:?.,:."'. vc I - 4 w ' ,1 J A f iS , i-x w-f ) I ! il i at It , 4' i -3 riONKATB: S.M per year t UapliB and dJotota v'1' PRICE TKN . . . 1M MtsM Wta ana ta H. Cj eataiaV W C. '..21 Na Section 1 KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, ' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1954 ; ouBsc&irriON l 4 . .1: V . fx DUPLIll . fly BOB GRADY , i ODanayUIeWanaw-BtaiitollaT. Warsavr and Magnolia, , In the . wake of the proposed Calypso ' Falson High school consolidation, have come up with an Idea. Last week a delegation ? approached . Board of Education Chairman Dallas ' Herring with 'the idea, Mr.; Herring merely passed ' along their action, making: no: comment X&kty-H.!-'?e- i The proposal la that ' Xehanarllle; Warsaw and Magnolia high schools . consolidate 'into one .master school ' with a new and modern plant lp ' cated aomewhere in 'the 'neighbor , bood of the Johnson Baptist Church, at an equal distanceTrom the three towns. 'J'ift vrfc' 5 , A first impulse of many will be to oppose it No community likes to' lose its school. The- fact, remain ; however that further consolidation -is inevitable If Duplin High Schools are going, to give our young folk ' the training they need. Should these three high schools unite there could . 'be developed one of the finest vo cational departments to be found in " any high school in Eastern Carolina. '' The three agricultural units, home economics units and a . complete business course could be given in ' - -addition to other vocational train Ing programs for those who do not ' pursue their education further, A music ' department second to none i: ' could be developed. Many courses - that are not now offered in the . three schools could be given, such ; as wider variety of foreign langu .ages, even Latin could be 'restored, ' "'a subject the Writer thinks should be required (old fashioned? maybe.) Consolidate the three libraries and ,v ' it would surpass anything in the '. county. With such a unit -as this '" I think, in time, endowments could :',be developed. A school of this type should command nothing at all V less than M.. A. vteachers, And, .. sports fans, think about the football. l --ketbaU. aaJ.baU teams , -that could be developed as weu as Stk and other sports not now in - yyied In, and what a; band? s I believe if a well rounded pro ; gram opuld be developed that pri 'cvate contributions could be secured 0 aid in the construction. ' Let's give' this ' some serious . thought all o fus in all three com munities, before Jumping at snap 'v judgements. The idea - cannot be ' carried out tomorrow but it is an ' r ideal to work tpward. Kenansvllle, t Warsaw and Magnolia can do It In :.- big way if they want to and if they want to give their youngsters c the very best possible in education ; advantages they will think in favor of such an idea. Modern. transpor tation and modern roads are open ing vistas of opportunities undream ed of in rural Duplin County. ' ? , The idea does not call for conso lidation of the primary and elemen tary schools. By relieving the con v gestlon in present buildings' the ': lower grades could expand more and do better work. v''Vi;'-:'?''' " ,''"' . ' lodge Moore ' Judge Clifton I Moore of Bur gaw will address the Boy Scout rally here Tuesday night ' Duplin Scouters fortunate in having the - opportunity, to hear Judge Moore. w He has been outstanding in Boy ' " Scout work in Pender County for , many years. " 1 ' K ' , - In our opinion one of the best, if not the best appointment Governor ' . Umatead has made since taking of v flee was the naming of Judge Moore to the Superior Court bench to succeed Judge John J. Burney. We v predict a long and useful Judicial , career for Judge Moore, We would 1 like to nominate him here and now - as a future member of the Supreme Court of North Carolina. ' For some , time now " we , have looked with questioning eyes at the red strips on auto bumpers. One thing we dont like 'is to see autos ; plastered with stickers, posters and ' ' bumper strips eta Our modern automobiles are all pretty and we hate to see them marred by a lot of .' junk. However of late we have been j thinking about the" red strips on 1 auto bumpers and have concluded that all cars should, have them on - front and rear bumpers. To