A VOL, 21, '-It CANDIDATE . n- ;U. 8. SENATOR Kerr Scott j.v. -J . , .... . i 'Alton Lennon , ... . .. , Alvin Wlngfield, Jr. 'Vm." Bostic OUa Ray Boyd .1., ...... v Henry Sprinkle .. , A. E.. Turner ,..,-......, - STATE TREASURER Edwin OiU Joshua James COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE Charles Gold John Fletcher ....V;,...,.,.....!. 260 113 33 118 88 87 57 48 135 76 57 53 91 15 35 242 59 111 101 240 1969 STATE SENATE - - V Lewi W. Outlaw 110 76 62 211 186 280 52 38 120 71 68 37 67 19 36 167 40 52 51 223 1966 Mitchell Brltt 792 192 28 58 72 38 33 132 179 74 50 70 72 11. 17 305 28 191 242 111 2695 J. R. Grady ,. 121 110 73 162 73 112 101 ' 45 288 126 43 89 107 AO 103 322 98 197 93 364 2667 HOUSE OF .REPRESENTATIVES Albert Outlaw 468 203 128 321 183 210 , 68 29 196 116 45 33 68 18 37 182 27 121 94 272 2817 Robert lCarr ,.r .,.M.. .. - 437 , 149 50 , 88 103 131 112 171 381 139 163 .196 209 51 127 662 149 342 293 372 4325 ' SHERIFF Ralph Miller 565 316 145 388 288 337 177 205 624 275 163 227 248 59 156 652 144 361 425 644 6399 Perry Smith ....- '.. 818 96 41 76 91 124 (B , 29 91 25 30 70 73 22 22 196 27 131 62 106 1851 '" COUNTY COURT JUDGE f. :. ." ' V ' : Robert L. West 788 , 204 66 78 40 67 17 6 84 19 11 50 18 18 17 359 77 156 208 117 2400 Grady Mercer j 289 204 123 373 324 381 180 229 620 279 180 231 302 58 166 484 91 321 249 607 5691 ' u. ,i 5 -..coroner :.;, i '. ',.',;, : ' ' : HiX Bradshaw 304 ; il26 (t4! 88 I 58 112 36 - 32 52 30 5 20 34 36 72 112 62 375 142 173 1943 Garland Kennedy 877 -: 119 ; 48: 113 U 61 71 42 49 79 65 9 39 27 19 74 617 74 37 88 250 2258 . Robu & Tucker 78 --22 '; '- 7" M ' 45 HA 7 1 14 8 1 2 7 2 6 16 7 31 182 59 514 U O. WilliMW i(..t(if. . 147, 59 - i If IS 71 84 84 Ul 440 168 161 193 238 18 . 23 93 27 27 24 . 172 2233 COUNTY COMMISSIONER ' " '. - ' ' ' Addis Catea ....... -.-.,,,-,. .310 298 127 ' ' 735 Richard Blackburn ... 18 12 2 1 32 Lott Kornegay f,,. 1;, ' , 770 .' ilHt?"ff 7i''T:)'A " ,v; ' 959 2, COUNTY COMMISSIONER k , -,' i t ) Pi Ii v j1 r' ' I : " Emmett Kelly " ' ""k 859' 264 87 ,123 134 ' 967 Durham Grady .,.. . , , tJ , 125 16 384 79 ' 108 ' ' '812 COUNTY COMMISSIONER i .,, - " Dallas Jones w)lr.,;.....,t: -r. k- .:;,. i ' 109 324 ,412 845 J. B. Stroud (Im,'; . . , ' ' - ; - - ., k,403 ,;v16, ;;.,337 904 Sheriff r-Sflk-i Election day Is over, leaving as usual, many happy "candidates and many unhappy runner-ups. Voting was unusually heavy all over the county with Sheriff Ralph Miller winning the largest vote ever re corded (or a single candidate. Sher iff Miller carried 20 precincts and v , 1 . Grady Mercer carried, eighteen pre- cincts and tied in another. . j In the U. S. Senate Race, W. Kerr 1 , j Scott carried the county by 5017 to ' 'i. 3016 for Lennon. Josh James carried t Duplin' tor the state treasurer's po- tition .but lost In the state race.' Below is a tabulation of the votes: " ; In the precincts voting for Con stables; J. F. Futrell polled 417 : against Ray Batchelor 201 in Cypress Creek and Chinquapin for Cypress ,' Creek township. s ' limestone Township with Halls- . ville. Beulaville and " Cedar Fork . precincts voting, E. Hampton Ken- - -j nedy ' received 798 votes against ' j Grover Boyette's 325. ' Three candidates running for ' Constable of Island Creek1 town- : j ship which Is1 made up of Locklin, J Charity and Wallace 'precincts, 3. F. ; Butts polled 475 votes against M.B. T. CavenaugH 358 and H. E. Proctor ' " ' 251. m,;.:-- -;i:t;u . ; ,vv;f;il fvV'i v"ln t!he Rose Hill .toWnship Fraiik - Jones "won J the Constable race by I totaling 249 votes -against Norwood ;' Dixon's l.v" ,and Rl M. CaVertugB's Vi ' 121. . ' IffliV.. ii"d V Faison , township composed of Faison and Calypso, N.. Li Tadlock polled, 403 votes . against Ralph Langirton who had 4 total M79. s I ' i ''"' " !'t ' i ' I r BlMfS i ' . i I i ' FATAL ACCIDENTS FACTS' IS ' RALEIGH' - Of '24 pedestrians killed ' on 'North Car'olina atreeU , and highways last year, 196. vere males; reports' thft Motor .Vehicles .Department U v n ,-.) One hundred and eleven walkers were guilty of attempting to cross streets In mid-blocks. 