-.1 -. rr. c'n 14 tat t r Si'" is 11 v 1 ' . j ( i -km s X i i, luwaey ads, ' era jr. n - Mill end rutters enus v;ty Fabric. Belts and s made tame day received, ilck patterns. Zipper lOq, i1 t it t-ADDING machines i. i,ew Boyal typewriter! - . j ry need.' Call Goldsboro , .o) ley Typewriter Exchange l-a . center street. VV 11 FOa SALE One 6X4X8 used V'ortIilngton Steam Pump; Used S man Disston Chain saw overhaul' ed In our shop. COOK MACHINS SHOP, Clinton. N. C. 1 , Ctt w v S.-'.-AVj ' 10 Cent Pocket Combs, now leent each at CUNIC DRUG CO. B Mt O.iVe, v.i '.I riff , ctt V, IP you want to EOT or IIIX ' a farm see, STOUT HKALTT CO. Wallace, X. C Phone 8641. , , ct v J ,,n, ;vi irrie Smtih Iza 11th. BirC W Mr. and Mrs. Scott tuvi honored their daughter Marn her 11th birthday Sunday- lth?U plcnlo at Cliffs pf Neuse. A pi J lunch wa enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs: X J. San lin, Martha and Jerix-MrLan4 Mrs. York Lanier. Acne and Brenda, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Bostlcillfancy and Jlillcr, News. Adv. tecscaUaOw J. X BARDEM STOCKYAia!lS, will hold, their 3rd. annual spring uve- stock sale Tuesday March 9th. at 1 pjn. Bring your thin cattle, hogs and especially little pigs to this tale. Be sure to aVtend this sale. t JL BARDEN STOCKYARDS In Warsaw. It C ' , ' FOR SALE: 78 rpm records, race, hillbilly and popular in lots of 29 Me Boy-SeU-Trad ' ; - , Always A Large Selection Prean Which To Choose cc:":unity MOTORS CCPOSATION " "Where Tour Guarantee v'. ;; f . '.. Meant Something- ; DTGOLDSBOmO yJ, ctt , CZrnJINK D-CON Soted rat pats vo, new en sale at 'Cttals Ong Comaany, In McomeOttve. to PABCimH COJfSTKDCTIOIf CO- OlmUm.1i. C. :, j; Draglioa and Bulldozer Work"--'-V , ,' AU Kinds :l$':ti' ', ' Instant Service . . -;.iV Specializing in Pond Construction Can 185 Night Clinton. JLG ctt - -.AM' FOR SALE: California Wonder Pepper plants. $5.00 per thousand. , Place order now. Ready when; you want them. Harold Marshburh, . Clinton, N. C Phone 2907 '-.V V 3-9-10t pd. v ( records $2JKX Send up your orders, we mail COD, 45 rpm records 80c each used, we have coin operated phonograph and slot 'pool table, for all location, call us- for. service, Reynolds Music Company, Phone 231-7. 516 Beaman Street, Clinton, H.C! ' ctt OPENING AT ONOE for man with car to take over good Rawlelgh business in Northeast Duplin Coun ty. Has been worked 4ip an til re cently. Over 1800 . families. Real good opportunity. Write Rawleigh's, Dept NCB-931-S08. Richmond, Va. 4-4t Pd. , ' MAIS FEMALE HELP WANTED -Excellent opportunity foreman or woman to call on farmers in Duplin Oeuaty. Some making over $50 a day.' Fan or part time. Write or wire for free proposition. McNESS COL, Dept. C, Chandler Bldg, Baltl mos2.Md. 8rf4t.pd. "FQR A BETTER WELL, call or write Heater WeU Co, Raleigh, N.C. giving direction and distance from your Post Office. Monthly payments can." be arranged, with no down payment, if applied for before weil la drilled." ctf 4 See Us Today. MR. FARMER GUARANTEED USED TRACTORS Plows, Dise Harrows, Bosh A Bogs lime Spreaders, Scoops, Blades ...s Loaders, Misc. Equipment. Trade and Terms To Salt Tear Needs. Tear Ford Tractor Dealer BRYAN-EDMONSON TRACTOR CO. Mt OUve Hwy. Ph. 3000 Goldsboro ctf- ' - NEEDED A Rawleigh dealer for Northeast Duplin County, over 1800 families, where products sold for many years. Real opportunity1 for. permanent, profitable work, start promptly. Write Rawleigh's. Dept. NCC-931-232, Richmond, Va. 3-25-4t c. THE REASON a dog has so many friends is: that he wags' bis tall instead of his tongue. " . THE REASON the American Legion has such large and'if&od dances in the Mt Olive gym every Saturday nignt is: We keep .it clean. "A clean dance for clean people.1' ctf BOOK YOUR ORDERS with us for Hall Brothers Silver Hall or sex link Cross Chicks. MURRAY SUP PLY CO Mt Olive, N. C.' 3-18-8t c. Treat Your Tobacco Land Now With SHELL'S D.D. Or Niagara SOU f4V 85 We have them beta, bat evp- plies are net plentiful. Get years BOW. ". . 