. - . ' , w . ... ' V i . . ' . .. ... 1 . 1 ' v- . . - ' : LET'S L'.KE L KZNAJjTSmUl ' Tv;o Sc:I!:n$ ; 14Pc:3s V This7c:!c :: "V ,..! AW xqv:-:' re : VOL. 21, NO. 15 Ccunty Polio Drive Collects $6032.69 Mercer & Lanier Do Excellent Job Grady Mercer and Russell Lanier Co-Directors of Duplin County Polio Drive announces the following re , port ' The total Collection : during ; the drive was $6082.69, This is the mott that has been raised in a Polio Drive in Duplin County. It .exceeds last years total by about 41600.00, the Chairmen of the Drive contribute this to the splendid ;CO operation of the workers who help d put the Irive on and the citizens of Duplin County who contributed " freely to this worthy cause. The CorChairmen want to take this op portunity to thank all the workers who helped put the Drive across in such successful manner and all the people who contributed in any , way . financially or otherwise - in this Drive. The totals from the var v lous communities were as follows, ' and the person or Club that spon sored the drive.' v": , ' Hose IB11, N. C. Womans Club, I itn. D. J. Fussell, Pres. . $256.08. t KenansviUe, Afternoon Card Club $3.00. . i . 'H ' Kenansviiie, Kontract Club - $5.00. Rose Hill, School - $80.00. ; ' KenansvUle, Monday Night bridge Club - $5.00.: . Warsaw, School - $78.23. - KenansvUle, School $110.90. Chinquapin 'School - $93.00. Cabin Community, Mrs. Panny Rhodes - $12.01. Long Ridge Church, Mr. Jonas Pail . $10.28. Calypso, School $112.30 . faison, Garden Club, Mrs. L. D. Groom, Pres. $213.46. Falson, Ricky Bell - 60c. , Potters ma. School - $56.85. . BeulavlUe, U. D. C. - $167.67. ' ? WPTF, B, J. Shaw - $2.00. " ; Calypso, American Legion - $85.71. ' ' Magnolia. School - $35.65. ' Outlaw's Bridge, School - $36.87. ' KenansvUle, Polio' Boxes $13.52. BeulavUle, Polio Boxes - $19.15. BeulavUle, School - $250.50. Warsaw, B it P Womans Club, Cleo Hobbs, Pres. . $416.96. B. F. Grady, a M. Wells - $242.87. y iiW', Bridge, H. D. Club, Mrs. tlaw. Pres. $76.45. fc.v LfV 1 County Colored division. : Johnson - $6934. v -nolla, Civic Club, Mrs. I S. Pope, Pres. - $43.65. Wallace, Sorosis Club, Mrs. Sam Glasgow, Pres. - $2026.83. ' Miscellaneous - $12.91. , TOTAL $8082.09.. In addition to the above named clubs and their officers for their . valuable assistance in the drive,-1 would like to thank the foUowing persons for their assistance in the . drive: J. R. Grady, Mrs. Winfred Wells, E. C. Sanderson, Mrs. Chris- tine WUUamSr Tom Boney, Duplin , Times, Wallace Enterprise, Warsaw ' Falson News, Edna Kornegay, Byron Teachey, David N. Henderson. tlegro Schools Hold Music Festival ' The Duplin County Negro Schools will hold their First Annual County Wide Physical Education and Music Festival on Thursday, April 22, at eight o'clock in the Douglas ifcgh - School Auditorium. This . program wUl feature the various physical Education activities taught in the schools and will show representation of ; each of our schools. The activities will consist of pupils from the first through the ninth grades. The " music wUl be given by the High School Glee Club. They are as foUows: Charity,. War saw, KenansvUle ' and Magnolia. Parents.' and interested, citizens in " the schools throughout the county are urged to be present There is no ' admission. District H.D.C. Meeting - Stedman , , Duplin Home Demonstration Club members will don their new Easter dresses ' said' corsages" to attend the twenty-seventh District meeting to be held in Stedman on Thursday, AprU 22. Registration will begin at 10.09 A. M. The morning session wUl be a business session foUowed by f . nd a fashion show in the fNn." The registration fee, of II take care of each person's II Ml Wrw S f A IT t 1 - i Section 1 . Duplin Man Kills Self: Ivan Rouse, 37, of Calypso died at 12:10 a.m. AprU 12, in Wayne Memorial Hospital, Goldsboro, from rifle wounds self inflicted' ,at his home Sunday night. , t ; Surviving ; are Mrs. Rouse, the former Geraldine Barwlck, of Dup lin County, and one daughter, Eu dine of the home; his mother, Mrs. Lizzie Rouse of Albertson; eight brothers. Laddie, Fletcher, Clayton and Rigg, aU of Albertson, Claude of Calypso, Richard of Deep Run, Cleber, of Ft. Bragg and Daniel of Ralegih, -Route 