. 1 '' J ' ytm0 C ' ' ; Vs " & i .LET'S. CUiE ' ; , 'S ft .& ""K jf j 7 'V.!. A' ' ."I W i . S "t ! ' It ' IS I' I r 0 f - 'AO TV l , '4, ..1 ,.V '!.' v.wT. .' ' .' mv A at. U , Section lO , KENANS VILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, CXA 1 1 k -r-J ' ' 1 ! T SCBSCBIPTION KATE: tM er eat uk Oupllii and adJoinlag eeuntieet $4Jto outatde this area In N. Cj f 5.ee en tide w C PWCE TENj CESi, ti r 1 i' '7 r,rt i:'ff-. Y'f,ii "b:i&v::'; ' . . h j ' ft f- TV If'!: f- ' .'',.!' ..i ..,..:'. e-k .-. I m.- " . . . i . S BP M. - '.' i ii , . i . 'i : aT " -sjsgt-am-g-K - . , . ,. 11,; 77 111 ,, ::. . ,1 1 ; .... f r:H-,', ii , , II Ilk 1' . 4 ' M ") iff .1 , , ' t M1' V ' l t, ! APRIL' 8, 1954 ; (-few - 1 Lri f V Ci ft- "tj: '-. f VJarsavj-IoutQes Unveil : The Warsaw Jtycte? 9tfl?l Uy Un veiled their new miniature riding traii ! :iirff Jhif pwCof the State, gunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Children -at ; well ad adult .were ; allowed on the train. Admialon cost - baa been fixed at nine atfata pet . It backs into loading platform I siding. Sixteen children can be ac jcommoaated at once, j The minlatjure train .idea .repre- sentt a 'tnajor , undertaking for the I small 'Warsa w Jayoees organization. Considerable work on the part , of the membership of 17 has gone Into AwlBb pjrojedl which (cost about I $7p0 yitomthei, represents " almost i ye ofl work since 'the Idea was The layout is located immediate ly behind nhe towrl ball on more than an acre of land which, the clufi hopes eventually to develop into V & fully equipped recreation ' park tit the benefit vof the town and surrounding area. Profits from the train's operation will.be used, to further' their long range planning project which embraces the Idea of tennis courts, swings, see-saws, merry-go-rounds, land the like for children of all age groups. 1 , i v , The' train consists of locomotive and two cars for-passengers Each unit is 10 feet long. The layout is an oval with a switch siding-fori the loading and unloading of pas sengers from 4 built-up platform. Leo Brown advanced the Idea at spsmg meeting last, May. After receiving the club's enthukiastia en dorsement, the members started soliciting, verything they v eold "beg, buy, berrow; or steal". Their ' Jack was phenomenaL - The Borden Brick and Til Com pany of OoMsbonigave some wheels vand four body bases. They also mated track which bad been used at 1 ow- abandoned .May Tear Hallways of Tort, Bragg J") ettevOle gave sbme of its These big ties were sawed up1 by Odell Wood at his homt saw-mill,' each making six for tbe'"Jacees Speeds!." as the llnji k bea dt bed. .' w . , '5; ! Aa: ACL crew'jild" theltock on six Saturdays, the $30 expenditure for their labor; being the biggest single item of expense. The ACL donated the use of its track laying equipment, assuring accurate gage. .Luther Lowe, ACL Negro foreman lot Warsaw, supervised this opera tion.. If' f ' The locomotive la powered by 15-hoMepowerne-cy Under gasoline1 motor connected to a Dodge fluid drive transmission. This Hiin Jerks in forward speed gear chang ing., Two horns, for tows and open country, are mounted, on the loco motive. One gallon of gas. will run the train well over bour, : I; r c The unit has been, tested many times loaded and empty and found to be in perfect operating condition. Banked turns permit -; maximum . speed of 90 miles per hour.' How-. over, It is planned" to run the; train only at 10 to 12 miles per hour. The 20-pound, rifl' la well 'dpiked down to the m cross ttssv-ft-'.