EZii I . . . X' . T '. , I - J ... 4uist and peaceful Sunday a. moon. Eaow had fallen y during t.,.e week but had now turned to liht flurries, rf-py aOemoon. There wax nothing pressing to do far would be good afternoon to listen to the N. Y. Phllbar- , 'a looking through the Sunday paper. So you turned the , i and saidowa, relaxed and lazy, almost doting, - . -idJenly you sat up; alert, alarmed. No longer sleepy but . ,h dread, you turned up the volume oontroL What had gal- j you into action were the now ominous and unforgettable f the announcer '1; words that had once before meant the jedy of the beginning of World War H. "We Interrupt this ; to bring you a special news bulletin." Fateful word that ;: a new story of major Importance. i Ugandi, East Africa, word has come that a plane crash may iken the life of novelist Ernest Hemingway and, his fourth ' ..'',. 3? : .,?'.';, Hi'-:'-; ,-, '"H.",-. the moment that was all. But you didn't leave the radio all in, waiting for some word, some confirmation or rejection of ws news that somehow seemed' so Completely Incredible. ' . late that night the word did come that Hemingway had ur- that crash only to crash again. And he bad come through alive. ; adventure would have done Justice to his own pen - and the : a reaction when he was greeted by newsmen was one of the -. understatements his own characters might have used, "My , I think she-Is running good,'. f'iy y 9 story is by now well known, Ernest Hemingway whose tales . lea have made some of our best movies went back to Africa twenty years. An intrepid; hunter,, he had spent five months J Nairobi shooting among other game, dangerous killer lions. The i had pitched camp by a dry river in Selengai, by the Klrnana ns at the base of Kilimanjaro and again by Lake Magadi under luruman Escarpment For five months the camp life was tilled i boxing- and Hemingway Is an excellent boxer - with doctoring. 3, writing and sometime even, sleeping. His second son is a r in. Kenya. Theft the Hemingways broke camp and set out for it coast of Africa to fish. Never a lover of flying or airplanes, gway ha become friendly' with an African bush pilot, Boy i. He had gone scouting with the pilot so often that his wife written a friend, "Poppa is so keen bn scouting at 800 or some 1 shillings a half day which includes bumps and rolls and swoop down n the-deck and wing-brushing the chulu hills that we 1 shortly have no money left except for gin and cabbage.' theyMeft Nairobi for Masindi, planning to circle the Falls of Victoria Nile on the wayi They never reached Masindl. A British Jasfefcuw, directed from its course to search for them, found f Mi4lace Cessna in trees near the falls and reported there was ' a-'ot life W' be seen, r ' ' o world assumed that Hemingway who had survived more ac nts than happen to a dozen other people had finally succumbed, papers ran scare headlines and obituaries. Millions of readers have loved his Work were shocked. Waiters in Havana (Heming y'S home Is in Cuba) frankly Wept at the news. Only- Poppa was still alive, in a lorcea lanaing notning was aam . i but the undercarriage of the Cessna. The Hemingways and the t' climbed down cliffs to the river, a river infested with crotco s. At tright they built a fire to keep the elephants away. Next " y they were picked up by a launch filled with tourists and taken v t to Butiaba on the shore of Lake Albert You've undoubtedly seen Butiaba in the movies. It is where "The " Irican Queen" was filmed. When director John Huston first got '. ere, he decided to build a small airstrip to fly supplies in and film out He and the producers hired 2,000 natives who hacked the small 'i ip out of the jungle in one week. But the jungle reclaimed the t 'riR plants grew along and across it. And when Hemingway and J s party took off again, the plane not only crashed but also burned. They escaped without serious harm this time, too - a few cracked ribs and cut heads. And they went on, by automobile, to Entebbe in Uganda for a rest. Hemingway climbed down clutching a stalk of bananas and a bottle of gin and made his classic remark about his luck's running very good. Since then delayed shock has sent him to bed for a while. Yea, it was a good story and a thrilling adventure even if a little anticlimatfc. When it was all told and you had recovered