'Eighteen were - killed at Intersections. Fifty were walklnc in the roadway., V Nineteen were fatally mjured coming from behind parked, ears. 1 , War. Hx were lying to th rosaway. three were gettiM Oft another ye-, another vehicle. Of the 147 pedestrians ilnlured last year, U17. of them were Juirt during daylight hours. - a-ieajimea"M'IB''-aMa4 I m 'm -I ;'f A - i". r lIIiV . , there wfh 'he o chest -X-Rays made in' the Duplin County 'Health Department except ' on' -Monday f morning and Wednesday afternoon. -Jdhh' 'PdweA: 'M.& " Section 1 HOY THEY VOTED III SATURDAY'S PRIMARY 064 408 0 ,' 1 0 8 8 ,252 187 ; 1 0 0 . 1 1 419 53 x 0 0 0 - 1 848 18 1 0 ..- 0 0 1 7. ' 0 1. 1 0 .0 477 . 300 207. 90 101 29 155 137 76 54 ''4W' 91 . 136 78 Mr. James Hunter and Mr. .John McLean of the North Carolina Em ployment Commission will Khojd the final tobacco labor) meeting in the Agriculture Building in ; Ken ansVille at '2:00 p.m. on June ' lO.j All "farmers who have placed orders for labor to harvest should be at this 'meeting to put up their transportation deposit and confirm their order. .Those .who placed or ders but have lound that they will not need the out of state labor should come and cancel their or ders. ; i. Any .farmer who seeds 'labor to harvest tobacco and has not placed his order should attend this meeting and place their orders for the num ber of laborers they need; . . - Vernon H. Xeyolds County Ajgent a-. Wilson, June 1 Joe Overman, widely-known cegional weather ob server will be heard , three jtimes daily Vover -the i Eastern Carolina Weather. Network of eight radio stations WVpT lp Wilson, an4 will be broadcast also by rNVGBR and WEQR-tFM), Goldsbbr6; WCPS and WCPSFM, Tarboro; WMPM, Smith ffeW; WIAM Williamstonf WRHF, Washington, N. C. . i Mr., Ovepnan, whose weather station, is" in Wilson, broadcasts at 7:35 a.m., 12:35 p.m., Mondays through .Saturdays,, and1 at i 12:20 pm. Sundays. J u j f.j Mr, Overman has become a pop ular radio personality through! his dally weather programs, which were begun 15 years ago, After several months of survey and planning, it was decided to extend his service to almost all this section of the state. In addition to the elgM Mat ions listed, ' several other) stations plan to Join the network in! the near future. ,. ' -4,, J ill Mr. Overman's weather station has been called one of the most aompjetely equipped In Nort Carolina,-, Vith Instruments ' - ranging from,, simple thermometers tog those which can,jbe used ;with precision only by a person with yean 'of training nc experience. ' 1 1 with the Idea of rendering an. accu rate, .local as, well u regional wa ttjt WtyiW. )p housewives, fafmejrs. contractors, sportsmen and Others Mhe plans for work or play de ipena on.weainer conaiuons.? ii jm hMuh. a-netwrk at Uhls type I that Mr1. Overman feels he can best pend on weather conditions. ; It us i'1 ip Ms J ..I . serve 'the mosl 'people; 1 "Is !vA bonder "ik Hit'nuul jwbp what U takes to weather an httfck of tov tWr -wisdoni at hei same FindTdkiM M ul 5 .a 3 396 ' 55 t 158 39 209 20 1 1 . o 1 0 476 190 3 4 1 1 2 187 97 0 3 0 0 0 9 0 o o 147 81 67 93 66 138 300. 