--1:..) ur "A wonderful thliig about j our operation," President Johnson said, "is we haven't solocited a dime from ' merchants. The Branch Banking add Trust Company loaned us $700 and all of our bills have been paid." ' Lee Brown, 'Who has been at the fore . irl the whole - project, made the all metal bodies for the cars In bis tobacco flue shop. ; V- For the streamlined front be used the grill work of la 1937 Hudson Terraplane. He gave bis time and sold the nW . Kerlals at a&ptiy. ''k-;XJj I rnturei plans for the Jaycees Spe cial include addition of a third ear and, stringing out lights 'around the layout for Bight time operation. It wOl be operatsc) . each .Saturday, 'Sunday,' and jioiJbly v Wednesday afternoon from now until fall Prior to the official opening of the railroad Sunday the Jaycees 'shad simple dedication ceremony , with town officials and several ACL' BB officials present TJie Dis tinguished Service Award for the outstanding young man of the year was also presented at this time. v The. nearest miniature (train - is lought to be in Wilmington, 00 miles distance. To the Jaycees know ledge, thelrtf H the only home built fob in (North Carolina. Their re sxMircefalness has" produced a pro duct which many towns spend from 15,000 up (with the "u" accentu ated) to obtain. JUj-:')' The unit Is entirely rustproof but will be boused, fav thf "funnel," which Is not really tunnel at all but ft, building , which formerly housed 'a cannery and Hhrjoufh which the track passes. W ' Wbflo Ithe. admissiorf !coft! hhs been officially tabbed at nine bents the .rider ; wUi no get; any change bac.k from a dime. Instead,, ro ceives ipfcwWbliwriim. Changing a dime would throw the vertUre inta the reaUn of Federal tax. Tr avoldJ this and alsccountug penntesj for ever, thie eaiousSlbw-gui eoh tion was Workdpe ' f in-Sampsori oree A'iucess . The April.Sbower CampoMM was a big" success for the SciJuts of (Duplin and Sampson Counties. . 1751 Scouts from the two counties gathr ered U) ftar Wd Jor their Jsprjng outing.' This event fvss filladith fun and fellowship for all.;! There were six events with prises - for first anu red ribbons for ;second nlace.Ajll events except one Were operated on the Patrol Systetn The toUowonft patrols Von the events: Woodpecker , Patrol Troop, 139 -First pbce in -the first aid relay, -i Daniel Boone, Patrol Troop 135 -Second place in the first ald;relayl, i Woodpecker Patrol Troop 85-'- First tlace in the Water BollingJ Contests v .; j. Daniel Boone Patrol Troop! 35 Second rplace in, the Water Boiling' von-ess, v . : Beaver Patrol Troop 35 y .First' 'place In the Vioneer Engineering. t Wolf Patrol. Troop. 40 cond- place in the Floneer arnginMring. Daniel Boone Patrol Troop 35 Flrit-place in the Signaling CobtesU Flying Baglo Troop 35 Second place In The Signaling ConJpeSt Boone Patrol 'Troop 35 - pace in the Chariot Ijaee. -ver Patrol Troon 35 - -Second place Ja the Chariot Bace.!; j f ,', Troop 38 First . place ;lrt the Campfire Stunt v : -Troop 40 Second place'.; in the Campfire Stunt - " ' I -The Fbsf Citizens Bank & Trust Co. of Clinton- and . The. Branch Banking: TrustXCcV'of Wurssy each donated a beautiful Amerlcsii Flag, to the district conuntttee of their respective counties' to be a WardM to the yunit thaThsd the mosf advancement of percentage basis for a period of jtive months. This contest was known, as the Up ward TrailContest It was received With a great deal of pleasure from every unit in the two counties. This contest has helped our , advancement more than any other single thing. Summer Eaks 'of The First Citizens Bank and Trust Co. awarded the flag. 'to Troop No. 38 of Garland. N. C. Joe Brown awarded the Flag to Troop . No. 35 of Wallace; N. C, on behalf of the, Branch Banking St Trust Cof of Warsaw. The: -District Chairman of Ad vancement from each county Wishes to thank the bank for making this conies possioie. xney Sio wisn to congratulate , the , Unit Leaders and the Scouts for their wonderful par ticipation in the contest. : -The District Chairman- of , camp; ing and activities from each county wish to thank the v parents and guests who came to the Camporee Progranv They sincerely hope that they enjoyed it and extend to them and others an invitation to attend any scout function at any time. They extend a hardy word of thanks to Kdgar Stafford-and his Scouts for inviting us to Garland. Last but hot least they wanf-to thank A)bel War ren i or tne wonderful Sunday School Lesson that he