from the deep sense of loss you felt when you heard the first news, you asKea yourself why you were so filled with horror. It was much more than the words of John Donne that Hemingway used as the title for one of his best novels. "No man is an Iland, intire of itself - any man's t' ath. diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde. And there fore never send to know for whom.the bell tolls, it tolls for thee." There are countless other writers whose death might occur and cause not a headline, only an obituary with comments by critics, perhaps, or an editorial in a literary weekly. There are few writers ' -anj mttry who are of the stature of Hemingway. In fiction in America there is no one remotely in his class - he is followed by William Faulkner, but then who have you? There are some who have written. one good book, even four or five, but whose later worjk has ' not lived up to their splendid promise. In poetry and in drama we have' Robert Frost and we had O'Neill - but they lack the popular . appeal of Hemingway. : t What is there about this man, about his work that makes him ' SucbJ a ifigure? Why if you have ever met him is it impossible for . vou. to forget him? The last is easy esnecially if you are a woman. He is the, most virile man I have ever met, a man filled with such lusty vitality and maleness that there is no possible doubt of his ,'aex; I have met many writers whose sex you could determine only by their clothes and their haircuts - and even then you were in . doubt., There is no effeteness here, no delicate mincing, no refined mannerisms. Hemingway and his work are filled with vibrant force, . . power,-' potency. There is such vigor and strength that they sweep yoti oft your feet and leave you breathless. This stunning force and it does stun you - is evident especially in his masterful short stories. For sheer brutality what story in our -: lanuage equals: his magnificent story, .The Killers?" . Like all treat artists, Hemingway has not only force but tenderness. What contemporary novel have we that equals his moving short novel, - The Old Man and The Sea?; It is a tragedy as many of Hemingway's novels are. But it tells of the nobility of man. And it tells' too, of the : way that mean meet disaster, look lwthout xuncing into the bright face of danger Always Hemingway has admired courage, courage to ' live dangerously, courage to overcome difficulty and defeat. , I can. remember vividly reading Hemingway's first book published fa America In, Our TlmeIt was a failure, financially, but it got , rave notices from every major critic. It just knocked you flat and ' left you without words to tell what had happened to you. It was a ' tremendous experience. It still is. Maybe that is why Hemingway Is the best writer of our generation - what he wrote thirty years i ago is still, fresh, vital, exciting. And he followed In Our Time with one OX in Dm couecuona n soon sauries written in zrfigusa, men Without Women. I thought in my youth that Farewell to Arms was , t?-best novel I had ever read - and many other people who came '' into 'the age of awareness during the hectic 1920's agreed with me. r read again hut year, with- as. much relish and pleasure. 4... y t -, ,, "T B? ' D UP L IN TIMES , PahUshed each Thursday In KenansvUle, N. C Ceoaty Seat ef u-, tV ' DUPLIN COCTNTT .io : crterlal. efftce i VrJattnr plant, Kenaurtllle, N. C ' I t. TtOBEBT GRADY, EDITOR OWNER f Entered At The Pest Offloa. Kenausrllle, M. C , 7 U .0mob4 eisaa snatter. TfXEraONKensaawme. f)ay -ZCBXmOH RATES ' per year fa Duplin, Lenear, OsMfew, Pender. Sasapaem, New Baaever mat Wayne :m M-5 raer year evtatde this are 1st Narta CareUaat I J.M per year atapkarev'.; i A4veFttatar rate farnlshed ea -!i Ceaaty Jearaat. dereW to the reOgtoaa, autertal. i snd agrfealtaral develoaaaent ef Dnlia HATIOHAl "Jil V sat fimsrtfn Ri fftBeiTATTYS, I l!ct'$ Attud Toward " ; r ; , StoM(TtCMlnhlt tiow Cor;res Has Cfiajigtd S PaH. Prim j NsceitJty i. f. 'l specbd to Central Jr' -i, '' ? '! rvTASniNGTON One ef the moat striking phenomena In Wsabing- V ton these day 1a the sudden shift In President Eisenhowers , attitude toward, and relations with. Capitol mwW Sometime during- the recess between the first and second sessfrM of the 83rd Congress, the President obviously decided that h 'would , have to exert strong Jersonal leadership. In ord to fat hia program through Caasasai.:.,-.