date the Times' cars do not have them hut soon wilt It you have paid any C-'terttlon to cars you approach from ,e rear at night with the stickers on them you have found they warn you in ample time that you are approaching a car. Wouldn't it be ' a good idea to place them on all " bridge abutments? These little red stickers, called "Scotchlite", may be the means of saving hundreds of Uvea on our highways. ' - to rrrcr.: 3VHXE, A4.4 i-aViU.XiftA' pi C t, t i- Prawn's Garage) A ami GunJdy IC5-1 (I Skarpe) !. or ( f no anawer at KM) call I M (3. T. Brvwn.) J. SrnidlijClagnoliajDuplin Timber Land Cv;ner Qualified Tree Farmer Mr. J. A. Smith of Magnolia has been practicing gooa lorest manage ment for the past ten years. During this time ne has improved me pine, stands by taking .out trees of bad quality and diseased trees. He has also ' done some prunning in his stands of young loblolly pine, cut ting out undesirable hardwood frees that interfere with the growth and development of his pine timber. Mr. Smith has a system of roads through -out his forest 'land that serve a duel purpose, as forest fire breaks and roads to haul his timber pro ducts to market ') i ? s The Tree Farm system is a pro motional program to-develop good forest management practices, and is promoted nationally by the 'Ameri can Forest Products Industries of Washington, D. Ci This program is designed to give special recognition to tlmberland ' owners who -have done a good Job managing their forests and protecting it from, fqrest tires; thereby Inspiring others in their immunities, j -; Foresters of the Department of Conservation and Development, Di vision of Forestry, made ' the in spection on Mr. Smith's holdings, and reported that he is a leading forest conservationist in his com munity. , At a recent social held for De partment of Conservation and De velopment employees . of Duplin County, a Timber Farm Certificate was awarded Mr; Smith. - c... WARSAW PERFECTS CUB SCOUT PACK Seventy interested persons . from the Warsaw Community met at the Grammar School Tuesday night and perfected organization of a Cub Scout Pack. This, was the third and last in a series of meetings in which parents have worked with Rev. Norman Flowers, chairman of the committee appointed by the War saw Rotary. CJuh which-is sponsor, ing the Warsaw Cub Pack and Joe Brown-of Clinton, Field Executive of Duplin: and Sampson Counties. Arnold Davis was appointed Cub master with Harlee Jones and Bill Vann as assistant Cubmasters. Work ing with Rev. Flowers on the local committee are James Franklin Strickland,4 J. ' P. Harmon, Glenn Rollins, Milton West Rev. Paul Mull and Lawtoh Albertson. ; Six Dens were organized with Den mothers and chiefs as follows: Den 1, Mrs. James Sauls Den moth er with Freddie Revelle Den Chief; Den 2, Mrs. J. W. Boyette Den Mother with Charles Powell Den Chief; Den 3, Mrs. A. C. Lockamy Den Mother with Jimmy West Den Chief; Den 4, Mrs. Bill Vann Den Mother with Litch P. Huie Den Chief; Den 8, Mrs. Paul Potter Den Mother with Larry McCullen 'Den Chief; Den 6, Mrs. Belton Minshew Den Mother with K. Walker Stevens, Jr. Den Chiet ' j :: v The Warsaw Cub Pack will he numbered 20 the same as the regu lar Scout Troop, . . .. ' The' boys' in each den will hold V . ... . . a weekly meeting with their Den Mother and Den Chiet Once month .all Jens together with the parents , of the boys will hold a monthly Pack Meeting. 1. . a . , This brings to S the number of active Cub Scout Packs operating in the county. u - March loii , ' by Grady, Mercer y ,' . : $2,704.81 was spent by Uie Duplin County Chapten The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, in assisting families of local patterns to meet the high costs of hospitali zation, doctor bills, orthopedic ap pliances and transportation, accord ing to a ' report "submitted bf Mr. Earlle C. Sanderson, . Treasurer, of the local chapter. These funds were spent In assisting 2 cases of polio stricken in 1953 and tor continuing care for ,1 cases of polio stiH re quiring assistance from : previous years. Since all the chapter members are Volunteers, no funds were spent for administrative expenses. ; The availability of funds to help pay iot this expensive disease is one urgent reason tor contributing to the March of