delivered to the' Scouts and Scouters ' at ' the Canipodee . site, tr-.iti, , : From Florida i s: A. B. Sandlln, white, 35 of Beula vllle, as brought bfeck to Duplin County last week ttom Lakeland, Florida, to stand trial for breaking and entering the homjs o Mrs. Lula Parker, in Beulayille on March 9. :k Sheriff Miller wept to Florida and brought Sandlln back. He was captured in Lakelanc; by the police department and retained until brought' back to Kenansville. f : Sandlln ws tried efore a local J. P; the case was I submitted to the Grand Jury whic found a true bill-' . , . - Camp 2 V. i Clarence Warren named Outstand ing man of the ; year, at. Wi rsaw Sunday. - "' . ' . 'h .. n ';, The! unveiling of the recjently completed mmlature train Was. held Sundav. afternoon at two o'clock at the Warsaw Town.Hall tWithl Rivers Johnson, Jr, president hi charge. Immediately afterwards. Dr. Otto Matthews introduced the speaker, Dick Bennett State J lycee Distinquished Service Award i hah man who spoke briefly on the (qual ities of (the award "Man of ' the Year" and presented it to the lcfcal Jaycees Man of thfe Yean' ClaUhce Warren, Warsaw Agriculture teach er. Warren s a native of NeVon Grove and attended Wake Forest College three years before entering service.. He Joined the Marines the day after the Pearl Harbor attack. He served three years In utelllgents division of Marine Corps oxf the front lines, v t. .v 'i He" graduated from'State College Win. 108. He is nkarried and has Children. -.-ft v.-,.! n. r Prior to coming to Warsaw, he held positions A Greenhope School in lake CuotK'Westfleld School In Surry County: He then went back to State College to ' receive his Master's pegree.;.; f Yqif $; Mr. warren during the past year has built fats own" attractive; home doing all the work himself iexoept laying the slate blocks and help from his brother-in-law on the root "He Lis chairman of the County Agrlcul f tur6 Teacbkrs. Presidenl of the UJons Cluyvfliici Is Sj-onlorirlg the t-ancer unve ana has, also, sou in a drlvi for the blind ,andj also, sponsonsa a rat campaign He help ed the coaches build two dr Natng rooms lonto the gymnasium c uring the year. He and the agriculture students built a Welding roonc opto the agriculture work shop. Mr. Warren Is, a member of the Baptist Church and is on landscap ing committee of the church. He teaches a Sunday School Class of 12 year (old boys. School Committee The Duplin Comity. Board eatlon net ea Monday aftei April 5, In the orfloe of the Buperintendest of Schools iarKen. ansvflle. Among seme of the important things taken up appointment of aeheol men, whose terms expired this year for the varuHrs sehoel districts for a term of three years. .They a as follows: Ki 1. B. Brown, O. L. Holland; War. saw - I B. Hale, Lswton Albert- Sheriffs Department Several Liquor Manufacturing Stills The Duplin County de- partment experienced busy reek encv;: 'i.v'.;-'.,,.,,:i.,'r; Onslow County sheriffs d foent Thomas J. Marshall, and Ralph Miller, sheriff of County, moved in on a Uqu still on the Onslow-Duplin. Count line, Sunday and caught Stephen riley and J. T. Whaley, white, o ating a 55 gallon steel drum still, barrels of mash Were destroyi ' On Rock Fish Creek, near Wi on Saturday morning, 30 galli bootleg whiskey, were, fourn quart jars. No one was chsrgi Saturday morning at 4:00 deputy sheriff Norwood Boone ed Lot Chasten, Negro, of for several miles before he him on a dirt road near According to Boone, Chasten stop ped his car and ran into a wooded area. Boone caught him and brought him, back to the car. In a scuffle, to get loose. Chasten hit Boone's; gun which fired and wounded Chasten in d. jchas- Rose HH1 caught Charity, 4 -i ' ' i i i Duplin ECCAlu Meet Rose Hill On Tuesday On Tuesday night at 6:301P.M. at the School Cafeteria in Bosej Hit the .Duplin County-Chapter of East Carolina , College Alumnf wijl hav i a: dinner .meeting. Alipeople wh i have attended East Carolina Cijlleg i fcr Eaf Ca'rolinaTcaehets CoUege 8f(lryited an4nrg$dq