ixNAsrsvnxx . .".VJSD ""i "f- " v v 'V-, . W -jf f i ... : .. .v.'. .' . ' " "ii ... i i i it i j . , A;; V.. . v V t r L i j v L r . 1 . T fcSV Section l.X'V, , - ..... j .f r i"" " n v With SAM; tJD One BUck Sheep '4 Qnkil .1. first taw Topd - f Cros-de- Cagne a small tbelow Nice on the French Rlviers." Pat, mr wife, was suffering from the Monte Carlo complaint that day. you , eat baby octopus In Florenoe, you (et the Florentine complaint: In Venice, It's the Venetian complaint In Duplin Countyyou get the same complaint from eatinc too much barbecue. Anyway, ifr a pepto- bUmoMhlrifc and that day Pat was sufferint from the effects of too much,, baby octopus and garlic mayonnatM eaten thetjight before at a Jflonte-Carlo cafe. -.. Visiting us at the potel Mlrabeau was "an energetic Charieston friend touring Europe after br gradua tion for the purpose of drinking Coca Colas on the terraces of the best hotels in France, and complet ing a gift list for all her relatives. By 'the time the reached us at Monte-Carlo,; her travelling cases were stuffed with Scotch1 woolens, Swiss watches, toys' from the Black Forest .and Irish linens. For herself, she had decided to take,, home to -South Carolina a white miniature French poodle. Miniature French poodles are tov dogs what midgets are w people. We rode by bus to the Interna tional Chien Kennels jK our friend to go dog shopping.nAie bosomy proprietress of the kennels - was ' having a house-cleaning in prepa " ration for a shipment of 85 Pekinese dogs from Geneva: She didn't have any white miniature po6Uea;V':Xv;:; Then Topaz walked around a cor ner and all work stopped While painters and kennel keepers gather ed him up shouting, "ici, Mignen." That's not a steak; it means, "hi 'ya, baby." Right that moment Topaz's life changed and our troubles be gan, v That night Topaz was risking Monte-Carlo complaint by eating handouts from every guest at the Hotel Mirabeau.' ' The English will permit you take dogs into their country, but they must remain in quarantine for six months before you can have them with.you. , , Six weeks later, Topaz and I it the day at the American Con- te at Mice preparing his permit id visa to enter the U. S. It cost me two dollars to swear that Topaz ' was "one live dog? The chewed-up desk legs in the consul's office still attest to nis visit. The red govern ment seal on his permit looks like a prize camelia at a flower show. Topaz flew the Atlantic from Nice , to New York, and farther on to Charleston, where he spent some v time with a friend of ours await ing our arrival from England. . "L' Affaire Topaz" began when an air port official, wishing to show : proper concern for animals in trans it, telephoned our friend that there was a dog in -a crate vat the air port with her name on It Two days later, the customs of ' ficials notified our friend td be on 1 the alert to receive from France "one live dog." She pleasantly ln ' formed customs' that the dog had . . been playing' on her lawn for two r days. Topaz was Immediately charge - ed with illegal entry into the coun try; the air port official with aiding . and abetting said entry, and our friend with harboring an alien. An inspector 4rove out to the ' country where Topaz was staying. I do not know what passed between them, but after Topaz had a heart- to-heart talk with the Inspector, they compromised by taking Topaz . back to the air port and letting him come back In again In a proper ' Last ear we had to return to England;' but ' Topaz,.- completely . . Amencanizea, spent im wmier ai the country club in Charleston. MUW TV 1U4 . SV " ' Springs, where he is the delight of all the local dogs. French poodles : arvr ciuwua uj uatiuv. , If by any ' chance yon see ome " thing solid black that looks like a sheep running along the highway, : please dont throw a brick at it Call it to find out which way It's going. It may be Topaz, and we'd ' be much abllged if you'd bring him , . 