If we ever needed an "encore" for a Birthday Party, it was the one held recently at the home, and for. Mr. O. H. Holland near, Warsaw. Those attending- were: his children, Mrs. Vori Autrey, Sr Mr. and Mrs. Von Autry, Jr., and daughter, Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crumble? and daughter, Yvonne, and son, Wynn, all of Fayettevllle. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. (Jack) Tyndall and children, lit, Joyce and Albert, Jr., 'and , T A. J. Sellers, all of Kinston. L jnd Mrs. Otha Lee Holland and . sot 13, Billie and Edward. Lee, and daughter, Patsy. . Mr. ' ahd Mrs. Charles R. Holland, Jr., and son, Ted, daughter Donna Fay of home. Mrs. Eula Sanderson, , Mrs. '; Guy Rhode and V. Milloy of Chinqua pin and Rictsland. The Re, and Hi XT. XI VIZ C tha load , jfel na tf C , Everything from soup to nuts ef good things to eat were there and there was a little confusion as to the age but the honoree was ' showered with many gifts, and many more of days to come with a' nice family and friends , . . to tout him again, v ' , !MrSj "Mah'Sand)(rtoiv who ae companied: the Br bt the High School last week on their trip to OreenvfflefeUwhflethere7-aiid has been nursing a sore knee and ankles nce. Some say, "she rolled aown wc-aieija were in una m uie building!" Welt' Sr.. ; be' ready to ' look -out for-her-safety while- ii New- York,' as there are lot more to Keep you from seeing where on W going! Here's hoping she does n rnat fhi ttiint . . tiMtinM 1 gM nan Fcr The Best In Pie$r . Cakes And Olher "Baking Heeds MICKEY'S PASTRY SHOP n m -()-! ft 212 N. Center St. GOLDSBORO; j A . r tar all Ull(l doable duty en the farm and fnny equipped anermeMyi W service, ctnei eqmpped' on An er all racks areraaMvabU. - r-i " ri lucn 'ineioiirnu irauer ' v H'' Handiest Helper On The Farm I i- I ht -yfiri.-ifii i"M'.-ji -ij;u!:.4iirr u x. "v. ... fora ; . ... - , - - The HAN trailer baa all ban bearing wheels. lVl" axle, pneanaaUeUrea, rack height? U" and the track betTtk threeX feet wide 1 eight feeLJensijnio bitch is eaaU.attaied uf tracks, Year mmae9 4es Iwlee s fi tra4erkertatt j Ytraeter-araek trailer. Rreemmended to carry up ta aoe Ioslx ami year aeaier aeaaensiniie i lnur, vr mvmt wnvuy wna I M S. HARW&ITOIJnc. LaGranretNcrrtl Carolina IP 1: H- All Other Ruildinff Materials . . I 1400 W. Vernon Ave. linqjuapin , Mrs. Kollen, Norris, who was tak en as emergency patient to a Wil mington hospital last week, suffer ing from a sort of Kidney Colic, is back at home and getting on nicely once more. 1 Mr. .Corma Cavenaugh. who has been feeble this winter eeems fr be out again and getting on nicely. Good to see him out agair anyway. Mrs. A. J. Sellers of kinston has returned home after spending the week-end at Mrs. Eula Sanderson' and other friends and u relatives here. It's a good thing for the' Human Racethat 1 ISO years don't come ny ofte.er Why? The Bi-Centeit- urn OBicorauvn - prcparauun, now way In and around. Fayette vltta (County) commemorating its of existence, taking place soon now, la having its results in more ways than one to say the least The way they have to dress. etc, but the most talked, and sulk ed about (by the women), being the "Brothers Of The Brush." They cant shave, if so, they may go to Jail but, have to visit the Barber to keep trimmed! Just for the record. . . The Ladies have to BUY their privilege to wear, make up t. vend 'they say, TheFuriu- ture Stores- .have., been, having boon business on , sale, of "Twin Beds." And last but not least "me r, -.1 n..-i " I. 4 - .1 . . .; ., ', , ut it the Doctors are expecting their immIIaa In ittA fiitur Even the Cops on their beats are saiB to be taking unfair "Guff" from 1 -curtou-'Turat wno -non i uajjmasa -Bor ajisgneirg we us 'mm,.U Mm! to miImii1 highway. The BAN trailer la j snany years 'ef depeodableXj 'racks or as a fjai aa trailer.; - wben yen bsVf UTe new HAN S me new umn iraeter-traeBO ynaray m newaoaa, saw lAk fC. I TO I ! j mm l ml 'l',,' n if la screens o nip WO o o o o o o o o f hone ZZ50 .Chat form while they flatten their feet pounding their regular beats. How it all will end, no one will ever know. No matter how insane it all is, Fayettevllle will never be the samel See your local papers for further