Dimes," says Mr. Grady Mercer and Attorney Russell Lanier, Campaign Directors. "In ad dition, prospects for a vaccine, which may, prevent polio, appears good, but the tests this spring will cost a lot of money. This means individual contributions must . be ncreased it the goal Is to be reached. "We, therefore, appeal to every citizen in Duplin County to give more in to the March of Dimes." Dimes - Mr. Smith receiving Timber Farm I Certificate from District Forester, Herlevich of Whiteville, and Duplin Contracts Let Yesterday For Addition To, Duplin Agricultural Building Bids were accepted here yesterday for a large addition to the Agricul tural building. The bidding totaled $36,380.00 including everything. Plans call for construction of a unit onto the rear of the present building, two stories high. The lower or ground floor will be oc cupied by the P-MA- and will have two offices, a large ..work., room, contact room and a vault Entrance "to Ihe PJlJCoffices" will be from the southeast side of the building. The present old library building is to be moved and entrance from the sidewalk will be through this area. Colored toilets for men" and women will also be on the ground floor with entrance on the north side. V The main floor, on a level with the present auditorium, will house the Soil Conservation service, Farm Home Administration and Crop In- surance. with toilets for : white women and men. . v ; J The present basement Will be Tri-C6unfy .e$ders Tuscarora Councnr.wwttH.Thead quarters in Goldsboro, will serve as host, to a tri-couhty Volunteer Lead ers Training CUhicon February 28, 27, and 28. In fact there will be two clinics in operation simultan eously, one at the East End School in Goldsboro for Colored Scouters and one at the' Goldsboro" High School for White Scouters. The East Carolina Council with headquarters in Wilson, apd the Occoheechee Council with headquarters in Ral eigh, will join forces with Tuscarora in. furnishing trainees and faculty members. National and :: , Regional Executive Staff members will di rect the training. Scout, Leaders from 'this 87 county area, served by the three Councils, will spend- a most valuable week end seeking new methods and exchanging tech niques. This will be North Caro lina's largest Volunteer Scout Lead er's Training Program. ; 'T'f The opening session for both clin ics will be , a supper meeting on Friday, February 28 at 6:30 pjn. Meals for the white course will be served at the Goldsboro High School Cafeteria, and for the Color ed group; at the East End School Cafeteria. The closing session tor the white Scouters will be 1:00 pxa. Sunday, February ?8. The Colored Clinic will close Saturday night 3 ,.".''; V j - ' ,,j.'t i V ' Invited to participate in this Training activity- are: (1) members of toe leadership Training Com mittees, (2) persons who will serve as faculty members in local trains ing courses, (3) Commissioners, (4) Cubmasters, (5) Scoutmasters, (6) Explorer Advisors, (7) Den Mothers. Faculty Advisors from the Nation al Office of the Boy Scouts of America will be E. E. Hoisington, Assistant Director of Volunteer Training, K. H. Haysbert, member ot the National Training Staff, and Marlln Selg ot the Cub Scout Ser vice, John Shutt of the Regional Office in Atlanta, and Frank Wood, member ot the National Cub jScout Committee will participate. . X : Courses will be offered In Cub Scouting,- under the leadership of East Carolina Council. Boy Scout ing under the leadership of Ocean eechee Council, Exploring and Com missioner's Service both under the County Forest Ranger, Eugene C. Wells looking oh. ' ; , ' converted into storage space.. The Farm and Home agents will occupy the present floor and an accordian curtain will be placed in the audi torium to cut off the Home agent's demonstration kitchen. Dur ing demonstations it may be open and the entire auditorium used. A heating system will be installed for -the entire building using an Loil furnace. ...The present building win oe completely renovaxea. The project -calls for a sewer system to. take care of the Ag. building, jail, welfare building, county library and court house. It is hoped the addition to the build ing will be completed and ready for occupancy by August 1st. Leslie N. Boney of Wilmington is