1 ' 1 4 ' I Anybody want to buy 40 nuall? 1 Mark Cherry of Mt Olive, has 20 pair of quail to sell before he leaves : for the University of North Caro- it t-n- - .Complete quail housing Is also available for someone wanting to go Into the quail-raising business. UirV tiaa haan at It nrtif itahlv inm he started with a couple opair of Faiaoa auail two years ago . Mark would like to sell them now, as the birds should not- be transferred between April and Sep 'tember, their breeding season. I learned a lot about quail in cap tlvity t'-'s week when Mark show el me i -ouiid Va 1 hsry Jn. lit C've. y w'.'.l not hatch their e i I- 9 li i -vi:-'. they leave l 3 t ys ; n.i :..uim. iui r . n c' s are t U-nther- i . a tiM lv about tlx c i each week that aeU for 13c. "' . - . ' C "if by i. B. Grady" " '( About three hundred and twenty five Men of the Church of Wilming. ton Presbytery, gathered in ; the Wallace Presbyterian Church Mon day night for the annual meeting. It was t the largest ' gathering of Presbyterian Laymen in the history of . the WUmingtoi) Presbytery,- was reportea. " Trior to the meeting a barbecue chicken supper was served in the lunch room: Dallas Herring of Rose 111, president of the organization, opened the meeting and presided. Invocation was by Rev. W. B. Hood, pastor of the host church. Scripture was ' read by McNair Johnson of Willard and prayer by Luther Pow ell of Wallace. Rev. Mr. Flowers, minister at Warsaw was introduced to the crowd. . f : . Dr. Frank Hall, noted minister of Wilmington, delivered the ser mon on the first verse of the 12th chapter of Romans, which Mr. J6hn son had read. Dr. Hall said he was elated over the gathering of so many men in the name of God. He said this was a sign of a new day in the church world. He appealed to his listeners to surrender " and give their whole) hearts to God which ' is the first request of a genuine Christian. . He continued that if each mad in the audience Ao tha ttey wuldbring about ajeligiousrevolution In the world. He , commented on the. tre- ""T xucw wj.u wau. bership in this county. It is without precedent, he said, and yet in, the realrnof moral and .octal problems thA Miiith inHsw tine iia ."i.iilaHiA the church today' has no more power than it did some "years back when the membership was much smaller. - Today, he said, Christ is calling men to go forward under His, ban ner. He then spoke on two areas in which men must go forward. 1. Our total personal dedication to Christ. Not part time, but unconditional surrender. We cannot serve God and mammon, he declared.' Area 2. A sincere concern for the lost world in the name of Christ, How much concerned are we? he asked. If we really felt -the need we would givr ttv OUi.twlliUUSii ourselves in a -measure that never have before, he said. "..Dr. J. O. Mann, leader in Men's work, spoke briefly -on the jtask before the Men of the Church.. . John Diefell, . president of the Men of the Church of the Synod of North Carolina, spoke about the meeting of the Men of, the Church tO be neia in New Orleans next Tall and urged a large attendance from mis' area. Leslie Boney, Jr. spoke in behalf of the magazine of the 'Men of the Church. President Herring appeal ed for more local organizations of the group. Hugh Johnson of Rose HOI, secretary-treasurer, made: his report A constitution and by-laws was presented by Rev. M. C. Mc Queen of Clinton and adopted. New officers for the coming year elect ed were: Leslie N. Boney, Jr., Wil mington, president; Dr. D. D. Clark, Clarkton, 1st vice-president; retir ing president, Dallas Herring be- each,'. v ' . - . - The law forbids raising quail for personal , eating purposes, but it would be an appetizing sight to see them fussing and .dusting them selves in the back yard. - Mark's quail call up wild quail to the yard. If there's no social significance in . that, sit least It's nice and friendly. , r ' . -"; , s . i V - First Row Holding Guidon Sfc. Second Row L-R Harold Brown, VascO