details about the parades and week of activities and manage to visit for at least one day and -ctuxder what you will be like when your town gets to be WO years old! The. Head Like Object shown last week 'in the Times needing identifying cWaerning the finding by the ' poet Wallace" Havelock Robb, of Abby Dawn Museum of Archeology : in Kingston, . Ontario, wilon"! us so much; I no. ticed by looking at it long enough and thinking a bit it dont differ so much from some of our faces aye can see around us today. Of course, I was"at a distance from it! Mr. Jean Sanderson 'returned back to Norfolk last week-end with the Rev. Van Murrell, where Mr. Murrell visited with his family, Mrs. N. E. Gresham and family. Jean in Navy Ship somewhere! Wouldn't know how to describe the most outstanding event of the iy at he Baptist church on Easter Sunday . t where a new Jr, Choir was horned at the unrise Service, led by Miss, Mary" Esther Fu'treaL The young voices blendingwitltthe perfect brightness of the sun their newly .acquired, white , robes, re mind us of Christ and Heaven, suit able of the occasion." i ; The effects of the program and the "Time" could mean so much to the Heart as one were willing to put Into it. Devotional was led by soma of the Elders in the absence of the pastor who honored the Dobsen Chapel Services with his presence at the same hour. Miss Margaret Brinkley, pianist. The regular noon day service by the Rev. Murrell left one feeling Lend Koikes -11 v.: ADMINIStaATOR'S NOTICE Haying qualified .as-administrator of the estate of C H. Joyner, de ceased, late of Duplin Coimty, North Carolina,' this Is to' notify all persons having claims against the MUte Of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at 902 Northi Carina . Street, Goldsbero, N. C, on .or fcefsra the 8tk day of March. 1KA at thU aotlc be pi6Vded in Btf cfitMir Neottty. AL person indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment This the 10th day ot'Mafch, 1951 Alton Voynerf t1" Administrator Of CR Joyner 4-29-6t a. j. NOTICE TO CREDITORS T'aving qualified A Executor of the estate of Lucy C. W.. Manley, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persens having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to 'the tihdertigned, at War saw, N. C on or befc.-e the 26th day ofMarch, 39W,'0r thUV notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to fu 4. D,rwiUfama, .IxeQil i i-. if wtwt&t;;fvl NOTKat-W-AAKaNISTMATION , ' i ' The underslghed, having quaHfieil as , administrator of ' the estate of B. Kennedy, deceased,, late of DupUrr County, thls le toeioUfy-ni persons having claims against said eslaUi ai piusmt tlieui to Uie miueii pleaded In bar of the recovery. AU persons Indebted to said estate will please make inuadiate payment to (Said estatewplewejnaks ,JF" fmedia WK.h I Thl . e ?Jth da tjj( March. lBSi. Ljie upderslsjned. .1 1 nTfcfceMri day oflMarch, 195.; of estate of C B. Kennedy, M Deceased, Pink Hill N. C f a E. Phillips, Attorney ll Kenansville, N. C M-6t h.p. y ooapooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o aiVDSo Vrweersom 8 , ,, :.-:,',, i, Hanufacturerj Of Lumber . And ratings o o 0 9 liiii Complete itfeks raming - Siyn - Flooring i. aa "" - 11 I I S " ' I LQtiing anti l a ecial EcAruAiy Gra4e i rri if wo. 4TCom, Uftr& Noonne $75.00 pel lilousand SSWV BJWBIWS " Call Mt. Olive lUlityTiiid roooooooooooooooooooooood the need, nearness and oesire of our Lord every second, minute and hour of the day leaving thoughts of dic ing, a much, easier way ef resigna tion to live, with end to realize when the heart is right with God, our purpose here on fhis earth has so much more value, not only to ourselves, but to our fellow-men. sunaay school attendance was 168 our enrollment, 191. The new S3, rooms will soon be ready for use so keep filling them up! Visit the classes and Join. The B.T.U. each Suhday P. M. at T. Join that too. All visiters welcomed. Mr. Les lie Norris S. S. Class expecting to Join a picnle this Sunday at the Greenfield lake in Wilmington better b e there! Mrs. Ida Mae San- wn. rncta to huve a "fish fry" at the local river Friday night , . ,. nont forget - Bible School has a program start ing June 14th, here is expecting X be one of the I argest attendance ever had here. Teachers and help ers are now being alerted to their tasks and all children are eagerly awaiting the beginning of the event. I .' i The Beta Club class returned on Sunday evening from a three-day convention held in Ashevllle, ac companied by Miss Wells and Mr. Register, teachers of their classes. 