archi- tect. Jones Construction Company of Wilson, builders of Duplin Gen- eral Hospital, was awarded the general contract; W. M. Wiggins of Wilson the heating and plumbing j contract and H. C Cooke of Calyp- so the electrical contract Tra inihg Clin ic direction of Tuscarora Council. r Basic Training certificates will be presented to those who complete Courses.. ,'"''. ; Reservations should be made by sending $2.00 to your Council Head quarters. It is anticipated that total cost for meals Will be $5.00. Room reservation may . be '. made- through your Council office. '-.';: Dr. Howard . Baucom, Tuscarora Council Leadership Training Chair man, urges the Scouters in this area to take advantage of this train ing opportunity. He emphasizes the point that never before in this area have so many trained leaders as sembled such fine facilities -to stage a big, interesting, tralng activity. ' Training courses , similar to this are also being conducted in Colum bia, S. C, Spartanburg, S,C Griffin Georgia, and Tampa, Florida. ' ' Month; Beulaville Holding Open House WHEREAS, the Departments of the Army and the Air Force are desirous that the strength of ,the National Guard,. Army and Air Force be materially increased as soon as possible, , and , '. WHEREAS, this can be aocom- pushed by a concentrated recruit ing campaign designed to encour age enlistment ot young men and' men with prior military service, and . 'f-v fY.?:.' ' '': " ' WHEREAS, The North Carolina Army and Air National Guard through the years have served our State and Nation long and faith fully, in time ot war as well as in time ot peace, and merit the whole hearted support ot th entire cltlaen ship ot' this state; t NOW, THEREFORE, L William B. . Umatead, Governor of North Carolina and : Commander-in-Chief ot the North Carolina Army and Air National Guard, in order to accomplish the assigned mission and to honor our . men ot the North Carolina National Guard, tor their services to the State and Nation in every armed conflict in which our country has been engaged, do OFFICE CLOSED The IT. S. Navy Recruiting Office in Wallace has been closed tempor arily. ' s t In the future . those wishing to enlist In this branch of the office can apply at the: Navy Recruiting Office in the Wilmington Postoffice between 8:30 ajm. and . 4:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon on Saturdays. HOSPITAL BOARD TO MEET 'The Board , of Trustees 6f the Duplin General Hospital will meet in the court house here Friday night to Interview applicants for the job of administrator. The meeting will convene a 7:30. 80PHOMORE8 SATf THANKS ' Members of the Sophomore class of Kenansvllle High School sends thanks to the patrons and friends of the school who attended the basket ball games and to the play ers on the town teams and school teams. The class cleared $78.00 which will go into its treasury. The girls ganie came out tie 17 to 17, and the school boys' team defeated the town team 40 to 30. The scores as reported on the score board. $1500 FOR GYMNASIUM Superintendent Johnson announ ced this week that he has received $1500 from the Kenan family to be used towards completion of the auditorium. Mr. Johnson says this money will be spent towards com pleting tlie front of the building. CORRECTION Arthur Grady of Albertson was reported in the court news recently to have been tried for possession of non'tax paid whiskey. The report was in error. He was tried and ac quitted on charges of possessing tax paid whiskey. COOPER MILL BRIDGE Work is moving along rapidly on construction of a new concrete bridge at Cooper's Mill between Kenansvllle and Bowden, The road pseAjJ:nresept.Aboult three .or four more weeks will be required to complete the job, it is reported. It is expected that the stretch of dirt road from Unity Church to Williams Crossroads will -be paved before too much longer. CLERK OF COURT OFFICE Miss Carolyn Robinson of Rose Hill began work in the Clerk of Court office here Monday. She re places Mrs. Chas. Wahab of Warsaw. IN ATLANTA LeRoy Simmons of Albertson, president of the Duplin Farm Bur eau is In Atlanta this week attend ing a regional meeting of the National Farm Bureau. POLITICAL RUMOR The latest political rumor is that county commissioner Dallas Jones may run for Sheriff. Also