4; and one sister, Mrs. Pete Kosonovitch of Rome, Ga. . Funeral services were held in the Calypso Baptist Church Tuesday at 3 pjn, with the pastor, the Rev. M. M. Turner, officiating, and burial was in Maplewood Cemetery, Mt. Olive. .Rouse wa sin the bathroom at his home when he shot himself through the head with a XX rifle, the bullet entering behind 'the left ear, offi cers said. He had been unemployed for several weeks and members of the family stated that he hod seem ed nervous and despondent tor the past few days. Deputy Sheriff Murray Byrd of Faison investigated and Duplin County Coroner Gurman PoweU ruled the death suicide. The MagnojUa LiQus Club an nounces the beginning of their an nual fish fries, AprU 21 -to run through September on each Wed nesday aigbt from six o'clock on. Plates: adults $1.00; chUdren 50c These suppers wUl be held at Carltons Pond, south of Warsaw. Albertson Square The, Duplin Square Dance Team, of Albertson township, met in the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Faison Smith, Thursday night, AprU 8. They had as their special guests, Mr. and Mrs. Lr B. Jenkins and Mr. .and Mrs. John Jenkins of Kinston and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perkins of Pink Hill. These guests are considering spon soring the Duplin Square and Folk dancers on Television. ' After the supper the square team did a few numbers, then every -one Joined in the fun and had a good time. . . Those .attending were: Mr and Mrs. L. B. Jenkins, Mrs. Flora War ren. Mr. and Mrs. John Jenkins, BUI Rhodes, BUI King, aU from Kinston; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Stroud, and daughter Mary land of Pink HU1; Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wells and Connie Jo of B. F. Grady School;' Mr. and Mrs. James Ward, Rose Hill, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Blalock, Mrs. Lessle Horton, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Frank Outlaw, J. D. Grady, and Peggy; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grady, Richard Grady, Hess Davis, Jr, Douglas Smith, Hughlene Murray and , Sylvester Tew;.. . - : 'V-i."". :-h ' The Duplin Square Dance Team wUl go on Television on Saturday, AprU 24, over station WNCT, Chan nel 9. The hour wUl be announced next week. : ' : . Bessie Williams Under $1000 Bond 1 Bessie Williams, 40-year-old color ed woman of HaUsville,, is being held in $1,000 bond for appearance at County Court, KenansvUle, May S to answer charges of aUedgedly stabbing her husband, Farlanda.WU llama, in the back with a butcher knife en April 5. ;V'". Her husband, who was reported as improving Wednesday, nearly bled to death after the incident Probable cause was found AprU 12 at a hearing before local Justice of the.Peace. -:V''! (.According to the Duplin County sheriffs office, Bessie Williams has been indicted on' several occasions fori cutting her husband in several stabbing incidents. -'p; r.. ; ' KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1954 . . ; Daniel W. Lanier wiiih "the seven prints ne entered in the 1954 North Carolina Iotoraphers CcmvEntiom Association in Winston-Salem on April 4, 5, and 6, About 200 photographers attended the convention and entered photographs to be judged by five leading photographers from out of the state. Mr. Lanier enter ed ten prints and had seven accepted for hanging in the public exhibit during the three-day convention. , (Photo by Lanier's Studio in Wallace) Kenansville Mefhodisl Revival The KenansvUle MethoaUst ChurcJh will hold its Spring Revival next, week, AprU 18 23. Revival Services; will begin on Monday night and; continue through Friday night With: the services beginning at 7130 -pjn. each night. The pastor, Rev. J. G. White, wUl be the preacher for the services. Special music wUl be pro vided by the Church Choir. The revival comes at the close of the Church Attendance 'Crusade which began last January during which an effort has been made "to increase regular church attendance and to increase interest in the total program of the ehurch. During this; crusade the church has experienced several Sundays of near record at tendance. The theme of the Cru sade has been, "Give God A Chance Now. The pastor and the congregation