5 'i'.',;' ' Just A Reminder Neil Joseph 4s just back from New York from a Buying trip. When In Goldsboro Just Visit Neil Jos ebk W K'' For Your Spring Toppers - Suits and Dresses r.u: The Newest Creations Always At . NEIL . JOSEPH'S In Goldsboro 7 Rkhard, Pat Harm. Violet Sumner. Bfftfifma Baker and Kay Smith. A green and ' yellow birthday cake was served, -Marie was presented a lovely assortment of gifts. ' Attend DAJK. Meeting Mrs. ay Humphrey, sustorian and Mrs. Lou Belle Williams Reg ister -were in Richlands Tuesday, to attend a DAR meeting (n the .home of Mrs. D. W. Russell. " P.TJL Meets Monday The parents and teachers associ ation of the Beulaville School will meet Monday night March 8th for a regular meeting. All teachers and parents are urged to attend. , .v j.'.... ' r--r Presbyterian Women Hold February Meet ; Mrs. Haywood Miller president of the Presbyterian Women of the Church presided Saturday afternoon when the. February meeting was held, "Lead on King Eternal" the opening hymn was followed with prayer. Mrs. Adron Miller led the program discussion The Heritage of our World Christian Community" assisting her were Mesdames Leland Grady, E. L. Batts, Haywood Miller, Bland Rhodes, Homer Winstead, John Miller, Andrew Miller, Ashe Miller and Miss Lois Evans. There were IT in attendance and Mrs. Grady led the closing prayer. Kenneth Johnson Has Birthday Mr. and airs. Autrey jonnston honored .their son Kenneth on his 6th birthday with a weiner roast on the lawn of their home. A cake decorated with a miniature circus had been presented him by Mrs. Ada Williams and was served with an additional cake to the 18 young guests. The honoree was the recipent of assorted gifts. Maple H. D. Club Meets Mrs. Sumner The Maple Home Demonstration club met in February with Mrs. J. I. Sumner. "How to save steps in the kitchen" was the demonstra tion given by the hostess assisted by Mrs.. Wilbert Futrell. The leader gave reports on Home dairy, Home poultry and Education." Plans were made to have a baby sitter for each meeting. Delicious refreshments were served in the valentine motif. Mrs. Delbert Futrell will be hostess in March. Mrs. Everett Miller Is Honored Mrs. Everett Miller was honored Monday afternoon February 22nd when her mother entertained with a surprise birthday party. Upon arrival the honoree was presented a corsage and figurines of George and Martha Washington. The honor ee was the recipent of additional gifts. A salad plate was served to Mesdames Pete Smith of Pink Hill, Walter Miller, Jay Wilson, Homer Winstead, Wilbert Futrell, Delbert Futrell, Jonah Whaley and J. I. Sumner. Seven Births Are Announced Mr., and Mrs. Temple Hill an nounce the birth of a daughter, Mischa, on February 13 in the Lenoir County Hospital, Kinston. Mrs. Hill is the former Miss Blanche Harrell of Burgaw. CHURCH CALENDAR March 7, Rev. J. D Everett, pastor, Morning Worship, 11:00; Evening Worship, .7:30; Sunday School WOO; B.T.U. 6:30; RA. & OA.