--" i;,v:-:-iv:? ;"""'r - That. was the reason for the recent hilefkg sestlonj with Vy GOP legislators and the eubsequer-t cirerenc wu.t 1 n . id ..',.11 - , t . 1.1 , , Mr. Elsenhower was doing no mors t.vjn trying tc sell Congress a sill f goods; ,i""54'i:: 's,rIT' There la good ra on f or his precedr.t-shaV.cr. ilng performano. L'i;les be can fetid a sufficient number ot backer lw Republican- ranks nnd'Mia at least a measure of support from Democrats, whole adminisUa'.ion program face a tfisnul fate Ikaly.'a' plgeeo.- d l : V : ' Last session." the-' President atudloualy avoided . any criticUau- of : Congress .when, it -flouted his r wishas. It wlii b lutcreUin; to see whether h ' continues to follow thst' course, rr carries his rase to the people when the votes go icalnct him. Many PresideDt ij g In Washington are belting he vii) fcOlcw the see ABC OF ATOMIQ SUB The launching of . the tom-rower" . submarine V83 NotUu$ this month in bailed in the Navy as tho most revolutionary development since the Wright bro&tta tooit t2 at Ktty Hawkvtifj, 'r-,'---:v ::r-. ,-,--..r, .., . A few tradition-bound admirals still Insist that the atomic engine la "just another steam plant" but younger Kavy men asy this is because the oldsters won't look at facts like these 1 The main limit on the amount of conventional power that can be built into a vessel Is the amount of fuel it can carry Since on atomic engine uses no fuel virtually none the lid is off. 2 If other requirements can be met, an atomic er.gino can doub'o Its power without Increasing its small fuel ccsaomptio'.. To put it another way, a chain reaction can create a (en-.p-jrature of ?,00v uc greea just as easily as It can create 1,000 degrees. 3 The engine uses no oxygen, and if a vessel s properly tullfr for underwater travel blunt-nosed like a porpoue it can go faster on less power than it could on the surface. As tho fish already know, friction beneath the surface la less. The Nautilus itself is "model T,' but SO per cent faster than any other sub.': More amazing to engineers is tho fact that it will be ablo without strain to maintain Its top speed for two or three months at a time an endurance unthinkable with any other kind of power. 'RJEVENOOERS' If you art courteous, friendly, helpful under standing, and co-operative, you should have no great trouble Irudlng a job as a revenue collector for the United States government. The Treasury department and the Internal Revenue Bureau are starting a 'drive to instill these . virtues in all tax collectors and other personnel who handle your tax money and deal with the tax-paying public. However, you would have to be a gentleman at all times. This is the word of Mrs. Ivy Baker Priest, treasurer of the United Stated. She says the administration wants to leave you impressed with tho feeling that every employe of the tax bureau is "a perfect gentleman." Her definition of the perfect gentleman: "Ope who is always as nice as he sometimes is." PoliienSit ' Stressed By Bureau Men SENATOR unjia REPORTS ft I had the pleasure of being with Billy Graham, our noted North Carolina preacher, on several oc casions last week while he was in Washington. He is leaving shortly for a preaching mission in England and other European spots. I drove back from a speaking engagement in Oxford to be here for his ser vice at the Armory last Sunday afternoon. It was also attended by Senator Hoey and a number of Members of the House from North Carolina. THE PRAYER BREAKFAST On Thursday morning, I attended the Second Annual Prayer Breakfast at the Mayflower hotel. It is a great experience to see about 600 leaders of our Country, including the President, standing with bowed heads in silent prayer for our Na tion. Senator Carlson is very active in this movement. BILLY GRAHAM LUNCHEON I thousht it would be a good idea to have Billy Graham as my guest and give a private luncheon in the Capital in his honor. We were able to get all but two Members of our House delegation. A number of Senators, including Senator Ket fauver, Stennis, Ellender, Maybank, Johnstqn, McClellan, Mansfield, Johnson of Texas, Daniel and other guests attended. From our State at tending were Congressmen Shuford, Jones, Jonas, Alexander, Deane, Durham, Carlyle, Barden, Bonner, and