5Mr. '.Hubert Sanderson getting hungry for "Bar-B-E-Cue." last week held a supper for about fif ty at his friends and neighbors . . at hia home. , . ,r , .,: - ,Mr. and Mrs. James Fowler and son, Keith, of Salisbury, and sister Mrs. Adam Haglan of Concord, were Easter visitors of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norward Blanchard and family. Mr. Ray Brown of Chapel Hill snd sister, Mr. and Mrs. Worth Proctor, of Raleigh accompanied their mother, Mrs. Lizzy Brown, home Easter Sunday after her long stay In Raleigh with her daughter. Friends have missed her here. .Miss Hilda Maready of E.C.T.C. spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. . and Mrs. George Dewey Maready and family. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Beal of Wil mlngton were a guest of her moth er, Mrs. V. Milloy, over Sunday last. Little Fay Lanier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lanier, was hostess to her birthday party and "egg hunt" combined last week at the nome of. hr parents. , Games, gifts' and refreshments were enjoy ed catered by her mother and sis ter. . '. Mrs. Lanier and Mrs. Gur man Maready.' Mh Alfred Lanier attended the Beta' Club in Asheville last weekend with his' classmates. Mrs.' A.1 E." Williams' spent last wek with her sister, 'Mrs. Flavi Pigtord of Willard, and made a business trip to Burga v while there. The W tmeii Of The Church of the fttrte,1a h ltd 'It rgu!sr meet ing frit Wed: ... A ril lh with a iood f attendance. Mrs. 1 ' Myrtle Quinn was in charge of the program which was in the irfterest of Our young peoples of the world. s I It you want to help cut down on highway accidents, , folks, one way to do it is to slack up some on the speedometer while on the roads. Mrs. Dolan Sellers of Wallace was a recent visitor of her 'sister, Mrs. Leslie Southerland and other rela tives near Chinquapin. Mrs. Rddolph Morton and dau'gh ' : 'iii NOTICE THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT IN: State of North Carolina, County of Dupjjn Robert Newklrk Edna Lee Newklrk i:.',.i..f i) 1 1 ,1 ', ii'p'l iii The above named .defendant, Edna Lee NewUrk, will tak notic that an action" ai above entitle W been commenced in the General bounty Court for. Duplin County , by., the plaintiff, .Robert i.Newkirk, for an absolute l divorce- on : ; tbf , ground of ,two or,? more j year separation nextipreeeedlng. the bringing of, this suit:! and the .defendant, will further take notice that ahaiq required;, tp appear , at , the ; office oi, the: Clerk of . the General County Court in Kenansville, Nortjt) Carolina within thfrtir'' day,'a'ftef the' ;i4th 'day Of May lflM and' there' answer or de mur to the oompmint that has been iled,n said,fltipn.,or thl plaln,UH will PPl to he, Jfjourt f?r the, re lief demanded in said' acion by t&i eomnlalnt.-""1""""" 1'jj''' MUMu ! Tlu;.the,.)th,,day April, .-1954. 1 ,, b. y. weiu," ,, ; ,; ! Clerk of General' County Coiirt litWHtf'A.- WlisonVAity." ' ' -" 5-kX4'l.atWi-Ji'ii t,'Wtn yi -h; : .....,.. of iiouminas C335 Now. , , 2 Service . O w r ter, Elizabeth, and her' mother, Mrs. Dixon, made a visit at New Bern last week to take Mrs. Dixon home after a visit with her daughter and family, ' - ' . Mrs. Van Murrell and baby An nette returned to Norfolk with her mother, Mrs. N. E. Gresham, last week, to spend a few days with her after having Mrs. Gresham for a .much needed visit and rest for a few days from the city. ; Mr. and Mrs. L. Walton of Maple Hill was a recent visitor of Chin quapin but has been warned to not get so low on gas before starting for home again . . not liking to have to walk after gas ... in the night time.' - . A "covered dish supper" climaxed the end of a week's activities here at the Baptist church recently with a large number of the members of the Week of Prayer attending. - Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dixon of Kinston were Easter guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert i Dixon and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roybourn Batchlor and two children of Baltimore have returned home here where they will make their home after an ab- sence of several months in Baltl- i more. ... 