FutraL r-l!j Henderson, 1st Lt Rhhard S. Er"e (T "t. .' C " r), Alvin Grady, Liward Earl Lve .t, i &.tuul Tta. - i ' ' ' " Third Row L-R Harry Miller, LsRoy Kennedy, , KENANSVILLE, NOUTII CAROLINA, TIIUUSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1954 '1 fri IcTCi I. p. Wil!;erson t!:r.cd Adminisfrofbr Duplin G::.crd II oi?i hi; Coming May 1 : t O. Wilkerson, administrative assistant of Rex Hospital in Sale Wh, was chosen administrator of Duplin General ' Hospital at a meeting of the Board of Trustees here last Fri day night Mr. Wilkerson and Mrs. Petteway.v former administrator of Memorial General Hospital in Kins ton, personally appeared before the Board. Mr. Wilkerson was selected unanimously. He will take over his new duties here on May first. Mr. Wilkerson is from Greens boro and Is married to a Miss Bizzell of Newton Grove in Sampson Coun ty. -.They have no children. He is a graduate of Wake Forest College; in Holds Successful Meciing In Warsaw : The regular luncheon meeting of the Duplin School Improvement Committee, operating ;, under -. the Kellogg Foundation, was held in the . lunch room at the Warsaw OMilAri mhnnl nn VTttlTtAti A last Week; It was tte uest attendance at .uch-. meeUng held recently, The program was as lolloWl: Re 8ultg of the fouow-up study of drop- outs, by Dallas Herring, Implica tion! ip. the results of the study for the program, by Valm Her- ring. A responsibility of the county Office in working with school groups on these implications, by O. P. Johnson. How these inplica tions will be dealt with in indivi dual schools by O. P. Johnson. Mr. Herring then discussed plans of following up Duplin: graduates Argument; Defendant Is Not Held climax of an argument was - the death of Willie Moore," colored, by James Phillips, last, Sunday night near Brice's Store. Moore had been to ' Phillip's house earlier in the afternoon and had gotten involved in an argument with another per- son. Phillip's wife tried to stop the argument which ended by her be- Inir knocked around and eettine cut by a pocket knife in the hands Leslie Miller Under Bond Charged With Maliciously Shooting Marine Car Leslie Miller, white, was; re leased -under a $500 bond for ap pearance in Court, March 1 on a charge of - assault , with a deadly weapon,' causing property damage to the car of James Lester, a Marine of Camp LeJeune. The shooting occurred Sunday night on the old section of the highway 24 at Weav er's Bridget The Marine stated, In a Justice of Peace hearing, that came .2nd; vice-president; secretary -treasurer, James A. Scott of Wil mington.. Rev, Milton. Faust, director . of Evangelism for the N. C Synod spoke briefly of the Evangelism program to be held In Raleigh Feb. 17 and 18, - . battehy mb" - ; -150th. . aaa en. (gun 90mm) ' Tc-livilla, N. C. v . ; - Robert I rice. F.av; nd Zrrl . :ley, V "Uei : -1 EaudTsnn, o"y Tt"nst v'f. :j: loritk I. L-It - Lft'-i'a I. - C"xxiinaa, ' JCc.I Zolli, 3mim Allen ,".:r.ma, Jdy XX Vhaley, ' Randolph KZZm, Richard McDowell JJorrl Grady. fl- fr""''if served his time in the armed forces; spent two years internship In hos pital administration " at Rex and has served two and a half years at Rex as administrative assistant At present he is acting administrator of Rex. He and Mrs. Wilkerson are members of the Methodist church. They expect to move to Kenans- ville the latter part of Aprit ' The hospital builders began pour ing the root this week. The second and third floors ' are poured and visitors may walk up now. The contractor- says we may plan to open the institution about the last of October or 1st of November. who have gone on to college and those ' graduates who did not go to -college.' (' - The general discussion, intermin gled with the speeches, was on the manner and methods of determin ing what, if anything. Is wrong with our present school system in Duplin County and what methods need to be taken to improve those condi tions. Do we need more vocational training? More or less emphasis on certain subjects, such as foreign languages, etc.? It was decided that the group would visit the new model high school in a body in Rocky Mount on February 12th. Mrs. J. B. Stroud of Faison, chair man of the group, presided. er of Moore. 