1- J I'iia iitileight double-ring cere ,' Hiss Mary Ellen Hobbs of a became . the bride of Jack in Bissette of Goldsboro, last t, Feb. 23., In tha Falson' Bap Church with the bride's pastor, s Rev. M. M. Turner officiating. The couple entered the church to ; . ther unattended and spoke their vows before a background of palms, iioor baskets of" pink carnations, i "idioli and. ' seven-brtnched can t labra holding .pink cathedral-tapers, i . t - . ' , ' ' The bride is the daughter ;of Mr. ' and Mrs. Ben Henry Hobbs of Faison tand the bridegroom. 1 the son-of Mr. ana Mrs. Z. Clifton Bissette of Goldsboro, 4-'."V'? " ' ' A program bt wedding music was presented by Mrs. B. F. McColman, pianist, including, . "Evening Star" by Wagner, Love Thee" by Gre(g , and Traumerel" by Schumann. The traditional wedding marches were ' used. The Rev. Harold Minor, solo ist, sang. "Because" and, "I Love You Truly"!. ; , X' j. Ushers were:'-Sam Bissette of ; Wilmington, brother of the ride groom, and Frederick B. Stern be r- oooooooooooooooooo Your Money ERSKIIIE'S .S5LV" That ' fj Ji'y HUUNSPRIN6 T ' h:WTi vfi-1bAituNGT0N '::IL? qji , , SMfMATI ' Sdtoladliifr $690 I ERSKINE Kinston's Leading ooooooooo oooooo o o c'.3Q 6o o o t -1' '-.O . . , moil jVowJi f h. it , ' ' ii u ..n... .L-.dv L. WwJ"1 1 ) Ccr.:r.:r7 In Fcixcahi:rch ger o vtuuuiibmjii.- " s f . For the wedding the bride wore a navy blue wool suit with white nylon blouse, navy blue shoes j and bag and white straw hat She, tar ried a white prayer book topped with a purple-throatari jmt hid, show ered with white satin- streamerst ' The bride waar-gratruated from Faison High School with the Class Of 1951 attended fineland College and has since done ijseeetarial work for Southern Produce : Distributors in Falson. , The brifegrooin.waa graduated from New Hanoves .High School in Wilmington with the Class tit 1943, attended . Campbell .College jand served three years with the U. S. Navy. He is associate - with : his father in the InsHtaftee bys)ness in Goldsboro. ' .-th :f The bride'a moll crepe dress , wit&p!aek 'and white accessories ahd.. a' pjnk carnation corsage. Thai brjtdgt groom's; mother wore a Navy Jblue-dress wh navy blue accessories :anei , pink carna tion corsage?'- -'uitj- i j . After a short Bfldingt-irip, the couple Will be at-hone; at 202 N. OQOO BuyS More In Kinslon Th Only Wotch Itwer Ireaks Ottier Ebias As Uw As $33.75 Credit Jewelers ' , Pi "For. ' 00 Ml i Mm, w , si ' -i-i -I '$57.50 ; I Immediate Delivery DOV V.85lciid ::SHEU DD Also Applicators; To Apply Both From5ilJ.50;;up Ssven Springs H. C. c . : 1 US. AND UBS, JACK v (CBt CoBrleT Leslie St. in Goldsboro. . Beeeptlon . Immediately following the cere mony the parents of the bride en tertained at a reception at the Fai son Community Building. Magnolia leaves and pink carnations were used for decoration in the living room. The table in the dining room was covered with an imported hand embroidered cloth. An arrangement of pink carnations, snapdragons and fern centered the table flanked by silver candle holders with pink tapers. A three-tiered wedding cake, topped with bride and bridegroom figurines, was at one end of the table. After the bridal couple cut the first slice in 'the traditional manner, Mrs. Sidney Lane of Bur- gaw, aunt of the bride completed it: IN THREE DLViNSIONS The inspiring story el the ; Ktaurrection Ulttstratad in life likt depth and full color with a ma ting new View-Master Stereoscopic Pictures. Available as Packet of three Reels (21 pictures) lor use in View-Master Stereo scopes and Projectors, v Story folder with each Reel. A delightfuf gift for children and adults. See foe yourself,' AiTst freer nsu hdmiit..$lM . VtfW-MAITSt SHERLYN STUDIO IN CLINTON fHT sisMoscort a7 iecy; : i ,! CLIFTON BISSETTE NewArgw) " . the serving. Beceivinf! at .the door were Mr. and Mrs. W. C Mangum. The guests were introduced to the receivuig line by Mr. and Mrs. L. D. vGroome, Mrs. Hr L. Hoey . and Mrs. R. D. Clifton directed,' the guests into the dining room where Mrsi J. B. Stroud was presiding, assisted by Mesdames J. H. Darden, C. A. Precythe, J. E. Faison and Murray Byrd. Serving individual bridal cakes, salted nuts and floral mints were: Mrs. Robert Kennedy and Misses Mamie King and Norma Rush. Pre siding at the punch bowl was Mrs. Sam Bissette of Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bell presided pver the .register. The good-byes were said to Mesdames Cliff Weeks and J. W. Warren Jr. Miss Rose Lindsey presented mu sical selections during the reception. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hobbs re ceived in the gift room at the home. KATHRYN NEWTON ROBERT WOODHOUSE TO BE MARRIED BOSS KATHRYN NEWTON Mr. and Mrs. Iinwood. Newton, of Norfolk, Virginia announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Lula Kathryn Newton, to Robert Forrest Woodhouse, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Woodhouse, of Virginia Beach, Virginia. , The wedding will take place Sun. day afternoon, June 27, at 2:30 o'clock in the Ferebee-Halstead Memorial Methodist Church, Nor folk. Virginia. ' The Newtons are farmer Beula ville residents. Mr. Britt, Pearce Are Ved "The wedding of Miss Bobbye Jane Pearce and J. C Britt took place in . Jenkins Memorial Methodist Church Feb. 21 at 12:30 pjn. The Rev. H. L. Smith officiated. , A program of wedding muisc was presented by Clinton G. James, or ganist and uncle of the bride, and Jon Pearce, brother of the bride, soloist... '::' ; -"Ji ;r- The bride is the daughter of Hugh H. Pearce and the late Mrs. Pearce. Mr. Britt is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Britt of .Fayetteville..vf'&?:4 Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a powder blue suit With navy accessories . and a white orchid corsage. . ' ,', : ". '' Best man was brother of the bridegroom, "Clayton rltt t fay; ettevilie.' ; ,vj,r ;;;'f -.i The ceremony Wat attended ' by the families and a few close friends. Later the couple left for a wedding trip ;upon thel? return the couple will reside In Fort Monmouth, NJ. where he la stationed with the armed forces. ' ' ReO call will be observed at ' KenasuvlUa Methedlst Church en Sondaf the T March. Please be Cr:.'-3C!:'j v Tylllbsbss ; Mrs. X. C TyndaU was hostess to a newly organised bridge club at her home Tuesday evening. ' Mrs; O. R. Dail received an attrac tive handkerchief for high " score. Mrs. C. C. Hester also received a handkerchiet for traveling. . . , ' During the social hour tHe hostess served pie and coffee., - r i k u -jiii ... i . i ,. '.i ' nil' m:.V? ; Circle 1 Met Yilh Mrs. Ralph Brorn Circle t of Grove Presbyterian Church met Monday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Ralph Brown. Mrs. N. B. Boney presided over the business, session. f-;".-"j''f:: Rev. J. T.' Hayter led the study course. During the social hour the hostess served, bam biscuit, apple pie - ala mpde and coffee to the thirteen members present, MrsSilfersoii On Tuesday evening Mrs. W. 3. Sittetson 'entertained the members of her bridge club with two absent whose places were filled by Mrs. X R Cradv and MIm . Iffarnml Williams. Guests were seated by I daughter or Wilmington -.nmjna-ittractive taUies. , At the conclusion . y with Mr. and Mml C B. Sitter- of . play, Mrs. Roy Sitterson was awarded high score prize for club members and Mrs. J. R. Grady for visitors. Mrs. A. R. Bland received consolation gift. The hostess served congealed fruit salad, fingers, crack ers and. hot tea. P.T.A. Mel Monday The Kenansvllle- P.TA. met' on Monday evening in the school audi torium with the president, Mrs. H. E. Phillips presiding. Mrs. PhU- 11 ps called on Principal Z. W. Frazelle to make announcements. Mr. Frazelle congratulated the boys and girls for having done 'So well in the tournament. He announced that Mr. Hamriek would teach a commercial class on each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights, three hours each night. He also an nounced that Millie Burch had won the oratorical contest for the coun ty. Mr. Helton was presented a gift in appreciation , of his fine work with the ball teams by Mr. E. V. Vestal. The president named the nominat ing committee to have a report ready for the next meeting, namely: Mrs. J. R. Grady, chairman, Mrs. D.t S. Williamson and Mrs. Herman Quinn. i A, Founders day program SFor Sale (p lf wCtw.. -ssMa All kinds hieh erade seeds. Also Soilfume- f I P All kinds high grade seeds. Also Soilfume- j u kJ 1 1 ' $5 for treating land for We are paying top prices J Andrews & Khowles Produce Co. a Tel. 2491 - Mount Olive, N. C. lOOOOOOOOOOOOOevuwuooouoQ OPENING SALE In New Register For' n To Be; Given Away Saturday Before Easter O mf,A Qeaner and o V ; , -One Lot Of ' o o o o 500 Children's, Pre-Teens Maternity Buy One Dress 1 ". 