attend fhi i meetine. Husbands, wives, or sweet hearts are also invited! Guestd will be President, James Whltford of the' General Alumni Association, of The News ' and Observer, Raleigh; Mr. James W. Butler, Mrs. Susie Webb; arid Miss Gloria BlanWn of the" campus at East Carolina. Coi ae hnrf enjoy the 'good' food, fun and fellow-hip as has been promised by Mr. William 'R. Teachey, Presi dent of the Duplin County Chapter. e.'t ins Publication r ' J."' K GradyA publisher' of The Duplin Times, Kenansvfue and The Weekly Gazette, LaGrange, hurt week began a new and third vubuV cation. "The Weekly Sketch bade its first appearance', last Thtujsdj-y. It is published froniFremOn t every Thursday, and .covers the. seeks in and around Fremont Pike villi and Eureka with headoiartera ln Fre mont J., W. Tomlinson, former re-' porter-on the, Washington Star, Is handling the ' News; Mrs.; Rupert Barnes, ' of " Fremont, advertising an,d . business manager and Mrs. Russell Kirby of Fremont Woinan's editor The Sketch, will be pifinted 1U Kenansville.. . il :., . j Grady also began constructim of au raddlttott to,The..Tlinei xffst buUdlng last week. A 1000 scuare foot, bnrf'.stb- laddiUon ii ilng constructed ft the rear. It lslej pect ed (to be completed and read r for occupancy in a few weeks. Sam Godwin bf Warsaw has . the con tract Additional machinery lis plan- ned in the Tiear, future especially hi, the Job" printing "ine. . .. I f MAtnAinl Dealer In Varsaw Famer's Hard waW and. rierlch'an' dlse Co. of Warsaw , are! proud; to announce their .appointment as the exclusive Hotpoint Appliances Deal er in Warsaw.' To view the bea utiful new Hotpoint appliance visit thelr store this week. They are, also, the exclusive G.' E. Television Dealer. Look for their1 announcement ad m, wis paper. t Appoinfed, By Board Falseav . ' Chester BUhi J. W. Warren,' Jr,( Calypso o M, B. nett Jr. Jun. Grs4yi ,& F. Grjsdy Aivln Kernegay,' Grover .Bhedeai Beulavllle - Mrs. Ashe MHUri Bay Thomas; Chlnqoapin Jack Albert son, Hemer James; Wallace 4 Boy Carter, Frank Jessup- 'Base ion -George Carr, H. M. Prioe; Magnesia - 3. W. Bvaas, Melvtn Pope;: Out law Bridge '- L W. Outlaw, j. H. Byrd; Potter HIU - Luther Beetle Freely HaU, E. L. Quinn. Destroys in the right chest but not seriously, xwenty-xour jars ox non-tax . paia whiskey were found on the 1919 convertible Ford. Chasten Is out of Jail under $300 bond. On Wi morning seven miles west lace, Boone found a still, it was a 250 gallon subi still and 15 barrels of destroyed. Two negro opera1 from the scene unldentifii On Friday a 500 gallon destroyed near Maxwell is reported ta be one of the stills ever destroyed in Dup J-t-. ' 'm..".'i.w ' QUA Mil, was destroyed and 200 gallons of beer poured ,out by oftlceri j at a still one mile west of 'ieacney, . s , A 55 gallon-still and five gallons of beer were found and destroyed on Sunday ' afternoon,' , two j miles east of Teachey.Hw,- Sheriff, : Balphf Miller, Deputies, T.i aV.Revette W- Ct Houston and Norwood .Boone mad the bldSk. i -mi mn uradylieg OUIevPape Mhesday of Wal- arjd said nanne-iype masn 'Were tats fled Bdli J, still 'was Creex. and largest sm' ss4IT1 i i jfoe xuitowing are sqpwn.W'u Brownj Captain Phil Kretsch, Captain Harry W. Murphy, Lleutei Murphy, Firemen .Q. fi. Guthrie, I J. Smith and C.L. Nicholson. Absent when picture was taken jwere Rtmu. Wllllaminrt mis tv. Onlnn 1hntn n.nlal T anla. nt XMnlm ( J udenls C4 ,! t .'i 1 Kenansville. students spent i last Thursday touring Raleigh. Those making the trip were: Seventh grade: Mrs.' W. M. In gram, teacher, Mrs. Wiley Taylor, Mrs. .Garland Whltmani Mrs. Eszell, Mrs. L. H. Rouse, Mrs. Mabel Sullir van, i mothers. Students: : Vernon Rouse, . Betty Taylor; ' Jewel , Stroud, Harold Barnes, Jewel Brown; Oliver Vestal Morris Cherry, Hazel Sand lln, Brenda Grady, Edward Lee Holland, Bobby Benson, Tommy Knell.Joe Bcock, Raymond TeachA cy, J. D. Whitman, Josephine Brock, Patricte-.Whirsasni Ntaiey xGrady, Sylvia Gooding, Casor BeB,. James Edward