44 176 140 '90 106 251 113 Kitaiiisville'-t r.The . following account of Mrs. Josiah S. Murray, native of Ken ansville and now a native of Dur ham, appeared in a recent issue of The Durham Morning Herald. She was honored there as one of the five "Mothers of the Year" selected .there. (By CLARENCE WHIITKKIELD, . Herald Staff Writer) "There's nothing spectacular in my life" says Mrs. Josiah Si Mur ray of 410 Buchanan Blvd. "I just enjoy keeping a well and happy family spiritually, morally and physically." ' perhaps that's not spectacular, but those are major qualities re quired of a successful mother, and that's why Mrs. Murray was chos en this year as one pf the five "Mothers of the Year" to be hon ored by the Durham Merchants Association. ' The quintet, along with Mrs. Ma ry P. Wilkerson, 95, who Issued the May 9th Mother's Day proclamation will be feted at a tea next Monday at the home of Mrs. RU Lyon, wife of the president of the Dur ham' Merchants Association, pnd ;t a luncheon next Tuesday at the "iome of Mrs. Russell Bar-'nr- Two; trips also are in store for the honorees. The first will be a cruise of Buggs Island Lake Wednesday, April 28 and the second will be a plane trip - to Washington, D. C, Which wilj include a tour of . the White House. ; , Mrs. Murray's chief interests : are homemaklng, gardening and handi craft, and a brief conservation with her will likely reveal that they come in, that order. j S : : With her two children , now: in college,' sba devotes much of her tin... as,rf.n. inJ the making of hooked rugs. But, she adds, 1 "I save all of my week ends for my, husband or (ny chil dren, If he (her husband), wants n an 1iln " aha uvl emnhatical- Jy.hen we go fishing. If he wants Club and she en3dys making: tour to stay at home and work,!theniwe the various gardens in North and do thaU Or, If the children tre -South Carolina, and Virginia She coining home for the weekend then Iso has a love for antiques, fwhfch I try to arrange to be witk them." 't--V i . f-1 ) And 4 planning tor her jchildren ' Mrfc Murray's Interest In hooked and the entertainment of then- developed AW her ectlvlUes friends is another spedaiTtatefest . the Hobby Club of Ttinity Jgeth of Mrk' MurrayHomblH odtt :Burch- Hw on , d4 with ertove-fof ceoklng 4nd servi' sffn,u,n departmen iii!betlh ing a pretty meal, n think X lam 'Woven'.rug how to. her the happiest.:.she iiw r; .MS-r4j preparing a beautiful -meal wheth- 1 th tortu,of ei U's fox sixxw 150.-.J just love tolf a-h M "tood plan-iwals-wid-eerve- h.m.To.to her Me-nothing that to butj de- r iwiitAii A, koa Inmtle anil at atanaaek Kff mr'Therelhothlnr"" Mlllr"1'1 ViTT. than a beawtlful 4abl,-aet with nice chma aod.fjpe,sUyer,V 4 Serving; 150 guests may seem like an unDoeslble task to. man moth ers, yet Mrs. Murray 'found , her- self doing just that last New Year' KENANSVILLfc, AUHXH CAKOLINA, ! J o a I g 6 3 s 158 211 184 . 43 ' 89 330 33 148 ' 172 " 429 5017 34 62 J22 36 ' 83 528 144 844 280 1 . 279 3016 0 ' , 4 0 0 2 1 0 6 0 2 25 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 - 22 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 - 6 0 ' 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 t' 4 16 00000 1 1 4 9.1 20 81 67 12 202 26 209 10 52 42 369 354 90 59 78 32 421 - Eve, she related. Her son, Joe, an 18-year-old freshman at the (Uni versity qf North Carolina, merely invited his friends over to ,cele7 bratet and 150 showed up. : Mrs. Murray said she and her husband made ham biscuits from 7 to 11 p. m. and the guests drank crates of soft drinks. "But, she assured, "I enjoyed every minutes of It." Connie Murray, Mrs. Murray's daughter, is a senior at Salem Col lege, and is looking forward to a journalistic career. Mr. Murray, a Durham native, is a partner-owner of Durham Bracing and Weld ing Works, a small steel manufact uring company on Honey Street Mrs. Murray, the rormer Miss Irene Kornegay, was born in "Ken ansville in Duplin County and lived there until her parents died when she was 13 years old. She then went to live with a sister, Mrs. W. Deams Clifton of Faison. She attended school at the James Sprunt Institute in Kenansville and Littleton Junior College at Littler ton, both of which are no longer in operation, t Later she