' - , ' ,'4 ( . - - J f 4 ' " ' V ' : ; . ' v. ,i n vr , 4 v .IJ.1':;'),,- . ' ' ' . b .. V7 i. VOL. 21, . , NO. 11 s t The following minutes of recent meetings -of' the A.S.C. (fonner P.MA) were made available to the 'Times this week. The minutes speak : 'i tor themselves, - , 1 .vMinoes of Dnplln County ASC -?, ; Committee Held Friday, Feb. S ; ' The. Duplin County ASC Com "mittee met Friday, Feb. 5, 1954 at . 9:00 - a.m. with David Lane and i , Mosley Phillips v. New .Farm.In . -spectors to approve all New Farm Allotments for 1954. No record was " made other than whdt was approved , on the application . and sketches showing the acreage ' of cropland , according to their inspections; No j" check was requested on files in the 1. County Office showing, the history on the .applications es being Cor ' t reel All inspections were made in the field.' Forty-nine (49) , New t Farm ; Applications : (19S4) ' -were filed in the office and . 35 were i approved by the County Commit- .J":tee and-14 disapproved. , f - The remainder of the day waB '' sperit making plans for meetings F on Tobacco Violation Cases and ap- ; proving 1953 Tobacco Yield Cases' The meeting adjourned at 5:00 . , Signed: . ' Harvey Arnold .. Coy Hall .. 1 Klnutes f Duplin County ASC ' , Committee Held Friday. Feb, 8 - Mr. ' Fred Keith,, chairman; Mr. f BUI Hooks, Member; Mr. Joe Todd, " Tobacco Branch, Washington, D.C Mr. Hi D. Godfrey, Administrative officer and other Representatives from the State ASC office, Raleigh, ; N. C met with the Duplin Co. ASC f Committee, Friday, Feb. 28, 1954 at - 4:0a pja. in the Agricultural Buua , tag in Kenansville, N.. i ?".'T ! s ? K t Mr. Godfrey . opened the meet- tag and discussed with the County , Committee the New Farm Tobacco " allotments; lor ; 195V; The Duplin ; ' County New Farm Allotments were , i investigated, by Mr. Jump and Mr. ' Moody, Representatives from the state Office, who were present at yu is meetu(From4h,Jnfotm8iifta ; linn at 4Kia mAntlna onnMTtmatolir ' A at the 40 . aDDlications filed would be approved. It was brought out at this meeting the two "New r Farm Inspectors for Duplin County ".. who made the inspections and Mr. Godfrey asked ' the County Com mitted if they iwere still" working? . ' After a long discussion between the State and County Committee ' con- J cerning the Inspection work; it was the action of the . County Commit- -tee that H. Moseley Phillips and David Lane had completed the in spection work and would , not be "rehired effective oi Feb. 26, 1954. Mr.. Godfrey stated thai it had ' been reported to him that Coy Hall, j Member of the County Committee, was not farming. Mr. Hall produced a cancelled check ' drawn on' the Waccamaw Bank and Trust Co. dated Oct 18, 1953, showing pSy j ment that he had rented from E. M. ! HaU for 1951 - j ' " Mr. Arnold was then asked by Mr. Godfrey about the New Farm Tobacco Allotment 'for 1953 estab lished in the name of Benjamin ' West (op) and Harry Rouse, (ow). 'Mr. Arnold Stated that the land -.was cleared by a; bulldozler by f Harry Rouse and deed to . same .January, 1952. Mr. i Godfrey re 1 quested Mr. Arnold to secure the f recorded deed from Harvey D. Arnold and wife, Marjorle H.' Ar t nold to Harry S. House and furnish ( such deed to Betty D. Bell, County ' Office? Manager In order that such . : deed could be entered as record In the minutes of the County Com , mlttee. (Copy of Report attached). Mr. Godfrey closed the meeting ' hf noueatin that it be written in : . the minutes that the New Farm .Tobacco -Allotments for 1969 be ' checked for . experience in the County office before going to the s field and that the New Farm In ! spectors be instructed and under ' stand the regulations. ' Mr. Todd, in closing, suggested i that wt follow rules all along on all phases of the program. ' , The meeting adjourned at 15 pjn. after which Mr. Bob Grady, Editor of the Duplin Times, by re quest was given the facts of the jneeting by Mr. Godfrey. Harvey Arnold Coy Hall , , . ' J. CBlanchard : ..'-I 3J8V54 Aaroa Illll of EL 2, Klnston Was injured Friday morning, I - r h. Kill v drlvf-f snd .. X ''l.on a rv pt.ut l - ' " --Sffci i - ' . . i 1 ' in - -. I r " V ' ii '1st n it 1 I f Section 1 KENANSV1LLE, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1954 ; Road Report In The - Third Raleigh.