" i zz. 3, nrrjAxsvsir; n. c, TncrAY, atzo. is, Iom ' - ' 3 o CV!::; PLU.S 211-15 No. Heritage ; V Kinston,Ni,"C SALE Starts April 16 Ends April 24 SAMPSON HDW. CQ. ' CLINTON, N. O. I a,, "" 1 fss S v A Jj"OnO"THIOMWN AUN I Cell Kfcsfcn 4444 ColL 'SiinSAY b tew v FEATURING NATIONALLY ADVERTISED PRC-'-CTS Atwavs dWttcomi Gift! UYLOIIS fht auaTitf Wont , MlM-Sl Wf- . 15 fani. Beautifully .; IMtf M MWftSt f "$1.19 KCrswn!$127 HiVt' Xt MUSICAL.,' ' C1CTCD MtftT PC? t J M Kind, kwr populv tun I ' MwCnHniWL'tiihl i fx umu ' SSvte ta uu. Gets I I dur. step photoi 1 Al ft. . ton y . Easter. Bunnies $1.00 up Washable & Plush 1 C::rPSvKjtlj F"S EASTER EGG DYES 15c t"iz::.: cpjstp chocolates lu 2.00 rr.!:::"un easter eggs.. EASTER C:.IETi:;3 CARDS 5to25c riCSa Ev".' KA--1TS ht.c-ton.M..,....! 2.19 c::ef.:3Sote cct syrup 98 CLD SFJCE AFTER-SKAVE LOTION.. . 1.00 LAaYEX .Pint 79c KEY ON YOUR XAU. PHARMACIST POR RNI PRESCRIPTION fERVICI r EASTER ISLAND .' Most everyone bat read, from one time to another, about Christmas Island, since stories about It usually appear through out the country at- Christmas. But, did you know that there is also an Easter Island? Located 2,000 miles wesj of Chile, In the Pacific Ocean, East er Island covers 63.0 square miles.and contain hundreds of stone figures. With the two -Juan Fernandez Islands, less than GOO miles west, Easter Island is one of - the national parks of the Chilean government. , - This Easter Service Is Cathedral's 413th . Tourist from many lands are ex pected to be on hand when the 413th annual Easter' services are held in the first cathedral built in the New World At Culdad TruJIUo the famous old Cathedral of Santo Domingo. The Cathedral of Santo Domingo was consecrated in 1841 and in it repose the bones of Christopher Columbus, -who asked in his last will and testament that his re- mains be buried in Santo Domingo, '.the land I love best" - In 1947, the Dominican Tourist Center arranged for specially eon ducted tours during Easter Week,; Including Easter services at the ancient Cathedral and guided visits throughout Cuidad Trujlllo, - the oldest city In the Western Herni-' sphere.' : It is the only city in the Ameri cas which has buildings of the Columbus era still in use. Printed 1 Date Dress Brewer Drug Co. PINK HILL, N. C. 4 By VERA WINSTON COTS have dash again, what with the advent of huge saucer like Jobs rather than -mere pin heads. Saucer-dotted allk shan tung: done in rose with navy dor makes up Into a youthful a freeh little dress. The slim bodice Is marked, by a scoop neckline and it closes with jeweled but tons. The skirt is composed of impressed pleats and. there is a rose colored leather belt Good choice for dating-. ' ' liiiiiiiiHi ,C,T AC3 DLG Q OFBOSTGN knows you want the soft, soty snoe with j just the barest hint of a heel . . . and knows you want perfection, too. Here " - - you have it . in PLATTER, a long-playing hit! The lower, full-rounded ( 1 ' ' throat, the extra flexibility, the unbe. " ,ifii m lievable8oftne8S.".iall yours for-Colors: White, Pastel Pink and Blue HARVEY'S SIJOI DEPT. ' !' KINSTON " 3 Eci! ;r Ti Of Sureltc Easter la a time of sure hope, and the symbol of continuing life. . . There Is for. mankind the gloria ous announcement, ""He is risen!" bringing again the realization that the one' great sacrifice has brought' about the triumph of eternal life over death. We remember that Christ allowed himself to be cruci fied that man might earn the (lory of immortality. , i ,-'. .. , Easter marks the turning point for nature, when the whole coun tryside seems to respond and echo with the word "I am the. Resur rection." We may see then a great kinship between two of God's crea tions: nature and the soul of man. As" man may gralp immortality with his dying breath, so is it true that nothing in nature is ever com pletely destroyed.. With Easter comes flowers to adorn the fields, but lately heavily laden with snow. Leafless trees come alive' with bright green branches, dull bark is soon - hidden , beneath bright sprays of greenery and pink-white blossoms.0: ,'..-,:. .'V".J ' As life on this planet once began in a garden, so does the world, again each Easter season. TYPEWIUTEBrtADDING machines repaired. New Boyal typewriters for. every need. Call Goldsboro ML Woriey Typewriter Exchange 10S 1-3 N. Center Street . etf .'