attended the University of North Carolina and then went to Boston, Mass., where she studiM home economics at Mrs. Farmer's School of Cook ing. She married Mr. Murray in 1922 and moved to Durham where she has lived since. A member of Trin itv Methodist Church. Mrs. Murray also is a member of its Woman's Society and has done Considerable work with it. In addition she also worked for 11 years in the Chil-J dren's department there. "I didn't send my children there." she says with pride "I carried them." Mrs. Murray also was active in the Kings Daughters here for ; many years, having a circle for 12 years ra " member Of the that, however, to devote mor time to her borne and family. ,J i Her ov. tor. flower has i given her a keen interest in the Garden T.? T i . ties, et motherhood a pe la sure for neraeu ana ror ner sanuiy 4 . The, man who always says Sfeat he likes is sure to hear a things he dislikes. ' - .- -- . THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1954 ' t i 101 55 196 158 150 97 334 224 2622 2833 79 202 131 299 3094 greater than victory and thinking that ndw,' in- the face of my defeat 'for the State' Senate. Mitchell Britt of Warsaw has 'won by 28 votes, and I think he will represent Duplin in a great mann er. Britt is. capable and he has the county at heart. need? the sup port of all of us. I first thought I would call for a second primary but after investi gating I find the cost to the people of the County "would run from $1,000 to $1,500 and I do not think it worth it to the people of Duplin. So being "straight from the shoulder, right from the heart of Duplin," I don't think I can con scientiously put our county to this added expense. I concede the elec tion to Mitchell Britt and pledge everything I have for a greater Duplin tomorrow. I thank you all for your support. J. a (Bob) Grady Center Now Open At Beulaville C. C. Trott of Beulaville an nounces the remodeling of his Amoco gas and oil establishment and grocery store into a self service center. Mr. Trott'? establishment has been newly painted and Uled. Mod ern rest rooms are now available. A meat counter has been added for the display and sale of choice cuts of meats. Fresh fruits and vege tables, milk, ice cream and cold soft drinks are available. L Mh Trott's self '.service center is located on the corner of the Pink Hill, Chinquapin, Kenansville and' Jacksonville roads. He has been in business for the past 12 years. ' 1 ' , "I am now ' better equipped to serve my . friend : and customers," Mr. Trott said. "I appreciate their past business tand,' welcome new patrons." , :HVV'w:,.!' Explorer TrcDps Go pnTripSsiirday,.; , Explorers of Duplin and Sampson Counties will take an Exposition in to Angola Bay 'Saturday and Sun day, June 5 and 6. All Explorers will meet in wanacaYaf Rexall Drug at o'clock Saturdayinornlng f or an exciting and rugged tripA 4"r ' It UeesYte) ted V' goo thing after It has gone by so far there is littje, chance ej atching it mmm Sometimes I think defeat is I am niBSCftlHION KATBt 1M Fred Yillelt Sr. Sees Bright Spot In Duplin County Wallace, May 26 The eyes of the home finance industry of North Carolina and the South " are on Eastern North Carolina to watch the development at Wallace and Jacksonville of a program to bring the savings and loan business clos er to the people it can serve, Fred erick Willetts, Sr., of Wilmington, said here this week. Willetts is president of the Co operative Savings and Loan Asso ciation which was established in Wilmington in 1898. The Cooper ative opens its complete and local ly operated office at Wallace Fri day afternoon. May 28. The Asso ciation established a similar office at Jacksonville last February. "We in the Cooperative Associa tion have lpng felt that saving money and borrowing money, espe cially for home building and im provement, is a