1 Mr. and Mrs. Garlan Lanier scent last week-end with their parents, here and in Beulaville with Mr. and Mrs. Lanier and Mr. and Mrs. Miller.,, ' Mr. Robert Cavenaugh of Rich mond, Va, is spending a few weeks here with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cave naugh and other relatives. Mr.- Robert Cavenaugh' of Rich mond. Va.. is snendine a few weeks here with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grady, has been on a trip down in GavenaugV and Other relatives. C"0" and South America, WelL I Mr. and Mr James Pickett of knew he was running for a seat Chadbourn were visiting his moth- 1" the Senate-what I didn't know er, Mrs. Carrie Pickett last Sunday w that he would go to that "Ex and other friends and relatives. Itheme" to get there. Those people FACTS AS I BEE IT! LIFE! Haven't you seen people so "stin gy" if they ever have the occasion ta lend you a few dollars you feel like THEY think it "shrinks" while you have it in use? They're telling that on me! Whow! It's not "stixgy" that makes the difference here well, THEY SAY one's FACE is their fortune and it's like an old saying "It's not what they say about you, it's what you really are, that counts." So, if THEY think I've got money it's just as well that way! hope! Forgetfulnesa people say, "Is one symptom of getting old." If you want to test your memory, just try to remember the little things that vmwittA vmi vAatorHav nr last ua1r I If you cannot remember them, it's not only good for you but a bless ing in many cases. Being forgetful doesn't always mean you're getting old for very few young folks re member what they are tlpd. -Feel better now ! Zs beat to lot depend ta much on luck iJotie it cannot do"" too much if it doesn't Have lots of help! We. all know we should always be, kind to each other; and to ev eryone. Some of us who would .give and do, if we could should try( As you know, you cannot give kind ness away it always comes back tb you. In mixing with the public. r'ii Hi" Therms than a Y Tbh : "" ! Come in today and go oat by "Rodrt"! ' ' ' ' . c 1 ) '. -'Jr ), ..v .ii. ft. -- HwUw, Cft. " "" 'j 3 1... Q ' -0 I " nBCOt-BRAKINO "ROCKET1 ' )')'f i ... ilk. u.i r- ..'. ,- -jrr jr zI i: .,. m" ,n,r ' THE it's like making a "Sour Apple Pie" it's wise to use all the sugar you can and then add a lot, more . .. '. to be successful. - Do ing .these "Easter Bonnett" days, don't let any compliments on your new hat go to your head when they it's "pretty." They might mean that it's pretty Awful! 1 think it's better that we do not think that the World owes us- a living, if it did, it would probably be as hard to collect as any other bill! There's one think, it's like the story that "you can't take it with you," Biit these days' we can't even keep It with us while we're here. We shouldn't be in too big a hur ry to see ou rsmall towns growing into a big city. Just think, when carriages, drawn by horses on the streets in now New- York City-n years ago, they traveled at a speed ' ate 'of 11-5 mile an hour on i the same street newadays with our fast ' kn... Wall h.i'. ,. in. . .....,. ... i.. ,. 'of Mm nonuia. oY..lowTwn7. . ; , ; t ' : . t I about the increase tion no kick there To All Stagg 1 Party Members: when your Wife ask you upon your return trip to one of your "jahints' whether or. not you had a nice time, "Darling," don't let a slip d fthe tongue catch' you: with, "Oh, Just so-and-so." She might ask you, AND what , interrupted yeuT With . a dagger in her eyes ... or voice! I hear your "Editor.!" Mr. Bob don't know him down there; espe cially, well enough to know he should be sitting In the Senate Bbx! That's a problem YOU folks will have to decide for him . . . come voting time! I guess It's better for the "Aver age" girl to iiave beauty than brains . . . because, as a rule the average man can see better than he can THINK! Many women have the ability to out-wit and out-live men, and we are beginning to notice the seriousness