circle Nfe 1 First Tuesday night . SMITHS Second Sunday A. M. and Fourth Sunday P. M. HEBRON Third Snnriiivtt a P M 19 P M PLEASANT VIEW 1st Sunday A. M. and 3rd Sunday P. M. General meetnlg Thursday P, M. after Srd Sunday. Circle Thurs day P. M. before 3rd Sunday HABPERnSOirrHERLAND Fourth Sunday A. M. aadfiecond Sunday P. M. First Wednesday afternoon f. P. Field Oreup-rtat nd 3rd Saturday tfvwninga 0 P. M. REV. TAYLOR A. BTRD, PASTOR FAISON Service each Second and Fourth Sunday mght at 7:3a UNTfERSALm OirOaVa Brtdra Cbarek Serrtet, lak Smday algM 1M P. IL Sad and 4th Ssnday ll:Ha.n. Sttnday Sohoet ererr tsraJng l$m a. sa. Mrs. B4 Saslth, . MISSIONARY BAPTISTS . KXNANSVnXB Bar. Lauren Sharpe, Paster Keocnsvilla ' BACH SUNDAY MOBNTNO BET7LAVILLB; GROUP Bar. A. L. Brawn, Pastor . Beulavflle Snd and 4th Sundays Cedar Fork 1st and 2nd Sundays ' Hallsvffle 3rd and 4th Sundays CALYPSO Paster 2nd and 4th Sundays MAGNOLIA BAPTIST CHURCH Bar. J. D. Evergtt. Pistor let and 3rd Sunday mrngm 1st and 3rd Sunday nights BEV. ELLIOTT B. STEWART, Corinth 2nd and 3rd Sunday Teachey 1st and 4 th Sundays This directory is made ' HOMEB TAYLOB' . Magnolia, N. C. ' CAROLINA BUILDING SUPPLY COMPANY Goldabero Highway K. C W.R, Smith General Mdse. Sarocta, N. C Lord. The wickedness of the wicked or the ugliness of the saints. Too many professed followers of Our Lord, look like dill pickles. They Wife By addinsr one or tu j bottom of your doulile i . . ; ! ie Warned by their bouticitig it Uie wulcr naa boiieawav. r.Gm. i pc To Shurch Sunday The Kingdom Within BY REV. C. HERMAN TRUEBLOOD TEXT: "Behold, the kingdom of God Is within you." Lake 17:21. The word, "Kingdom," appears over and over again in the New Testament. The question arises, what is the Kingdom of God, and where is this Kingdom? First of all we must not confuse the Kingdom of God with earthly Kingdoms. At the trial -of Jesus, Pilate tried to engage Jesus in an argument about His Kingdom; Jesus answered emphatically, "My kingdom is not of this world." John 18:33-36. The Kingdom of God is spiritual; it is the rule of God in the hearts of men. This rule, however, calls for certain conditions to be met, and a definite program to be enacted. The program of God's kingdom requires that harmful misconceptions be avoided, and that proper emphasis be placed upon the vital things of the spirit. God is a God of "law and order," and in His Holy -Word He has indicated, and prescribed, certain spiritual laws that are binding upon every one who counts himself a child of God. Let us, therefore, pause and carefully consider God's threefold program for the operation of His kingdom, and for his govern ment of jHis people: 1. THE AVOIDANCE OF HARMFUL MISCONCEPTIONS. Study the 14th and 15th chapters of Romans, and distinguish between the harmful and helpful things concerning God's kingdom. (1). "The kingdom of God is not meat arid drink." Rom. 14:17 Food fadists were in the world long before those of the present day. Rom 14:1-4, 13-21. (2) There is nothing vitally important about observing certain days, unless by so doing the Lord is truly honored. Rom. 14:5-6. (3). No one is permitted to place a stumbling block in his brother's pathway - even if one himself is unharmed by so doing. Rom. 14:14-15. And no one has the right to set his brother at naught - even when that brother is in error. Rom. 14:3-4, 10-11. 2. THE ADHERANCE TO MAJOR THINGS IN GOD'S KINGDOM. Righteousness, Peace, Joy in the Holy Spirit. For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men. Let us therefore follow after things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another." Rom. 14:17-19. 