distinctly personal undertaking," Willetts said. "Like government, financial service should be as close to the people as possible." The Cooperative president said that two years of actual planning had followed the decision to estab lish an office to serve Duplin and Pender County residents. The new building at 205 East Main Street in Wallace was only a small part of the overall preparation, he added. "Our Association is the first sav ings and loan institution in either North or South Carolina to expand Its facilities to establish independ ent offices within its territory. It will mark a decided new trend, we believe, in the savings and Joan field , in this part of the country," Mr. Willetts declared. The Cooperative president recalls striking changes in home finance in North Carolina during the past five decades that his association has been In operation. Outlining the history of the Cooperative, Mr. Willetts said: "The Cooperative Savings and Loan Association of Wilmington, N. C, was organized in the year 1898 by Mr. Thomas H. Wright, prominent Wilmington buainessraaivfHill, leeet Mrfc'W. B.-Clifton, 1959; and opened for business in March of that year as a mutual building and loan association. Mr. Wright served as secretary and manager until 1933 at which time Mr. Fred erick Willetts, the present president and manager, succeeded him. In 53 years of operation the Cooper ative has had only two managers, and the unique record of never having had a loss. "Some 50 years ago the orthodox banker did not look with favor on mortgage loans, and the few such loans that were made were pay able In a lump sum on a specified date usually within a year after the loan was made. There were many -families in Wilmington and the outlying suburbs who did not have the cash to buy a home, and there were practically no credit fa cilities available to them. A long term loan payable in moderate in stallments over a period of years was unheard and unthought of. Such loans were badly needed, and the Cooperative was organized for the purpose of offering this facility to the people of Wilmington and the surrounding neighborhood. "At the time of the organization of the Cooperative, loans were made on the old serial plan with an an ticipated but uncertain date of ma turity, and many people still owed considerable amounts in taxes and fire insurance premiums after the loan was paid. Today, however, we have in operation the most stream lined type loan known as the Di rect Reduction Plan, payable over a period up to 20 years of so much per month, which includes prin cipal, interest, taxes and insurance, hence eliminating the possibility of a prospective home owner losing his property because of failure to pay add valorem taxes, or less by fire because of an unpaid fire In surance premium. This type loan is much cheaper for the borrower because as the principal reduces, the interest reduces also; interest is paid only en the balance owed. "The Cooperative has over the years grown to the point where during the year. 1950 over two mil lion dollars was loaned to the peo ple of this locality for the purpose of purchasing,: building or remod eling their homes. ' This lending capacity, of course, helps in many other ways than just that of spon soring home ownership; it affords work for many, plus adding great ly to the buying power of the com munity. We feel proud of the fact that we are in an Industry that af fords us the pleasure of aiding our feltowman ia "HOMB ' pWNER SHD?" If you find a county with a large number of hoiaee wn era, you On a landd happy, good citizens, and you find r country economic ally, 'sound. " Can - you find any thing that gives a man a feeling of greater' pride1 than to. say "This is my home, and here I am king?" ft (uwasaN fa aaaes) . Q ta Dnsltm u Cj a.e eataUe C Coiim Library Bc:rd Mr U64C;3!