reports are going around that he will seek re-election as a county commission er. Rumors also have it that Durham Grady of Albertson and John Good- son oi wouescrape may """" uicii uni, j . uoninussioner irom uju. uisuivk TO THE CmZENS OF KENANSVILLE During the past week you were alarmed by the signal of fire. This fire was only a mock fire - tor that we should all be greatfuL This fire terminated the first phase of train ing for the members of your fire department It was also necessary that a test be made on our present system of calling to action the 4 (Continued On Back) hereby proclaim the month of Feb ruary, 1954, as NATIONAL GUARD RECRUITING MONTH in the State ot North Carolina. I urge all citi zens ,ot this great State to support wholeheartedly the North Carolina National Guard, both Army and Air, and the citizens ot each com munity are requested especially to assist their local unit in Its recruiting-, campaign. I ' :0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hands and caused the Great Seal ot the State ot North Carolina to be affixed . DONE at the City ot Raleigh this eighteenth day of January in the year of our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-four..!'. V;?!: r.;? William B. Umstead r Governor f- ;.'..'.,;:' S X. L. Rankin, Jr. , ' Private Secretary y.' r Richard S J3ostlc, 1st Lt'Arty. Commanding Officer of Btry B, 150th AAA Bn (Gun 90MM) NCNG, Beulaville, North Carolia proclaim "OPEN HOUSE" to any one desiring more information about the Nation al Guard and its advantages. On each Monday, night from 7:30 k:8 Clifton Church Attendance Crusade Enters Second Month In Four Local Churches The' Church' Attendance Crusade being conducted by Kenansvllle, Magnolia, Unity, and Wesley Meth odist . Churches enters its second month this week. The Church At tendance Crusade is part of the evangelistic program of The North Carolina Methodist, Conference for the 1953-54 Church year. This pro gram is designed to increase attend ance in Church School and Worship Service, to stimulate interest in the total program of the church, , to bring unchurched families into the fellowship of the church, and to make every member a working member. The program started the first Sunday in January and will continue through Easter. Already results from the Crusade are encouraging. Kenansvllle ' has had the best Church School Atten dance in the history ot the church. More interest is being shown in all phases of the church work. Magnolia has had large crowds dur ing the worship services and also good attendance at Church School. Unity has raised its average atten dance almost thirty members per Sunday. Perhaps the attendance at Wesley has made the greatest jump. The Church School has In creased steadily each week and is now at a new high in recent church history. Besides the increased at tendance at each church, there has developed an even finer spirit of fellowship among the church mem bers and the churches. These fine reports are due to the hard work being done by the var ious Crusade Committees. The Pub licity Committees have been con tacting the entire membership through letters and church bulet- ins. The Visitation Committees hawispnt'fe?.. this" important -business oeea vuuimg me eiiure meuiucij ship and speaking to them abou Church Loyalty. "Missed You" cards are also being sent out each week to those who were missed the week before. The Registration Com mittees have been hard at work keeping accurate attendance re cords and charts. The work of these ! committees has been the' ' telling 1 factor in the good results. Plans are now being made: to in crease the efforts with each passing week. It is hoped that all four, churches will reach new heights in' their attendance records. Plans are being made for "Roll Call Sunday's"! and "Bring A Visitor Sunday's" The Visitation Committees also plan to increase their visitation aaph waaIt nnH will start visitfnff fhB .lnhllrrle(j fBmIuM this month. Registration Committees, who have already been overworked, are now getting ready to count even bigger results. As the second month of The Church Attendance Crusade begins there is a feeling among all work- ers that even greater things are yet t0 COme. BEULAVILLE MAN HURT WHEN STOVE EXPLODES Charlie Kennedy of Beulaville