3. THE OBSERVANCE OF THE KINGDOM'S SPIRITUAL LAWS. (1) . CHRISTIAN TOLERANCE toward those weak In the faith. Rom. 14:1 (2) . PATIENCE with those who differ with us in matters of diet and observance of certain days. Rom. 14:1-6. (3). THE ABANDONMENT of harsh criticism and un-Christian fault-finding. Rom. 14:10-11. (4). SEEK THE PLEASURE of others, and not self alone. Rom. 15:2. (5). STRIVE FOR PEACE, and for the edification ot all members of the church. Rom. 14:19. (B) THE STRONG should use their strength to strengthen the weak. (7). UNITEDLY glorifying God is the guiding motive in the Kingdom-Building Work of God. The kingdom of God Is within you." Outward expressions issue from Inwards conditions. I CHINQUAPrif GBAUP ansaisntrftlstWih Bar. Vtea Mia-rell SHARON MeratBf Sarriees 1st and 3rd. Sundays Evening- Senleea 2nd, 4th. and 5th. Sundays DOBSON'S CHAPEL Morning Seirieea 2nd, 4th. and 5th. Sundays Evening Services 1st and 3rd. Sundays Island Creek 2nd Sunday morning and 4th Sun day evening. i ' BEAB MARSH last and 3rd Sundays BOSS HILL Rev. & CASE Services every Sunday PAISON Bev. M. BL Turner, ratter 1st and 3rd Sundays JOHNSON . CHURCH Bar. Paul JlnH. patter Ut and 3rd Sundays posaihle throoth the L. P. TYNDALL'S SONS Pink Hill, N. C SERVICE MOTOR COMPANY DeSoto Plymouth Sales and Service KananavUle, N. C a B. ALPHTN STORK Farm Suntles Baaasnarunl may be on the road to Heaven, but they make you think they're having a hell of a time getting there." May people realize by the ex- I H . DR. H. W. COLWELL Optometrist Wallace, North Carolina Office Phone: 2051 Residence: 3446 oooooooooooo RED ASH And BRIQUET COAL FUEL OIL and KEROSENE R. B. WARREN ' Phone 25GI Mt. Olive, N. C. The Kingdom of God is internal 1 MAGNOLIA GROUP 2nd and 4th Sundays WALLACE Dr. Posies, Paster Services each 8unday WELLS CHAPEL Bev. I J). Bauer, Pastor 2nd and 4th Sundays WABSAW Dr. A. W. Greenlaw, pastor Services eacn Sunday GARNERS CHAPEL Bev. Eugene Haxer 1st and 3rd Sunday 4th Sunday night JONES CHAPEL Bev. Eocene Hater 1st and 3rd Sunday night tnd Sunday mdrntbs; ALUM SPRINGS Bev. Eocene Haxer 2nd Sun. night 4th Sun. nemlnf n of the following buatnei I. J. 8ANDLIN COMPANY Hdwe, Groea. Dry Goods Beulavllle, N. C WILLIAMSON'S ESSO STATION Your ear gets personal attention W. F. 'Bill' Williamson. Prop. KenansvlUe, N. C. DR. ft. W. COLWELL Optometrist In Wallace, N. C. Office Phone: 2051 Residence: 8443 pressions on our faces that we hav.a a. joy andr a happiness which Is eternal because we know the Lord. Stop Taking Harsh Drugs for Constipation Avoid Intestinal Upset! Get Relief This Gentle Vegetable Laxative Way! For constipation, never take harsh drugs. They cause brutal cramps and griping, disrupt normail bowel action, nuke re peated doses seem needed. When you are temporarily consti pated, get sure but gentle relief without salts, without harsh drus. Take Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative contained in Syrup Pepsin. The extract ot Senna in Dr. CaMwcIl s is one of the i.'iat natural laxatives known to iiKdiciac. Dr. C:t It! well's Senna Laxative tastes good, gives gentle. C'tirii. irtj! !