-Monday 7:00; Youth Choir Monday,, vO0 Cherub Choir Wednesday .19; Church Choir Wednesday, 7:30; Mrs. J. D. Everett director, -The puhlio is cordially invited. WEEK OF Week of Prayer for Home was observed by the Magnolia Bap tist Church, March 1 , 5.' V Theme: '"Freedom's Holy Light" Monday evening 7:30 (Young people in charge of program) Sunbeams Watchword, Rally Cry and Mission Song. Jr. RA'i ScrWnj4''A , Home Mission Program given, by a. A, Int R. A. and Y. W. AAVdll include facts and stories of Southern Baptist work among Indian, Euro pean, and Oriental Americans V Missionary Story - Mrs, Paul Tucker. v . s A'V Wednesday evening CAlice Swin son circle in charge) Mrs. M. E. Lindsey, program chairman - sever- hd.c. plai;j rzc:zcz The Home Demonstration Club is planning a Health project Mrs, Ralph Bishop, president, appointed t committee to make plans for the project The. leader Mrs. Eva Drew, gave a demonstration on 'jueis Make Housekeeping Easier", to the eighteen members present and three visitors. - .' ..-.. - Following the meeting, an lnfor nud hour was held with the hostess serving coffee and lemon pie.. at women will present problems and deeds of Home Mission work. This wiU be followed by a Mis sionary Story by Mrs. Everett i ; ; Friday , evening (Alice Hunter circle in charge) Various types of wor k "by our home Missionaries win be studied. The Missionary vetory will be told by Mrs. Jack Joyner. Filmstrip: Your Beautiful America" will conclude the special services. Plans for the week made by Mrs. 3. D. Everett Mrs. Paul' Bass, Miss. Study Chairman; Mrs. Paul Tucker, Program Chairman. . v- ' Miss Macy Co iC the faithful Sunday School teacher of the Young Ladies' class of the Baptist Church for 80 years and missed only two Sundays in the past three -years. J Mr. Bruce Wilson gave the even ing message last Sunday. Mr. Wilson is home from the Southern Baptist Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky. The W. M. a met Tuesday P . M. st 3:30 St the church, Mrs. Hamilton presided. - ' ' A short business session was held. Both circles reported that every "':;. I. A.. - The Magnolia P.TA. will meet Monday night at 7:30. Lucian Holmes FusseU will talk on -Russia. The Glee Club will furnish entertain ment Everyone la urged, to attend. member who would make health kits for the Migrants. - Mrs. Paul TuCker had charge of the program. Subject was "Strangers Everywhere An interesting program was given by members present Mrs. Tucker presented the need of the Migrant and closed with prayer. ' ' ' VUL WITH no Mrs. A Q. Smith, reporter, hasy , Mr, and Mrs. 3. R. Carpenter, son and daughter of Portsmouth, Va were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs, Paul Bass. " ' Mr. Lyttleton B. Scott of Winston Salem visited Mr. and Mrs. Hv L. Pippin Wednesday evening. BRIDGE CLUB ! Mrs. Kenneth Taylor entertained her bridge club Thursday, evening. Camellia, Japanese Quince, and Hyacinths were used in decorations. Mrs. C H. Pope received a flower container for high score. Mrs. N. T. Pickett stationery for second high and Mrs. J. N. Horne a set of plastic covers for low. Mrs. Taylor assisted by Mrs. Hqme served, congealed salad plate with coffee and nuts. ' ff0m Mw mws A aolMSWl V ) soiSMly. Gregg Brothers Houseware & Home Specials Extra SNAPfV CATCH holds door Mghtty doMd. Spring acHen. NEW IfVlS-lATCH N. 1210 Push R lo . ffonr from iftsid. puH from ouhids lo op door rora ouhidt. (Mvtilul ond proclkoL Wood Fronting Board, Special 48" ' M" $3.95 14.95 ."'1. 1f ., , , .'. . v'-:'. .