was seriously burned late Monday afternoon when an oil stove ex ploded in the trailer where he works on watches and radioi He was aided by several people who was passing, in getting out of ihe trailer. Late today in Parrott's hospital he was resting, hut reports are that a lot of skin grafting will be necessary on his legs where the worst burns are located. WARSAW DANCE Getting off to a good start for the Finer Carolina Contest is the Band Matron's Club of Warsaw in spon soring a Benefit Dance to buy Band Uniforms. The Dance will be held at the American Legion Home on Saturday evening, February 13, from 8:30 til 13. Music will be furnished by Ron Galli's Combo. . United States farmers harvested more than 340 million acres in 1953, lessthan during 1952, or any of the seven years from 1953-49. ' Nearly 8J2 million tons of the major deciduous fruits ot the U. S. were produced in 1953 some S. per cent less than in 1952. 9:40 r PM, which is regular Drill periods, we invite anyone to come see the work carried on during drill. On week days, Monday - Fri day, the Armory will be open from 8:00 AM 5:00 PM at which time Sgt. LeRoy J. Kennedy will be on hand to answer any questions one may ask concerning the Nation al Guard. ' " ; Richard S. Bostio ' ' 1st Lt, Arty. ' ) 1 i Commanding Officer, LCMre JoPbPst (- i rV"": v- ' 41 """j - ' ! w - ' BssMaMsjMmi i wmmmmmmidmx4mmmmmmmmM JUDGE CLIFTON L. MOORE FIRST QUARTERLY CONFERENCE BE HERE SUNDAY The Duplin , Circuit Methodist Charge wil hold its First Quarterly Conference at the Kenansville Methodist Church on Sunday, Feb ruary 7th. The Duplin Circuit is composed of Kenansville, Magnolia, Unity, and Wesley Methodist Chur- ches. The First Quarterly Confer ence will be conducted by the Wil mington V District;- Superintendent, the Rev, V. E. Queen. Mr. Queen will bring the message of the morn ing after which the business session will be held,, All Officials of the four churches are urged to be pre gesfion.- Visitors win also pe wel comed to hear Mr. Queen. Red Cross Holds Mid "On" last Wednesday night Jan uary 20, 1954 at 7:30 the mid-winter meeting of the Duplin County Chapter, American Red Cross was held here in the Chapter Rooms at Kenansville, N. C. The Chapter Chairman Harry E. Kramer of Wallace, N. C. presided 'over the meeting. In his opening remarks he welcomed " all present and Intro duced the two new Board Members, namely, M. V. Orr of Warsaw as vice-chairman and H. L. Stevens, HI as Campaign Manager. After the reading of the minutes of our last meeting by the Execu tive Secretary splendid reports of the officers and various chairmen were heard as follows: Vice-President M. V. Orr, Treasurer, Paul Ingram. Fund Campaign plans, H. L. Ste SUPERIOR COURT PROCEEDINGS , Three white youths were senten ced, here last week by Judge Paul Frizell, to East Carolina Industrial Training School for breaking enter ing and larceny. Jerry Thornton age 16 received a sentence of 3 years, Curtis Gautier age 14 was sentenced to 5 years and Norwood Thornton age 15 was senV tenced to 5 years. The judgement read, in part, "until such time that the Superin tendent and Trustees sees fit' that they are worthy and may safely be discharged." , V The youths were involved in a number ot break-ins around Faison, some places being entered more than one time. x ' Young Gautier was picked up by a Mt Olive policeman at a theatre after being tipped oft by Deputy Murray Byrd. After being taken to police headquarters Gautier con fessed to six break-ins within; his three 'weeks fling ot crime. He ad mitted having entered Faison Drug Store four times, John Bells Store and Roscoe Cooper's, once each. .Vi Norwood Thornton had 7 counui ui Dreeuung eaienng ana larceny, against him. . , . .. iipvt Willie James McLean, charged with false pretense and fraud, plead guilty to false pretense was senten ced to State Prison from 4 to 8 years. .. -.': : ''-J''s Rudolph (Mut) Pate, plead guilty to assualt with a deadly weapon, was sentenced to 2 years on the roads. ' ' - ''. lf: V,'i Bur lan Smith, charged with pos session of non tax paid whiskey for purpose of sale, aiding and abet tihg in same, plead guilty to aiding and abetting was given 6 months on the roads, suspended on S years good behavior and not violate any liquor laws. ' .''