extends a wlarm Invitation to all the people of the community "to come and join in these services. W. E. Craft, Chairman of the Board of Elections, announced that he WUl be in his office in Kenans vUle until 6:00 p.m., Saturday, for filing of aU county candidates. Sat urday, AprU 17, at 6:00 pjn. is the dead-line for aU candidates filing for county and township - offices. This includes the state Representa tive and State Seriate office. Next week the Times wUl carry a complete list of all candidates who have f Ued, and also a list of the county poU holders., Local Talent "You Cant Beat Fun," a big stage show, spotlighting aU local stars wUl be shown in Mt Olive on Wed nesday and Thursday, AprU 21-22, at the Mount Olive High School Auditorium for the Benefit of buy ing a foghorn for the Fire Depart ment This show is sponsored by the Mt OUve Volunteer Fire Depart ment ' ; Duplin Negro Fatally Bessie Mae Tann, colored woman of Faison, is being held in the Dup lin County jail at KenansvUle in connection ' with the slaying ' of Mather James Cobb, colored man of Faison, Saturday night Cobb was shot with a pistol on the , outskirts of Faison. He was taken to the Henderson-Crumpler Clinio at Mt. Olive, but 'died before arrival. : - , " '' - : Bessie Mae Tann, who has been charged with the shooting, came to Mt Olive later Saturday night and was arrested by the poUce there -J l -J A i 4 , . I ) if i J ,v:W;Vv, I ).::;:", J t 1. , i i',(.t i y WtfcfM ; I,:, ' j Beulaville Local Talent Kerr Scott In -Fmk Hill May 1st. U. S. Senatorial aspirant, W. Kerr Scott and thirty-six, one to six months old registered buU calves wUl be the featured attractions at a gala "Steer-Away" event at Pink Hal on May 1. Abo. on hand wlU be 36 entrants who contrived to beat Candidate Scotf s previous re cord a six-hour walk between Kins-: ton and Hargetts Crossroads in 1919. The March third, 31 mile walk! contest attracted state-wide interest The presentation ceremonies will take place in the roped off center of town and wUl get underway at 1!30 PM., May 1. Between four and five thousand persons are expected to attend the festivities. The pubUc is cordially invited. Bands from the B. F. Grady School, KenansvUle High School and BeulavUle High School have al ready been booked and others are expected to take part. This event scheduled to take place in AprU was called off be cause of the inability of the Jersey Association to furnish the calves at that time. Tom Davis, former Pink HU1 Mayor, and chairman of the Lenoir County Welfare Department wiU be Master of Ceremonies. Come on out, everybody. Wilton Sumner - Wilton Sumner, 25, a farmer of Pink Hill, Route 2, is in a serious condition In a Kinston hospital of self-inflicted wounds. Sumner shot himself Saturday afternoon about 2 o'clock in the chest with a 32 rifle.. The bullet, fired at an angle, came out near the tipper part of his neck. ''Wednesday afternoon Sumner was considered in a critical condition by his Kniston doctors. He is reported to have been drinking heavUy since Christmas. Shot after they had been alerted by Dup lin County authorities to be on the lookout for her. Cobb, according to reports by Duplin officers, was about 25 years old. He was shot twice In the chest and once in the head. Tann is re ported to have said that she and Cobb had been arguing all day and that she got tired, of it and shot him. ; Coroners Inquest was held before, Coroner Gurman PoweU, on Wed nesday night and Bessie Mae Tann was held without privUedge of bond. i 1 1 it I v at-'- I mw t ( .'r' JiiJU-U , T r. r 23 Miss Clara Galtney arrived Sun day to start work on the big mus ical variety show, "You Can't Beat Fun" which wUl.be presented on AprU 22, 23, Thursday and Friday at the BeulavUle High School Audi torium for the benefit of the Lions Club fund for the Blind. Miss Galtney comes to BeulavUle, well recommended. She was gradu ated from the University of Missi ssippi with a &A. degree. She has been interested in Little Theatre work, -radio, TV, and pubUcity and promotion of civic entertainments. She has had special training on this particular production and her abili ty to work With both dramatic and musical talent wiU be demonstrated in the variety show she is produc