.., FOB SALE One 6 X 4X6 used Worthlngton Steam Pump; Used 3 man Disston Chain saw overhaul ed in our. shop. COOK MACHINE SHOP, Clinton. N. C ctf. ';, v" ' V-';:--." each at CL1NIO biud CO. fe ML OUfW. ctf. I- How Bunny Became A Symbol of Easter How did the bunny rabbit be come associated with Easter? The rabbit or hare is a symbol of the moon and since the date of Easter is governed by the moon. It Js, in a sense a lunar holiday. The bunny came into the Easter picture, it is said, because of the fact that young rabbits are born with their eyes open and, accord ing to an old superstition, the hare, which has nocturnal habits, always kept its eyes open. Hence, it be came identified with the full moon. Too, the Egyptian word for hare was "un" which also means "to open," or the "opener." As open er of the new year at Easter time spring being the time when most vegetation is young or new the hare became associated with the egg, symbol or resurrection, as as Easter symbols. Easter Is Principal , Christian Festival I Easter is the chief festival of the Christian year, commemorating the Resurrection of Christ. An far back as the second cen tury a.d. Christians in Asia Minor observed Easter day on the 14th of Minn thn seventh month of the Newish calendar, while Christians fin Europe observed the nearest MSunday. While early Christians were ob serving Easter, usually about the nme time of vear the Romans Ln also celebrating the Vernal Equinox or the arrival of Spring. CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED BATES; , Three cents per weed, mtnbnvn charge of Vie. Unless yes) have : an aecvont with please send sasewy. stamps, meney er ekeek with ads. FATKCLOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. Clinton, N. C. Dragline and Bulldozer Work All Kinds Instant Service Specializing in Fond -Construction Call 9185 Night Clinton, N. C We Buy-Sell-Trade Always A Large Selection From Which To Choose COMMUNITY MOTORS CORPORATION . . . '"Where Your Guarantee - Means Something" IN GOLDSBORO Ctf. - ,. I',-! 'ft: ' -'-;.' : . ATTENTION SO & SEW SHOP in Clinton - Mill end cutters ends and Novelty Fabrics. Belts and buttons made same day received, Butterrick patterns. Zipper lbc. FOR SALE - One 8-ft. Gas Refri gerator. Can be seen at Mr. Wood row Outlaw's R3VD. No. 1 Kenans ville, N. C. J. K, Bryan 20 Cherry Acres Drive, Hampton, Va. 4-22-3t pd. FOR ATHLETE'S FOOT ;? - USE A KEBATOLTTK3 " BECAUSE . It SLOUGHS OFF the tainted outer skin to expose burled fungi and kills it on contact Get this STRONG keratolytic fungicide, T-4-L, at any drug store. If not pleased IN ONE HOUR, your 40c back. Now at f- KENANS VILLE DRUG CO. i 4-23-3t EO'V 1 J I W u e::. i If not i" ' ' ' any drug s..v .?. mild anestheuc to t j i . ' utes; has ker& 'yl-C tion that slov'!iS c'f ov r i m t-. KILL GEH.:3 A! ) II. . . ) t ' CONTACT. Fine f-r e a, i worm, foot itch, ot'T s rashes. Today at ZZiXl.Z.s: -DRUG BTora- FOR COMPLETE MARKET AND Grocery Equipment, General Office Equipment, R. C. Allen Business Machines; visit J.A. MOORE EQUIP MENT CO, 106 E. Blount St., Kins ton, N. C. Phone 6610. 5-6-4t c. ' See Us Today. MR. FARMER BUARANTEED USED TRACTORS Plows, Dise Harrews, Boata 4k Begs Lime Spreaders, Beeopa, Blades Loeders, SOse. Eqaipment. ' Trade and Terms Te Suit Tew Needs. RBTAN-EDMONSON TRACTOR CO. Mt OUve Hwy. .Ph. 3000 Goldsboro ctf. FOR SALE: , 78, rpm records, race, hillbilly and popular, in lots of 25 records $2 JO. Send up your orders. we mail COD, 45 rpm records 00c each used, we nave coin operated phonograph and slot pool table, for au location, call us for service. Reynolds Music Company, Phone 231-7, 516 Beaman Street, Clinton, a. u. ctf. ""rat 'TOR A BETTER WEI.T rail nr write Heater Well Co Raleigh ur giving direction and dlotanrai fmm your von omce, Monthly paymenjsl can oe arranged, with no down payment, if applied tor before well is armea. ctf . -WW-. . . pur on, new on sals at .Clinic Drag Company, in Moon Olive. tfe IF you want to BUT or SELL a farm see, STOUT REALTY GO. Wallace, N. C Phone 5641. ctf "ONE REASON so many marriages are failures is because so many failures get married." THE AMERICAN LEGION Is no failure when we say we give you a large and clean dance every Saturday night in the Mt. Olive Gym. 4-29-5t c. VISIT THE PEGGY ANN SHOP in Mt. Olive for those last minute needs. Lovely costume suits with jacket so suited for Easter wear. Plenty of hats in newest femenine silhovette. All wool topers and suits 25 off for Friday and Saturday only. It c. FRIENDS - here is a simple inex pensive home treatment for skin trouble such as ringworm, tetter and sores - Swiss Oirftment - It heals without a scar. CLARKS, Warsaw, N. C. . 