1 .atar Mrvira ratnrvtaH tA PttfnlfwT home and started an argument with him. Phillips stated that he warned j Moore not to' come into his house but Moore paid no attention to the warning. As he started through the door he reached into his pocket, presumably for his knife. Phillips picked up his gun and shot Moore. He died almnjit lnstantlv. Phillips is not being held. he 'pulled onto the road to check a tire when Miller started shooting toward him. Miller fired 3 or 4 times, blowing a nole under the left front head light bf the car and cracking the windshield. The incident was reported to the sheriff's department and Monday morning Miller was questioned but denied knowledge of the case. In a hearing held Tuesday the Marine and a lady friend identified Miller as the person who did the shooting. It takes dollars to convince people you have sense. ' Men like to be listened to women listen to be liked. Trouble seldom comes to those who enjoy their life's Work. " "'I ; "r "i CotUe, Alfred : Edwards,' Bobby Mob- . . ... .V Terms Of Duplin Commissioners To C. With 1954 Election; 4 Year?ADd AIgl v Relocation of ft section of high voltage power , lines will necessitate power Interruption Sunday after noon in lower Duplin County and eastern Sampson County, according to J. C. Maultsby of Wallace, local manager for Carolina Power and Light Co ' : - Power will be off between 1:30 and 4:30 Sunday, afternoon, Febru ary 14. The area to .be affected Includes Wallace, Warsaw, Harrells Store, -Teachey, Rose Hill, Charity, Turkey, JCenansville, BeulaviUe, Chinquapin, Magnolia and Tin City. Maulteby', explained that mid afternoon was chosen at the time a power interruption is least likely to cause customers inconvenience. . The interruption will permit line men to relocate poles supporting 33,000-volt lines. Crews will take advantage of the outage, Maultsby added, to .' perform maintenance work that would be dangerous with lines energized. v TO VISIT ROCKY MOUNT Members of the Duplin County School ' Improvement Committee, about 40, will go to Rocky Mount tomorrow to inspect the new million dollar high school there. It is said to be one' of the most complete in the state. Daniel Johnson, brother of Duplin's ' superintendent, O. P. Johnson is superintendent of the city schools there. BANKRUPTCY Josephe B. Cheshire, Jr., of Ral eigh has reported the following bankruptcies in Southeastern Caro lina: L. & J. Super Market, Wallace; Williams Package Company, Wall ace;1 The Alanson Company, Wil mington. First meeting of creditors meetings for the two Wallace con cerns will be held at the Community building there Feb. 24th at 11:30; Creditors meeting for the Alanson Co. will be held in . the Feolral Court Building in Wilmington at S;063junr Febr 24th. - TOBACCO BARNS BURN This item would be common dur ing the tobacco barning season but may be classified as a little more newsier at this time of the year! Last Week a tobacco barn on the farm of Mrs. Wm. Pickett of JCen ansville was destroyed by fire. On Monday; of this week Chas. Grady of the Wesley neighborhood lost a tobacco barn by fire. Also destroyed all his tobacco sticks and much of his farming equipment, which were stored in the barn. Both fires were caused from burning off grounds around the barns, it was reported. v BRIDGE SOON OPEN Highway foreman, Gene Tyndall, announces that the new concrete bridge over Cooper Mill run on the Kenansville-Bowden road is scheduled to be completed March 2nd and the rpad will be opened. NEW HOMES Two new homes have recently been built in the Wesley neighbor hood. DeLeon Quinn has built very attractive home facing high way Hi just North of Wesley. At present he operates