$ Added Last Year;Tc::l 13,010 The . regular annual meeting of - the Duplin County Library Board was heldA Wednesday afternoon, May' 19th, it toe County Library Headquarters in; Kenansville. Mrs. Alvin Kornegay was welcomed as a hew member. , The consideration, and approval cif. the 1954-53 library budget was the most important business to be taken Up. That must be approved and sent to North Carolina Library Commission before the County may be' granted, State Aid Funds for next fiscal 'ear, The County Librarian, Miss Dor othy Wightman, reported that there were. J3.070 volumes in the County Library Collection for loaning to any resident of the County. 1464 of these volumes have been added to the shelves this past year. The Bookmobile has been kept busy making its monthly visits and has issued 9021 books. Wallace and Rose Hill, Faison and Warsaw have kept up with and are well ahead of last year's circulations. Many readers from the county have come into. Kenansville for extra books, making a circulation from Head quarters of 5490 books. The Bookmobile starts the new year with a fresh coat of paint Many many friends have been most generous with plants to put around the new building. It will take a couple of years to get the plants well established. 'At the last meeting of the Library Board, a collection of Talking Book -Records was started. These are : loaned to Miss Viola Titus, to be exchanged among our blind people. $19.74 has been donated toward the collection,.; making it possible for Miss Titus to purchase about 70 records. Our blind people will have records of Bible readings and good religious music. Members of the Duplin County Library Board of 1954-55 are: Mrs. Mary C. Southerland, Chair man, Kenansville, 1955r Mrs. Hugh Morrison. Secretary, Wallace, 1956; Mr. F. W. McGowen, County Aud tor, Kenansville; Mr. A. P. Cates, Chairman of the Commissioners, Faison;; Mi-sv NB. Boney, Kenans ville, 1955: Mrs. D. S. Herring, Rose Mrs. Paul Potter, Warsaw, I860; Alvin Kornegay, Albertson, Mrs. 1959. Suggested Program For Poultry '-: e Our poultry disease workers and the State Vetrinarian discourage the widespread use of live virus vac cines. However, if farmers are go ing to immunize their birds against Fowl Pox, Bronchitis and Newcas tle disease, it is best that maximum caution be exercised and that the vaccines used be limited by certain conditions and or programs of dis ease control. 1. Read the directions of the man ufacturer carefully. Some vaccines are administered in the eye or in the nose (intranasal), some intram uscular, and some in the web of the wing. The improper adminltra- tion of vaccines may result in heavy losses. ' 2. Vaccinate only healthy flocks. 3. Limit use of live virus vaccines to areas where outbreaks of xthe disease have occurred or where there is a strong possibility of an outbreak occurring. 4. Administer vaccines separate ly. 5. Use only the attenuated strain of Bronchitis vaccine, regular Fowl Pox vaccine, and killed virus New castle vaccine. 6. Check on expiration date of all vaccines. Follow directions for stor ing. Use vaccine as soon as possible after you prepare it Properly des troy all left-over vaccines. 7. You should always remember that where live virus vaccines are being used you are working with the disease agent Carelessness can result in an actual outbreak of the disease on the farm Concerned or on a neighboring farm. r . The regular Fowl Pox vaccine may be administered when the young birds are carried to range (8 - 12 weeks of age). Infectious bronchitis vaccine may be used when pullets are about 18 weeks old and Newcastle disease .killed virus vaccine may be administered when pullets are- placed in laying house (20 24 weeks of age). This flan makes It necessary to catch irds only once while they are on range. . w s i V.; H. Reynolds County