- N. C.4C Heide Trask, Commissioner of the ' Third State Highway Division, today said that nine miles of road work and six bridges had been completed by State forces during February, in his divis- ; In New Hanover, 2.8 miles of road improvements were finished, Two roads, and their lengths, were grad ed, drained and soil type, base course placed for paving: Peachtree Street, Winter Park 0.9 mile; and Park Road in McRae Park, Winter Park,. 0.8 mile. Both roads are 28 feet wide. Four roads and their lengths, were graded, drained; and stabillzed'with sand clay: Wallace Street Winter Park, 8.1 mile; 'extension of Avon dale Avenue, 0.2 mile; Butler Road Sea Gate, 03 mile; and near Mason boro Old school house, OS mile. Most of these roadways are 26 meet wide. In Duplin,: State forces built a four-span bridge with creosote top and ' concrete superstructure ovor the Nahunga Creek, about 4 miles east of Kenansville. The bridge is 24 feet wide. Grading and draining on the Middleton Road extension of a county road, X& miles southeast of Kenansville, was finished. x The Improvement is 0J mile in length, and 18 feet in width. In Sampson, two grading and draining jobs were completed. State forces-graced and drained the Mit chell Road north, of NC 24 between Bearskin and ' Concorn School, for 2.1 miles; and the. Porter Road be tween Elizabeth ; i Church and the Canady Mill Road, l.T miles. Both roads are 22 feet wide. State forces built five needed bridges: An 18-foot wjda bridge consisting of three 30- foot Spans of creosoted substructure witji '"I"- beains ."Superstructure ;on the House MilC southeast .of ' Mc LLamb's Cross Roads; a 20-foot wldL.bcidge consisting pJt Awi war of creosoted substructure and sup erstructure on the i Crane Creek northwest of Clinton; a 24-foot wide bridge consisting of one span of cre osote, substructure, and concrete su perstructure on. the Coffee Pot Road, southwest of Clinton; the 51 foot wide bridge consisting of three spans of creosoted substructure and superstructure over the Clear Run Swamp north of Clear Run; and the 20-foot wide bridge consisting of two spans of creosote substructure and superstructure ' on the ' road i south of the New kirk Fire Tower. , New Hanover, Duplin, and Samp, son are in the Third Highway.Di vi sion along with Brunswick, Onslow, and Pender counties. Division head quarters are in Wilmington. C. E. Brown is division engineer. , - February Forest Fires Damping ' According to Duplin County For est Ranger Eugene C. Wells, 54 wild forest tires burned in Duplin Coun ty during the month of February. These fires burned a total of 8,610 acres of woodland doing a damage of approximately $3104.00. ; - County Banger. Wells states that most of the fires resulted from care lessness by people doing brush bur ning on their farm. People are urged to do, their brush and field burning after B o'clock in the after noon, and to keep a watch on the fire to prevent it from spreading to woodlands." 'fAi-' i-'i'" Rabbi To Speak Warsaw Sunday : Dr. Solomon Herbst spiritual lead er of Oheb Sholm Congregation in Goldsboro, North Carolina will bring the evening message at the Warsaw Methodist Church Sunday, March 21 at the 7:30 pjn. Worship Service. A question and answer period will follow the . worship service, i Rabbi Herbst was born in Dues seldorf, Germany and attended the Universities of Munich and Cologne before coming to the United States In 1940. His rabbinical studies were started at the Rabbinical College at Berlin, Germany. Rabbi Herbst studied at Columbia University, New York City and at the Jewish Theological Seminary, there, where he was ordained rabbi. .He did graduate work at the Hebrew Union College and the Jewish Institute of Religion. '- itvr'f';:,; Before- taking , up residence In " ' boro. North Carolina, Rabbi t led the congregation at Elaai 3, Clendale, O." rni torn "-----' r"Vf"" ""1 t" i"- s H ; i oJ, CI i-.t i rv'io is n t . . " i: ext-- ":1 sji ta- : a vi sad to Wilmington All Set For Azdl i -.WIjINGTONS QU Eainesj loVely brunette star of screen arid television, will "rule over