ing here. 1 Miss Galtney, in an interview today said ,'1 am most enthusiastic over the production and the possi bilities for an outstanding show here in BeulavUle. Everyone seems so friendly and cooperative, I know I shaU enjoy my stay here." The foUowing members: I. J. Sandlin, Jr., Ralph Lanier, Schott Smith, Ray Humphrey, Aubrey Johnston, James Miller, Clinton Campbell, Elvis Sumner, Ralph Jones, Walter Goodman, Mavis Jack son, Richard Bostic, M. H. McWhort er, CecU Miller, W. N. MUler, Rus seU Lanier, Arthur Kennedy, Her man Gore, Macon Brown, Orzo Thigpen and John Kennedy, held a meeting to make arrangements tor the show and to choose the talent "You Can't Beat Fun" uses the Hidie-Ho Club as its setting. Ten prominent local men will appear in special costumes representing the Broadway Butterflies and the But ter and Egg Men who are attending this gay spot where "Everyone goes, and anything can happen." A mas ter of ceremonies keeps things mov ing at a rapid pace as he introduces a variety of acts. Twenty-four teen-agers have been selected to appear as chorus girls and five outstanding local speciaUty acts will be spotlighted in the show. These speciality acts will include musicians, singers, dancers and im personators. Brofher-ln-Law Mrs. Dail Passes William Vaden Guthrie, age 65, died on Friday, AprU 9, of a heart attack at his home, in South Hill, Va. Mr. Guthrie was a buyer for Im perial Tobacco Co. and was retired. In past years he worked on the tobacco market in Goldsboro. Fun eral services were held Saturday at 2:00 p.m. at the home with inter ment in South 'Hill cemetery. Mr. Guthrie was a native of Virginia. He is survived by his wife, Maude Ormond -of Goldsboro, three child ren, Vaden Guthrie, Jr., David, Mrs. Jimmie Trublood all of South Hill. He is a brother-in-law of Mrs. Dail. J 1 1 i Sift CBSCKIPTION RATE: IM mttM $M Mtelda tlili araa Hamer Faces Death 6y Gas Robert Hamer, Duplin County Negro, awaited death in the gas chamber at Central Prison after the State Supreme Court refused him a new trial . Hamer was sentenced to die last September for raping Mrs. Howard Hatcher, 17, a white farm wife on March 25, 1953. Hamer appealed on the basic that his confession to an SBI agent was not voluntary and that a highway patrolman prejudiced the jury when he mentioned that Hamer was a fugitive from a prison camp at the time of the assault. Officers extracted a confession from him by threatening to turn Mm over to a mob. Hamer said. He said he confessed because he was ignorant of his legal rights. He said the threats influenced a later con fession that he assaulted but did not rape the woman. Associate Justice Sam J. Ervin Jr., wrote the court's opinion on the appeal, holding that the latter confession was vaud although the earlier confession had been exclud ed from evidence at the trial. Sheriff Ralph MUler has received ten passes for Duplin residents de siring to witness the execution of Robert Hamer. K. B. Bailey, Warden of State Prison, said that the execution would be carried out with lethal gas at 10 o'clock on Friday, AprU 23, the Sheriff said. He added that Bailey's instructions regarding dis tribution were that none were to be given to any of the victim's family or the family of Robert Hamer. W. A. Brame, a member of the Board of Paroles, last week wrote the Sheriff "for any further de- toils." Sunrise Service Hallsville Church An Easter Sunrise service will be held at the Hallsville Presbyterian Church on Easter Sunday morning at 5:15 a.m. Jhis service is presented by the Youth fellowship of the church, and WiU be assisted by the Church Choir in the presentation of special Easter music. It is a service of worship and praise, and will in clude a pageant depicting the events of the Resurrection morning. The public is cordiaUy invited to attend this early morning Easter service. Hold Services For Aged Mrs. Kathleen P. Snyder, Mrs. Bernice Powell, Mrs. Fannie Wilson and Mrs. Harper Creech held Sun day School this past Sunday at the Home for the Aged. Mrs. Snyder gave her version of the Crucifixion. Death and Resurrection of Jesus. Her explanation was so clear and concise, it just held the old folks, so much so, that said they actually feel that they were right