(, satis fying relief ot tt ni po; ;iry cunsdpiaion for every member of the Ut.u!y. Helps you get "'on scheiiult " v ;; In mt re peated doses. Lvtn rt heves stomach sourness that constipation olten brings. Buy Dr. Caldwell's. Money back if nor satisfied. Mai! bottle to box 280, New York 18, N. Y. METHODIST CHURCHES WALLACE GROUP K. B. Wheeler, Minister TeL 3186 Wallace Every Sunday morning and every Sunday night Providence First and Third Bun- days at 3 o'clock p. m. BOSS HILL GROUP W. B. Cotton, Minister TeL 3511 Rose Hill Charity WARSAW GROUP Bev. Carlton F. Hlrschl, Minister Tel. 363 ... Warsaw First, Second, and Fourth Sunday Mornings. "Third Sunday night CARLTON'S 2nd and 4th Sunday Morning Church 9:30 Turkey Third Sunday morning and the First Sunday night ' PAISON D. F. Kinlaw, Minister Tel. 21 Second Sunday Morning and Fourth Sunday night. Also Fifts Sunday morning MOUNT OLIVE CIRCUIT Paul R, Mannes Bethel Fourth Sunday morning and Second Sunday night Calypso Second Sunday mornlni and Fourth Sunday night Rone's Chapel Second and Fourth Sundays at 10:00 a. m. FINK HILL D. C. Boone, Minister TeL 2751 Woodland First Sunday Morning and Third Sunday night Pink Hill Second and Fourth Sun days, Morning and Night DUPLIN CHARGE Rev. James E. White, pastor KenansvUle Sunday School at 10 a. m. WORSHIP SERVICE 1st Sunday 11:00 A. M. 3rd. Sunday 11:00 A .M . 3rd Sunday 7:30 P. M. Magnolia Sunday School 10:60 A. M. 2nd Sunday night 7:30 o'clock 4th Sunday morning 11:00 o'clock Unity 2nd Sunday 114)0 A. M. 4th Sunday 7:30 P. M. Wesley Sunday School 10:00 A. M. 1st Sunday 7:30 P. M. 3rd Sunday 11:00 A. M. 4th Sunday 11:00 A. M. LIMESTONE .CHAPEL Advent Christian Chunk " PaatrsHta Serrleen tat md Sid Saterony Iflgfct Sua. and San. Night. Alton PINEY GROVE Pre WU Baptist Rev. J. B. S tames, pastor Services each first Sunday morning at 10:00; night 70 Sabbath School at 10:00 SARECTA CHAPEL -Original Pre Wffl Baptist Church,-" Rev. Carroll Hansley, Pastor Sunday School very Sunday at IfcOO A. M. League every Sunday at ftOO P. 11 Church First Sunday, 11 A. M. and 7:13 P. M. Church Third Sundays, 11:00 A. M. and 7:15 P. M. CABIN FREE WILL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. B, Starnes, pastor. Ser vices every 2nd. and 4th. Sundays at 11:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m, Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. CHURCH OF JE8US CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Sacrament Meeting Sunday 7:00 pjn. Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Relief Societv. Tum t-m b u M. t A. St Primary Wed. 7:00 P. M. Immaculate Conception Church Catholic Transfiguration Mission Wallace, N. C Rev. Johnv. Harper, Pastor Hours of Mass First Sunday of each month 11 00 a. m. Every Sunday following 8:45 a m (Services are held upstairs ta offloa No. 1 of new Lee Building. Wallace). WACCAMAW BANK TRUST CO. Kennansvlue ; Beulavllle HOI CATES PICKLE COMPANY Packers of Gates Pickles Faiaon, N. C Charged Oa T. -S lasted After January si, List .Now. ". Scripture: John 3. ''. ... , iiovuiioiial litttdlnf! : II CorinthianS The Kcv BlrSh i ti f Lesson for January 17,' 1854 THERE are 'many ' doctrines which unite all Christian churches. The doctrine of the New Birth is one of these. 'i Some churches talk about it all the time. Some do not, but , that does not mean they do not believe in it If you are going to put churches on a black-list because -theyv do not keep talking about the New Birth, you will have to ru out .a good many writers in the - Bible, be cause it is seldom mentioned on the pages of Scripture. However, the fact back ot the words is there. Not a Command." j There is a common misunder standing about . the j New j Birth which is based on a mis-rfeading of the English ' translation of John- 3:7, "You iiust be born anew." You can hear sermons, on this text. en... if V, ,j preach this were a com' re a ..com- .i i i mand, an impera..,i 4)1 i and be , I i j T , I in! .As the, 1 lA 1 original " , "" tive: Go born again Greek origin plainly shows, . D. Foreman Jesus did not mean this as a com mand. He was stating it as a ne cessity. Nothing can be command ed which cannot be willed; and no man can decide to be, or will to be, born again. It is an act of God, not of man. The word "must" in John 3:7 is like the word "must" when you tell a gardener: "In or der to raise tomatoes you must have a certain amount of . rain fall during the spring." It is like tho word "must" used by an art tencher saying to a pupili "If you want to be an artist, first , of all you must have artigt,lcttapt " A gardener cannot go out, and make it rain. A young man can not make up his mind to have talent. Still, rain is necessary for tomatoes, and talent is necessary for art. In the same way, although the New Birth is necessary to the Christian life, no one can say, "I have decided to be born again," for this is not something we can do ourselves. Not a New Leaf Again, the New Birth is not simply a new start, a new leaf, a new stage in Jife. Every moment is a fresh start, every day turns a new leaf, every week marks a new stsge in life. But no matter how much n baby grows, no mat ter how many times he Is weighed, no matter how many changes come as the child grows to boyhood and manhood, that child is born, only once. Life has many new' leaves, but only one new birth. The New Birth is not even con version. In conversion the Chris tian does something; in the New Birth something happens to him. One is perfectly conscious of eon version, in fact it is not possible to be converted unconsciously. But the New Birth is not anything visible, observable at all it is not even conscious. Let us pit it as simply as possible. Take the case of some bad person whoi is eon verted. If you say to that person before his conversion, "Be good" (or anything that means that), he will not be good., The big reason why not, Is that he does not want to. If you were to say, "Don't you even want to be good?" he might well reply, "No I don't, and what's more, I don't even wsnt to want to." But one day or night, per haps suddenly, perhaps slowly, this man realizes that for the first time he does want to be good. Perhaps he doea not go so far at first. AU he could say is that he wishes he did want to be good. If that is the truth about him, then he is al ready born again. God's New Life Without this first desire, faint though it may be, no progress can bo made. Turning over new leaves in the wrong book never gets'' you anywhere. God has to put the right book into your hands. What, the New Birth means, is God enabling you to desire what is truly good; in more personal language, it is the touch of the Holy Spirit on your dead and indifferent spirit, waking you so as to -desire Him. It is an act of God, not of man. It is not something God does about man, but In man. The Old Testament caUs it exchanging a heart of stone for a heart of flesh. The New Testament sometimes calls it the "New Birth." sometimes "passing from death to life,'' sometimes regen eration, which means the 1 same wung. xne New Birth cannot be seen, , because it is the beginning of life. You cannot see life in tho maple trees now, but you will know jit is there, one spring day, because you vill see the maple buds. So it is in the soul's spring time. ...... 1 catllaM ttayrifliue . Air"" - ckri.urV..ur. i. ' VH bibmnoNl UnJonn K ''Si ..va Svrria? ihm t' ' ' - p.jiKK: lOOOOOOl IOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtOOOOOOOOOQOO - .i -. -.-- iT - ti "TirnrinrrrTriff '' ' ' v 1

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