Wilmington's' Seventh Annual f Azalea festival,; on JMarch SS as Qu een Azalea 5 VII, ;She will succeed Alexis Smith, Jbeautiful blonde queen', of the 1953' Festival. Miss Raines will be crowned by Gen. Mark Korea and new commandant of The Ci tadel at Char. WHJWINGTON, March 18 - WU- mington is poised for huge crowds flocking to the Seventh Annual Azalea - Festival, with prospects shaping up for even greater atten dance than the approximately 200, 000 that witnessed the big spectacle last year : The show starts rolling Thursday afternoon, March 25, snowballs to ward a Saturday night climax and a Sunday windup. , - Beautiful FJla Raines, Hollywood movie star, will reign as Queen Azalea VII, succeeding Hollywood's Alexis Smith who reigned last year. The biggest names-in golf dom will take to the Cape Fear Country Club course Friday, . March 26, in . the 10,000 Professional Golf Assn's Azalea Open!!"''' ' ; "The jam-packed program is stuf fed with such highlights that one can hardly.be termed second fiddle to another," Festival planners F.H. A. Group Hold Annual : Session Here; 14 Years of Program The Farmers Home Administra tion arm Ownership borrowers held their annual meeting at the court house in Kenansville, N.' C, March 12, 1954. For the past four teen years, this annual meeting has been looked forward to by many farm families who have received loans and assistance to enable them to acquire and develop their farms. According to Arthur M Benton, County FHA Supervisor, the main purpose of the meeting each year la to further benefit from a group analysis ot the past year's farm and . home records kept- by ' each borrower family. . Benton stated that soon after the close of the crop year, each family summarizes and analizes their own records of the previous year's bus iness. Then, at the annual meeting, county summaries and analysis are made. Some of the outstanding points that the analysis reflected at the meeting this year were as follows:' Average gross income ' of $51,112 compared to $400 last year; a net income of $139 in 1983 com -pared to $1100- In 1052; Farm ex penses reached an all-time high of .7 or 8U percent of .the gross income; -'Family )t expenses aver i f'.Ht or i percent of the J . 'It was noted with 1 1 : ; tt'ti 1 of tl-e borrow. s 1 e is te. ' x more - trnre c:. - Zfi f "4 to li ff: st :. I r c (1 I - left 1 1 1 1 u a n ea Clark, form er Umted Nations Commanded in declare. THE PROGRAM Thursday, March 25 : General Motor's "Parade of Pro gress,'' Bluethenthal Airport, 2 p.m.; Paul Hahn, trick shot golfer. Cape Fear Country Club, 4 p.m.; Fire works Display, Greenfield Park, 8 pjn.; Broadway presentation of 'The Moon is Blue", starring Academy Award winner Peggy Ann Garner, Thalian Hall, 8:15 p.m.; ' Azalea Championship Rodeo, LegionvStad ium, 8:30 P.m.; Azalea Street Dance, on Market Street between Front and Second Streets, 9 p.m. Friday March 18: Opening 18-hole round of $10,000 PGA Azalea Open Golf Tournament, Cape. Fear Country Club, '10 ajn.; Azalea Outdoor Art Exhibit, Cottage Lane, 10 jn.; GM Parade of Pro gress", 2 p.m.; first and second per formance of "Big Jon and Sparky; of ABC radio network. New Han sale of tobacco in 1953 compared to more than 80 percent six years ago. On the .other hand, 15 percent of the . gross income came from the sale of hogs and other livestock compared to only 6 percent six years ago. This is a good indication that farmers are working towards bal ancing their cash crops with produc tive livestock. vlu .,. WJr'y It was agreed by those in atten dance that gross income and net income could be substantially, in creased by greater efficiency In pro duction by a fuller utilization of their land, labor and capital re sources. Also, it was agreed that probably the best way to increase net . income was to produce and save an adequate food and feed supply to meet the actual farm and home needs. County Agent, V. H. Reynolds, spdke to the - group ' on the general farm outlook for the coming year and other points of timely interest '. 44 k ;.