Agent . f ' V- Imarin wmruMf In th fellow's shoes occasionally and'yos'U teei more ism aym TOpathlilng than 1 V H 4 H criticizing! mil In Ar.r.::l I ':z 1 I!jvy Recruits l!ov : Being AccepJcd The Raleigh Navy Recruiting District is again accepting appli-, cants for enlistment in Increasing - numbers. It was announced today by Lcdr. H. G. Owens, USN, Officer in Charge of the Raleigh Navy Re cruiting District For the past sever- si- mnnthi Owens said, enlistments of recruits have been restricted due to quota limitations.; The enlist ment quota has been raised consid- ;, erably and enlistees are being trans- ferred to training centers in much larger , numbers. , Enlistees from this area are pre sently being ' transferred to San Diego, California, for recruit train ing, Owens said. For further infor mation write to PO Box 178. Wil mington, N. C. . ..' .:"M::'-'.:vi:,:, Mrs. Wells Accepts Re-Appointment To Welfare Board Mrsl' Winefred Wells of Wallace has accepted re-appointment as a ' member of the Duplin County board of Public Welfare as of April 1 as the appointee of the State Board of Public Welfare. Announcement f this selection was confirmed this week by E. E. Kelly, Chairman of the County Welfare Board. ' The 'county welfare board, com posed of three persona from the , county, has responsibility under State law for the administration of the public welfare program in the county in accordance with uni form State-wide policies. This board determines who is eligible for pub-; 11c assistance and in what amount -The welfare board and the board of county commissioners determine annually in joint session the amount , of county money available for pub- . lie welfare, including toe; welfare department's administrative an d as- sistance budgets. .. , Mrs. Wells is one of the 100 per-' sons in North Carolina, one in each county, who have been named this year as the State Board appointee of the respective county welfare ' ooards for a three-year term." Only ! two consecutive terms may be serv ed on this board though a person mow Via Altifitilo fni tm nnTininI II II nfr after another person has served at least one intervening term. A second . year the county commissioners dee- " ignate one member on each county welfare board, who may be a com- misioner. On the third year the third member of the welfare board is agreed upon by the ether two . continuing members of the welfare - board. -t Jaycees To Sponsor ' The Kenansville Junior Chamber of Commerce President, Ivy - Bow den, announced today that the local Jaycees win sponsor the Explorer Scout Troop 50. ; i The Explorer Scouts is a newly organized troop for Kenansville and will extend scouting to .boys who are 14 years and older. With the organization of the troop the scouts will be given complete coverage in scouting. - -' . V'- - - John O. Edwards, Duplin County, Game Warden has agreed to be Scout Advisor., The advisory Com mittee are Rev; J. T, Hayter, chair man and Ivy Bowden, district rep resentative. Committeemen are; John Hall, W. E. Craft, Allen Dunn. Jack Brinson, Wiley Booth and Harold Dunn. , ' , t At present the following boys enlisted in the Explorers axe:, Car-' dell Johnson, Jimmy Bowden, Ran dall Brown, Emory Sadler, Elwood Rouse and Earl Stroud. ' It Is expected that enrollment , will reach to 20 in the Kenansville community. ' 1 . Accident Summary ; Accident summary tot District Five,' Troop "B", May 24th through May 80th, 1954. ' - DUPIJN COUNTY .- 1 accident 0 killed. 1 injured. ' $500.00 property damage. ' ' . - SAMPSON COUNTY, accidents, 0 killed, 0 injured. $9,410.00 property damage. - WAYNE COUNTY . 6 accidents, 1 killed. 1 Injured, $478.00 property damage , . TOTAL! ( 13 accidents, 1 killed. 2 injured.' $1285.00 property damage. 1 ViUl JIUll .I!?' Cpt 1 -i& t Stet Cpt T. G. Brooks. . State Highway Patrol llo- 1 J I-