Miller's Service Station at Westbrooks. - O. R. Blizzard has completed and moved into .hjs new home across the road from the old Wells home- place on the Pearsall Chapel road west of Wesley., -CROP1 REPORT Treasurer Faison McGowen of the Duplin County CROP reports that a total of ' 5S8.69 was turned in 1 from the recent CROP drive in the county. DT0FUN OVER TOP As " expected' Duplin r Democrats went over the top in donations for the Jackson-Jefferson Day Dinner to be held in; Raleigh Saturday. DupUn sent in 1350.00. It's quota was only $250.0. As a result Dem- ocrauo vnairman jt auon ncuowan received a hand painted neofc tie with a Donkey and Elephant! de sign. One, Duplinite bought a $50 ticket KK- iihfi: "' 'WHfSKET STILL A "steel drum whiskey still with a copper condenser Was picked up in Faison township, near the Samp son County - line, Saturday. Five baifells of mash was also picked up. On the raid were, deputy T. E. Revelle, W. O. Houston, W. B. Klss- ner and Murray Byrd. No arrests were made. 1 HJD.C. Ooanty Choral Practloe The February Coimty Choral practice for Home Demonstration V TO LITOT A FIRE VLoft day, I'M (""rown'a Garage) ' "las tsclty r.34 (U Eharpe) i. ( J m aasnrer at 4) eaQ lH (X. T. Brawn.) iUBSCKIPTION RATE: VI. Stout, Wallace, Named Commander Of Duplin Unit American Cancer Socicly ""The American Cancer Society, North Carolina Division, Inc. takes pleasure in announcing the appoint ment of W. E. Stout of Wallace, as Commander of the Duplin County Unit of the Society. Mr. Stout is head of the Stout Realty Company of .Wallace and is known through out the county as an enthusiastic leader in anything he undertakes. He has been assured the fine sup port of people in every section of Duplin. We look forward to a great Duplin County Boy Scouts Observe 44th Anniversary Of Scouting ' Duplin County Boy Scouts, along with The Cub Pack at B. F. Grady and the newly organized Cub Pack at Warsaw, celebrated the 44th an niversary of Boy Scouts of Ameri ca in Kenan Memorial .Auditorium and 4-H members will be held on Tuesday afternoon, February 16, at 2:00 P.M. in the KenansviUe High School Auditorium. Mrs. L. K. Al derman is the pianist-director. Prac tice will begin for entering Radio Station Wf.TJ. Contest Any who wish to become a member of the Choral group is invited. Pauline S. Johnson, Home Agent Publicity Leader's School A publicity Leader's' School for Publicity Leaders and Club Secre taries will be led by Miss Jean Anderson, Extension Specialist, for Home Demonstration leaders on Thursday afternoon, February 18, at 2:00 P.M. in the Home Agent's Office, Agricultural Building, Ken ansviUe, N. C. Pauline S. Johnson, Home Agent Home Dem. Special Interest Special Interest meetings for those interested in learning how to use their sewing tnachme attach ments will be held in several places over the county. Plan to attend the one to be held nearest you. Each meeting will be held from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. in the afternoon. These will be taught by the Home Agents. Sewing Machine Attachments Schools: 1. Friday, February 19, Penny Branch Club House near Warsaw. 2. Monday, February 22, Home Agents Office, Kenansville. 3. Tuesday, February 23 Xa Place House. 4. Thursday, February 25, Teachey Presbyterian Recreational Room, Teachey. Pauline S. Johnson, Home Agent STUDENTS INVITED The Leader of the famed Marine Corps Band, "The President's Own, has extended, an invitation to enter- tain visiting student groups during the Spring and Summer months at the Marine Band headquarters in Washington, D. C. 1 ATTENDS MEETING Phil Kretsch, local banker, at tended a joint conference on live stock production and financing in Raleigh Tuesday. SAVINGS BONDS ' Duplin County banks sold $32, 038.25 in E & H Bonds during the month of January according to a treasury department report THE WHAMMYS Duplin County patrolmen report that from 2:00 p.m. Friday, Feb. I 5th. to midnight Sunday a total of I 21 autolsts were caught by the ) speed watch or "Whammy". 