-,s - Dennis H. Sutton, Stat Field Representative for Farmers Horns Administration serving this section of the state, complimented the Duplin County Farmers Home Ad ministration families on their pro gress in Ce past and urged them to make further advancement by fully uUUUng tlielr resources and the continued use of unproved farm practices. . Arthur 11 Benton, Co. Supt . renters lUa A.'tmlniraticu, XTssmr, U C , f. Festival A. ' mmm rllsllfcliliiiiiilllilii ;!: A. eston, S. C. over High School Auditorium, 2 p.m.; Rodeo, 8 p.m.; "The Moon is Blue", 8:15 p.m.; third performance of "Big Jon and Sparky," 8:15 p.m.; Teen-Agers Azalea Ball, Lumlna Ballroom, Wrightsville Beach, with Azalea Princess and her Court from Eastern North Carolina, 9:30 pjn. Saturday Morning, March 17: Second 18-hole round of Azalea Open, 10; Outdoor Art Exhibit, 10; U. S. Air Force Drum. and Bugle Corps performance, City Hall, 10:30; Azalea Festival Parade with floats, bands, marching units, national and state celebrities, Azalea Queen and her Court of May. Queens from ma jor N. C Colleges, 11 aim. Saturday Afternoon and Evening March tli Grady (Radio's Mr. Dixie) Cole of CBS Radio interviews Festival celebrities, City Hall, 12:30 "Parade of Progress,' 2:00; final perform ances of "Big Jon and Sparky," 2:00; Folk Music Jamboree (Arthur Smith and the Crackerjacks, Cowboy Co pas, Sunshine Sue, Bobby Benson and others),; Legion Stadium, 2:30; 'The Moon is Blue" Matinee, 2:30; Rodeo, Legion Stadium, 8:00; "The Moon is Blue", 8:15; Azalea Ball, with crowning' of Miss Raines by Gen. Mark Clark, with Blue Barron orchestra playing, 9:00; "Saturday Night Country Style," folk and hill billy : show, broadcast from New Hanover High School over CBS Radio Network, 9:15 pjn. ' Sunday, March 28: , Final M holes of .Azalea Open, with awards presented by Azalea Queen, Cape Fear Country Club, 8 aon.; Outdoor Art Exhibit, 10:00 a.m.; "Parade of Progress,' 2:00 pm; Rodeo windup, Legion Stadium, 3:30 PJn.;v..''::'A,':i,',''''''''':.''''' Another top feature of the spec tacle will be the tours of private gardens, regarded as among : the most beautiful in the nation, by the Cape Fear Garden Club. - These tours will begin at 10:00 ajn. Friday; 1:00 pjn. Saturday; and 1:00 pjn. Sunday. 'VV 1 1 1 .. 'Nil . 4 : 'A Jco Wells Joins D:;!ia Tir.es Force - Jos Wells, native i of Roanoke Rapids, Joined Ths times staff last week and has been named general foreman, in charge of printing the. Times and of Job Printing. . . Joe eomes to The Times from Xannr polis where he was advextis- icj nwa. Cs and his family will sovt to TTamw Saturday, SUBSCRIPTION RATE: IM Rose Hill Music Club To Present New Hanover Junior ( The New Hanover Junior High School Band will appear 1 in an hour long concert at the Rose Hill Theatre on Monday night, March 22nd at 7:30 o'clock. This celebrat ed band is trained and directed by Richard Dobson, native of Duplin. Mr. Dobson has many friends and relatives in the county who are proud of the fame he has won for himself as the capable conductor of a group so acclaimed for its technical skill, virtuosity and gener al musicianship. The appearance of the group In this county will give Duplin a chance to enjox closer contact wtih the band and its con ductor. In addition to the music, four cavorting young drum ma jorettes are expected to present specialy numbers. ' This concert is expected to be unusually entertaining and is made possible by the Rose Hill Music Club as a feature of its program of participation in the "Finer Caro lina" Contest. The club has pledged itself to the effort of placing a new piano in the Community House as its objective in the contest and pro- ceeds from this concert will be karlotte Found In Prison "Crime Doesnt Pay," is S state ment that is heard a great many times and it has rung true for G. C. Scarlotte who has a number of warrants against him for issuing worthless checks and forgery. Scar lotte .was operating the Faison Theatre when he began his fling of cashing checks. Sutton Gas and Appliance Co. of Warsaw: cashed a check for him drawn on Wacho via' Bank, of 'Winston-Salem, for $350.00 made to Sylvia Theatre and signed by Karl Cook. The check returned . marked no accout. The next place hooked. was Calypso Veneer Co. of Calypso, who cashed a check, made out for cash, for $100.00 and signed Tar Heel Theatre by