there. We deeply appreciate the time and ef fort the women from Warsaw spend here at the Home for the Aged, and wish to thank them for aU they have done in the past and for the work they will do in the future. E. C. Alumni Ass'n. Elect New Officers On Tuesday night the 13 AprU the Duplin County unit of the - East Carolina Alumni Asociation met in the lunch room of Rose Hill School. A delicious supper was served. Mr. Bill Teachey, the president, presided over the meeting. Speakers for the evening were Mr. James Whitfield of Raleigh, president of the alumni association, Mr. Jim Butler of Greenville, alumni secre tary; Mrs. Susie Webb, secretary at the alumni office. The group decided to raise a hun dred dollars for a scholarship to be awarded 'to some worthy Duplin county boy or girl. New officers elected were: Miss Grace Baker, president; Mrs. Pearl McGowen, vice president; and Mrs. Garland Rivenbark Carr, secretary- treasurer. Anyone wishing to donate to, the scholarship fund will please see Mrs. Garland Rivenbark Carr or the principal in his community. i wta niadoigU Mr. and Mrs. Si tferson Golden Wedding Anniversary Garden Open Easter Sunday The garden of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holmes will be open Easter Sunday afternoon from 1:30 to 5:30. The Holmes Garden is located on the farm of Mrs, Bessie Wooten, 3V& miles east of Mount Olive, on Route 55. It is approached by a half mile lane of dog wood trees planted 22 years ago. TaU pines and native shrubs pro vide a beautiful and colorful setting on a hill side overlooking the pond. Over the four acre garden Will be found brilliant azaleas and late ca mellias, dogwood and wisteria in bloom. This is woodland garden present ing a scene of tranquil beauty. Every effort has been made to pre serve the rustic, natural informal setting which is such a fine back ground for the strictly southern planting. The bloom is expected to be at the peak on Easter Sunday. An offering wiU be taken at the gate for the Building Fund of the Mount Olive Presbyterian Church. Unity Church Sunrise Services The second annual Sunrise Ser vice will be held at Unity Metho dist Church on the Church grounds this Sunday Morning at 6:00 a.m. Plans are being made for the ser vice to be held on the East side of the church as the sun comes over the horizon. In case of rain or cold weather the service will be held in the church. The Sunrise Serivec was started last year by the congregation and the pastor, and has been adopted as an annual affair. This year the young people of the church are taking the lead in the services. Young people wiU lead the worship and a youth choir wiU bring special Easter Music. A large cross is being constructed and wUl be the center of the worship center. A blanket of dogwood and greenery wUl com plete the worship center. The young people, the congrega tion, and the pastor extend an in vitation to aU the people of the county to come and join in his service. The man who finds himself in the most fixes is the one who has no fixed course. Last Will And Testament Of Rev. R.C. Kennedy The Rev. Robert Chauncey Ken nedy who died Saturday morning, March 27, at his home in BeulavUle, left the foUowing WUl and Testa ment to his chUdren. The wiU in itself is a tribute to the life that Rev. Kennedy lived. MY L AST-WILL AND TESTA MENT TO MY DEAR CHILDREN - Dearly beloved children as much as it pleased God to entrust in my care on this earth His little living souls bought with such fearful price; I feel it my duty to write you my wiU and testament, as life is uncertain and some of my dear children so young. My earnest de sire is to be ready when the Master calls, both in body and soul, and if I should leave you so young, I wish you to read this to comfort and console you. If it be God's will that I leave you such a wall of prayers gone to Heaven that He wiU guide and save you to the fifth generation and longer if it be His will if time should last so long. Many things, Dear Children, I wish you to know, that my time and place cannot telL I will try and be as brief as I can to let you know a few of my wishes, for fear you wUl not read it as often as I would like you to. Dear Children, my first and greatest wiU is that you read your Bibles and abide by its command ments. Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, but lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, for where your treasure is there will be your heart also. Life does not consist in the abundance of things in this world, but seek ye first the kingdom of God and his 0 PEICE TEN CENTS Observe On Tuesday. April 13, Mr juA Mrs. C. B. Sitterson celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Seven teen guests, immediate members of the famUy, enjoyed the turkey din ner which was served In the Ken ansvUle Cafe. Two of Mr. and Mrs. , Sitterson's children were unable te be home for the occasion, they were C. B. Sitterson, Jr. and famUy of Appleton, Wisconsin, and Dr. B. W Sitterson and famUy of Clncinnatti. and granddaughter Edwina Peele of Bridge water, Virginia. On Tuesday evening, from 8 un til 10:00, Mr. and Mrs. Sitterson hel open house and many friends call ed during the evening. The honse was attractively decorated. Guests were invited into the dining room where the table was centered with a beautifully decorated three-tiered cake. The cake was iced In white with gold streamers tied with bun ches of forget-me-nots, and topped with a crown of golden leaves en circling the traditional horse-shoe which held the numbers fifty and on each side were three-branched candelabra with golden candles. The buffet was covered with an arrange ment of gladoU and chrysanthem ums. Guests were served ice cream, cake and coffee by Mrs. W. J. Sit terson and her daughter Mrs. Flip Peele of WUliamston. "Pap" and "Miss Lily", as they are affectionately caUed, moved to Ken ansvUle twenty-five years ago and have endeared themselves to the people in KenansvUle and the sur rounding communities. They have reared a fine family and have en joyed life to the Dullest extent "Pap", who has been town clerk for several years, has carried the town. burdens with a friendly grumble and has a cheerful word for everyone. "Miss LUly's" flowers are beyond comparison and she is always ready to share them with everyone. .Her many thoughtful deeds of 'kindness are felt and enjoyed by her neigh bors and the entire town. Congrat ulations to you both and may you enjoy fifty more years of married life. Easter Vesper On Easter Sunday evening at the hour of 6:30 pjn. a special Easter Vesper Service wUl be held at the Grove Presbyterian Church. The KenansvUle Young People's Leagues and the Church will be in charge of this service of song and pageant appropriate to the Easter session. All persons are invited to attend. righteousness and aU these things snail be added unto you. Trust in the Lord with aU thine heart and learn not unto thine own under standing. In aU thy ways acknow ledge Him, and He shaU direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine eyea Fear the Lord and depart from evil. Honor the Lord with thy substance with a free heart and a willing mind. My dear children, despise not the chastening of the Lord, neither be weary of His correction, for whom the Lord loveth He correct eth. So dear children, when sick ness and trouble come, only feel that Jesus knows best, and if you will bear it with Datience. nravinr always, it wiU be an uplifting of your souls and work out a far more exceeding waite of Blorv. Humble yourselves, therefore, under' the mighty hand of God that He may exalt you in due time, casting aU your care upon Him for He careta for you. Boast not thyself of to morrow for thou knoweth not what a day may bring forth. Let another man praise thee and not thine own mouth. My chUdren be wise and make my heart glad. If you cannot speak good of anyone, speak noth ing. If you hear anything bad of anyone let it not come from your mouth. The tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity and unruly evil. fuU of deadly poison. Speak not evil one of another children, he that speaketh evtt of his brother and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law and Judgeth the law. There is one law given that is able to save and to destroy. Who art thou that judgeth another? Judge not that you be not judged, See Last Will, Back Page for t 'I' w 1 I. I i If1 I7 V) i 1 1 1

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