19 were speeding, one drunk and one fol lowing too closely. Ten were stop ped and warned about driving too slow and for improper equipment $ miles east of Kenansville on high way 24 thirteen were caught for speeding on Friday afternoon. Only one wreck was reported in the. county. No one was injured. Car damages estimated at $130. L. C. Bostic of Beulaville was the driver. Officers reported a loose mule jumped Into the road in front of him and he was forced to run off .the road. Patrolman in Duplin are unanimous ' in their opinion that the use of the speed Watch has definitely reduced, the number of accidents ' in . the county. Among the speeders caught Friday night was a Marine who was driving to Indiana and had to be back at the Marine base at 6:00 a.m on Monday morning. BOX PARTY ' -.Alt churches are urged to attend a box party sponsored by the YJ?A. of Sarecta F. W. B. Church. It Is to be held February 13th. at 7:30 at Hoy Dunn's house in: Ken ansville. All are invited both young and old..Oome and bring someone with you. Girls - bring a lunch, and Boys - dont. forget your, pocket- book,, o.'', , - ' "l IM per year n Unpttn and aiJotnOf ': ie tWs ana ta N. C4 th nna ? expansion in the total cancer pro gram. No county of comparable size has demonstrated more continuous sup port in this program during the past twelve years, and with' this kind of spirit, ';, and under Mr. Stout's . capable; leadership, we are confident that our. program of re search, education, and service program to save lives from cancer - will continue to go forward." ;.U here Tuesday night Duplut District ' President, E. Walker Stevens of Warsaw, presided Scout executive Brown of Clinton announced the event from .the' microphone. Nearly 400 Scouts, parent and friends enjoyed the hour's program which was highlighted by the 40 piece band of, Wallace High School which presented a majectic picture on the stage. They furnished appro priate music throughout the pro gram. Mrs. tris Leary is director of the band. All spectators were sitting in balcony seats and the floor kept open for the Scout drills and as sembly. The program opended with all Scouts standing at attention as Flags were presented. Byron Bryan of Calypso gave the address of welcome. Seated with him on the stage were Scout Executive Bruce Boyers of Goldsboro and - Duplin Scout Fipance Chairman Roy Carter of Wallace. On the opposite side of the stage sat President Stevens and the speaker, Judge Clifton Moore of Burgaw. ' - t Vt,'. In a ' candlelight ceremony the scouts repeated the Pledge. Mr. steveWTmssaBced'-' Judge Moore who has been outstanding in Boy Scout work in Pender Coimty and the Cape Fear Council. Judge Moore said he had never seen finer evidence of the Scouting spirit Paying homage to Duplin he said that Duplin County, in Scout work as in everything else, always comes up with a job well done. He brought greetings from the Cape Fear Coun cil. He briefly reviewed the begin ning of Scouting in the United States telling how Wm. E. Boyce went to England and brought Scouting back to this country. . - The Boy .Scouts of America is chartered by the United States Con gress, he said. There are now a million and a half adults in this country active in Scouting and 4 million Boy Scouts. We need more people to wake up and take active interest in Scouting, he continued, for the Boy Scouts are the leaders of tomorrow. There is' not a Com munists connected with Scouting, he added. t Scouting lays a hand on every boy involved and points the way to a better life, no matter where he comes from or his status in society. Negro Scouting is also growing, as it should be. It costs only $12 a year to maintain a Boy Scout, he said, not including his uniform' and a few other incidentals. It every person donating to Scouting would resolve to maintain one Boy Scout a year (only $12.00) Scouting would grow by leaps and bounds, he