G. C. Scarlotte. This check was written on Branch Bank and Trust Co. of Faison and returned with the notation, insufficient funds. Scarlotte was to have reported for a hearing, here, Tuesday. Fail ing to do so, a local Justice of the Peace contacted the Wayne County sheriff, as to his whereabouts, learned that his probation in Wayne County had been revoked and that he was, on March 16, committed to N. C. State Prison to serve an 18 month sentence. Scarlotte was un der a $1000 bond in Wayne County, and also under a $1000 bond in Duplin. Several warrants have been Issued for him in other counties. Sweet Potato Bedding Demonstration To Be Held Magnolia March 22nd. by V. H. Reynolds ' -County Agent A sweet Potato meeting and Bed-i ding Demonstration will be held at Magnolia, N. C on Monday, March 22, at 2:00 pjn. The first part of the; meeting will be held in Magnolia High School auditorium at 2:00 pjn. Mr. H. M. Covington, Exten sion Horticulture Specialist will dis cuss the sweet potato outlook for 1954. . At 2:30 pjn. the group will move to Admah Lanier's sweet potato bedding site across the highway from the Methodist Church in Mag nolia. Mr. Covington will demon strate how to select seed potatoes by size, skin and flesh color, and freedom from diseases. He will also demonstrate seed treating and pro per methods of bedding . uoop pianis irom gooa seea are Over 200 Altend Inter . . Rotary Meeting In Ml. Olive MT. OLIVE More than 200 Rotarians and Rotary Anns from four' clubs attended an inter-city ladies night here last week. Mt Olive, was host to Rotarians from Fremont, Goldsboro, Warsaw and Wallace. '',rv-.5. Rev. Russell Harrison . gave the invocation. Paul Patten . led . the group singing with Kay Mitchell at the piano. Charles O. Whitley, pres ident, of the Mt Olive club, pre sided, J, A. Batson, who had di rected arrangements for the pro grass. Introduced special guests and expressed appreciation for coopera tion from many sources in working out details. . --, ' .-. y-r-. Entertainment numbers got 'long applause. Ann Ricks and David G tills sang several numbers with Miss LUUan Berwick at ths piano. pet stmt lot Duplin and KMitaf n c:o l!0 UDC High Band used toward 'the purpose. The Club is asissted by Dennis Ramsey, owner of the Rose Hill Theatre in making this excellent opportunity possible for the town and commun ity to hear the New Hanover Junior High Band. In addition to the band's concert a full length musical oicture. "Sweethearts in Parade" and a car toon comedy will be a part of the program. Tickets at' a special dis count are being sold this week by the local Music Club and the fed erated Junior Music Club. County Bands attending in a group with their director will be given a re duced admission price. Box admis sion will be 50c for children up to 12 years of age and $1.00 for all persons over 12. The band, will make a brief ap pearance for Rose Hill School chil dren only at the schoolhouse in the afternoon. Afterwards " the group will be the guests of Dennis Ramsey at a special theatre matinee. The Rose Hill P.TA. and school are co-operating with the Music Club in feeding members of the school lunch room before before the evenings concert Grady Seniors To Tour North Forty-five students in B. F. Grady's senior class will make the annual tour of Washington, D. C and -New. York City, The-trip is planned for May 14 through May 20. Those to make the trip are: Les ter Britt, Lemuel Harper, Bill Her ring, Edwin Hill, Tommie Hill, Woodruff Jackson, Lewis G. Kor- negay, Horace Kornegay, Earl Jones, Keith Oates, Douglas Smith, Law rence Simmons, Leonard Sutton, Oscar Sutton, Alfred Thigpen, Don ald Wallace. Marie Bishop. Peesy Grady. Jo AnnGrady, Frances Harper, Djr othy Herring, Shirley Herring, Peg gy Holt, Maggie Jones, Joyce Lanier, Hughlene Murray, Ruth Ann Page, Lois Outlaw, Shirley Powell, Max ine Quinn, Shelby Southerland, Betty Smith, Irene Smith, -Nellie Parker, Mavis Sutton, Norma Allen Smith, Lou Gene Smith, Dorothy Tyndall, Marie Thigpen Mary Louise Waters, Nellie Wilkins and Christine Williams. essential in the production of good quality sweet potatoes. Farmers Vho expect to get good prices for their potatoes must produce good