Brlnson, Ruth Garner, Don ald Medlln, ' Janice Goodman. Ben WUllamsonV Deaaha Quinn, Shelby Jean Quinn, Thelma Brock, Grace Goodman, Eloise Pate, Alice' West, Doreen Heath, Jean Futrelle, Ben Price, Dell Jacksoni : Eighth grade: Chaperones: Mrs. Mattie W. Sadler, Mrs. J. T; Hayter, Mrs. Casteen, Mrs. Cay SummeHlnl Students: ' Laura Kinsey, Dorothy Barnette, Rebecca Grady, Linda Sit terson, Linda Alphin, Linda Kay Benson, j Johnnie Daughtry,' .' Ruth Cavenaugh, Aubrey ' Alphin; Edna Heath, Juanitt King, Hester Cais-I teen, Joyce Jones, LurlinSt Brock, Geraldine Dunn, 'Earl Stroud, Emory Sadler, Lee Register, Ewood Reg-1 ister,' Durwood Holmes, David' Sum. merlin, Joe Goodman, Walter Keath, Carl Penn, Jack Brock, Randall Brown.' ". 1 v izes Club; Wiley Head ' Frank S.' Wiley, principal 'of the Pink Hill School, was. named presi dent ot the newly organized Civitan Club in'th Pink HUI School Cafe- teru, .' Wednesday night March 31. Past president Jack Hankins. and incoming president Walter Carr Cox of the Kinston Club, were among the organizers. Harvey Turner is the clubs vice-president John O' Connor will serve as. secretary and Lynwoiod, Turner as treasurer; The Board of Directors named are: J. Mel viz Jones, Robert Holt Whltford Hill, W. H. Jones and Dr. H. A. Edwards, Rev. J. R. Regan is chap lain and Roy Taylor ,1s Sergeant- ai-arnB. ... . .'- The group will meet each .fitst land .third Wednesday evening at the school cafeteria. Charter night was set for 7:00 p.m. April 21. Warsaw Under ' Attention is called to the fact that the area within the corporate limits ot the town of Warsaw; and ah area a miles, wide beginning at a ' oxtet . projectedy northeast and j southwest along and beyond the north corporate limits of Warsaw and extending (northwesterly along tJ. S. 'Highway , No. 117 with said highway as a center line tor a dis- 1 tance of . miles is under quarantine for- White Fringed Bettes. U S. Order No. 71 I KenAnsvilIe'fe New Fire1 Truck and Volunteer Firemen ) ..1 laeBeaWaeMMA. ACiMuiBviue a new lire ituck; k: Chief jteoant Jr, A. T Outlaw, . Jr, Ivey Bowden, Board of Education O, P. Johnson, Superintendent of Duplin County Schools, has) an nounced that the members of the Duplin County Board of Education I Monday, April 5 to sponsor a Spell ing contest in the white achols of the county. ' f' This (s being done in an efiort'to boost and encourage better, spelling, among tne pupils In all departments, of the schools - primary, granmar snCj high school. l(t has recentlj been revealed through (Jucstipnnajn s that, have been sent to Duplin graduates x n olJi that.th i definite need fir.ihore stnss in spelltag'j'.especialljt at the high' school kveL'Thp. question laires were sent as one,, part, of, the acti vities of the Kellogg program vhich has been in action ( JJlplin Cpuiity tor .the past hree yUtrs. f . Money for 'medals was donated by members (of the board of education and there will be first' and second prize ' given in each department . primary grades, gitammar grades, and high school. -Each school will ' have n elimination contest and se lect one participant from each de partment ox its school. ' These) con testants will meet at the Kenans vflle High School1 auditorium on IIU VVIIII lluniber Children Heeding Foster Homes "The" number df children m need of foster home care Is increasing," said Mrs. Taylor, Superintendent of Public Welfare in , Duplin County, in discussing the need for boarding homes for children In this county. "In spite of the more thah 800 licensed foster boarding homes for children in North Carolina anid the two licensed homes In this county; there Is constant need for addition al homes," Mrs. Taylor said. ! "There is particular need for fos ter homes which can offer speciali zed care for children who are men tally retarded, physically handicap ped, or who have emotional, pro blems. This type of home supple ments the. resources of the homes which provide care for , deserted and neglected children." The State-wide program which