1 V- o u o o o o o! Get One Free ... f Many Other Bargains Including , TABLE OF $1.00 SPECIALS Values To $3.00 BAILEY'S MATERNITY. & CIIILD.IEirS SHOP f 413 E, Walnut St " Goldsboro, N. C given by. mesdames Herman Quiim, N. B. Boney and H. E. Phillips. In their program they told the story of, the beginning of the P. T. A. and part of the life story of Alice Mc Clellaa Burney and Phoebe Hurst who was a co-worker . with , Mrs. Burney. , , P. T. Al guests were invited into the Home .Economics department where they 'were, served refresh ments of hot chocolate, cheese straws and ceokies by several! of the teachers... , ,, .. ' , , , , Personals i - Miss Cornelia Quinn of Burgaw spent the week end with her mother Mrs. Parker Quinn. Miss , Mary Sue Burch of E, C. College, Greenville spent the week Cardof Thanks .-Your expressions of sympathy shown in the recent death of my son, Carl Stevens, will be remem bered always.''-" T-ti" . Mrs. Walter E. Thlgpen end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L C. Biifch.-' . x , Mrs. ' Jj R. Cooke of Aulander is visiting her sister and' brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Sitterson. ' Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Williamson of Fayette ville were Week , end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. I Sykerf. ; Mr. : and Mrs. Ivy Bowden and Nicky visited Mrs. W. P. Bowden in Burgaw Sunday afternoon. .' -: Mrs. J. A. Gavin spent several days last week with Mrs. Lydia Cameron in Wilmington. - Mr. and Mrs. Flip . Peele and Mrs. Alfred Kafer of New Bern and Mrs. " Hugh Hamriek Jr. of Shelby were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Guthrie last week end, ' -, Miss Kathryn Quinn of High Point College is spending several days with her mother, Mrs. Parker Quinn due to illness. , Misa Jean TyndAl of Raleigh spent the past week end with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. C. TyndaU. Mr. Vance Gavin spent several days last week in Raleigh attending the Hospital board meeting. : Guests, Sunday, of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Booth were Rev. and Mrs. Lauren Sharps and son also Mr. and Mrs. H. M.'West Jr. , Mrs. Roger Blackburn and child ren of Winston Salem spent Wed nesday and Thursday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. C Hester. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Brock Jr. of Bailey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Brinson. . , Mr. and Mrs, B. B. Hester and children, David and Ella Grey of Clarkton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hester. 1 Mrs. N. B. Boney, Mrs. J. A. Hines and Mrs. Walter Stroud attended the Womans Club meeting in Salem burg, Tuesday . Mrs. J. S. Brlley of Wallace visit ed Mrs. C. C. Hester Friday after noon. elimination of insects. for poultry. See us. o o o o o o Location Free Prizes o o O o $10.00 in Trade , ' ! o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 'O ' .) Dresses o was! Mrs. Clara Fewlass of Swanton,lg f 11 u lu. ii. F. . v . , Among t!ie V. . a t'.(i" i Saturday, were 1 .m. s J. U Wallace, J. v. Li., es, Vance -u. Cavln, C- B. Gutluie Sr. and I"' Margaret Williams., .s .... Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gooding and. children,, Larry and Sue of Ellzabethtown spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. C Hester. , Mrs. N. B. Boney attended the IU.C meeting 4n Warsaw last Thursday. Quontities ,J Lost! I ( ., . . ' :'.t- ,. :.; MEN'S. WATCHES with, expansion " A iturdv v" . wotch ''.'i: broetlar. r Jays Jewelers In, Clinton To New Location 516 E. Gordon St. ti blocks from A P Store Free Parking I 1 A Ss jli : i bands'' , Vjg r V ' . ' Come -in, Park F'ree, Shop all day. . Fnr 'Tha Rnct Tm RAmifir Cava m it's 1 " Formerly E. Kinston, W1 . , Aaother Jonathan Logm : hi I SI! I J. v. KRAMER'S ftsS-' .. jS r SACONY.SUiTS;,; OF.PALM BEACiff.j ' 1 I V . L ,( ,. (.. . '.'See fhlon'( frnhett . r v Taund-Utt-jreSr suits. A j la tint to nt ewry" " . ! ' Inn. . Wonderful colon! I J "It's s wonilerful buy!" . ' , I ,tjireea. ".. ' ' r Ann i Shop In Mt Olhre . . Caswell Street- N. C. j Enchanting sleeveless ' ' ! dress in the silkiest of , cottons with woven . embroidered designs edges the front of this : pan wool jersey jacket j Pert collar of dreie , gives that extra ' I finishing touch, r'; lSis7tol5 ... s Sst i n L. '" ' ' rrhe Friendly Store" :i "v . ' ; "v" ) rf:Jp-In Wallace to&?&&yM?l IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCO i I mm : ' 'I- v

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