.' -'.1..'' . James Elbert Pitts,1 on trial for possession ot non tax paid whiskey, transporting, aiding and abetting in Dunlin County Boy Scouts will - observe the 44th anniversary of the Boy Scouts ot America in Kenan Memorial Auditorium here ? next Tuesday night February 8tbv All Scout' troops in the county will assemble' here at 7:45 for the -anniversary; program and all Scout parents' j and friends are cordially t invited' w anena. : E. 'Walkta- Stevens of Warsaw, Dupllii Chairman of Boy. Scouts, has announced that Judge Clifton ' Moore ot Burgaw will be the prin I cipal' speaker. 1 I ;'' Judge Moore has been Interested ' in Boy Scout work in Pender lor ' many . years: He has served . Jt Troup Committeeman; Chairman ot Pender District for two years; Pres- ident of .Cape Fear area Council 9 embracing 8 counties; two years and Is now serving second term a Commissioner et Cape Fear Coun cil. s rii: I'X'lMf ' Program: Byron Bryan of Calyp so and Mt Olive will extend wel come; Scout dedication; Cubs, Mrs. Christine Williams, Scouts, Jimmy Bowden; Introduction ot speaker. . Walker Stevens; ,, Speaker, ; Hon. Clifton L. Moore; Recognition' of leaders, Mr. Bruce Boyers, Tusca rora Council Executive and closing prayer by a Scout - WARSAW ADOPTS CONTEST PROJECTS ,'.';.,,n-"..! .- . - ' 'Members ot the Warsaw Finer Carolina Committee met at Branch Bank on Friday afternoon to adopt the projects' for the Finer Carolina Contest ." i ' E. C. Thompson, General Chair man, presided at the meeting. . - , The following projects were adop ted (1) Religious Institutions ,'2 Municipal Recreational Facilities (3 Municipal Utilities (4) Youth Act ivities - (5) General Community Beatification- f Alternate) JWtag. new Business Tewn. - - All citizens are urged to give Jl. - Yinter Meeting vens, 'HI " r" ' ' Service Groups, Mrs. Sam New ton, "i , In the absence ot the Jr. RedF Cross chairman, her report was read by Mis Dorothy Wightman. r Mrs.' N. B. Boney, the Ex. Sec. gave reports of The First Aid an -Home -Service Chairman in their absence. She also gave some Im portant information regarding the Blood Program and announced that -the. Bloodmobile from Charlotte would be in Goldsboro this Friday, Jan. 22 from 10 AJM. to 3 P3C and urged the Board Members to pas this announcement around and "try , to send volunteer donors up there since our chapter was asked to co- ( operate .with the Wayne County ' Chapter,, ARCs again, as- we have been doing so for over a year. - , same was sentenced to 8 months , on the roads, sentence suspended on 3 years good behavior and not to violate .any liquor laws; " Percy Allen Heath, plead guilty to possession of non tax paid whis key, transporting and allowing his car toV be used for transporting whiskey was sentenced to 12 mjnths on the roads, sentence suspended i on 8 year good behavior and, noti Violate any liquor law ' ' ; Bemlce Edwards, plead guilty to possession ot non tax paid . whlsjiex. transporting, aiding and' betting In. samei'was given 12 months on the roads suspended on S years good j Jesse Lee Haswell, was foundl guilty of speeding 65 miles per hour end was sentenced to 80 days ore the roads, suspended on payment of $10 fine and cost Defendant' gave notice ot appeal to Superior Court. Haley' Junious Murphy,, charged with operating auto while, intoxicat ed,, careless and reckless- driving, plead guilty to careless and recklessx driving.' ordered to pay $29 and. ' Court Costvc . j James AQea Herring, found guilty to operating auto while intoxicated, careless and reckless driving was ' sentenced to 8 months on the roads, suspended . on good behavior, . not , operate an auto for I year, forfeit drivers license for 1 year pay S100 fine and court cost Defendant gave notice of appeal to Superior Court, Appearance bond fixed at 8200. - . vBernice Brlnson, charged Withi operating auto while intoxicated,, , careless and reckless driving, as- sault personal injury and property damage; was found guilty of operat ing auto While intoxicated, senten ced to 8 months en the roads sus pended tor 2 yen n irnod behavior f not operate 8 .. 1 ... drivers Jicen $100 fine a appeal. t o Ed Jose , Cioui destru ' (Cc. 1 n anil nnv " . Gave notice of .. nt $250. ..ullty to mstv- .... ) jail property, . a Back) .