quality. Farmers who plan to plant sweet potatoes this year are encouraged to attend this meeting and get the latest information on producing good quality potatoes from Mr. Cov ington. Citizens Committee Meets Sunday The Duplin County Citizens Com mittee for Good Government will meet at the Court Bouse in Kenans ville Sunday afternoon March 21 at three o'clock. All citizens are urged to be present - City Five elementary school girls gave a dance routine "Ballln The Jack": Kay Flowers, Sankie Jean Glenn, Mary Sevan Boyd, Betsy Lee Flow ers, and Nancy Warren. ;' "; District Governor Charles Mo- Cullers of Klnston ashed -large attendance at the district assem bly to be held at Beaufort in May. Maynard Fletcher of Washington was the speaker, using as his topic "The Measure of Rotarlan." He was introduced by William Patter- ;" ' Vv r A turkey dinner was served oy a committee headed by "Miss Una Brogdea. JTbe erf leria rf t!.' ele- nwntery,'. 'ooV i v wt" it meal was served, was attract d orated. Ladies received prizes with James Francis la charge of dirtri- uuoo. PRICE TCN CENTS ULj Tobacco ULcr Co Discussed at !:: by V. H. Reynolds " County Agent ' - - " A meeting will . be held in the Agriculture Building in Kenansville) ' on Thursday; March 25, at 7:30 pm, to discuss the' availability of labor - to harvest tobacco; -' ' ' " Mr. J. M. Hunter, and Mr. 'John, McLean, of the North Carolina Em i ployraent Security Commission Will be at the meeting to discuss me thods of getting ' tobacco labor through the employment office. " ..They placed more than 100 work ers in Duplin County last year to help harvest tobacco. ; Farmers who would like for the Employment . Office to help them in securing labor should attend this meeting and help - work out - aj rangements for getting the labor in. .v -V ") 'i Dates Set To : Vaccinate Dogs ' - ....... .. ; -ly. Dr. John F. Powers, Health Of fleer announces that dogs of DupUa County will be vaccinated, by Dr. H. A. Phillips, i against rabies at the following places and times: ROSE HILL . Monday, March 23 from 12:30 to 2:30 at the Esso Sta tion. '. WARSAW - Monday. March 22 from 3:00 to 8:00 at the Warsaw ' White School. ' .( FAISON - Monday, March 22 from. 5:00 to 7:00 at the Ssso Station., KENANSVILLE - Tuesday, March ' 23 from 12:30 to' 2:80 at Kenansville -white School. " t . f B. T. GRADY SCHOOL . Tuesday, March 23, from 3:00 to 6:00. ', t CHINQUAPIN k Wednesday, War. 24 from 12:00 to 1:30 at Billie Brink- ... ley' Store. ' ' ' " '" BEULAVTLLE - Wednesday, Mar. ' 24 from 4:00 to 5:30 at Avon's Esso Station. f Kenansville Women Injured In Wreck ; Three Kenansville people were seriously injured and three others -escaped serious injury in a car and transfer truck collision, five miles ; from Clinton on the Warsaw-CIin- ton highway, Monday evening. Hos pitalized were Mrs. CB. Quinn, Mrs. Joe Quinn and son Joseph v Edward. Mrs. Ed Simpson and son , and Leroy Patrick, driver of the truck, were released after treat ment Mrs. C. E. Quinn suffered a fractured skull, chest injuries, her . right leg broken in one place and three breaks in the left .leg. Mrs.' Joe Quinn suffered a broken hip. - Joe Quinn received a slight skull fracture. .. ,. ; The accident occurred on the S . curve, known as Six Runs, five ' miles from Clinton. The car was traveling toward Clinton, it missed striking the cab of the truck but hit ' into the trailor. Both car and truck -were termed as total losses,-; The -truck belonged to Stevenson Block " Company of New Bern. C ... - "ewiwi m nek ETMKR J. OUTLAW. 28 who wad stationed in Washington, D. C left saarcn 7tn alter a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vender Out- law, of Warsaw, for Bakersfleld. California and , will then be sent - to Alaska. He attended the B. ' F. ftrad School before enlisting in the U. Navy in 1945. He has been on tours of duty In the Philliplne Island, Guam, ' Korefr and spent three months on the, aircraft carrier, U.S. S- Boxeft i-i-::--"r"".; - --.-v" He was married to Pat Uran ,t Bakersfiad. Calif.: Jul 27. r They havens ci:.t montlis oif Mrs. Outlaw and son are re: : 'tnt w'th her parents but r!r tj i in ,

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