of this, situation o o o o r "Tr W o o o o o o O o o O - o o m i OO0O0OO0OOOOO49O000000O0000000O000 . ' " in th ii Today ! "OTLiq? SEI AND DRIVE THEM 1 H U$ POt "ROCKET" SPICIALS DUtTJJf TIMES, KENANSVILLE, N. with no little alarm It makes us wonder IF it means that it's later than we think!. If you get what mean!. .You know, seven women to a man before the end of TIMEy I hear lots df people say, "They're hoping not to get sick until the completion of our new hospital in Kenansville is accomplished. Well, if you ask me--they're, . jaoX ..many so anxious to visit it siek-rbut wU be proud to enter it as, a potent-tit and 'when, necessary j,.-.. ;' :, , 'J: If, :... .. v. ., -H Program Negro' school teichercand 4-H Club leader-received! praise last week for. hia outstanding-work a- mong Negro boys aiid girls of Wal lace -and-Duplin CouBtyr--, ' A.. O. Williams, teacher-leader in Wallace ' Negro ' elementary l "Has' taken1 the'lead in the UB School, coning in foeterinryouth programs," - - M WflldM. Nttrro County agent (or the Africu- Negro County agent for the Agricu ltural Extension Service. Wilkin says Williams ."has yet to Indicate he is too little for any big job .or too big tor any little job," The county agent says Williams' at titude has Jgreatly Y benefited the Wallace Negro 4-H Clum. Since be ing transformed to Wallace he, has guided two of his club members to the position of cunty council presi dent. His leadership also carried one of his former club, members ,aj Beulaville to the .presidency.; "Al though the office Is filled by pop ular vote," says Wiikins, "there is little doubt that Williams provided the training and leadership to en able the youngsters to be selected, by their fellow club members." Williams' Interest in club work consume both his time and energy. according to Wiikins. "Often he drives nearly eighty miles between Warsaw, his home, Wallace, and Venetian Blinds Ahuna Fab Screens . Awnings Made To Order - Phone 2995 - Installed CLINTON VENETIAN BLIND CO. ' "Y O. R. Draughon v c, " 608 Beaman 8L - Clinton, N."c! ' 0,000000000060000000000' .mi . . r- V sO'. V Insurance Now Available Mount Olive, N. C. Futurwttrhi . . .. definitely! With a low-level look and port -car flair that's, naore advanced than many aoWledT experimental models. And yo can spot the -panoramic : windshield in a second.' But tins new Oldstnobile "88". , offers so much more than tomorrow a beauty. It offers tomorrow's touch, tool For wbea yon .take the' wheel yoa discover a solid, big-car feel but whri new kin J of ' 1 ".-' handling ease, and low-slung stability. And underfoot . ; ' there's new power, with a World's Engine ready to respond to, tbe aligbteat nndge of your - - toe! So why not drive the car of tomorrow? AT TOW ODSMO - SAPITY.TISTin UUB - w wmw mr -mm mmr C, THURSDAY, APEU 2. 1954 - Kenans vuw jus. the meetings," : ' :: '. .i. I ' , v;. I- , ... , Wiikins says. Williams' interest and efforts in Duplin 4-H'Club work havei done much to strengthen the moral fiber of our rural youth." ''f , Jamea C. JBszell ., ,,'- . FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas Airman 3rd Class James C. Etaell, sea ef Mr. and Mrs. Jamea C. Knell ef Rose Hill. North Carolina, has completed the aeadesnle phase e training In the Medici Intermedi ate Coarse glvrn at Medical Field Service- School, Breeke Army Med ical Center, and new will reeetr ' the applctvtory. er "en-the-Job-nhase ef tralnlna- at Parks Air Fare California. e 17ie Medical Intermediate Coarse trains medical and opera tins; r m techniclna who, apen gradaatiesv , are qualified to give bedatde ear to patient or araM snedfaal officer ta sargery. Military training ta tut eeane will prove ef personal vahse threagheut the stadent Ufa and' can lead to fa tare civilian heepitat . The Medical Field Servte School t ana of seven aalts ef Break Army Medical Center, the Army large snedleal Installation. The Center earriea ea vlrtnally all phase ef arefeaalenal and technical train ing fat military medicine a well aa patient treatment and research. . . . MOUNT OLIVE SHOE SHOP Expert Repairs t Quality Materials 160 E. Main - Mt. Olive Reasonable Charges o o o o o o o o o Q Record "Rocket" BILE DEALER'S- rim. ! 1 -mm, rm WWt SBF J .iv O o