as sists in providing foster boarding home care for children is one of the most valuable programs admin istered by welfare agencies, -in the estimate of the State and county welfare officials. State and county funds are available to provide the ,cost of this boarding home ) care. The county department of public welfare shares responsibility for the child with the foster parent. A staff member makes regular visits to Uie home. Foster boarding homes are licen sed under State law by the State Board of Public Welfare. Under one plan foster homes provide .care for children being studied for adoption. Another plan provides care , for children who are deprived of. the privilege of being in their! own homes for r some sufficient reason and are in need. ' v Provision is made in these foster homes for children who (are ': ne glected or deserted while plans are being made for permanent living arrangements, r. -an foster homes rUlf -'. HL yt". Xl Mil- it Lauren Sharpe, Asst. Chief Bglpb Jack ' Brinsoh, Lieutenant Donald Billy Stephens, Woodrow. Brinsoh, Captain Willard Brlnson; . Firemen; Ch,ln' W HfaTtoj ' " ' ' Sponsors fWednesday, AprU 21 for the finals.1 Medals, wp - be presented to the winners oh Thursday night;' April U at the Kenan Memorial AudMor- hmi when the annual Music and Art Festival gets under way ' j: : J -L. I lev Shop Op ens .' Mrs. . Christine J. Kennedy and herViliephew, ' Beasley M. Jones of have' opened ladles and dflldrens shop in Beula- ville. Mrs. Kennedy is going to man. age the' store with the help of one clerk, 'Mrs. Scott Smith of Beula. villei'.. !''' I . il- n ' . , i- r Mrs. Kennedy is a teacher of the second grade at Beulavllle School and plans to continue teaching". Mrs. Kennedy, better: known as 'Tean' Kennedy, has lived in Beulavllle practically aU of her life. She was formerly Christine Jones and is the widow of the late Gordon B. Ken nedy and has three children, Sally JO, Bennett and George. She and her family are members of . the Presbyterian Church. She will appreciate a part of your pa tronage. ,- in Velfare Aaent children with behavior , problems are provided good homes so they can become better adjusted. Chtld rea wtih physical or mental handi caps are given the individual at tention needed. Care Is taken by the county welfare staff to place a child in a home suited to his special needs. A foster home pro vides board and shelter for the child and the foster parent Is en couraged to give him a share in the love and sense of belonging which family life contributes. To be considered for licensing as a foster boarding home it is neces sary for the home to be acceptable with respect to sanatary and health factors. Fire safety factors i are also considered in the licensing process. There must be income already com ing into the home for the. foster home program is essentially a ser vice program and should not bo thought of as a way of securing income. The program is consistent ly stressed as a resource' in safe guarding the welfare of children. In Duplin County we have' two boarding1 homes licensed .for, four cnuaren each, one of these- pro vides care for mentally or physical ly handicapped, emotionally 'dis-' turbed and sometimes 'delinquent. There are five free foster .homes, providing care for one Child each, "Needs of children In this county can only be met as homes 'are made available to give., licensed, foster home care. We urge interested IndJU vlduals to contact the cpunty de partment of public welfare regard ing ithis program. One ?' of our greatest needs is homes for children, either boarding homes of tree fos ter homes," Mrs. Taylor concluded. , Mrs. Thelma Dt Taylor, Supt, Dept. ot Public-', "' " Welfare' tj 3 v aS iUtJLjUUJ iliiv: Jit. Ii 'i'i' -ifi );!.