Fountain. Representatives Chat ham and Cooley had other engage-' ments. Senator Hoey introduced Dr. Graham. Congressman Fountain gave the invocation. I know we were all impressed with the excel lent SDiritual message that Billy gave to us. After the luncheon, I took him to meet the Vice- Presi dent. AMENDMENT As I wrote last week. I was hope ful that the Senate would get some agreement on the proposal consti tutional amendments. (Senate Joint Resolution 1.) Debate continued all last week. It now appears that no thing will be settled on this until next week as most of the Republi- Hemingway has been a highly controversial figure - the so-called intelligentsia have assailed him now and then - possibly because he writes in such simple language that everyone can understand him. There is never the least doubt ot his meaning. He calls a spade a spade, if you dont like it you know what you can do about it He is going to write the way he pleases, live and work in the manner he thinks fit He Is not interested in petty criticism or even petty critics -' he's above that. His characters don't move in the better drawing rooms, they fight and work and get drunk and make love and fight again. But they are alive and breathing - more than can be said for the characters depicted by many another modern writer. In his Death in the Afternoon he wrote what ought to be required reading for anyone who writes or wants to write, words which may explain partly why he is such a sensitive writer, a superb story teller, why his style Is fresh, his prose pure and rhythmical, . "The great thing is to last and get your work done and see and hear and learn and understand; and write when there is something that you know; and not before; and not too damned much after: Let those who want to save the world, If you can get to see it clear and as a whole. Then any part you make will represent the whole if it's made truly. The thing to do is work and learn td make it that way." - - HELEN CALDWELL CUSHMAN WeWanlYolirHogs it We Pay A Fremiom ForTop QnaHiy Hogs See Us or Call 2108, .Clinton, N. C. OPERATED BY LUNDY PACKING COMPANY 1 .' Baying Days Are Mondays Through;'; ' ' Encoirada Child's. Imri'jinatiojT As Well as benso orKaury By 6AWY tUVlW.,: mfCX ft. ' THE ohlid from two to fiv may have a 7 1l(S Imagination. He often talks of things not present , to tb senses, arid feels Utt1 or ns need to square w!ist ba says with reality. fKArt riaUy fppia bat could have happened, at a nehbora, oa the playgeound, or at Kanol. , , S say feat a bit dUturbeani eonrenlsneedV i . WhaUbculdfoaeothen; , . Ton eant to back sod live over tb tariiw years wlti him. But ; from now on, you cai b leason. , ablt and patient Wth him, being" careful not to aharg htat-wHa-r. falsifying ur.Ul you art airs as -has clearly defirod la his Kilnd , tao line between what reahy hap-, pened and What ha imaglrtd to, hart happened, ' tf , t 'fry-TarJng " " m the meanwhile, you can help this child. At relax "3d and com- , canlonable Uraes, . make - up i h shor wild yarn and ask Idrn if that really happenec men nave him make tci another such lanv, , Next relate something he and you . know really did hsvprn snd have him make a tluulaf report, too. .1 Then say to him that you are. go ing to tell something, and 1 is to .. listen rareftjjly and then tell you . whether tt realty uUl harp hap- pened cr not, O.tijn, yon and Us could plsy a gams la which you tried out each other at labeling , mado-up stories . as real or as pretended. :,;:',,;. vv; The child may be hsipod tar dier by p!ayk more with other children of hia age and by nak-' lng mors things with his hands. ; You cant pound an ambiguous nail; a measuring t tiler rtoesr.'t Ue. (My bU'.atins "Kow dome the -jCjjr"r He la fortunate if Us parents and others about hmt appreciate 'and enjoy the amaslng creations i from his bsad, and thus tacour ' age him, and if thav, moreover, 'read to him !om Irts ot fanciful stories and folklore.