( y -a JT Non Yellowing House Paint 85.84 - - : I One Gai. ' I Electric Broiler 99c 84.95 Gal In Case Lots of 4 GaL Extra Good Quality ! 8 oz. jor 69c BW Gregg Bros. Houseware. Dept. 'lFront & Market Sts. - WiJinington v Patrolman and Mrs. John Gordon Thomas of Belhaven announce the y birtn or a daugmer, htricia Ann, on February 14 in the Belhaven Hospital. Mrs. Thomas is the 'for mer, Miss Margaret Barrow of Beulaville. Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Parker of Jacksonville announce the birth of a daughter, Virginia Annette on February 12th in Parrotts hospital in Kinston. Mrs. Parker is the form er Miss Jenny Maready of Beulaville. r Mr. and Mrs. P. E Thigpen an nounce the birth of a daughter, Sylvia Jane on February 28th in Parrotts hospital in Kinston. Mrs. Thigpen is the former Miss Dorothy MulUkin of Pendleton, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Ball of Kins ton announce the birth of a daugh ter Barbara Dale on February 22nd at Parrott Memorial hospital. Mrs. Ball is the former Miss Naomi Mer cer of Beulaville.. Mr. and Mrs. Stacey Brinson of Beulaville announce the birth of a son, Keith Maxwell, ' on February 25th at Lenoir Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Brinson is the former Miss Nona Frances Mobley of Chinqua- Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Whaley of Beulaville, rout 2, announce the birth1 of a daughter on Monday, March 1, at Parrotts hospital in Kinston.:; .,,',; ';;(,;, oooooooooooo Baby Chicks ' ; Wayne Feeds ' Poultry Supplies. v Azaleas. & Camelias ' ' ' - - mount olive iiatciihiiy ZaC.-ve.N. C. -X 1 W W W W W W mf W ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo if j' .... . . .. An Invitation o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 6 a o o o o o o o 2 o o o o o o o o o o w o o o o o ; o . o: o o o . o o o o o o a o o o roz ccuijty cc:"::: -y .A t. i kereby sjmesnee my eandldsoy fet Cesusty Cessai'fiilonsr frea the 5th. district, suuss-vtllsv Magnolia, Res BUt Tewnr ahlpa. Year veto and support will be appreciated. to real enjoyment comes in serving "WHITES" ice cream. , : : . . ' - : It's just the dish to serve at parties. v For Prompt Service Call . WALLACE 328-6 "e?Tgp3R PStCsF1 VltCllLIGTOU O O O o o o o o o o o :o o o . o o ; o o , o o c c c: c; c vo o c o o o o o c ' ) ) o .: t ' .1 vJ a.i Lwv-- J S t 'n ' - 4. f H ' .YELLOW IN SHUCK ... lLZJ $1-55 f f white in shuck;-;.....:... - . . $1-45 Place Your Order for Woodruff Seed Now Phone 2241 Warsaw (Baltic) f r":!.'-' : . . Sick? See your doctor ' Bring Yeur Prescription To Us For r Fresh Drugs and The. Best Prices : 76c Value m-. f ,t f, ' Pu In olive Sha veCrcum .... 47c $1.05 Value , : .' MexsanaPo'wder&Cresm 7C: $1.23 Value , Jeris Hair Tonic 79c $1.75 Value , t Breck Shampoo & Cream Treatment ; ' $1.00 in .I ,i ' i ' ,i ,, '. 98c Value Trushay Hand Lotion & Cream .. 69c $2.00 Value - sTl r r .i si ' td a.'t 3eaionn 3nave Lonon )i.u 86c Value ; ' Dial Shampoo & Soap 67c . $1.79 Value ' :,f "j. y ; ' 79c Instant Lather Shave $1.00 Gem Razor ..ll...!.... 98c $1.22 Value - I Pepsodenl Toolh Brush v ; Pepsodent Tooth Paste 63c 100 Pure 5 Gr. . , , iinn;... .. a ..... 13c 1 pt Rubbing Alcohol 13c 300 Kleenex 19c 5 Holl&' Tcilet Paper 25: $1.45 Value d ' Yirdley I (2nd Crecm 13 MM W . j ' r ' ' ' .1 value ..- !" Tuisy pc:mSfc:r.,::D $1.C3 3c Value Jerens ll:nd Lc!i:n (With deodorant slic) 5 53c Value , , Cwo jry s SI..-o ... 2 fr 5 : r it".: -. . '1' 1 - ' ' - 1 . bp.,. - . .rcri.n.c ''4iWtai. -Jk Vl-'AWi ' ''-1.'-y:-'i-,5ti ) mm