4-29-3t pd. Free INSPECTION AND ESTIMATES FOR TERMITES EAST COAST PEST CONTROL PHONE 2602 ROSE HILL, N. C. CECIL A. MILLER General Insurance !,H.C. Lent, Now 40. Days, Once Was 40 Hours ' Lent is the areaf period of fast ing in Christian churches and be gins on Ash Wednesday, . wmcn comes 40 days previous to Easter, not counting Sundays. Originally, lent was but a period of 40 hours, but later was length ened to a period of 36 days, omit ting all Sundays and all Saturdays except one. It was brought to the present 40 days when Pope Gregory added Ash Wednesday to the fast, to gether with the remainder of that week. The first formal recording of a lenten fast is in the fifth canon of the Council of Nicaes in 325. f Easter-Time Pagan Observance Great Day Even the Pagan Easter, on which the Christian day of rejoicing was superimposed In many lands, was a great day. The Pagan observ ance signified the resurgance of the human spirit after the rigors of winter. To the early Christian, Easter was a day of triumph be cause it Justified his faith in the victory of life over death. . The Christian meaning is the same today. Although the world remains unsettled, nations suspici ous and plotting against one an other, Easter Sunday is a token of all resurrections, the time when we count the world's gains and rejoice in' them. Actual Easter Date May Vary by 35 Days The actual date of Easter varies from between March 22 to April 25th over a period of 35 days. About a.d. 325, the Council of Christian Churches at Nicea in Asia drew up the Nicene Creed and decided that Easter shall be the first Sunday following the Paschal Full Moon, which happens upon or next after March 21. The reason for this ruling, it was said, was that the Pilgrims needed moon light to travel on their way to the great yearly Easter festivities. '.-.'.'.;;' in,; ' . ... :'..,. This Easier We Have Many Causes for Joy This Easter Sunday we have more than one cause for joy. ... We might remember Easter Sun day,. 1944, when the weary Amer icans of the 5th Army worshipped at a crude altar, all too close to the German lines. Or,'-Just o&S short year later, Easter Sunday, 1945, when our soldiers and marines streamed ashore at Okinawa . . , or the Easter Sunday in Korea. ' Surely, the world Is yet, in a great state of .unrest, but -on this Easter morn let our mourning be alone for Hun that was crucified on the cross tor all mankind. . - 1 I I i Office At Brown & Miller Co. i I Beautiful General ElecfricJI" T; V. Sol For $199.95 Complete Insfjlkncn Service Call 523 Vorsov Farmers Hardware & Mdse Cb. - ' v 'J The Farmer's Friend WARSAW " V J. F. (Jimmy) Strickland Mrs. Fleyd J Bsrleklaild .- VeVanlYourHogs We Pay A Premium For Top Quality He! See Us or Call 2106, Clinton, N. C Clinton Liuestcc'i arliet OPERATED BY LUNDY PACKING COMPANY Buying Days Are Mondays Throufli Fridays 8 a. m. Until 5 p. m. - ooooooooooooooooooooooooOpoooooooooooooooooooooo o - o A ef W rtTTfVXT IVn TTT T 17r rtn-nim MiLT-xTfn ctrro mTsvir w -.-w o o o GOING! GOING! Everything GOES! FURNITURE CLOSE-OUT, LIQUIDATION BUY AT YOUR OWN PRICE .y..; v,.;;. ,.-:. . lux C o o o o o o o o o o o o o l-o o o o 0 o o o o o o o a o a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Q a o c, ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocc CONTINUES TV0 SALES DAILY 2:30 P. M. An d 7:30 P. M. EVERY DAY THIS WEEK FT (Except Wednesday) Store Closed Wednesday DON'T LET ANYTHING KEEP YOU AWAY. You will be amazed at the big selection of Nat ionally known makes of furniture, rugs and home furnishings. Anything you request will be offered at auction. Your chance to buy some of America's finest furniture at your, own price. TPJO BOG SALES BMLY 2:30 P. M. AND 7:30 P. M. Except Weds.) Enjoy The Thrill Of Suying At Auction. Don't Miss A Single Sale! TERMS: CASH CQME AND- GET IT! . WxJa? and MKLER iQ , 1 U ML SWEET (Auctioneer) CORNER QUEEN AND CASWELL STREETS SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS EACH AUCTION ...10NSTON. n. c. o O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o () ) () () ' 4 1 '' I '''' ' i h -1 1 p) if f t