- ne is still mora fortunate U thfse older per sons take down many of bis yarti and read them back to him. iJ:i's)iessUB. ef lying y::-A:-But some oldor children ard some parents, tacking In Imagis- atlon themselves, beglto charge this little' child with lying When, as h believes, heaerrhad been nearet . to i the ' truth. ':Then r the young creator, mny become con -fused and troubled and hampered with ! a sense ci guilt without really understanduig ; wny. m need, be mar oon get sa mixed bo himself, that. ho. Is unsure wi uuer what hs frequently re- o.iri.i la true or not t )vei a number of years, 1 have come across a few-' of llie con- t.isiid chllclnsn. some as old as :ni or wa In every case Its teeti ab.e to sudy carefully, I've f mmi una uie child had, from n.. k.i'-iV years, been falsely hv bft. .d Har by parents and other p rs "in wtv) hart no appreciation o' i nc mv m ynunR child's imag- iia".i' 'i ,'" '! Imnsiimtiiiii Oi if vuur iiii(t, of ten I self -addressed, stamped enVclnps, t-, u. y..it s.iie thing which! to me la care nJLtols newspaper.1. , , r-i. ,"!M. Klwr fmi.r(r-iWerta. fw . ,, i, I - S0 'y " n. . . 1 '. . V t 1 Fairies" and "Honesty and "TYuth- -i ' fulness" may b had by sending a lieror storage piles after it has been removed, from the house. Al ways store poultry manure under cover. Superphosphate ; increased the phosphorus content ot the man ure.. Apply. MO pounds of 30 per cent granular grade . per ton of fresh manure. If scattered on drop ping boards or pits, ; we three to five pounds per week per 100 bird. Last May 1 there were 17,963,000 -layers n North Carolina, farms ' according to the USDA's Bureau of Agricultural Economics., The , drop oinss from these, birds would, s- Lmqunt tov more' than 33,000 tons of i manure. How many of our poultry men are capitalizing bn this , valu- tble by-product of their industry?, asks pearstyne, ' r , ' S Opens March 20 in North Carolina The"nattonf 'Spring calendar bt hunt racing and steeplechasing will open March 20 at Stoneybrook Race Course, Southern Pines, North Carolina, with a one-day race meet ing sanctioned by the Hunts Com mittee of the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association. Southern Pines was officially re turned to prominence as an ama teur racing center with the highly successful 1953 race meeting at Stoneybrook, held under sanction of the national organization for the first time in 10 years. The Sand hijls resort Is winter training head quarters for many of the country's top steeplechasers and is a mecca for owners, trainers and riders prominently identified with hunt racing. It is the home of 1953's lead ing steeplechase trainer, Michael G. (Mickey) Walsh, and the, leading rider for the past five years, F. D. (Dooley) Adams. ' Vernon G. Gardy .noted Canadian sportsman who makes his winter home at Southern Pines, is the newly elected chairman of the Stoneybrook Hunt Racing Associ ation. Charles W. Stltzer, of South- em1 Pines, will ' "known amateur Sportsman who won the North Caro lina Hunt Cup on Tryon's Block House course and the Pink Coat Race at'Stoneybrook last spring, has been ' ' named secretary-treasurer. Assisting Cardy, Stitzer, and other Southern Pines sportsmen with plans for the race meet is Chris Wood, Jr., field director for the Hunts Committee of N.S.1HA. Cardy, who has been well known on horse show circuits for many years, entered steeplechasing last year by purchasing Sun Shower for Mrs. Cardy. Trained by Walsh, Sun Shower won three important stakes at Saratoga Springs meeting and became one of the year's lead ing 'chasers. Cardy recently pur chased and brought to Southern Pines for Walsh's tutelage two horses from the Aga Khan's famous European racing stable. From the Stoneybrook meeting, sanctioned hunt racing moves Jo South Carolina, Virginia and Mary land before returning to North Carolina on April 10 tor the Block House Races at Tryon. Manure Is Valuable By-Producl y end 4 pi, kmHzfmM" iiHBii.i.ii. r.,'ii' 'i a 'Wafflsf' h 1 , ; ThhYEAR as ALWAYS YEARS 1 i'rsni i: s i Poultry manure Is widely recog nized as a valuable fertilizer with a high nitrogen content, according to R. S. Dearstyne, head of the poultry department at N. C. State can Members of the Senate are away for Lincoln Day speeches. I am still in favor of the George sub stitute which I discussed with you last week . MEETINGS I attended the Congressional ban quet on Wednesday night held here as a guest, of the North Carolina realtors who were attending their annual national association meet ings. I met about thirty representa tives from all over .North Carolina. Their meetings were very success ful , . t On, Thursday