-'(:) ''5 y.:S'';!i On Friday, .March 19th the new fire: truck , arrived, in Kenansville. . This event marked the highlight of tne long awaitea . juuuimenx or dreams for those who Wished for protection and security for life and ? August the Board of Commissioners of the' Town of Kenansville placed ; an; order for the truck and appoint- ' ted tauren Sharpe to be the Fire ' Chief and' Ralph Brown to be as- v sistant Chief. The truck is to be -paid for from the tax funds of the Town of Kenansville. AS 'soon as his appointment Chief Sharpe to gether with his assistant' Ralph Brown, 'began planning ' for . and : .. training the volunteer firefighters. As anyone Who 1 knows ' anything, about firefighting will couch, these firelighters- have accomplished a v great deal and are i worthy of the pride and esteem of any town of comparable size. A a date to be later determined, an explanation of the iequipment and a demonstratiosi . will be given in the i cpurthouse square on an afternoon in order that all the citizens and friends can see bow these men' work. The fire truck is an F-750 "Big Job" Ford chassis and n the fire equipment is built by the Americas LaFranoe Foamite Corporation of Elmira, New York, the largest and v foremost builders, of fire equipment in the world. The truck' was rated. by the National Board of Fire . . Underwriters as a 600 GPM pump er, but on. actual test , tne truer pumped jin excess, of 700 GPM from draft and in excess of 900 GPM from a good hydrant It Is equipped with 1 150 ft X 1" high pressure hose reels, 2 150, ft. X 1H" permanent hose connections, a. hose, bed hold ing 1000, ft, of 2)4" hose, a 500 gallom water tank, and can . produce m GPM at BOO lbs. cf pressure. It has a luu complement oi waaera, uxea, lights, fire .extinguishers, pike poles, crowbars, and such other equipment which, is standard on a first class ' fire engine. , The iPord chassis Was 1 specified by the company' as bemg most suited for the Job because ot ' high horsepower, and power mnV out at. all SDeeds.'.and eSDedallT. because of its ability a a auperb of Kenansville ae better tire engine could be bought at any price. Chief Sharpe, and Asst Chief Brown: saw a truck of less horsepower and size peing tested at the proving grounds of the American-LaFrance factory and readily saw the result of using inferior quality and pcwer.. Even with its full load, this truck which Kenansville bought has no reaction whatsoever as to being loaded - its performance is not curbed in the slightest. The members of the Fire i". . . i n I., .in ,,r lkuu uuru, UIV1W .uu mam uwwut their equipment at anytime and you can be assurred that it will begives the greatest of care that is only be fitting to so expensive and impor tant a piece of equipment The Fire Department asks that you be coop erative in helping to take care of ah its equipment. Duplin Votes Join 'Duplin Citizens, in a called meet-' lng In Wallace, at which Mrs. Elisa beth Griffin, executive secretary of Wayne County Girl Scout Coun cil addressed the group on the ad vantages of Joining a proposed five county Girl Sccut Council, lort" week voted to Join the area council. It was the fourth county group that, has voted to enter the council. The meeting was held at the Wal lace Presbyterian Church, with Mrs. J. T. Taylor, Jr, chairman ot the Five-County Development Com mittee for Duplin, presiding. ; Mrs. Griffin's address was center ed on the advantages of Joining the proposed council and the financial responsibility that would have to be met'"'' " ! The council would be made up ot Wayne, Craven, Carteret Onslow JS Duplin counties. j Citizens In Wayne, Carteret, Ons low and now Duplin have voted te Join! , ' y; t"- Pvt. Johnson ,'."T, ', : Pvt. James O. "Jimmy" Johnsoe. son ot Supt. and Mrs. O. P. Johnsoa, of Kenansville was appointed bv structor in high speed diesel (motors at Ft. Eustis,, Virginia. 1; r. Jimmy entered, his basic tfslninf at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina and completed it about November 1. Be was then sent to a sixteen weeks training course In Diesel motors and as soon as he completed the course, was promoted to instructor in high speed Diesel motors t- ilaville I ' . . . :. J J . J , i 1 t " I - r'- -1. 1 'A ;.', .. .. . i i . .. .. ,. -itMtu MM,.. Jaik , .