told the audience. He concluded with a plea to every one to give Scouting larger support Scout Executive Boyers then re- coenlzed some of the wnrlrara in Scouting in Duplin today; M-Sgt MUton i. Whaley, U. S. Air Force has assumed his duties as Recruiting Officer at Wilson, N. C His office is located in the Post Office. Sgt Whaley - has. a total of 17 years in the armed ser vices having served 14 years in the Navy and three years in the ' Air Force. He and his family are resid ing at 1019 North Bynmun St, Col lege Court in Wilson, 1 i :'' rC - - PRICF As we go to press o- eandi 'so t rep r dte- . , Ois- Town- date has announce ! f ' 1 Duplin. E. E, Kelly of resenting the 2nd com: trict, composed of Wo ' son. Albertson and I ship, encumbent, is rc" ceed himself. ' In the elections ' r system of electing doners Is being chan. X to suc- -r pliiVaH' . e wiiK ie nominated in the I y iTimary 4 as usual ana eiecrea m uw- uj. However, in U"f fall general elec tion the three commji. ji-mer candi dates receiving the bsg.'.tst vote will be elected for a four year term and the two low w',i be elec- -.a . i iiii.iii T -.'...a in lea iwu nwr aaai. - .... ture elections all ' I candt TS will jaa yiith i SO that dates far county comn be elected for four 7 two and three alternttu. there Win never be a complete. turnover in the Board of County CorAniisatonera. . Duplin elections chairman, Wm. E Craft- Of Tenanaville, announce that forma re now " ne.jor candidates to" "le"ai,3 t j may file at nny time between now and sw set on April 17th. Fii g fee la on percent of the total annual salary or a minimum of $5X3L , ' , A meeting of the Democrat) County Executive Committee ' ban been called for 2:30 p-m, on Monday, February 15th. This meeting date ' is set by the Stat Board of Elec tions and applies to every .county in the state. At this meeting the names of three Democrat will be -selected and sent to the state Board of. Elections from which two -will be chosen to serve for the next two years on the county-- Executive Committee. - - . lupilllliailic Attempts Suicide GREENVILLE; Feb. 9 A 80-yeaa Old man attempted suicide with a pistol, in Proctor Hotel Saturday while talking to a friend on the telephone, police reported yester- , T"Ka man VtvpnrtA YAailaMn -:4a1a.. phoned his friend from his room In the hotel and fired the shot while talking over the phone. 1 ' - -Police said that the friend. Bob Hart of Greenville, told them that Goodson telephoned, him; and said v that he was going to "end It nB." Hart told policemen that be saked ' the man if he had been drinking ;, and he replied that he had not Hart said he then beard the report , of the pistol and be notified poltee. The. wounded man was rushed .to Pitt Memorial Hospital. Police said that Goodson had evidently shot himself through the month 'and the bullet came out through his Jaw. Hospital authorities reported Good son's condition as " . "satisfactory". Police stated that' no note waar found at the 'scene. It was under stood that he 'was separated from his wife. -i, .' ? 1 :i . , ' It was reported that the man bad been staying at the hotel for about a week He is engaged in a roofing business in Greenville. '. . Mr. Goodson is a native of Duplin ' County, v:,' , :'' t' 'i 1 1' 1 11 i m AiiiericcaLc:::!' Oraforiccl Cc:.:f AlBFCrc-;!!!:::! The annual American Latrin Oratorical Contest win get under wht Tnia nmnt - - - . . ation wffl bo held at B. F, Oadyl -High School Tuesday night, Febra ary 23rd. at 7:00 p.m. The district contest win be at WaBaec on FH-'. day night, .February 3rd and ZMvi-'' ' V alnn nun I i nl v. . . . t , srgaw on jaaren-.-. 2nd. at 7:00 pjn. The prize for the aisxncx winner will be $100.0 1 savings' bond! Division wlnness wiH- throiwK Ka .m. 4 i : , - - uuuuou con-:.' '? test On Chicega I "onal winner, wiH receive a r J scbolajsbin.. . A medal, will 1 ssisui u.i. school winner lit e county. i

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