night, I met with the North Carolina State Col lege alumni group here for. supper and had the pleasure of being with another fine group of North Caro linians. MOORE'S CREEK A number of us have strongly urged the National Park Service of the Interior Department to continue to keep Moore's Creek National Military Park In North Carolina In the stystem. In our history, we fail to give the Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge the significant position to which it Is entitled Had It not been for the bravery ot the patriots of that section, had they not stop ped the Tories, the whole Cape Fear section would have fallen to the Tories and there Is no way of knowing what might have happened to the Colonies In the Revolution that was to follow. The Park Ser vice has promised us to hold a hearing on the matter. They are trying to determine If It is ot truly national significance. I know It Is. . THIS AND THAT-. ;-v ' t am looking forward to the com ing ot Spring and the North Caro lina school children who annually visit Washington . V . They always get a big thrill out of these visits Senator Holland Is looking forward to his visit to Raleigh on Saturday for the Jefferson-Jackson Day Din ner : . . Dr. Hugh H. Bennett, the Anson County, man who Is credited with building the Soil Conservation Service and who is now retired, dropped by the office the other day. He Is planning a trip to South America soon to help with their conservation, problems, . , . . Your mall is coming in at a brisk rate, and I can certainly tell that you are very much Interested in what's go ing bn in Congress. ' , - - College. - One hundred laying birds will yield 3V4 or four tons of fresh manure a year. About one-half ot this Is voided, at night on dropping boards or roosting pits. Poultry droppings contain about I per cent nitrogen, . OA . per cent phosphoric add . and . 0 JS per cent potash. It averages about 78 per cent moisture. If properly treated with superphos phate and stored under shelter, the value improves to make a fertilizer corresponding closely to a 3-3-1. , . If left In a pile so it cannot dry, the nitrogen breaks down into am monia and heavy losses occur, says Dearstyne. Treatment with super phosphate reduces this nitrogen loss. Treat the manure' either on the dropping hoards, roostiiig pits, the 3 d You can if you use Natural Chilean Nitrate of Soda for your top-dressing and side-dressing needs. It costs a liltle more because it's worth more. But the difference in cost usually can bs measured in pennies per acre, wlvle the 'differ ence in value often amounts to dollars per acrt.-. Chilean "Bulldog" Soda gives you generous extra value. The nitrogen is 100 per cent nitrate. It's 100 per cent available (quick-acting) ; 100 per cent dependable. The minor elements make crops stronger, healthier. The sodium 26 pounds in every 100-pound sack is a key to maximum returns on your entire fertilizer investment It offsets the bad effects of acid forming fertilizers... increases the efficiency of rnixed ferti lizers containing them. It releases "locked-up" potash in the soil... increases the availability and efficiency of soil phos phate ... reduces potash, calcium and magnesium losses by leaching... develops larger, deeper root systems. Sodium builds up the productivity of your land more each year. It's ah essential element for some crops... bene ficial topmost and necessary. for maximum yields of many, Pennies-per-acre differ, ence in cost may mean dollars-per-acrc difference in value to you. Chilean "Bulldog" Soda is thebest fertilizer your money can buy. Use it. for all of . your top-dressing and , side-dressing neeaB.;v (4., -. ,i2i iC-i JyCJ: gi;A)fa -1' . r jjtav JtMcf er f." CHUtAH '. JL. 1 1 WTHATl CF SOZA J " Mr I i ,' f MStttea I m-,.., KAT6HEL f "v f' .U.JIS -- ' t THt KAT I f . I: . OmttM r,. ". I! 0 . I! I 1 v..,- I t-w-;'r. It's . " " "atii SflWsf Irr "! ,!!, i) ol . The 'IJam f' Our automobile liability policies meet all the requirement of the Financial Responsibility Law which becomes effective January . 1,1954. If yen have one of our policies you have all you need. If not see, us about it 'C "J ' i i ii WW II A. L. CAVENAUGII PAUI'B. POTTES tii;.v.'.rv ' In Warsaw If 1 J t I' 1 '.'iii''.',w,!;,WSy r-'y'T-,.' p'.j'H. .'r-'it':. , , ;.,'.';":" ' ' JrJ: , . ( . ' ( 7 t